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Apr 9, 10:14 AM
Dec 2022
[edit - iam watching fate stay night, 2006 ]
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.
Iam asking because i watched like 2 or 3 episodes a long time ago, when i was new to anime. probably 4 or 5 years now, yah i watched it in YouTube .
The problem is the animation and the passing of the show is not sitting right with the little memories i have of it show, they look really old, and the introduction of characters, and story direction feel different.
like that orange hair dude wasn't introduced to the story yet in those 2 episodes (they did showed him but that's all), but now in this show they are showing his so soon and telling all about him, his family and his daily routine iam not sure because i just fast forward a watched from the middle, because i wasn't sure i was watching it in the right order.
Iam just confused 😕 right are my memory lying. Or did it had a remake like "HXH".

For more details:- what i remember is after summoning the wrong dude or whatever, they fight with an enemy, although this dude is not that strong as the enemy but he has a lot of swords. I watched till their or i remember, it happens in two episodes or three, but they kept the orange hair dude as some what mysterious. That's what I remember watching.
Yeshaiah2015yeshApr 9, 9:22 PM
Apr 9, 10:38 AM

Apr 2020
I think you are talking about the prequel episode of Fate Stay/Night: Unlimited blade works.

Which means you are actually fine with what you are currently watching, because Unlimited blade works is (in simplest terms) an alternative retelling of this show.
Apr 9, 10:43 AM
Apr 2020
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
[edit - iam watching fate stay night, 2006 ]
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.
Iam asking because i watched like 2 or 3 episodes a long time ago, when i was new to anime. probably 4 or 5 years now, yah i watched it in YouTube .
The problem is the animation and the passing of the show is not sitting right with the little memories i have of it show, they look really old, and the introduction of characters, and story direction feel different.
like that orange hair dude wasn't introduced to the story yet in those 2 episodes (they did showed him but that's all), but now in this show they are showing his so soon and telling all about him, his family and his daily routine iam not because i just fast forward a watched from the middle, because i wasn't sure i was watching it in the right order.
Iam just confused 😕 right are my memory lying. Or did it had a remake like "HXH".

For more details:- what i remember is after summoning the wrong dude or whatever he is, they fight with an enemy although this dude is not that strong but as the enemy he has a lot of swords. I watched till their or i remember, it happens in two episodes or three, but they keep the orange hair dude as some what mysterious. That's what I remember watching.

ok so basically there's two valid watch order options. either you watch all of the three stay night routes first before finishing off with zero, or you do the opposite.

the order that you watch the three branching routes doesn't really matter in theory, but it's probably better to watch them in release order as the degree of complexity increases with each alternate route.

in your case, i'd start with the fate stay night 2006 adaptation, since it's easily the worst one here and after seeing how good the other series are, it will get hard to watch the 2006 series. that's what i did and i don't regret it.

if the fate stay night 2006 series gets a proper remake though, i would definitely watch fate/zero first and then watch the rest.

1. fate stay night 2006
2. fate unlimited blade works prologue
3. fate unlimited blade works s1
4. fate unlimited blade works s2
5. fate unlimited blade works sunny day
6. fate heaven’s feel 1-3
7. fate/zero
8. fate/zero s2
9. all the lord el melloi stuff (spin-off series about a character in fate/zero)

there isn't really a set order to watch the franchise, but the one above is probably the one i'd recommend to people, since you get the mid adaptation out of the way first and you won't have as high of expectations for it than if you watched it after fate/zero or wtv.

the reason why there's not really a proper watch order for the franchise is that fate is a giant complicated multiverse. fate/zero serves as a prequel that lays a foundation that leads up to the events of the fate/stay night VN. the fate route (2006 adaptation), unlimited blade works and heaven's feel are the three routes. there's one route for each "waifu". the lord el melloi spin off is a sequel to fate/zero that takes place in a theoretical fourth route that combines aspects of the three main routes, but you can basically just think of it as a sequel at this point tbh bc the events basically take place before the 3 main routes of the fate/stay night VN.

there's many other series with fate in the name that belong to the same multiverse, but, to my recollection, these are really the only ones that are relevant to the original fate/stay night visual novel (aka the story of Shirou and Kiritsugu). the other series are basically alternate universes that don't really connect to the main 3 stay/night timelines. you can watch after, but there won't really be any major connections made to the main timelines.

if you have any questions, let me know. this franchise is super complicated, but that's probably the simplest way i can put it for someone trying to get into it.
Apr 9, 10:46 AM
Apr 2020
MrRant said:
I think you are talking about the prequel episode of Fate Stay/Night: Unlimited blade works.

Which means you are actually fine with what you are currently watching, because Unlimited blade works is (in simplest terms) an alternative retelling of this show.

yeah reading it again, i think he's just talking about the prologue of fate/stay night UBW with the archer vs lancer fight.
Apr 9, 1:25 PM
Jun 2021
Ok just stop thinking and watch in this order:

Fate zero > Fate stay night UBW (Rin route), by ufotable studio > Fate Heaven's feel all 3 movies (Sakura route) > Fate stay night (Saber route), done by studio Deen.

