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May 12, 9:18 AM

Apr 2024
Based off experience how much of this is true?
“Love isn't something you should just take,
love must be given back”


May 12, 9:21 AM

Sep 2016
I heard it's usually both, first and last.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 12, 9:22 AM

Sep 2018
The hierarchy of humans
1. Stacy
2. Chad (great face and height)
3. Becky
4. Chadlite
5. Normie
6. Sub five

This tier list effects how everyone treats you, and even landing a good job. Lower is playing life on harder modes.
Being male is a disadvantage unless you are top 20%. of genetics.
May 12, 9:24 AM

Jan 2009
back in the old days there is a word "nice" in front of that phrase what happen?
May 12, 9:26 AM

Apr 2024
Reply to deg
back in the old days there is a word "nice" in front of that phrase what happen?
@deg it got lost to time, along with courtesey..
“Love isn't something you should just take,
love must be given back”


May 12, 9:36 AM

Jan 2014
bringing the good ol classic back for yall
May 12, 9:46 AM

Nov 2023
i cant speak from experience cuz i never finish last. i always finish early.


May 12, 9:48 AM

Apr 2024
Reply to ProtoSelf
i cant speak from experience cuz i never finish last. i always finish early.

@ProtoSelf would u consider that a good thing though?
“Love isn't something you should just take,
love must be given back”


May 12, 9:56 AM

Nov 2023
Reply to MUFFlN
@ProtoSelf would u consider that a good thing though?
@MUFFlN ye cuz back in the day in the jungles men had to bust a nut early so they wouldn't get eaten by a leopard or sum shit. its only now that men are expected to last like half an hour in the bed. fuck that shit. i blow a load and keep it moving.

May 12, 10:29 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to DoctorWasabi
bringing the good ol classic back for yall

Oh, I completely forgot that nigahiga exists. I heard he became a Twitch streamer or something.
May 12, 10:43 AM

Mar 2008
Guys usually finish first ....some prematurely

Other than that. I think the experience of an individual would differ regardless of their sex or other backrounds. Some people get better opportunities than others of course some to point everything is handed to them.
May 12, 11:48 AM

May 2019
Guys on average earn more money, don't have to experience childbirth to have children, are less likely to get molested, and don't have to deal with annoying suitors.

Guys are also performing worse in school, are more likely to get physically assaulted, are expected initiate signs of romantic interest, and don't live as long.

Just some first thoughts that come to mind. I'm sure we could extend the list in both directions. Idk how we should add everything up personally.
FreshellMay 12, 11:52 AM
May 12, 11:57 AM

May 2013
I wish they finished last usually ffs.

I would have preferred to have my fun too before being kicked out. Fuck you Adam. Lol.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
May 12, 11:58 AM

Apr 2024
Reply to Nette
I wish they finished last usually ffs.

I would have preferred to have my fun too before being kicked out. Fuck you Adam. Lol.
@Nette My god Nette, I still remember when you first posted your first sig of Angel Dust, I miss your old sig.. I hope you got to listen to poison!

ot: The feeling's mutual, they never last with me..guess that's just a self compliment then hehe
“Love isn't something you should just take,
love must be given back”


May 12, 12:06 PM

Oct 2015
Reply to Freshell
Guys on average earn more money, don't have to experience childbirth to have children, are less likely to get molested, and don't have to deal with annoying suitors.

Guys are also performing worse in school, are more likely to get physically assaulted, are expected initiate signs of romantic interest, and don't live as long.

Just some first thoughts that come to mind. I'm sure we could extend the list in both directions. Idk how we should add everything up personally.

also more likely to end up homeless, have work-related fatalities, commit suicide, and they need to convince a woman if they want to have a child (for women they don't need to convince a man in order to have a child, they can go to the sperm bank, something that is always forgotten when asymmetric strain of childbirth is mentioned).

on the positive side they are less likely to be mentally ill, for their competence to be questioned, or to sacrifice career for the sake of children

I'd say depending on your predisposition, there are men who thrive under the current genderwise composition of society and men who suffer, and women who thrive and women who suffer.

