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Dec 16, 2017 10:23 AM

Jan 2014

Not really a big fan of the semantics game, but sure, my bad for phrasing it differently.

LOL are you seriously implying there isn't a difference between what "aren't criticisms" and what "isn't true"? Because there's a huge difference. You're just deflecting.

There was no need to replace Rei completely since she wasn't dead, and the reason why there were clones of Rei was to build an important character arc for her that was established since the beginning episodes. So Anno didn't just "make it up" as the series progressed.

Um, no. He did make it up, and I can prove it. If you can't replace certain parts of Rei, then Shinji's dad could have easily just killed off the injured Rei in the beginning and replaced her completely with a new clone. By doing so, it would have gotten rid of a lot of problems in the very beginning that they were facing at the time.

Shinji only stayed in the lava for a couple of seconds, while Asuka did for longer. So he wasn't under the lava long enough to get damaged.

Shinji was never wearing protective equipment for his Eva like Asuka was, though.
Speed = Distance/Time. It stated she was going at about a speed of 20. When she got to 1,780ft that was 89 seconds, if you do the math. There was a gap period where it doesn't state what velocity she is going at, then after a while it says she's going at a velocity or speed of 2.2 for 30 seconds, which is another 66 feet. That puts her to at least 1,846ft that we know of.

After she captures the Angel (which is the timestamp of 16:05 in episode 10) she goes up for approximately 193 seconds (up to the timestamp of 19:18). However, if you do the math, that easily puts her over a depth of 3,800+ ft. And then she's still not even out of the lava yet after those 193 seconds. The Angel rips her safety line rope equipment and she falls down for about 5 seconds. Then Shinji comes in and saves her (and he isn't even wearing safety equipment on his Eva like she is).

TL;DR: Despite all of this, it never tells you what velocity Asuka is going at when she is going up for those 193 seconds. Additionally, seconds in the show does not necessarily equate to seconds in real life. It's basically impossible to tell how far down Asuka was in the lava by the time Shinji saved her. So when you say with sheer confidence that "Shinji was only in the lava for a couple of seconds" that doesn't really prove anything considering the scene literally cuts off right after he grabs her.

10/10 don't have to be flawless. And nothing is flawless anyways, so judging something a 10 based off that is pretty stupid.

And the point goes over your head, yet again. I specifically told you my perspective on the scoring scale because your argument of "nothing is flawless" is stupid since I already know that. You offer no substance, just opinions.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 16, 2017 11:56 AM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:

Not really a big fan of the semantics game, but sure, my bad for phrasing it differently.

LOL are you seriously implying there isn't a difference between what "aren't criticisms" and what "isn't true"? Because there's a huge difference. You're just deflecting.

There was no need to replace Rei completely since she wasn't dead, and the reason why there were clones of Rei was to build an important character arc for her that was established since the beginning episodes. So Anno didn't just "make it up" as the series progressed.

Um, no. He did make it up, and I can prove it. If you can't replace certain parts of Rei, then Shinji's dad could have easily just killed off the injured Rei in the beginning and replaced her completely with a new clone. By doing so, it would have gotten rid of a lot of problems in the very beginning that they were facing at the time.

Shinji only stayed in the lava for a couple of seconds, while Asuka did for longer. So he wasn't under the lava long enough to get damaged.

Shinji was never wearing protective equipment for his Eva like Asuka was, though.
Speed = Distance/Time. It stated she was going at about a speed of 20. When she got to 1,780ft that was 89 seconds, if you do the math. There was a gap period where it doesn't state what velocity she is going at, then after a while it says she's going at a velocity or speed of 2.2 for 30 seconds, which is another 66 feet. That puts her to at least 1,846ft that we know of.

After she captures the Angel (which is the timestamp of 16:05 in episode 10) she goes up for approximately 193 seconds (up to the timestamp of 19:18). However, if you do the math, that easily puts her over a depth of 3,800+ ft. And then she's still not even out of the lava yet after those 193 seconds. The Angel rips her safety line rope equipment and she falls down for about 5 seconds. Then Shinji comes in and saves her (and he isn't even wearing safety equipment on his Eva like she is).

TL;DR: Despite all of this, it never tells you what velocity Asuka is going at when she is going up for those 193 seconds. Additionally, seconds in the show does not necessarily equate to seconds in real life. It's basically impossible to tell how far down Asuka was in the lava by the time Shinji saved her. So when you say with sheer confidence that "Shinji was only in the lava for a couple of seconds" that doesn't really prove anything considering the scene literally cuts off right after he grabs her.

10/10 don't have to be flawless. And nothing is flawless anyways, so judging something a 10 based off that is pretty stupid.

And the point goes over your head, yet again. I specifically told you my perspective on the scoring scale because your argument of "nothing is flawless" is stupid since I already know that. You offer no substance, just opinions.

I didn't imply anything, except that most people would understand what I'm saying even if I didn't use the right words. And really, they're aren't as different as you're making it out to be, but I digress. I already acknowledged and corrected myself, so I'm not sure why you're making such a big deal about it.

You obviously didn't get the intentions behind Gendo in the first episode. He not only wanted to defeat the angel, but he also wanted Shinji to do so. The reason why Rei was brought up in her injured state in the first place was to guilt-trip Shinji in piloting the Eva unit. Why do you think Gendo start grinning when Unit 01 moved on its own? Of course, if you understood humans, you'd understand this, but I don't mind explaining it.

And like I said, he couldn't have made it up since the Rei clones are very important to Rei's character.

Your argument using fucking physics (lol) falls apart when you realize that one second passed in the time doesn't necessarily equal one second passed in the anime. Stories don't have to follow time linearly, and this particular episode of Eva it didn't to focus on the fight between Asuka and the Angel. Just to remind you, anime =/= real life, so this isn't a flaw.

But just to humor you, have you considered the fact that Asuka might have been accelerating? Acceleration is the change of velocity, so you have to use more complex equations than just "distance over time" She also feels resistance coming down, so you need to factor that as well.

