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Apr 28, 4:20 AM

Feb 2011
Reply to NubFix
@Shizuna lost motivation as it dragged too long after the 2nd trial and got spoiled by accident
yeah I just lost the motivation, I don't hate the game, still loved the series
@NubFix That's understandable. Who are your favorite Danganronpa characters?
Apr 28, 4:34 AM

Aug 2020
Sca di and Nasu are the writing gods imo

Apr 28, 6:42 AM

May 2021
Jackson1333 said:
As long as they aren't wider then they are tall like a lot of bara characters tend to be, I'm fine more muscular guys, even if I tend to prefer more effeminate guys in general.

I prefer them more overall as well :p art style plays a big role, of course.

Jackson1333 said:
Honestly, I'm fine with them slapping an "all character are 18+" tag on a game, just to help it sell. Hell, one of my favorite loli VN's claim all the chacaters are "18"

look at this man training his two "18yo" apprentices, as you do.

Lol yeah :p it's like a big secret that everyone knows, but pretend otherwise lol well, I probably was just upset that they had to alter their vision of the characters for the sake of what is essentially censorship, but that's how life is, I guess.

I'm also always mad when people desperately try to tell something on Steam, so they let them cut anything "inappropriate", no matter how it affects the narrative and overall atmosphere. On top of that, Steam doesn't even have a big visible notification that would say something like "WARNING! THIS GAME HAS CUT CONTENT! PROCEED HERE TO GET AN UNCENSOR PATCH!". As a result, I've seen people say "that's a pretty nice VN, but I felt that sometimes it was just missing something and weirdly jumped between scenes" :/ I mean, yeah, you could say it's people's fault for acting like small helpless children and not being able to use the goddamn internet and investigate what version of the game they're playing, but still! The game stores that censor things could at least bother making people instantly aware that something is missing.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the "official" butchered translations of some VNs like Dramatical Murder or Slow Damage, and what crap such stores are selling to the unsuspecting public when it comes to "official" English translations. Nowadays, I regret more than ever that I couldn't properly force myself to learn Japanese earlier, so that I wouldn't have to deal with all this bullshit.

Shizuna said:
@-YaoiBoy- Can you tell what would you do if you were in Saya no Uta's protag's shoes? :)

Oof I'm afraid to even imagine :p do you mean in regard to the whole mental illness thing or Saya? I don't even know...I can't imagine seeing a world like that and not going crazy. Well, additionally crazy lol there is just no escape. Even if I decided to stay locked up at home and never interacting with anyone, would that even change anything? I'm trying to imagine, but I guess you'd just have to actually live through something like that to understand the real desperation and how everything stops mattering, and how susceptible you can become to making monstrous choices and being a monster yourself. The whole situation is so far removed from anything I ever experienced, even metaphorically speaking, that it's hard to even play it out in my head. But if someone/something like Saya suddenly appeared, like a light at the end of the tunnel, then desperately holding on to it makes perfect sense, regardless of what it actually entails in practice. In any case, I'd probably just give up and find a way to die comfortably :) I can't imagine doing any of such horrible things for my own selfish desires or survival, since that's just not who I am. Or at least that's what I'd like to believe, speaking as someone who hasn't lived through any of that.
Apr 28, 7:23 AM

Feb 2011
@-YaoiBoy- Thanks for answering. I think the crux here is that ultimately it's not just only your own life that is at stake, but also Saya's and *your* relationship with her, so those horrible things aren't entirely selfish acts.

Also, I fully agree with you in regards to how VNs are being sold on the Western marketplaces such as Steam. This experience can be described with this single picture:
Apr 28, 7:36 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to Zedlin
Shizuna said:
@Zedlin That is so a beginner understands what he is getting into ;)

Lmaooo, you're not wrong you definitely get what ask for with it...
But he's wrong, because I never asked for any of what Saya has.
Apr 28, 7:37 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Lucifrost
TeBaTe said:
Recommending Umineko is really hard because the player really can't truly interact with the flow of the narrative

