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Jul 23, 2023 12:59 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 12/13

Double episode with backstories for Rebecca, and to some degree Nix. It's the worthy season finale and introduces a large scale mystery and conspiracy. The second cour has enough premise to work with.

First we meet a new character, Rebecca's deceased first love Wataru, a genius neuroscientist and renaissance man from Japan. His death is introduced as suicide. However, he developed a mind transfer method based on symbols and writing in a book. While Lupin tries to unravel the secrets of that document, Wataru enters his mind and induces a surreal dream in which the true story is revealed. MI6 was trying to steal his revolutionary mind control technology, and eventually murdered him. They also faked his suicide and built secret research facilities in San Marino and under the Collosseum in Rome.

Rebecca is kidnapped in the first episode, and freed by the Lupin gang cooperating with her loyal butler Robson Zuccoli. The latter doesn't really play fair and threatens to kill Nix' family, which causes Nix to go into berserker mode. His eyes turn glowing red, and his appearance is pretty close to that of a classic Japanese Oni demon. He's now able to use bullet time, adding himself to the list (so far: Lupin, Jigen, and Zenigata). His looks and behavior are compared to a rat repeatedly, and the gang speculates if he's fully human. They say rats have a 600 BPM heartbeat, which makes their time perception like constant slow motion.

Lupin, after solving the book's riddle and freeing Rebecca sets out to destroy Wataru's hidden research papers. In his dream, he was revealed multiple things, most importantly that MI6 is after the research and into their hands would put humanity at great risk. Lupin succeeds with the job and burns down the document cache. Nix has a few moments before everything is destroyed and I've seen speculations that this was good enough for him to memorize some of the text. The "600 BPM slow motion speed rat personality" comes to mind, maybe a glimpse was enough in his time perception.

At the end of the episodes Lupin is arrested by Zenigata. The very last cut shows a naked man with a long beard who escaped from a high-tech MI6 facility looking at the city.

There are multiple scenes with experimental animation in the episodes. A fight scene between Nix and a guard is heavily inspired by Yuasa's style in Ping Pong the Animation. Lupin's dream sequence has some very creative monsters and perspectives as well. And while not experimental, I really loved the scene in which Fujiko performs a classic seduction on a power plant operator. It's pretty clear that individual animators got their creative extra development time, which adds nicely. Finally a show on budget and time, and with a budget giving room for extras like this.

Overall, a somewhat convoluted and complex yet interesting setting. Nix has become a demon-like creature, the MI6 is an evil conspiracy. Lupin is arrested but won't be extradited to Japan because they have the death penalty. Rebecca has a tragic past with her murdered Wataru, and overcomes it. This is symbolized by her preparing to drink red wine again, something she saved for him. Also her lust for life is explained, it's also something Wataru taught her. She's far less superficial after the revelations. I really liked the double episode, not bad for a show which formerly was a simplistic, episodic slapstick comedy vehicle. The relaunch after 30 years adds a lot of good innovations without sacrificing the proven formula.

Jul 23, 2023 1:41 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 14

The new cour comes with a fresh OP, and fortunately keeps the great ED. We get a tragic-comedic episode which explores the co-dependent relationship between Lupin and Zenigata. Now that Lupin is under arrest, Zenigata has to change gear from his eternal chase into that of a prison ward. He spoils three "normal" escape attempts and convinces the Italian police to put Lupin into a single-cell, all steel walls prison on a high sea island. And camps in front of it as a guard and cook. The explanation given why Lupin isn't extradited to Japan is true, btw. Under EU law prisoners must not be extradited into countries where they may be sentenced to a death. Japan has executed 98 persons since 2000 in the real world. I find it remarkable that the show does a clear anti-capital punishment social commentary here. Not even the first in the 2015 recreation, I'm impressed.

So Zenigata lovingly cooks for Lupin, who goes into a hunger strike to death. Lupin argues now his life has lost its meaning, and Zenigata grudgingly watches. His development and growing depression is borh funny and tragic. Because with Lupin arrested or even dead, Zenigata too loses the meaning in life. Eventually Lupin fakes his death by starvation, but of course lives. He escapes and puts Zenigata into his place. Who is kind of relieved about this twist, deep inside.

A funny episode with well written psychology. One of the best so far, despite the simple story. This is how character development is done.

EDIT: The singer of the ED is the fantastic and famous Enka singer Sayuri Ishikawa, this version of Tsugaru Strait winter scenery was recorded around the same time as the ED. Her original version is here. The composer of the ED is Yuji Ohno, who does the Lupin III OSTs since the 1970s.
inimJul 24, 2023 2:52 AM

Jul 23, 2023 11:49 PM

Jun 2019
inim said:
EDIT: The singer of the ED is the fantastic and famous Enka singer Sayuri Ishikawa, this version of Tsugaru Strait winter scenery was recorded around the same time as the ED. Her original version is here. The composer of the ED is Yuji Ohno, who does the Lupin III OSTs since the 1970s.

Thanks for this, I don't have much exposure to Enka, but really like it, ever since I heard Jinbocho Elergy in Dropkick on my Devil S2. Women with powerful voices singing beautifully always strikes a chord with me.

Episode 15. This episode surrounds a heist of the Mona Lisa, looks like they're in Paris for this one. The version on display is a fake and there's another copy floating around, made by the Da Vinchi we see in the special I'm guessing. Fujiko, Lupin and Zenigata all try and outsmart each other, not sure who comes out on top although seems like Lupin ends up with a fancy mansion for his troubles.
23feanorJul 24, 2023 3:12 AM
Jul 24, 2023 3:13 AM

Apr 2019
23feanor said:
inim said:
EDIT: The singer of the ED is the fantastic and famous Enka singer Sayuri Ishikawa, this version of Tsugaru Strait winter scenery was recorded around the same time as the ED. Her original version is here. The composer of the ED is Yuji Ohno, who does the Lupin III OSTs since the 1970s.
Thanks for this, I don't have much exposure to Enka, but really like it, ever since I heard Jinbocho Elergy in Dropkick on my Devil S2. Women with powerful voices singing beautifully always strikes a chord with me.
With pleasure, I'm a big Enka fan. Its blend of Blues, German Schlager and Eurovision Song Contest Cheese touches something in me. I guess it's the scale, which is very close to the blues scale. The other thing is the singing technique where you overpitch notes for a split second and then pull back the voice, adding that wailing feeling of sadness. I wanna point you to two other modern uses of the style.
Babymetal singer Sumetal according to an interview was told by the producers to try to add "Tsugaru Strait winter scenery" feelings to this ballad. It's of course heavy metal enka now. ED, best Enka in modern anime if not ever. The song is extremely powerful.

