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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
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Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
Aug 3, 2018 12:31 AM
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
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SzJ Sep 14, 2018 2:31 PM
Yeah, I get you. I haven't really been following any a lot of anime, just Attack on Titan. I think I'll also watch S;G0 once it's finished, but that's really it.

Yeah, that sucks. I hope you have more time to spend with your friends now. I also spent my August basically on my own and that really was awful. I realized that how happy I am in life is very much determined by how much time I spend with my friends and family. I mean, shouldn't that be obvious? But I guess it wasn't to me.

well, I finally have the interview set up next week lol, so it took them over a month and a half. And just like you, I also almost found a job in the meanwhile, but then the company didn't get enough funding, so they couldn't hire me. (Or rather, anyone). But I also have another job interview, but I just kinda exaggerated my way into getting the interview. Well, I can just learn the ins and outs of the job on the spot, right? haha
SzJ Aug 10, 2018 12:14 PM
Ah yeah, but see, the past two months when I didn't reply? That couldn't have been MAL's fault. I think I'm just getting more and more detached from anime, I guess.

So, how has your job been? And how's your life?
As for me, I have finished my Uni internship which lasted for two months, and I'm now looking for a new job. A friend recommended to the place where he works/used to work, but I'm still waiting for them to reply to my application. It's been like two weeks! Apparently the CEO needs to take a look at all the applications, which is understandable, because they are a small company, but he's in the US right now, so because of that, I just have to wait. Annoying.
SzJ Jun 23, 2018 6:51 AM
Hey, I'm back! Sorry for the really late reply, I had exam and then MAL was down for like a month. I'll reply to your other stuff too, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and well.

I'm currently working for the Uni, doing a 2 months internship. I did well on my exams, so I'm feeling quite good about myself rn. how are you doing?
SzJ Apr 24, 2018 11:49 AM
Oh, and next year, I'm doing a project on fairness in machine learning. There's this great paper that I have read - If you know probability theory, you might find it interesting. If not, then never mind.
SzJ Apr 23, 2018 1:00 PM
WCAR, Escape the Fate and PTV are more metalcore, imo. I think anything's posthardcore that has hardcore influences, so I'm like more relaxed with what I call posthardcore. And I think you are right about metalcore, but I don't think posthardcore takes mainly from metal, it takes mainly from hardcore, which is punk.

Btw, I have been listening to a lot of EDM lately. I have noticed that some EDM artists have a lot of metal influences. E.g. Till We Die by Kayzo or Throwin' Elbows by Excision are great examples for "heavy" EDM. Oh, if you give them a listen, tell me what you think!

Haha, yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. People don't realize how much their music lacks variety.

Hmm, so you think all the sex differences are genetic? Or just some of them? And why do you think that?

You shouldn't assume that I didn't do my own research just because I agree with what feminists say. I did my research and as a result I now agree with feminists. People can come to different results by doing their own research.

You say that 3rd wave feminism is man-hating but I don't think that's true. In fact, most feminists I talked to seemed very interested in making the world a better place for men too - feminists believe that gender roles are harmful for women because it holds them back, but also for men because traditional masculinity is toxic. One example for toxic masculinity is the much higher suicide rates for men than women.

Ah, so you think that there's no way to define offensive speech without it turning into a slippery slope? To me, that seems like the most important point in your argument. I mean, if we could define offensive speech in a way that it would only stop the spread of hateful ideas (hateful as in being very negative or aggressive and not being useful for society or the individual) then would it really be a problem that you would lose your freedom to say those things? I mean, I'm asking you - do you think there's any value in being able to say things that hurt others/yourself but bring no benefit? Wouldn't it be better if it was possible (and if you can offensive speech in a non-slippery slope way then this should be possible) to have the ability to say anything you want, except those things that bring harm to you and other people, but no benefit? So my understanding is that you think that this would be nice, but impossible. Is that correct? And if you think there's any value in being to say hurtful things, what's the value there? Or, why should we value it? Is freedom to do harm really freedom that we want?

I def disagree with your generalization. Have you ever met a feminist in person? I have been to the feminist society in a western University (supposedly where all the worst sjws are) but I didn't meet anyone fitting that stereotype.
I think you have seen a very unrepresentative sample of feminists. Most feminists I've met were compassionate and intelligent. And, again, I've met over a hundred feminists.

