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Jun 2019
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Apr 2, 7:20 AM

May 2019
Completely forgot to prepare this! Thanks for handling it, looking forward to this series.
Apr 2, 9:04 AM
Dec 2018

Thanks for the heads-up! I have watched this series and it’s really good
Apr 3, 2:26 PM

May 2019
Episode 1

That OP's pretty cute. The little animations in the middle with the winged rabbit are also pretty adorable. Meanwhile, the ED is pretty basic - nice song, but only a spinning bottle with little things floating inside. Maybe we'll see it fill up as the series continues?

We're introduced to Kobato and Ioryogi, a young girl (human?) with a wish and a dog plushy brought to life because why not? Apparently, the latter is full of tricks, including breathing fire. Kobato's wish is to visit places for... reasons! To do that, she need to collect broken hearts and put them in a bottle. Said bottle is not in her possession, and she must pass a series of tests to get it. Nice shoutsposition from our leads.

First test: display "springtime behavior." She tries sleeping through it, but fails.

Second test: do something with random discarded garbage bag. She finds her way to a collection site, but second-guesses her decision, instead deciding to grnat it as a boon to the crows, only to be mercilessly pecked.

She gets flirted with, which ends with two guys beaten and bruised. The specimen of a man who did it (and who uses the word "mollycoddled" - truly, he is best boy), Fujimoto, walks off after chiding her. Later, we see him at work, from which he quickly escapes to run to a preschool (we don't know why - maybe he has a kid there?). Kobato arrives in his stead, causing a headache for his boss before offering to help out at the shop. She proves surprisingly capable as a waitress.

Third test: prepare nabe (hot pot) at customer request. Immediately fails by adding everything to water that isn't boiling, and proceeds to add chocolate, milk and nato to boot. The result is... terrifying, but somehow delicious. Well done Kobato. Girl's got talent, so she gets points for this.

Running into a woman and her grandchild in the park, Kobato sings to calm the infant: the fourth test. She does have a sweet voice and it does calm the baby. Fujimoto returns to his job and overhears the song along with a large crowd of onlookers who encourage her to do more singing, giving her some food in return.

Still, she failed her tests due to her other poor performances... at least at first. The woman's support convinces Ioryogi to gift her with the fabled bottle used to collect broken hearts. Feels like a Legend of Zelda plotline, tbh.

So far, I like this as a premise. We don't know precisely what Kobato is after, but she has an aim and a path to get there that will bring her in contact with a bunch of people. I'm sure her presence throughout the series will be endearing and that Fujimoto will become a mainstay.
whiteflame55Apr 3, 7:52 PM
Apr 4, 4:27 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 1. Ok, so basic set up time. Kobato comes to earth (where from? is she an angel?) with a desire to fulfil a wish (to visit places, unspecified where or why at this point) she wants and has a gruff dog called Ioryogi as a guide. Love the contrast between the voices for Kobato and Ioryogi. To that end Kobato has to mend broken hearts.

Before she starts her job fixing hearts she needs to get a bottle and to do this she needs to pass some basic human knowledge tests, with Ioryogi acting as her observer.

As you've said, Kobato does a pretty lousy job with the park bench and newspaper, the garbage collection and the crows and lastly getting hit on but not realising her peril having to be saved by Fujimoto, who looks quite typical of Clamp males with his long ponytail.

I like that with the nabe pot it turned out being yummy, sometimes the most unlikely pairings of ingredients end up being delicious.

Ah HanaKana is voicing Kobato, thought she sounded familiar.

After singing for a baby and receiving a grateful thank you from the grandmother Kobato passes the test and receives the bottle from Ioryogi. She needs to fill the bottle with the fragments of mended broken hearts in order to fulfil her wish.

Pretty simple premise but gives plenty of scope for the show, clearly Kobato meeting many people and helping them in various ways. Nice aesthetic and the relationship between Kobato and the gruff Ioryogi works well.
Apr 4, 8:57 PM

May 2019
Episode 2

Time to work on filling the bottle. It's a little clunky that she'd be harvesting broken hearts from people whose hearts she helps to heal, but hey, it's not all that dissimilar to the efforts of the lead in The World God Only Knows and not everything has to make perfect sense. Live a little.

Kobato seems to lack a lot of common sense. Since her only experience is with a living stuffed animal, she doesn't get that others aren't alive. She also just goes around asking people if they want help with broken hearts, which looks a bit creepy. She helps play Kick the Can (badly), hands out free tissues (badly), runs into Fujimoto (roughly), gets smothered in a sheet at a preschool and offers to help out. Of course, Fujimoto's working here.

We learn that she (likely) doesn't have a father, and she gets chided for getting in the way and her lack of skills, though proves herself quite the innovative dancer. The place has fallen on hard times, but they keep working hard. Kobato begins to recognize that she's not being the help she needs to be, seeing herself as a bother.

She does need to step up her game, and runs into Toshihiko, a boy from the school who seemed to empathize when she said she didn't have a father. Turns out, he comes from a broken home with divorced parents. His mother has tried to take everything on herself, but struggles with the load, leading others to feel like she's neglecting her son. Kobato, partially as a result of her naivete and partially because she takes him at his word, views his mother in the same light he does. Though I never personally experienced this, I get it - he just wants people to see his mother the same way he sees her. Her being supportive of him and his mother yield a tearfully positive reaction and the first piece of broken heart in her bottle, which looks like a glowing orange ball with nubs on the outside. They resolve to call this confetti, and she gets 100 points for her efforts (not sure where those are going anymore - she's got the bottle).
Apr 5, 2:45 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 2. I noticed that Ioryogi said 'when you're human' don't talk to me, suggesting that maybe Kobato wasn't previously human, maybe an angel and the place she wants to visit is heaven? Yeah the premise is similar to Kaminomi, help people out for supernatural reasons, timely reminder I need to finish up the last season of Kaminomi.

Kobato certainly comes off as a bit desperate and weird as she's trying to help people.

Kobato ends up at a preschool offering to help out. This is one of those plots that works in anime, but irl some random girl turning up should raise eyebrows. Anyway she meets Fujimoto.

We watch as Kobato learns that helping and healing aren't the same, and that not everyone who is hurt wants healing, and that's it's not easy to tell when someone is hurting (ie just asking doesn't get her anywhere as people won't open up to a complete stranger).

The final plot where Kobato earns her first confetti piece for her bottle is the kind of writing Clamp can do so well. A simple but eminently relatable tale about a hard working single mum, who probably works all hours just to put a roof over their head and food on the table, but outsiders think she's being neglectful of her child. However, the child can see just how hard his mother is having to work and is upset that his mum is being unjustifiably criticised by other people. Kobato listens earnestly to Toshihiko and agrees that his mum is doing her best for him, which heals his heart and earns her the confetti. I also didn't grow up in a single parent household, but had friends who did and remember first hand seeing exhausted mums trying their best to keep everything going. Having my own kid, i personally think that any single parent is a superhero, don't think I could get by on my own.
Apr 5, 8:28 PM

May 2019
I should just rewatch Kaminomi from the start, don't think I could recall many details beyond the initial premise, but I remember enjoying it.

Episode 3

Kobato runs into Sayaka, the female teacher from the preschool. She introduces Kobato to Chitose, a woman who's going to set her up with an apartment. These people are too nice, definitely agree that much of this would not happen in real life, at least not this easily. Fujimoto seems to agree. Seems Sayaka's been burned by relationships before.

Kobato ends up running into a schoolgirl, Tadokoro and baker who help her out, likely both characters with some staying power. She ends up borrowing and returning an umbrella to the schoolgirl, and they seem like fast friends at this point. They also interact with a boy at her school who Tadokoro, based on that blush and that chiming sound when they cross paths (wonder if that's an indication of a broken heart...), seems to like.

Kobato arrives late to work and gets a cheek pinch for her trouble from Fujimoto. They hint a bit about a longer history between Sayaka and Fujimoto, one where they rough-housed a bit, probably as children.

Kobato later runs into Tadokoro, who unfortunately ends up seeing that same boy from earlier close to another girl. Clearly upset, she runs away. Kobato resolves to help her without knowing how, approaching the boy herself at school and telling him he should share an umbrella with her, too. Yeah... she really doesn't understand how to tackle this one. She sees this as someone just wanting to share an umbrella too, when it's actually someone who wants to be the only girl under that umbrella with him. Still, Kobato does manage to facilitate something by accident, closing what was a growing distance between the two built on a misunderstanding. They both leave happy, if a bit embarrassed. A surprising win for Kobato, another confetti in the bottle.

Also, two twin blonde girls show up at her door, daughters of the landlady, offering her a futon for free. Damn, these people are all too nice. Seems there's another set of side characters to concern ourselves with as well: Kohaku and Shuichiro, who seem to sense something from Kobato as they pass. The plot thickens as Dobato soils her stuffy friend once again.
Apr 6, 3:35 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 3. This is one of those anime that have realistic aspects, like Toshihiko and his mum, but also fantastical elements, such as Kobato suddenly landing an apartment out of nowhere, although guessing Sayaka arranged this in the background (maybe she saw Kobato in the park sleeping rough, where did Kobato go to the toilet, and what about meals?).

From their early interactions it appears Fujimoto is Sayaka's junior, and quite obvious he has feelings for her, but hasn't said anything (guess) and has watched her get hurt by being too trusting (maybe a bad ex bf). Early prediction that the romance tag in this show will be for these two and one of the hearts Kobato will mend will be one or both of theirs.

I'm reminded that in ep 1, Sayaka called Fujimoto and said 'they've come back', so wonder if she has been taken advantage of financially, or maybe borrowed money from the wrong people, or an ex left her with some debt, something like that.

Kobato's ganbatte attitude is quite endearing.

The blonde twins look just like Chi from Chobits, another Clamp work. Clamp often reuse their character designs.

The shared umbrella was cliche, but Kobato somehow pulls it off by being blunt and direct, aided by a timely downfall.

Wonder who that Kohaku is.

Apr 6, 7:43 AM

May 2019
Great Frieren review, definitely going to check out those videos you linked. I’ve enjoyed watching a good deal of Frieren content in YouTube to supplement the experience.

Episode 4

Our leads runs into the blonde girl, Kohaku, from the end of the last episode. She’s apparently from “the Heavens” and Ioryogi and her know each other. Apparently, the dude she was with last episode, Shuichiro, is important to her and Kobato tails them on a walk.

Once alone, Kohaku unleashes some water powers to water the plants, so yeah, she got skills. Kohaku tries and fails to explain her love for Shuochiro, and Kobato offers to help her orchestrate a date at an amusement park. She fails to score some tickets, though, ending up with a cute large stuffed alligator instead. Score!

Turns out, Fujimoto works a lot of jobs and, after he nearly crashes his bike into her (newspaper delivery job), she trades her boss plush for a pair of amusement park tickets he just so happens to have from another job. Convenient, but now she has to help deliver papers, too.

After some discussion, Kobato convinces the two of them to go on this date, giving them a reason to be a little selfish in this moment. We get some nice shots of them together on the Ferris wheel. No confetti this time because both parties were already happy, and Kobato gets -100 points for her troubles.