Jul 24, 2023 3:21 AM

Jun 2019
@inim this one is my favourite Jinbocho Elergy, its a parody of enka singing performed by the cast of the show, i love it. I took up a full 10 mins of the final episode.
Jul 24, 2023 3:22 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 15

This episode takes place in Paris, and the whole cast including Leonardo seem to live there now. Negative continuity at work. It's the tale of two Mona Lisa paintings. Fujiko buys a very good facsimile from a street painter, who asks for two silver coins for it. Later that painter asks himself why "my sketch" is on the back of the Italian version of the 1 Euro coin. So yea, Leonardo da Vinci the time traveler confirmed. The guy who escaped from MI6's lab. A pretty good character introduction, with a twist and not in your face. And a ton of open questions about him to be solved over the next few episodes.

The story itself is fairly simple. A corrupt French politician lends the original Mona Lisa to wealthy foreigners, represented by a Russian oligarch and a Saudi Sheik - viva stereotypes. In a rather complex heist in the louvre (see previous postings for the details) Lupin manages to steal the original(?). All gang members and Fujiko are involved in this team effort. It was Fujiko who bought the copy, but in a rare event it's Lupin who has the last laugh this time. He sells the copy, confirmed to be an authentic Leonardo by an expert, to the French government. He pays Fujiko just 50 EUR and a handful of coins, whereas his profit is good enough to buy a small palais.

Overall, a clevery written episode with a heist theme. And one of the rare type where Lupin outsmarts Fujiko. Liked it.

Jul 24, 2023 4:40 PM

May 2019
@inim Love that ED from Akiba Maid War, great to hear it again. Good to get some more examples of this kind of singing as well and be able to put a name to the style.

Episode 16

Lupin acquires a diamond once owned by Cleopatra that is thought to house her soul. He loses it and is forced to infiltrate a school as a teacher. There, he runs into a bomb/murder plot by a set of teachers who are trying to... remove a gangster because one of them accidentally knocked out his tooth. Turns out, they're all klutzes, and when Lupin confronts them to get the diamond back, they proceed to make a mess of their efforts to take him out with... sulfuric acid, a mop and a cello. Well, at least they're creative in their ineptitude. Lupin chastises them for their insane methodology and leaves them to their apparent fate.

The episode culminates when one of their students is set by that very gangster to kill them and, given a previous incident where his teacher turned tail and ran when he was being beaten, would have every reason to take them out. But he refuses, getting a beating for his trouble. That very teacher stands up for him, showing a backbone for the first time. Just when he's about to be shot, the gun is shot out of the gangster's hand and Zenigata and company arrive to clean up. Lupin set up Zenigata to intervene with a claim that he was going to steal something, and had Jigen shoot the gun. 

And Lupin ends up throwing the diamond in the ocean, functioning under the assumption that the diamond doesn't contain Cleopatra's soul, but rather twisted her to act outside her norms. He thinks it might twist him as well. Funnily enough, a dolphin just so happens to deliver the diamond to Fujiko, planting it in her cleavage when she's sunbathing on a boat. Wonder if this will come back in future episodes...
Jul 25, 2023 3:45 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 16. This was a simpler story about a diamond supposedly containing the soul of Cleopatra. The jewel ends up in the hands of a delinquent student and Lupin must pose as a teacher in order to retrieve it. Average episode.
Jul 25, 2023 10:30 AM

May 2019
Episode 17

Another pretty simple story. Lupin was requested to recover a dog (Josephine) for a wealthy woman that, because Fujiko promised to return the dog to her, is now lavishing the younger woman with spa treatments onboard a luxury cruise. Despite this not involving any thefts, Zenigata gets involved and makes things difficult for them. A lot goes wrong, actually - just about everything. And Goemon is particularly unhappy about it because he's looking forward to some primo sushi. They end up running very late, barely managing to make it in time by straight up jumping the car onto the ship. With a full phalanx of police in tow behind him no less, and he sticks the landing no less, keeping the car onboard. Yep, Fujiko has him wrapped around her little finger.

Of course, things never wrap up that neatly, so Josephine, after being squeezed too tightly by her owner, opts to swim back to dry land rather than stay onboard the ship. Fujiko doesn't get the monetary reward (though she did deliver - not her fault the dog ran away), Goemon gets his sushi that doesn't meet his expectations, and Lupin and Fujiko plot out another theft. It's a cute episode with some decent comedy, but pretty average again.
Jul 26, 2023 1:31 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 17. Bit of an uneventful episode. Liked the part in the car when Lupin, Jigen and Goemon run out of things to talk about. The car chase and jump onto the ship was cool though.

Problem for me watching characters who smoke (same with Nana) is that it makes me want to light up all the time.
Jul 26, 2023 6:28 AM

May 2019
Episode 18

There's a cult church of personality that has apparently been very effective in targeting and killing gangs within 24 hours of pronouncing them as targets, and now they've set their sights on Lupin and crew, enticing them with a golden chalice to prevent them from just hiding. So we have a ticking clock and a goal for both sides. This is all a play to expand the church and even includes massive betting. We even hear that same "0% chance of survival" line that we heard from Nix, though Greco (the leader of the church) doesn't seem nearly that capable.

Much like the castle from a few episodes back, the church is apparently full of traps - not sure how you hold services here. They have 24 hours to survive whatever nonsense happens here. Also, one of the four of them is Greco's marionette - likely a plant who looks and sounds like one of them while the original was captured. They split up out of frustration with one another and mistrust each other when they regroup, with Jigen wanting to check Goemon's sword and Goemon noting that Jigen hasn't smoked since they've been down here. 

One by one, they get taken out - Fujiko with a knife planted firmly in her cleavage gets shut in a sarcophagus, and Lupin's jacket is found, leading to a confrontation between Jigen and Goemon. Notably, they both appear just as skilled as ever., and we get quite the fight scene of gun vs. sword, ending with them both on the floor. 

Turns out, Lupin was the marionette, hiding away after removing his jacket to make both of the other men think it was one of them. He's being mind-controlled into thinking he's not Lupin himself. Quite the ploy. But Lupin and crew were playing him this whole time - it was all an act to look like he was under Greco's control and they were falling apart at his whim. Even the knife was just held in place by Fujiko's prodigious rack. They have been together so long that coordinating to look like they were killing each other without actually doing it was easy while fooling the cameras. Lupin wasn't under his control because he didn't breathe in the hallucinogenic smoke. Before they can just blow up the entire place, Lupin turns the tables and manages to hypnotize them using their own smoke and psychological tricks, winning the day.