If I were to summarize it, I would say, with all societies in varying degrees, men are considered the gender who is supposed to be more "agentic", with the privileges and responsibilities that come with it. Men are assumed to have more agency, so they get to do more cool stuff in a normalized way, but are also expected to have more responsibilities and duties in the process.

The commonplace perception for being a man who has his shit together, and a woman who has her shit together is a good encapsulation of it.
Auron_May 12, 12:11 PM
May 12, 1:16 PM

Jul 2013
What makes you think this btw?? Just wondering...
May 13, 9:05 AM

Jul 2013
No they do not. I disagree with the OP tbh...
May 13, 12:16 PM

Aug 2014
I see the people in this thread are on the same wavelength as me re: Nigahiga.
May 13, 8:55 PM

May 2013
Reply to MUFFlN
@Nette My god Nette, I still remember when you first posted your first sig of Angel Dust, I miss your old sig.. I hope you got to listen to poison!

ot: The feeling's mutual, they never last with me..guess that's just a self compliment then hehe

Nobody here has any context to this but it is hella weird making a backhanded flex over giving me an minor inconvenience considering what you were permabanned for. If you are gonna make an alt please just use a different motif and everything ffs.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
May 14, 1:01 AM

Jul 2014
There are difficulties and challenges men face that women don't and vice versa, though I'd argue women experience more. Dudes don't have to worry about their safety as often, for one thing.
Take care of yourself

May 14, 1:16 AM

Mar 2008
Freshell said:
Guys on average earn more money

Unfortunately the jobs they prefer are lower paying from being less valued by the market. Though in some cases they do get underpaid for same job and same amount of work and quality of work though being transparent about pay helps solve people being underpaid. There are actually websites you can go to so you know what to ask for in pay for any company and job position. It's possible they are taking less risk when trying to bargain for their pay rather than actual discrimination going on universally which would make more sense.

Doesnt seem to stop women from having control over money though. Very likely they are given money by their parents in some cases, others it is money from a spouse or influencing them or they might also be better at getting deals and budgeting.

Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when a woman isn’t paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else’s purchase.

The top homebuyers after married couples are single women (18% which is double the percentage for single men at 9%).

Women are a force to be reckoned with in travel. Seventy percent of travel consumers are women. Women make up 85 percent of travel purchasing decisions. Most companies right now, from Intrepid Travel to REI, are launching women-only tours in response.

Freshell said:
don't have to experience childbirth to have children

Technically yes but adoption and surrogate pregnancy is a thing so for some it is fully a choice if they have the money and don't have some moral objections to it. Also there is something called sympathy pains guys sometimes get though not as bad obviously.

Freshell said:
are less likely to get molested

I would be skeptical of any numbers on something like this. It easily could be they just perceive experiences different from both emotional and cognitive perceptive differences and from societal framing influencing psychology on reaction to such events for both males and females.

Freshell said:
don't have to deal with annoying suitors.

It can happen with either. I think guys are just more obvious in public when doing it there and because higher autism rates in males so they just will completely miss out on some social cues.

Freshell said:
Guys are also performing worse in school

Males have a wider IQ distribution than females. So some of the males will do better than any female and some worse than any female. Unless you mean in early education since I could see that since males develop in some ways at a slower rate for some reason.

Freshell said:
more likely to get physically assaulted

And murdered.

In fact males also make more dog attack victims. I think the logic given in this article has some obvious flaws if it was masculinity why are children attacked the most? Clearly it's their behaviour not appearance or even hormones giving different body odors because even boys 5 to 9 are attacked by dogs more than girls which the article failed to mention it happens to boys more even in that age range. I've read studies on this before that basically suggested that, im not sure i can find it right now.

Males are more likely to be attacked by dogs than females.
Children are not the only group at elevated risk of dog attacks. Men are more likely than women to become the victims of aggressive canines.¹⁴ In fact, 52.6% of dog attacks involved male victims while just 47.4% involved females.¹²

Dogs may be more likely to attack males due to some inherently masculine characteristics that can be perceived as threatening, including louder and deeper male voices, facial hair that can obstruct expressions and taller broader bodies that are more intimidating.