But let's pretend that you're right. How does this warrant Evangelion being labelled as shit? This "inconsistency" isn't important at all, if we're looking at the meaning of the work as a whole. Objectively.

If you already know that, then why is it stupid? I was mainly addressing the fact that you considered not to use the 10 rating.

Didn't see your other reply, so I'll respond to them now:

"Do you happen to know the name of the Angel so I can confirm that? Or a time stamp with the episode number explaining that part is fine."
It's somewhere in that DDR episode, but I don't recall the specific timestamp

"Lol I don't recall saying Eva was shit. It does have its problems, though."
I agree

"Let's be honest: Eva is only acclaimed as it is because of the time period when it came out. The first "pioneers" tend to get the credit, after all. If Eva was never released and it were to be released next year as it is, then it's pretty obvious it won't have the same impact. "

Evangelion isn't the first anime to come out lol. Anime was already pretty established around that time, so I think that's a bit unfair to say it took "credit".

But Evangelion is so impactful not because of the time period it came out in, but because of how revolutionary it was and how influential it is now. If it came out next year, of course it wouldn't be as impactful, since the reason why anime is the way today is partly because of Evangelion.

If we're looking at what's the "next Evangelion" (what's the most revolutionary and influential today), I'd say the Monogatari franchise or maybe even Haruhi (based on the few episodes I watched and what others have told me). If those were to be released 20 years from now, they definitely wouldn't have the same impact then they did now lol.
Dec 16, 2017 1:31 PM

Jan 2014

I didn't imply anything, except that most people would understand what I'm saying even if I didn't use the right words. And really, they're aren't as different as you're making it out to be, but I digress. I already acknowledged and corrected myself, so I'm not sure why you're making such a big deal about it.

Depending how you read it, they aren't the same thing, therefore it warrants being made a big deal out of. But sure, I'll let it go.

You obviously didn't get the intentions behind Gendo in the first episode. He not only wanted to defeat the angel, but he also wanted Shinji to do so. The reason why Rei was brought up in her injured state in the first place was to guilt-trip Shinji in piloting the Eva unit. Why do you think Gendo start grinning when Unit 01 moved on its own? Of course, if you understood humans, you'd understand this, but I don't mind explaining it.

That doesn't seem logical unless you can pinpoint evidence of him knowing that. Why would he risk getting blown up for that? The logical thing to do would be to kill Rei and replace her, especially with a trick up his sleeve like hoarding a bunch of clones. And the Eva moving on its own was pure coincidence because the other Evas do not move on their own. There's no way he had any evidence to go on the assumption that the Eva would 100% move on its own (of course you can prove me wrong on that). It just so happened to work in his favor given the situation. I think you're just reaching too far there, but I don't know.

It literally says within that same episode that it took Rei about 7 months to get the hang of her Eva, and I'm supposed to believe Shinji's dad knew it would work instantly with his son?

Also, who the hell lets a clone heal if you need options and are about to die? Just kill it and replace it. That's way more efficient.

And like I said, he couldn't have made it up since the Rei clones are very important to Rei's character.

Yes, like 20 episodes later. It could very easily have been made up.

Your argument using fucking physics (lol) falls apart when you realize that one second passed in the time doesn't necessarily equal one second passed in the anime. Stories don't have to follow time linearly, and this particular episode of Eva it didn't to focus on the fight between Asuka and the Angel. Just to remind you, anime =/= real life, so this isn't a flaw.

Lol? It's not like I stated that earlier [/sarcasm]. It's not a "flaw" per se, but it does ruin the immersion, which is subjective at that point.

But just to humor you, have you considered the fact that Asuka might have been accelerating? Acceleration is the change of velocity, so you have to use more complex equations than just "distance over time" She also feels resistance coming down, so you need to factor that as well.

Did you even watch the episode? She could not have accelerated. She was literally attached to a safety line, and even when it broke/tore off she descended straight down.

Resistance is a non-factor considering they gave you the actual consistent speed. That would still put her in a solid depth of at least 1,800ft for a time length of about 1 minute 30 seconds, and this is without factoring in her ascendance for 40 seconds to grab Shinji's knife. 1 minute 30 seconds minus 40 seconds = 50 seconds. That means out of those 193 total seconds of ascendance (minus 50 would be 143), she still had way over 2 minutes of narrating and struggling that did not fit the time frame. Like I said earlier, the immersion is purely subjective.

But let's pretend that you're right. How does this warrant Evangelion being labelled as shit?

I never said it was shit? And whether or not it even is shit is based on opinion. Just like you force your opinions onto me lol.

This "inconsistency" isn't important at all, if we're looking at the meaning of the work as a whole. Objectively.

Uh, that's not at all what finding meaning in a work is. It's subjective.. not objective.

If you already know that, then why is it stupid? I was mainly addressing the fact that you considered not to use the 10 rating.

It's stupid because your logic behind "nothing is flawless" is that only your opinion is correct. Literally all you were doing was invalidating my perspective and validating yours while not backing it up.

Evangelion isn't the first anime to come out lol. Anime was already pretty established around that time, so I think that's a bit unfair to say it took "credit".

That's not at all what I was claiming. Obviously there was anime before Eva.

But Evangelion is so impactful not because of the time period it came out in, but because of how revolutionary it was and how influential it is now. If it came out next year, of course it wouldn't be as impactful, since the reason why anime is the way today is partly because of Evangelion.

That's literally what I said. Semantics, huh?

If we're looking at what's the "next Evangelion" (what's the most revolutionary and influential today), I'd say the Monogatari franchise or maybe even Haruhi (based on the few episodes I watched and what others have told me). If those were to be released 20 years from now, they definitely wouldn't have the same impact then they did now lol.

