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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
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Shingeki no Kyojin
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BronzeAge May 21, 2015 8:06 AM

I recently watched Tokyo Ghoul in it has a dark setting with awesome action, in the style of ergo meets fate,

I'd like to see what you think about it-
sweetangie Apr 25, 2015 9:27 PM
Thank you for sending me a friend invite. :) YAY!!! A CHIHAYA X ARATA SHIPPER!!!!!!XD <3
Domi-chan Oct 22, 2014 3:55 PM
Ugh, I have exams for the 2 subjects I have in this semester. My year is basically divided in 4. The first quarter of the school year is basically over, and the only thing that is left are the final exams for the subjects T___T. Lucky for me they do give you a lot of free time, so I could study a lot if I want to (but I don't actually want to :'))

Calculus has the kind of reputation at university as, "the subject many students fail and have to redo multiple times" .... I REALLY hope that I belong to the group of students who pass the exam in one go.. but I have to admit I am kinda scared.

The start test ended up being extremely easy. Easy to the point I wondered why I didn't get 100% xD. And nothing compared to the final exam :'((. I miss my calculator and I the type of person that easily makes calculation mistakes T____T. Wish me luck.

Statistics is something I'll eventually get... like, you can't avoid statistics :'). I even saw a subject called "Biostatistics" in another semester... Wonder what that means.

The other subject in my exam week is about cells and tissues. Basically knowing many facts by heart. Should work out if I give it enough attention.

On a brighter note,,, my last exam is on a Monday, which means that I have the remaining six days of the week to party and do fun things !! Yeah. Definitely something I'm already looking forward to.

Sometimes I bring tea upstairs, and then I forget to drink it and my tea has gone all cold :'). Or I am convinced I will drink during the night, but I never finish the glass of water next to my bed.

There are some days I have to start at 8:45. But luckily it's not every day. The thing is, I have to travel 1+ hour to get to uni, which means I have to get up pretty early. On another note, I do get the opportunity to rest my eyes while sitting in the train.

Luck is on my side, because I just saw my timetable. I have no classes on Friday, which means 3 day weekend. Woohoo~~

I hope your midterms are going well (:
Domi-chan Sep 2, 2014 1:19 PM
I don't try gluten free goods. I just enjoy normal cupcakes (WITH GLUTEN) because I just don't care. I'm not allergic to gluten so why would I bother,, is what I think xD. I remember when I was young I wasn't allowed gluten, because they wanted to see if I was allergic to gluten. I ate rice noodles and everything rice version of it. It helps I loooove rice. Turns out I wasn't allergic, and I'm still allowed to eat all the delicious fattening cupcakes and cookies. YUM.

Apparently for Calculus, we have to study an additional 9 HOURS at home... ARE THEY FREAKING MAD? I seriously doubt I will make 9 hours. It's like the same talk all over again in High School, but then more extreme I guess.

Calculus actually scares the sh*t out of me. It looks so difficult, and suddenly I just don't feel as great of a math genius... (I never was). On top of that we have a small "mini" starting test coming thursday. No calculator allowed, no extra sheet with formulae. :'( so sad that if I fail, I'll fail whole calculus. The problem with me actually is: I'm so scared I made some kind of calculation mistake, and I redo the calculation, and I lose track of time... I just have to try and be as precise in calculating in top speed... I guess there's a lot of practice waiting for me... And this content of the test should be "easy" for us, since we discussed everything in High school... Yeah... that is quite a while ago :')

What kind of study are you doing? I don't remember ever asking you hehehe. Mine ended up being Biomedical Engineering (hence the Calculus ....)

I've never tried herbal tea, or melatonin. I drink green tea, even before bed :') when I'm really tired, the caffeine doesn't even affect me xD. Nowadays it's only Jasmine Tea for me, since I like it more.

