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Mar 12, 2022 5:30 AM

May 2019
Episode 10

An animal-centric episode, and who better to lead it than Menchi? She’s making surprising but fruitless progress in her attempts to escape the apartment with a chisel. She remembers the good times with an old man, and then the neighbors bust down the door during an argument and Menchi books it out of there. Despite being as cute as she is, she is spurned for her lack of a collar and has rocks thrown at her (some of those kids drive a goddamn bulldozer to push a giant bolder after her) before getting their comeuppance from a Martian, and gets caught up in a dog turf war involving dogs with all manner of human accents. Menchi remains the only one who doesn’t speak. She’s apparently trying to find the old man who was nice to her long ago, and the other dogs offer to help. They travel using dice to guide them and run into humanoid dogs who are trying to stop them to become top dog. They sacrifice themselves (sometimes explosively) to the cause of getting Menchi to this probably dead old dude.

But then, we get the twist: double agents! Eyepatch dog was working for the humanoid dogs all along, as was the old dude they were searching for, who now has a minigun! This was an absurdly long con! Then everyone explodes except Menchi and the old dude, who she mercilessly guns down. Menchi returns home with the minigun. Guess she’s packing heat now.

Elsewhere, Portal Ex Machina is having a pleasant meal with a Martian. Excel is distraught at finding her apartment Menchi-less and her stew pot full of… Martian, shark, and octopus, so I don’t know why she’s complaining. Then, she gets attacked by a snake. Pedro’s wrestling with that dude who caught him with Portal-san. The director is still running away from that mountain girl.
Mar 12, 2022 12:08 PM

Dec 2008
23feanor said:
Episode 10. Dog melodrama, very cute. Where did the dogs keep the grenades, as i didn't see any pockets, lol. Good episode.

It's commonly called Hammerspace, a trope popular across the universe of entertainment. Kaori of City Hunter fame is notorious for her use of it to hold the 10+ ton hammers she uses to beat Ryou with.
Mar 12, 2022 2:14 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Eleven


Excel goes back to school, her old school in fact, to teach and it's become a school for deliquents.
Aesop Sensei the 'Head' of the Baseball team appears and wants the MCs to help him with the team, why? cos his ass is broken.
It's a difficult task, but the MC manage to win over the team with the sex appeal of.... Tomato Juice.
There's also the task of bringing back Bean-Brat...... meh who cares about about him.
The game arrives and they're actually playing monkeys, with Afro Director commentating.
Has-Bean appears at the last minute and the team lose, well done lads, now disband your crappy team.
We also see Pedro is tied up and heading to Tokyo Bay to swim with the fishes.... Poor Ped.....wait he's already dead.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 12, 2022 10:08 PM

May 2019
Episode 11

Yep, youth drama now. Gonna keep this one short. They’re going to be interfering with high schoolers this time posing as teachers (a stretch for Excel). Brings us back to the place we started in episode 1 where Excel met Truck-kun. The amorous delinquents and their amazing pompadours are here in force looking much older than they should. The baseball sponsor has a massive, funhouse sized head, apparently due to massive constipation, and forces them both to coach baseball by cursing them with a lack of toilet paper in public restrooms. Winning over the delinquent team with tomato juice, Hyatt transforms these men into a pretty well-trained team, but have to recruit a guy with a massive yellow, prehensile pompadour to fill out the team. Hyatt shows him a picture and convinces him to join, but he still shows up late by helicopter for some reason (dude’s rich). Excel ends up being pretty damn decent as they play against monkeys, but they still lose after yellow pompadour shows up. Dude’s father goes bankrupt, everyone laughs for some reason, the end.

Oh, and Pablo is tied up and getting driven to Tokyo Bay. Is he still dead or what?
Mar 13, 2022 10:19 AM

May 2019
Episode 12

And we’re a detective show now. And a Christmas episode to boot!

Mystery Man and his totally real pointy mustache is tasking his workers with being assistants to a detective. The detective has a dual personality being positive and supportive without her hat, but becoming hard-boiled and harsh when she puts the hat on.

Excel keeps getting dunked on by Lord Il, though she somehow defeats and skins a crocodile. She and Hyatt are working for some department store. Hyatt takes the concept of Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer too far and bleeds through much of the reindeer costume she’s wearing and it looks like she died again, but apparently doctors are bad at determining these things.

And this is where our stories cross over. Hyatt gets taken hostage by burglars, and the detective goes to catch them, thinking that it will solve a 40-year-old case. Excel tries to catch up, but Menchi’s busy with a Martian in her apartment, she tries to call a horse with a coin but that character doesn’t exist, and Portal Ex Machina is busy watching Pedro vanish into the ocean encased in pudding. There’s some question between the thieves as to why they have a hostage at all, the reason for which basically amounts to “we’re criminals, and this seems right.” Hyatt turns blue and almost dies again for some reason but leaves a trail of blood that Excel can track. It boils and kills birds… which might explain why Hyatt’s always on the verge of death. Turns out the thieves stole a lot of fake money with the director’s face on it, get really upset, and kill Hyatt (not dead), and try to burn her body. She somehow escapes this and Excel finds her. The two of them try to hitchhike, run into the same burglars on the road somehow, and the two are so shocked to see Hyatt alive that they drive off a cliff, landing right next to our intrepid detectives. Seems like a win, even if it definitely doesn’t solve the 40-year-old robbery case. Take-aways aren’t positive from this one.
Mar 13, 2022 1:15 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Twelve


Deadbeat Neighbour Crew join the police for some training, Detective Special with a touch of Christmas.
MC#2 is dead again, the doctor might have a scarred face like Black Jack but not his skill.
Pedro floats to the bottom of the harbour, with The Universe watching on, all powerful my ass.... also poor Pedro.
MC#2 is taken hostage by two moron thieves, she also seems to be deadly to animals.
Detective's split personality is revealed to be because of her dad's hat.... possession is nine tenths of the law.
The moron thieves crash and burn, case solved, but they weren't who the Detective was after.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 14, 2022 3:21 AM

Jun 2019
Episodes 11 & 12. So ep 11 is a youth drama set at Dog Stew high, i do like the constant variation in our daily eps. Excel and H-chan try helping out the school baseball team.