Males are victims in 54.3% of fatal dog attacks.
Men are also more likely to die in dog attacks. Between 2010 and 2015, males accounted for 54.3% of victims killed by canines while females made up just 45.7% of victims.⁹ Men are more likely to be killed for the same reasons they are more likely to be victimized by dog attacks— their masculine features may make them seem more threatening.

Freshell said:
are expected initiate signs of romantic interest

Ah i hate this one. Why cant it be equal. I know there are a lot of girls who want that not just guys. ;_;

Nette said:
I wish they finished last usually ffs.

I would have preferred to have my fun too before being kicked out. Fuck you Adam. Lol.

Lol we both made the same kind of joke.
May 14, 1:53 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to Nette

Nobody here has any context to this but it is hella weird making a backhanded flex over giving me an minor inconvenience considering what you were permabanned for. If you are gonna make an alt please just use a different motif and everything ffs.
Nette said:
considering what you were permabanned for
Just curious, what's their original account and what were they permbanned for?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 14, 6:58 AM

May 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
Nette said:
considering what you were permabanned for
Just curious, what's their original account and what were they permbanned for?

This user who went by L0li except the text was stylized the same as OP's here.

He was a notorious groomer/pedo on FG and some CD and was around for way too long because of a personal friendship with a mod.

He got really mad I told a minor to stay away from him so he got his butt buddy to remove my forum sig which is why he mentions my old forum set.

His general gimmick was to change his forum set every day but as you can see he changed it back to his first after I called him out. And I just noticed his username isn't stylized either anymore. But yeah that is the skinny on this drama.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
May 14, 1:43 PM

May 2019

Even taking for granted that women control spending to a disproportionate degree, it's still the case that women are making less money. If the extra finances are coming from her husband, then the higher spending is contingent on having a partner who will share finances. I'd count that as a negative.

Also, saying spending is controlled by women when they have veto power sounds odd. Men can also have veto power. If a man has veto power over a purchasing decision, does a woman spending the money become a man controlled spending of money? Sounds odd to say. That should at best be considered a shared decision. Then there's another complication - is the woman who is making purchases actually making purchases for her own benefit or for the benefit of the family? Say a woman is in control of the spending related to groceries. Sure, she's making the decision, but she's making decisions for the benefit of the family. So I'd take this stat with a grain of salt.

traed said:
Technically yes but adoption and surrogate pregnancy is a thing so for some it is fully a choice if they have the money and don't have some moral objections to it. Also there is something called sympathy pains guys sometimes get though not as bad obviously.

Not an option most people would opt for. So don't really see this as a big discounting of the point.

traed said:
It can happen with either. I think guys are just more obvious in public when doing it there and because higher autism rates in males so they just will completely miss out on some social cues.

Can happen? Sure. Does happen as often for both? No. This is the flip side to men being the ones expected to make the first move. It means you are subject to many men shooting their shot.

traed said:
Males have a wider IQ distribution than females. So some of the males will do better than any female and some worse than any female. Unless you mean in early education since I could see that since males develop in some ways at a slower rate for some reason.

I'm referencing that men currently have a lower graduation rate in college and high school than women. This may be caused by developmental differences, with girls having fully developed brains before boys. It's also plausible that there are more men below a cognitive cutoff that would make it less likely for them to graduate. Whatever the explanation, that result exists.
May 14, 2:15 PM

Jul 2013
It is not true. Not true at all tbh...
May 14, 3:33 PM

Mar 2008
Freshell said:
Even taking for granted that women control spending to a disproportionate degree, it's still the case that women are making less money. If the extra finances are coming from her husband, then the higher spending is contingent on having a partner who will share finances. I'd count that as a negative.

Also, saying spending is controlled by women when they have veto power sounds odd. Men can also have veto power. If a man has veto power over a purchasing decision, does a woman spending the money become a man controlled spending of money? Sounds odd to say. That should at best be considered a shared decision. Then there's another complication - is the woman who is making purchases actually making purchases for her own benefit or for the benefit of the family? Say a woman is in control of the spending related to groceries. Sure, she's making the decision, but she's making decisions for the benefit of the family. So I'd take this stat with a grain of salt.

