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MichiyoSaitou Sep 10, 2012 1:41 PM
I put a wrong birthday at first, this is the correct link.
MichiyoSaitou Sep 10, 2012 1:33 PM
(Do you have it on your phone too? :3)

Okay.^^ Thank you. <3

Yes. XD I will hurry up and move in England~ (Astrology says that I will emigrate to another country, have success in it and that I will marry a man of another nationality anyway. XD)


...I can't remember. XD

Oh, and those as well! XD <--- Here. :3

I can play piano already.^^ I only want to take some professional teacher to teach me better. <3

Do not be!^^ You should be proud of yourself - that is what I would do. XD

MichiyoSaitou Sep 10, 2012 1:02 PM

I like how native speakers and non native speakers can help each other. <3

*still crying of joy* ;A; *sobs* *hugs*

Haha, I am sure I mentioned that my mother is a religious racist who has homophobia. XD

(Da. XD <--- Russia's 'da' means 'yes' in Romanian. XD)

Do not worry, I am MichiyoSaitou or Michiyo everywhere besides! XD

I LOVE IT TOO! <3 I always wanted to take karate and my mum has been thinking at taking us to karate ever since we were little kids, and now that it is for free (I managed to get in the group who takes it for free) and it is five minutes away, we finally had the chance to.^^

Good idea! XD My mother and second oldest sister are fluent in Spanish as well. :3 (My second oldest sister also took German for a year or two in university - she went to the Foreign Languages University -, but she can't remember a thing! XD

I only know how to say 'Hallo. Ich hesse kartoffel,' right now. XD

*national champion at creative drawing in 2008*... TwT <--- My sister took the second place in an international contest last year, too! (Yes, my family is good at arts. We have it from mum.)

You are not ready to embrace the divine ways of balance yet, my fair lady. (Or rather I am not ready to teach anyone until I get better. XD)

(My birthday, the 30th of October, says I am multi-talented anyway... <--- proof)

I could take English or German if I wanted a foreign language. I already know how to talk in English, I might take it at the foundation I have mentioned and I have a good friend in Germany, so I took German.

(Remember Germania from Hetalia? XD I have no idea how to call him in Romanian since Germania is the Romanian for Germany. XD)

My sister as well. OwO I tried once, but I failed... /I actually wanted to go to the Piano club too, but they had no teacher, so it was impossible to apply for it...

(I know I do. XD But only if I do not think. ;3)

Informatics is IT.^^

I remember you were chosen the IT rep.^^ Congratulations! <3 Can you please tell me more about being an IT rep? <3
MichiyoSaitou Sep 10, 2012 12:19 PM

Thank you for your tip!^^ I swear I did not know that it was considered incorrect. XD

*teary eyes* ;A; You do not know how much I love you, now do you? *sobs and hugs*

Awesome? TwT *cries* I am not that awesome in real life. TwT

I am horribly religious. XD

But they are not ready yet. XD I want to write more chapters before publishing.

You call him Italia too? :3 I do the same. XD

(Italia is the correct word for Italy in Romanian. XD)

Yeppies. :3 In case I ever get an account on YouTube. XD

Oh, by the way! I went to the Children's Palace (it is not even five minutes away from my house!) and I joined four clubs: Painting, Karate, German and Jewellery Making. I take Painting, Karate and Jewellery Making with my sister. XD

The Visual Arts teacher (teaches Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Jewellery Making, Modelling for materials and Clothing Design, possibly more) is a friend of my mother's, so she loves me already. XD Not to mention that we are both interested in Astrology! <3

I just had the first Karate lesson at 6 PM and it was awesome! <3 The teacher is a very nice married man (I am taller than him by a head! XD) and he is good at teaching Karate.^^ I was the best out of the class (and also the oldest, alongside a ten years old boy...) and I really enjoyed it. <3 You could almost feel like in Karate Kid where you had to learn the move and then immediately apply it. XD

