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-Amata- Yesterday, 12:20 PM
More of a vacation. My close friend lives there and she's been inviting me over for a few years now but there was always something interfering with my plans - either money or covid. This year I finally managed to get some money to book flights and saved 10 days off from work. I'll only be left with 6 paid days off work for the rest of the year haha I hope it was worth it lol

Criminology and psychology huh? Sounds like you're a true true crime fan xD

If I remember correctly from primary school all months have their own sayings but only a few are truly iconic and commonly remembered.
At least between young people as my grandma knew so many different saying that were used to predict different types of weather.

Hahaha I do but one pic won't contain it. I'll send you the pic in DM's this week.

I'm watching it on Disney+ so I'm basically up to date with it. This whole exam arc is a little boring but hope it will get interesting again and even a second season in the future.

As a person who used to be obsessed with wolves and werewolves, I've stumbled over omega verse content in the past and let's say it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth ^^"
peachyprincess May 26, 8:06 PM
I'm really liking it. It is so cute and wholesome
I have no frame of reference for the Omegaverse so I’m just here for the cute family story. I do love stories about couples raising children.
When I first watched the anime I thought the character was trans and that omega was a new term that Japan use.

Constellation_ May 25, 8:57 AM
ya kinda sucks i wish it was longer but hope the next season is being made tho

LMAOO we basically are, and ya i might read it since the anime is almost done with it too and i think they have it in colored so that's better, I'll def keeps my hopes high for his backstory!

AND YESS IF U CAN U HAVE TO READ FRAGRANT FLOWER, its so wholesome and cute i think you'll love it!
Klefki_of_Awsome May 24, 7:29 AM
I appreciate your services, lol!>v<>

Yeah, trust me, even if it was short, I feel it was worth it! And tbh it only felt short because they were doing a few schools at once instead of the whole college. If they did the whole college, I might have had to stay overnight for my graduation, LOL~!x'DD I also got my diploma in the mail first though tbh, so it was kinda awkward to go on stage, not get a diploma, and walk off, haha..^^'3
The reason why I got my diploma in the mail is because I technically graduated in Fall of 22 but they wanted me to attend the ceremony in June, so I talked to my head teacher, and she made an exception to allow me to graduate with the others in June!^^
I hope your graduation goes/went well for you too, if it's come to pass!:>

Sadly, that was a dead end..:/ But i've been on the grind lately, checking announcements and saving them on specific websites and stuff when I find something that is remotely the same as what I want, and I did find two postings just this last 1-2 weeks that fit my criterias, so I'm thinking of applying there!^v^>

If you want more, lmk! I'm a HUGE shoujo nerd, lol, and have collected and read quite a few series so far! In fact, I think shoujo might be the genre in which I've completed the most works, even more so then shounen, which is more popular imho!>:D9
Nah, I've been watching it at my own pace, which means to say I'm catching up to it and the rest of the Winter stuff so far, lol..=v='3 I'm mostly caught up to the point I was in the manga for Yubisaki though so it'll be interesting to see some suu Morishita content in animated form first, lol!>:D9
If you mean episode 6, then I've seen it and its really, really good! Although tbh, I actually prefered the confession scene in the manga..:>

Solo Leveling. I heard so many things about it prior to watching but most of it was from manwha and manhua fans and since I don't really read those much, I didn't know what to think. Know that I've seen it though, its a pretty solid action piece, though not much of a big brain anime, but I've enjoyed the small bits of mystery aspect we got so far as well. It reminds me a lot of GATE tbh, but like the reverse version of that show, if that makes sense?>:P>

The Witch and the Beast, I've read the manga, and it's a really interesting one so far, I really like witches but at the same time I can see why in some context and worldbuilding schemes they could be seen as villainous, and in fact, most series treat them this way. One of the things I had forgotten from when I read it was that Phanora was a witch, and yet she works with the Bureau, meaning there are good witches out there as well. Like Yubisaki though, I'm not caught up on the manga so it'll be interesting to see how the anime goes.