You mean it's like a book. Do you never recommend books?
@Lucifrost No usually tbh. Not the book reader type here.
Apr 28, 7:40 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Shizuna
@TeBaTe I've been planning to read Steins;Gate for a long time, but the fact that I've already watched its adaptation partially ruins my motivation to do so.
@tchitchouan Haven't read this one yet.
@Shizuna Believe me, I started the VN just out of my love for the anime and it let me really contempt. The VNs have alternative endings and much more content than the anime. + 0 VN is not exactly as the anime is, so think it's completely worth to play that one at least
Apr 28, 7:49 AM

Feb 2011
@TeBaTe Well, I really like voice acting of Imai Asami and Tamura Yukari, so I could probably enjoy the VN even simply due to listening to them.
Apr 28, 7:54 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to epidemia78
Lucifrost said:
That bothers me too, but a lot of it can be avoided by simply choosing shorter games. Unfotunately, many of the most hyped games happen to be the longest. VNDB lists Steins;Gate as the shortest of the games you played at almost 44 hours.

so, do you have any recs for shorter games?
Remember11 is a shorter game in my favorite Infinity series.
If you prefer gameplay, one of the same writers did 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors.

Marco & the Galaxy Dragon is another favorite of mine.

Planetarian. It's no different from the anime you've already seen, however.

A Little Lily Princess may not be Japanese, but it seems the sort of thing you would enjoy. I could be wrong.

I haven't played a lot of games like Clannad since I prefer story driven stuff.
Apr 28, 8:09 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Shizuna
@TeBaTe Well, I really like voice acting of Imai Asami and Tamura Yukari, so I could probably enjoy the VN even simply due to listening to them.
@Shizuna Oh yeah they go wild with the VN's VA work. Tbh Okabe's VA Mamoru Miyano may be one of my favourite VAs out there.
Apr 28, 8:38 AM

May 2021
Reply to Shizuna
@-YaoiBoy- Thanks for answering. I think the crux here is that ultimately it's not just only your own life that is at stake, but also Saya's and *your* relationship with her, so those horrible things aren't entirely selfish acts.

Also, I fully agree with you in regards to how VNs are being sold on the Western marketplaces such as Steam. This experience can be described with this single picture:
@Shizuna Oh, sure :) I mostly meant before it actually got complicated and serious. When it became a relationship and tons of other factors got involved - sure, it wasn't entirely selfish.

Lol a place where VNs go to die :p horribly butchered and often shockingly mistranslated.
Apr 28, 5:24 PM

Jul 2019
NubFix said:
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: 8.4/10
- Case 2-4 and 2-5 are some of the best murder mysteries I've seen and that can only be presented through Danganronpa

Man, I really need to finish this one then, I played the first one, and started the second, but ended up getting really busy and never having time to play, so I never even got passed the prologue, lol. Then I just kind of forgot about it, and moved on to other things. Been meaning to go back and finish 2/3 eventually.

Shizuna said:
Even when it's sex for the sex's sake it's good for depicting how the characters behave in intimate situations, so even if it doesn't serve some kind of story-related purpose it adds to the character depth. Essentially, it's simply a part of slice of life concept. Also, I noticed that if a visual novel has sexual stuff in it, it's a good indicator it doesn't shy away from other themes some people could consider controversial, which is good in my book.

Oh, I can agree, that there can definitely bee some value in it, but when I say "sex for sex's sake" I mean when a VN is basically checking off a list.
Swimsuit scene? Check
Naked Apron? Check
Sex in the classroom? Check
and so on, where it really doesn't feel like it added any additional depth to the character. Usually the first one, and then a couple of special ones will actually be meaningful, but then rest will feel like they are trying to meet a quota. (Every girl has to have the same exact number after all, don't want to make fans of one girl mad because she got less sexy time then another. :)

That's one of the other reasons something like Grisaia caught my attention, the sex scene distribution of the girls was lopsided, one girl was given significantly more, because it made sense within the context of the story. Nor were they evenly spaced out, like most are, some had it early on in the individual route, some you had to wait till the very end, because depending on the girl, when it made sense to have it was different. It didn't feel like they were trying to meet a quota, or to check of a list of the most common/popular scenes to squeeze in, they actually took the time examine each girl, and how/when it made sense.