The rabbit from the mid-episode cards shows up as well. This is apparently Ushagi, a messenger from the Heavens who imparts knowledge through little bursts of light. He tells them there’s a time limit: 1 year to fill the bottle. So now we have a ticking clock. It feels a bit arbitrary.
Apr 7, 3:07 AM

Jun 2019
The review for Frieren was one I started months ago and kept adding to it as I was watching. The story, visuals and OST are all outstanding, can't quite believe we got a show where everything came together so perfectly. I also watched a lot of youtube videos about Frieren and how it came about. The director seems to have be a huge factor in the final product we got, and that's largely down to the fact he brought so many talented people together and then just let them do their thing. Apparently they gave Evan Call the storyboards and early animated scenes so he could compose different pieces specific for certain scenes, which is unusual for anime I discovered. Usually the sound director goes off and creates the music (with instructions from the director on the general type of sound they want) and then gives it to the director who picks soundtracks for scenes, but this director for Frieren did it the other way around. I've never bought a blu ray or soundtrack for an anime but I'm sorely tempted to buy both for Frieren.

Episode 4. Not only do the twins look identical to Chi from Chobits, but the apartment where Kobato is living is identical to the apartment building from Chobits where Chi and the MC live. It even looks like the same room on the 2nd floor with a view overlooking the front yard.

Kobato and Ioryogi meet Kohaku, who comes from the heavens and knows Ioryogi, or met him but can't remember when. I keep forgetting that in the Clamp stories all the worlds are connected (xxxHolic - Cardcaptor Sakura - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle), sometimes only loosely with characters moving between stories. The worlds are supernatural so heavens is probably a place/country rather than actual heaven, at least I'm guessing.

Kohaku watering the plants with magic looked pretty and gives an indication that there'll likely be lots of supernatural aspects and people who can use magic.

Kohaku and Kobato not understanding a description of the feeling of love and Ioryogi bursting with impatience until he shouts it out is funny.

Kobato helps Kohaku and her love interest get closer by arranging for them to visit an amusement park on a date. Unfortunately for her this doesn't yield a confetti as their hearts weren't broken to begin with.

Then Ioryogi gets a message from the heavens informing them that Kobato now has a time limit of a year in which to fill her bottle.

Although a different art style from Chihayafuru, this show looks as good as that one, nice detail, colourful. Madhouse are one of the most consistent studios in terms of quality from all their shows that I've seen.
23feanorApr 7, 3:20 AM
Apr 7, 8:48 PM

May 2019
Interesting to see all the various connections to Studio Clamp productions. Can't say I'm super familiar with most of them, but I have a passing knowledge. Love a good connected universe.

Episode 5

Kobato fails at reading to the kids despite her best efforts. She tries to get better, but gets told off by some older dude who clearly has a problem with the reading material.

We get some indications that the preschool really is in a bad spot. They're deep in the red. Doesn't help when some mafia-looking dude's show up to collect a debt and manhandle Kobato. Fujimoto very effectively puts some of them in their place with some assistance from Ioryogi, but it's Kobato and the kids who have the greatest effect, asking that they leave before making it seem like the police are arriving. So now it's become Kobato: the Search for More Money.

Kobato runs into that man again, who once again tells her not to read the book. This turns out to be Mori, the book's author, the book being the last one he ever wrote. So, Kobato goes to the local library and does her research into his books before inviting him to go see the fireflies. Apparently, his wife drew the pictures in this book, and has since passed away. He regrets all the time he was busy and unable to spend time with her back then, particularly never taking the time to see the fireflies with her. Kobato, in the short time she spends with Mori, ends up showing him the sights his wife wanted him to experience, fireflies and all, many of which appear as illustrations in that book. That little bit of peace Kobato gave him apparently healed his heart, and he starts writing again.

Kobato receives 79 points for her trouble.

And yeah, looks like they aren't adding more confetti to the bottle when new ones are added. Sad.
Apr 8, 3:11 AM

Jun 2019
In reading about Frieren I came across a brilliant new word 'saudade' meaning 'withering and profoundly intense melancholic feeling of nostalgia for someone or something that has been lost and can never be seen again [ie deceased loved one]'. I love discovering new words, last one was sagacity.

Episode 5. Kobato's reading skills need some improvement.

Kobato again makes an unknowingly bold statement inviting a stranger from the park back to her apartment.

I know you like girls in glasses and was thinking Sayaka is pretty cute, like her char design.

As suspected the preschool is in trouble with a debt, looks like yakuza guys. This is a bit silly, one place you can probably guarantee yakuza wouldn't invade was a preschool as the police would be there in an instant. They'd wait till after hours, or lunge about outside menacingly

Reading between the lines guessing Sayaka was close to a low level yazuka boss, maybe an ex-bf, and he arranged to lend her money for the preschool, which is now coming back to bite her.

Pretty touching story about the author and his lost love and how Kobato helped him find the place she used as reference for her drawing bringing back the authors sparkle. Nice universal message to take time out and enjoy the small pleasures in life with those around you. So Kobato earns her next confetti, although I also couldn't see another piece in the bottle.

And we learn Fujimoto is Kobato's neighbour.
Apr 8, 10:22 AM

May 2019
Ooh, new word for me as well. That'll definitely be one I want to keep in my back pocket. I had heard of sagacity, another solid word.

And yes, Sayaka is most definitely a cute character, both for her glasses and the cute way she puts up her hair. She must be protected, so Fujimoto has automatically moved up in my estimation.

Episode 6

Kobato fields a threatening phone call from the debt collector. Whoever this is, they're higher up than the toughs that arrived before, and far more dangerous from the sound of it. Fujimoto and Sayaka seem to know him, the former telling Kobato to keep knowledge of the call to herself.

After hearing the call, Ioryogi seems ready to address it himself. First, though, he enters a portal placed in an inauspicious place. Inside is a cafe staffed by... an anthropomorphic black bear in an apron?! This is Genko and he was tasked with working here by some "character" - it turns out, the same one who had some role in fashioning Ioryogi's current form. A mysterious "they" (could include the same character) has the power to put him in whatever form they choose, apparently. That also explains Genko's form and current role. He used to have subordinates, so he must have been pretty high up, too. And he's pretty effective at information gathering, from the sound of it. Returning with pastries (Baumkuchen, apparently a type of German spit cake), Iorygi encounters Ginsei, a fox-looking dude with a scar over one eye and an eyepatch over the other. They briefly spar before Ginsei calls him out on not returning to the "spirit world" (I guess another way to refer to the heavens?). He also runs into a talking bird, Zuishou, with a message from Genko. It turns out that the debt was inherited by Sayaka from her father, who got tricked into taking out a loan. This will definitely be trouble going forward.

On the field trip, Kobato wrestles with the call while trying to put on a brave face, especially given Fujimoto is so opposed to her mentioning it. A lost child, though, has everyone on edge. Luckily, she's found asleep by herself, but the concerns that led to this are still there. A four-leaf clover does cheer them up a bit, so at least there's that.
Apr 9, 2:43 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 6. Given that Kobato doesn't have any belongings at her apartment, how has she managed to change clothes a couple of times, guessing there's a simple supernatural explanation.

Kobato takes a call from one of the debt collectors and as you said this guy seems much nastier saying he's going to crush the preschool. So Kobato's long term goal will be to save the preschool.

Then things take a stranger turn as Ioryogi goes into a portal and to a different dimension/world/supernatural plane and meets up with a bear at a bamkuchen shop (think I've had that somewhere) and they mention a 'character' (strange term for characters in a story to refer to a third person as a character, reminds me of Princess Tutu where a third person narrator becomes part of the story he's narrating) who is the one who decided the forms they currently reside in, wonder what their true forms are?

Then we meet a scary looking rabbit with an eyepatch, Ginsei, who appears to have some beef with Ioryogi and wants to settle things, which would mean Ioryogi would have to return to the spirit world, but he wants to guide Kobato.

4 leaf clovers are weird, I once found a patch in a field where there were loads of them and I thought they're not rare, haven't seen another since.

We hear the story of the debt from Ioryogi. Sayaka's dad was the previous head of the preschool and was tricked by a family member into taking out a loan. He since died and Sayaka took over the running of the preschool and inherited the debt with the position. The connection between the preschool and her deceased dad makes it pretty hard for her to walk away and the fact a family member is involved (was he the nasty guy who called earlier?, maybe a cousin or nephew) makes it even more complicated.

I liked the introduction of the supernatural elements in this ep. Opens up the world and possible plots.
Apr 9, 9:01 PM

May 2019
Definitely had my share of weird experiences with 4 leaf clover patches. They do seem to come all at once for some reason.

Episode 7

Yep, Fujimoto's juggling a lot of plates with school and work, prioritizing the latter. Don't know how he can keep this up, but no wonder he's always so prickly. Though, I guess he doesn't need much more than Kobato being a massive klutz and getting threatening calls.

Kobato tries to be useful by bringing him a report he dropped, which means visiting the university. She ends up literally running into an acquaintance of his, Takashi (seems like a nice enough guy), who helps her find him. Fujimoto seems to have anger issues in general, and particularly rejects advice.

Meanwhile, at the school, they're visited by Kobato and Fujimoto's landlord Chitose and her twins. Chitose tries to help with their finances. Really a lot of nice people in this show.

They end up finding Fujimoto and Kobato blows up at him after he rudely spurns a couple of girls (he thinks they're just grifting - could be accurate). Takashi is the opposite, a bit of a doormat when it comes to requests, and he's jealous of Fujimoto's strength. Kobato embraces that side of him, though, pointing out that it's not wrong to seek love through assisting others (she would know). She then proceeds to spill the beans about Ioryogi for no reason, and it's fun watching him quickly lose his cool before Takashi wanders off.

Confetti earned for helping the "stud muffin" by appreciating his efforts. Iorygi blows up at her for almost revealing him, though, and gives her 30 points. Fujimoto ends up thanking her for her efforts and we get lots of examples of him being helpful from the kids.
Apr 10, 2:57 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 7. Kobato being her usual klutzy self riles up Fujimoto, again.

Fujimoto drops a uni report and Kobato opts to take it to him, despite not knowing what a university is.

We're building a picture of Fujimoto as a hard worker and someone who doesn't rub well with others and people view as unapproachable. Doumoto otoh is plainly too nice and people seem to be taking advantage of his good nature asking him for help with their studies.

Chitose offers to help put Sayaka in touch with people who could help out financially. Just noticed the twins both have names starting with Chi, the character from Chobits they're clearly named and designed after.

Doumoto broaches the subject of being liked, and how he views Fujimoto as strong as he doesn't care what people think and doesn't cave in to peoples' demands like Doumoto does. Kobato replies that being helpful in and of itself is a good trait and not something to worry over, but I think she's missing the point. Doumoto should've asked that guy to come with him to see the professor, not taken it on his own to sort someone else's issue out for them. And maybe give guidance to the girls who wanted help because they'd left it late doing their homework, but don't do it for them. I always used to do my homework and would let my best mate copy (anyone else and I'd have told them to jog on), sometimes, but I would admonish him every time. And when it came to exams he failed because he'd never done any of the work himself. Wanting to help other people is a good and praise worthy attribute, but choosing who and when to help is equally as important.

Kobato earns another confetti for listening to the 'stud muffin' (what a weird phrase, a stud that's also a muffin?) and giving him some kind words.

Fujimoto gruffly says thank you. He can be kind according to Sayaka and the kids, but not that we've seen, yet.