And a lot more, actually - Lupin knew about the betting ring and used it to bet on himself to win, making a literal pile of money by pretending to lose before scoring a win and even scoring the golden chalice.

A fun episode that showcases the strengths of the gang while leaning on what looked like apparent weaknesses.
Jul 26, 2023 2:00 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 16/17

Two fillers with goofy slapstick plots, which is not a bad thing to say about Lupin III. The show always had those and they are part of the formula. In episode 16, a stolen diamond ends up in a high school. Lupin has to go in and do the GTA - Great Teacher OnizakaArsene. He reforms both the delinquent students and their cowardice and lazy teachers. In episode 17, the full ensemble is busy to find the spaniel dog of a cartoonishly chichi fat old lady. There's a lot of slapstick action in this episode, and finally a topless shot of Fujiko.

Overall, easy watching episodes with some good laughs. Nothing I'll remember next week, though.

Jul 27, 2023 1:52 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 18. So the gang are targeted by a cult who challenge Lupin to steal a cup, or else they'll die, plus there's betting on the outcome. As expected Lupin and co outwit the cult leader and his goons Greco, making a tidy profit from the betting odds.

@inim damn I must've missed the topless Fujiko

An old pal of mine passed away yday (just saw on fb) so been seeing lots of old pics of us all from the 90's and experiencing a massive nostalgia wave. Always puts things in perspective when someone you grew up with passes away, he lived just round the corner from me so saw him a lot.
Jul 27, 2023 4:02 AM

Apr 2019
23feanor said:
@inim damn I must've missed the topless Fujiko
Topless sun bathing, but lying on her belly. So no bikini top(less), but only side boob shot.
inimJul 27, 2023 4:10 AM

Jul 27, 2023 5:40 AM

Jun 2019
inim said:
23feanor said:
@inim damn I must've missed the topless Fujiko
Topless sun bathing, but lying on her belly. So no bikini top(less), but only side boob shot.

Jul 27, 2023 9:35 AM

May 2019
inim said:
23feanor said:
@inim damn I must've missed the topless Fujiko
Topless sun bathing, but lying on her belly. So no bikini top(less), but only side boob shot.
Yep, a titillating shot indeed. Also @23feanor, thought of that exact same scene when he mentioned side boob.

Episode 19

So Da Vinci calls everyone out by posting public portraits of them. The entire gang, Rebecca, Robson, Zenigata and Nix (no longer going by that codename, having left MI6 after being shot by them and using his knowledge of Uraga's research, that we correctly assumed he committed to memory, as a bargaining chip) included, arrive on the scene in Milan independently to sort this out, and shockingly, even Zenigata agrees to work with them to sort all this out, and MI6 is also on the hunt for someone, presumably Da Vinci himself. Interesting that Nix (yes, I'm still calling him that) doesn't seem to know anything about their pet project.

As per the title, they find themselves in a room with a portrait of The Last Supper and a table set with all their names. Even Percival Gibbons, the chief of MI6, arrives on the scene. So, in total, 9 guests: Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, Fujiko, Rebecca, Robson, Zenigata, Nix and Percival (who for once isn't stroking his chin). They take their appointed seats (notably, their portraits align with their placement), with Da Vinci located elsewhere at his own table. And MI6 is taking this very seriously, saying that they will off everyone in that room should who their "target" is become known to them.

We get some pretty cool tricks of voice activated engineering (Da Vinci was an engineer ahead of his time, after all) that are used to serve up their food from a distance. 

Lupin puts the pieces together regarding the Mona Lisa and its copy, Rebecca points out a connection to Uraga in the food choice (it's notable that the Dream of Italy may be connected to the world that Da Vinci sent them to in the first half of "World Dissection"), and Lupin further discerns that Da Vinci is a clone implanted with the extracted data of the original Da Vinci (not sure how he got there, but fine). He escaped, and put this together to assemble his "9 apostles." As soon as Lupin spills the beans, Percival calls an emergency to take everyone out, but they manage to escape. So it's MI6 vs. everyone in a mad dash. Lupin finds his way to Da Vinci, who once again demonstrates his engineering prowess in creating a fan boat that transforms into a pretty janky plane reminiscent of some of his designs. This is where Da Vinci resolves to redesign the world, literally taking it apart... or dissecting it. 

Yep, this fills in some substantial gaps in the story so far, though we still don't know the reason MI6 revived Da Vinci in this era. Would've been nice to see Zenigata really working with Lupin for once, but an enjoyable episode, even if some of the discoveries felt like they weren't really explained from Lupin's perspective.
Jul 27, 2023 3:17 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 18

Another self-contained episodic story with the participation of the entire ensemble. It's little darker and uses expansive camera work in claustrophobic dungeons below a church. Once again we see the exotic and scary take of the Japanese on Christian symbolism and believes.

Greco, the leader of a cult lures Lupin's gang into his church with a precious golden cup. But it's a trap, a literal trap door opens when they approach the treasure and they fall down into a dungeon. Using a gaseous drug and hypnosis, he commands the gang members into a Battle Royale. Fujiko is stabbed, Goemon kills Jigen with his sword and Jigen still has the time to shoot the attacking Goemon. Or so it seems. Eventually, Greco commands Lupin to shoot himself with his beloved Walther. There's heavy betting going on while the fight takes place.

Then Lupin breaks the charade and turns the tables. He hypnotizes Greco and his henchmen, while the gang members show up one by one revealing how they faked their death. It only took a brief look between them to come up with the plan, a true band of brothers (and a sister). Lupin has placed very lucrative bets on themselves and they end up with a literal pile of cash.

Overall, slightly better than the last two episodic short stories with a bit more edgy writing. And once again Lupin outsmarts Fujiko, he's even smarter than in the older shows it seems.

Jul 28, 2023 4:11 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 19. Really liked this episode. Lupin & co, Rebecca & butler, Zenigata and Nix are all brought together by Da Vinchi and we hear more about his dream of italy. Its the same basic principle as the akashic records, that hidden within the human subconscious lies a reservoir of information and this can be tapped into by some people (many irl geniuses have openly said their inspiration came from a dream/their subconscious and wouldn't claim the credit for their inventions, iirc a British inventor in WW2 was most insistent that the idea he came up with (radar, bouncing bomb, enigma machine decryption or chaf maybe, can't remember which) came to him from 'outside'), so I find this whole concept rather fascinating. We learn MI6 tapped into the memories of Da Vinchi and brought his personality and thoughts back to life in a clone. He then escaped and they've been after him ever since.

