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Sep 24, 2017
“It might have looked that way to you, but I’m just normal ”
~ Setagawa, ep 4.

And that’s practically ever BL protagonist ever, isn’t it?

Anyway, if you aren’t interested in reading my entire review (because who enjoys reading long reviews, huh?), here’s a TL;DR version of it:
If you’re a fujoshi or someone who's tired of the same tropes being used in BL (abusive seme, weak MC, cliché romance), then Hitorijime is something you’ll enjoy. But if you’re looking for something new, refreshing or path breaking in the BL genre, look somewhere else.

This review will contain my opinions on what I liked and disliked about ...
Aug 19, 2017
“As hard as we may try, we’ll never know the right answer”
~ Shindo

If you were expecting me to shit on this OVA, then haha! The joke’s on you, because I’m not gonna do that.. I quite enjoyed the OVA, and it was quite fascinating to see how Shindo behaves when he isn’t acting as a negotiator on behalf of an alien that’s billions of years old. I see that MAL has no rewrite of it, so here’s what the OVA is about: We get to see most Kado characters in their environment, going about their lives and pretty much being regular folks. A majority ...
Jul 30, 2017
Jackass! (Manga) add
Jackass is a terribly cute manga. I'll keep my review short and sweet because writing too much about it will be giving away spoilers, and I don't want that.

I'll begin by applauding how well the mangaka handled the 'I'm gay but I didn't know I was gay till something happened to me'. It was completely natural and progressed in an organic succession; both the parties involved behaved in a manner that would be typical of people in their position, esp the MC. I also loved how the fetish angle was added to the entire drama - this was a first for me and I ...
Jul 30, 2017
*cracks knuckles*
Alright, time to whoop some ass. I’ll begin by asking one Q: why do guys even bother watching shows that aren’t meant for them, just so that they can whine about how ‘bad’ they are and bring down the entire show’s average rating? I’ll tell you why – because nothing else makes them feel better than to trash something that clearly isn’t made to cater to *their* liking!

Anyway, coming to my review. The anime was pretty good, considering it didn’t have a big budget OR that many hours dedicated to it. Lemme break it down for those of you still reading my review:

Story: 8/10
Why ...
Jul 28, 2017
Dive!! (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
I trudged through 4 episodes of this anime just so that I could write this review. Y’all better upvote my review so that I’ll know that those 80 minutes of my life weren’t a COMPLETE waste.

Basically, Dive is what you get if Haikyuu and Free had an illegitimate child – with none of the good looks or character development of Free, nor the long drawn technical jargon or complicated strategies of Haikyuu. Granted, that’s being a little tough on the anime, seeing how only four episodes have aired, but, come on! That’s a quarter of the show right there. You can *tell* that this ...
May 29, 2017
Mixed Feelings
I really wanted to like this anime, but sadly, the comedy mostly fell flat and the VAs didn’t do a great job. There’s not much to write about an anime with just 2 short episodes, so I’ll keep my review brief.

The reason I gave it a 6 (and nothing lower) is because even though I didn’t like the anime, I didn’t dislike it either – it was pretty average. The setting is quite unique, of course, and more power to animators who can go through concepts on anime without involving high school children, nudity or violence. It’s a nice and sweet comedy, suitable even for ...
May 26, 2017
Pornographer (Manga) add
This short story's about Kusumi, a college students, who accidentally hits Kijima (sensei) with his bicycle. Kijima hurts his right hand, but instead of suing Kusimi for money, he lets Kusumi work for him as his sort of secretary so that he (Kusumi) could write down the dictations of sensei. The reason sensei doesn't use any app or even a computer to do this work is because he's an old fashioned guy. Kusumi, of course, is more than willing to help because of the guilt that he feels (and because he's thankful he doesn't have to shill out any money).

And let's just address ...
May 11, 2017
Room Mate (Anime) add
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
I don’t get why this anime has such a low rating. I mean, yes, it isn’t of FMAB quality, but exactly what do you expect from a 4 minute-per-episode anime that’s obviously geared at a female audience? Intense emotional scenes, breathtaking action sequences or perhaps, some fanservice for their eternally parched eyes??

Room Mate is an xViewer anime (my first, I’ll be honest). I didn’t even know such a thing existed – I was only aware of this trend among fanfics and doujinshi. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across this anime. Within the first 4 minutes, the personality of each male ...
Apr 14, 2017
Hybrid Child (Anime) add
I'm only writing this review because
a) this anime doesn't have too many reviews
b) everybody's gushing way too much over it.

As a casual yaoi fan, I can see why this anime would excite fujoshis - it's everything they would want, without the smut and cheap tactics animators often stoop to using to please their fan base. I went in completely blind, not knowing what the anime was and it pleasantly surprised me. I would suggest you to go in blind as well; that's the best way to enjoy it.

But if you're still interested in knowing what it's about, here it is (without spoilers):
Set in late ...
Mar 25, 2017
Btooom! (Anime) add
*mild spoilers*
The trouble with 12 episode anime not meant for school children is that they often go a bit too far to make it more “mature”. Which is exactly why I felt the rape scenes, sexual assault and abuses were completely unnecessary; they were included for shock value and judging by the positive reviews of how realistic this anime was, they worked.

I’d have given the anime a solid 8 if not for the extremely annoying female MC. Blonde, blue eyes, big breasts and a chubby face – the animators thought it’d be enough to make men swoon over this sniveling piece of mess, but nah. ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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