-YaoiBoy- said:
Lol yeah :p it's like a big secret that everyone knows, but pretend otherwise lol well, I probably was just upset that they had to alter their vision of the characters for the sake of what is essentially censorship, but that's how life is, I guess.

Yeah, it's sad, I would love to see what Mikkoukun would do, if he had complete creative freedom, and didn't feel like he had to be wary, or please anyone, but just got to make exactly what he wanted to make. I really love his art style as well. It kind of reminds me of another game called cloud meadow, which is basically a farming sim, where you raise and breed monster boy's/girls. I had heard back when that was first in development as well, that it was originally going to have the main character be a shota/loli (you can pick their gender) as well. Now I can't speak to the veracity of that, as I wasn't there in the beginning, but it does make me wonder how many other games out there where changed, just to avoid backlash?

-YaoiBoy- said:
I mean, yeah, you could say it's people's fault for acting like small helpless children and not being able to use the goddamn internet and investigate what version of the game they're playing,

Nope, I say it's 100% the fault of the seller, they should 100% be transparent with any games they are porting, if they remove something. I mean, for a lot of people, this may be there first time even seeing some games like this, and considering the amount of other porn games that are completely uncensored/uncut, they may not even know that the practice of cutting out sex scenes is even a thing. So I can't blame them. I know to look out for it, because I've been playing these kinds of games long before places like steam decided to get into the market.

-YaoiBoy- said:
I'm also always mad when people desperately try to tell something on Steam, so they let them cut anything "inappropriate", no matter how it affects the narrative and overall atmosphere.

It's even worse when you see this happen to a game whose whole selling point is sex, lol. Like, why even bother selling the game at all when you take out the porn? that was the whole point, the rest of the game is just an excuse to get from one sex scene to the next. XD

-YaoiBoy- said:
Oh, and don't even get me started on the "official" butchered translations

Sadly, I can't speak to that too much, as a pleb who doesn't know Japanese's, I often time have to rely on "official" translations. Though, I do try to look into them to see if there were any major issues that people have noticed. I would love to be able to learn Japanese, but it's one of the hardest to learn, I've heard, and the time investment is just not something I can afford right now. (though in my anime journey, I have picked up some stuff here and there, so I can occasionally pick out some oddities, or even things like honorifics that will often get left out of "official" translations.)

Though the most bizarre thing when it comes to official translations, is when they will translate an ENGLISH word to another ENGLISH word. I was playing Mary skelter not too long ago, and the characters transformation is called "Genocide" state, and you can clearly here the character say in English "genocide" yet they translate it in the official English version to "massacre" wtf? I can only imagine "massacre" is much less insensitive then "genocide" lol. But I've even seen this happen on completely innocuous things, that just left me scratching my head.

Apr 29, 7:41 AM

May 2021
Jackson1333 said:
Yeah, it's sad, I would love to see what Mikkoukun would do, if he had complete creative freedom, and didn't feel like he had to be wary, or please anyone, but just got to make exactly what he wanted to make. I really love his art style as well. It kind of reminds me of another game called cloud meadow, which is basically a farming sim, where you raise and breed monster boy's/girls. I had heard back when that was first in development as well, that it was originally going to have the main character be a shota/loli (you can pick their gender) as well. Now I can't speak to the veracity of that, as I wasn't there in the beginning, but it does make me wonder how many other games out there where changed, just to avoid backlash?

Probably quite a number of them were changed >_< as for Mikkoukun: I wonder how their next game, Jock Studio, will be like :) I was happy that its kickstarter campaign was such a success, as it showed that there can quite a demand for BL VNs. I also wouldn't mind more Camp Buddy :p I just finished playing Scoutmaster's Season last December and enjoyed it quite a lot, even though I was less interested in the scoutmasters' dynamics overall.
Cloud Meadow looks familiar, but I haven't played it :)

Jackson1333 said:
Nope, I say it's 100% the fault of the seller, they should 100% be transparent with any games they are porting, if they remove something. I mean, for a lot of people, this may be there first time even seeing some games like this, and considering the amount of other porn games that are completely uncensored/uncut, they may not even know that the practice of cutting out sex scenes is even a thing. So I can't blame them. I know to look out for it, because I've been playing these kinds of games long before places like steam decided to get into the market.