Ep 12 was an xmas detective story. Love the female detective, Perin-chan with dual personality, hat on=hard boiled detective, hat off=cute girl.

@JokerVentura I see we have a Columbo fan, love the scruffy detective

My other half is now on maternity leave at home and the hospital bag is packed ready as baby could be here any day now. Will keep watching and posting until she arrives and will be back within a week or two I expect once baby arrives (so please tag me on next show thread, maybe ACCA?), daily dose of anime to keep me sane amid the nappies and sleepless nights.
Mar 14, 2022 3:59 AM

Mar 2011
23feanor said:
I see we have a Columbo fan, love the scruffy Detective.

@23feanor He whistles 'Nick Nack Paddywack' from time to time if he gets a clue, right? :-)

Also that one Episode where he was sent to assist in London...

P. S.: Sry for the OT ^_^

UPDATE: Mrs. Columbo (or at least a photograph of her) was shown at least once, and there she was portrayed by none other than Kate 'Captain Janeway' Mulgrew! Oh, and 'OT' means 'Off Topic'.

HapposamaMar 14, 2022 6:36 AM
Mar 14, 2022 4:28 AM

Jun 2019
Happosama said:
23feanor said:
I see we have a Columbo fan, love the scruffy Detective.

@23feanor He whistles 'Nick Nack Paddywack' from time to time if he gets a clue, right? :-)

Also that one Episode where he was sent to assist in London...

P. S.: Sry for the OT ^_^

He does whistle sometimes, I'd forgotten that. I remember that he always mentions his wife but we never see her. I think we've seen all the episodes and specials, a couple of years back, but half hoping there's one random episode we missed. Maybe we'll wait another few years and then watch them again.

What's an OT?
Mar 14, 2022 2:00 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Thirteen


A recap episode presented as a Japanese New Year Television Special.

I don't really have anything to say about this episode...........

Oh yeah, apparently in the dub the voice actress for Excel hurt her voice so it will change to another VA next episode.

Also halfway point of the series............That's it.


@23feanor Yep, I've always liked the scruffy and oddball detectives like Columbo, Rockford, Frost and Monk.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 14, 2022 8:32 PM

May 2019
Episode 13

It's a recap episode for the New Year, one where our leads are reporting live with their younger substitutes, and the audience is... also somehow full of doppelgangers. Lord Il is assembling dominoes because of reasons.

Well, at least this gives me a chance to notice weird things I definitely missed before and weren't just included in the recap. Like that weird female leg just coming out of a bush at Excel's high school. Lord Il straight up murdered Excel in that dating sim and got a couple of Bad Ends - not great at this kind of thing. Pedro gets his own movie, and it's pretty much all the shit he's been through, so a real love story. Not to be outdone, the director gets his own movie... a bit self-indulgent. It even features cameos from amazing characters like Space Butler and the mangaka.

Hyatt doesn't give us any background to explain her weird stint as a princess in a sarcophagus. The three neighbors are basically left out of everything. Lord Il fails to finish assembling his dominos before they fall. And, of course, Menchi has the best contribution to the episode.

Onward to the second half!
Mar 15, 2022 3:41 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 13. Excluding the music video at the end, that was a pretty decent recap episode with much less reused footage than I expected.

Sad to hear Excel's english VA will be changing.
Mar 15, 2022 3:53 AM
Dec 2018

A lot of episodes later, but I am still on. It is a fun series.. also OT is short for "Off Topic", talking about something else than the thread is supposed to be about.. I think, at least.
Mar 15, 2022 3:18 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Fourteen


We are into the second cour and even the anime creators realise nothing but nonsense has been happening, so of course to only way to sort that is to introduce a new character.
....I really hope the girl Labcoat is watching is his daughter....... oh she isn't.......
Wait did he also just kidnap some random kid........ looks like he did........
A new woman joins the Deadbeat Neighbour Squad, she's a robot, made by Professor on a Register.
She doesn't last long as she suffers an explosive end, but of course she's quickly fixed, though somewhat changed.
Meanwhile Menchi is enjoying peace and quiet for a change, good Doggy.
The Universe is also mourning Pedro, wait so was he alive again before being sent to Davy Jones' Locker!?

Not really liking the new MC Dub voice, she's not as good.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 15, 2022 8:33 PM

May 2019
Episode 14

We get introduced to a new character in a lab coat who is perving on little girls at the playground. Dude has to be on some kind of watchlist. Dude also ignores laws of physics and... yep, he definitely kidnapped one of those little girls. A woman comes in and slaps his shit repeatedly, though that seems awfully tame as far as punishments go.