Apr 10, 2:26 PM

May 2019
Episode 8

Kobato adopts a kitten. Both Ioryogi and Fujimoto call her out for it, which is appropriate given her lack of ability to care for it. She seeks help from the twins, who provide it a saucer of milk before telling her that no pets are allowed in the building. Still, they opt to do what they can, naming the kitten Milk. They end up bringing it to the preschool as a sort of class pet, but it turns out one of the kids is allergic. Much as I get Fujimoto being upset with Kobato over it, he lays into her pretty hard, saying she's as bad as the person who abandoned it. Harsh. Sayaka says he probably sees a bit of himself in that kitten.

So it's time to find a new owner, but of course, nobody cares. The twins offer to help, going door to door, but failing house after house. They run into Duomoto, who is his usual helpful self, but they remain on the hunt even after night falls.

Luckily, they find an older lady (coincidentally, the same one who Kobato sang for back in episode 1) who wants the kitten. She was apparently alerted by Fujimoto, who clearly did want to help in his way. Softie. So Milk has a home with this woman and her grandchild. Meeting the twins up on the roof, Kobato once again sings her lovely song, with Fujimoto overhearing once again. We get a nice shot of the grandchild and kitten curled up together and it seems everyone is calmed by her.

This earns her two confetti, twins from the twins who were sad about losing the kitten and soothed by her song. Still, 0 points because Ioryogi got damaged by the cat.
Apr 11, 3:10 AM

Jun 2019
Funny thing, when my mal signature updated I noticed that I appear to have lost ~250 eps and 4 days from my stats. I was at 17,323 (I remember coz 23 is my favourite number) and 289 days, and now I'm at 17,115 eps and 285 days. Now idea what happened, wonder if some shows got taken off the database, would have to be a lot of shows or one longer running show like Gintama or Fairy Tail for that many eps to disappear. Strange. Wait just figured it out, it's because DBZ is no longer showing as completed as I started watching it. That's 291 eps so makes sense.

Episode 8. Kobato can't ignore an abandoned cat and adopts it but can't keep it at the apartment or preschool. Yeah Fujimoto is way too harsh saying she's as bad as the person who abandoned the cat, Kobato is trying to find it a home, but he has a point that she should've thought it through a bit more. An impulse to be kind and help out a person or animal in distress is hardly a bad thing though.

From Sayaka's words to Kobato Fujimoto must have a sad backstory, which she's hinting at.

Fujimoto works in the background and speaks to the old lady from the earlier ep who agrees to take on the kitten. So he does have a soft spot, as Sayaka and the kids attested to last ep, he just doesn't seem to want to show it to Kobato.

The twins are sad at the kitten leaving and singing to them earns Kobato 2 confetti for soothing them when they were sad. Bit of a weaker story.

One issue I'd read about Clamp was the tendency to recycle characters and places in their works. This ep made me realise what they mean, it almost felt like Kobato had wandered into an ep of Chobits; the furnishings in the apartment rooms, the apartment roof and skyline and the twins attire, Chitose, all taken from Chobits.
Apr 11, 7:14 PM

May 2019
I haven't seen any Clamp series (to my knowledge) before this one, so I'm not recognizing the parallels with Chobits, though the twins definitely do look like the characters I've seen from stills of that series. Definitely some recycling going on.

Episode 9

Summer has begun and Kobato is tasked with finding more opportunities to obtain confetti at the summer festival. We end up getting a pretty funny moment with Ioryogi where he tries to blast her with fire only to sputter out because he is waterlogged.

She runs into a young girl named Natsuki (looks about the same age as Kobato, actually) who attends a high end high school. Turns out she's getting recognized for her volunteer efforts, so she's quite the performer, but clearly something's wrong after she runs into a friend named Yukino along the way. She seems a bit more like a free spirit, stumbling over herself and taking pictures in class. Turns out, Yukino is taking a part-time job (despite not being allowed to do so by her school) to help afford a camera, something Natsuki didn't know.

After helping out, Natsuki invites Kobato back to her place (people are incredibly trusting) and learns that Natsuki and Yukina were incredibly close in their past. We learn the origins of a pair of straps they have on their phones, find out that they were exchanged a long time ago. However, they drifted apart, mainly as a result of just having such different priorities and jealousy, since Yukina found a group of like-minded individuals and Nachan felt left out.

Kobato doesn't have any idea how to handle this, but talks to both individually, finding out that Yukina envies Natsuki. The focus on the straps is a nice touch because the one Yukina carries around is a camera, the symbol of her dream, one Natsuki doesn't believe she can achieve.

It's especially stark to see how Yukina's friends encourage her, while Natsuki actively discourages her. Well... I don't think that's what she would normally do. She just finds it hard to support her because she doesn't think there's a future in what Yukina is doing. Of course, not every hobby needs to have some career-driven goal, but while I can understand Natsuki's desire to protect her, she's not helping by pushing back like this and telling her she doesn't have talent. That drive to push herself is positive and can lead to improvement, even if she's not amazing at it now.

To her credit, Natsuki seems to recognize her mistake, at least to some degree. Her regret leads her to feverishly try to find the strap, a first step in her trying to mend their relationship, for once not focusing her attention away from their relationship. She sends Yukina an apology text with a picture of the strap. This becomes a means to form their connection again over their straps.

Kobato learns a bit about friendships and how they are tested, and earns herself another two confetti and 90 points... before losing 200 for ignoring Ioryogi. Oh well.
Apr 12, 3:55 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 9. There's no mention of Kobato's age, given that she's a supernatural being from heaven/spirit world not sure it's relevant, but she does appear the same age if not younger than the high school girls, certainly smaller than most of them.

Yep, more very trusting people inviting Kobato back home after just meeting her that day. She does come across as very kind and innocent so I get it.

This eps about 2 friends who have drifted apart, and one of them Yukino has found a hobby taking pics and buys a new camera. The other friend, Na-chan, is pretty harsh calling her a wannabe pro with no talent. You're right, she should be happy her friend has found a hobby, and as far as hobbies go photography is a pretty artistic one.

I was going to write that this plot is a bit dumb, one girl loses the cell strap and cries and then they bond, but Na-chan says that her friend was always quirky and she was worried she'd be left behind because Yukino had an eye for things like photography that Na-chan didn't. And that part rings true when growing up, friends s begin taking an interest in things that don't interest us and we slowly watch them drift away but not much we can do. That's just part of growing up, you won't always like the same things as your friends, or your partner, but try and share in the things they like and encourage them.

Although the story was a bit lame, the underlying truth/nugget of wisdom was good.
Apr 12, 6:56 AM

May 2019
I see your point about the story being a bit lame last episode, though as you say, it rings true nonetheless. Not the biggest fan of the focus on the straps in retrospect - felt a little ham-fisted.

Episode 10

Looks like we're digging into Fujimoto this episode. Seems like a good time to give his character some more development.

Kobato starts off her day by almost dying falling off her balcony. On brand. She decides to head over to the preschool despite it being Sunday. She finds Sayaka there, who is clearly worried as she sits alone in a dark room on a beautiful day. They eventually get to talking and Kobato learns about Fujimoto's past. He's an orphan, which partially explains his attitude regarding the kitten, and both stand-offish and taciturn from the jump due to as yet unexplained elements of his past. Turns out, Sayaka's father adopted him (Sayaka was noticeably older than him, not clear how much), so Sayaka and Fujimoto are family, even if they're not related by blood. It's the first time we get to see what their father looks like as well, no mention of a mother. Fujimoto really starts to find his place at the preschool after seeing his adoptive sister stand up for her kids, despite her obviously being nervous to do so. This is also where he started giving himself so many tasks, wanting to protect the life he has here with everything he has.

Onto day-drinking. Fujimoto's at a job where he's giving out beer because why not. Kohaku picks some up, one of which becomes a major boon for Ioryogi. Kobato resolves to protect the preschool as a place she loves, much like Fujimoto, but it's pretty clear he's exhausted and can't keep this up. I'm sure part of her journey here will be reassuring him that he can trust others to help shoulder the load.

Also, is it just me or is it odd that we haven't heard from the threatening person who called about their debt? Didn't come off as the type to let them sleep on it for a few weeks before demanding payment or doing whatever he's planning to shut down the school. I don't mind that they included a sort of ticking clock, but I do mind that it seems to only matter insofar as certain characters (mainly Fujimoto and Sayaka) are concerned about it.
Apr 13, 4:07 AM

Jun 2019
On Clamp, one criticism I've seen from a lot of anime fans was the recycling of characters and character designs, but up until now watching Kobato I didn't those criticisms held much weight. In the Clamp shows I've seen (xxxHolic, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura & Magic Knight Rayearth) there were crossovers with certain characters from different series making easter egg appearances, and yes Clamp characters designs do have a distinctive look. But in Kobato it feels like they've taken reused a lot of elements from Chobits. Out of all the Clamp series I'd say CCS is there best work, it's a show, like Sailor Moon, aimed at a younger audience, but has some really good writing in parts and the magical elements are brilliant. xxxHolic is also worth checking out, Yuuko is a favourite character of mine, one of those enigmatic characters who I loved watching.

See you've watched Tatami Galaxy, timely reminder for me to pick it up. Also need to get round to Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.

Episode 10. Ah so I was wrong, Fujimoto is Sayaka's adoptive brother, so not her kohai and likely no romance., just a protective younger brother.

I've seen other anime where characters worked at promotional stands giving out free beer (was it Skip Beat or maybe Nana?). That just wouldn't work here, they'd get swamped and likely by homeless people mainly out for a free drink.

This ep is all about Fujimoto as a kid and growing up. Seems like he is a lot younger than Sayaka, maybe 8-10 years younger, meaning Sayaka would be in her mid to late 20's now and Fujimoto about 18-20.

Sayaka tells Kobato that Fujimoto works all these extra jobs to help pay off the preschools debt and from the looks of him he's burning the candle at both ends.

It was good to get some background on Fujimoto. He's got a heart of gold, but a gruff demeanour and doesn't rub well with people, but holds those he loves (Sayaka) dearly and wants to look out for them.

I think to you're point about the debt collector, they're only bringing him in to make things dramatic and create tension, but they don't want to overdo it as this is a light hearted show. Sure he'll pop up again soon.
Apr 13, 8:47 PM

May 2019
I'll have to check into some more Clamp series, particularly CCS. It's one of those series I watched little bits of back in the day, but never got into because... well, it just wasn't interesting to me at that age. I think it'd be much more investing now. I've heard good things about xxxHolic.

And yes, just finished Tatami Galaxy. Still got a few entries to get through in that series (there's a movie, a follow-up short series and a side series), but I'm good with getting through it all after this. It has a very interesting flavor of storytelling that it does quite well, and though not everything worked for me, I think it's pretty great overall. And yes, definitely watch Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. The first season was really good, but the second really brought it home for me.

Episode 11

You're probably right about the debt collector angle, though it's just another example of the series including character behaviors that don't feel real. I get that it doesn't match the tone of the series for this guy to constantly be breathing down their necks, though I'd almost prefer that they didn't have the direct threat of someone like that, since the tension could be vaguer if not for his threatening call.

Anyway, it's time for Kobato to seek out odd jobs to help the preschool as well, though Ioryogi (correctly) shoots each of her ideas down as things she's unlikely to do well. He does find an opportunity with Ueda, a pastry chef she ran into (and borrowed an umbrella from) towards the beginning of the series. Turns out, he already has a girl in a maid outfit to help him named Yumi, but she's a bit of a klutz too, so he'll be doubling his klutz count. At least Yumi has a good memory and they largely do their job well despite a few hiccups. Ueda certainly seems happy with them, though he's clearly dealing with his own troubles that have Yumi worried for him. Kobato automatically assumes it's a debt issue, though it becomes clear later that the worries actually center on Ueda. Kobato becomes an amateur detective to find out more (it's honestly just the cutest), eventually discovering that he's interviewing another part-timer to help take the load off of Yumi. Turns out, though, that Yumi wants to step up her contributions, even baking at home (the apparent source of her injuries). So now it's time to work together with her to improve cake designs at the shop, making her more integral than ever and giving Kobato two new confetti and 100 points.