Yeah, I agree :) they should at least have that big warning posted somewhere. Or even better: warn people of that and instruct them how to proceed before they even buy a game.
Anyway, VNs aside, it seems like buying games is often worse than getting them for free in other places lol for example, I don't always like complete editions of something and by pirating a game, I can have access to different iterations of the same game. What if some patch not only fixed bugs, but also changed something big? What if an expansion made some major changes to a lot of things, but you can't remove it and experience the original? It doesn't always matter, but in some cases I wanted to experience certain game's content sequentially and see what was added and/or changed with time, while slowly adding individual patches/expansions/DLCs. Unfortunately, having access only to complete editions limits such explorative possibilities.

Jackson1333 said:
It's even worse when you see this happen to a game whose whole selling point is sex, lol. Like, why even bother selling the game at all when you take out the porn? that was the whole point, the rest of the game is just an excuse to get from one sex scene to the next. XD

Also true lol

Jackson1333 said:
Sadly, I can't speak to that too much, as a pleb who doesn't know Japanese's, I often time have to rely on "official" translations. Though, I do try to look into them to see if there were any major issues that people have noticed. I would love to be able to learn Japanese, but it's one of the hardest to learn, I've heard, and the time investment is just not something I can afford right now. (though in my anime journey, I have picked up some stuff here and there, so I can occasionally pick out some oddities, or even things like honorifics that will often get left out of "official" translations.)

Though the most bizarre thing when it comes to official translations, is when they will translate an ENGLISH word to another ENGLISH word. I was playing Mary skelter not too long ago, and the characters transformation is called "Genocide" state, and you can clearly here the character say in English "genocide" yet they translate it in the official English version to "massacre" wtf? I can only imagine "massacre" is much less insensitive then "genocide" lol. But I've even seen this happen on completely innocuous things, that just left me scratching my head.

That's the irony: I don't even know Japanese enough to use or understand it, but even I can see when things are blatantly wrong. Sometimes it's a lot easier when you have something to compare it with. The whole genocide/massacre thing is weird :/ but at least it was just a strange word substitution.

For example, while replaying Dramatical Murder with its so-called official translation, I noticed that the dialogues were goofier and not in a good way, but then when I got to certain parts, I could hear that the characters were saying a lot, but the translated sentences were extremely short. I was like "It can't be right. I'm not crazy, right? They're definitely saying more, I understand some of those words and I remember there being more text here", so I went to find some videos with the unofficial translation. And guess what? Not only did they cut the original thoughts of the characters in half, they also often messed up the context of what they were saying. The nuances of character interactions were not there anymore. It made me so mad!!! I wanted to strangle those fuckers who worked on that translation (and still do) that is now being sold as the definitive one. On top of that, while the unofficial translation had its problems, what stood out to me in the official one were some weird phrases or words. I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't done to just localize something that was said in Japanese to be better understood in English, but rather it was just done to make things look sillier, for whatever purpose.

The same problem persisted with the next Nitro+Chiral BL VN translated by JAST Blue: Slow Damage. While the translator was different and the translation at least seemed more or less competent from a technical standpoint, I saw people who knew Japanese absolutely raging and saying that some of the characters were invented entirely different personalities that weren't true to how they're depicted in the original. Unfortunately, this time I didn't have a reference material, and since I don't know Japanese, I can only rely on my gut feeling and listening to some bits and pieces here and there. But it was enough to see that the work wasn't taken seriously and was more focused on producing meme phrases rather than delivering the accurate context. The biggest example that stood out to me was translating "bakabakashii" as "that's gay" during one of the more serious and heartwarming scenes. I think this choice for a translation alone clearly shows that the translator thinks of BL VNs as "silly porn games" or something along those lines and tried to insert goofy and stupid meme phrases, so she didn't bother trying to approach her work seriously. I gave the VN itself the benefit of the doubt and still labeled it as one of my new favorites, but now I'm left to wonder whether I feel conflicted about my experience because there were things that I didn't like about the VN itself or is it because of this translation? :/ Unfortunately, I can't deny or confirm it unless I play the original. It's not even a problem of "political inserts" that people often discuss, including here on MAL, but even those meme-ish and inaccurate translations already ruin the atmosphere and the mood of an otherwise serious story (I also remember a few instances when characters were saying a lot more than what was on the screen, so who knows if something was left out like it happened in Dramatical Murder).