Excel's been on the ocean floor since last episode, saved by the director. She and Hyatt get lost running errands while Menchi has a perfect day alone. And now ACROSS is working with the Martians for some reason.

Also, Rapponmatsu (last name only) joins our intrepid heroes of civil service and immediately gets perved on. But, twist, Rapponmatsu was a robot the whole time! And they find a bleeding box left behind by Excel and Hyatt on their way to the hospital (to once again freak out the doctors who see Hyatt die every other day). The box is a bomb! She appears to effortlessly disarm it, releasing lots of weird stuff (including a doll of Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls) just in time to save their lives, but blows up anyway, taking Iwata's hopes of an actual (virtual) girlfriend with her. But, twist, she's "alive" and young for some reason.

The episode ends on a weird note with the building cracking and sinking into the ground.
Mar 16, 2022 2:31 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 14. We meet Rapponmatsu and Excel gets a new VA in the english dub, who actually does a pretty good job, although she doesn't have the strangled chicken scream Excel does so well down just yet.

The guy perving on the kids was just plain weird uncomfortable.
Mar 16, 2022 7:09 AM

Apr 2019
Catching up, I still find it very hard to write mini reviews of the episode. It's interesting how everybody uses their own approach and style. Rest assured I read and enjoy the postings, as well as the show. Life is hectic currently, and I got a bit sick over the stress as well. Hail Il Palazzo!

Episode 11 is themed "delinquent school drama" and has plot much closer to sports drama than the "official" bowling episode. Delinquent school shows were popular and with GTO the genre peaked in the same year tis episode came out. The story is a genre stape, unconventional teacher(s) reform a class of losers, focus the group on a common goal, and ... fail to achive it. We are still in Excel Saga and parody.

Episode 12 is themed "hard boiled detective action". In two parallel arcs the Department of City Security team chases a split personality detective as part of their police training. And Hyatt is kidnapped by a rather incompetent gang of robbers. This doubles as the XMas episode of the show.

Episode 13 is themed "New Years Eve TV show" and has some new footage of the TV show around recap scenes. Each character is given a short summary segment and the TV studio scenes are funny by themselves. I found it quite well made for a recap episode.

Episode 14 is themed "robocop sci-fi" and introduces a new member of the Department of City Security team. She's a robot specialized into disarming bombs. Agreed on the creepiness of the playground meeting scene, the sugary girl shots combined with the two creepy old freaks worked.

Mar 16, 2022 1:57 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Fifteen


It turns out blowing up Robogirl was a bad idea, they made 20,000 figures of her and it's hard to sell merchandise for a dead character..... I see what you did there.
The Deadbeat Neighbours start off the show, NPC#125 is mouring the loss of Robogirl, they are then disturbed by Knockoff Robogirl (made in China) who is moving in...... There are too many weirdos in this place, who's the landlord letting them all stay there.
Professor on a Register is ordered to replace the Knockoff with the real thing........ he's also kidnapped another child and turned her into his chauffeur.
The MC also have a robot now, and it's a big bomb, it also doesn't blend in as well as the other group's, even when it's a panda.
Pedro is drowning despite being dead, The Universe shares her oxygen to him I guess..... even if it.... kills her.... I guess....
Might Moustache sends Knockoff Robogirl to disarm Robobomb, it doesn't go very well, she get's her metal ass kicked.
Luckily OG Robogirl arrives and saves the day, by being blown up again and taking Knockoff Robogirl with her, they are repaired once again though by the end of the episode.



100% agree, you can tell how good Futurama was by the fact Fox cancelled it, if they ever got a great show they loved to cancel them.
Also that tail on Knockoff Robogirl, I'm pretty sure it's suppose to be a plug/connector of sorts, I think it's from another series, I can't remember which one though, it's been bugging me.
JokerVenturaMar 17, 2022 2:14 AM
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 16, 2022 8:43 PM

May 2019
Episode 15

Now we know why our new robot companion survived as a perky loli (of course, or resident purple haired perv decided on the change): she's extremely merchandisable! Should've seen that one coming. And, like all good waifus, she's moving in next door to our civil servant trio. The workplace is rowdy as well.

But fret not, ACROSS, as Lord Il has acquired a robot of his own: the T-10000, which is worth more than Excel's life (not saying much). The girls dress it up as a panda, and somehow, this makes everyone think that the giant killer robot is a panda, even after it starts tossing people around. Legit. Turns out, the panda's a bomb! Lord Il is really getting basic with these plans. Robogirl goes over to deal with it in a happy-go-lucky mood and fights the giant, clawed, fire-breathing, gatling-gun-bedecked, definitely-not-a-robot panda. She gets wrecked, loses an arm, but the perv finds a way to disarm the panda using giant ninja stars and a new model of Roppofimatsu, who reveals the giant robot that we all knew was there all along. This new model is amazing and will save everyone from the-

The bomb explodes. RIP New Roppofimatsu and Robogirl. Perv needs to git gud at bomb defusing... except none of that matters because both of them are back by the end of the episode. And the cycle of death not mattering continues. Doesn't stop the staff from mourning their inability to sell all that Rippofimatsu merch, though.

Meanwhile, somewhere way underwater, Pedro is still... in purgatory, I guess? He's still dead, but having trouble breathing somehow and trapped in pudding. Deus Ex Arms comes and... breathes life into him from her nonexistent lungs... despite the stated fact that this puts her in danger from being underwater... though she's been in space just fine... Clearly, this is over my head.
Mar 17, 2022 1:59 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 15. So this ep is about the cheap knock off Rapponmatsu, what the hell is that tail like thing coming from her head.