I did give a possible explanations on why they make less though so it is pretty clear I wasn't suggesting otherwise. In some scenarios it is because the data just looks at overall money not the exact same job position. In other cases when it is same job position and everything else it may be due to the wage they tried for generally ask for less or settle for less than guys do. It just seems far too unlikely some widespread misogyny being solely responsible especially when say for example in "14 million women-owned businesses make up 39.1 percent of all U.S. businesses—a 13.6 percent increase from 2019 to 2023"

"GAO estimated that in 2019, about 42 percent of managers were women"

I don't think that is enough to explain a few cents difference unless you want to argue all men are misogynists or that women are as likely to be misogynistic as men.

Ehh I just didn't know how to phrase it. If the decision isnt equal it isnt really same veto and as I explained those numbers arent just from family purchases like the house one clearly stated single women buy houses more than single men. I wouldnt take those numbers too literally though since it doesnt really tell us the exact dynamics in a relationship on whether the decisions are on their own or by proxy of someone else. Like i said i felt how they attributed it only to purchases for other people seemed off from what Ive seen where females get more support from parents than males do since there is more independence expected on males in many Western countries at least.

Freshell said:
Not an option most people would opt for. So don't really see this as a big discounting of the point.

Which is their decision if they have the money. Not that societal views dont also influence them somewhat limiting their choices in virtual essense but not in actuality. That was the point I was making, it isnt exactly inherent just a reflection of societal views.

Freshell said:
Can happen? Sure. Does happen as often for both? No. This is the flip side to men being the ones expected to make the first move. It means you are subject to many men shooting their shot.

I was implying real numbers wouldnt be clear not that the general appearance isnt that.

Freshell said:
I'm referencing that men currently have a lower graduation rate in college and high school than women. This may be caused by developmental differences, with girls having fully developed brains before boys. It's also plausible that there are more men below a cognitive cutoff that would make it less likely for them to graduate. Whatever the explanation, that result exists.

Doubtful it is developmental differences at that age. Brains dont work like that. The brain is full there from the start it just adapts to lived experiences and hormones also have some influence in how it adapts. It is weird only recently neuro scientists started figuring out the obvious that age is just a loose proxy for the life someone lives. Neuro plasticity is highest for like 3 year olds iirc so early years are most important.

Males have higher ADHD, Autism, and Intellectual Disability diagnosis rates than females do. On flip side the highest IQs in the world are almost all males. Like i said the IQ range differences alone is enough to explain higher rates of not graduating. Though IQ isnt entirely fixed.

It wasnt always like this like in college you can see men originally were far outpacing women in college degrees and most males who dont get a degree never wanted one

Also becomes clear more when you look at reasons for high school dropouts. Males way more than females did not like school or wanted to work or had to work from financial difficulties at home or enlisted in the military. Though many did say it was because they were failing so the way education is done in some places probably isnt very good for everyone.
traedMay 14, 3:37 PM
May 16, 6:43 AM

May 2019
Reply to traed
Freshell said:
Even taking for granted that women control spending to a disproportionate degree, it's still the case that women are making less money. If the extra finances are coming from her husband, then the higher spending is contingent on having a partner who will share finances. I'd count that as a negative.

Also, saying spending is controlled by women when they have veto power sounds odd. Men can also have veto power. If a man has veto power over a purchasing decision, does a woman spending the money become a man controlled spending of money? Sounds odd to say. That should at best be considered a shared decision. Then there's another complication - is the woman who is making purchases actually making purchases for her own benefit or for the benefit of the family? Say a woman is in control of the spending related to groceries. Sure, she's making the decision, but she's making decisions for the benefit of the family. So I'd take this stat with a grain of salt.