THE APOTHECARY DIARIES! Sorry for the caps, lol, that's just how excited I was to watch this one tbh!!<3 X'39 I caught up to what the anime will adapt, and a bit more tbh, so I'm feeling confident with this one, and can say safely that it is one of, if not the best show of last season! I've been a fan of Maomao and her personality and mystery solving skills that blend in the unique knowledge of apothecaries with intuition and careful decortification of the cases she's in. Just the first chapters had me swooning for her like Jinshi does, lol, but you're telling me there's a lot more to watch?! Heck yeah!!!

Hope you're enjoying the current season, friend, and I'll talk to you soon~!^^/
xxLumina May 24, 5:58 AM
Yes. It was all over my fyp also. Who allowed him to get up there and read that speech like no one thought that it was a bad idea. Him telling other women to get into the kitchen while also having a comfy childhood from a mom who pursued a successful career is kinda ironic. Although, I wouldn't be surprise if his mom agrees with him either because I know women that have successful career and still share the same view as him. Or he has mommy issue and resent his mom for her want to have a career instead of being a stay at home mom. Some could be smart, but still have backward beliefs. Safe to say that having a deep expertise in a particular field doesn’t mean you’re not a moron when it comes to anything else.

I at first thought it was a new term for being trans or something. Ahhhh!! I was never into fanfic. I read some, but I was never really invested in it. Any anime with kids in it, I'm just going to love because of the adorableness. I'm glad the drama is more tame and short and not like 3 whole episode of it. When it comes to romance, I just dislike certain troupe. In K-drama for example, unnecessary love triangles are annoying. I hate love triangle being thrown in just for the sake of it. Sometimes they just pop out of nowhere. Like we already on episode 10 already and all of a sudden a new character appear and want to break the main couple up. Or when the main female lead have a crush on a guy in the beginning, but he never reciprocates but than she falls for the main dude and now the other guy want her.

I'm enjoying Wind Breaker so far. I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it as much, but it turns out to be very fun.

Tengen is my favorite hashira, but so is Giyu. I just love the relationship between Giyu and Tanjiro. Tanjiro is like his annoying little brother.
Japanese fans were hoping for Miyano Mamoru to voice Douma. I think it was a fantastic choice. He can have a sadistic tone and a super crazed tone that makes my skin crawl. I remember at a Haikyu! event when they announce that he was going to voice Miya Atsumu, the crowd went crazy.

Ashhk May 22, 4:38 PM
Yes I also think having fun is what truly matters, I understand people that try hard to be as high ranked as possible but I couldn't never have fun doing that, I mean it's so stressful and tense, but people like tension obviously.
Basically it's like a tower and you need to climb to the top by pushing cubes so you can climb one by one, for that the cube needs to be isolated in a way that there's no cube on the top etc you see what I mean I guess?

And by that time they already added a new mob lol.
Hypixel didn't even change that much since 2015 to be honest, most games still have the same mechanics, they just kept adding more and more diverse games.
Yeah Idle games are fun when you start but once you feel the need to go check the game every 10 min to improve your things and that you're not even interested anymore but still feel the need to do it otherwise you'll not progress at all, it just becomes boring, better just stop it at this point than entering this loop...

Ahaha well I hope you'll discover another game like that which just isn't a gacha, if you want to save money xD I believe some of these mobile gacha games just have different versions like the recent Granblue Fantasy ReLink that went out and is apparently really good, I don't think this one has a gacha system but I'm not sure at all.

Congratulation on graduating from college!!! It must feel so good finally aha, what are you planning to do now?
Is it an older MacBook or a recent one though? But yeah they're made especially to work I guess, the main issue with these laptops is the battery's autonomy, of course Apple aim for these computers to last long for people to be able to bring them to work and all, so they can't really put any performing graphic card etc because it just takes too much power, I have a gaming laptop like that (using an RTX 4060) and the autonomy is like 3 hours at best and probably 1 hour while gaming lol but they would need some very advanced batteries which is either too expensive or too hard to implement on a small computer I guess :/
Constellation_ May 18, 7:01 AM
frr I love then new season so far tho i think for this season of demon slayer is gonna be kinda short

WWW frr i love giyu's personality and my fav demon is probably akaza mainly because of his backstory i havent read the manga but ik he deeply cared for his lover/wife and something sad happened and feel like he wants to avenge her or something but i found it really sweet and like him for that, who's ur fav demon ?