Pedro stuck in pudding at the bottom of the sea, great visual lol.

@JokerVentura love a bit of Bender and Futurama, which I personally enjoyed more than the Simpsons (I watched every single episode of Futurama but can't say same for Simpsons, although there are more series of Simpsons). Finished S4 of Disenchantment last night, from writer of the Simpsons/Futurama, and it's good but I still think Futurama was better.

@inim hope the project calms down soon and hope you feel better
Mar 17, 2022 2:21 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Sixteen


Evil Lord thinks the MC's actions have been making some progress, wake up dude, ya dreaming.
Professor on a Register has now kidnapped an entire class......
The Robogirls are back, delivered by the MC to their own home where they imprint on them, guess the theme this episode is Yuri.
Director realises the show still has no plot, except for Pedro's story, which now entails him and The Universe getting revenge on The Hoe & Gomez.
The Knockoff Robogirl goes too far in precuring money and ends up bringing the law down on the MC.
Knockoff Robogirl also has her way with Braindead MC..... this really is the Yuri episode.
Robogirl gives her 'life' to save MC#2, dragging her back from heaven.
Knockoff Robogirl does the same to take care of the police, almost taking poor Doggo with her, stupid robot.
Once again the Robogirls are gone..... wait they're back already.....


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 17, 2022 8:39 PM

May 2019
Episode 16

The writing staff is out of ideas, so they're going to fuse the robot girls.

The struggle is real within ACROSS. Somehow, they're shipping the two robot girls, who are individually really into Hyatt and Excel. The robots move in of their own accord. There's some real chemistry between the older-looking robogirl and Hyatt, somehow. It's kinda cute. Still, older robogirl runs off to win a baseball game for Hyatt, and younger robogirl robs a bank to obtain praise from Excel. Everyone gets chased by the cops (who have somehow been absent throughout the rest of the series), but get wrecked by a rocket launcher and eyebeams from younger robogirl. Older robogirl busts in and saves Hyatt's life at the cost of her own, unaware that Hyatt has survived death many times before (though she was being dragged into heaven by an angel in sunglasses before older robogirl saved her). Cops bring out the heavy artillery, and younger robogirl saves her life after remembering romance with Excel that never happened. Menchi survives the explosion somehow, still doomed to become an emergency food supply.

And none of that matters, because they're alive in the end.

Pervert's still perving, except this time he's with more kids and has a rocket launcher.

Pedro's still in flan pudding, but now he's in space with Portal Ex Machina, who is going to help him seek sweet, violent revenge against Gomez and his former wife.
Mar 18, 2022 3:11 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 16. A yuri flavoured episode with Excel and Hyatt meeting and striking up relations with both robogirls, who die for the girls and come back to life.

@JokerVentura "Toshinou Kyouko" I love Ayano and her interactions with Kyouko. The meme is from the time Chitose eats chocolate iirc and jumps on everyone, lol. Loved that show.
Mar 18, 2022 11:36 AM

Aug 2016
Episode Seventeen


The MC are sent to America with Braindead MC travelling through the planet and somehow MC#2 arrives just as quickly.
A sticky situation occurs as Excel manages to piss off the locals, luckily they are saved by none other than Pedro's son.
The Hoe and Gomez are having issues due to his gambling issues, things seem to be getting worse when none other than Pedro appears.
We get a Rocky-esq training montage as Pedro trains so hard he brings himself back to life, which is followed by..... coffee drinking.....
Turns out Pedro's Jr has been tricked into making counterfeit key animations........THE HORROR!!!!!
Violence is about to go down so Excel appears going all Sailor Moon, before then going all Wonder Woman and Disney to beat their asses.
The MC return to Japan, while Pedro Jr is brutally killed.
In their time there the MC learned that America is a slum full of violence and crime....... sounds legit.....


JokerVenturaMar 18, 2022 1:01 PM
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 19, 2022 1:30 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 17. So this episode sees Excel and Hyatt visit the USA and discover Japanimation with a nod to the Excel Saga spin off Puni Poemi. This episode was pretty damn funny and meta with Excel spelling out the different unspoken rules of animation fight scenes and how they differ between Japan and US shows.
Mar 19, 2022 11:09 AM

May 2019
Episode 17

Not too much to say here. Excel falls through the Earth's core to America and teaches them about Japanimation. She cosplays Sailor Moon while instructing some mafia dudes at gunpoint, and uses the rules of Japanimation to somehow survive this. She then becomes an American hero (Wonder Woman), changing animation styles before going full cartoon and defeats everyone (except Disney, who presumably sued them after this). Excel and Hyatt say goodbye and fall back to Japan while Sandora, who they just saved, gets gunned down by the mafia dudes. And Excel ends the episode in a desert that's some cross between Dune, Nausicaa, Planet of the Apes, and something in the background that I couldn't make out.

Pedro comes back to life through a Rocky-esque training montage and Portal Ex Machina to fight and defeat Gomez and take his family back, but they end up just drinking tea and his eyes twinkle. No fight yet.
Mar 19, 2022 12:58 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Eighteen


Deadbeat Neighbour Squad become a Super Sentai Force, with the power to use excessive force on those committing minor crimes.
Pedro vs Gomez, Fight!!! Winner: Gomez, Flawless Victory.
Wait how did he beat a ghost...oh so Gomez is really the guy who sent him to the bottom of the sea.
Pedro's ex-wife The Hoe is also revealed to be The Universe...... wait she's a Universal Hoe.
In the end it turns out giving morons Sentai Suits is a bad idea......who could have guessed!?
City vs Bombs, Fight!!! Toasty!