I did give a possible explanations on why they make less though so it is pretty clear I wasn't suggesting otherwise. In some scenarios it is because the data just looks at overall money not the exact same job position. In other cases when it is same job position and everything else it may be due to the wage they tried for generally ask for less or settle for less than guys do. It just seems far too unlikely some widespread misogyny being solely responsible especially when say for example in "14 million women-owned businesses make up 39.1 percent of all U.S. businesses—a 13.6 percent increase from 2019 to 2023"

"GAO estimated that in 2019, about 42 percent of managers were women"

I don't think that is enough to explain a few cents difference unless you want to argue all men are misogynists or that women are as likely to be misogynistic as men.

Ehh I just didn't know how to phrase it. If the decision isnt equal it isnt really same veto and as I explained those numbers arent just from family purchases like the house one clearly stated single women buy houses more than single men. I wouldnt take those numbers too literally though since it doesnt really tell us the exact dynamics in a relationship on whether the decisions are on their own or by proxy of someone else. Like i said i felt how they attributed it only to purchases for other people seemed off from what Ive seen where females get more support from parents than males do since there is more independence expected on males in many Western countries at least.

Freshell said:
Not an option most people would opt for. So don't really see this as a big discounting of the point.

Which is their decision if they have the money. Not that societal views dont also influence them somewhat limiting their choices in virtual essense but not in actuality. That was the point I was making, it isnt exactly inherent just a reflection of societal views.

Freshell said:
Can happen? Sure. Does happen as often for both? No. This is the flip side to men being the ones expected to make the first move. It means you are subject to many men shooting their shot.

I was implying real numbers wouldnt be clear not that the general appearance isnt that.

Freshell said:
I'm referencing that men currently have a lower graduation rate in college and high school than women. This may be caused by developmental differences, with girls having fully developed brains before boys. It's also plausible that there are more men below a cognitive cutoff that would make it less likely for them to graduate. Whatever the explanation, that result exists.

Doubtful it is developmental differences at that age. Brains dont work like that. The brain is full there from the start it just adapts to lived experiences and hormones also have some influence in how it adapts. It is weird only recently neuro scientists started figuring out the obvious that age is just a loose proxy for the life someone lives. Neuro plasticity is highest for like 3 year olds iirc so early years are most important.

Males have higher ADHD, Autism, and Intellectual Disability diagnosis rates than females do. On flip side the highest IQs in the world are almost all males. Like i said the IQ range differences alone is enough to explain higher rates of not graduating. Though IQ isnt entirely fixed.

It wasnt always like this like in college you can see men originally were far outpacing women in college degrees and most males who dont get a degree never wanted one

Also becomes clear more when you look at reasons for high school dropouts. Males way more than females did not like school or wanted to work or had to work from financial difficulties at home or enlisted in the military. Though many did say it was because they were failing so the way education is done in some places probably isnt very good for everyone.
traed said:
I don't think that is enough to explain a few cents difference unless you want to argue all men are misogynists or that women are as likely to be misogynistic as men.

No, this is not what I believe.

I actually never talked about the causes. I don't really care what the causes are for sake of talking about what are the downsides men versus women experience. Let's pretend that you could control for the wage gap just by controlling for occupation, for instance, and that this is being driven by the preferences men and women naturally prefer. Then I would be brought to saying "seems like a downside of being a woman is that on average your preferred occupation pays less."

Similarly here

traed said:
Males have higher ADHD, Autism, and Intellectual Disability diagnosis rates than females do. On flip side the highest IQs in the world are almost all males. Like i said the IQ range differences alone is enough to explain higher rates of not graduating. Though IQ isnt entirely fixed.

If the explanation for men graduating less frequently than women is just that more men are in the lower end distribution of the IQ scale, then a downside of being a male is being more greatly at risk of being at a lower portion of the IQ distribution and being at higher risk of not graduating high school as result.

