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Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko
Sep 29, 2023 4:44 AM
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Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
May 13, 2023 3:41 AM
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BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
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JakCooper2 Nov 23, 2023 10:09 PM
Soulsfear Nov 22, 2023 5:02 AM
Happy Birthday
Soulsfear Nov 27, 2022 9:24 AM
No problem..hope you're doing fine these days.
Soulsfear Nov 22, 2022 3:20 AM
Happy Birthday
Soulsfear Nov 22, 2021 2:31 AM
Happy Birthday
AndyKyrielight Nov 27, 2020 4:25 PM
No worries man! Btw who is this girl in your pfp? is she original or has an anime?
Soulsfear Nov 27, 2020 4:23 AM
Sure,no problem..hope you're doing fine and enjoyed your BD,take care.
AndyKyrielight Nov 23, 2020 4:05 PM
Soulsfear Nov 22, 2020 3:08 AM
Happy Birthday
ENCH4NTR1X Feb 9, 2020 11:35 AM
Hi again how is the situation going with the unrest and I-net (we don´t hear much about it in the news anymore)?

I have been at the Akiba-Pass festival in Berlin 2 weeks ago and was in the Cinema from morning til dawn with a friend.^^
There we watched Saekano the movie (Is a series y might enjoy i think), wonderland, Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl (also a series for y i think), children of the sea, and Cencoroll connect. From these i recommend to you the first, third and last^^.
Especially cencoroll connect was pretty cool and had great action scenes as well as a very interesting premise over all. Also great fighting scenes. If y should decide to watch it btw y should know that cencoroll the first movie is included in the second movie (didn´t know that so we watched it the night before the festival just to notice that we already knew the first 25min of the second movie xD). I am also totally shipping Tetsu and Kaname btw^^.

Reading stuff:
I´m still following a few stories on royalroad and have started a sci-fi story (non japan related) which started about 1990 and is still continuing. It is pretty great and features a spaceship captain rising through the positions with achivements battles and so on. It also doesn´t feel rushed like many recent works i have read over all and i think atm it has about 35 volumes or so.

In terms of manga etc. i recommend y "solo-leveling" it is a webtoon and pretty cool altogether.

Overall i get the feeling y are gathering far too many things y obsess over in these novels, which will slowly continue to exclude pretty much almost everything y could even read (just saying) maybe y should try jumping into a few series blind and see if it works out?
(By that i mean just look up some novel or series which gets good reviews and maybe look up the genre but aside from that just start reading and don´t spoil yourself most of the story through forums etc.^^)

anime series

Somehow I feel myself being less excited about the announced adaption of mushoku tensei after my disappointment what turned out of the good story of arifureta....
I have watched the alicization arc of sao (at least whats released til now which has almost caught up to the novel being the start of volume 17 or so i think) and the adaption was pretty good imo though no masterpiece or sth. like that.
I can only recommend Dr. Stone and Firefighters to you especially Firefighters because here we have the rare case of the anime being better than the manga (large part are the great fighting scenes and visuals that work much better in motion than from page to page).

To clear up for y what i understand of fate grand order: The timeline is outside the usual timeline and the overall story is about a mageking trying to mess up history via the grail wars. He does that through 7 anomalys. 3 of the 7 are set over the course of the known timelines just with a few tweaks that change history. The heroes here are part of chaldea an organization which tries to fight the mage king and fix the anomalys/disruptions in history the mageking causes. The anime atm focuses on only 1 of these diruptions being somewhere around the 5th-7th i think. This one is set in uruk at the dawn of mankind. So following that it is not that Rin merges with ishtar (because rin isn´t even born yet) but just another random girl looking exactly like her. Following this time line logically sakura and emiya are also nowhere to be seen in this part of the story for the same reason as rin.

Yeah cannonbuster is partly a crazy mecha anime which pretty rich colors.
The mc of honzuki is female. All in all they did an ok job with the adaption imo, though I haven´t finished the anime yet.

I am mostly only managing to follow 4 series atm ( Darwins Game, To aru Kagaku III, Haykuu S4 and Boku no hero academia) and I´m currently saving up (magia record which is an spin off of madoka magica).
Aside from anime I recently finished the 7th season of RWBY, which still remains totally cool and exciting.....the wait for S8 is killing me already even though S7 just ended^^.

other stuff:
What did your beginner computer training entail actually?
Programming and stuff or just how to use some office programms etc.?

All in all considering I yet again needed over a month to reply y can feel my timeconstraints caused by my job I guess. Though it is pretty interesting overall and I´m still learning quite a bit. only 3 weeks remaining then i have arrived at half a year which is the trail period for my job. After that it is set formally though i am pretty sure I will keep my job even after trial^^

ENCH4NTR1X Oct 13, 2019 6:14 AM
Hey there it has been a while so now I have started my job for 1 1/2 months and well it is literally a new experience every day (and also eats more of my free time then I would have ever guessed).^^
And no I doubt I´m gonna spend more in that direction because of that :P.