Also, there's a brief mention of Sayaka's husband, which strongly implies that she's divorced. Generally pretty silly how gluttonous Ioryogi is. Wonder where all that food goes...

In general, while this plot in this episode comes off as sweet (pun intended), it does seem a little overly melodramatic and too much of an idiot plot for my liking. It's unclear why Yumi wouldn't tell Ueda about the reasons for her injuries (she was doing it for him, and where did he even think she was getting them anyway?) and why Ueda wouldn't tell Yumi about hiring another part timer (she didn't seem upset when Kobato was brought on). In some of the previous episodes, Kobato has succeeded by getting characters to talk, but in this one it just feels like the entire conflict is forced.
Apr 14, 5:14 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 11. The debt collector and his threatening tone don't quite sit with this uber safe world, where people trust Kobato, invite her over to their house, give her a place to stay and work etc. And then you have this yakuza type who is openly threatening small children, quite at variance with the rest of the stories and plots.

Kobato gets a job in cake shop, same one where the guy, Ueda, lent her an umbrella.

I've wondered that about Ioryogi, he appears to have the physical attributes of a stuffed toy, ie he gets wet and even had a tear that needed to be fixed, yet he drinks beer and eats cake. Where exactly does it go?

Kobato's direct nature does give rise to some funny interactions. Yumi asks Kobato to enquire casually what is troubling Ueda, so ofc she asks him 'I need to ask you something nonchalantly'.

Yumi mentions Sayaka's husband, is he dead or did they divorce? We haven't seen him or heard him mentioned, and I haven't noticed a wedding ring.

Detective Kobato was damn cute. The plot about Ueda and Yumi and her injuries did feel a little contrived and too easily solved.
Apr 14, 9:20 AM

May 2019
Episode 12

Badass bunny Ginsei is back. We've largely kept Ioryogi's interactions with various other anthropomorphic animals distant from the central story, but it looks like we might get some crossover this episode.

Ginsei and Genko meet at the latter's store. Ginsei seems to want info on how Ioryogi ended up in this position, which Genko takes as a reason to exposition dump the entire background on the various worlds: Celestial, Human, Nether and Spirit. Humans aren't aware of the other worlds. We haven't heard much about the Nether World in particular, but Kohaku's from the Celestial World (seems heavenly) and all our various animalized characters are from the Spirit World. Ioryogi apparently waged war against the Celestial World for some unknown reason and got punished for it, with Zuishou (the bird), Genko, and Ginsei getting punished as well for their participation. They mention "the son of Satan" (guessing a Nether character) as well, though I don't know how that relates yet. Then they finally get to the most relevant background: Ioryogi has stake in Kobato's mission. He's stuck in this form until she gets her wish. I don't like how they did this, since both parties clearly know most of this information, but I'm glad we got the background.

Back to the main plot, everyone conspires to get Fujimoto to go to a college seminar. Kobato takes over his responsibilities at the preschool and, despite struggling, manages to be a great source of joy to the kids.

Ginsei and Ioryogi have a bit of a sparring match where the former steals the bottle of confetti. Turns out, Ginsei was Ioryogi's pupil, and simply cannot accept Ioryogi's current circumstances. Doesn't help that his actual name is Iorogi, and the "y" was inserted once upon a time by Kobato's bad pronunciation, so to Ginsei, it's like he's lost his identity. I don't fully get the purpose of this beyond expanding on their relationship, though - Ginsei knows Ioryogi wants out of this form and back to the Spirit World and knows that he has to complete this task to do it. I guess there's a risk of him becoming too attached to Kobato, but he'd still be doing this if he wasn't, so I'm not sure what the point of confronting him now is. He suggests he could just "eliminate" Kobato, but it's unclear that that would fulfill the task. In any case, it is clear that Ioryogi is dedicated to the task for Kobato's sake as well, even begging Ginsei not to break the bottle. So, at least some development from him. Kobato also affirms her connection to him when he returns the bottle, but loses 200 points in the process.

I do like the running joke this episode that Ioryogi hates the little ribbon people put on him, always removing it only to have it put back on by just about everyone when he can't move.
Apr 15, 3:10 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 12. As you said, it's return of the eyepatch bunny and time for some exposition. So Ioryogi started a war against the celestial realm, first off he must've had a reason, and second he must've had either innate strength or a large force to take on another realm. Ioryogi wanted something (not specified) from the celestial realm and that was his reason for starting a war. What the 'something' was will kind of depend on whether his actions seem reasonable or not, I mean did he just want wings to fly about, which would seem a bit frivolous to start a war over, or was it some special celestial medicine to heal someone.

Despite watching most of Clamp's works, I haven't come across this distinction of realms (spirit, nether, celestial and human) before.

Once Ioryogi helps Kobato (Genko calls her a child, making me question exactly how old she's supposed to be) fulfil her wish as penance for his actions he can return to the spirit world and his original form.

Noticed Fujimoto calls her Sayaka-san, given she's his adoptive sister, wouldn't it be more appropriate to be on closer terms, usually her first name, Okuira, without a suffix attached.

Ginsei asks why Ioryogi remains in the human world in that form, hinting that maybe he can return to the spirit world, but would remain in that form. Ioryogi's response sounds like he's made a decision to help out Kobato, so wonder whether he has some as yet unknown attachment to her?

Ginsei certainly has an obsession with Ioryogi, or Iorogi. Hearing Ioryogi talk about Kobato is quite endearing, he's got his reasons for helping Kobato out but equally has grown to like her and her clumsy, kind hearted nature.

The ribbons and Ioryogi's reaction were quite funny.
Apr 15, 8:20 AM

May 2019
Episode 13

There's a suggestion that Kobato doesn't have all her memories for some reason. I'll take a stab at this now that we're halfway through: I think she's like Kohaku and is from the Celestial Realm. I think that's why Kohaku could sort of sense her early on. She has powers, but is serving a penance of sorts for helping Ioryogi with his attack, maybe even inadvertently. Where she wants to travel could be back to her home in that realm, or have something to do with returning to it.

Anyway, it's autumn and she only has half of her time left to complete her tasks. She has a lot of confetti, but it's probably not even half full.

She comes to preschool in the middle of a verbal fight over blocks, which wreaks a lot of discord. Seems like there could be a lot of broken hearts to mend this episode. Kobato has the quite brilliant idea to use the fallen leaves of a tree as a tool for artwork, bringing the kids out to collect them. Her great idea ends up being spoiled when a crew comes in to take down the tree (real opportune timing there).

So now it's time for Kobato to protect the tree, of course. Kohaku also happens to be there. Various passersby seem to care little about it, but these two are invested. Kohaku can somehow communicate with the tree, understanding its feelings through touch as it accepts its fate. So this appears to be the episode where Kobato learns that not everyone can be (or, for that matter, wants to be) saved. That doesn't stop her from trying as she actively digs in the dirt to move the tree. Sad to see her so desperate in the face of these revelations. Kohaku does a great job communicating the acceptance of the tree, though, and calming her down. Especially since Kobato ends up being able to "hear the tree's song," I think I was right to assume that she's from the Celestial Realm like Kohaku.

Time for Kobato's third song of the show. Another beautiful little number that Kohaku joins in with - they have good harmony. It's a bittersweet scene that's beautifully shot with the falling leaves.

Just as the song is ending... the tree literally just falls over. I guess it was already dying. I'm not sure why Fujimoto seems so upset with Kobato after coming to save her. Did he know this would happen? How? Even Kohaku didn't seem concerned about it and she could literally talk to the tree.

Confetti acquired, apparently from the tree. Not sure how many hearts a tree counts as having, but she got some for her song, and the artwork the kids make with the leaves ends up looking great. Fujimoto repurposes the wood from the tree to make new wood blocks for the kids. Dude's got so many skills. Not sure he could just take all that wood for himself, but it's all good I guess.
Apr 16, 3:07 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 13. Think that's the first mention of Kobato not having her memories (at least I don't remember hearing this before and think one of us would've mentioned it by now), but makes sense, she seems extremely naïve. And good guess, Kobato is likely from the celestial realm and an inadvertent casualty of Ioryogi's attack, which would be why he's so intent on helping her out, ie to restore her memories and return her to the celestial realm.

I remember reading something about Kobato's hat, no idea what though.

This eps about a tree due to be cut down and and nugget of wisdom of how to deal with old vs new, ie repurposing the wood into new toys (are old toys still not useable, what about old people, buildings etc, it can be widely applied) acceptance that everything has it's lifecycle and coming to terms with the end of that cycle.

I'm kind of with Kobato here, I love beautiful old trees and such, firstly because of their innate beauty, but also what they represent to as humans, a capsule of time as we imagine what they've seen, although of course trees can't actually see, but we like to picture the notion and it brings the passage of time into some focus for us. Usually, in my experience, locals have very intense attachments to trees and old buildings in their area because they've seen them all their lives.

Nice little song and visuals.

The tree falls over at the end of it's life span, and Fujimoto just happens to be there to save Kobato.
Apr 16, 1:56 PM

May 2019
Episode 14

Time for the class to dig up potatoes. While they're there, there is also a young boy who is stealing potatoes, but he runs away. They end up with a lot of extras after grilling up a set for the students and give them out to the neighbors. In the process, they run into the old woman who adopted Milk, who just so happens to be assisting the boy from earlier in washing his stolen goods. Fujimoto catches him this time, finding out he's a runaway.

Turns out, his name is Keita, who ran away because he was homesick for his old home after his mother's new job put them in a new place (living with his grandfather, who Keita views as a bully). He ended up getting lost. Even Fujimoto is eventually convinced to help him instead of just calling his home, clearly feeling a bit of empathy for his circumstances. We learn a little about him on the way, including that he's gotten a good education (at least in vocabulary) and that he's careful with what little he has. During their search they find some... well, they look like green apples, but they call them pears. Guess people just leave out good fruit for others to take.

They arrive at the house, which now belongs to someone else, and it seems abandoned. Fujimoto's first instinct is to break in, but they end up just sitting outside. This turns into the focus of the episode where both he and Kobato learn that just because someone is a bit harsh doesn't mean they aren't looking out for them (in his case, his grandfather, and in Kobato's case, Fujimoto). A sweet, if basic, lesson that comes with a helping of legitimately acquired potatoes. They send Keita on his way, running into his grandfather who was frantically searching for him and really lets him have it for running off (even Keita realizes that's justified). Never do get to see the mom, but I guess she isn't important to this story.

Kobato ends up with 50 70 50 25 12.5 points.
Apr 17, 3:30 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 14. Kobato and the kids visit a local sweet potato grower and they pick potatoes to grill. Ofc Kobato takes too many, despite Fujimoto's warning that she had to carry them back herself. Then they see an unknown kid also digging up potatoes who runs off when challenged.

The runaway kid, Keita, is looking for his old house and Kobato and Fujimoto help him out. Surprised Fujimoto was willing to break into the abandoned house, but Keita's situation closely reminds him of his own past so maybe it's an emotional impulse.