So I don't particularly see you as undermining any point I've made with these.

traed said:
Ehh I just didn't know how to phrase it. If the decision isnt equal it isnt really same veto

You're making assumptions beyond what the data you're trying to give demonstrates. Your source defined something as being a woman's decision when the woman had veto power even if the man is the one spending the money. Again, this sounds like a shared decision. To make up for the obvious point that men can sometimes veto the purchasing decisions of women, you have posited beyond anything the source stated in determining its figure, which is you saying that men having veto power is somehow different to women having veto power.
and as I explained those numbers arent just from family purchases

Doesn't have to all be family purchases. If it was 50/50 and we partitioned off family oriented spending off, we'd get ~ 38% of purchases are female personal purchases. So what the actual fraction is, which the source gives us no ideas about, is relevant. This is on top of the point that the source uses an odd definition where mere veto power means a financial decision was woman driven.
traed said:
Which is their decision if they have the money. Not that societal views dont also influence them somewhat limiting their choices in virtual essense but not in actuality. That was the point I was making, it isnt exactly inherent just a reflection of societal views.

I'd suspect people have a natural preference for having offspring that comes from their genes. At any rate, even if I took your kind of view, I can say it is a downside that women will have to experience the pain of childbirth in order to have what you think is a socially constructed desire to have offspring sharing your genetics.
traed said:
I was implying real numbers wouldnt be clear not that the general appearance isnt that.

I'm saying the real numbers would be that men proposition women more than women proposition men. If you have evidence shows the opposite, feel free to post it. Mentioning the 1 in 42 men that have autism doesn't do much to demonstrate that.
traed said:
It wasnt always like this like in college you can see men originally were far outpacing women in college degrees and most males who dont get a degree never wanted one

That's of course because we used to prevent women from going to college rather than encourage them like we do today.
FreshellMay 16, 6:53 AM
May 16, 1:12 PM

Mar 2008
Freshell said:
I actually never talked about the causes. I don't really care what the causes are for sake of talking about what are the downsides men versus women experience. Let's pretend that you could control for the wage gap just by controlling for occupation, for instance, and that this is being driven by the preferences men and women naturally prefer. Then I would be brought to saying "seems like a downside of being a woman is that on average your preferred occupation pays less."

It was more a rhetorical. Males and females are not a monolith, neither are different races or sexualities. Different people have different experiences and I think seeing the differences on averages and range for different groups help give clues on causes, otherwise I wouldn't care since Im not into idpol like that.

Freshell said:
If the explanation for men graduating less frequently than women is just that more men are in the lower end distribution of the IQ scale, then a downside of being a male is being more greatly at risk of being at a lower portion of the IQ distribution and being at higher risk of not graduating high school as result.

So I don't particularly see you as undermining any point I've made with these.

They aren't in the lower end. Their average is about same due to also being in the higher end. There is just more mid range IQ females. So it would depend on how the grading system works in any particular area. One way to explain it is people of higher IQ may be getting their stuff considered wrong when it isn't, just different. Or maybe it just is the way things are taught are more difficult for males or because how teachers are harsher on male students often kicking them out of the classroom that could be why they dont graduate high school as often. I generally think the education system focusing on grades isnt the best way to educate.

Freshell said:
You're making assumptions beyond what the data you're trying to give demonstrates. Your source defined something as being a woman's decision when the woman had veto power even if the man is the one spending the money. Again, this sounds like a shared decision. To make up for the obvious point that men can sometimes veto the purchasing decisions of women, you have posited beyond anything the source stated in determining its figure, which is you saying that men having veto power is somehow different to women having veto power.

It isnt an assumption based on data, it is combining data with generally widely believed views more often men cave to women's desires because of not wanting to upset them possibly from fear of potentially losing them because they are in the role of the pursuer more, whether they are true or not is another matter.

Freshell said:
Doesn't have to all be family purchases. If it was 50/50 and we partitioned off family oriented spending off, we'd get ~ 38% of purchases are female personal purchases. So what the actual fraction is, which the source gives us no ideas about, is relevant. This is on top of the point that the source uses an odd definition where mere veto power means a financial decision was woman driven.

Yeah unfortunately I didnt see a better breakdown on where the money comes from and what it was spent on. Again I was in part adding in anecdotes like when I mentioned money gifted by parents (or grandparents and other relatives and friends).

Freshell said:
I'd suspect people have a natural preference for having offspring that comes from their genes. At any rate, even if I took your kind of view, I can say it is a downside that women will have to experience the pain of childbirth in order to have what you think is a socially constructed desire to have offspring sharing your genetics.