-Amata- Apr 27, 1:56 PM
Sorry for the extremely late reply. April has been hectic. Mostly due to my job and getting ready to travel to the UK in the upcoming moths.

Hahahaha, you're a true student now. Who hasn't procrastinated their work up until the last 24 hours, cast the stone first xD
Can I ask what your major is?

Yup. Here in Poland, we have this funny saying "April weather, rain and sunshine both together". It's not the best translation of this saying (as the original implies mixing winter weather with summer weather instead of rain and sunshine pointing toward common in April ground frosts and warm weather in the same 24h) but I think it also gives the same vibe.

Yeah. Currently I have over 200 volumes on my bookshelf. I often resell my maga tho so if I was to count all the volumes I ever bought it probably would reach around 500 hahaha

OMG I've started Go go loser ranger out of boredom cuz it's airing on Disney+ rn and I fell in love with it.
Oh no. Isn't tadaima, okaeri like an Omegavrse tittle...? I was interested in it cuz it seemed wholesome until got to the omega and beta part of description..
PrimeHype Apr 25, 9:07 PM
Wow, hey! I'm glad to see you around again. I don't really talk to people on here anymore I log on simply to update my lists, but I still wanted to at least get back to you. You were always one of the nicer users on my friend list and we have pretty strong affinity too! Congrats on graduating from college. Yeah that's definitely an indicator as to how much time has passed. Last we talked I know you were just starting college. I'm sure you were busy and worked very hard and now you're out of college! Very awesome. Sounds like no one knew how to cook at all there lol, did you learn anything yourself?? I'm still improving in that aspect too. Def have to whenever I have my own place.

Aw, get you with Steins;Gate. As much as I adore it it definitely is a tough anime to get into at the start and I wouldn't recommend it to a first time watcher. I don't blame anyone for taking a break from it. I will say it's probably the most rewarding slow starting anime that you can watch though. There's not another I can think of that surpasses the impact and payoff Steins;Gate when it comes to "slow burning" anime so its def worth your time.

Oh yeah, I liked all of those! Fall and Winter seasons were very stacked for sure. I'm pretty caught up with the manga for CSM, it was definitely a wild ride with a whole lot of everything going on. Wacky characters, wacky scenes. It had it all and its so charming. I liked all of those anime. Im very interested in catching up to the manga for JJK and Dr Stone. Oshi no Ko a little less so from what Im hearing even though I enjoyed season 1. Zom 100 was a real nice surprise it was never on my radar but it was a fun time. What was your favorite? I think mine was actually Vinland Saga S2
darthvvder Apr 21, 8:12 PM
I'm majoring in aerospace engineering.

The anime I'm watching this season are:

  • Re:Monster
  • Sand Land
  • Bartender
  • Wind Breaker
  • Ninja Kamui
  • The Fable
  • Tensura
  • Konosuba
  • Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 Part 2
  • Kaijuu 8-gou
  • An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride
  • A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics
  • Mission: Yozakura Family
  • As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World
  • GO! GO! Loser Ranger!
  • Tonari no Youkai-san

and hbu?
xxLumina Apr 21, 3:44 AM
A lot of women are realizing the amount of unpaid work they do as mothers & the unequal domestic labor. They're realizing they have a CHOICE to not have children. Women are more than mothers or baby makers. People shouldn't feel like they should have kids just because 'that's what you are supposed to do'. People who have kids that they never wanted rarely make good parents. People should consider if they are prepared for the responsibility of being a parent. Also, The mother that get offended of people that don't want kids are probably miserable.

I really enjoyed Tadaima Okaeri too. One thing, though, I have no idea what omega verse is. This is the first time I actually heard that term, so I was confuse when I heard it. I feel like there might be some drama coming up in later episodes. I'm also liking Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yama and find it cute. I love hearing Hanazawa Kana voice in general. Some of the one I'm enjoying of course is Yuru Camp and Hibike Euphonium. I also like Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night, Girls Band Cry, Wind Breaker and Whisper Me a Love Song.

