Young Magazine Kaizokuban

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Young Magazine Kaizokuban (2)
Manga, 1989Finished1 vol, 11 chp

The year is 2029. The world has endured four world wars and ushered in a new age of technological advancement that has largely transformed society as humanity knows it. Cybernetic enhancements, robotic AIs, and cyborgs have now become the norm in a world where humans are more machine than man. However, with this modern change, crime started evolving as well: hackers, corrupt officials, and other opportunists have found ways to sneak into innovative systems for their own personal agendas. In Japan, where such crimes run rampant, the government establishes Section 9—a clandestine team of highly trained operatives—to counter these threats. Major Motoko Kusanagi, a woman of impenetrable caliber and bravado, leads Section 9 on its mission to tackle cyberterrorism and ensure that the nation's stability does not falter in the pace of the rapidly progressing future. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 1992Finished1 vol, 16 chp

A penis wanders alone through the countryside. Kind and gentle, all it longs for is warmth and companionship, be it from a frog, bird, or cat; it extends a helping hand to those who need it, only to be continually shunned by the beneficiaries of his generosity. Nonetheless, it appreciates the small things in life and is aware that true happiness lies in the heart. Seasons may change, and the world may pass by, but optimistic about the future, the penis will continue to wander on... [Written by MAL Rewrite]
