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defunctmaluser Feb 24, 2017 3:51 PM
Eh... even shitty Naruto filler has better animation quality than Evangelion does. Hideaki Anno went all-out on the angel fights, which is why dialogue scenes REALLY cut corners.
MajorZero Feb 24, 2017 2:26 AM
Actually, I wanted to write "so much effort" but for some reason swallowed "so much" part. Most other posters were serious as well, however, a good chunk of posts was dedicated to waifus, fanservice and other trivial stuff.
MajorZero Feb 23, 2017 11:24 PM
Wow, thanks for the comment in my thread. This is the first time in many years when I see someone putting an effort in what they want to say.
defunctmaluser Feb 23, 2017 6:31 PM
Ayy. KEEP WATCHING, the show's only about to get better.

"Painful to watch" as in we get so many stills and walk cycles of Shinji, awkward silences between other characters, and shit that it just becomes a chore to watch. Unlike SHAFT, Gainax's accounting practices of the time were so shitty to the point where Anno was forced to work with an extremely limited budget from the get-go, so many corners were cut with the animation.
defunctmaluser Feb 23, 2017 1:41 PM
More or less. The TV series' animation was already pretty good, so the films don't change much. It's not like Evangelion 1.11 where they literally recreated the first 6 episodes with digital animation because the masters for the original TV series were pretty fucked up.

If you're going to start Evangelion... oh LORD you're gonna be in for one hell of a ride. It's painful to watch at some points, but it's all ultimately worth it in the end. If you've got a Facebook, join "evangelion shitposting." Alternatively if you're a peasant who prefers Madoka to Eva, just like this Madoka page called "Kill Witches, Get Bitches."
defunctmaluser Feb 22, 2017 1:56 PM
Kyubi served nothing more than being an infodump character. All that buildup only to get a bombshell in one episode? Fuck that.

The first two Madoka movies are just recap, and Rebellion like I said before is nothing but SHAFT violently masturbating in front of your face with their big budget. If you wanna watch the Madoka movies, feel free to but I honestly wouldn't recommend them. I'd actually recommend the Rebuild of Evangelion movies over them, but then again I'm the guy who has an avatar of Patrick Bateman holding a copy of End of Evangelion so I'm quite biased on that note.
defunctmaluser Feb 22, 2017 1:29 PM
Grazie <3 It's always nice to come across someone who actually reads my ramblings. That review was written WAY back in 2014, and while I largely still agree with everything I thought back then, I would've edited it to be more scathing as opposed to being more apologetic for the show. In the end, I just dropped the rating down from a 6 to a 4.

If you wanna know what my CURRENT thoughts on the show are: Madoka is garbo tbh, Mami with a head disturbs me on a very deep and spiritual level, Hitomi is a homophobic piece of shit, Yuki Kajiura needs to work on shows that DON'T suck because her composition talents go to waste, SHAFT needs to die, Kyubi is a shitty villain, Rebellion is nothing more than SHAFT violently masturbating in front of my face with their big budget for 70% of the movie followed by 30% shitty plot sequel with terrible ending, you get the point.
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