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Hero Mask
Aug 5, 2021 9:08 PM
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B: The Beginning
B: The Beginning
Aug 5, 2021 9:06 PM
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Zankyou no Terror
Zankyou no Terror
Aug 5, 2021 9:06 PM
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Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
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Sensei Kunshu
Sensei Kunshu
Feb 11, 2018 2:23 AM
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Judals Apr 15, 2018 10:24 AM
Hmmm i didn't understand ur question....but if u are asking if i like it..well...yep! I love it!
TresbienWiteness Apr 3, 2018 7:45 AM
Happy Birthday!!! just submit a random comment~
SilentSympathy Dec 7, 2017 11:48 AM

How can I just read your reply now xD From August xDD
I'm not really on here anymore, only to update One Piece which I watch with a friend. I guess I've outgrown anime (and k-pop as well :'( ) I don't follow it and enjoy it like I used to.

How are you tho, it's been so long xD
SilentSympathy Aug 3, 2015 12:48 AM

YES IT WAS I. I send you that ask on Tumblr but then I got bored and I thought why not tell the story in more detail so I send you a message on here too. :D

BUT. I HAVEN'T SEEN AND OR SPOKEN THE KID FOR MONTHS NOW. But holy shit so much things happened before it came to this.

I've been seeing him for MONTHS after I was done with my internship at that place. We had dinner at his place every week, he gave me the key to his house sometimes and every time after dinner we sat on the couch and watched television while we had conversations about stupid things and I snuggled up to him every time or he just went and positioned his head on my lap and I don't know what. BUT WE NEVER KISSED, NOT EVEN ONCE. At one point in time I even stayed over at his place every week because we were tired of him bringing me to the train station every time and his place was like 5 minutes from my school while it's like 45 min from my house so I was like OKAY 8D.

And still nothing happened. :'D

Seriously, went we went to bed we just really went to bed because we were tired (his job is really demanding). Sometimes we were just talking for like 45 min again before we actually went to sleep and sometimes we were bitching around, but it was more like brother/sister idk :'D
He threw me of the bed a couple of times and then I hogged all the blankets stuff like that :'D

In the morning he had to get up extremely early while I had school at a much later time, but I got out of bed anyway so we could have breakfast together and after he had left I just went back to bed.

Then a few hours later I would lock everything up and go to school. I REPEAT: WE NEVER KISSED AND NOONE EVERY TOLD THE OTHER THEY LIKED EACHOTHER :'D

At around May I felt like he was not really interested in meeting up with me anymore and just didn't have the balls to tell me. Everytime I went there it was because I invited myself at his place, he never messaged me at his own initiative and when I went there it felt like I was just a way to pass the time.

Then he went on a vacation for two weeks and he didn't send me anything at all afterwards anymore. I was tired of messaging him while having the feeling that he was just saying yes to be polite. So I spoke with a couple of friends and they said not to message him anymore, at all. And to just wait for a message from him, and if he did not do anything, move on because I deserved better then to keep tailing after a boy that does not want me. He never send me a message after that.


I was thinking of going to that company again to apply for a Summer job, but I backed out. I do feel a bit bad about how things ended, so I want to see him again sometime to see what he has to say. But I'm not sure we could ever end up together anymore because it took me a long time to get over this and to stop thinking about him everyday, while be probably just laughed it off or something.

ALSO I HAVE NOT LISTENED TO ANY NEW KPOP SONGS IN MONTHS. I just put everything I already had on my Ipod on repeat. :'D except for the occasional kpop message that passes my dash at Tumblr I KNOW NOTHING :D. I should catch up though. I need to know in what kind of trouble my babies are putting themselves in atm. :D

And last but not least: DID YOU PASS YOUR EXAMS SWEET PEA? I passed all of mine but they were the hardest exams I ever had and none of my friends passed all of theirs, so now they have one more chance chance next year and if they do not pass the school kicks them out (although after Summer holidays is our last year) D:


S-Lumiere Mar 15, 2015 11:54 AM
Sorry for being random but wow.
Your gifs on SilentSympathy's page are SoEmmazing. :D
chocostarz Mar 12, 2015 7:58 PM
hello there.
how r u?
i bet you dont remember me ^^"

(sorry for taking ages to reply, i was busy with uni =^=)
End Mar 12, 2015 7:22 AM
hey !
SilentSympathy Dec 31, 2014 6:38 AM
Yay for replying like two months after your last comment~! Better late then never right? I have been very busy and I didn't really have any more k-pop related comments to make to you so I kind of started procrastinating replying to your last message and I just saw your cute message on Tumblr about all the awesome people you met and I was like: I cannot just not reply to her because you are amazing and sweet and you deserve one of my awesome replies and I really want to keep talking to you. :D

So instead of the usual k-pop gibberish I'm going to let you in on a piece of my life Because I have holidays and nothing happens and this is just lingering around in my head 24/7.