Keita doesn't want to return home because he says his grandpa is mean and a bully, but sounds like he's being strict with Keita for his own good, much as Fujimoto acts towards Kobato, and in calling the grandpa/mom, plus taking round the extra potatoes he shows his better nature. There's a lot of single mums and grandma's in the story, lots of absent fathers and husbands.

Fujimoto's gruff nature doesn't make it easy to like him. I find him a bit boring tbh.
Apr 17, 11:53 AM

May 2019
Yeah, so far, Fujimoto's been a bit one-note. Gruff exterior covering for a soft heart is pretty well-worn ground to begin with, though I can't say I love how harsh he can be, especially when it seems over the top.

Episode 15

Kobato delivers some origami paper to Sayaka who collapses due to tightness in her chest. Kobato runs to get Shuichiro. The diagnosis is exhaustion and gastritis, so basically, anxiety-driven conditions that are getting worse. Shuichiro doesn't sugarcoat his prognosis, either, saying it's not just fatigue. So now Fujimoto, who is already running himself ragged, feels the need to take weight off of Sayaka. Meanwhile, Kobato joins with the students to start folding 1000 paper cranes. Heard of this before in a few contexts, but the message is the same: it's essentially a means to help someone recover using a bird that, mythologically, was thought to live 1000 years. They make quite the colorful design when stacked together.

So Fujimoto starts trying to reduce his hours at his job to help out more at the preschool. Kobato has a distinct response, getting upset at the prospect of Sayaka stepping aside from her role, but still very much worrying for her. Ioryogi, who sees how distracted she is, believes her memories might be coming back. Maybe she's a guardian angel? She goes to see the twins about it, and they encourage her to make porridge for Sayaka. Haven't heard of that one before - usually think of soup, but it could be a similar concept. Fujimoto helps her make it after stumbling upon her trying to create it. There's an association here with death that seems to have Kobato particularly upset, and Fujimoto ends up being a good source of comfort for once.

The porridge is successful in revitalizing Sayaka a bit.

No confetti this episode, but Kobato herself feels healed by the experience. Unfortunately, a familiar figure comes skulking around the school. Seems their financial issues will catch up with them soon.
Apr 18, 2:21 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 15. I notice that even when they're alone (when he tells her she looks tired at the beginning), Fujimoto acts and speaks very formal towards Sayaka, who is basically his older sister. I get they're in the work place but he comes across as gruff even with Sayaka.

Does Sayaka live at the preschool I wonder, as that looked like her bedroom rather than an infirmary?

Folding 1000 cranes to make someone get better sounds like a complete waste of time if you ask me, probably an anime thing. The colourful folded crane arrangement did look nice. Kobato does seem to be quite shocked by Sayaka falling ill from exhaustion.

Kobato is still at the preschool later in the evening so guess Sayaka does live there.

From her words to Kobato sounds like Sayaka is worried about her health and contemplating what would happen if she were to pass away, bit sombre, must be something worse than simply exhaustion for her to worry about that. Maybe it's all the worries compounding.

Wait a minute, @whiteflame55, we've watched many anime together now and I can't believe you haven't seen the 'give someone rice porridge when they're sick' trope before now. Every time someone gets sick it's always rice porridge, which I always found weird, as we make porridge with oats (usually for breakfast) and make a sweet rice pudding as a desert. I remember Komi made Tadano rice porridge when he was sick and she came round to his place. I've seen it so much I looked up the recipe and it's just rice with water and sometimes spring onions or ginger added and considered a healing food, or something for babies or the elderly. Yeah, same over here, when someone is ill it's usually chicken soup, which I'd personally much prefer over watery rice (also heard it called rice gruel in some anime).

Fujimoto comforting Kobato is the first time we've seen him openly display warmth to another person. Kobato seems unduly worried about Sayaka dying saying 'people can die from the littlest things', so guess that goes to Ioryogi's mention of her memories returning. Someone close to her must've passed away.

Looks like Mr Moneylender is sniffing back around.
Apr 18, 6:24 PM

May 2019
@23feanor maybe the rice porridge aspect just hasn't stuck with me. I do recall seeing it in Komi Can't Communicate and I'm sure it's come up elsewhere.

Episode 16

Kobato gets the bright idea to hold a preschool bazaar to earn some money, but Fujimoto says they're too deep in debt for that to solve their problems. Dude really knows how to quash someone's enthusiasm. Sayaka opts to have the bazaar anyway to help cheer Kobato (who apparently can't draw animals) up and galvanize the kids. Even Fujimoto smiles a bit and advises her not to push herself too hard. Sayaka mentions "that person," but never says who it is. This is one of those tropes that I always find frustrating, as it teases an important element to someone's backstory, but delays exploring it.

The kids gather quite a bit to sell, including a bunch of teru teru bozu, dolls meant to bring on good weather. They're really rubbing in the feels on this one, with a little girl talking about her desire to have her as yet unborn sibling attend the preschool one day. Just to put this in stark relief, this is followed by the first in person confrontation between the debt collector and Kobato. He wears an almost constant fake smile and threatens once again to take down the preschool somehow, even with the kids there. This is apparently Okiura, and Fujimoto seems all too familiar with him. Once again, Sayaka is left in the dark about all of this. Fujimoto apparently ends up calling him, though it's unclear what the result of that call is.

Ioryogi intuits that Okiura is Sayaka's husband. Not sure I believe that.

The bazaar arrives and the mood is poor, with cloudy weather depressing everyone's moods despite the teru teru bozu. Soon enough, Chitose and the twins arrive to brighten things a little. It turns out that someone tore down Kobato's posters (most likely Okiura). Kobato springs into action, advertising in person. Just as the weather seems to be clearing up, people begin arriving rapidly, notably with many familiar faces. Kobato (and possibly the teru teru bozu) was successful after all, and despite the fact that this is just a drop in the bucket, it really does add a bit of hope to the end of the episode.
Apr 19, 3:45 AM

Jun 2019
Funny the things we notice, every time someone gets sick I mentally think 'here comes the rice porridge'.

Episode 16. Even Fujimoto realised he was being an ass when he shot down Kobato's proposal for a bazaar, recognising that she's only trying to help, even if won't clear the debts. Which as it turns out is what Sayaka (this is actually her first name) tells him. It did tug on the heart strings just how down Kobato felt when Sayaka and Fujimoto didn't share her enthusiasm.

Agree with you there, cryptic mentions of 'that person' like this do get slightly annoying, especially when we're this far into the show, but guessing they're teeing up a reveal.

From the outset I assumed that any romance wouldn't involve Kobato as she's too childlike, both in looks (couldn't begin to hazard a guess at her supposed age, looks like she could be anywhere from 11-19) and mentality, plus she's supernatural. But the comment from Sayaka about how Fujimoto likes her, because he put a little note on her drawing, seems to indicate I could be wrong. As does the fact that Sayaka is already married.

Yeah they're really tugging on the heart strings this ep with the little girl saying she wants her unborn sibling to attend the preschool.

Kobato runs into the debt collector who says he'll take the school so they'd better vacate quickly (guess the loan must've been mortgaged against the land). Fujimoto lets slip that his name is Okiura, which is Sayaka's last name, so yeah he's the husband is my assumption. How he's involved in the loan and why he and Sayaka separated is yet to be explained.

Despite Okiura taking down the posters, Kobato goes round shouting that the bazaar is open and before long people begin arriving. Have to admit, seeing all the people turn up got me, watching downcast children perk up and get excited tugs on those heart strings. A lot of that this ep. Looks like Fujimoto is starting to warm up to Kobato and her enthusiasm is melting his icy heart.
Apr 19, 7:50 AM

May 2019
Still a little unsure about the Okiura connection. Could be a brother, though I guess since they've been hinting at something dark in her history with her husband, it makes the most sense (assuming she kept his name after they split for some reason).

Episode 17

Something's up with Ioryogi. Turns out, he went to see his bear friend to bum some food. They start reminiscing about the fight that rendered them in their current forms, which everyone but Ioryogi agrees was a lost cause from the start (unclear why they joined him if they really thought that).

This turns out to be Ioryogi's bad day. Dude gets hit by a soccer ball, takes a ride on a flying blanket (I guess he's light enough for that, even with the box) before getting attacked by crows for his food, then uses his fire breath to save the box (amazing how no one sees a stuffed dog breathing a massive plume of fire over a small pond) while getting soaked himself. A quick trip through a dryer helps. He finds himself in a theme park centered on an otherworldly creature that looks like Ryo-Ohki from Tenchi Muyo! if it inflated like a balloon. He ends up as a prize for a shooting gallery. I do love the style of animation they put on those cork shots and watching Ioryogi surreptitiously worm his way out of the path of each shot is a joy. The customers' dedication is impressive, especially after they line up firing squad style to target him and an old lady in glasses to take him out with extreme efficiency. Even Ioryogi can't withstand it forever, but vanishes as soon as he's knocked down (seemed like the obvious choice from the start).

And so we end up back at the beginning of the episode, with Kobato and Ioryogi together. They return to the bazaar and see it's in full swing with everyone delighted. Even Fujimoto seems happy, despite his tsundere nature. Kobato even sells one of her very mysterious sewn lifeforms (looks like a fat Shmoo to me without the whiskers) and, after all was said and done, they sold the baumkuchen Ioryogi worked so hard to protect. He did say he was bringing back something to sell, so that's on him. She ends up 300 points in the hole.

Fun little aside of an episode. Likely to get back to the serious elements next episode, so I'll take it.
Apr 20, 2:35 AM

Jun 2019
My guess about Okiura being the husband is due to the fact Ioryogi suspects he is and we got Kobato wondering who the husband was, and Fujimoto's conversation with him on the phone saying 'don't make her cry anymore'.

Episode 17. This eps all about Ioryogi's trip to the bamkuchen shop in the spirit world. We see eyepatch bunny delivering some cake to Watanuki from xxxHolic, wondered when he was going to turn up as I saw him on the character list.

After reminiscing about their loss against the spirit world, where bird and bear firmly believe they have no chance of winning against 'that opponent' and were easily trounced, Ioryogi chomps down a whole roll of bamchuken, seriously where does it all go?

Ioryogi then suffers a series of unfortunate incidents that were pretty funny to watch and ends up meeting Mokona, another character I've seen in xxxHolic, Yuuko's hard drinking buddy and spirit creature-thing. The shooting gallery was good.

Ioryogi makes it back to Kobato and then they return to the bazaar to find it full of people. Ioryogi's precious bamkuchen gets sold, much to his dismay.

Liked this little side adventure, Ioryogi is a lot of fun to watch.
Apr 20, 4:50 PM

May 2019
Episode 18

Looks like we've entered winter, so time keeps running down. Looks like they're close to Christmas. We get to see the bottle again and it certainly looks like she's made progress - seems at least 2/3s full to me.

There's a tough standing outside the school on a regular basis, clearly trying to intimidate. This is the same dude who grabbed and pulled Kobato's hair earlier in the series. His presence (and the general threat of the debt collectors) results in several students leaving the school. We do get a sort of confirmation that Okiura was Sayaka's husband from Fujimoto. He warns her off trying anything, but this is Kobato we're talking about. She goes out to talk to the dude outside, attempting to convince him that the preschool is worth saving. He hints that Okiura can't act any differently because of his father - generational issues on both sides. Dude ends up collapsing due to some unknown pain in his side and is taken to the hospital.