Loved the little details like the plates appearing from underneath with a swirling, unfolding motion, neat touch. Da Vinchi makes his escape in a very cool self made plane and the dream of italy arc continues, but with more of the pieces falling into place.
Jul 28, 2023 5:17 AM

Apr 2019
Episode 19

Back to the overarching story, at last! Leonardo da BanksyVinci paints nine portrays on buildings in Rome. Their backgrounds and other details are copies of his famous "The Last Supper". Wikipedia to the rescue: The Last Supper measures 460 cm × 880 cm (180 in × 350 in) and covers an end wall of the dining hall at the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy.. The depicted persons and group crack that reference and one by one show up at that location, where Leonardo prepared a haute cuisine supper for them already.

Leonardo summoned "nine apostles": The Lupin Gang (Lupin, Fujiko, Goemon, Jigen), Rebecca Rossellini and her butler Robson Zuccoli, inspector Zenigata, and from the MI6 Nix and his superior Percival Gibbons. We had bullt time scenes with many of them before, maybe they too are special? Leonardo exposition dumps to them more background information about Rebecca's deceased lover Wataru and his research. It seems that the dream world Lupin was able to enter contains the collective memories of humanity, to the point of individuals. Leonardo may have been re-born into the real world from there, by whatever means. Another speculation is that Wataru and Leonardo share a mind, or parts of it.

After the supper, Leonardo escapes with a self-made plane. Lupin chases him and they briefly talk about Leonardo's future plans. He hints at reforming humanity, maybe at the cost of killing everybody before. Stay tuned, we have a Bond villain here of a level far above even Nix. However, I doubt Leonardo is "truly" evil, his character is too positive for that. Percival ordered the MI6 to kill everybody, he's a better villain candidate. Good episode, goo story, gimme more.

Jul 28, 2023 11:03 AM

May 2019
Episode 20

At this point, it's pretty clear that everyone should still be a target for MI6. Wonder how that's going to play out?

Nix gets shot with a bullet that seems like it was intended for his daughter, but she was made the target so that it would be a sure thing that he'd take it. Dude puts on a good show while his family drives away before collapsing and waking up in MI6 in front of Percival. There, he threatens Nix's family - always a good move with this guy. The MacGuffin of the day is the Dragon's Tail, which has been stolen. Turns out, this is a CD containing pivotal information that would grant anyone protection from MI6 (a list of secret agents, kind of like the NOC List from Mission Impossible) stolen by a mercenary group.

Both Lupin and Nix independently go after it, foil each other's plans, and get caught. Worse yet, Nix knows the passcode to use the CD, and gets tortured for it. He's drowned to make Lupin talk, feigning death - still, that complete disinterest in Lupin's expression is just harsh. Anyway, Lupin cracks the code, and though Nix tries to stop him, the mercenaries get what they want. And, thus, they become the target of a bombing raid by MI6, followed by a massive raid. So Nix is tasked not only with preventing all this (which he failed to do), and find out who the agent is that leaked info about the Dragon's Tail. So, now it's time for a Lupin/Nix team up, though the latter is injured and limping. Nix appears dead, but arrives just in time to take out Percival personally in an awesome stylized fight marred only slightly by the blinding light surrounding them. Jigen and Goemon arrived just in time to save their lives from the raid. Lupin helped him trick Percival into thinking Nix was dead, taking off with the Dragon's Tail. Just before Nix can kill Percival for targeting his family (seriously, dude's cold-blooded), Da Vinci arrives on the scene and subdues the enraged Nix. Quite the feat, even managing to destabilize him with a quick finger in the ear to set him off balance. He does promise that Nix's family will survive, though.

From here, it's revealed that Da Vinci set up the events with the Dragon's Tail to get ahold of it. He takes out Percival personally (at least he looks pretty dead), and is fine leaving the disc in Lupin's hands. Da Vinci's role in the story has always been intriguing, even if we can't quite figure out his aims in cases like this.
Jul 28, 2023 12:58 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 21

An episodic episode, with a different tone and touching story. The story is about a singer (Nora) from what looks like the early 60s with a hit about a car. She marries her manager, who hates her driving style but loves the lady. In the present day, Nora is an old woman, unconscious, on the verge of death and life support at her home. Her husband, the former manager, is an old man as well. He tries to wipe her memory and by this sadness out of his life, but miserably fails. Especially the little red car her first hit was about and which made them a couple breaks his heart. He tries to sell it, Lupin steals it, and even Fujiko intervenes - for a change as an honest broker and not a trickster or damsel in distress.

Long story short: The two elderly lovers leave this world in a sunset moment, just like the one they shared at the beginning of their long life together. Lupin brings the car into the forrest, to the place it all began. The vehicle too stands there in the sunset, with a photo of its owners.

I can't say why, but this little story was really beautiful and made me shed a manly tear or two. The art, the melancholy, the deep love and the caring Lupin gang got me. By far the best episodic episode so far. And I'm asking myself: is Nora the singer from the ED?

Jul 28, 2023 1:06 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 22

A night and day difference episodic episode, compared to the tear jerking previous one. There's one striking difference which says it all: the music. In this episode, it's Stan and Laurel type ragtime inspired, simple music. The trombone is the driving instrument, the melodies are in your face and simple.

This fits the massive slapstick we get perfectly, though. Set in Japan, Zenigata's role is challenged by a young narcissistic inspector and his mini-harem. He actually catches Lupin, which sets a car chase of "Blues Brothers" proportions into motion. In the end each gang member helps in some way, and Zenigata gets his role as perpetual chaser back.

The plot is rather complex in the details, but in the end about almost nothing. What episodes 20-22 make clear is the enormous range this season of Lupin has. Crude slapstick, tear jerker drama, and conspiracy thriller. Guess which of the three variatins I liked least ...

Jul 29, 2023 1:44 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 20. Another conspiracy episode. As @inim points out above Lupin has a few varieties of episode types and this one is my least favourite. Lupin and Nix have to recover a disc with MI6 agents details, ends up it was all masterminded by Da Vinchi. I do like how as the series goes on we get more of an overarching story involving Da Vinci entering into play, yet still get episodic stories at the same time.

Starting to feel quite sorry for Nix, whose poor family keeps getting targeted. I've got this feeling there's more to Nix's family than we've been told, the mum, Nadine i think Nix said her name was, seems cool and distant, does she know he's an MI6 agent? Percival said Nix was a blank slate at one point, I wonder whether Nix is/was a clone and had implanted memories, so maybe the same might be true for his family?