No, I'm certain I'm a 3rd wave feminist. The main difference between 2nd and 3rd wave feminism is that 3rd wave feminism focuses more on intersectionalism, so 3rd wave feminism is more welcoming of transgender people and people of color.

One of my fav newspapers is bloomberg. They are hardly leftist or liberal, they are very business focused and so centrist. They ran an article, for example, where they said that in the US libertarians are most likely to think for themselves. But generally they tend to be very neoliberal in their opinion pieces.
SzJ Mar 31, 2018 4:20 AM
Yeah, I'll add you, but I'm barely on steam. I think my name is psn_raletos. And tell me about it! I've also "saved" a lot of money, but saving money cost me money, so maybe it's not such a good deal?

Hmm, I see. Well, I do listen to some genres metal, if you can count metalcore as that. Btw, I don't think post-hardcore counts as metal, I think that's more like punk - at least I don't think bands like Dance Gavin Dance sound metal at all. For me, I generally listen to the more punky, hardcorey kind of metal.

Btw, I find it interesting that you also know the subgenres of music you listen to. Shows that you pay attention to the music you listen to! I find it weird how a lot of people have no idea about what genre of music they listen to and just say "I listen to all kinds of music". And then they show me their music and it's basically just music from one or two genres. Did you never experience anything like that?
Though, to be far, my obsession with genres comes from my like for metalcore and emo, both of which genres always cause huge arguments about genre. As in is metalcore metal? Or is this band emo or just indie-rock with some punk influences? That kind of things.
But yeah, I do enjoy all kinds of music, including a lot of metal. Although lately I've been trying to listen to more calm music because I'm trying to see if listening to calmer music makes me calmer (so far the answer is maybe).

Hmm, so you think there has to be a scientific kind of approach to feminism? I agree, actually. I mean, so far, the studies I've seen support the ideas of feminism more than they go against it. And when I'm talking about feminism, I'm talking about mainstream intersectionalist feminism. So that's technically 3rd wave feminism. I think some people purposefully conflate 3rd wave feminism and TERF, but those things are really different. Google TERF to see what kind of assholes those people are. Btw, rationalwiki is a good place to read about feminism (afaik), so you can go there, if you are interested in this kind of stuff. As for the scientific approach to feminism, I whole-heartedly agree. I think there are plenty of studies about stuff like toxic masculinity, stereotype threat and priming that support the ideas of feminism. Well, I don't study human sciences, so I am not an expert, but that's how I see it.
Hmm, have you ever heard the paradox of freedom? I think it's an interesting concept. About free speech - I think free speech is important, but free speech shouldn't mean no consequences for the things people say. If someone says something that I find hurtful or tasteless, I shouldn't be obliged to stay silent - that's just bullying or (ironically) an attack on my free speech.
SzJ Mar 27, 2018 12:30 PM
Haha, I know that feeling too well. I would have some money in my savings account if I hadn't bought a playstation. Two of us, we could found the Broke Society of Gamers.

Well, isn't that an unconventional choice, my friend.But you know, I get what you mean. If I'm really angry, only metal can calm me down. Not sure why - it seems really counter intuitive.
Wait, it makes you sad? I do that with post-rock or minimalist music, nothing else really works for me, not even emo. How do you do that? What kind of metal do you listen to?

Yeah, that makes sense that it would depend on which part of the US they are from. I've heard there is a big rural/city divide in the US - as in the cities are more progressive, whereas the rural areas are more conservative. Also, the North/South of US have kinda different cultures, no?
Ah, I see. Well, I'm more of a centre-left progressive. I agree 100% that facts are more important than feelings, but I'm getting the feeling that you and I might disagree on some facts haha. I can tell you why I'm a feminist if you are interested, but I am not really a social justice warrior, I'm more like a social justice rogue, because I'm real sneaky about it haha.
SzJ Mar 22, 2018 8:36 AM
Ah okay. Yeah, I'm also always kinda broke but somehow I still find money to spend on video games lol. I guess people will always find time/money for the things that they really want.

You already showed me a bunch of songs you like, but what kind of music do you listen to when do you wanna meditate? I personally listen to classical music, post-rock or minimalist music when I wanna feel sad.

Ah yeah, and you are American, right? People there are a bit less straight-forward than from where I'm from. I mean, everything Americans say feels a bit sugar-coated. At least, that's my impression of Americans. Might be wrong.
So what I'm trying to say is that maybe you have finally broken free of your own cultural norms?
I will watch that video a bit later, I'm feeling a bit lazy.
SzJ Mar 9, 2018 8:19 AM
Yeah, well, I have moved on now, even went on a date with a different girl. It went decently, but I'm not yet sure if I want a second date. Gotta talk to here a bit more.