Turns out this was just appendicitis. Kobato is the first one at his bedside, immediately making her janky origami cranes to help him get better. Fujimoto calls Okiura to let him know what's going on, but only ends up more frustrated for his trouble. It's nice to see that Kobato's gotten a little in his head - he never would have called back when they met, though it's clear he doesn't like how she's changing him, especially given that Okiura seems dead set on shutting them down.

Kobato remains unsure what to do, though Doumoto, who is the most like her in some ways, gives her a bit of much needed support and, briefly, a scarf. Pretty clear he's infatuated with her, drawn to her effervescent, can-do attitude. It's a better romantic match than Fujimoto IMO, though it's not very developed. Fujimoto interrupting suggests this might become a triangle.
Apr 21, 2:34 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 18. As cute and sweet as Kobato is, I have to admit I find the delivery of her voice by HanaKana a bit grating at times, it's so high pitched and childlike.

Time has passed and we're now in winter with the advent of xmas, so Kobato only has one season left after winter. Clock is ticking and agree the bottle looks more full than when we saw it.

One of the toughs is back and putting off parents leading to a few leaving already. From Fujimoto's reply think we can take it Okiura is Sayaka's husband, which invites more questions than answers. We hear from the tough that Okiura's dad is also involved somehow, and he wouldn't show any pity. Does that mean Okiura is also a part of a yakuza gang?

The tough goes to hospital and Fujimoto calls Okiura to let him know, as you say some indication that Kobato and her attitude is rubbing off on him.

Agree with you completely, Doumoto is clearly smitten with Kobato, even telling her outright he likes girls like her, and is a much better match with her than Fujimoto, who I still don't really like. It's not really about whether I like him to be precise, I don't think he's a good or well written character. There are plenty of gruff, stand offish characters who work and are engaging to watch, who can be silent, thoughtful or angry, brash and stubborn and still good characters (younger Thorfinn or Eren Yaeger are a couple that spring to mind), but Fujimoto isn't one of them for me.

Meant to ask, I see you've picked up Jelly Fish Can't Swim and Train to End of the World, what re your initial thoughts after a few eps? I've added both to my ptw list, heard that Jelly Fish has similar vibes to Place Further Than the Universe, which is very high praise, if true. I haven't picked up many shows this season so was thinking about picking one of them up and thought I'd ask which you think better so far please? I've recently picked up quite a few seasonal shows from last couple of seasons once they've ended, and appreciating that some shows are better watched in short order rather than weekly over a season. Metallic Rouge is a good example, wish I'd watched that one after it finished as it was hard to remember all the details each week. If Jelly Fish is shaping up to be really good, then maybe I'll leave it till it's finished. Depending on the content some shows work better when watched quickly, while others (for me usually SoL, easy going shows without too much going on) are better suited to weekly format. It's hard telling one from the other though.
23feanorApr 21, 2:41 AM
Apr 21, 7:27 PM

May 2019
Good timing, actually - I just finished catching up on Train to the End of the World after dropping The Fable (was honestly just bored by the first three episodes, not to mention it doesn't exactly look or sound great). Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night is currently my odds-on favorite for anime of the season aside from Delicious in Dungeon (still loving it). Based on their premises, I might have related the latter more to A Place Further than the Universe, but the comparison is more apt for Jellyfish. It helps that the series has already given us a good deal of character depth for all four of the leads, and they all feel very distinct. The OST is really good, the animation is on point, and none of the plot points have felt dragged out so far. As for Train to the End of the World, I'm intrigued, but it's harder for me to know how that will go. It's less character-centered and more built on establishing the world through both the basic setup (Japan activates 7G and warps the world) and each of the stop the girls take on their train ride. It hasn't given a great reason for them to take this trip (trying to find a girl one of them is really close to means that only one of them has a driving interest in the central plot), but the ride seems worthwhile. In both cases, I'm enjoying the weekly watch.

Aside from them, KonoSuba's back for S3 and continues to be hilarious. Outside chance that Go! Go! Loser Ranger really distinguishes itself - love the OP and ED, it's got great animation, and the plot is interesting, though I don't really know what to expect so it could go very well or go all wrong. Might be a good example of a series worth catching up on as it's nearing its end. Some potential in Unnamed Memory, Yatagarasu, Wind Breaker and Kaiju No. 8 as well.

Episode 19

We start on a sad scene from Fujimoto's past. I agree with you about having problems with Fujimoto's characterization. Especially since he's so central to the plot, it's disappointing how one-note he's been. Still, it'll be nice to get some background for him, even if it's the saddest moment possible. Apparently, whatever caused his orphaning happened on Christmas.

Doumoto walks Kobato home and they talk about Fujimoto. Again, he reassures her that it's not her fault that he's upset - he does seem to have a degree of resting frustration and she knows he's upset about the debt collector, so blaming herself seems a bit short-sighted, even if we assume she's missing the obvious cues that Christmas kicks up bad memories.

So, at last, we see what Fujimoto's so sad about. He waited a long time in the snow at a train station for his mother to come home on Christmas carrying a gift he had for them, but they never showed. Not clear what happened, but she never came home, and he was soon adopted into Sayaka's family. Sad, but surprisingly basic - she either abandoned him or died, I guess, and I suppose no one went looking for her for some reason.

Fujimoto plays Santa on Christmas and is pretty rude to Kobato after she gives him an assist. Meeting with Doumoto, she confides in him again about her concerns, and he offers to do something for her. Doumoto shows up to Fujimoto's job with a card to give Kobato and offers to take over Fujimoto's job so he can give Kobato the card, telling him about how Kobato's feeling. Fujimoto flashes back to all the waiting he did for his mother, thinking of Kobato alone and goes to meet her despite his frustrations. He tries to alleviate her concerns in his gruff way before handing her the card, which frames this as a gift from Doumoto. I... really hope this isn't going the route I'm suspecting, which is that Doumoto is stepping aside for Fujimoto and Kobato to pair up. Given that Doumoto hasn't even taken his shot and how nice he is, I'd be upset about that turn.

Kobato sings a song in the snow for Fujimoto (I think it's the same one from before, but I didn't look it up). Fujimoto remarks that the snow is pretty. Ioryogi hangs with his transformed allies in Santa and reindeer hats, ominously discussing the end of his time with Kobato.
Apr 22, 3:54 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 19. The shows pushing the Doumoto angle hard with him asking Kobato what present she wants and asking to meet her on xmas eve. I'm with you, if Doumoto doesn't end up with Kobato (pretty sure he won't) then why add this storyline so late and have it go nowhere.

Fujimoto's xmas eve was just silly. He wouldn't have known what happened when waiting for her at the station, just that she hadn't turned up yet and would've gone home to wait, so why have a shot of him crying out in anguish. Did she die, elope with a lover? Only giving us a fragment of the story just doesn't work here. Guess it's because the narrator here is Chitose telling Kobato the story and is holding back the more personal details, making me think she didn't die, as she'd have simply said 'Fujimoto's mum passed away and never made it home'.

Kobato thinking she's hurt Fujimoto, even when she knows he doesn't like xmas because of his past is also silly, but I get it because she's naiive. Fujimoto is one of those characters who was hurt in the past with a tragic backstory and despite doing nice things, mostly discreetly, still lashes out at others.

Think you're right on the money, Doumoto realises Kobato feelings for Fujimoto 'my chest hurts when I think of him', even if she doesn't call it love, yet. And decides to step aside and provide an opportunity for them to be together and make up. To me it feels like Kobato pities Fujimoto, feeling sorry for him but they don't have any chemistry and certainly not a romantic relationship, or even the beginnings of one. The writing between these two has been really clumsy. I get what they're going for, the diamond in the rough with a tragic backstory Fujimoto, who really looks out for others, but doesn't want people to know and comes across as gruff and brash has his heart melted by Kobato, but they haven't done a good job of selling it.

Yeah it's the same song. I've preferred the visuals that have accompanied the song when we've heard it (cherry blossoms and tree leaves), rather than the song itself.

Apr 22, 9:11 PM

May 2019
I agree, I saw the whole "my chest hurts" line as concern for Fujimoto, not as love. Honestly, I don't think Kobato would understand if she was in love with him, though like you say, I don't think they've exhibited any chemistry or romance over the series run. Still, I get the impression they'll end up together or, at the very least, that there will be a full declaration of love. No idea how that will interact with whatever Kobato is.

Episode 20

We get confirmation that they're in February (nearing the end of winter), so Valentine's Day is coming up. Kobato wants to hold a Valentine's Day party at the school, but doesn't really understand what the day is about. Admittedly, I can relate, especially given the cultural differences between Japan and the US (and the follow-up of White Day there). In any case, she's clearly exploring her own feelings through this and trying to lighten everyone's spirits. Fujimoto seems much more patient with her this time, walking through what she wants to do rather than outright telling her she shouldn't. He's even a bit supportive. Good to see he's learned a bit, even if it feels much too late given where we're at in the series.

So Kobato heads to the pastry shop. It's unclear whether she's continued to work here in the interim, but part of her goal is to bum some chocolate this time. On her way out, she sees a light shining in the nearby alleyway. She peeks in and sees... three guys in fantasy cloaks and a rabbit-like creature. Alright then. These end up being Kurogane, Fay, Syaoran and Mokona. They recognize that Kobato isn't surprised, so they talk to her. Mokona is apparently the same creature as the one from the amusement park a few episodes back, not sure why. They're on a journey, unclear where to, but Kobato offers to let them stay with her.

Syaoran offers to help out at the bakery (the other two are off getting money... somehow). Not clear why anyone would accept help from a random dude, but I guess that's on brand for many of the characters in this world. Apparently, they don't know where they're going (sounds familiar) and just keep traveling, unsure how long they can even spend in one place. Not sure what would prevent them from just staying here, but hey, it's their thing. Some unknown "she" is waiting for them. Kobato knows even less about whether she wants to go and why, but thinks of Fujimoto in this moment. Yeah... we're doing this I guess. You'd think after 20 episodes there would be some reason for this connection to blossom into love but... nope, not really.

Just as suddenly as they arrived, the group leaves. Apparently one of the guys guesses what Kobato is, but of course, it's whispered. The transformation scene for Mokona is pretty cool as is the magic circle it makes. For whatever reason, it has to suck them in to move to another world.

The Valentine's party happens (guess she got the chocolate) and everyone wants her to give them chocolate. And yeah, her best chocolate is clearly going to Fujimoto because why not? The episode ends with the appearance of another entity, this one the rabbit messenger telling Ioryogi that she's almost out of time to fill the bottle (which now does look almost full).

I do like a bit of the back and forth between Ioryogi and Mokona, gotta love those clashing personalities.
Apr 23, 2:54 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 20. I said at the beginning of the series that I didn't think the romance would involve Kobato as she seems too childish, but here we are, a valentine ep. At least Fujimoto seems to have mellowed slightly, not lashing out at Kobato when she suggests a party, she even putting forward an idea how she can earn the ingredients by working at the cake shop. And the first real sign of some affection from Fujimoto towards her when he pats her head and says good luck. I get the feeling the show is going to have to rush any romantic plot given we've only a few eps left. Plus we still don't know the situation with Sayaka's husband, and they have to save the preschool.

