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Apr 8, 2014
Witchblade (Manga) add
Surprisingly, I enjoyed Witchblade Takeru. Maybe it's because the half naked girl in the cover set my expectations right there and then. Or maybe its because, although highly unlikely, that I have bad taste in manga.

The titular Takeru is a girl raised in a Buddhist temple with her Grandma and fellow Buddhist sister Seishu. Her life gets turned upside down, inside & out after demons invade her home and injure her family. She needs to fight back so she grabs the Witchblade, fuses with it, and proceeds to instantly get at least 50 years worth of Kendo.

If you've seen the original Witchblade counterpart, then ...
Jan 16, 2014
Ichi (Manga) add
The setting is about historical Japan and its reluctance of accepting foreigners to open up markets and trade possibilities for economic stability. Some don't mind the yellow haired barbarian monkey savages infringing on their land but others hate them. The titular Ichi is a blind swordswoman/goze who does odd jobs around the house and eventually gets involved in a political scheme with Japan's future on the line. That and she fights a battle against herself to overcome a past trauma.

As it was set during the days when some right wing samurai extremists did not take to the foreigners too kindly, there is a good ...
Aug 31, 2013
Fourteen (Manga) add
So from what I take from this, KFC meets the president who faces off against Michael Jackson in the apocalyptic future.

Story: Get ready to get your mind screwed left right up and DOWN. The plot twists are insane. They don't even make sense BUT ITS SO AWESOME. Consider Fourteen Umezu Kazuo's twisted vision of the future, where humans have exhausted Earth's resources and progress through life through artificial means.You know shts hardcore if chicken can be grown in a bathtub. He emphasizes the consequences of human interference with nature and concludes that if we don't stop killing trees now, we're dead.

The story explores various philosophical ...
Aug 16, 2013
STORY: The general feel for the manga felt like Law of Ueki or Shaman King. The simplicity of the plot, coupled with a consistent pacing of events, allowed little room for confusion. Few events seemed incongruous or sudden, and I found its emphasis on the action and its consequential development on the characters very appropriate. My only real complaint is the rushed ending; the final chapter could and should have been longer to adequately conclude the relationship between the main pair.

ART: Characters and backgrounds were light in color and the fight scenes, coupled with the use of super powers, were entertaining to look at. Character ...
Dec 30, 2012
Preliminary (6/? chp)
Imagine being able to buy your ideal lover with a few simple clicks of a mouse. That curvacious/muscular body, those beautiful (color) eyes, that wonderful hair; everything you look for in your fantasy lover is all there.

Would you be willing to buy one?

The story centers around a guy named Ying Bei. He is an art student, and has a romantic interest in a fellow art student named Yunyun but finds himself cohabiting with another girl he bought off the internet named JiuJiu. JiuJiu, as a product bought off the internet, lives only to satisfy the consumer who bought her, which in this case is ...
Aug 18, 2012
Preliminary (Unknown/22 chp)
Moderator Edit: This review contains spoilers.

Donnie Darko. Twelve Monkeys. Butterfly Effect. These movies all had a few things in common: time travel to the past in order to correct something in the future. For Donnie Darko, it was Donnie who always found himself in the past trying escape from the endless loop he was trapped in. For Twelve Monkeys, a convict was sent back in time to suppress an epidemic that would kill 99% of the human population in 2035. For Butterfly effect, it was for Ashton Kutcher to go back in time to fix his childhood so that he had a happier future.

For Ore ...
Apr 8, 2012
Whenever people read or hear the words "Love Plus," they might think of a mathematical equation involving love. Okay that joke was bad and I feel bad.

Love Plus is a dating sim for the Nintendo DS. The player gets to choose between three characters; Nene Anegasaki, Rinko Kobayakawa, and Manaka Takane (first name, last name). As you can probably tell, this manga specifically focuses on Rinko.

We are introduced to our protagonist, Wataru Aikawa. He transfers to a new city and meets the heroine, Rinko. They keep bumping into each other, starting a chain of events that lead to the two being involved with one ...
Jun 30, 2011
17-sai (Manga) add
17-Sai is a collection of four one shots packed together into one volume. Each story has its own hero and heroine, and none of the stories have any relation to the other.

Talking about each individual story is pointless. The pacing is the same throughout. After reading the manga, one may realize how the degree of development between the hero and the heroine of one chapter is not so different from the others. All of the chapters strictly follow one simple formula: Some problem arises, making the heroine distraught, and the hero always has impeccable timing to save the damsel in distress. And in the ...
Nov 29, 2010
Preliminary (1/11 chp)
Okay honestly, there really isnt much to talk about this manga.Its short, its sweet, and its sexy. Literally.

Story is about a salaryman who enjoys looking at butts at the train station, and a girl who he particularly likes crashes into him and breaks his arm, taking care of him. During that time, she falls in love, blah blah blah, weve all heard of that before havent w?

Art is superb. Its good. I like it. We all like it.

The woman is perverted. The guy is perverted. That is all we are looking for in this manga.

I read this all with a -.- look on ...
Sep 10, 2010
Lives (Manga) add
Taguchi Masayuki, the author of the hit Battle Royale, takes us into a world of lush, verdant vegetation and........ monsters. Big, Bad, nasty, hungry, monsters. How do we get there? You have to get hit by a meteor.

The story was VERY PROMISING in the beginning. Without spoiling too much, the story is about an alternate world (mainly a rain forest) where humans turn into monsters and eat each other. The main characters are just trying their best to survive.

The story is divided into three separate arcs. The first arc is the "present," where the heroine gets transported into the alternate world and meets the ...

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