Sometimes I bring up some cookies, and then I have cookie crumbs all over my sheets :') reaaally hate it when that happens. The trick for me is that I am probably too lazy. I remember when studying for exams, I was so preoccupied that I didn't even feel the need to grab something, or even drink something (yeah that's quite unhealthy). And when I finished I was always sooo thirsty.
Domi-chan Sep 1, 2014 1:58 PM
Hmm, if you think it counts as a dessert I'd say cake xD. And brownies. But I haven't made any desserts recently. I was actually "craving" to bake something :') so I think I'm gonna bake something this weekend xD.

Never had macaroons, only macarons. Probably because macarons are 1.000.000 x more known than macaroons (although the macarons are often called macaroons :') sometimes annoys me when people mix the two up...)

I don't know if I even have time to watch something... Today was my first day of uni and boy oh boy, they really did try to scare us. Of course I'm going to try my best, but I don't know how much time I will spend studying.

I noticed that I tend to fall asleep when watching movies/television/YouTube videos. And when I read I usually don't feel tired, until I have read several chapters (and several hours have passed :') Also, have you ever worked on projects etc. until you go to bed? And then when you finally get into bed, you just can't feel tired, as if your mind is still busy with your project? It always happens to me, and no matter the time, or how tired I feel, it just takes a while to fall asleep.

It's true that watching TV triggers food cravings,,, it's the same with me. That's why I at least try to snack on something healthy, or watch in my bedroom. And I made sure I have no traces of food in my bedroom,,, otherwise I'd be binge eating on that

I was so sad when The Netherlands lost to Argentina in the during Penalties :'( I don't even care for football 9.999/10 times. Only then :') *sigh* at least we became 3rd...
Domi-chan Jun 17, 2014 11:51 AM
Yay, last thursday I was notified I graduated high school/secondary school (finally after 6 years!) : D Party party!!! Only thing is I have a resit tomorrow, because I wasn't content with the mark I got for physics. And why not try if you have the chance anyway. I graduated, so there is really nothing to lose for me.

The thing with German in Switzerland is that to me it is more like a dialect. I can understand regular German, since the words are very similar to Dutch. Yet once I heard a commercial and I was like... Whutt? This sounds a bit like German but I cannot understand it. Same thing for German in Austria.

Great, you also have a food addiction like me = D. Recently, I have been cooking a lot more, since my parents were on vacation and I was basically home alone. Sometimes I find it hard to think what to eat the next day, but once I get started cooking it's actually quite fun. I especially like making deserts xD. I have a sweet tooth. Unfortunate thing is, I tend to overcook meat and seafood =( need to work on that.

A couple of days ago I made macarons (often mistaken for Macaroons, but since I took French class I developed a pet peeve for people mixing up the two cookies). It is said that it is a very difficult cookie to master, so I figured, ah well, why not give it a try. I have to start somewhere. They turned out quite okay I must say. Sad thing is that I overcooked the cookies and I thought my batter was ruined so I didn't bother piping the batter in neat circles :'). My macarons had the most hideous shape xDDD.

I haven't really been following any anime. I guess I kind of stopped looking at airing anime, since I got so caught up with school and other stuff. If there are any good anime in Fall, I may go back to weekly anime eps.

Btw, do you follow the Fifa World Cup? Weird thing is, I never watch football/soccer, and I only watch when there is a World Cup or Europe cup. If you do follow the cup, did you hear about last Friday, the match The Netherlands vs. Spain (the world champion :o :o). EVERYONE thought they were going to lose (including me). And the funny thing was they beat Spain with 5-1 xDDD. These are the only times I feel like a proud Dutchie.
Domi-chan Jun 9, 2014 1:04 PM
I feel such a wimp when looking for a job. I have absolutely zero experience. I feel like no one would want such an inexperienced worker like me. Even for the simplest tasks. But I know I have to start somewhere... Hopefully the person employing me will think the same .