Ah, alright, I might actually check it out. I have finished Danganronpa v3 just recently and it was pretty amazing. Have you ever played any of the games in the series? If not, I'd def recommend it! They are all very addicting though so be careful haha.

I see. So do you do anything to do spiritual? Like meditate or go out in the nature and relax?
I really like listening to music and music sometimes feels pseudo-spiritual, though maybe that's not the best way to describe it. What I'm trying to say is that it makes me feel in a spiritual way even though I don't ascribe that feeling to anything supernatural or profound. does that make sense?
Well, I guess that's why religious worship always includes music - it makes it more divine.

Well I envy you. I have found that people express themselves completely differently online and irl. For example, I'd say I'm more reserved and considerate online, but I'm much more energetic and forward irl.
Hmm, good advice. Though that's a hard thing to do, to get people to be out of their comfort zone while not distressing them too much. I guess I still have some practice to do haha.
SzJ Feb 19, 2018 11:32 AM
idk man, a good person treats their friends with respect? And it's disrespectful to reply late? but I wasn't being 100% serious. Not really, I just feel depressed a bit because this girl I was about to go on a date with cancelled on me twice and then stopped talking to me. So I'm sad, but it's not really like serious stuff.

I only play FIFA with my friends. And Nidhogg 2. Can you play it with multiple people locally on PS4? I might consider buying it then.

Are you spiritual or religious? As for myself, I don't really believe in anything (and yeah, it's kinda depressing, but we can't choose the things we believe in).
I mean, there's ton of good stuff and ton of bad stuff in the bible. Doesn't it also have the "truth shall set you free"? I like that one a lot. Though tbf, that verse is kind of ironic imo haha

Haha nice, I'm glad to see you doing well, man!

I tend to stay on the safer, less pushy side of things. I mean, it's kind of easy to tell irl if someone is into you or not. But online, it's much harder so I don't really know what I'm supposed to do and I try to be as considerate as possible. I feel really uncomfortable being overly pushy. You are probably right, I'll probably miss out some relationships because of this, but I am fine with that. But honestly, I do appreciate your advice!
SzJ Feb 18, 2018 9:23 AM
Hey, sorry for taking so long to reply. I guess I got lazy again. Sigh, I guess I should just accept that I'm a bad person.

Oh, I have seen it advertized but I have never played with it. Is it good?

You know, I think you may be onto something. Don't you ever feel that life is a bit too complex sometimes? That's how I feel about religion. Like I can see why it can be a good and bad thing, but I just can't decide overall which one it is.

Oh nice. Are you still working? What has been going in your life?
Yeah, Uni is great for learning new things and meeting interesting people with different viewpoints. It's too bad I have had no luck with dating so far, but i guess that's just life.
SzJ Jan 17, 2018 8:19 AM
Hey, you are back! I'm happy that you survived doing 60 hours a week and now you are doing something more reasonable.
Oh really? I might try it out next month (I already spent £25 on dark souls 3 this month, so I don't wanna overspend on video games just now).

Yeah, old churches are all just this weird place where people pretend that they are not assholes (when they actually are). Some churches are fun though. Still, I think churches survive by indoctrinating kids and converting people when they are in a vulnerable life position and I don't respect that at all.

I got sick for NYE. That sucked. But then in the end I still managed to hang out with my friends in Hungary and now I'm back in Scotland. University has already started and it seems like this semester will be loads of fun but also a lot of work.
SzJ Dec 26, 2017 1:44 AM
60 work week sounds crazy. Hopefully you'll survive my dude. I'll definitely hope so.

Oh yeah, my family is always arguing plus I feel that they bring out the wort in me too. I mean, it's nice being around people who have known me for a long time, but if I could choose my family I'd make them a bit less toxic. And I had to go to church too, eugh.
SzJ Dec 25, 2017 9:20 AM
But yeah, I get what you mean. But it' just that I'm not sure when I will be have enough time and energy to do for a while.

That's the right way of doing it, that's how I found my job too.

Ah, yeah, I'm with my family too now. It's nice but also really boring. I miss my ps4 back in Scotland + I didn't even bring my headphones here, so I can't watch anything or listen to any music.

So how is Christmas for you?
SzJ Dec 25, 2017 8:09 AM
merry christmas!
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