I agree, just not about the Monogatari part. I think that credit goes to the studio Shaft, not necessarily Monogatari itself. Shaft has a unique way of animating. I think if a different studio had animated the series, then it wouldn't be as impactful. It just depends on numerous factors.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 16, 2017 3:06 PM

Jul 2015

That doesn't seem logical unless you can pinpoint evidence of him knowing that. Why would he risk getting blown up for that? The logical thing to do would be to kill Rei and replace her, especially with a trick up his sleeve like hoarding a bunch of clones. And the Eva moving on its own was pure coincidence because the other Evas do not move on their own. There's no way he had any evidence to go on the assumption that the Eva would 100% move on its own (of course you can prove me wrong on that). It just so happened to work in his favor given the situation. I think you're just reaching too far there, but I don't know.

It literally says within that same episode that it took Rei about 7 months to get the hang of her Eva, and I'm supposed to believe Shinji's dad knew it would work instantly with his son?

Also, who the hell lets a clone heal if you need options and are about to die? Just kill it and replace it. That's way more efficient.

A lot of people in real life don't do the logical thing. But considering Gendo's motivations, character, and personality, it makes sense why he'd want to risk it, especially if he had confidence that he would be successful.

Unit 01 has Shinji's mother in it, remember? That's why it was able to move on its own. The bond between Shinji and his mother was strong enough for it to happen, which is why he was able to pilot it so quickly. Rei isn't even really human, so it makes sense why she had trouble piloting hers.

Putting Rei a stretcher in front of Shinji was meant to guilt-trip him.

Yes, like 20 episodes later. It could very easily have been made up.

But Rei's internal conflict was established in the beginning episodes and there was light foreshadowing to it, so it couldn't have been made up in a whim.

Lol? It's not like I stated that earlier [/sarcasm]. It's not a "flaw" per se, but it does ruin the immersion, which is subjective at that point.

You didn't mention that it was a personal problem you had, so I assumed you thought it was a flaw or "inconsistency"

Did you even watch the episode? She could not have accelerated. She was literally attached to a safety line, and even when it broke/tore off she descended straight down.

You never know. Just because she went straight down doesn't mean she didn't accelerate.

Resistance is a non-factor considering they gave you the actual consistent speed. That would still put her in a solid depth of at least 1,800ft for a time length of about 1 minute 30 seconds, and this is without factoring in her ascendance for 40 seconds to grab Shinji's knife. 1 minute 30 seconds minus 40 seconds = 50 seconds. That means out of those 193 total seconds of ascendance (minus 50 would be 143), she still had way over 2 minutes of narrating and struggling that did not fit the time frame. Like I said earlier, the immersion is purely subjective.

They didn't consistently give you her speed lol. And they didn't keep the time constant since they wanted to emphasize the angel battle.

Uh, that's not at all what finding meaning in a work is. It's subjective.. not objective.

Not really. If someone told me Evangelion was solely a nihilistic piece, then they're wrong. I'm not saying that there can't be multiple interpretations of it, since there can be and are, but you have to have the basic fundamentals and core of it right.

It's stupid because your logic behind "nothing is flawless" is that only your opinion is correct. Literally all you were doing was invalidating my perspective and validating yours while not backing it up.

When did I say that? I just said its stupid to think that anything that's a 10 is flawless.
I backed up my claims...

That's not at all what I was claiming. Obviously there was anime before Eva.

You called it a pioneer, so just wanted to clarify.

That's literally what I said. Semantics, huh?

Point taken, just wanted to make sure you got it.

I agree, just not about the Monogatari part. I think that credit goes to the studio Shaft, not necessarily Monogatari itself. Shaft has a unique way of animating. I think if a different studio had animated the series, then it wouldn't be as impactful. It just depends on numerous factors.

I just picked Monogatari since it's probably Shaft's biggest show.
Dec 16, 2017 4:33 PM

Jan 2014

A lot of people in real life don't do the logical thing. But considering Gendo's motivations, character, and personality, it makes sense why he'd want to risk it, especially if he had confidence that he would be successful.

Unit 01 has Shinji's mother in it, remember? That's why it was able to move on its own. The bond between Shinji and his mother was strong enough for it to happen, which is why he was able to pilot it so quickly. Rei isn't even really human, so it makes sense why she had trouble piloting hers.

Putting Rei a stretcher in front of Shinji was meant to guilt-trip him.

Either way it was illogical, and you didn't provide evidence of him knowing 100% it would move on its own, so it's safe to say that at least that part of Eva was a stretch.

I don't think it was planned by Shinji's dad to guilt trip his son either, as there is nothing to support that claim. That would imply that Rei knew of this plan to get Shinji to operate it, but it just seemed like she was seriously injured. Of course, you can prove me wrong.

Wasn't Asuka's Eva her mom or something? So by that logic, shouldn't her Eva have moved on its own at times? I don't remember it doing that.

But Rei's internal conflict was established in the beginning episodes and there was light foreshadowing to it, so it couldn't have been made up in a whim.

What conflict, specifically? Her inability to think for herself?

You didn't mention that it was a personal problem you had, so I assumed you thought it was a flaw or "inconsistency"

There was a reason for me explaining all that physics bs lol. Well, as we established earlier, we can't prove how far deep Asuka was. Therefore, we also can't prove how far deep Shinji was.

But even then, let's say I let that part go. I find it hard to believe he was perfectly fine without protective gear. Doesn't the pain of the Eva also get transferred to its user? So wouldn't the lava have caused him pain?

They didn't consistently give you her speed lol. And they didn't keep the time constant since they wanted to emphasize the angel battle.

Did she descend at a consistent speed with the safety line? Yes. Without it? No. Did she physically make herself accelerate? No (which is what I thought you meant earlier).

Not really. If someone told me Evangelion was solely a nihilistic piece, then they're wrong. I'm not saying that there can't be multiple interpretations of it, since there can be and are, but you have to have the basic fundamentals and core of it right.

I know it's an example, but I don't think anyone would say that lol. And the core of the show =/= its meaning. It's objective up to a certain point and subjective to a certain point.