One example for that is that I actually got surprised by the start of the new anime season, like normally i would already look up all the upcoming shows and plan exactly which ones I was gonna try and stuff, but this time I checked the nwe episodes for the week and then suddenly I saw several new anime it only realised then that a new season had started xD.

concerning adult VN or VN in general I had a short period when i was at least a bit invested in the "normal" VN, but now I don´t think I will get the time to play any aside from my interest in them also wanning for quite some time. I don´t know about free good VN, but well you can always get most one way or another without paying if y search enough. Good ones are for example Steins;Gate, If my heart had wings (need the uncensored version here) and the fruit of grisaia. If y want sth. similar I could also recommend you the game "magical diary" (is also on steam) which is also a short kinda magic school/dating sim with quite a bit replayability. I don´t rly know what y mean by interactive it that you can meaningfully change the story with your choices or do y mean that it has multiple mini-games and stuff inside the gameflow? The ones I recommended have the first one...I don´t know about the second because I never played them til the end.

>One Piece
I am out of the story flow of the series atm so it is quite hard for me to make guesses how it is gonna turn out when it is getting hard for me already to understand what exactly is going on xD

>anime season

I haven´t continued kono yo no hate and I don´t plan on in the near future.
Arifureta was pretty much a dissappointment in almost every way and the character interactions made me cringe internally quite frequently. Also the worst of all is that the cut so much content that large parts of the story are missing almost all of their context which made it great in the novel -.- .
From the last season I watch Dr. Stone and firefighters and also have some lying around where i´m at about halfway through and still have to finish them. Also at the end I binge watched cop craft (which was much better than its ratings would lead y to asume) and also i will give cannon busters a try because of how non standard the show is with its setting and art style.

Now to this new season: I have started Fate grand order, Sword art online alicization II, honzuki.... and I will also start psycho-pass III and maybe some other stuff. Wel in the end I will see how many of them will survive til the end of the season with me :P

>reading stuff

I have read the newest sword art online progressive novel some time ago, but that was literally all in terms of light novels for me since last time.
Aside from that I have mostly been following quite a few webnovels on royalroad and also a few mangas.

In concern to my recommendation the translation and the novel haven´t continued much so I doubt I will be able to answer your question about the brocon girl for quite some time. The translation is at volume 10 atm if I remember right and I have finished vol.9.

>shinsekai Yori

Its true that for me also some characters were a bit on the weak side, but what was the enticing point for me about the series was mostly the interesting setting in the future and the worldbuilding. So I wish they would do another series in the same universe so we get to see more of the rest of the world and stuff. Also liked the art style quite a bit btw.

So now that was quite some stuff from have the 2 months or so (I think) gone for y?

PS. About your addition afterwards I don´t rly get what y like about that soundtrack....not even talking about the setting here.
ENCH4NTR1X Jul 7, 2019 8:02 AM
The operation went well luckily and he is getting better so the hard and risky part is done (although it still isn´t completely finished).

Also I will be moving soon because I will be starting my first job at the start of september so that means that from september onward for at least a few months I will have far less time for hobbys and stuff so I don´t think my backlog on games, anime and stuff will be progressing much in the coming months.^^

Well you shouldn´t invest that much time in Shadowverse if you don´t even have fun playing anymore imo and 7-8 hours in front of the screen just for 1 tournament is pretty hardcore. I mean even an mmorpg doesn´t involve that much screentime without breaks (well at least most of them) especially staring at a small phone screen isn´t rly healthy. I have played similar things in the past too and i get that sometimes y just feel y have kinda an obligation or sth. like that to get as much out of the game as possible, but over time these things start to feel tedious and honestly at that point when the fun is completely gone too then moving on from that game might be the best option and use your time for sth. that still interests you be it anime/manga/novels/games or maybe trying some time away from the screen and try some light sports whatever is fun to try out.

I only watched the anime of shinmai maou no testament and honestly just like highschool dxd it was just so full of just fanservice that after watching it I dropped dxd just after a few episodes.^^

Well I must admit I didn´t search for an NTR realtion in my username quite that literal xD.

>One piece

I am following the manga, but haven´t watched the anime for quite some time. I think I stopped watching around the mermaid island arc. So in effect you can´t rly spoiler anything for me there^^.
As far as I have understood the backstory of the celestial Dragons is that they are the descendants of the founders of the world government. So this is just my guess after hearing it but maybe the founders of the government and the marine may have been quite the decent people, but being priviliged by their status their decendents may have degenerated further and further until the state y can see now. I mean you can also find these kind of people in our modern society in a way.