THAT IS IT, you're done with main story. Stop here if you want.

This is the chronological order and the most famous watch order.

Usually you'd watch Saber route before UBW and Heaven's feel but as it happens, the Studio Deen Fate stay night is trash. So if you wanna watch it first go ahead or skip it entirely, doesn't matter.

After this you don't have to watch any ova or spin off in any particular order, it's all standalone other than Fate Carnival Phantasm, Fate Grand Carnival, I'll get back to it later.

The first I recommend is Fate apocrypha, it's the most well know spin off at least. That's where Astolfo the king of traps somes from lol.

Next you can try The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II. It's a spin off about a character from Fate zero and what he does after the holy gril war.

Next is Fate grand order. This is a gacha game adaptation. I really recommend playing game coz the anime doesn't adapt most of it.

Next is Fate/Extra, it's a totally alternative word so everything is new.

Next is Prisma Illya, it's a show about a character from fate stay night but in a totally alternative universe with different rules. Really beautiful animation tho.

Next is Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, it's a slice of life spin off. No fights, just making food and eating. Very relaxing.

Alf lastly Fate Carnival Phantasm, this is a parody with the characters of Fate stay night and Tsukihime which is another Type moon visual novel.

To understand this parody you have to have watched the fate anime and the played the Tsukihime visual novel. Luckily for you they released a remake of this visual novel, and it rivals Fate in turms of story.

And then is Fate Grand Carnival, it's a parody of Fate grand order anime/gacha game. You can watch after you watch or play either of them.

That should be all of it. I repeat you don't have to watch the spin off in any order other than fate carnival phantasm, fate grand carnival.
Apr 10, 2:20 AM
Apr 2022
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
[edit - iam watching fate stay night, 2006 ]
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.
Iam asking because i watched like 2 or 3 episodes a long time ago, when i was new to anime. probably 4 or 5 years now, yah i watched it in YouTube .
The problem is the animation and the passing of the show is not sitting right with the little memories i have of it show, they look really old, and the introduction of characters, and story direction feel different.
like that orange hair dude wasn't introduced to the story yet in those 2 episodes (they did showed him but that's all), but now in this show they are showing his so soon and telling all about him, his family and his daily routine iam not sure because i just fast forward a watched from the middle, because i wasn't sure i was watching it in the right order.
Iam just confused 😕 right are my memory lying. Or did it had a remake like "HXH".

For more details:- what i remember is after summoning the wrong dude or whatever, they fight with an enemy, although this dude is not that strong as the enemy but he has a lot of swords. I watched till their or i remember, it happens in two episodes or three, but they kept the orange hair dude as some what mysterious. That's what I remember watching.

I think what you watched was episode 0 of fate stay night unlimited blade works, it isn't actually multiple episodes it's just one, but I can understand why you felt it was longer coz it is, it's actually an 45 mins long episode.

Watch it again and see if you remember something.
Apr 10, 2:46 AM

Jan 2017
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.

If you want the whole franchise :

As mentioned by the users above, you were thinking of the Prologue of Unlimited Blade Works (UBW). That's another "Route" to the story; basically, it's a story with the same characters, the same setup, the same start, but the protagonist does different choices, leading to a complete different development of the story, be it to its event or the fate of the characters.

You can technically watch UBW before the 2006 Anime, but its revelations are entirely built up on what you know from the 2006 Anime.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Apr 10, 3:48 AM
Dec 2022
Pendragon572 said:
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
[edit - iam watching fate stay night, 2006 ]
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.
Iam asking because i watched like 2 or 3 episodes a long time ago, when i was new to anime. probably 4 or 5 years now, yah i watched it in YouTube .
The problem is the animation and the passing of the show is not sitting right with the little memories i have of it show, they look really old, and the introduction of characters, and story direction feel different.
like that orange hair dude wasn't introduced to the story yet in those 2 episodes (they did showed him but that's all), but now in this show they are showing his so soon and telling all about him, his family and his daily routine iam not sure because i just fast forward a watched from the middle, because i wasn't sure i was watching it in the right order.
Iam just confused 😕 right are my memory lying. Or did it had a remake like "HXH".

For more details:- what i remember is after summoning the wrong dude or whatever, they fight with an enemy, although this dude is not that strong as the enemy but he has a lot of swords. I watched till their or i remember, it happens in two episodes or three, but they kept the orange hair dude as some what mysterious. That's what I remember watching.

I think what you watched was episode 0 of fate stay night unlimited blade works, it isn't actually multiple episodes it's just one, but I can understand why you felt it was longer coz it is, it's actually an 45 mins long episode.

Watch it again and see if you remember something.

but i can't, as i said i watched it in YouTube 5 years ago.
Apr 10, 3:54 AM
Dec 2022
Alexioos95 said:
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.