Da Vinci tampered with the gun (how would he do something to a gun that a trained agent wouldn't know about) and the when Percival tries to shoot Da Vinci he kills himself, very fitting.
Jul 29, 2023 4:06 AM

Apr 2019
Episode 20

Another overarching story arc episode, in which Nix and Lupin have to work together to survive. As @whiteflame55 correctly calls it, it's all about a MacGuffin named Dragon's Tail. It's MI6's most treasured secret, a list of all their agents. A band of mercenaries (we later learn hired by Leonardo) steals is. Nix is sent as a "lone wolf" because he's no longer an active agent and it's unlikely he is the mole who funneled the disk to the mercenaries. And of course Lupin is in it to steal the disk for himself, because, why not. He's Lupin.

The mercenaries torture Nix for the password, and he fakes his death by waterboarding. Lupin escapes with the disk and cracks the password. But now an air strike of the MI6 takes place, followed by their storm troopers. Goemon and Jigen save the day, and once more Nix fakes his death - this time he even stops his radio implant. Percival thinks he's dead for good, and instantly orders the murder of Nix' patchwork family. Just like @23feanor said, there is a mystery about the very mixed bunch. His "rat nature" and the experimental animation in his fight scene also hint at something. He's for sure special, and so is his family.

In the showdown, Nix enters MI6 HQ, challenges Percival and we get the nice experimental fight animation again. Leonardo then enters the scene and eventually kills Percival, disables Nix with a Ninja precision trick, and Lupin steals the disk. Leonardo and Lupin talk on the phone, and Leonardo laughs the loss of the disk away. Despite his initial plan to steal it, he now says he probably no longer needs it.

Jul 29, 2023 9:17 AM

May 2019
Episode 21

As @inim said, this episode is very distinct. It's not an episode about Lupin or any of the central gang - if anything, they're just vehicles moving the plot forward for an old man who is mourning the loss of his wife, a famous singer in her time whom he managed. She's on her deathbed in their house, and in his grief, the manager just wants to rid himself of the memories of their times together to distance himself as much as possible, even placing a frame containing a younger picture of the two of them face down. Lupin steals the car, drives it around town in a slow speed chase, but rather than making off with it as planned via a truck, a sticky wheel and a photograph place him on the route that the elderly couple had followed in that car many times. The car sputters to a stop, Lupin abandons it at the location where the photo was taken, and he and Fujiko cut their losses on this scheme.

Really, what makes this episode is a combination of the music and the slow coming to terms the elderly manager does with the loss of his wife. There is just a lot to love about how the music was done in this episode, bouncing back to a distinct era of sound from what we've heard so far as it transports us back to a time where this couple was young and vibrant. Little by little, as the episode goes on, the manager learns to embrace their good times together and with it the heartache of losing his wife. He replaces the photo to be visible and, when a radio is left on in the car while Lupin is driving it, he leaves the sound going, appreciating the memories it brings back. His wife does as well, and while it's not surprising how it ends, it is no less affecting to see her pass away, showing her first form of vibrancy in who knows how long by reaching out to him and smiling just before she dies. All this elicits a single tear as the gruff old man.

And I agree, easily the best stand-alone episode so far. @inim I couldn't say if she's the singer from the ED, though that would make some sense.
Jul 30, 2023 3:21 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 21. As you both already said this was a unique episode for Lupin and not something I was expecting from this series. It was touching and as @whiteflame55 mentioned the music was poignant and fitting for the content. The ending certainly brought a tear to my eyes. Also pretty certain the singer in the ED is Nora, as at the end you see her with the car (although the top is down and not sure if it was a convertible or not) at the lovely spot she liked and where Lupin ended up leaving the car.

Didn't notice how close we are to the end of the series (plus the 2nd part of the special), so about that time to decide on the next watch. @inim mentioned taking a digital detox during your vacation so maybe @whiteflame55 we could pick something @inim has already seen, but that we haven't, assuming @inim is out for the next watch that is? I know we mentioned YLIA before but I think we should heed @inim's warning about it not being worth our time and teen kitsch. Looking through your ptw list @whiteflame55 a couple of entries could work (that @inim has seen): Chihayafuru S1, Gundam Witch from Mercury (plus prequel OVA), Mitsudomoe, Psycho-Pass, Haven't You Heard I'm Sakamoto (this one isn't on @inim's completed or ptw list, not sure if it's @inim's cup of tea or not, I wouldn't mind something silly and light, Nana is taking it's toll, even started Aria S3 to offset the heavy feels from Nana).
23feanorJul 30, 2023 3:31 AM
Jul 30, 2023 6:13 AM

May 2019
@23feanor Yeah, probably best for us to start figuring this out now. Chihayafuru and Gundam Witch from Mercury are highest up on my ptw list out of those, though I'm open to any of them. Given that you're dealing with Nana, maybe best to leave out Psycho-Pass at least, though both Mitsudomoe and Sakamoto are comedies, so they might be better balances than the rest. The former was a rather recent addition to my ptw, and particularly if @inim does express interest in watching Sakamoto at some point, Mitsudomoe would probably make the most sense.

Episode 22

Lupin's after a doll made by Gennai Hiraga, a man heralded as the Leonardo Da Vinci of Japan (coincidence?) in order to save Fujiko's life. He dresses up as Zenigata and cases the joint (gives himself away early by falling for the woman in charge). Turns out, Goemon was the one who ran into Fujiko, and she was never in danger, they just made a bet. But it also turns out that Goemon is an imposter, being played by an ostentatious detective named Akechi Holmes Kousuke. The doll was always a fake, this was always a set-up, and Lupin and Fujiko have to high-tail it out of there. The whole building is full of cops ready to catch them, and despite some theatrics, Lupin fails to escape. Fujiko manages it, but only because Akechi views her as small fry who can't do anything without Lupin. How little he knows.

Jigen finds Fujiko, who's down in the dumps. Zenigata arrives on the scene to transport Lupin into ICPO custody, sparking a bit of comedy as Akechi tries to remove his disguise unsuccessfully (first time). He then finds another Zenigata in the bathroom tied up. They don't realize that this is actually Fujiko, and that they're currently chasing down the real Zenigata (to for the second time unsuccessfully remove his face). Fujiko saves Lupin and they tear off in the military police vehicle, much to everyone's chagrin. They try to blow up the bridge Lupin and Fujiko are on, but Jigen prevents it. So they roll out a literal cannon as a last ditch effort. It wreaks some havoc before Lupin and Fujiko execute a sick jump and escape, revealing that Akechi was wearing a wig the whole time.