When did I say that? I just said its stupid to think that anything that's a 10 is flawless.
I backed up my claims...

"The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though." <- Opinion

Of course, it's not only those small inconsistencies. I think the characters are rather meh..

You called it a pioneer, so just wanted to clarify.

Those were air quotes around pioneer.

I just picked Monogatari since it's probably Shaft's biggest show.

I see. But are you referring to Japan, the western audience, or both?

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 16, 2017 6:51 PM

Jul 2015

Either way it was illogical, and you didn't provide evidence of him knowing 100% it would move on its own, so it's safe to say that at least that part of Eva was a stretch.

I don't think it was planned by Shinji's dad to guilt trip his son either, as there is nothing to support that claim. That would imply that Rei knew of this plan to get Shinji to operate it, but it just seemed like she was seriously injured. Of course, you can prove me wrong.

Wasn't Asuka's Eva her mom or something? So by that logic, shouldn't her Eva have moved on its own at times? I don't remember it doing that.

I don't think he knew it would move on its own, but he did know he was going to get Shinji to pilot it. Seeing that he's his father and knows how to manipulate people, he knew what was happening, and likely did use Rei to guilt-trip Shinji.

Well, Rei didn't really know anything. She was just a doll following Gendo's orders, at that point.

Asuka's mother was indeed in her unit, and it activated to help Asuka in her fight in EoE.

What conflict, specifically? Her inability to think for herself?


There was a reason for me explaining all that physics bs lol. Well, as we established earlier, we can't prove how far deep Asuka was. Therefore, we also can't prove how far deep Shinji was.

But even then, let's say I let that part go. I find it hard to believe he was perfectly fine without protective gear. Doesn't the pain of the Eva also get transferred to its user? So wouldn't the lava have caused him pain?

That's fair enough, but he wasn't under the lava for too long, and I'm sure the Unit 01 is strong enough to resist lava for at least sometime. They never explicitly state that in the show though, but it's not that big of a deal. But if it is to you, I guess that's just you 🤷

I know it's an example, but I don't think anyone would say that lol. And the core of the show =/= its meaning. It's objective up to a certain point and subjective to a certain point.

You'd be surprised lol. But yeah, I agree with you.

"The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though." <- Opinion

Of course, it's not only those small inconsistencies. I think the characters are rather meh..

You can look at it 'objectively' to a certain point. I mean, that lava episode we were talking about isn't really even important in the grand scheme of things. And even if it builds character relationships between Shinji and Asuka, there are other episodes that do it better. I wouldn't have Evangelion in any other way, but I can take a step back, remove my own feelings towards it, and admit to that.

Those were air quotes around pioneer.

Fair enough

I see. But are you referring to Japan, the western audience, or both?

I think it can be applied to both
Mar 2, 2018 7:33 AM
Jul 2017
Maz said:
Gave it a 4/10 myself. Didn't hate it, but it didn't appeal to me overly much.

- First half of it was just a regular monster-of-the-week deal. Nothing really special there. I didn't like nor dislike it.

- Asuka. I absolutely despise her. I actually put NGE on hold for several months because I became completely sick of every second she spent on screen. Berating and abusing Shinji at every single opportunity for absolutely no reason whatsoever just because "QQ I'm stressed out" made for a fuckin' awful character.
By taking her tsundere-ism to such ridiculously extreme lengths I feel it had the opposite effect of portraying the stress she was under. Rather than being a nice person with a sad backstory and the weight of the world on her shoulders, Asuka was just a cunt.

- Episode 20 nearly gave me a seizure.

- The last two episodes. Well, more specifically, the way the very last episode ended. I had nothing against the way the last two episodes were (although they could have done it in one episode, IMO ) but having those episodes followed by "congratulations" and lots of clapping made me feel like I'd been trolled. It's like there was meant to be a last episode but they forgot about it and just left things up in the air.
(I'm aware there are movies which end the story, but I wasn't into Eva enough to want to bother watching them).

- The really heavy-handed themes. I know it's been said a lot of the symbolism was used just because they thought it was cool, but it just made me laugh when I saw explosions taking on the forms of crosses. It was ridiculously forced and in-your-face.

- A lot of it flew over my head. I was somewhat confused at what was actually happening in the last 6-8 episodes, with all the different organisations, people, and interested parties. I could just be an idiot So that impeded my potential enjoyment too.

So as far as I'm concerned, I didn't think it was bad. I just didn't really see any particular reason to like it either. I could tell that it was very different to your regular highschool mecha anime, but being different doesn't automatically make it good.
I had it as a 5/10 (which for me denotes average; I didn't feel strongly either way) but dropped it to a 4 after the last two episodes. That clapping ending was just lol.
all the things you just mentioned were done intentionally
Mar 4, 2018 8:23 AM

Sep 2008
It might be because the characters suck.
Mar 5, 2018 8:00 AM
Aug 2011
Mrkulci said:
Maz said:
Gave it a 4/10 myself. Didn't hate it, but it didn't appeal to me overly much.

- First half of it was just a regular monster-of-the-week deal. Nothing really special there. I didn't like nor dislike it.

- Asuka. I absolutely despise her. I actually put NGE on hold for several months because I became completely sick of every second she spent on screen. Berating and abusing Shinji at every single opportunity for absolutely no reason whatsoever just because "QQ I'm stressed out" made for a fuckin' awful character.
By taking her tsundere-ism to such ridiculously extreme lengths I feel it had the opposite effect of portraying the stress she was under. Rather than being a nice person with a sad backstory and the weight of the world on her shoulders, Asuka was just a cunt.

- Episode 20 nearly gave me a seizure.

- The last two episodes. Well, more specifically, the way the very last episode ended. I had nothing against the way the last two episodes were (although they could have done it in one episode, IMO ) but having those episodes followed by "congratulations" and lots of clapping made me feel like I'd been trolled. It's like there was meant to be a last episode but they forgot about it and just left things up in the air.
(I'm aware there are movies which end the story, but I wasn't into Eva enough to want to bother watching them).