About German, I had no freaking idea what the hell was in my head. I have not started it yet, but German is hard. XD

I will have my first Painting lesson tomorrow, too, between 2 and 4 PM.^^ And I talked to a good friend and now ex-classmate of mine, and he will come at the Children's Palace as well, only on Guitar.^^

I am also thinking at taking Informatics... ;A;
MichiyoSaitou Sep 10, 2012 12:45 AM
Michi's pleasure! <3 *rubs, hugs, cuddles and COOKIES!*

That is so cute of you! TwT You are not needed to, though. :)

I am surely going to get killed because of grammar someday. XD

I am not all that scared, but I am incredibly nervous. X3 Oh, and for Creative Writing there are around thirty or maximum forty seats.

I hope so!^^

I KNOW! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Faith in God? :3

I am a perfectionist critic myself.^^ I am too shy to upload them and none of them are ready yet to be published. ;A;

It is odd how my personality is INFJ, but at a quiz regarding what Hetalia character I am most like, I got a perfect 10/10 North Italy. XD (What's his personality type anyway? XD)

You have a Youtube account? OwO
MichiyoSaitou Sep 8, 2012 9:26 AM
I sent you a message on this site.^^

*rubs herself on Tsu*

Yeps!^^ I have not been told anything nice in the last time, so it really makes me happy. <3

I knew that blond is a male and blonde is a female. o^o <--- Got it from a Grammar Nazi society.

I do not think so. XD I did not apply for the Informatics section (yes, there is one) since I never studied Informatics and I do not have any prizes or contests for Informatics. (To get in the foundation, you need to have participated and/or won a national or international contest relating to the section or sections you choose. I took part in three English contests and I won a national creativity contest when I was in the fourth grade, that is why I was able to register.)

I actually planned to become an editor or writer for newspapers when I will be of age.^^ That was my idea of a start, because I won't have much to choose from.

THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! Since England is England and international contests are sometimes held in England, my chance of coming to England is higher!^^ And this way, I could meet you! <3

Yes. There are fifty-seven places for English, I think. But I am competing against the whole country. TwT

I write stories for myself. ;3
MichiyoSaitou Sep 8, 2012 6:27 AM
YES! >:3

You can give it to me anyway.^^ But I only have minutes in Romania and Vodafone right now. ;-; Or shall I give you mine? :3





That... is... so cute. o'^'o *cries of happiness* Thank you so so so so so so much! <3 *cuddles*

You can just write random grammar and spelling tips people often get wrong, like the difference between 'blond' and 'blonde'.^^ That would help a lot. <3 My second oldest sister also gives me advice, since she finished the Foreign Languages University on English-Spanish anyway. XD

I really want to get in... It would be a very good step and I would be kept away from my mother. <3 Also, it is good to have something like the foundation on your CV. XD

It is not really winning; winning contests comes when I get in. >:3 (As far as I know, the English group is the one taking part in most contests, both national ones and international competitions. XD)

Thankies! <3 *hugs*
MichiyoSaitou Sep 7, 2012 2:30 AM
Hey Tsu! Michi is entering from her phone right now. XD I might be able to enter from my phone when I go out with my sister and some friends while we are in the mall. XD And that is really good, since I go out daily! <3

Oh, and also. It may be a little too early to say, but between the 26th and 30th I have to go to two probes (I joined a selection for the special courses of a foundation dedicated to talents, on the English and Creative Writing sections). I will take their exams on two of these days or one. Then, I will see if I get admitted. ^^

Wish Michi luck for then! <3
MichiyoSaitou Sep 5, 2012 10:47 AM
*cheerfully accepts Tsu's snuggles and snuggles back*

IT rep? :3

I do not know Mandarin and IT, though. TwT

Lolawut? Seven hours of Mandarin? Even I had less foreign language lessons a week last year, with all my three classes together!

Sorry! ): I just knew that it is more commonly used in America.