If you want the whole franchise :

As mentioned by the users above, you were thinking of the Prologue of Unlimited Blade Works (UBW). That's another "Route" to the story; basically, it's a story with the same characters, the same setup, the same start, but the protagonist does different choices, leading to a complete different development of the story, be it to its event or the fate of the characters.

You can technically watch UBW before the 2006 Anime, but its revelations are entirely built up on what you know from the 2006 Anime.

bro, thankyou, that must have been a lot of work, i mean seriously thankyou for your time a effort for all the information. as for now i choose to watch it in the realise order, right now iam watching fate/stay night (2006), i just finished 11th episode

and i have to say that's the neatest account I've seen so far
Yeshaiah2015yeshApr 10, 4:04 AM
Apr 10, 4:12 AM
Dec 2022
blondedzero said:
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
[edit - iam watching fate stay night, 2006 ]
Can someone give me the watch order of the series. Including ovs, special, or whatever. Any three are fine for now.
Iam asking because i watched like 2 or 3 episodes a long time ago, when i was new to anime. probably 4 or 5 years now, yah i watched it in YouTube .
The problem is the animation and the passing of the show is not sitting right with the little memories i have of it show, they look really old, and the introduction of characters, and story direction feel different.
like that orange hair dude wasn't introduced to the story yet in those 2 episodes (they did showed him but that's all), but now in this show they are showing his so soon and telling all about him, his family and his daily routine iam not because i just fast forward a watched from the middle, because i wasn't sure i was watching it in the right order.
Iam just confused 😕 right are my memory lying. Or did it had a remake like "HXH".

For more details:- what i remember is after summoning the wrong dude or whatever he is, they fight with an enemy although this dude is not that strong but as the enemy he has a lot of swords. I watched till their or i remember, it happens in two episodes or three, but they keep the orange hair dude as some what mysterious. That's what I remember watching.

ok so basically there's two valid watch order options. either you watch all of the three stay night routes first before finishing off with zero, or you do the opposite.

the order that you watch the three branching routes doesn't really matter in theory, but it's probably better to watch them in release order as the degree of complexity increases with each alternate route.

in your case, i'd start with the fate stay night 2006 adaptation, since it's easily the worst one here and after seeing how good the other series are, it will get hard to watch the 2006 series. that's what i did and i don't regret it.

if the fate stay night 2006 series gets a proper remake though, i would definitely watch fate/zero first and then watch the rest.

1. fate stay night 2006
2. fate unlimited blade works prologue
3. fate unlimited blade works s1
4. fate unlimited blade works s2
5. fate unlimited blade works sunny day
6. fate heaven’s feel 1-3
7. fate/zero
8. fate/zero s2
9. all the lord el melloi stuff (spin-off series about a character in fate/zero)

there isn't really a set order to watch the franchise, but the one above is probably the one i'd recommend to people, since you get the mid adaptation out of the way first and you won't have as high of expectations for it than if you watched it after fate/zero or wtv.

the reason why there's not really a proper watch order for the franchise is that fate is a giant complicated multiverse. fate/zero serves as a prequel that lays a foundation that leads up to the events of the fate/stay night VN. the fate route (2006 adaptation), unlimited blade works and heaven's feel are the three routes. there's one route for each "waifu". the lord el melloi spin off is a sequel to fate/zero that takes place in a theoretical fourth route that combines aspects of the three main routes, but you can basically just think of it as a sequel at this point tbh bc the events basically take place before the 3 main routes of the fate/stay night VN.

there's many other series with fate in the name that belong to the same multiverse, but, to my recollection, these are really the only ones that are relevant to the original fate/stay night visual novel (aka the story of Shirou and Kiritsugu). the other series are basically alternate universes that don't really connect to the main 3 stay/night timelines. you can watch after, but there won't really be any major connections made to the main timelines.

if you have any questions, let me know. this franchise is super complicated, but that's probably the simplest way i can put it for someone trying to get into it.

thanks for all the work and the information bro, after i finished this season I'll let you know if i have any trouble, yah iam currently in 12th episode. all the information is making me more confus.

my question is, it's all right if i watch it in the release order like year to year, or is it best to watch it from certain route
Apr 10, 4:55 AM

Jan 2017
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
bro, thankyou, that must have been a lot of work, i mean seriously thankyou for your time a effort for all the information.

No problem.

It did took me some time to do, but like that it's easier to show and explain, especially as there is a lot of misinformation and biased opinions in the fandom. And now, i can just copy/paste when needed. x)

Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
as for now i choose to watch it in the realise order, right now iam watching fate/stay night (2006), i just finished 11th episode

The problem with the release order is Fate/Zero.

Chronologically, it happens before the 3 Fate/Stay Night stories, but it's meant to be watched after, and was unfortunately released in the middle of them... That's actually the main source of debates and "what order ?" within the community.
Alexioos95Apr 10, 4:58 AM
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.

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