Therefore, I think translators should be held accountable for such things and receive a well-deserved backlash, especially from people who know the language and can point out the exact problems case-by-case.
Apr 29, 7:48 AM

Jul 2013
Who even reads them lol? Not me. I find them to be childish.
Apr 29, 8:35 AM

Feb 2024
I prefer Sharin no Kuni to G Senjou no Maou.
Apr 29, 9:00 AM

Jul 2013
Anime television shows are much more enjoyable than visual novels imo. I don't see the point VNs unless there isn't enough money to adapt them into an anime tv show.
Apr 29, 3:17 PM

Oct 2020
Everyone should play The House in Fata Morgana at least once before they die.

Apr 29, 3:22 PM

Jan 2021
Nice thread bro, yeah so many VN adaptations are trash. The most recent one of Muv Luv was embarrassing, I'm not expecting masterpiece adaptations like clannad and steins gate but at least something watchable. Shame producers don't invest in VNs anymore, and when they do its extremely low budget rushed 12 episodes which then flops and leads producers to think VNs are not worth the investment.

So much untapped potential too man. Baldr sky, ever17, remember11, Sharin No Kuni, aselia... which I admit would be difficult adaptations, but even if they got a decent one I'd be so damn happy.
Apr 29, 4:35 PM

Nov 2020
I'm trying to juggle Rance (backtracked to the old canon b4 I play Kessen), Dies Irae, Sakura no Toki, AsaIro at the same time cuz I've got tizzy, and the FGO thingo' made me really interested in Alice from Mahoyo, so I'm probably gonna juggle that one too. I'm having a lot of fun, tho. I've finally got apt time for the stuff again. I can c Rance X probably becoming my favourite.
Apr 29, 9:28 PM

Jun 2016
Reply to zech
I'm trying to juggle Rance (backtracked to the old canon b4 I play Kessen), Dies Irae, Sakura no Toki, AsaIro at the same time cuz I've got tizzy, and the FGO thingo' made me really interested in Alice from Mahoyo, so I'm probably gonna juggle that one too. I'm having a lot of fun, tho. I've finally got apt time for the stuff again. I can c Rance X probably becoming my favourite.
zech said:
I can c Rance X probably becoming my favourite.

@zech Don't worry bro. The English translation for Rance X is almost done. It won't be too long before YOU can finally play it.
Apr 29, 9:41 PM

Nov 2020
Reply to Edocchi
zech said:
I can c Rance X probably becoming my favourite.

@zech Don't worry bro. The English translation for Rance X is almost done. It won't be too long before YOU can finally play it.
@Edocchi The Rance X translation isn't "almost done", it's not edited or QA tested.
Apr 29, 11:34 PM

Dec 2019
My first experience with Visual Novel is The House in Fata Morgana. And after that i played Dies Irae, Subarishiki Hibi, Tsukihime Remake and Mahoutsukai no Yoru, still waiting on Fate to release this year. Maybe next i will play Little Buster or Umineko.
Apr 30, 5:07 AM

Aug 2021
ive not read too many
i read the higurashi series, western ones like katawa shoujo and class of 09
now i was recommended love ribbon, which is an incest yuri and its a fkn banger
i think i should get more into them for real, its just sometimes they seem like a COMMITMENT, so its really hard to like set myself to start reading, but it always turns out that its worth it
while reading love ribbon i realized that the prospect of simply more yuri content in a fresh form for me is quite enticing c:
Apr 30, 5:36 AM

Aug 2021
Has Anybody else read Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka LN?
It's The Only LN series I have read on a Physical copy,
I got it as a gift from my only best freind,
I've read all the volumes in less than a month,
It was a truly majestic and imemersive experience <3
Apr 30, 8:20 AM

Jul 2023
Reply to Edocchi
zech said:
I can c Rance X probably becoming my favourite.