>anime season

Kimetsu no Yaiba doesn´t have any romance whatsoever (so no incest til now as i´m reading the manga too), but the action and story part as well as the design is pretty amazing in itself. The atmosphere in the anime makes me think back to akame ga kill kinda and is a bit dark but also really cool. Well there is also some comedy at some points it could have done without but oh well the good parts of this series far outshadow its bad parts in my opinion. If i relate the manga to the anime both have their strengths imo.....the anime is better in terms of getting the atmosphere right while the manga suceeds better in getting the intricate story across and dampening the bad comedy parts.
Haven´t continued anything else either btw so fairy gone could take a while before i think about finishing it.

>reading stuff

I will spoiler that much that Kei isn´t rly in a relation and it is just a kind of cover without real romance in it (from both sides), but y will have to find out the rest by reading it :P
Btw how can y know if the romance is to your liking if y don´t read it? Just hearing other people talk about their impressions isn´t gonna always be true for your impressions.

I have started a new original web novel btw which is the nr.1 rated web novel on topwebfiction.

Well the main character is a girl so I don´t know if y will read it, but just as with worm I can only try to convince y to try it out as it is rly good.
The girl is also kinda badass and the series is kinda action and war focused in a way so there is some light romance but nothing rly deep til were i´ve read. At least y find a damsel in distress with the female protags i have recommended y here.

The rly good part about shinsekai yori is for one the growing process of their characters and the later part with them grown up i think...well and the universe it is set in is also quite interesting. The homo episode made many people drop it saddly and I can´t rly say it is good or even necessary, though at least they had an explanation for it (didn´t save much in the end did it? :D).

Patema had such amazing story setting and visuals. Also the characters were rly likeable imo.

Well there are good reasons we don´t want to remember the bad examples.^^

I haven´t continued kono yo no hate btw.
ENCH4NTR1X May 21, 2019 8:35 AM
Hey there sorry I am quite late once again had a few situations happening on my side like a relative in the hospital for instance.

MTG Arena is quite new as a good possibility of playing MTG online (theres also MTG online which is quite old but also pretty cluncy and badly optimised while also quite expensive). The game MTG (Magic the Gathering) has actually been around since 1993 and is pretty much the oldest, biggest and most played trading card game worldwide and is for the most part the ancestor of most modern TCG like heartstone for example.

So how did your tournament go?

One piece does have realtionship drama quite a bit (though not love-relationship drama to be precise) like for example Zorros childhood friend dying in an accident or Namis mother dying when she was just a child (don´t think that should be described as action-drama or do y?^^).

The comparison between the celestial dragons and the Alba from 86 is actually pretty accurate I must say though only in their attitudes, because the big difference is how they arrived at that kind of behaviour/worldview. The Alba are just denying/running from the hard reality while the celestial Dragons do have quite a bit of organisational power behind them and through that don´t have to fear almost anything in the world.

>anime season

For the last month I barely watched anything because I was largely lacking the motivation.
I am only following Kimatsu no Yaiba consistently atm.
I watched the first 3-4 episodes of Fairy gone and I would say it is kinda mediocre alltogether. While the scenario could have been really cool actually the execution of the characters and their interaction leaves me kind of wanting. The larger picturer of the story still makes it kinda interesting so I might finish it someday. As much as I have seen of cross ange they are kinda similar in feel so if y enjoyed one you might enjoy the other too.
I will also continue Dororo soon I guess after I have stored up some more eps.
Lastly I have been watching magis grandson as a mindless cliche series (sometimes I just need sth. like that too :P), which is neither rly good nor bad.
Btw had almost forgotten about Gunjou no magmel by now. xD

>reading stuff

Part of the kinda harem are Airi and Kei atm with potentially the brocon girl joining in the long run maybe. I have read all volumes that have finished translating til now and it continues to be thrilling^^. Havent´t seen any of the elements you so passionately hate til now so go ahead and read ;)

Otherwise I have mostly been following quite a few of the better series on royalroad. Savage Divinity and Metaworld chronicles are pretty good reads and the later also has finally published his first volume with edits and stuff although the grammatics were fine before too.