D'aww! XD Here, take a Michi hug! :3 *hugs*

*really cries of joy in real life* Michi loves you. TwT <3 *hugs and glomps* Tsu is precious to Michi, too!^^

Hahaha! XD I can't watch any horror movies, I would get a panic attack. XD However, Michi does want to know. >;3

Thank you!^^ *glomps back*

I will have a whole new class this year! XD Well, except for a girl who was my classmate in the third and fourth grades (before I changed schools) and now it happens that she got in the same high school and class with me! XD

There is also a guy who was like my best friend in the second and third grades, when we talked continuously during classes. XD He is in my high school too, but in another class.^^

Michi's sister is also in the high school Michi is going to, but IN A FUCKING ANOTHER CLASS!

(Seriously. My older sister and I were NEVER in separate classes. And the fact that I only went without her at school once and I started crying since she was not with me does not help...)

Well, I will start at 12:30 PM, and it is likely the school will last six hours (until 6:30 PM) and with the time it takes to walk back home, the hour I get back at turns out to be seven PM.

(I'm fucking Canada? XD I am just an INFJ. XD)

*grins at Tsu and hugs her*

What the hell is an OS? O.O /dumber than hell

How is she like? :3





My dream is to become a very rich person who holds an important position in a big company (it is already assured - my second older sister works for PepsiCo and in only two years she managed to get the second best position in the company after director on her profile!), to live all by myself, to have all kind of studies and to become even richer, so I can do everything I want and accomplish all my ideas.

Yeeeees~ <3 I will do my best to actually get marks good enough to join it. I do have chances, because in the last year ALL my marks at absolutely ALL subjects grew unexpectedly, out of the blue.


I hope so!^^

You know I have around... six diseases and a harmful thing not really like an illness, right?

(Two of them are at heart, the thing not really like an illness seems to be with the heart too, two are at eyes, then there is anaemia and a stupid disease I have since I was eleven years old, and all of them cause me to faint, be in need to be hospitalised or get a heart attack. Oh, and I am overweight, so the risk is increased.)

But to answer your question, yes, it will happen again sometime. The risk is higher if I get scared and/or panicked. Though, if I manage to control my emotions and if my mother does not yell again, I will be just fine!^^

Pills? Yeah, I did take pills. I don't anymore, because mum does not buy them.

I don't think I have the possibility to meditate. XD

You already do enough for me by being my friend!^^ Friends truly help me just by being themselves. :3

The last period has been a hell! XD I will tell you the long story after I start school. :3

I do not know if I will be okay or not (with mum angered ALL THE FREAKING TIME), but when the school begins I will just go back to my normal health and I will feel beetter than ever.^^

Really, there is no need to worry. :3 My sister and I are the ones who will worry now (no affinity to my bad health), you do not need to stress out. :3

Not to worry? XD That is hard. XD I must be in charge with no pause, so I can face everything. Then again, I will be fine when school will start. <3
MichiyoSaitou Sep 5, 2012 9:29 AM

Michi and her sister will do their best! >:3

If there is anything you want Michi to help you with at your homework, you can send it to me and I will try to help you as much as I can.^^

First thought: WAIT, she uses 'gotten'? XD

Haha. It is just that I did not expect British people to use gotten. :3

I understand now.^^ Michi loves her sisters too, so she would not do something against them either. :3

It makes Michi really happy to see friends who actually do care about her. TwT *sobs happily and hugs*

Next time when I will check it will be on the eighth. Then on the tenth and on the sixteenth.^^ (Afterwards, it is likely to be everyday. XD)

I am truly sorry for not remembering quicker! ><"

What is Tsu thinking at? :3

I am not sure. XD I will check in a few days, though, and if I don't I will ask for it again.