When living in Europe you have the advantage to travel to neighbouring countries very easily. Since there is no big sea separating them. Just driving on the road for a while and voila, you've reached another country. Driving is way cheaper than flying so yeah, I get your point. Not to mention the time it takes to travel. When I travelled to San Francisco this summer, I was absolutely drained by the time I arrived. First an 8 hour flight to Chicago. Waiting in line to enter the USA. Another 3 hour flight. Going back 8 hours in time >_<. No wonder I immediately passed out in the hotel room and wasn't bothered by the time difference.

Zooming in and not wearing glasses. That's very smart ! I'll try that sometime.

I guess it's good to have that drive to achieve certain things. But I got to the point where I said to myself it is not good, while in reality it is not too bad. I feel like I was 'beating myself up (mentally)' too much. I think I will continue and try to achieve the best to my capacities. But I should not try to get perfect score on everything or something in that direction.

Yeah, I just found out that there will be a season 3 of Kuroko no Basket. Not sure if I will be able to follow it, since I hate it when I cannot finish watching their whole game. I will be in mental torture waiting each week for new episodes to be released.

White Album. My memories of that anime. Music, and sleep. I literally fell asleep while watching that anime. So boring and totally did not interest me.
Domi-chan Jun 1, 2014 2:42 AM
I tried applying for some summer jobs. But it appears no one wants or needs me ):. Either way, I'm still going on vacation (I mentioned it before).

I have probably seen half Europe by now xD. Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic. If you enjoy walking around in old cities and seeing old buildings I'd say definitely go! You should definitely also consider Spain. It's really warm there, and there is somehow a relaxed vibe everywhere you go. And the food is yum! (:

The thing about the iPad mini is. It seems convenient for me, since it could function as a kind of e-reader, so I can bring it to school and carry all my books in one device. Also,I wouldn't need my laptop, because I can surf on the internet on the device when I'm on campus. I also noticed that I steal my dad's iPad a lot, when I'm sitting on the couch and want to surf on the internet, yet I don't want to sit with a big laptop on my lap xD.

The more I lazy around, the more I feel I forget everything I've learned at school xD. Maybe I should keep my brain active with something, so by the time I go back to school and they bombard me with exams, I don't feel so clueless and air-headed :').

What do you mean disappointed with the school system? The thing with me is, the more I achieve, the more I want. For example, I once scored a 9/10 for Physics. Then the next time I got a 7/10. I felt "disappointed" the second time that I couldn't get a 9/10 again. And sometimes I do feel that me trying to overachieve is standing in the way of my maximum learning capacity.

Kuroko no Basket has VERY handsome characters *eyebrow*. Another plus is that there are so many well-known seiyuus (at least to me). And every time someone talks I'm like: Hey that is *insert seiyuu name*!. Even though I know almost nothing about Baksetball (only some simple basketball in High school) I still enjoy it.
FaZe_Flume May 29, 2014 5:13 AM
Haha :P
Domi-chan May 22, 2014 3:58 PM
Hey there~!

I just survived (or at least I think I survived) 2 weeks of finals. I'm officially done with high school after six years! *thumbs up*

iPad mini not yet, but still considering it. I tend to be a very indecisive person. By the way, I ended up not choosing to study medicine. Instead I opted for a bachelor that is more of a combination of medical stuff and engineering. And since I am indecisive, I feel that there is still a wide range of masters/'specialisations' from which I can choose in 3 years time.

I'm so done with school and I really look forward to my summer holiday. There is a possibility I am doing a resit in an attempt to improve marks (we have the choice to do a resit for 1 exam). But I really only know if it is necessary after three weeks when they call me and tell me I graduated and I can see the results.

Summer, travelling again for 3 weeks. And doing fun stuff with friends etc.

Now that I have finished I also have a lot of time to watch anime, although it would also be nice if I got a job.

Recently I have gotten into 'sports' anime. I watched the whole Major series xD. Not all the seasons were as good, but somehow I did like it. I think I learned so much about baseball xDD. Another sports anime that I watched was Kuroko no Basket. Finished only the first season, since I thought it would be smarter to first do the final exams and then watch season 2. (instead of being distracted and finishing the whole anime xDD)

I remember I tried to give you tips on planning, or preparing for an exam. Remember I told you I would never keep to my own planning. Well, that is exactly what happend in the last months. :x I always thought, it will be different with finals. That I would somehow find the motivation to start studying for exams more than 1 day before the exam. Looking back I do regret not starting earlier, since my exams were not really a success.