- The really heavy-handed themes. I know it's been said a lot of the symbolism was used just because they thought it was cool, but it just made me laugh when I saw explosions taking on the forms of crosses. It was ridiculously forced and in-your-face.

- A lot of it flew over my head. I was somewhat confused at what was actually happening in the last 6-8 episodes, with all the different organisations, people, and interested parties. I could just be an idiot So that impeded my potential enjoyment too.

So as far as I'm concerned, I didn't think it was bad. I just didn't really see any particular reason to like it either. I could tell that it was very different to your regular highschool mecha anime, but being different doesn't automatically make it good.
I had it as a 5/10 (which for me denotes average; I didn't feel strongly either way) but dropped it to a 4 after the last two episodes. That clapping ending was just lol.
all the things you just mentioned were done intentionally

And why does that matter? If they were done badly or not in a good way them them it was bad to him.
Mar 5, 2018 1:19 PM
Jul 2017
Red_Ryu12345 said:
Mrkulci said:
all the things you just mentioned were done intentionally

And why does that matter? If they were done badly or not in a good way them them it was bad to him.

but you described all the things it gt praised for
Mar 5, 2018 1:39 PM
Aug 2011
Mrkulci said:
Red_Ryu12345 said:

And why does that matter? If they were done badly or not in a good way them them it was bad to him.

but you described all the things it gt praised for

Some people like myself think it was done poorly or had other factors to it and held it back for him to get into it

Asuka is supposed to be an insufferable asshole. Yes and? She still is an insufferable asshole for him and others. You can have a point with her but the message will get lost if they hate every moment she is on screen.

Episode 20 and other production issues in the later half of the show are pretty well known. It's not just the gas attack the series had other problems behind the scenes and Episode 20 I know what he is referring to and it was a problem with 90s anime until the Porygon episode put multiple kids in the hospital.

Even a lot of people who like the show think the last two episodes are a cop out to a real ending. Sure the movie fills it in and does a true ending but the TV series in itself doesn't really address half the stuff that needed to be touched upon.

The heavy handed themes can be good or bad depending on the person.

The series in my eyes i can also agree explains something thing it really shouldn't be but also doesn't answer questions that do matter in the long run. Some people see it as adding to the mystery or confusing Shinji was in. Others can see it as refusing to answer anything and being intentional vague, which is very much why people see the series as pretentious as it refuses to answer some questions when it never need to be in the first place.

Sure some people praise the series for the same points but that's how art and value work. for one person it is trash but to another person it is treasure.
Mar 5, 2018 4:08 PM
Jul 2018
Most popular thing I've come across is that they don't like the characters
Mar 6, 2018 4:31 AM

Dec 2015
Red_Ryu12345 said:
That's how art and value work: for one person it is trash but to another person it is treasure.

Going to this extant with Evangelion would almost make it ring like some Duchamp's urinal. ^^"
Mar 8, 2018 3:59 AM

Jun 2017
Lobinde said:

A picture speaks a thousand words. That said, I don't *hate* evangelion, in fact I thought EoE was a good movie, it's just that it is more of a monster of the week show that turns into a brief exploration of the depression Hideaki Anno was feeling at the time of directing it. Also, the ending of the tv series was a mess. I get what happened in it, it's just that it was presented in the most questionable and silly way possible.

I would prefer if he didn't get depression and kept directing stuff like gunbuster.

The end was a mess because Gainax ran out of money. They basically had to either

A. say "Fuck it" and put the show on hiatus until they could afford to do it right the first time
B. Reuse shots they already had, and come up with something to end the show until they could afford to do it right.

And I'd say we're better for the shitshow that was ep. 25-26, because if they hadn't done something, Evangelion would be more obscure than a german snuff film.
Apr 13, 2018 12:13 PM
Jul 2017
its very hard to understand a show like EVA i at first did not get into it but at the ending was like WOOOOOW AMAZING
Jun 19, 2020 11:54 AM
Jun 2020
i don't hate the show and i don't really like the show

i mean yeah the story is kinda slow paced from start to mid is like an average mecha vs monster show there's no really exciting about and in the end of story it's somewhat mess up but the format it's kinda different like toji getting smashed etc, but they mention a lot of thing lika first,second,and third impact,instrumentality,dead sea scrolls,etc. but we never get the answer in the end of series like why angel attack humans what is dead sea scrolls what is longinus etc. and then it turns out into 2 last episode of "meh". it's like anno throwing anything into a depression series whatsoever even EoE didn't answer it all if i take an example like gundam unicorn in the end of the series we got of answer what's the problem is what is laplace etc it's just get answered.

i can accept the realism of character of 14 yo boy being pilot of a mech and getting depressed all the time but if u are 14 yo did you ever feel so depressed you are just a kid i mean kid never worried about anything they just do what they enjoy like play ps2 or something at least give shinji some characteristic. oh yeah and also ayanami too.

the symbolism sometime bring some fresh air into cinematography and sometimes it just an overused piece of garbage, i assume anno just think like "o yeah exploding symbolism goes brrrrr" but for me it's just "meh".

so far what i enjoy it's cinematography somewhat it can be so aesthetic like 30 sec eva unit 1 holding kaworu and etc. and next one is psychological things i think it's a backbone of eva i agree it so related to humankind but it's not really help a lot to story itself.

if u think eva have a "deep" story no it just a bunch of plot hole and depression that's it no more no less. but rebuild it's kinda evolving tho the 1.0 and 2.0 it's not too slow paced or fast paced it's just fit, shinji is having more characteristic toward rei,ayanami being somewhat heedful to shinji,asuka is less bitch than in original series and somewhat 3.0 being slow paced and "meh". and i don't understand why people overpraise eva like the star war of japan,the first game changer of mech. i mean what, did luke skywalker having a great depression like shinji or eva having a wiseful yoda-like character or maybe intergalactic conflict ? haha no. and if u say game changer we have it in 1979 when robot being a weapon for human conflict and the suffer from war in every perspective. y'all just overpraise like some sort of elite of internet haha what a clown.
Jun 21, 2020 8:18 PM