(Actual fuck! XD When do you come back from school? I estimate that I will come back from school at around seven PM once the school starts. But it is perfect, SINCE MY MOTHER GOES TO WORK AT SEVEN PM! :D)

YES, SERIOUSLY!~ Blogspot was exactly the blog type I was thinking at! XD And I want to have a tumblr and blog NO MATTER WHAT!~ >:3

(It does not matter as long as my mother does not find your blog. XD)

I tried to countless times, but it failed. T^T *cries in Michi-with-no-Skype corner*

Hmm, I did not see her around. She must have come during my hiatus. I will come and meet her anyway. XD

World domination?...




(I do have plans to become horribly rich and to rule over everything in the future. XD)

...My result was the Scapegoat. Must be due to him being kicked out by mother when I was eight, perhaps...

And I took some for my mother and all the results sounded like 'you have the worst and strictest mother on Earth'.


*snuggles baaaaack* I would not name it safe until school begins. XD There are twelve days remaining, anything can happen.

But do not panic!^^ Let the panic be on me. <--- I had three spasmophilia crises and/or tachycardia attacks in around two weeks, two of them just on the thirty-first (I was about to get hospitalised then) and today, I can handle it.

Do not worry about Michi, she can manage to get over this shit. :3 *hugs and pats Tsu*
MichiyoSaitou Sep 2, 2012 2:35 AM
Also, AWWWWWW! TwT I just read the e-mail, about you and Thia on Skype and it is so cute of you to have a whole conversation worrying about me! <3 *hugs Nyatsu and Niko* *tears of happiness*
MichiyoSaitou Sep 2, 2012 2:25 AM
MICHI LOVES YOU! *hugs and cuddles*


Yes. *cries* I so wished school to start on the 10th but stupid Victor Ponta (a joke of a premier of Romania...) changed the date for the 17th! :<

*hugs* But school will be fun! :3

Why? T^T I put on a fake birth year and got it when I was nine.

I think I did, but I did not check. I only saw that you wrote me that you were worried, so I immediately came online here to check if you replied.

No need to be sorry.^^ (I like friends spamming my profile and inbox, haha. XD)

Who gave it to you anyway? XD Thia somehow? :3

I am so glad that you have my e-mail now. <3

Mum? Not really.^^ I won't have to endure her anymore once I will turn eighteen~

(Oh, and I will have school from 12 PM.)

OMG! I WAS THINKING AT CREATING A TUMBLR OR BLOG TOO! I am going to make one of these (or both XD) right when I will be able to! :3 (aka the middle-end of September)

The phase was that I did not have Skype. I still don't, since I have no space in my computer. T^T

What is her username?^^ (Nokkidoll?)

MichiyoSaitou Sep 1, 2012 9:22 AM
OHHHHHH NYATSUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MICHI MISSED YOU A LOT TOO! TwT *hugs* I feel so bad for worrying you! Forgive Michi, please? :3

I really can't wait to talk to you again. >:3

Unfortunately, the school starts a week later! T^T So... sixteen days remaining. Michi will surely come online by then. >:3

By the way, I am pretty active here when I am not active on VA or BB, so there are good chances that I will reply faster from here or Facebook (I let you a link to my FB profile on Messenger, in case you have FB too :3) when you can't find me on the sites mentioned upper. I do not come online everyday (the situation), but I do once at a few days.

('Situation', aka IhaveonehellofastupidmotherandshegetsangrycontinuouslyinthisperiodsoIamnotabletocomeonline)

Neither did I know that Ciel is your favourite, too! XD
MichiyoSaitou Aug 24, 2012 11:21 AM
Also... OH MY GOD, you like Russia, Italy, Toshiro, Len, Hanabusa and Itachi too? OwO
MichiyoSaitou Aug 24, 2012 11:17 AM
Hey!^^ Sorry for not coming online lately. >~< My situation is difficult in this period, so I am not able to enter on the internet. :( I hope it is okay... I will start browsing sites 24/7 again in around two weeks, though. Michi will talk to you continuously right when those weeks will end. >:3
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