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 19, 2022 9:26 PM

May 2019
Episode Eighteen

Our intrepid civil servants have become Power Rangers without any choice in the matter. And now they're doing the jobs police usually do wearing suits that somehow boost their power. And they tackle only the most serious of crimes. Of course, the lack of actual crimes won't prevent our intrepid heroes from finding people who are definitely committing crimes.

A litterbug gets destroyed by massive electric blasts! Trying to borrow money from a brother nets an incendiary explosion! A couple having issues with love get exploded by triangles! A man having coffee with his mistress gets punched out a window, with explosions! More explosions, all perfectly justified in the name of major property damage! And get those nasty police out of here, they're standing in the way of justice!

All this while Excel and Hyatt can't find Lord Il. Excel uses her "nightly finger training" (surely a totally innocuous practice) to score some change to take over the city. Hyatt's back to her caterpillar ways after losing too much blood.

Meanwhile, Pedro and Gomez are having a stare down as a sea of tumbleweeds roll by. Pedro attacks, but all his build-up was for naught as he is quickly and easily defeated. It turns out Gomez was That Man all along! The same That Man who baked him into flan and had a relationship with Portal Ex Machina! And for some reason that same portal and his wife have the same voice!

The episode ends with Mystery Man blowing up the people who asked him to protect the city because they were complaining, a stealth bomber strafing the city to destroy what's left, and half of our heroes having their suits come off randomly while the rest are stuck in them. All in a day's work!
Mar 20, 2022 3:01 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 18. A lot of jokes at the expense of this 'quack experimental anime' and it's source material in this episode.

The civil servants become masked rangers to fight petty crime in the city, but get overzealous and cause havoc.

I think I've become conditioned to this show and its crazy narrative style, as I'm enjoying each episode more and more.
Mar 20, 2022 1:04 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Nineteen


Doggo's Great Adventura Two.
Due to a Homerun and a dropped futon Menchi get's a new chance at escape, before several accidents send her into a ship.
When discovered the crew treat Doggo as a stowaway and a cruel fate awaits, but luckily she's saved by Richy Rich.
A grand journey begins as they travel the world and dodge an assassin.
It's revealed Richy Rich was best buds with Takahashi Wolf.
It's also revealed that the assassin trying to kill her is her Uncle, who happens to be the old man who betrayed Menchi, what a plot twist.
Wait wasn't he dead!? Oh the Bad Dogs remade him stronger, faster and better than before, hence his need for money, about 6 million dollars.
Richy Rich takes a bullet meant for Doggo, and the old man with the big.....ahem, cannon..... is taken out again.
The MC come across Richy Rich and save her life with a very powerful energy drink.
Doggo has a few more accidents and ends up back home.... poor Menchi.
We also return to Pedro and find him in an awful situation. Afro Director arrives, goes super saiyan 2 and unlocks Pedro's afro power.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 20, 2022 9:12 PM

May 2019
Episode 19

Menchi is in charge again. Much deserved.

Menchi is no longer free to roam, her rocket launcher no longer available to her. However, an errant baseball through the window sets her free and a random flying futon gives her ample cushioning. She ends up transported far away by a kid who can't stop kicking her, even going overseas as a stowaway. She gets rescued from a gruesome fate by a random heiress who has way too much money and can somehow understand Menchi. She has to travel around the world in a short amount of time, but almost gets gunned down by some Jigen/TTGL looking cyborg who photobombs them throughout much of the episodes.

Smash cut to the heiress and Menchi running down Excel and Hyatt on some random road in their convertible. More assassination attempts later, with Menchi proving an effective driver and the heiress proving her marksmanship. They keep traveling, and rich girl tells Menchi that she once met the lead dog (Wolf) that helped Menchi in her first episode. How coincidental! They have a relationship that transcends species... which is a weird way to put it. Anyway, Wolf's dead now, so we move on. Excel and Hyatt fight a black and white striped whale on a ship somewhere.

An antlion pit opens up and almost swallows our heroes whole, with no amount of money stopping the foul beast (that is actually the cyborg)! But Menchi's strong and saves the much larger heiress with a rope somehow. But we were fooled all along: the cyborg was actually the old man that Menchi sought out in her last episode! Another twist! He was rebuilt as the 6 million dollar man by dogs. He keeps calling Menchi an SOB, but she is clearly a daughter of a bitch, my good man. Heiress gets shot because everyone who likes Menchi is either evil or dead, and Menchi wrecks the old man's shit bare pawed causing him to explode.

Excel and Hyatt run into the heiress, find her just barely alive, and give her all of Hyatt's adrenaline juice, turning her into an energy god who just runs and swims away to Japan to find Menchi. Meanwhile, Menchi arrives back at home somehow.