Dec 2015
rvgd said:
they mention a lot of thing lika first, second and third impact, instrumentality, dead sea scrolls, etc. but we never get the answers at the end of the series like why angel attack humans, what is dead sea scrolls, what is longinus, etc. and then it turns out into 2 last episode of "meh". it's like anno throwing anything into a depression: series, whatsoever. Even EoE didn't answer it all

First Impact: first meteorite crash on Earth (big animal extinction). But was it really that?? (we're led to wonder)
Second Impact: 2015, supposedly another crash made the ocean rise, pushed over the Earth axis, disturbed seasons. Later revealed to be: Adam, first Angel, discovered at the Pole, being researched then becoming a giant of light and... "BOOM". We can imagine that the First Impact was actually a related event (but it's not useful to the series).
Third Impact: what the NERV supposedly tries to prevent, caused by an Angel coming into contact with Adam, the giant hidden in the HQ's underground (the giant revealed to be actually Lillith in the last episode, thanks to Kaworu).

Dead Sea Scrolls: from common culture/knowledge, those are ancient scrolls found during the mid XXth and featuring parts of the biblical scriptures. So, there's that already. And if you really don't know that, it's very easy to infere while watching the show that in-series they're supposed to have predicted the coming of the Angels, and that the Gehirn works based on them.

Instrumentality: some few lines give little infos in the series but what it means is told precisely (and repeated and hammered) to you in the 25th episode. It's also heavily portrayed in The End of EVA, so you finally learn how it looks. They supposedly learned about it through the Scrolls.

Angels don't "attack" humans, they always do the same thing: trying to get closer to "Adam". They usually try to reach the NERV HQ, where Adam is supposedly stored (well, it's actually Lillith, as you learned in ep.24). The submarine angel even attacks the EVA 02 convoy, attracted by the true Adam (the embryo Ryôji is bringing to Gendô).

Longinus: it's another general world knowledge thing. Longinus is the name of the roman soldier that thrusted his spear into the crucified Christ's right side. It's not symbolistic or anything, it's just basic biblical mythos supposed to be exotic for japanese people (but well-known to us). I guess you now get why this name was chosen...
What is it ? Something the NERV found with Adam and brought back from Antarctica (if I remember well, Gendô left on the same aircraft carrier than the lance before the other members of the expedition and the big "accident" happened).
What does it do? Clearly, it stops / blocks Lillith rejuvenation : as soon as Rei removes it, the body in the Terminal Dogma grows a new pair of leggs! AND... it can even erase an Angel (Asuka's breakdown episode, 20-something). It is also said that the Gehirn/old men sect needs it for its plan (Fuyutsuki, old men, same episode)

About religious and some other symbols , Anno & co. actually thought it was "cool". Simple.

FOr the game changers in the anime industry, yes we have 1979 and it was already a "robots" series. But it was only the second "big changer": there was Yamato before that. And there was Evangelion after that. Those are the three works that triggered a big move / evolution.
Rei_IIIJun 21, 2020 8:24 PM
Jun 27, 2020 3:05 AM

Aug 2015
A lot of the people who hate on Evangelion tried to watch it for the wrong reasons.

Usually the "hate" stems from hating the main characters for being so annoying and weak. They expect every 14 year old in the world to be Seal Team 6 Badass who will just destroy every monster while getting all the ladies.

Someone needs to give those people a reality check on life, before they end up as a NEET.

BarefootKommando said:

The end was a mess because Gainax ran out of money. They basically had to either

A. say "Fuck it" and put the show on hiatus until they could afford to do it right the first time
B. Reuse shots they already had, and come up with something to end the show until they could afford to do it right.

And I'd say we're better for the shitshow that was ep. 25-26, because if they hadn't done something, Evangelion would be more obscure than a german snuff film.

Also can we stop spreading this myth. This has already been debunked on numerous forums outside of MAL. Try checking out EvaGeeks or r/Evangelion. The production quality of 25-26 wasn't because of financial issues. It was because at the time, the events that transpired in EoE's ending was similar to a local terrorist attack that happened in Japan. They TV studio wanted to broadcast Evangelion if and only if the violent scenes were scrapped, leading into Ep 25 to 26 being trippy.
LightningSoulJun 27, 2020 3:08 AM
Sep 21, 2020 8:19 AM

Oct 2019
Gesu- said:
Because slightly slow-ish pacing and "lol look at dat beta pussy MC so pathetic lolol".
Also don't forget dated art and animation.

You'd think that they'd hate it for legit reasons but nope.
However some of the people in the above posts do dislike it for actual valid reasons tho. And I kinda feel them on that..

I legit lol’d at this, imagine being so far up your own ass you believe you’re the validator for «valid reasons» to dislike a show xD Hilarious
Dec 10, 2020 4:54 AM
Aug 2020
YatoGod said:
I didn't rated it too low cause I kinda liked the plot. I hated the animation even though both are old, dbz have much better animation then Evangelion. Beside that MC was a bitch/wimp/selfish kid, I literally wanted to drop the show on first episode but carried on.

They had a very small budget ompared to DB ofc it will have worser animation
Jan 6, 2021 4:50 AM

Sep 2020
The fanbase is fucking cancer,wannabe elitist,

all underline text means satire to all of them

tHe chArActeRs aRe drEad mc MusT be LikE shInji

oUr AnIme cReaTed bY mIyaZakI stUdeNt!
if you want more you maybe can see what this guy dissing the wannabe elitist cancerous evangelion fanbase
Jan 9, 2021 11:26 AM

Apr 2019
no hate towards the anime or anything but i found the anime to be unbearable and just boring. the characters were all incredibly plotless and the story line was just written horribly. The characters were also very bad and unlikable.

