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DigiCat Apr 19, 6:30 PM
I will gush about what I consider the golden age of the R-rated comedy, which in my opinion peaked in the late 2000s with the release on Tropic Thunder

I will say, i wasn't expecting Tropic Thunder to be to your liking

Unfortunately, for every Superbad, you have an entire trilogy of the Scary Movie series and an Adam Sandler Comedy

True, Scary Movie franchise is very cringe looking back on it, it's the kinda stuff i'd find funny as a 12/13 yo having no idea what was actually going on in the movie

Not the biggest fan of Adam Sandler either, only movies of his i really like are the Grown Ups movies

Superbad great pick 👍

Which is probably why these sort of films stopped being shown in theatres and having any mainstream success. I think our collective sense of comedy grew up, and really this sort of humor is better suited for Youtube (Idubbz's Content Cop, for example, is reminiscent of shock humor) The closest to it would be probably a Paul Feig Film (Although he hasn't produced this sort of comedy since around 2015, apparently), but his films while irreverent, mostly avoid these sorts of jokes. We don't see these films today, and I think it is because people do not know how to write adult comedies, and this era is perfect proof why. Simply being offensive is not funny

The impression i got, rather than people not knowing how to write adult comedis, it's more that they are afraid to, we've basically gone from "anything offencive goes" to "the minimum offence will get you cancelled"

Although being offencive on it's own is not funny, i think with comedy there's a fine line between when the offenciveness aids the comedy and when it just becomes blatently unfunny

For example, the medical model would want to create robot legs or something for someone to walk up stairs, whereas a social model may advocate for ramps or elevators, a society built to allow people with these disabilities to participate in society.

To that i would say, why not advocate for both? Aside from the fact that ramps and elevators aren't only useful for the disabled, but old people and parents with babies in prams benefit from these too, but robotic legs and arms and other mechanics that can help disabled people gain as much normal movement as possible would not only be great medical advancement, i don't think it should be looked at with the mentality of people needing to be fixed, but with the same eyes that you would look at a ramp or elevator, as another alternative in helping people with disabilities participate in sociaty, after all, you can substitute stairs with a ramp, but you can't substitute a running track or a mountain to climb
DigiCat Apr 17, 6:02 AM
other times it is the idea that Asian women are either incredibly agreeable or not.

Funnily enough, one could argue that extreme pairs of opposing stereotypes are no functionally better than a single stereotype, but I can sort of see the benefit in some cases. Maybe?

While these stereotypes of course don't represent all asian women, i do want to elaborate in it

The agreeable stereotype tends to be more specific to japanese women while the not agreeable on to chinese women (more specifically mainland china)

These stereotypes stem from japanese and chinese culture and aren't even exclusive to women

With japanese culture favoring stability and peacefull coexistence thru agreeableness and conformity, hang around multiple japanese people long enough, and you'll notice this mentality is quite common, not only agreeableness, but they also tend to keep their problems to themselves and not intefere with problems of others

Chinese culture on the other hand is more forceful, think the dragon lady, tiger mom, the mentality is very much "my way or the high way", the chinese mom berating her kid cuz he got an A instead of an A+ is not something only seen in movies, but is a very common reality

These cultural differences are of course much more neuanced than simple stereotypes, but it's just some food for thought as to what their origin is

Think of a context that's not widely used in media, for example customer service, if you've ever been in or worked in a shop run by chinese or japanese, you'll notice the stark difference in their approach to the work which stems from those cultural differences

However, there is an interesting idea bought up about why some of the most popular media for women, such as Fifty Shades of Grey, depict an abusive relationship. The theory basically goes of the beauty of the beast, where a woman can redeem or change a beast, and is suggested to stem from a belief where women and young girls were coerced in relationships that they had to deal with. By telling these sorts of stories, the idea is to render these women and young girls into complacency regarding their position in lieu of improving their partner, that such a thing was possible

I haven't read/watched Fifty Shades Of Gray, but from what i've heard... it falls more into fetish territory? Which is generally watched for slightly different reasins than say something like Beauty And The Beast...