As for Pedro... alright, where is this happening? He was in the countryside of the US, now he's in Colombia? And they haven't changed locations? Well, he's getting shown up by That Man. The director awakens his latent powers, granting him an afro, to defeat That Man.
Mar 21, 2022 2:34 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 19. Another Menchi episode with a couple of cameos, Nobita from Doraemon and the inspector from Lupin. Plus we got a new rich girl character who took Menchi on a worldwide tour.
Mar 21, 2022 12:44 PM

Aug 2016
Episode Twenty


Pedro recap episode, presented by the MC who are out drinking and being served by Mr Easter Island Head.
We also get some new scenes. Afro Pedro is joined by Afro Pedro Jr and along with Afro Director they become Tri Afro.... three times the Afro, yet not a braincell between them.
The Universe and Hoe merge to truly become Universal Hoe, before being taken away by That Dude.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 21, 2022 8:42 PM

May 2019
Episode 20

Hey, a recap episode. Everyone knows they ran out of ideas, so this makes sense. They made the Pedro movie from the last recap episode, which actually does make some sense, given that we've only seen his story played out in snippets, though the whole thing takes place with a backdrop of Excel and Hyatt drinking in a bar with Menchi and a new giant head dude, which isn't nearly as lively as last time.

Anyway, couldn't find any obvious changes to the story aside from the addition at the end, though we do get some fun commentary that elucidates absolutely nothing, even if they do ask questions that are basically answered by "continuity is bullshit."

We end on a series of shorts from subsequent episodes that haven't aired yet and, based on the numbers, won't ever air. Deus Ex Arms and Pedro's wife assimilate. Pedro and the director chase after That Man, who has taken her hostage, around Easter Island for some reason. Sandora shows up with an afro and they take That Man on as a Shiva-esque afro trio, losing in short order. That Man flies away with jets coming out of his ass. Everything's a mess. The end.
Mar 22, 2022 2:36 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 20. Another recap episode. Still better done than most recap episodes from other series.
Mar 22, 2022 11:33 AM

Aug 2016
Episode Twenty One


A messenger from HQ arrives.... wait HQ, so the Lord isn't the guy in charge!? and he starts off by flirting with Excel..... the poor man must be blind.
The messenger is a Rockstar who wants to sing the message, but he just can't seem to get it out, so he is given to the MC to look after.
The MC are working part-time in a club where Rockstar helps out a band of birdbrains with his singing, which is so great it fixes their fuglyness... at least during the performance.
He is then approached and asked to perform at a rock concert, without the fugly birdbrains.
Deadbeat Neighbour C asks out MC#2, but she is having Rockstar............. over, much to his horror.
Braindead MC is having issues with Rockstar....... he's making her horny have Yaio dreams.
Rockstar manages to deliver his message at the rock concert, which is that HQ aint happy with the Lord taking so long and they are threatening to toss out their worthless asses.
Pedro is at wits end, how can he save his sexy hoe of a wife!? The answer, the secret training hall of Afro!
The episode ends with Rockstar playing the Ocarina of Time to start the ending.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 22, 2022 8:45 PM

May 2019
Episode 21

Hey, I was waiting for the musical episode! I'll only review the music, everything else is just window dressing.

Key is incredibly prepared for his concert in ACROSS's secret base with his guitar flying in out of nowhere and a microphone descending from the ceiling. Dude plays a sick riff, but freezes on the first lyric. Must be stage fright, though the spoken word poem is a pretty sad follow-up. No rhythm at all, and he gives the excuse that he's Lucifer and can't sing under imperfect conditions. Prima Donna.

A less interesting punk band, Punk Tongue Twisters, is missing a singer. The perfect moment for Key to swoop in. I'm sure he can definitely sing their songs despite never having heard them. He does have the ability to do lyrics here. It sounds like fast-talking nonsense with no tune to it, but everyone else seems to love it, with his bandmates ditching their costumes and transforming into beautiful rock stars with long flowing hair at his words.

Key is tempted by a producer to go solo after his incredible performance, but turns it down. Doesn't stop him from playing his guitar as they walk or just before bed because nothing puts you to sleep quite like an electric guitar. Even Lord Il is getting into electric guitar... slowly...

We come to a concert where there's some solid music playing. Key shows up with the producer, lays down another sick riff on a huge stage, and sings a song to Lord Il that's just savage, excoriating him for taking so long conquering the city, to the point that Lord Il destroys the screen he's watching from. Key leaves on a boat as he came, but playing an ocarina to the tune of the ending credits.

Some non-musical shit goes on with Pedro involving a Hole. Boring. Also, Excel and Hyatt report that Key got away and Hyatt brings a bell. No more music.
Mar 23, 2022 3:03 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 21. A music themed episode which had some cool rock and guitar music.
Mar 23, 2022 10:59 AM

Aug 2016
Episode Twenty Two


Manga-ka has a turn at being both Excel and The about self-inserting.
After the message from HQ By his own choice Lord says it is time to finally take over the city, of course to make sure it's a success he tells Excel to bugger off.
The Aliens are back despite their advanced party failing and you can tell these ones are tougher, cos they have hair.
The MC are abducted by Rebel Aliens led by Captain Parlock, Princess by choice, Braindead Excel by accident.
Professor on a register is back and this time he's abducted an army of sugar filled kids.
The Deadbeat Neighbour Squad are back in the Super Sentai Suits and they're useless.
Excel goes on the offense against the aliens and fights Phar and his Pundams.
Thanks to a puicide pombing with bombs and ships the alien mothership is destroyed and lands right on the city, despite Might Mustache's best efforts.
In other more important news the Three Afros are training under a waterfall and Afro Director thinks up a new technique.


JokerVenturaMar 23, 2022 12:49 PM
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 23, 2022 8:05 PM

May 2019
Episode 22

Lord Il finally recognizes that Excel's a massive fuck up and leaves her out of the biggest operation yet.