✧ forum set by the loml, toria <3 ✧
Jan 9, 2021 11:36 AM

Apr 2020
Its dogshit
Thats why
No but seriously
Lots of unexplained shit, characters suck, and story is boring as hell
Jan 13, 2021 11:56 AM
Jun 2014
Kinda old thread but, if you ask me, non-japanese otaku community are way too immersed in other very different styles of anime to really see the point of Evangelion, which is what explains its resurgence in popularity among more mainstream circles. It all comes down to expectations, the hype surrounding it has been so big for so long that everyone watching it with that background is bound to be at least a little disappointed. To me, it works much better if you remove it from the context of anime and just watch it as a regular show, without comparing it to other mecha or any other type of animated series. It's an unique and subversive show that challenges its viewers to step out of their comfort zones when it comes to narrative and characters, it's not for everyone but it's hardly impenetrable, which is why it still has a pretty big cult following in the west. There's also the point someone above made about depression, i don't thing i know a single Eva fan who's never been depressed, that plays a key role in how much you'll tolerate or even relate to the characters, specially Shinji.
Jan 13, 2021 1:23 PM

Jul 2020
It's an average show, I don't hate it. Its fanbase is so toxic tho.
Jan 16, 2021 8:45 AM
Jan 2021
Because its ambitious piece of art, a lot of anime fans enjoy their lowest common denominator stuff and like their more straightforward anime just like a lot of film fans like their easy going dumb superheroes flicks. There is a reason why Neon Genesis and The End of Evangelion are one of the most, if not the most appreciated animes in arthouses cinephiles circles around the world, outside anime community alongside the best cinema has to offer. Evangelion transcend anime, its more than that. Its pure cinema and work of art, and this is how is viewed in 2021 by film community. These who didnt liked it, were objectively wrong, and they should probably watch more ambitious arthouse films outside anime circle jerk to broaden their horizon to fully appreciate the masterpiece Evangelion IS. Im saying this as a cinema fan, not anime fan. Anime fans should appreciate it more, because stuff like this makes anime more serious, ambitious and respected in world.
SnejkuJan 16, 2021 8:48 AM
Jan 18, 2021 2:06 PM
Oct 2019
Watched it a few years ago, no idea of the hype behind it or what other people thought, had never really heard about it before then. My first anime was Akira back in the 90's since then I sporadically watched films when I could.

I've only seen the original series, and...

It was badly written, badly paced and lost the plot completely at times. The art was crap and the animation was passable. The sound score was relatively good although I've seen many anime since then with far better. Large chunks of the plot just randomly go missing, characters pop up one episode with no real introduction or back story and then suddenly become key characters.

The characterisation was good, but the he spent so long on the characters that he completely forgot to actually make a story. So essentially Evangelion was a series of Shinji whining about everything, and it was just that, childish whining.

I did think it started quite good, but as I said, it lost the plot half way through and changed into something else.

It wasn't "deep", unless you are child or just thick as mince.

Ultimately I think it's a case of rose tinted glasses, and the fact it was different to everything else at its time. But that doesn't make it good, in the slightest.
Feb 23, 2021 1:46 AM

Jan 2016
Mainly because I enjoyed the story despite really hating Shinji.
I think the lore and goals of SEELE etc are quite interesting but man its pretty fucking convoluted and there is a lot of logic and explanation missing in the lore that is never explained. So despite being a good anime its not a masterpiece.
Aug 29, 2021 11:04 AM

Jun 2009
They hate it because of the angst mostly. They say the characters are whiny and obnoxious. Also they have high expectations going into it and the show is something that won’t appeal to a lot of people because of the psychological aspects.
Aug 29, 2021 4:25 PM
Jul 2020
slow paced and trash imo i watched all of the eps btw
Aug 30, 2021 1:14 AM

Oct 2016
Just finished it,
I get what Hideaki Anno is trying to achieve. Get the message about anti-escapism and commentary against the Otaku culture, like the fact that there are reasons behind the behaviour of Shinji, Asuka, Rei and Misato. These characters are well developed. I also like the exploration of the characters' minds through experimental/out-of-the-box ways (e.g. use of outlandish imagery).

However, what I mentioned above has been achieved at the cost of so many things. One of such is having an explanation of the world that the characters reside in. The explanation has been cut too short and the creativity has been compromised. To give some examples of what I am talking about, they provided no reason for why they choose 13 y/os to pilot the Evas. Why is Shinji the ideal pilot? What are Angels and Evas? I know there was an explanation but it was just too generic and convenient:
. The series gave the impression of science-fiction, at least provide a scientific explanation. I argue that using supernatural as an explanation is a short-cut from putting in additional brain resources and forming a thorough idea. Another thing that the show compromises is the development of Gendo. He is one dimensional at best considering he plays a big part in the whole plot, we should've gotten some input about his character and motives.

Sep 1, 2021 12:12 AM
Jul 2018
Collectivus said:
Hey everyone =)

I want to ask you all why so many people dislike the show. If you go to the review section, there are many 5/10 or lower reviews

Could someone explain me in few sentences why people dislike the show? (please not in a book form like all the reviews)

Is it because Evangelion is too deep for them? Or is it because they don't understand the psychology and the philosophy?

Actually, I love Evangelion. I love it because of the Action, of the psychology and of the philosophy. The characters are fantastic and the story itself is a masterpiece.