The new characters, Kurogane, Fay, Syaoran and Mokona, are from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, which involves this group travelling between different dimensions (a lot of them Clamp worlds apparently) to find feathers. I haven't seen it as many anime watchers consider it the weakest Clamp show as it recycles so many of their previous works with an over arching plot. The criticism I've read about Clamp often is coming into relief here. Clamp's earlier works are unique and independent (Magic Knight Rayearth, CCS, Chobits), but later on they start linking them (Cardcaptor Sakura magician Clow Reed creates magical worlds, then in xxxHolic we discover Yuuko and Clow Reed knew each other and maybe were lovers and had a kid and then they link Kobato and Tsubasa Chronicles is just a mash up of all their stories) and you end up with characters and plots from other shows filtering into this one. Great for Clamp fans, bit over the top for you're average watcher like us. Not to say I don't like a good easter egg (Watanuki was only briefly seen when eyepatch bunny delivered the cake, that was fine), but dragging the characters from your other works into this story to this extent feels a bit much.

When Syaoran asks Kobato about the place she wants to go, whether there's someone there she wants to meet, she has a vision, or maybe a memory of someone who looks suspiciously like Fujimoto sat at a grand piano, so guessing this is a memory of somewhere different, maybe the celestial realm?

As you said, these guys seem to know what Kobato is (angel is a pretty bet by this point) but ofc it's only teased.

Looks like time is nearly up for Kobato to collect the confetti. New ED, quite nice.
Apr 23, 1:39 PM

May 2019
Ah, didn't make the connection to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Literally the only thing I know about that series is that its soundtrack is really good. Yuki Kajiura always brings her A-game (it's the main reason I still think fondly of .hack//sign), but I particularly love A Song of Storm and Fire. In any case... yeah, I can see where the criticism's coming from. As an outsider to Clamp, their inclusion just felt forced for no particularly good reason. If anything, they were a distraction. And considering we only have 4 episodes left after this one, the fact that there's still so much we don't know (what Kobato is and Sayaka's husband being the big stand-outs), I don't think it can stand to put that kind of attention elsewhere.

Episode 21

Fujimoto gets chocolate anonymously from Kobato, but he seems to know it's from her.

Okiura arrives at the preschool and asks to see Sayaka, saying he wants to talk things over with her. For the first time I can recall, he drops the smile and opens his eyes. Sayaka comes out to meet him, asking him to wait a little longer. She asks why he changed so much, but he claims this is how he always was. Sayaka disagrees, but he says she's little more than a stranger to him at this point. If he is her husband... wow. Fujimoto butts in to say how precious the school is and that it can't be replaced. I get it, though he's right that putting the children in the line of fire (don't know how he's planning on destroying the building, but I can't imagine there are many construction workers willing to kill kids) is a greater risk. Kobato stops this before it can escalate to a physical altercation, and Sayaka agrees to close the school after graduation.

Still, Fujimoto and Kobato resolve to protect the school however they can. We find out from that tough from earlier that Sayaka's father died of the stress after obtaining this loan, which makes Sayaka's own health struggles feel all the more harrowing. Apparently, Okiura's father is the main one behind the push for this money to be repaid, so it's unclear how much autonomy Okiura has in this. He claims that Okiura is handling all this to keep his father from wreaking havoc on the school. So he became the villain to protect them, which does explain why he didn't move much faster. Fujimoto is left powerless in the face of all this, knowing that stopping Okiura can only harm them more.

The next shot we get of Okiuraholds up to this view as well: his shirt untucked, eyes downcast and expression somber. Feels like he should have had more of a heart-to-heart with Sayaka if he really loves her, but maybe this is his way of establishing some emotional distance. Everyone's struggling with the inevitability of this. That is, everyone except Kobato, who pushes to meet with Okiura, believing in the power of talk no jutsu. Stubborn as she is, she stands out in the rain for hours (I assume) in the night with Ioryogi along for the ride. Eventually, he does come out, and rather than focus on the preschool, her emphasis is on his relationship with Sayaka. Yeah, if I looked into those crying eyes, it would be hard for me to stay stoic as well. Then she collapses, likely due to all that time spent standing in the rain.

Fujimoto confronts Sayaka, telling her that she needs to be with Okiura even though he’s doing all this. I guess I get his perspective, though that really should be up to the couple. I get that he and Kobato want to do this for both of them (though Fujimoto’s reason makes less sense - dude hated this guy not long ago), but there’s clearly a lot of baggage here. That makes it all the more puzzling when Sayaka just runs over and embraces him. I don’t really buy that learning that Okiura is trying to protect her would change Sayaka this much, or that Okiura wouldn’t push back given his desperation to put emotional distance between them.

We end on the ominous note from Ioryogi that Kobato can’t forget her dream. I guess he means in favor of staying with Fujimoto, though we still don’t know where she wants to go or why.
whiteflame55Apr 23, 3:06 PM
Apr 24, 4:10 AM

Jun 2019
Couldn't agree more with the points you made about the inclusion of the Tsubasa chars at this late point. There's 5 eps left and they have a whole ep with these chars who we don't know. If you're a huge Clamp fan then sure you're going to like it, but seems pointless to me. Didn't know her name but Kajiura's music is very good, I remember the OST on shows like Case Study of Vanitas was really good. She's done music for Fate and Demon Slayer I see.

Episode 21. I've read your post for this ep already, but watching it unfold still doesn't make much sense. Okiura turns up, says Sayaka is a stranger, and she backs down and agrees to close the school after the graduation ceremony.

So we learn from tough guy who got sick that it's Okiura's father, who sounds like a shit bag, who orchestrated the loan as he wanted the land, and Okiura took over the recovery process so his dad wouldn't get heavy handed with Sayaka. I get he wanted to play the villain and keep Sayaka at a distance, but dude, if you love your wife then be by her side and work through it together, maybe play at being the villain for the dads sake whilst keeping her abreast of the situation. Don't leave her all alone to deal with the debt, it's clearly had a big impact on her mental and physical well being. To be fair, those 'I'm leaving you for your own good' situations are hard to convey, as the person at the centre of it (Okiura in this case) may genuinely believe his connection to his dad is bad news for Sayaka, but leaving the person you love alone to deal with you leaving is just as bad.

It sounds like Sayaka knows or guesses why Okiura is acting the way he is, and knows he's trying to stand between his dad and the preschool/her. Fujimoto had no idea so this is all news to him.

Kobato's crying face would wring the truth out of most people.

Kobato collapses in the rain and Okiura brings her back. They keep her hat on even in bed, which is weird, you'd think Sayaka would take it off, especially as it's wet. Fujimoto tells Sayaka that Okiura is trying to protect her and the preschool from his dad, and she should forgive him and make up or else they'll always be apart, which I kinda get.

My read on Sayaka hugging Okiura was that hearing Fujimoto's explanation was confirmation of her suspicions and Sayaka is lonely and does love him, and they're both tired of being without the other.

Not sure how I feel about all these revelations yet. It came to a head to quickly and the groundwork wasn't laid, just hints and breadcrumbs. They could've done away with the Tsubasa chars last ep and stretched these events over 2 eps to give some build up maybe.

Kobato looks longingly at Fujimoto. Because we don't know anything about her wish, we don't know what she'd be giving up if she wanted to be with him, but even then he hasn't shown any romantic interest in her, he's slightly softened towards her but that's it.
Apr 24, 12:28 PM

May 2019
Yeah, agreed that whatever amount of affection Sayaka and Okiura have for one another just didn't feel like it was breadcrumbed at all. Sayaka looked upset a lot of the time, but there was little hint of her feelings toward Okiura up to this point, and Okiura barely gave any indication of how he actually felt. Kobato and Fujimoto have certainly spent more time together, but honestly, it feels like they're no better in the romantic development department.

Episode 22

This one's titled "The Day of Goodbye," so that's ominous.

The episode begins on a memory from Kobato of when she was younger, playing with dolls in a room where someone who looks a lot like Fujimoto is playing the piano. I'm guessing whoever this is is the "place" she dreams of going to, though it's kind of frustrating to have two characters who look virtually identical - one from Kobato's past and one from her present - to juggle in the narrative, particularly when we have no idea who one of them is. Regardless, she only recognizes it as a happy dream. Also, does the bottle look slightly less full than it did at the end of last episode, or is it just me?

The preschool is being packed up bit by bit as they plan to leave for good. Fujimoto's keeping busy with his other jobs, likely to keep his mind off of it. Sayaka's come around to the decision, feeling that it's for the best... for some reason. Sincerely not sure why at this point. Fujimoto also seems resigned, but angrily so, wanting them to throw everything of his that's there away, though even he can't resist going over to play one last note on the organ, the very instrument that signaled his forming a connection with the place and the people there.

Kobato doesn't seem to realize her own feelings for Fujimoto despite Ioryogi figuring it out ages ago.

The tough from before arrives with a surprisingly light attitude - dude seemed torn up about this last episode, but I guess he feels better now that Okiura's in good shape with the higher ups. Guess he's fine with it if Sayaka's fine with it. He makes an off-handed remark about Fujimoto being cold, and surprisingly, Kobato gets heated in defense of him. To be fair, Fujimoto makes an active effort to look cold and stand-offish, can't blame others for seeing him that way. The kids arrive just in time to watch the building get torn down right in front of their eyes. Pretty brutal to do that with a smile on your face.

Meanwhile, Ioryogi meets with his compatriots and plans to take someone called Ushagi hostage, with the idea being that he would trade God for something else, probably in Kobato's interest. The others aren't on-board, and Ioryogi promises he won't do anything yet. We cut to an image of a naked Kobato with much longer hair within a set of rotating rings facing an image of a blue figure that calls itself Iorogi who says he'll be with her from now on. This appears to be when they met, but it yields more questions than answers.

Damn, they finish tearing down that building fast. It's leveled to the foundations by sunset. Sayaka tasks Kobato with helping Fujimoto, saying that the preschool was somehow holding Fujimoto back by making her reliant on Fujimoto for its sake. Seemed like that was the kind of person Fujimoto was and wanted to be, but more fool me I guess. He certainly seems torn up about it before getting into what looks like a bad wreck on his motorbike. I really don't get why Sayaka specifically tasks Kobato with taking care of him. You're his adoptive sister. You've known him way longer. Even if you recognize love between these two, why would you just leave helping him up to Kobato? It's a strange choice.

Kobato finds out about Fujimoto's accident. Seems like he only broke his arm and/or shoulder. Doumoto accompanies her, but then just kind of lets Kobato chase after Fujimoto alone when he leaves. Guess he was just there for temporary moral support and to remind us that he's still in this story and the better choice for her. Fujimoto's back to being cold towards Kobato, saying she's annoying in her care for him before storming off. I get that he's frustrated, but this just emphasizes how terrible of a match they are.

Just as he does, the rabbit familiar arrives with a flower. She's got exactly one month left to gather confetti. Failing means she "accept[s] [her] fate in accordance with the contract." Seriously, this story is being too damn vague for episode 22. Just say what will happen if she fails already, this is getting absurd. This is the Ushagi that Ioryogi was talking about taking hostage earlier, but now that he has the opportunity, he just tries to beg for more time. When that fails, he peaces out. Guess Ioryogi really did give up on that plan. There's also some talk by the other animal characters about how their battle somehow got Kobato involved, was "hit by accident," and had "to go through all this." Again, vague and frustrating at this point. This was perfectly acceptable when this series was in its early days, but it's just dragging things out at this point.
whiteflame55Apr 24, 12:32 PM
Apr 25, 3:36 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 22. I am equally confused, we open on a scene that looks like a memory of Kobato's where someone who resembles Fujimoto is her dad, and he's playing the piano and she's playing with dolls. Who is he, what's their relationship, and if it is father/daughter then why does she now have romantic feelings for someone he resembles? Unless we're both completely off and Fujimoto was her father in a previous life or something, and all this poor romantic build up was misdirection.