The Martians are playing Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Cosmo Warrior Zero, and of course, they abduct Excel and Hyatt. There's some Martian infighting with laser beams and an artificial comet that both clearly ate up the series' budget, which was hiding a giant Martian city on a floating platform.

Meanwhile, our intrepid civil servants have become Power Rangers again, but it's Excel and Hyatt who get into a Martian megazord to fight the floating city hand-to-hand. Well, more like Gundam, as they face down Martian Char. Like Star Wars, they blow the reactor and save the day with some really badly animated CGI explosions.

But, what is this!? A giant battleship is revealed beneath the giant city! Our heroes go on a crash course to defeat them, but a quick shot of a suddenly alive Hyatt sparks a memory in the enemy fuhrer! This looks like a change of heart, but then everything explodes. This sends debris down to City F, which only Mystery Man is willing to defend with two huge machine guns, while the Power Rangers run off. Shockingly, his efforts are in vain, and the city explodes upon impact, including Lord Il and, yes, Menchi.

Our naked trio of the director, Pedro and Sandora sit under a waterfall and divine the ultimate move.
Mar 24, 2022 2:43 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 22. Lord Il finally realises how inept Excel is and benches her for the new mission.

The martians parody Captain Harlock and other space opera shows in their attempt to conquer earth. Space battle follows.

It appears F city has been destroyed, what will happen to the ambitions of Across now?

That was a fun space episode.

Mar 24, 2022 10:05 AM

Aug 2016
Episode Twenty Three


After the explosive end of the last episode the city has gone all Fist of the North Star.
Excel has become successor of the Copyright Infringement Ken Style.
It seems Lord has now become Excel's enemy as he orders her death and that the actual boss is.... That Man.
The Three Afro appear, with Afro fighting his old enemy who has become a helicopter, explosive fusion I guess.
The episode ends with Lord putting a bullet in Braindead MC...... now we just need Menchi to devour her corpse and we have a happy ending.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 25, 2022 2:30 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 23. So we enter a post apocalyptic phase akin to the worlds of Trigun, Desert Punk or Mad Max.

We actually have a follow on story for the first time. Excel has been expelled from Across by Lord Il who orders her executed. Excel doesn't believe this and goes to find Lord Il, only to get shot by him.

We also discover that Gomez is the overall leader of Across. I wonder if Excel and Hyatt, who keeps asking after Excel will lead a rebellion against Across in next episode.

What happened to Menchi? Poor Excel.

Mar 25, 2022 9:19 AM

Aug 2016
Episode Twenty Four


The serious episode...... actual plot, ewwwwwwww.
MC Amnesia is saves by the Deadbeat Neighbour Squad.
They are joined by Professor on a Register who hasn't kidnapped any kids.........The world really must be ending.
Mighty Moustache survived but was horrible horrible covered in crap, he also has new Sentai Suits that are several times more powerful.... over 9000.
It also turns out Menchi survived and thanks to the amnesia Excel is actually nice to her.
Lord is shown to truly be an evil lord with an evil voice in his head.
The Sentai Deadbeat Neighbour Squad go on the attack and beat up the brainwashed masses, while Excel regains her memories.
Super Afro Director flies himself and That Dude straight into the sun, leaving Afro Pedro and Jr to save Universal Hoe, sadly it turns out it was That Dude's Stuntdouble.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 25, 2022 9:12 PM

May 2019
I'll keep these short, catching up.

Episode 23

Fist of the North Star time! Excel's a badass fighter now who can transform people into chibi magical cat forms and then bear forms, and though she still loves her Lord Il, he doesn't want her around. Moreover, we finally cross over with the Pedro storyline! That Man is Lord Il's boss! What a twist! Pedro, Sandora and the director fight past a helicopter with a face from a previous episode before facing That Man.

Finally, Lord Il shoots Excel. Not sure why she's surprised, this has happened a few times, but without Arms Ex Machina, she might actually die this time. Huzzah! Then Lord Il takes off in a UFO.

No Menchi yet.

Episode 24

A super duper cereal episode! Excel remembers all the times Lord Il killed her. Apparently, he initially found and recruited her after Truck-kun killed her in the first episode. Lord Il has a split personality and the other half wants him to keep conquering. Excel is rescued by the civil servant brigade (this whole series has been "yes, she survives this: the anime"), but she has amnesia. Mystery Man is still alive, but now grey and not looking so good after being exposed to "awful stuff" like literal death from above. Still, he made new Power Rangers suits that are 1000x stronger than the originals. He then "bleeds" from the mouth with a lot of ketchup. They get to the city and kill lots of people excessively. Turns out Mystery Man once knew Lord Il and was... wearing Power Ranger armor at the time for some reason?

But all of that is stupid. Most importantly, Menchi's alive and recognizes Excel, but can do nothing to get away from her. Still, she shows kindness in her amnesiac state, and Menchi seems fine with that. Excel somehow remembers her and Menchi's name, finds a rope that Hyatt let down off the UFO.