I rewatched the series and movies quite many times, and the last two episode of the anime (episode 25 and 26) like 14 times and it doesn't get bored. When I watch Evangelion I often see myself in these characters or other peoples.
I totally can relate with Shinji, Asuka, Rei, Misato and everyone
"Is it because Evangelion is too deep for them?" This show really does garner the most pretentious fanbase possible lmao
Sep 1, 2021 12:20 AM

Jun 2020
i didn't finish it and i don't really hate it but I stopped watching cuz i got bored
Sep 6, 2021 1:42 PM
Nov 2019
Hate this series….
It’s not a series for every one

If you want simple action and awe graphics watch the rebuilds

If you want human psychology watch this series

It’s not for every one
Apr 4, 2023 2:32 PM

Jun 2021
Hating on Eva makes you a good person.
ねえ、それはあなたです! あなたがカズマやトーマが好きなエッチ/ハーレムファンなら、女性を「平等に」扱うので、女性を殴る/軽蔑する2人のマッチョな男性か、Free!/YOIが好きだがフェアリーテイルの悪を話すTumblrファンガールです/ DxDとSAOは、ファンサービスがあり、アニメやマンガでBL / LGBTQ +ファンサービスが好きで、自分を「フェミニスト」と呼んでいるためです。自分は偽善者に過ぎず、価値観を再考し、これらの二重で停止する必要があることを知ってください。標準。 真剣に、それを止めてください😁。 #MenHaveTheRightToWorkInShortsInHotDays #MALMemberSince2010#Kirisuna Nico Nico no Hyouryuuken! (Music about God).

*Bill Clinton's voice* I did not have sexual relationships with that anime girl. *Hilary Clinton's voice* waifu's rights are human rights, and human rights are waifu's rights. *God Emperor Donald Trump's voice* Yaoi anime will soon be illegal. All fujos will be arrested.

Apr 6, 2023 8:28 AM
Oct 2021
Maz said:
Asuka. I absolutely despise her. I actually put NGE on hold for several months because I became completely sick of every second she spent on screen. Berating and abusing Shinji at every single opportunity for absolutely no reason whatsoever just because "QQ I'm stressed out" made for a fuckin' awful character.
By taking her tsundere-ism to such ridiculously extreme lengths I feel it had the opposite effect of portraying the stress she was under. Rather than being a nice person with a sad backstory and the weight of the world on her shoulders, Asuka was just a cunt.
asuka's character is way more nuanced. there are many reasons for her abuse of shinji. one of them is that she can't admit to herself that she likes him since he doesn't fit her view of an ideal man and is a child. despite this she still finds herself liking him which we can see e.g. in ep 15 when she kisses him. characters who suffer from trauma etc. can be awful and abusive people and may not fit your image of the sad, innocent (but somehow still nice despite everything) victim but that doesn't make them bad characters. asuka needs to be the best at everything in order to have self worth so she tries to degrade others. this is not "for no reason whatsoever" 
mentally ill people aren't always quiet and nice, they are fucking mentally ill.
Apr 9, 2023 5:00 PM

Dec 2018
hmm... cause they expect a normal anime? evangelion has normal stuff in it like in the begging, but alot like people say asuka yeah for sure so, nobody is really like that etc. but also she is depressed or has complex about not feeling good enoough about herself.  people expect shinji to just be indestructable like many anime guys/boys are, like always  ''win'' in a sense, but he like asuka also has deprssion or depressive feelings, both deal with it in different ways, shinji often retreats, except when he explodes at the end while asuka verbalizes her depression or problems alot more. maybe people hate   evangelion because its not a traditional ''happy'' anime because it isnt. it's about depression.
evangelionfanApr 9, 2023 5:07 PM
Apr 10, 2023 5:41 PM
May 2022
I hate Evangelion because it traumatized me.

I have Autism, so I have had a rough upbringing. As you guys might know, Autism wasn't fully recognized until the 2000's. And even child, people like me were forcefully pigeonholed against their will and were taught the same material over and over and over again in a vicious cycle of medicated psycho-educational trial and error. All these social skills camps and special ed classes I attended were practically useless, as they barely treated us students like people to begin with, and expected us to figure things out for ourselves simply because we were labeled as mentally incapable of learning anything like a neurotypical person would, and would often treat us like we were much younger than we actually were. They held a double standard against us, expecting Autistic people to act normal, while the neurotypicals themselves think they have an excuse to bully us just because they dont have a disorder, as has been the case for me when I was bullied relentlessly for my own Autism, gaslighted into blaming myself for things I never even did by my own peers in High School.

In a manner of speaking, I was set up to fail in my youth, and I was never taught to think for myself, let alone treated my age until my senior year. Because of this, I am mentally underdeveloped. But the good news is that with the help of family and friends, I overcame my adolescent trauma, but still had a long ways to go.

The life I had worked so hard to obtain, the normal life I always wanted for myself, was taken from me when Lockdown came into effect. During the time, I was living in a housing program for the mentally handicapped which shut down due to protocol, and I was forced into solitary confinement, i.e. my apartment.

As if that wasn't bad enough, my childhood friend took his own life before Lockdown, and I was forced to cope with this grief during the isolation of the Pandemic with very few help or contact with the outside world. I stumbled upon the End of Evangelion by accident not long after, and for lack of a better term, it mind-f**ked me, just like Asuka being mentally violated by Arael. 

It triggered me, forcing me to relive my darkest most painful memories. This, I was forced to cope with during Lockdown too. Given the context of the film, I was going stark staring paranoid.

I sought emotional refuge in the Evangelion fandom, hoping that given the context of the show, that the fandom would understand me, and that the anime and fandom would help me recover. Instead they did the complete opposite, and gaslighted me into thinking I was clinically insane. It's the ultimate irony; a fandom, dedicated to praising a series that portrays the cost of trauma and depression, downplayed my own. I got hate speech, death threats, even doxxed and worse. Everywhere I went on Discord, I was met with hate.

I just wanted validation, approval, their kindness, that it was okay to hate Evangelion due to personal trauma which prevented me from being able to enjoy it. But because of what happened to me, I've come to hate myself because I hate Evangelion.

Four years later, I've in a better place mentally and physically. But deep down, I am still afraid to move on.
Mar 14, 1:42 PM

Jul 2014
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" - Dr. Cesar A. Cruz
Take care of yourself

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