Maybe, maybe not. Would be more likely in females than males I would think if so but that is only after birth planning is more tricky. Hard to tell how much is natural inclination and how much is cultural and when it is natural inclination what portion of the population, since we do have varying evolutionary paths. Human's closest relative the bonobo if i recall right the females have sex with many males and when they get pregnant paternity is unclear and all the males treat all the infants in their group same but i may be off, im having trouble finding a source right now.

Freshell said:
I'm saying the real numbers would be that men proposition women more than women proposition men. If you have evidence shows the opposite, feel free to post it. Mentioning the 1 in 42 men that have autism doesn't do much to demonstrate that.

If that is what you meant then yes, but you were more vague in your initial post on what you meant.

Freshell said:
That's of course because we used to prevent women from going to college rather than encourage them like we do today.

Long ago but not so much just a couple decades ago.
May 16, 1:21 PM

Jul 2013
You say that guys finish last? You have no proof and evidence to back up this claim lol...
May 16, 1:57 PM

May 2019
traed said:
Males and females are not a monolith, neither are different races or sexualities. Different people have different experiences and I think seeing the differences on averages and range for different groups help give clues on causes, otherwise I wouldn't care since Im not into idpol like that.

While that's the case, any analysis is going to have to have a defined population to draw samples from. We can always retreat to talking about individuals, but you can't learn much from a sample of N=1.

Plus, in a thread about men and women, of course we will look at gender trends.

(I seem to have misunderstood the point of the thread by the way. Whether I finish last depends on what we mean by "finish.")

traed said:
They aren't in the lower end. Their average is about same due to also being in the higher end. There is just more mid range IQ females. So it would depend on how the grading system works in any particular area.

That's what I meant. Men and women have the same mean IQ but the respective normal distributions have different variances. This makes it such that more men have lower IQs than women while it's still true that the average male IQ is the same as the average female IQ.

traed said:
Or maybe it just is the way things are taught are more difficult for males or because how teachers are harsher on male students often kicking them out of the classroom that could be why they dont graduate high school as often. I

Probably because male students are more likely to disrupt classroom learning or do something violent than female students.
traed said:
It isnt an assumption based on data, it is combining data with generally widely believed views more often men cave to women's desires because of not wanting to upset them possibly from fear of potentially losing them because they are in the role of the pursuer more, whether they are true or not is another matter.

Gotcha. I'm just saying that the headline figure is subject to more doubt than may first come across and the figure estimate shouldn't be treated as definitive.
traed said:
If that is what you meant then yes, but you were more vague in your initial post on what you meant.

I was mostly talking about things that are factually correct. The only time I mentioned expectations was that there is an expectation that men are the ones to make the first move.
traed said:
Long ago but not so much just a couple decades ago.

There can be social barriers beyond legal barriers, and even when you remove social barriers, it can take time for women to take the opportunities they're being encouraged to go for.
FreshellMay 16, 2:03 PM
May 16, 2:37 PM

Mar 2008
Freshell said:
(I seem to have misunderstood the point of the thread by the way. Whether I finish last depends on what we mean by "finish.")

Im not sure either since being last doesnt necessarily imply not coming out on top

Freshell said:
Probably because male students are more likely to disrupt classroom learning or do something violent than female students.

Im not sure since females also often get kicked out for what they are wearing and the teacher is the real disruption in many cases. Teachers should do a better job at making class more like an educational social circle instead thinking everything has to revolve around them. Not that some students arent legitimately disruptive but i just personally always have seen teachers reacting being more distracting. Ive seen teachers have full on mental breakdowns and attack students. In class stuff is usually just talking not violence, also bear in mind psychological aggression is aggression too so males and females on average are aggressive in different ways

Freshell said:
I was mostly talking about things that are factually correct. The only time I mentioned expectations was that there is an expectation that men are the ones to make the first move.

I meant I wasnt sure what you had in mind exactly since there is a few ways to interpret what you initially said in brief.
May 16, 2:42 PM

Jul 2013
OP is wrong. He is probably a liberal feminist...

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