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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
Jan 21, 2017 11:05 AM
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Omoide Poroporo
Omoide Poroporo
Jan 21, 2017 11:04 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 10
Yuri!!! on Ice
Yuri!!! on Ice
Jan 21, 2017 11:04 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
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Wedding Peach
Wedding Peach
Oct 16, 2014 10:14 PM
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KATLiker Dec 23, 2015 12:29 AM
can't believe you haven't watched anime in a month... you'll never catch up to me...
Mayuka Nov 4, 2015 6:49 PM
yaaas osomatsu-san is such a good show omg. it's hilarious and so fun!!

omg oofuri is life <3 ugh i wish it had more to the anime but they ended it there ;_; mihashi is my precious child

nice to meet you~!
lXlOlXl Sep 9, 2014 6:48 PM
I watch Natsume Yuujinchou. Why he spends his days to give back Yokai 's names if his grandmother spent her lifetime to capture them ?
flimsy_sur May 31, 2014 1:45 PM
i knew this was you the moment i saw your username i swear to god
teenqueen69 Apr 21, 2014 6:07 PM
00002019 Jan 20, 2014 4:31 PM
I would say it is worth watching, but it may test your patience, especially when it reaches the end of the first half.
CosmicHecate Sep 22, 2012 3:33 PM
Happy birthday! :]
Nymphetamine2791 Jul 8, 2012 10:18 PM
Truuuutthhh, where did you goOoOo? Are you going to pick up Tari Tari? Same people who made Hanasaku Iroha, I instantly knew because of the awesome art.
Lylaaz Jun 13, 2012 4:58 PM
WOah i remember Kare Kano anime.. i quit it at episode 20 or so (you might find out soon why) i think the anime makers lacked budget or something.. Q_Q it was soo good though. I really loved those scenes between those two ^^

Hmm about catching up, if you watch Steins; Gate it pretty much sums up everything. I mean its like one of the newest masterpieces xD. Main character is a bit crazy like Kira or Lelouch xD (i actually quit that anime for many moths after seeing first episode, i was soo wrong >.<)

Whhaa wha you watch Merlin?? :D i love that show

Lylaaz May 20, 2012 12:45 PM
Hmm im doing quite ok, exams are over :) Tbh i didnt watch any anime for like 4 months or so xDD / or dropped them all.. i didnt even watch Ao no exorcist to the end.. Q_Q the fillers kicked in though. But oh well now few weeks to go and summer here i come! hehe

hmm Inazuma Eleven seems to have a lot of episodes, recently ive started to like short animes and manga :o Ive watched few sport animes as well but i havennt seen anything good recently.

Sakamichi no Apollon - lol its so naturally straightforward and close to reality.. friends and love and that kind of stuff :) well there's a boy who never had any friends so he finally goes to a school and finds a friend and a girl who he likes, but he is having some problems etc. what i like is that they actually arent that shy to say out their feelings :O

and i finished named manga Zippy Ziggy in like 1 day.. it was soo epicly funny i was LOLing in real life xDD Seeing how things take the worst route ever is soo awesome.

but yeah have fun, and do well on your finals :O is this your last grade ?
Lylaaz May 11, 2012 4:24 PM
Hello how are you :O I havent been in MAL for ageees.. ive forgoten everything and everyone xD so i started watching anime (gosh all that new anime has been so crap) named Sakamichi no Apollon, i think you might like it as well.
i see you haven't been much active either? :d
Iilia Mar 25, 2012 10:43 PM
I heard a rumor that Sket Dance may be ending soon, but who knows. We're loosing so many shounen anime all at once. Bleach, Gintama, and Beelzebub. Not that I'm a big fan of any of them
(Bleach I've had On-Hold for a millenia, Gintama I've never touched, and Beelzebub has its ups and downs), but their replacements suck! Gintama is getting replaced by a CGI anime called Gon.. Seriously? I feel like Nick Kids' Dino Dan just took over an anime timeslot. XD

As for Bleach and Beelzebub. Their replacements are the Naruto Rock Lee Spin-off, and a new anime called Uchuu Kyoudai, which I do plan to watch and hope it might actually turn out to be good. Cross your fingers!