@zech Don't worry bro. The English translation for Rance X is almost done. It won't be too long before YOU can finally play it.
@Edocchi It's nice that he can read it soon~~ albeit at this point I don't see why anybody still waits for translations. There was a really good VN writer I liked, I knew one of his most recent works wasn't going to get a translation soon, so I MTL'd and enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't as good as a certain music game he released in his return into the industry, but I liked some of the characters and portions of the story a lot, especially the flashback part showing the first time Michio and Ryo met. "The future is now, old man," says OpenAI.
zech said:
made me really interested in Alice from Mahoyo, so I'm probably gonna juggle that one too.

@zech Easily Nasu's best imo. He perfects the formula there. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to do the extra chapters from the archive menu as they become available.
Apr 30, 8:30 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to lostsymphonies
@Edocchi It's nice that he can read it soon~~ albeit at this point I don't see why anybody still waits for translations. There was a really good VN writer I liked, I knew one of his most recent works wasn't going to get a translation soon, so I MTL'd and enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't as good as a certain music game he released in his return into the industry, but I liked some of the characters and portions of the story a lot, especially the flashback part showing the first time Michio and Ryo met. "The future is now, old man," says OpenAI.
zech said:
made me really interested in Alice from Mahoyo, so I'm probably gonna juggle that one too.

@zech Easily Nasu's best imo. He perfects the formula there. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to do the extra chapters from the archive menu as they become available.
@lostsymphonies Will do, and appreciated. I remember destroying my experience with Umineko because I forgot about the extra content. That other guy was just being disingenuous and slighting me.
Apr 30, 8:40 AM

Jul 2023
Reply to zech
@lostsymphonies Will do, and appreciated. I remember destroying my experience with Umineko because I forgot about the extra content. That other guy was just being disingenuous and slighting me.
@zech Oh, that's so him. He's always been that way, really. Don't feel targeted though, he does that to everyone, not just you and me, also including one of my friends. Though we should be understanding. He's a bitter guy stuck in the past, who has nothing to do but vicariously live his highschool dreams of joining a band through visual novels and be hostile to people on the internet to fill the emptiness.
Apr 30, 9:07 AM

Jun 2016
Reply to lostsymphonies
@zech Oh, that's so him. He's always been that way, really. Don't feel targeted though, he does that to everyone, not just you and me, also including one of my friends. Though we should be understanding. He's a bitter guy stuck in the past, who has nothing to do but vicariously live his highschool dreams of joining a band through visual novels and be hostile to people on the internet to fill the emptiness.
@lostsymphonies That's true
Apr 30, 10:01 AM

Jan 2014
My first Visual Novel was Symphonic Rain. I remember it was back in 2015, and I literally had 0 clue what torrents were and how they work. I remember I had to get help from the user HaXXspetten and went back and forth with him in the comments. It was definitely a very chill Visual Novel. Though looking back it was probably too slow and mellow for a first timer. Despite that, playing the piano with the keyboard was very fun for me at the time xd

From then on I read other stuff like princess evangile, dracu riot, and if my heart had wings. All three were fun to read, but what REALLY got me into Visual Novels was Rewrite by key. What a journey and roller coaster that was....I'm a HUGE lover of Nakige VN ever since, as I just adore a story where I can truly care about the characters and their struggles.

My all time favorite VN still to this date is Wonderful Everyday ( Subahibi ) I always heard things about it vaguely over many years and finally decided to give it a go. It started off pretty meh and I remember I was kinda tempted to drop it, but then Act 2 ( It's my own invention ) kicked off, and I couldn't pull my eyes off the screen. From then on I experienced, thrills, horrors, tears, and also at the same time I experienced a immense feeling of tranquility, jubilation, and the answer to the very meaning of life, one where EVERY person in this world ask themselves, and a lot have not found their answer. I genuinely don't think I will ever read another VN in my life that can replace Wonderful Everyday as my #1.

The only one that could MAYBE accomplish that, is the VN Sakura no Uta which is made by the same people. Though there is a translation going for it, it's gonna be like 4-5 years before it's finished sadly.

