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Days: 79.2
Mean Score: 5.93
  • Total Entries200
  • Rewatched0
  • Episodes4,653
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Jul 5, 2011 12:32 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
Jul 5, 2011 12:18 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Seikai no Monshou
Seikai no Monshou
Jul 5, 2011 12:14 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 5.6
Mean Score: 9.00
  • Total Entries25
  • Reread0
  • Chapters1,013
  • Volumes57
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One Piece
One Piece
Jul 2, 2011 10:16 AM
Reading 630/? · Scored 9
Jun 30, 2011 12:13 PM
Reading -/84 · Scored 9
Sensei no Boku
Sensei no Boku
Jun 30, 2011 11:42 AM
Reading 2/3 · Scored -

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SerasAshley Dec 8, 2011 2:06 PM

Recommendation Club Newsletter~Holiday Edition

As we enter into one of the busiest times of the year, we here at the Recommendation Club would like to extend our wishes for each and every one of you to have a wonderful holiday season!

Since the September newsletter, our club has gained many new members, and seen the return of old ones. We would like to keep the momentum going, and with our member list now at 3,111, that should be no problem at all! ^_^.

We would like all of our members, old and new, to help keep this an active, and fun club, a place to Chat and to seek out recommendations in our General anime and General Manga thread as well as the specific anime genre threads, such as Drama and Romance and Sci-fi and many others as well.

It’s a great place to make new friends, or renew past friendships, and we urge all of our members to drop by, and post in the various threads and comment section, as well as share you expertise with other members.

We look forward to seeing you all here !
SerasAshley Sep 19, 2011 5:23 PM

Recommendation Club Newsletter


1. Nominations and voting:

*Special* Anime theme of the Month
Anime Song of the Month
AMV of the Month


With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!

Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!

We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!

We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^
NoHeart Jul 7, 2011 4:49 PM
And just to be sure, she is the from Spice and Wolf, isn't she?

Ah! Yea, nice to meet you, ^o^/
StaticNekoX Jul 7, 2011 12:45 PM
Holo is a sweet Character! Love your Icon :) aswell love that series.
Marls Jul 6, 2011 12:40 PM

Thank you for a little feedback in the comment on peoples character favourits thread. Added one for your profile too, seeing you sorta got missed when I was doing it O_O

Only knew four, but hope it was enough :s
NoHeart Jul 5, 2011 11:57 PM
great profile pic!
Meh_93 Jul 5, 2011 2:49 PM
Yeah, my scoring system is messed up right now. It was working fine, but now that I've seen a lot of anime, most of my scores are a 7 or an 8, even though some 7's are better than other sevens. I think I'm going to change it so I get more 6's:

1-2 → why did I even start start this?
3-5 → extremely bad
6-7 → average, probably cliche, or just okay / didn't connect with it
8 → interesting, but has some flaws or is missing something
9 → Amazing, but lacking that special something to make it a 10
10 → Amazing

And I think you should start to read HotD. The anime was pretty faithful to the manga, so picking it up where the anime left off shouldn't be a problem. Be warned, the mangaka for HotD is supposed to release chapters every other month, but it's usually every 3-4 months...As for Deadman Wonderland, I think it was pretty faithful...I've only seen basically the intro episodes for the anime. There is more of a plot towards the end though.

And this is kinda late, but welcome to MAL!
Lumikki Jul 5, 2011 2:17 PM
I have Kanon 2006 on-hold. They say it's a million times worse than Clannad, so I don't expect much from it.
Jul 5, 2011 12:45 PM
Well one issue with Spice and Wolf is that it has been licensed by Funimation, which makes it a little trickier to find than most series out there.

Admittedly though, I haven't really looked that hard for it.
Jul 5, 2011 12:24 PM
Hmm, I know I was praising Perfect Blue but I'm not sure I'd agree with you about it being 'very' pretty. The animation was a bit meh in it.

The plot was definitely all over the place but I would say the opposite; I think the plot's twisting and turning was one of the best things about it. The way you could never be certain whether what was happening was a dream, a hallucination or reality... Although, I admit that they did take it a bit too far towards the end.

Ghost in the Shell has some issues with the storyline, and a lot of things aren't really explained... the viewer is just left to connect the dots themselves. I am not sure whether that is something that I like or dislike about it, but I still love the film as a whole.

It's what got me started on anime in the first place, and I've seen it... hmm, probably 5 times now, and I'm still not bored of it.

Anyway... I saw your rec thread and I posted some suggestions for you. Aoi Hana and Kare Kano. If you decide to watch either of them, would you mind telling me what you think of them? I'd love to hear your thoughts on them.

And last but not least, love your profile picture. I have only seen about 4 episodes of Spice and Wolf, but it seems like a great show. I've been meaning to watch the rest, but I haven't really gotten a chance to pick it up yet.
Lumikki Jul 5, 2011 10:56 AM
So you need some educational romance stuff? have you tried ef - a tale of memories and ef- a tale of melodies? Or how about Clannad series?

Such a boring day I have had. Just nothing to do, I have studied a bit but that's all.
Lumikki Jul 5, 2011 10:08 AM
No problem at all :) How's your day dear?
Lumikki Jul 5, 2011 8:02 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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