As for the latter, it's been a long time since i've watched it, but yes, it does cover the topic of beaing able to change your partner, to save him (or her) from themselves, which if you think about it in a more neuanced way, there are situations in which this approach is bad but there are also cases where it's good, it ultimately depends on if the partner is redeemable or not

Now Beauty And The Beast was written a long long time ago, still i'd like to also highlight the positives of this story, Belle is an educated woman, something that was a rarity for her time, that said, if we were to put such a story in a modern context, i don't think it'd really have anything to do with "complacency", after all, you do not need to be complacent to redeem your partner

The early 2000s had a ton of great movies and was the great age of the R-rated comedy, but...yeah

But... yeah? Please continue, this topic is gaining my curiousity :3

I argue that even putting aside the racial bias, the ability of the state to abduct one's children with little oversight and all the financial benefits of federal money is a deeply immoral system that needs to be abolished

I do agree the system is corrupt and needs a big overhaul
DigiCat Apr 16, 8:30 AM
My main point was that fiction always has the ability to frame and explore things in a way that invite deeper intimacy then what real life can afford. I say Perfect Blue is a perfect example of what I am talking about, since it uses artistic liberties to show us Mima's mental state throughout the series

100% agree here, Perfect Blue's psychological elements are impeccably well done

Bed-Stuy and Harlem, a predominantly pair of black neighborhoods, are disproportionately impacted by CPS investigations, and often these women are told to acquiesce out of fear of losing their children. Their anger is many times more likely to be recorded as uncooperativeness

I'll start with singling out neighborhoods to investigate is absolutely the wrong way to do such a job, though i can understand the reasoning behind it, which is not race, but the high crime rate in those areas, it still reamins a pretty shitty and lazy reason, cuz just bacause a kid lives in a wealthy and/or safe neighborhood that doesn't mean they are safe in their own home

And of course it is extreamly hard to keep one's cool in such a situation, no one wants to lose their kid, it's a fear that is incomprehencible, i'm surprised CPS wouldn't have psychologist on their team who can identify that there's a good chance the anger is born out of this fear

Correspondingly, we should see that the recent successes of Crazy Rich Asians is a recent phenomena, as it Halle Berry in Die Another Day. History does not die with a few films, if it ever does. Progress in itself is slow to take hold.

I am aware that these are... wait a min... you need to brush up on your James Bond knowledge, you forgot about Grace Jones in A View To A Kill, almost a full 20 years before Halle Berry in Die Another Day

That said, still relitively recent considering how far back movie history goes

Anyways, the point i was trying to make is, although i don't think history should die, i don't think it should be constantly brought up again and demonized either, i think such a view on it takes focus away from the vast progress that has been done and what progress we can make in the future

I do recommend reading a bit more books on media because this is a topic that I am not at all well-versed in, something even truer for most people, and probably you as well (No offense)

Oh no none taken, i need to read more books in general lol but i'm dyslexic AF, i think i just took like 3 hours to read 1 chapter of Black Clover LN 🐌

I did get a bit annoyed when you gestured to my self-esteem, in all honesty, as if you knew my experiences enough to dismiss them

Sorry bout that, wasn't a dismissal though, or assuming i knew you're experiences, just an observation based on other scenarios where i've heard similar things, it of course doesn't mean my observations are always right

Although, you didn't quite answer my question "what in media do you think impacts young women in a bad way?"
If you want something more specific to work on i'm mix white/asian
DigiCat Apr 16, 3:34 AM
and I generally believe women, especially young women, are impacted worst by media depictions than someone like myself

Now you've got my curiousity, what in media do you think impacts young women in a bad way? And i will say if this has impacted me as a young woman or not (keep in mind this is only my personal experience and will not necessarily fall into the majority of women's experience)

Since you did bring this up in comment section, i have a slightly off topic question

PeripheralVision said:
On the other hand, I never been SA'ed, and even though I can understand that is bad and horrible and violating, I do not have an equivalent experience because there is no equivalent experience for something like that

You mentioned this in the thread, don't get me wrong, i'm very glad you've never experienced that, but yet, in previous threads, you have been very adiment to know what is a realistic reaction to such an experience and what not, despite never having been thru such yourself
YayForKittens Apr 10, 12:13 PM
Oh wow, hi!! I do remember you! It’s been so long, and I apologize I barely ever check my notifications on here so I didn’t see your message till now.