I feel like April is not passing by fast enough. I want to see more of Tengen. I want to see my man Douma, but he's not going to appear again for quite a while. Sure, he’s a psychopath and evil, but he’s so cute, adorable, and funny! and Mamoru Miyano voice him. I remember when he first appear in the anime I nearly scream my head off because I heard his voice.

peachyprincess Apr 20, 9:57 PM
I had such a wonderful Spring break. I have been studying for exams too. Next month will be our finals and AP exams.

I'm watching Konosuba s3, Merchant Meets The Wise Wolf, Yuru Camp s3, Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau, Hibike! Euphonium 3, Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai, Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?, Girls Band Cry & Tadaima, Okaeri. HBU?
Constellation_ Apr 20, 7:47 AM
Ya frr, same just one romance anime a season😭, you're better than me i cant wait that long i just watch it weekly lol,

ya I heard the next arc is mainly just build up for the arc after but I'm still excited,

My favorite character is probably Giyu he's hella relatable 😭how about you ?

LETS GOO! i recently took a new test since I hadn't taken one since like a year ago lol.
Ashhk Apr 16, 4:42 AM
Well I wish I was good at competitive games though but I never truly succeeded in any of them, I don't try hard or even try to get good though but I have no natural talent lmao, I often just stick to the low ranks, I've been silver for thousands of hours in CSGO but I don't care as far as I have fun xD
True, and puzzle ones can get frustrating as well when you just can't do it, I felt like that playing Catherine (another ATLUS game) if you know about this one?

Sometimes it's for the best but I just feel like they added too many unnecessary things, especially when it comes to the mobs, now I spent quite some time practicing and learning the new blocks/mobs in a solo game but I still have the same opinion. Some of the servers are chill though, you can play some MC servers like Hypixel and just stick to the mini games.
Which reminds me the whole progression aspect is why I liked idle games at some point (like Clicker Heroes) but these ones are hell once you spend too much time playing them lol.

Yes Genshin Impact/Honkai Star Rail are good examples of what works nowadays to get money by making games even though these ones basically imported the gacha system internationally and it worked even better than expected since before it was mainly a Japanese/Chinese thing I feel like, I never played gacha before though and that's probably good for me if I want to keep my money xD

I don't really know how Macbooks work but can you still play games on it or you're just using it for studies? Good luck with your finals though, at least you'll feel free when it is finally over aha.
xxLumina Apr 11, 1:39 AM
men get triggered and angry when women choose to be single and not have kids. But like, I don't blame a lot of women now for wanting to just be single. I came across this guy on TikTok that said girls not wanting kids is a red flag because it is selfish to not want kids. I've always wanted kids, but I understand why a lot of women don't want kids. A lot of men are not stepping up and sharing the responsibilities of caring for their kids alongside their wife.

They don't even see women as people. Someone need to take those mics away from those podcast bros. I see some men complaining how women are gold diggers and only goes for guy with money, but at the same time they complain about how women only go after broke men. Like which is it? Some people may think that I have high standard, but I will never lower my standard and settled. I rather be single than settle for a man. I have lower my standard in the past and given a guy a chance and never again. It went really well at first until like 1 week into the relationship he kept saying how much he loves me and how he can't wait to move in together and talking about marriage and having kids. Also, he was Korean and yes misogynistic. Of course, not all of them because I dated plenty of great Korean men in Korea, but don't be surprise. I have Korean friends that have warned me against dating Korean men.

I'm watching a few seasonal rn like Yuru Camp, Hibike Euphonium, Date A Live V, Konosuba, Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai, Tensura, Girls Band Cry, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season, Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night, Vampire Dormitory, Jii-san Baa-san Wakagaeru, Blue Archive The Animation, Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?, Ookami to Koushinryou: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF, Tadaima Okaeri, Studio Apartment Good Lighting Angel Included, Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnouji, Bartender: Kami no Glass & Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi.

I can't wait until Demon Slayer and MHA aired. I was so disappointed when I found out they were airing in May.

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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