Luckily I have summer holiday so I have plenty of time to forget all the failures in my exam :')
Cresherhsm May 15, 2014 5:48 AM
Tsuritama and the duck's name is Tapioca.
FaZe_Flume May 10, 2014 3:57 AM
They become men.
Domi-chan Aug 7, 2013 10:44 AM
Eeps, summer is nearly over for me now :(:(:(

Next week I have to get all my books and begin prepping for school. I'm super sad. I'm finally in my final year (tehehe). I'm scared I will have a lot of stress, since I sort of know I have to face some big a** projects, and finally the exams :O:O:O. Erm, I want my summer break back :(.

I don't think I will ever buy a Macbook. Maybe an iPad mini or so. Not sure though. I will only buy it if I think it will be useful during my college days.

Our school system here is very different from your country. Here, in high school, kids are divided according to their intelligence. There are 3 levels. The lowest level is 4 years, the 'middle' level is 5 years, and the highest level is 6 years.

I'm on the highest level and so after next year I have survived 6 years of high school. (Yay, congratulations to myself).

Students from the highest level are able to go to what we call a university (that's where you will study something like medicine or biomedical engineering). And lower levels are able to go to a school, but not on the level of a university. Lower levels usually have the more practical jobs (e.g. hairdresser or carpenter).

The approximately the first 4 years of university are called bachelors. The length of your bachelor depends on what you are studying. E.g. the bachelor for medicine is 6 years, for biomedical engineering is 4 years After the bachelors students will have to do their masters.

That was basically our school system in a nutshell, I am very bad at explaining so yeah,

How was your trip across Canada? Tell me :):) I love stories.
Hayama-Mizuki Aug 6, 2013 11:28 AM
Nice^-^, Where did you go on a trip? I will go on my long trip this Friday, and I hope I'll be able to connect to wi-fi in some places :).

Oh, I'm very lucky with anime this summer. From this Summer season I started Free, Danganronpa and Gin no Saji, which are looking fine. From older anime I completed Gakuen Alice and marathoned Hikaru no GO. I've recently found Akagi and Princess Tutu good series, which I'm planning to finnish after my trip.

Hikaru no Go is really awesome, I never expected it to be that great. ~It was my biggest surprise. At first, I didn't like the idea of a Ghost suggesting Hikaru how to play, but it turned out that he didn't overuse his help. I also loved Akira Toya (greenhaired character)- his big tenacity in games and politness. And I'm currently enjoying music OST from this anime: so beautiful!
Hayama-Mizuki Jul 18, 2013 6:24 AM
Thnks for the link. When I watched ongoing Lost I loved it very much, I impatiently waited for the next episodes to come out to solve mystery. But nowadays I tried to rewatch some moments and don't understand why I was so interested in it.. ~Characters from Lost are always changeable and doubtful in their motives. ~It's not normal. Hmm, I thought of the ending as the two alternative versions. In the first ending a few people managed to escape and fly away from the island. I think directors came up with the 2nd ending, because they somehow wanted to return killed characters. I was slightly disappointed that Mr Eko's actor refused to return.

Our team won chessball tournament, it's such a beautiful game. We played in the park, and passers-by were always interested in and asked us what kind of game is that.

I showed Mirai Nikki to my brother last week, and he loved 1-8 eps very much, and dropped it too after watching 9th episode :)). It is strange that creators often start good anime and can't finish it well. Mmm, I liked Sakamichi no Apollon^^. I would give it 10/10 if they made some more episodes, because the ending felt rushed. I also want to see more of their jazz performances. So a gave to Sakamichi no Apollon 9/10. I hope creators will decide someday to make some OVA ar ONA continuation of this interesting story
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