It's the usual twists within twists kind of episode, though this one does stand out for its visuals. There are some absolutely drop dead gorgeous shots in this one, really showcasing the vibrant, colorful setting in Japan.
Jul 31, 2023 2:54 AM

Apr 2019
whiteflame55 said:
@23feanor Yeah, probably best for us to start figuring this out now. Chihayafuru and Gundam Witch from Mercury are highest up on my ptw list out of those, though I'm open to any of them. Given that you're dealing with Nana, maybe best to leave out Psycho-Pass at least, though both Mitsudomoe and Sakamoto are comedies, so they might be better balances than the rest. The former was a rather recent addition to my ptw, and particularly if @inim does express interest in watching Sakamoto at some point, Mitsudomoe would probably make the most sense.
Please feel free to watch anything you like. I'm on vacation just this week, but may join in and rewatch. Brief comment on each suggestion, regardless of rewatch or not.
  • Chihayafuru - Great but long, the three 24 episode seasons are one single story. And it's not even completed, I pray for another season. Content wise, it's ganbatte sports in a school club/shoujo setting. Wird mix, but weoks really well. Overlayed are character development arcs for multiple side chars (what the sport makes of them, better people), a love triangle and a hiccibochi unfreeze. Really good, but long.
  • Psycho-Pass - I know how popular and beloved that show is, I just hate it with a passion. It's worse than Your Lie n April, and the very definition of "pretentious" and "pseudo-adult writing for edgy teens". Yuk. And that's season 1, even fans of that season tend to say what follows is crap. I believe them and skipped S2 and up.
  • Sakamoto - On my radar even if not on the PTW. I'd happily join the watch and "almost added to PTW" it many times.
  • Mitsudomoe - The #2 classic lolicon show beside #1 Kodomo no Jikan. Unlike the latter it's pure comedy and not comedic melodrama, and less agressively sexualized. Hitoha best girl. The 7.53 despite the usual suspect downvotes for shows from that genre is correct, it's funny as hell and well produced. If one can live with sexualized primary schoolers, that is.
  • Gundam Witch from Mercury See my recent review, it's a good 6 or a weak 7. It has a lot of story and would benefit from more runtime. Two cours are not enough. Production, story etc. are all good, this was designed as "new generation" Gundam and I think they got it right. Utena motives are all over the place, so it's more enjoyable if one has seen that show. But it's not story relevant, just to get the many references and homages.

Jul 31, 2023 3:51 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 22. I quite enjoyed this one and as @whiteflame55 mentioned the visual backdrop of Japan looked gorgeous, the large inn where Fujiko met fake Goemon looked a bit like the huge bath house in Spirited Away but without the baths, or one of the locations from Kill Bill.

Bit characters like ultimate detective Akechi Holmes (the Japanese do love Sherlock) make me appreciate Zenigata.

Onto the second part of the special next (ep 22.5).

@whiteflame55 if @inim is out for the next watch then Mitsudomoe next sounds good for something lighter to start the day.

Edit: @inim thanks for the comments. Mitsudomoe sounds like the sort of content I'm in the mood for (not sexualised primary schoolers, but light comedy if you know what I mean), Utena vibes from Witch from Mercury might be a bit much on top of Nana. I'd heard Psycho-Pass was edgy but had a really good premise, only recently added it to my ptw list after hearing gigguk and another couple of anitubers praise it, albeit acknowledging that it's edgelord heavy.

On a side note I see @whiteflame55 and I are making our way through the Gundam UC timeline OVA's so should be able to add Zeta to our group watch list soon. I think Stardust might have the most detailed and mechanically and tactically accurate mech fights I've ever seen, not the flashiest, Macross Frontier and Iron Blooded Orphans got that covered, but fights that looked like two people in huge mechanised suits battling the shit out of each other.

Oh and enjoy your well deserved holiday @inim :)
23feanorJul 31, 2023 4:02 AM
Jul 31, 2023 9:18 AM

May 2019
@23feanor @inim I'm good with Mitsudomoe as our next watch. And yes, I've been working my way through the UC timeline OVAs. Thunderbolts next, then Stardust.

Episode 22.5 (World Dissection, Part 2)

So, at last, we wrap up this story with Lupin now pitted directly against Da Vinci in a play to save Rebecca. It's interesting because at this point, we have a lot of info on Da Vinci that we didn't have when he was introduced in Part 1. We know how he came to be, where he inserted himself into the story, and have gotten to see his many plots play out with him coming out on top. So, now, there's reason to believe that the matchup between him and Lupin has some real gravity to it, as Lupin has been outmaneuvered multiple times already. Notably, all those cases were Lupin trying to outsmart someone else and getting scooped.

We return to Da Vinci's moving castle, complete with massive strands of DNA feeding in, all inside Rebecca where their personalities are fighting it out for control. Lupin jumps into a painting like Mario, has his world literally turned upside down, jumps on mushroom platforms (seriously, Mario references), crawls through a desert, climbs gears, and has a drug trip before eventually reaching an amnesiac Rebecca in a wedding gown. After jumping from a great height, they fall together and Lupin reminds her of their history together including the fall that came on their honeymoon, putting a ring on her finger. This finally brings back her memories.

Given that this is Rebecca's mind, she controls it, bringing back the world as she sees it and breaking down Da Vinci's castle into memories. Lupin's consciousness leaves her mind by shooting himself in the head, while Da Vinci collapses from some unknown ailment, which he also suffers in real life.

Da Vinci has taken over more minds than hers, but he still appears flustered. Lupin reveals that he helped everyone escape these mental prisons in a similar way, somehow infiltrating everyone's dreams (*shrug* it's Lupin, he steals everything). Da Vinci coughs up blood, has a heart-to-heart with Lupin about stealing hearts, and collapses. He's afraid his legacy will die with him, but Lupin says he will keep him alive in his mind. I suppose that's appropriate, given how much he messed with other peoples' minds.

Zenigata and Nix show up, the latter going after the now dead Da Vinci while the former chases down Lupin again. Lupin faceplants accidentally (presumably) into Fujiko's cleavage, and we get a high speed chase.

We get some shots of people we've seen over the course of the series who are talking about their experiences in the coma and seeing Lupin in their dreams. Rebecca and Lupin meet on the roof of her villa, where he claims not to have been responsible for saving her. Turns out, she has had a marriage registration form, and she wants his last name, finally coming around to seeing that this isn't just something she wants for a brief high, but a bond she wants to share with him secretly for their lives. Still, she tears up the form in the end, not wanting to keep him captive and hoping to grow into a woman that can really compete with him. Lupin vanishes, leaving her with words of not being too hard on herself. Probably their last meeting of this series - a shame we won't see her much in Part 5, which I do plan to watch at some point.

We leave off this episode with our central crew vanishing onto trains in quite the effective set of shots, each individually disappearing just as the train finishes passing them by.