Just pretend we are in your room right now having a sleepover and I am your desperate friend in need of some life-saving advice because I am 8D

So there is this boy at my office who I've been working with since the beginning of summer and everything was fine and he was incredibly nice and we did some carpooling a lot of times because he take to same route to work.
So a couple of weeks ago he asked me if I maybe wanted to join him for dinner sometime at his house, because he has just moved to another place And he lives alone so he wanted to eat with someone because he mostly can throw half of the food away with the garbage. I agreed, because he is always nice to me and I really wanted to try that particular type of food.
So last Sunday HE MESSAGED ME ON A SUNDAYMORNING DURING OUR OFFICE HOLIDAYS he send me a message if I still wanted to have dinner at his house and if I had time Sunday evening. And I said yes.

I was so overwhelmed and confused, because boys never take interest in me and I was not sure if this was a date or not, because the boy is generally nice to anyone and he would just be that guy who invites a girl into his house with no ulterior motive. I would really see him do this.

So I went to his house last Sunday and we had an amazing time. He cooked for me and after dinner we just sat on the couch for 2 hours, just talking about whatever. He was incredibly cute (waiting during dinner until I was finished eating before piling more food onto his plate, HE LIT F*CKING candles, he bought tea for me although I know he hates tea SO MUCH, and he was afraid to get more drinks for himself when I declined when he asked if I wanted something to drink.) and he is just so nice in general and he made me fall for him.

So when I finally decided I should really go home (because otherwise I would miss my train and I still had to cycle home as well and I don't like to do that in the middle of the night), he walked me to the train station and walked with me to my train and I really wanted to hug him but I couldn't because I was afraid he did not like me in that way and hugging your (male) colleagues is kind of weird and I didn't want to creep him out. So I ran into the train after a few awkward moments of nothingness. xD

And I can't stop thinking about him and his stupid incredibly sweet gestures and god save me because I think I'm in love and I've never been in love before and I have to leave the company at the end of January because I have to go back to school again. I need to figure out if he likes me and fast because otherwise it will be too late and I might miss this opportunity to finally engage in a relationship.

I bet this looks like one hell of a message and you didn't expect to hear from me in like forever 8D. So yay for me for sending you this incredibly love story 8D (hehehe) and yay for you for being awesome! 8D

Have an incredible 2015 and I'm awaiting your reply next year. 8D
ruoye Dec 24, 2014 8:38 AM
Merry Christmas!~

This year was my final year in high school so I was really busy... But now I'm free! ;u;

I'm fine~ And you, how have you been?

Yes, I am omg but the dvd will be released only on april (?) :(

I miss talking to you~
Liquid182 Nov 18, 2014 1:26 PM
Haha, I don't mind it if you are late :P
It's just that I really prefer replying on time if someone talked to me, haha.

Oh you should get to episode 13 as soon as you can, you'll see what I'm talking about once you watch it, trust me from there on the anime becomes a masterpiece at each episode haha. You mean Kurisu? She's amazing! She's one of my favourite characters in anime actually, trust me you'll probably love her too once you finish watching the anime :P

Oh alright, I'll have to remember that, are there any other words like it? haha

So the way И works seems to be very close to the way we pronounce and use our 'y' as you say, except that we use 'i' for some things that И is used for too but it's easy to understand when to use it.
Ah good, so there is no other special case where you'd use Й instead of an И, right? I was worried about that haha.

That's interesting to know, in those cases it always reads as a 'v'?

Well I still have some kind of trouble wrapping my head around that haha, maybe it has something to do with my accent or something, but I try pronounce "Sh" differently, softly and like in "Shell" but to me it always sound similar haha. Oh well if it isn't used often then that's good haha, I still hope I can manage to understand the difference in sound at least haha.

I love languages too! In fact I'm trying to learn a lot of them, haha. Well cultures to me are very interesting and learning the language also helps learning the culture of a country, and maybe learning some things you didn't know before with it too.
Yeah a lot of my classmates and people I know aren't even interested that much on languages, even the mandatory ones, like English, they don't even bother learning it.

Well I applaud you and I thank your for helping me! haha, and trust me you are being very helpful, I've learned a lot of stuff just from talking to you.

Haha, yeah my name is Leonel and to be honest I really like how it sounds in Spanish, English and Russian haha. Your name is Эмма right? :P

Haha alrighty! But you don't have to worry either, even if I try replying as soon as I can I don't mind you taking your time, haha.
Спасибо вам большое!
Liquid182 Nov 15, 2014 8:34 PM
Mine took even longer ;_;
I'm so sorry I was really busy with stuff on college and a lot of things happened but I'm back again and I hope I never have to take so long again to reply haha.