You should definitely watch T&B! It was awesome! About Darker Than Black, it can be a hit or miss with people. The beginning episodes are kind of episodic. They focus on missions that Hei, Yin, Huang, and Mao do for the Syndicate. They're meant to give you a broader perspective on the setting and characters, the Gate Incidents, how their powers work, etc. For a lot of shows... actually, for almost all shows, I really hate episodic starts, but this one worked well. The last 5-8 episodes weave together the main story, so all the background episodes help you connect with/understand each character for that later portion of the show. However, if you don't like the basic premise or concept the show is going with, you may get bored. The things that stood out for me in DtB were the characters Hei and Yin. I love those emotionless sorts, and both of them are like that. Yin is a lot like Tachibana Kanade from Angel Beats. Mute, expressionless, ridiculously cute. Hei is very stoic. He's also a complete bad ass. As the show progresses you can see his human side emerge, which is always the best part about stoic characters. Another thing was the choreography. I <3 well directed fight scenes. :)
...Oh, and the subtle hinting of Hei X Yin did wonders for my fangirl imagination. Guilty as charged.

Have you seen the first episode of Ozuma yet? Ah, well, come to think of it the second episode is already out.. so.. yeah.. Anyways! The show has a very nostalgic/old school feel to it. I don't mind the animation. The story is progressing really fast. You're basically thrown into the middle of... something. Yes, something. They haven't actually told us what this "something" is yet, thus I label it as "something." There's this princess-like woman being chased, and then she gets rescued by these bandit-looking guys, and then these military guys come to take her away from the bandit-ish guys, whom one moment were more than happy to hand her over and then the next were all, "Nah, actually, we like you. You can stay. Prepare to leave, boys!" so they escape in their ship and that's that. The dialogue is hilarious, and by hilarious I mean it's so simple even I could have written it with ease. A part of me wants to say it's not actually that bad of a script and maybe they just subbed it with this simplest text possible, but when our protagonist has a habit of saying easiest phrases three times over (Nani?! Nani!? Nani!?), there's really nothing you can do. :P

Although I may be having a great time making jokes about Ozuma, I don't see it as a terrible show. It's actually kind of fun in a very weird, "Ohhh, youuuu~" sort of way. And it's short! We like short, easy to make fun of anime! ...I get the feeling I should've wait until I saw ep. 2 to actually bother giving you my opinion (I mean heck, it's out, so why not?), but then you may have had to wait even longer for this reply. Be happy! "Happy, happy, happy!"

That was a joke. Please laugh.

- I take it Eureka 7 is good? I remember it airing on Adultswim eons ago but I never paid any attention to it.
- Now that I look at the new MAL link, the old Arashi no Yoru ni looks kinda better than the new Arashi no Yoru ni. And yeah, I'm mainly thinking about that weird Play-Doe Pixar-mimic animation when I say that. Pixar is awesome 'n' all, but maybe not for anime? :/
- You'll have to tell me about your Medaka Box experience. I look forward to it.
- Shining Hearts. Why would I judge you? I'm giving it a try to. ^_^;;
- You may marry Ono Daisuke on the condition that Nakamura Yuuichi is all mine. /can't believe I just said that, even as a joke.

It's very simple. Watch Steins;Gate. Cosplay as Kurisu. Problem solved! I'm such an awesome problem-solving genius. Tensai, tensai, tensai!

Hey, that reminds me...

Totally random, but Hunter X Hunter is still awesome. I was listening to the soundtrack as I wrote this, so that's why I'm mentioning it out of the blue. Music time!
Iilia Feb 25, 2012 7:21 PM
Wow, you're going to catch all the way up to Sket Dance? I didn't know you were so far behind on it. It's an all right show if you like episodic stuff. What do you think of it? After so many episodes of the same skits of hilarity, it sort of lost its charm for me. You should read the current second highest review for SD right now, the one by Gorim. I agree with pretty much everything he says on it, specifically the part about how it lacks originality and comedy, the latter of which is supposed to be one of the shows key aspects. There's a couple good episodes to the series, of course. The two episodes devoted to Switch's past, for instance, and also the recent ones about Himeko. I can give you the episode numbers if you want to just skip to those. But yeah, watching all of Sket Dance in one go is a sure-fire way to get bored.