You’re a grad student now huh? That’s amazing! ☺️ Hope that is going good for you. But you really should give Kill la Kill a try. It’s pretty amazing!
traed Apr 5, 9:11 AM
Not sure if you saw my reply in edit but to be sure, I wast talking about you personally. I dont even know enough about you to do so. I was more talking in general including things that can be applied to me. Intent wasn't to upset you so sorry if i did.
traed Apr 2, 6:44 AM
Message getting longer....uhh i have to think on replying some time later or not lol i sometimes get worn out.
traed Apr 1, 10:08 PM
What came to mind for me was not simulated but like real life gore. Though like I dont think anything is inherently equal. Like in case of gore I dont think relatively mundane surgery videos are same as seeing someone getting torn limb from limb tortured. Well, you are American, and as an American you have been influenced by American culture that some violence is justifiable and damn entertaining and sexuality is the ultimate taboo and these stemmed from Anglo religious influence. American influence has spread through the world through violence and coercion and socioeconomic dominance in the entertainment industry so one needs to look at how cultures and societies are at different times to see what their nature is which without this can mislead someone to misinterpret changing trends of views. Im getting a bit sidetracked here though and speaking more generally rather than such a narrow scope.

Not having kids play outside is in part a result of suburb design and redlining paired with the "stranger danger" misinformation coinciding with the Satanic panic of the 90s which also came after what i suppose you could call the clown panic that seems to have lead to mass psychosis...among environmental issues and social issues not addressed by the status quo. I didnt even get to go trick or treating as a kid because my mom beleived the lies about poisoned candy and razor apples.

I try to avoid making too many assumptions about people to judge them. Many are from different countries with different laws and different cultures influencing their views as does one's own.

Hm I dont know about that. I can agree to some general degree but I think it is more complicated and nuanced than that. I think influence comes more later and more from peers I think over media at least for someone neurotypical anyway. Also as for fetishes they can arise from non pr0n things too.

I was doing research as a kid though through simple means like books and National Geographic magazines on my dad's book shelf since I didnt really know enough about what i could find online till more starting in teens. I mean in general sense on any topic I had access to.

I think you misunderstand that term. i think Sapiosexual is just a term for people that like intelligent people they vibe with. It's kinda silly term to me since I think this is pretty normal way many people are when it comes to attraction. Just another trendy term like Demisexual or Pansexual.

My views on many topics can get outside of the WASP convention at times so many would be appalled or at least severely confused and call me names and not elaborate on any new points most the time, sadly. Most people don't really take time to think deeply about things especially not with an open mind, explore different cultures, or to talk to other people about their views and experiences in confidence of trust. Like i mentioned in a past comment to you i just grew up watching kids science shows so maybe im naturally curious. I dunno.
traed Apr 1, 4:24 PM
I think he's just on terms with the reality that kids will just do whatever they want when their parent's backs are turned and is overly confident his own experience is the best example rather than considering a more nuanced take. Not sure why you overlooked his mention of gore.
ToastWithNutella Mar 15, 5:29 PM
Heyo, nice to meet you everyone's favorite Onii-chan, i am a suggar free latte
Landonime Mar 7, 7:18 PM
Nice too meet you!
traed Mar 6, 8:49 PM
Couldn't even quite imagine myself as full Asian so I dunnooo

Hm I think black and white is good still when it has minimal use of colour like reds used sparingly.

The first movie had better animation style to my tastes. Second one had different aesthetics and more rotoscoping with camera rotations. The CG was only thing done a bit better just blended in better.

About youth psychological states or something.
auroraloose Mar 4, 5:14 PM
Yeah. Actually lost my voice this morning, which is not good when you're a teacher.
traed Mar 4, 5:01 PM

I'd rather be a loli for life.

Now as for previous message. Yeah I have been waiting on that adaptation of Uzumaki too. I guess it will take quite some time still so I guess it's fine if I read the manga since I was planning too then held it off since an adaptation coming up and didn't want to make it less impactful by knowing what is coming, that is assuming if it is done well. It does have a cool art and animation direction it's going for trying to make it just like the manga but animated.
I wound up getting to that related movie Amrita no Kyouen to the other one I watched. It didn't really help explain the plot of the other one more since the story was a bit different even though clearly connected and taking place in a time before the other film. It managed to be less comprehensible than the first one but I got the plot lol

Yeah maybe, but it might look goofy too. Depends how it's done. That does look creepy though.

Most people aren't sheltered that much though so I don't know where you get that from. Ive only seen evidence to the contrary. Though also depends what you mean by sheltered.
auroraloose Mar 3, 5:51 PM
I might be too tired for that. Getting older sucks. It's a lot harder to hope for the future.

Meanwhile I am indeed quite pent-up with all this knowledge and heady thinking I want to release.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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