Oh you should definitely continue watching S;G it's one of my favourite animes, it truly is amazing, but I get what you're saying there are LOTS of animes coming out lately haha.
Trust me it pays off in the end! (If you haven't watched it still after so much time)

Don't worry about it! Yeah we all have our biases and limits, and the way I see it is that we have to acknowledge them and try to work around them, that's what I do at least.

Oh, I get it so in general Davai would be more of a command depending on the situation that is used, right?

Yeah I've been reading it on and off on this months and it is a bit tricky, I still don't really get the differences on the e/i sounds like when to use Й instead of И or stuff like that.
So if I see and o and an "г" would it be read as "v" or "vo"? That's the only thing I didn't quite get.

That kind of reminds me to accents, does it work like that? In Spanish we have things like those hard and soft mark that work the same way, though I never got around to learn where they go in every word (and I was born speaking Spanish haha)

Oh yeah I had heard about the different "sh" that most foreign people couldn't tell the difference when hearing it, is there anything I should keep in mind when pronouncing those two? :P

Thank you for the site! You're the first person to ever link me to a place where I could actually start learning the language haha, I was a little busy this couple of months so I couldn't practice it as much as I would have wanted but I can at least write the names of everyone I know and mine too, in cyrillic. Which would be something like "Леонель"

Again I'm deeply sorry it took me so long to reply, I hope it never takes me so long again, sorry D:
Blue-Cat Sep 20, 2014 11:54 AM

[b] I N V I T A T I O N ☆ C A R D[/b]

" Why Should I Join C.S.S.C ?!? "

C.S.S.C Is A Blue Sky , Full of Shining Stars , Every Star In The Sky Have
TO Find Her Own " Star Spackle " ノ*:・゚✧ , That Make The Blue Sky Shining ☆ ~
It Mean That With Out You , The Sky Will Be Just A Sky & That is Why You Should Join
, To Find Your Own Spackle & To Know Other Stars Like you
& The Most Important Thing is To Have Fun ^^ ノ*:・゚✧・゚:*

SilentSympathy Sep 18, 2014 10:38 AM

Behold, the glorious 5-year olds who are considered King of K-pop:

And if you can't get enough, here's the drama version (which is a lot clearer on what the hell is happening xD) It takes a while for the music to start but in the mean time enjoy yourself with the weird The Sims like noises SM-Entertainment planted in xD

A friend of mine pre-ordered the album and I ordered two to give one to another friend for her birthday. Every album comes with a photocard and mostly the most populair members are the hardest ones to get. Me and the birthday girl both love Kyuhyun the most, but he is like super popular and getting his gorgeous photocard has a probability of 0.00837246% at most.

And so my albums arrived and I had to pick one to give away as a present (you can't see the photocard until you take them out of the plastic so I had no idea with card I was giving away.)
I opened mine and I had Donghae which I was okay with because I love him although his selfie-cards are just....amateur hahaha.


I GAVE MY BABY AWAY. I HAD HIM IN MY HANDS AND I GAVE HIM AWAY. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Next time everybody has to buy their own stuff bevause I'm not going to buy anything for anyone anymore XDXD

Yeahh. It's going to be me in a few years again too. But it's okay, I mean both school and work have their down- and upsides and I wouldn't mind going back to school but I also wouldn't mind to keep on working. ONE OF THE BIGGEST PRO's EVER: When th clock hits 5 YOU ARE DONE. WHat I hate the most about school is that you come home after a really tiring day and you can't lean back and watch some television or read a book because you have piles of homework waiting for you. Although I come home and leave for bed in a few hours after coming home, it's okay because I can just go and lay down on the couch and let out a big relaxing yawn and do nothing in particular xD

attackonlevi Sep 13, 2014 5:36 PM
Did you like black flag? I haven't gotten into the game as much as the second one. I do love the game so far tho. I need to play more. Have you seen the trailer for unity?
So glad that you said that about homeschooling, some people don't get it.
I will watch Barakamon when I get the chance. There is so much to watch!
Tokyo ghoul is great. I'm waiting for the last episode to come out so I can start reading the Manga.
I really enjoyed Free!, Black Butler, and Sailor moon remake.
I'm sorry for me replying so late.
Have you watched any more hamatora?
tybr00ks1 Sep 10, 2014 7:51 PM
I barely watch hamatora lol. Im always browsing reddit or funnymama while watching it because it's so bad. The only good part was when moral killed that giant blue dude
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