I actually finished T&B back when I sent you my last comment. It was really awesome! I didn't think I'd like some show about super heroes so much. It's kind of like X-men and Darker Than Black - humans started developing super powers and gained the name of "Next" as opposed to mutants in X-men or contractors in DTB. *Checks list* You've never seen DTB?! Go watch that too, haha! Anyways, T&B is about the super heroes from a television show called Hero TV (So original, I know, but that's part of this show's charm), which broadcasts the heroic acts of these stars, each act gaining points and at the end of the year they become the #1 hero. I don't remember the exact phrasing they used. (Que frustration at my bad memory)

The plot kind of jumps around from one thing to another. For a while you're focusing on the relationship (non-romantic *glares at fujoshi*) between Barnaby and Kotetsu, a 30 year old veteran hero who's really clumsy and manages to cause as much trouble as he helps prevent. But the guy is awesome - I love his character so much I actually added him to my favorites. The way he's so honest about all of his, "A hero is supposed to help people, not smile for the camera!" stuff is great. A true blue "good guy."

Anyways, then the plot jumps to some other things like character backgrounds, specifically Barnaby's, they introduce an antagonist or two, etc. Fun stuff! Despite how incredibly cheesy the show sounds, and believe me, I thought it was going to be like that, it's really good.

Sharing scarves? Will you buy hot chocolate and cool it off for me, too?
Okay, I'm stopping this out of character shoujo-ai role play before it gets out of hand.

*Ahem* Moving on! Here's my PTW for Spring 2012~

You probably already know where to find the chart, or you could just google it, but here it is anyways > link

Edit: @Profile stuff: Tell me your opinion of Senjougahara again after the show is over, but I do agree on some level that her tsundere behavior goes a bit overboard. Her witty banter with Araragi, however, is exquisite.

As for the cosplay: Makise, Kurisu from Steins Gate. Go, go, go~!
Iilia Feb 17, 2012 8:13 PM
I don't know, it's like everyone's busy with stuff right when I get back. For almost three months I was inactive on here and had everyone waiting for replies, and now that I'm back everyone else is busy. My timing sucks.

So you were actually thinking about giving up anime altogether for a while there? I went through something like that once upon a time. People started to convince me that anime was a bad thing. I started to believe them and felt guilty, which led me to temporarily stop watching it. After a while I decided it was certain types that were bad (like any other form of media, obviously) so that's just how I differentiate from this and that. It's kind of weird how some people think all anime is the same thing and don't understand there's more to it than the weird harems that air late at night or Pokemon during the day.

Persona 4 is just taking way too long to explain itself for my liking. The first 10 episodes all focus on the cast battling their inner demons, so to speak. It's one of those patterns that repeats itself so closely that when you see the preview you just go, "Oh, so it's going to be like the episode I just saw but with a different character. Great." We're passed that stage now, thankfully. However, it seems like we're just wandering all over the place instead now that the mystery is "solved." The two episodes I just watched tonight were about Yuu's 'little sister' and a school festival. What's next, an onsen and beach episode? *Sighs* Well, I'll let you know when the show's finished if it has some kind of amazing plot twist making it worth the watch.

Hurray for compatibility level ups! And wait-- dating site? NANI?! Haha, the compatibility thing on here reminded me of the same thing when I first joined. "What is this? eHarmony?" was my reaction. Anyways, it probably went up since you completed Denpa Onna.

If I completed everything on my PTW before I started the new stuff I'd never catch up to the current anime! *Looks at your PTW* And I thought mine was long. :P
I like to have them all on there so when I'm bored I can just look through them all and go, "Oh, let's give this one a try!" That's how I started watching Tiger and Bunny a week or so ago. Hey, did you know it actually won some awards? I knew it was pretty hyped in Japan just like Madoka Magica was, but I didn't know it was that popular. They aired right around the same time, too.

15 Paragraphs? Hah, surely you jest! 'Twas a fraction of that amount.
And I just ramble. A lot. ;)

If I must choose, then ice skating. It's not like I purposely have avoided learning to ice skate so I can have some romantic encounter of falling into a guy's arms on accident. And it's not like I'd probably be a natural at ice skating anyways since I can rollerblade with the best of them, in which case I'd fake not knowing how to ice skate. S-s-so it's not like that at all. D-d-don't make assumptions! XD
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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