A bit convoluted, but a pretty solid wrap-up to Da Vinci and Rebecca's story arcs. Two episodes remain.
Aug 1, 2023 1:23 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 22.5 (special part 2). I thought the Leonardo story was wrapped up a but quickly but enjoyed the Mario references (I remember playing the first 3D Mario game back in 96/97, we all went round my mates and spent 24 hours playing so the jumping in the painting bit was a cool bit of nostalgia) and thought Rebecca got a good send off, acknowledging her desire to seriously be with Lupin, or at least have his name, but at the same time realising he won't be tied down so settling for becoming a woman worthy of his respect. Lupin reminds me heavily of Ryo Saeba from City Hunter, he often appears to want nothing more than to chase women into bed, but whenever things get serious, or a woman does fall for him, he always acts the gentleman letting them down gently and never taking advantage.

I've given this special a low 8/10 same as the series as it's basically eps 5.5 and 22.5. Along with Urusei Yatsura 2022, which I'm also currently watching, this series brings new life and a truly fantastic breath of life to an older franchise. Both series have different approaches to an older retro style but both look fantastic, and sound great also. Main difference is that UY 2022 has a rubbish MC in Ataru Moroboshi, whereas Lupin is the star of the his show.
Aug 1, 2023 9:01 AM

May 2019
Decided to take some time to think through my score before I posted it. I think there were a lot of interesting dynamics from these two episodes, but like @23feanor said, I think it wraps up Da Vinci's story a little too fast. It's only at the very end that we become aware of any physical ailment, and while I know that's there largely just to end his story more neatly, it's also rushed and somewhat anticlimactic. Notably, MI6 is entirely absent in the end, since Nix was removed from it prior to these events, which is also surprising given that he killed Percival not too long ago. I can also more easily buy Da Vinci figuring out how to implant himself in the minds of others than I can Lupin suddenly figuring it out and replicating it across so many people, even if it's really the only way for him to combat a personality like Da Vinci's. In any case, the visuals for this one were still fantastic, the central conflict pitting Lupin against Da Vinci was entertaining and intriguing, and the whole idea of putting everyone in a mental prison and having them use their greatest skills to get out were all pretty great. I think this one takes bigger swings than the rest of the series, and in doing so, manages to put on quite the spectacle. I end up giving it a high 7 (7.8/10).

Episode 23 (Nonstop Rendevous)

Seems we're getting one more episode with Rebecca - should've guessed that, given that the zombie episode also heavily featured Rebecca and this is paired with that one. She gets kidnapped, and now Lupin is racing to rescue her as she speeds away on a train, just like in her movie. Zenigata catches up to him quickly and they spend the episode handcuffed together after Zenigata loses the key and working together to save her. Turns out, the dude who kidnapped her is a big fan of her movies, and is demanding she marry him just as the movie villain did. So yeah, it's a bit of a Perfect Blue obsessive fan moment, as he's willing to die with her.

I'm personally a fan of rivals turned unlikely allies, and Zenigata and Lupin's dynamic together is consistently a blast to watch. The comic antics of Zenigata and some random sheep accidentally eating most of Lupin's sushi, getting slapped by a fish, trying to shoot off the cuffs and missing, getting a mouthful of tree, and narrowly avoiding death by other trains are pretty great. The driving shots, as well as those of the railroad tracks and train are strong throughout. 

They board the train, and each uses the crazed fan's gun against him to free himself of the cuffs and both destroy the phone and disarm him (more expertly done bullet time shots). Still, the train is rigged, moving too fast for them to round a bend without flying off the tracks. Breaking saves them from fully derailing, but it's still awfully close, and we get to see the train Tokyo drift around the bend to a stop. Lupin manages to escape before Zenigata can capture him, notably never seeing Rebecca who he now says is his fiancé. I initially thought this was due to her tearing up the marriage registration form and her subsequent declaration that she wants to be Mrs. Lupin, but these events took take place before she had her fake marriage to him (she doesn't have the same connection to or knowledge of the name that she does throughout the rest of the series). Yes, in the end, the events of the movie we watched at the start were depicting this actual event that was probably her introduction to Lupin, so this functions as a look back down Memory Lane for Rebecca. And she continues that walk as she remembers when Lupin first approached her, heads back to the church in which they got married, seeing visions of their big day, and steps out alone, the door literally closing on that chapter of her life.

I really liked this episode. It is a neat wrap-up of this season (no surprise it was listed as the penultimate episode in this watch order) that ties everything back to the first episode, while giving us some solid backstory that explains how these two got together in the first place and gave us some of the best Lupin x Zenigata moments of the season. Kind of sad that there's only one episode left, I've enjoyed this series quite a bit.
Aug 2, 2023 2:21 AM

Jun 2019
@whiteflame55 good point you make about MI6 and the end of the Da Vinci story, also what about Nix and his family, seems to me like his story hasn't been fully explored yet. Wonder whether that'll be the final episode maybe. I've also been enjoying this series, it's an engaging mix of stories, solid character banter and interactions, plus looks and sounds great.

Episode 23. I also really enjoy the capers of Zenigata and Lupin, and seeing them become unlikely allies tickled me pink as the saying goes, same as @whiteflame55 loved the long car chase with the handcuffs, sushi and sheep. Fitting that this episode takes us back to the beginning of the series and we see the story of how Lupin first met (although they didn't actually meet), saved Rebecca turned into another movie.

Looks like the next episode is about Rebecca again, so no Nix and MI6 then.

I'm going to miss the ED.
Aug 2, 2023 9:00 AM

May 2019
@23feanor Yeah, I think Nix will remain an enduring mystery. I'm not sure what his involvement in Part 5 will be, but he's been a pretty solid foil for Lupin throughout that functions rather distinctly from Zenigata. I know I've enjoyed his presence in the story, just wish we got to know more about his background than "all of MI6 is primed to stop him should he go rogue" and "he has a strong attachment to his family." Maybe he was an early test subject for what they did to make Da Vinci, but that's just headcanon at this point.

Episode 24

So in general, I'm pretty torn on the decision to end on Rebecca. I've loved her as a character, but they've spent the last 2 episodes (admittedly, we've been following a specific watch order that facilitates this, but it seems any watch order would have placed these close together) giving her an expansive ending and, though I've loved how they've managed it, it does feel like every other storyline is taking a backseat to hers. Beyond that, I felt like World Dissection was a good capstone for their last true interaction, with Nonstop Rendevous being more of an epilogue for her character, but this episode seems like they'll bring them back into contact. 