Doesn't Sayaka live at the preschool, so is she homeless now? Or maybe she's moving back in with Okiura, which would make sense if they've reconciled.

I think Sayaka is resigned to the fate of the preschool and now knowing the circumstances surrounding Okiura and why he was playing the villain, is relieved that he doesn't have to keep up the pretense for her sake. Sayaka can now reunite with Okiura I guess and beging a new chapter in their life together.

Fujimoto is back to acting gruff and rude.

Now it's come to this I kind of feel like Sayaka should've accepted this sooner. That old mantra 'learn the things we can control and those we can't, and the strength to differentiate between the two' (the serenity prayer, although the Stoic philosophy has something similar 'accept that we can't control external forces or the actions of others, only how we react to them').

Now we witness the meeting of Iorogi, in his previous incarnation, and Kobato. There were threads of this story I liked and this was one, but they've left it to late and feels like we're going to get all the answers crammed into the last two eps.

Sayaka makes a valid point, Fujimoto is continuing to work himself hard despite there being no reason now the preschool is gone and he's adopted the persona of being reliable, working hard and helping her out, because she was in a pinch. Now she asks Kobato to help him readjust to the new situation.

We hear something about a contract and how 'that girl[Kobato]' got hit by accident during the battle agains the celestial realm. As you say, too late to be still trailing breadcrumbs.
Apr 25, 9:41 AM

May 2019
I think that's both a good explanation of why Sayaka behaved like she did in this episode (though I think there should probably have been more than a hug to show that Sayaka and Okiura are now firmly back together - feels like they either should have done more to signal that they had mended fences or even just included him in the episode instead of having him be somewhere else) and I agree she should have just accepted this sooner. Would've saved everyone a lot of grief and it seems like Okiura would've been fine with waiting until the end of the school year.

Episode 23

The penultimate episode. Hoping for a good deal of explanation in this one. Since the title is "Kobato's Wish," we should learn the details... right?

Kobato arrives bright and early to help Fujimoto despite his misgivings. This largely involves taking over small tasks, going for a walk and going in a rowboat. . The goal seems to be to get him to relax a bit, which kind of works as they're going along. Still, Fujimoto asks her to leave him alone in the end. He ends up walking to the former site of the preschool, looking at it wistfully. He remains rather cold with her, but by now, Kobato isn't put off by it. She does have a lot of experience with him and Ioryogi as well, so it tracks that she's gotten used to it, but that doesn't explain the romance.

Kobato ominously says that her wish has already been decided. Again, breadcrumbing that is too vague this late in the game. Kohaku speaks about all this like it's fate, though again, this remains frustratingly vague.

Ushagi arrives again with another flower, and after receiving it, Kobato says she can't be with Fujimoto again tomorrow. So either her dream will be fulfilled or it won't by then, and whatever consequence results will take her away from this place. She says her goodbyes to her landlord and Sayaka, promising to call whenever she arrives elsewhere (an unlikely prospect). We see the bottle, but it's still not quite full, so that and her prior conversation with Ioryogi suggests her failure. While I recognize that the series couldn't have depicted all the ways she got her confetti, I wish we'd gotten to see some of the fruits of her labors at least. With so much in her bottle, you'd think she knows everyone in town by now, so just having her walk down the street saying hello to everyone by name and hinting at past good deeds would have been enough. It's a shame that so much of the confetti is effectively nothing but fluff to fill out the bottle.

Kobato and Ioryogi have an interesting conversation where he asks if just being there for someone is painful, but Kobato assures him that it's rewarding in its own right. Perhaps he's asking for himself, as he now has to sit and watch whatever is going to happen.

Ushagi descends from the heavens and shakes its head when presented with the bottle. Ioryogi tries to defend her, showing a degree of support that we rarely see from him before begging Ushagi not to erase her. Damn, erasure is the consequence of failure? That's harsh. Just as he appears to be executing on it by executing her, Fujimoto arrives and Ushagi vanishes. For the first time, Ioryogi speaks in front of him, telling her to show him the contract she is bound by. Turns out, there's a reason she was always wearing that hat: there's a glowing blue floating crown under it. She's dead, and this task was to give her the opportunity to be reborn. Despite that, she chose to spend her last days with Fujimoto. Pretty harsh for Ioryogi to put that all on him in the end. She's then surrounded in a weird light beam meant to ascend her to... somewhere. This breaks and shatters into pieces as Fujimoto tells her not to go and something exits his chest. This is the first time I can recall seeing a confetti just physically exit someone. It enters the bottle and immediately fills the whole thing with green light.

It's at this point that we learn that Kobato has changed her wish since arriving, but that the contract still means her original wish will be the one that's granted. She's going to reincarnate in some other world when she wants to reincarnate here, vanishing in a puff of flower petals right in Fujimoto's arms.

Well, at least they did deliver some of the pertinent information. Still unclear why Fujimoto's confetti counted for more, why or how she healed his heart by saying goodbye, where she's going, and why she can't come back (it does seem like transit between worlds is possible), but I'll take what I can get.
Apr 26, 3:28 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 23. Sayaka and her husband have been key to the story with the preschool and Sayaka has been one of the better chars, so a bit disappointing we're not getting any follow up on what's happened with them, ie where is Sayaka living now the preschool has been demolished. Just a small follow up scene or conversation between the two of them would suffice.

I get the feeling from the first half of this ep that Kobato knows she hasn't collected enough confetti so wants to spend the remaining time with Fujimoto, but she's not even aware of her own feelings, or kind of is, but it is supernatural love (connected to some old memory of Fujimoto as her guardian or parent) or actual romance, we have no real idea. And Fujimoto is just as gruff as ever.

Any mention of the wish has no weight as we've had so little mention of it. Kobato says her wish is decided, but wasn't it already decided that she 'wanted to go to that place', her vague statement doesn't give any notion of whether she's changed her mind on what she wants to wish for. But that's immaterial at this point as she hasn't collected enough confetti, so doesn't matter what her wish is anyway.

The way Kobato acts towards Fujimoto is similar to unconditional love given by siblings and parents, ie she persists in heling him and being around him despite his obvious desire to be alone, not the way someone usually acts towards a love interest when it's clear the other party isn't interested.

So we get down to it and Kobato it turns out, is dead (is she a dead celestial? or a human?) and made a contract with god to be reborn in the world of her choosing if she healed enough hearts in the human realm. So basically when it comes down to it, instead of collecting the remaining pieces of confetti to stop her soul from being erased, Kobato spent her time with Fujimoto. I just don't buy it.

Conveniently Fujimoto's piece of confetti fills up the rest of the bottle. So from the sounds of it, Kobato changed her wish to be reincarnated into this world instead of being reincarnated into the celestial world, but it's too late to change the contract. Does that mean she'll be born into a new body, ie as a baby, or what, too many questions.

Kobato disappears and Fujimoto is left alone. I am distinctly underwhelmed.
Apr 26, 12:33 PM

May 2019
Episode 24

Kobato vanishes, Fujimoto is knocked unconscious, and Kobato literally vanishes from a photo taken with the preschool children, the implication being that everyone will forget about her. Does that mean Kobato will forget as well, wherever she's going?

Cut to the next morning and Fujimoto awakes on his futon. They clean out what was Kobato's room, not knowing that anyone was even there. You'd think there would be more evidence that Kobato was there, but I guess not. Fujimoto seems inclined to leave the room empty instinctually, as though he recognizes an absence. Fujimoto is generally off at school as well. The assumption is that it was the preschool he lost, but he seems to recognize a blank spot in his memories that shouldn't be there. I do actually like how they portray this, with images that don't quite make sense (e.g. someone holding Kobato's hand now holding empty space), but also aren't objectively absurd (e.g. someone flying where Kobato is carrying them).

Sayaka resolves to reestablish the preschool with Okiura's help. Really makes you wonder why this rift formed at all.

After returning home one day, a speck of something glowing pink falls out of his clothing. Not sure how this thing works, and it seems incredibly random, but it transforms into representations of the four seasons and suddenly, memories of Kobato come rushing back to him. With his newly recovered memory, he makes the rounds to everyone she knew, but no one remembers her. He eventually runs into Kohaku, who does remember her. So it's exposition time!

Kohaku relays how Kobato lost her life in the Human World. She wished to be reborn so that she could be with the one she loves. Apparently, Shuichiro and Kohaku have a similar relationship across time. I've heard something similar to this in the DC universe with Hawkgirl and Hawkman, also from Seven Deadly Sins, though both of those seem much more fated. So that resolves why we saw Fujimoto in the past as well: he's a reincarnation of the man Kohaku previously loved. Guess they've always looked exactly the same.

Not sure how they parted ways, but in the next scene, Fujimoto's working in a law office. This is presumably taking place quite a bit into the future (he says "so many years" later, but we have little context for how long this was). He goes to a house in the countryside to do some work for that firm, investigating an old family claim to the land. The house is empty, so he just walks in and starts playing the piano, like you do. Cue the clip show of his interactions with Kobato over a piano rendition of her song. Just as he finishes, a figure approaches the house... hey, that's Kobato. She recognizes the song he was playing, but not him. He hands her a pink confetti (why does she immediately recognize it as confetti?) that was the same one that triggered his memories, which suggests that she somehow left behind a piece of her heart that had magical powers... alright. She proceeds to sing with his piano accompaniment, seeing bits of memories of her past before the confetti just shatters in a spray of pink flower petals. And, thus, she remembers, and the couple lives happily ever after.

God, I have so many questions.

So Kobato was reincarnated on time delay into the exact same age she appeared to be before? How old is she compared with Fujimoto at this point? And she was a human all along? Why, then, did she worry about the contract sending her away from Fujimoto? They were coming to the same world and, at minimum, it gave an opportunity for them to be together that wouldn't have existed if she had just been erased. Was she seriously fine risking that for the sake of spending a little extra time with someone who was actively rejecting her at that point? How did Fujimoto know that the house he was going to would be Kobato's, and, if he didn't, what are the odds that some random trip into the countryside for a legal trip would reunite them?

You would think that a very powerful being like Ushagi would be able to control for things like that confetti restoring memories, but I guess as soon as the contract ended, that stopped mattering? Why bother with a mass mindwipe if you are just going to be fine with people recovering their memories later?

This reincarnation story is just baffling, yet it's also something that Kohaku knew the whole time and she didn't bother to tell anyone? She was actively pursuing her own love, but didn't want to help Kobato in pursuit of hers? What even is Kohaku's role in this story? To exist as an example of someone else going through reincarnation and fated love?

And then there's Ioryogi. Wasn't there a deal that he would receive a boon if Kohaku completed her mission? What happened to that? His whole backstory with Kohaku actively makes less sense now that we know she was always a human. He was after something related to God and the Celestial World. Why would Kobato have been caught in the crossfire? We never did find out what he and the others were after that led to all this.

Posted my review here. Tl;dr - I liked this series in its more episodic narrative significantly more than I liked the longer-running narratives of its characters. A combination of missed opportunities, delayed and confusing answers to mysteries, and frustrating character relationships (justice for Doumoto!) left me feeling a bit down on the experience. If these weren't so central to the plot, I would give it a higher score, but I end up at a 6.4/10.
whiteflame55Apr 26, 5:43 PM
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