Concerning good and bad executed female protagonists:

I mostly don´t especially think a series is good because the gender of the MC but because of how the character was executed and in many cases y could also say that a similar execution could have also worked for a character of the other gender so in the end the examples I bring up will not always be well executed female mcs emphasizing the female part but more the character as a whole in the story.

good examples anime/manga:
Princess Mononoke; Angel beats - Yuri; Spice and Wolf - Horo; Anthem of the Heart - Naruse,Jun ; Shinsekai Yori - Saki; Song of the long march - Li, Chang Ge; Patema inverted - Patema; Kimi no na wa

good examples novels:
worm - Taylor;

bad examples anime/manga:
Sky Wizards Academy - Whitale, Misora; Valkyrie Romanze - Kisaki, Mio; Saikin Kono Sekai wa Watashi dake no Mono ni Narimashita...... - (forgot her name :P)

Well it is always easier to name good then bad ones because I tend to not watch/ forget the bad examples pretty fast. Especially with novels I stop reading sth. pretty fast if I don´t enjoy it and following that remember it even less after just a few days^^. Also I only named the ones where the female mc was rly memorable on its own so even if I enjoy the story I won´t put the female mc there in most cases (because they´re good, but not that good xD)


I haven´t watched neither of the two, but I actually came quite close to watching pancreas funnily because it was running on an anime festival near me some time ago (decided last minute not to go because all my friends bailed out on me.... ).

Wow I have the feeling I wrote quite chaotic this time lol :D

ENCH4NTR1X Apr 7, 2019 2:52 PM
Well naturally it takes time to get good at a specific card game so only time will tell I mean I have played Magic the Gathering now for maybe over 15 years (well with some time on and off in between) casual for the most part and I still can´t rly say I´m too good at it.^^
Even knowing most of the strong cards and deck strategies in Magic is pretty much impossible I mean there are probably about 30k unique cards by now in total. Well shadowverse may not be that big yet and there may be far less strategies and individual decks yet but always staying up to date in a cardgame is pretty hard speaking from experience and paring that with also playing competetive can be pretty time-consuming so I get were you´re coming from. Anyway good luck with that ;)

Btw y still haven´t told me what kind of NTR-link you thought to have found in my username I´m interested to be honest^^

>Shield hero

I can totally understand that considering how much I still remember about that series (which is pretty llittle) it was quite underwhelming and I think more and more that I won´t watch the anime either.
Well One piece is neither a drama nor a romance for the most part so many points about characters that y usually tend to hate on aren´t included there due to what kind of series it is. I mean also most of the other members of the crew are characters that don´t have much stuff to hate them for. (I admit zorro is pretty cool although he was totally put into the background for most of the recent story. Loved the story about his childhood btw)

>Winter season anime

I never read the LN for Date a Life....
I can´t rly get myself excited for this setting of go toubon anymore to be honest so I don´t know when or if I will ever continue it. I have the same problem for Bokutachi wa Benkyo in the new spring season which has a pretty similar setting only with a few less candidates starting off and no mystery element.

> Other reading stuff

Well funny thing is the cause behind the sucubus stuff is kinda revealed in the rewrite of until death?! Spoiler*(after Ascathon puts Myrms soul through the shredder at the beginning with both of them dying Seria puts Myrms soul back together as mcu h as possible. For that she merges it with the Soul of the Sucubus queen from the previous story, which was one of ascathons sexual partners in his previous incarnation).
Well at least we cleared up you criteria of acceptance for virgins and non virgins with this xD

Btw I´m reading the LN of atm and I think this could be sth. for y. I mean first of it has a male MC, has a school setting kinda like kakegurui only less excentric and has very well developed characters (at least in the LN). Also I can´t be sure how it will end up in the end but there is quite a few romance elements there, which only time will show how the author will resolve them (so harem or singular relationship is still on the board here).

Lastly I´m quite sad to hear that only reading in the intro that it has a female MC means a series is a no go to read for y already. That scratches quite many amazing series from your radar altogether. I mean doesn´t it always depend on the execution of the character? I mean not all female MCs are whiny bitch characters automatically just as male MCs aren´t always dense, perverse or emotionally dead. Just because it has a female MC it doesn´t even remotely have to have elements of feminist ideology!

>Spring season:

I must admit initially I had a pretty hard time finding even 1 series this season to get excited about. Well now after a few first impressions and a bit of digging through information I am most excited about "Kimetsu no Yaiba" because the dark themed story and the amazing visual execution by ufotable made the first ep already very awe inspiring to watch.
I will also keep an eye out for "Kono Yo no Hate" , "Gunjou no Magmel" and " fairy gone".
One punch man S2 and bungou stray dogs S3 are also on my radar but I still have to watch the previous seasons sometime to be honest.

I also thought about watching senryu shoujo, but am now reconsidering reading the manga instead because I read the anime isn´t nearly turning out as good (was thinking of reading it already before that).
ENCH4NTR1X Mar 30, 2019 5:26 PM
Ah btw do y know the novel Worm by wildbow? I read it over the course of the last 2-3 weeks and it was just so amazing. The setting is on a parallel Earth kinda similar to My Hero Academia but more realistic and darker in it´s content. It was an amazing ride to read it I tell y (and also a pretty long one with an approximate length of about 22 normal sized books^^).
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