Elsewhere, the director flies Super Saiyan style with That Man to kill them both. But the real That Man is still guarding Deus Ex Portal (now complete with Pedro's wife), so now Pedro and Sandora face him down.
Mar 26, 2022 12:26 AM

Aug 2016
Episode Twenty Five


Series Finale and Afro Director and Manga-ka finally fight over this mess of a show.
Professor on a Register and Mighty Mustache pilot a Megazord against the Evil Lord's Ship, with the Sentai Deadbeat Neighbour Squad attacking too.
They manage to reach the secret weapon, which turns out to be a mass of Robogirls, it's NPC#125's wet dream.
MC#2 stands against Deadbeat Neighbour C and shoots hims, or least goes to but it turns out the gun was too big for her.
Evil Lord is show to be OP as fcuk as he hands the Deadbeat Neighbour Squad their asses.
Excel appears before Lord and beats the Evil out of him before proclaiming her love.
The rest of the Robogirls self-destruct blowing up the ship, leaving Excel and Lord to escape down the hole in the floor.
Afro Pedro goes against That Dude in a clash of Kame-Hammey-Hurrrsss, when loss seems inevitable Afro Jr joins into to create a father and son attack......Toriyama gonna sue somebody.
It turns out not even that is enough so Ghost Afro Director and his Ghost Afro Friends appear and do a combined attack that annihilates That Dude.
The episode ends with MC doing a spot of assassination again, though instead of the Manga-ka she is after Afro Director.


“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 26, 2022 2:39 AM

Jun 2019
Episode 24. The show carries on the post apocalyptic story and Excel is rescued. Lord Il turns evil and the Neighbours make an appearance.

We're almost finished with Excel Saga so suggestions for the next show maybe? I think ACCA came second in our small poll on the Interest Thread. The due date for our baby is tomorrow, so I'll be in for as long as I can.
Mar 26, 2022 4:28 PM

Apr 2019
23feanor said:
The due date for our baby is tomorrow, so I'll be in for as long as I can.
I keep all fingers crossed for Mr. and Mrs. Feanor and the new heir to the house of Noldor.

I won't try to catch up with episode comments, reasons include a mix of real life changes, light anime fatigue, and the randomness of the show. Unthinkable just months ago, I meanwhile have days on which I don't even find time to watch any anime episode, leave alone writing something smart about it.

Note on Episode 22 I've spotted one more cameo, the captain of the Yamato was among the space opera references as well.

Episode 23 is a parody pretty close to (c) infringement for Fist of the North Star's gaiden story. Excel stands in for the main character Kenshiro (aka Ken). I've recently finished Hokuto no Ken Zero: Kenshirou Den and recommend that version to complete the experience. Despite being the 5th movie in an obscure remake pentalogy, it's the origins story for the full Ken saga. In Excel Saga's own story line on top of that there's Excel's fall from ACROSS grace culminating in her murder by Lord Illpalazo. That Man holds the Will of the Macrocosm hostage and may be the leader of ACROSS. Also Hyatt may be higher in the hierarchy than her assumed senpai Excel. The conspiracy plot thickens and nothing is as it seemed for the previous 20 episodes. I'm waiting for Mr. Funny Moustache's revelations now.

Overall, a fun episode given I'm quite the fan of post-apocalyptic and GAR anime.

Mar 26, 2022 9:14 PM

Apr 2019
Episode 24/25 a weird finale for a weird show. And along HP Lovecraft's famous "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." Excel is back to the story.

Excel wakes up in the Daitenzin's HQ and is amnesiac. A war breaks loose between Ilpalazoo's ACROSS and Dr. Kabapu's super-sentai Daitenzin force. Both sides send bizarre units into battle, including post-apocalyptic Ken brutes, robots, and an army of Ropponmatsus. It isn't really clear to me, even after the end, which side is actually the villain. Excel for one turns out to be the loner and is on neither side. Eventually it turns out Ilpalazzo is obsessed by a dark spirit who makes him conquer for the sake of it: the city, country, planet, universe, and beyond. Excel just slays it, and she and Ilpalazzo escape trough the infamous trapdoor in the audience room. All prospective pairs in the anime become couples, and they live happily ever after.

Overall, fewer slapstick gags and more continuous story and battle action. Not that the story now would make more sense than the gag episodes did. This doesn't hurt my enjoyment much, the show's anarchic chaos was really entertaining.

Mar 26, 2022 9:16 PM

May 2019
Episode 25

Wow, they actually gave permission to end this thing.

Time for the UFO to fight the Giant Stick-and-Balls robot piloted by Mystery Man and a massive pervert as well as the Power Rangers... did I just say that? Anyway, the robot was apparently meant to suppress riots, so that fits with just killing his constituents. The Power Rangers kill some other common folk. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen! Blue Ranger runs into Hyatt, now armed with gun. The Stick-and-Balls falls to gunfire outside. All the rangers lose their power and the pervert replicates the older-looking Ropponmatsu to fight for them. Lord Il encounters them and defeats many with powers he definitely always had. The robots lose their heads, Mystery Man has his mustache torn in half, everyone else gets knocked out.

Excel made it inside, Menchi-less. Apparently she hasn't fully regained her memories. But Menchi shows up and helps her remember. Lord Il wrestles with his temptation to conquer everything, and Excel arrives in front of him. She punches his shadow and then him to banish the demon consuming his soul.

Pedro fights That Man to initiate a beam struggle. Sandora backs him up with his own beam, but That Man fires more beam out of his foot! DBZ, eat your heart out. The dead rise from the many previous episodes, including several characters who don't have a dog in this race (the woman who used to have a metal pineapple for a head, a military dude, Space Butler and the director), who all get afros and royally fuck up That Man's shit.

Everyone escapes while the Ropponmatsus self-destruct. The end.

One more episode to go!
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