Though despite not reaching Wonderful Everyday's level, Muv Luv and Summer Pockets Reflection Blue were outstanding and near perfect VN's to fill in the void. Muv Luv had a SUPER fun first half. I have no idea why people hate it? I've seen a shit ton of anime, and a ton of Harem/Slice of Life. And I can say Muv Luv Extra is one of the most fun and enjoyable rom com highschool stories. But of course Extra is just the start, the real meat and potatoes was of course Alternative. I was so astounded by it's high production value for being such a old Visual Novel. The action scenes with the usage of cg's and even animations, was honestly so fucking fun to experience. I was reading a VN, but sometimes it felt like watching an anime in motion. It was such a pleasant surprise to experience. However. There is one surprise that wasn't pleasant, and in fact was fucking traumatizing . I'm serious when I say, I have never felt a sense of immeasurable dread and horror EVER in my entire life, both IRL, and also the immense amount of fictional media I have consumed. I was sweating profusely, heartbeat skyrocketed , and I was hysterically yelling when I saw "that scene" unfold. When it was over, I couldn't read anymore for the rest of the day.... I always warn people who are getting into Muv Luv, that it has a MASSIVE trigger warning, and can genuinely scar your mind. I love and also hate the creators for doing that to me lol.

Summer Pockets Reflection Blue just like Rewrite, was an emotional 50+ hour experience. While Rewrite had a more plot heavy approach, Summer Pockets RB had more of an emphasis on the characters, and the setting. I just adore and love the feeling of connection of all of the characters in the story on this small island. It's a tight knit group that shows just how precious bonds and relationships can be with people that you just met, and people that you will only see for a brief time. It's invokes such a profound feeling of genuine emotion in my heart when I saw a small group of friends just making merry with one another, and seeing the overall family like relationship with the rest of the island folk. By far this story has made me cry the most out of any other anime and Visual Novel by a landslide. I think I cried about 5 times, 2 of them being hysterical/bawling like a bitch moments. What's funny is that when I was about to reach a sad scene and I had a good feeling what was going to happen, I had to step away from my PC to do other things. At the time I remember telling myself, I'M NOT GONNA CRY, I KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, STONE FACE YOUR WAY THROUGH THIS WASABI, DON'T LET KEY GET YOU AGAIN. Then later when I get back to it, of course

Some other VN's that are great that I have read is

Dies Irae

Full Metal Daemon


Atri my Dear Moments ( ANIME SOON HYPE )
May 1, 11:55 AM

Jan 2017
I'm not that big of a VN reader (sometimes I just can't get into their unnecessarily bloated style of writing, most of them bore me to death whenever random SoL scenes dilute the plot), but I do recommend Saya no Uta and Muramasa as well, as they don't really have this issue. I'm more interested in reading shorter and more niche stuff, for instance 藹々鬼譚 was a very interesting experience and its art is just staggeringly beautiful. Sooner or later I'm going to read more stuff from Urobuchi, SCA-Ji (I've only read Subahibi), and all the acclaimed writers, but some VNs are so fucking long that my ADHD-riddled brain can just not handle them. Might get into Tokyo Necro next, some of my friends have enjoyed that one even more than Muramasa. I also heard that Hirahira Hihiru is very good, and it's on the shorter side, thankfully.
For someone who's never read visual novels, I'd recommend some non-ero ones. (Unless you're reading nukige, I think sex scenes are almost always unnecessary and horribly written anyway, save for actually well-thought-out moments that are an integral part of the story, like the ones in Saya no Uta.) Marco to Ginga Ryuu, for instance, is a fun one, with insane production value.
May 1, 1:03 PM

Mar 2019
Visual novels are pretty cool. My favorite one has gotta be ISLAND for it's beautiful art and great music, it may not be the best one around but it sure is something:

May 1, 3:08 PM

Aug 2016
VNs are in my experience the best and worst media at the same time. But lets focus on the positive side starting with MuvLuv Alternative, so far my favorite VN.

While it's a young media that has consolidated its most iconic titles during the post-Y2K era (Saya no Uta or Katawa shoujo, for example, 2 games I really like) I also try to search up for retro stuff. Lets see:

- Policenauts
- Eve Burst Error
- Snatcher

Right now I'm in a Rance Spree and I dont see myself stopping anytime soon. Out of your recommendations, Tokyo Necro interests me. Might give it chance by 2030
MichaelJacksonMay 1, 4:13 PM
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