Still, watching her selling a new red wine she's now producing, a direct connection to her lost love and her endeavor to move beyond his death, is effective and not belabored. In general, Rebecca's doing great, but still a thrill-seeking thief despite her other successes. In that vein, she rains down flyers on Rome claiming that she will rob Lupin, using a lipstick mark as her calling card. Robson opposes her in her efforts, but ends up knocked out for his trouble. Meanwhile, Lupin is making quite the killing in a set of bank heists... or at least he should, except he seems like he's looking for something among all that cash. Rebecca, meanwhile, is setting traps for him. They're both playing games with one another, leaving responsive calling cards and traps of various types.

More interestingly, Fujiko arrives on the scene. Despite it largely being a bit of a lighter episode (you know, aside from the dead woman in the cask), Episode 11 included some really effective dialogue between these characters, one that put their motivations in stark contrast. Having them encounter one another again gives Fujiko a chance to see how (or if) Rebecca has grown since then. Fujiko was invited to steal Lupin as well, but she refused. It's not a thrill for her, and she knows Lupin will come to her anyway. 

Rebecca traps herself and Lupin in a vault, finally meeting face-to-face (or gun to back). Turns out, Lupin was searching for a very specific bank note placed in one of these vaults by Jigen, one with a marking on it, just so that he could make Jigen clean their apartment for a year, never taking any other money along the way. Meanwhile, Rebecca seriously demands that Lupin "be mine tonight," even shedding tears when he challenges her mentality (though he claims they're fake). As Fujiko points out, though, part of the allure of Lupin is that he can't be tamed. He wouldn't be Lupin if he could. Still, Rebecca sees Lupin as the best part of her life, and will stop at nothing to obtain him. But Lupin flips the tables, getting the cops to open the vault. Taking her by the arm, they run the moment it's opened, giving her one last thrilling adventure (covering her eyes with the money, though that shouldn't provide her any protection from discovery) with him as they escape with Robson's assistance. 

And so Rebecca's wine is completed by her adventure and Robson's affirmation of her thrill-seeking ways. Lupin walks away with the bill, now graced with Rebecca's lipstick, only to have it stolen by Fujiko who is just messing with him (though it's more likely that she's a bit jealous).

Overall, I just enjoyed this series a great deal. Not every episode was a banger, but it had more hits than misses. Would have liked to get more episodes focused on Goemon, but at least we got one with a solid look into his background. Nix could have used more development as well. Still, there's a lot to love about the additions to this series. Rebecca is a real spitfire and it's a shame to hear that her role in the story largely stops at this point, especially given the dynamic between her and Fujiko made things interesting. Having MI6 as a central player in the events of the series made for some pretty intense moments, and their distinction from Zenigata introduced additional complexity that livened up the series. The supernatural elements were occasionally convoluted, but in the series proper, they functioned as more intrigue and I think that's where they worked their greatest magic. And Da Vinci's role in this story was a lot of fun to watch. Dude always kept everyone guessing.

But this series wouldn't be Lupin if it didn't thrive on its central cast, and this most definitely did. Zenigata is consistently a pleasure to watch and got several great moments to shine, Lupin makes for an exciting protagonist to watch, and his relationships, particularly with Jigen and Fujiko, are particularly investing. It's not the deepest series, but it's not trying to be, and there's still a lot to dig into as the series goes on. I think this did exceptionally well balancing humor and drama, particularly in a couple of very strong episodes. And it looked gorgeous throughout, with some great animation and fight scenes that were absolutely marvelous. Solid 8 out of 10 for me (8.5/10).
Aug 3, 2023 1:13 AM

Jun 2019
Feeling a bit under the weather today, little to no sleep and having fevered dreams about bloody Nana, that damn show and the main girls have really gotten inside my head! So will keep this brief.

Episode 24. I also thought another episode about Rebecca was a weird choice after the last couple of eps we've had but maybe that's due to the watch order we've used. Thought Robson was star of this episode.

Overall I've really enjoyed this mix of stories and am glad to have gotten a good dose of Lupin under my belt. Gave the series a 8.3/10, really liked the visuals and OST, great combo. Have added part 5 to my ptw list, but am planning on picking up the Fujiko Mine OVA first.

@whiteflame55 @inim as always thanks for your input, this one was a lot of fun each morning. Going to miss that ED. Onto something altogether different and a bit of fun.
Aug 3, 2023 5:43 AM

May 2019
23feanor said:
Feeling a bit under the weather today, little to no sleep and having fevered dreams about bloody Nana, that damn show and the main girls have really gotten inside my head! So will keep this brief.

Episode 24. I also thought another episode about Rebecca was a weird choice after the last couple of eps we've had but maybe that's due to the watch order we've used. Thought Robson was star of this episode.

Overall I've really enjoyed this mix of stories and am glad to have gotten a good dose of Lupin under my belt. Gave the series a 8.3/10, really liked the visuals and OST, great combo. Have added part 5 to my ptw list, but am planning on picking up the Fujiko Mine OVA first.

@whiteflame55 @inim as always thanks for your input, this one was a lot of fun each morning. Going to miss that ED. Onto something altogether different and a bit of fun.
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Nana definitely gets into your head, though!

I echo your sentiments about the show, the group watch, and that ED. I'll get to that OVA and Part 5 one of these days.
Aug 3, 2023 6:32 AM

Jun 2019
whiteflame55 said:
23feanor said:
Feeling a bit under the weather today, little to no sleep and having fevered dreams about bloody Nana, that damn show and the main girls have really gotten inside my head! So will keep this brief.

Episode 24. I also thought another episode about Rebecca was a weird choice after the last couple of eps we've had but maybe that's due to the watch order we've used. Thought Robson was star of this episode.

Overall I've really enjoyed this mix of stories and am glad to have gotten a good dose of Lupin under my belt. Gave the series a 8.3/10, really liked the visuals and OST, great combo. Have added part 5 to my ptw list, but am planning on picking up the Fujiko Mine OVA first.

@whiteflame55 @inim as always thanks for your input, this one was a lot of fun each morning. Going to miss that ED. Onto something altogether different and a bit of fun.
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Nana definitely gets into your head, though!

I echo your sentiments about the show, the group watch, and that ED. I'll get to that OVA and Part 5 one of these days.

Feeling better now thanks. I was up most of the night and had the thing where thoughts that are most prominent, for me currently Nana, were swirling round in my head. I decided to bite the bullet, I need sleep tonight, so literally just finished Nana. Man was that a bruising show. Felt so sorry so Nobu, and Hachi, and Nana, and Ren, and Yasu, basically everyone but bloody Takumi, who is a big bag of dicks and wished someone would take him down a peg or two. But hey, that's why this show was most like a josei and realistic, the good, nice guys don't always win and get the girl like in stories, and dickheads like Takumi walk over people like Hachi. That said, Takumi did do the right thing marrying her, but the way he went about it was low. Apparently he rapes her later in the manga series.
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