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Shiguang Dailiren
Shiguang Dailiren
Sep 30, 2021 12:01 AM
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Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen
Sep 29, 2021 11:55 PM
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Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
Sep 29, 2021 11:52 PM
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Sep 29, 2021 4:28 AM
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Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki
Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki
Jul 3, 2019 11:17 AM
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Ore no Pet wa Seijo-sama
Ore no Pet wa Seijo-sama
May 2, 2019 6:19 AM
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LassyPlz Jul 16, 2018 2:59 AM
Ah—whoa what time is it? Holy shit, my bad! I was stuck in a hyperbolic time chamber. It seems time accelerated drastically here in the outside world, how odd, I swear I was only in there for a minute. I definitely wasn't procrastinating on my reply.
I've known many Asians in my life (well, I mean, I'm Asian), so I have like dozens of images in my head of what you could look like. Best I can do is picture you as Kaizaki there until you change your profile pic to some other dude.

How you feeling now man? It's been a couple weeks. Surely you've played eroge to the point where you can now be satisfied, right? If not, you're playing the wrong eroge.
Obligatory, fuck Konami. Yeah I guess I should've specified what gacha game I was playing. I'm playing F/GO, it's based off the Fate franchise and I've been pumping money into that game as if it was the key to giving me immortality. Send help. Or cash. Preferably cash.

No girl is as ever as good as drugs. . . according to heroin addicts. Doing a girl ON drugs, now that might be a different story. Idk, about that one either tho, ShindoL might know.

Thanks for the health advice, but idk. It's been like 3 years since graduating high school for me, and I only recently went to the gym this last semester of college. That's when I realized I was hella out of shape. I almost went into a coma due to hyperglycemia (it's funny how I joke about comas, but I forget that I almost actually went into one). It's probably because I fucked up my blood sugar from my diet over basically my entire life. Ah well, not much I can do now, I mean at least I'm not fat.

My "free time" started in the middle of May, although it hasn't exactly been all that free due to work. You don't have a bank account? I assume you have family holding any money you get, that must kinda suck.

Yeah too much of anything is harmful. You hear the story of the lady who died from drinking too much water?
Yeah, anime clubs exist, even in college. It's still cringy, even worse at adult level, I'd imagine. Ohh, that's interesting, I have a couple coworkers leaving to go into military school. I can kinda see what you're doing now. Mmhm yeah that makes sense.

Here, I'll keep the -dere trend going. Here's my kuudere/dandere response for ya.


Anyway, sorry I didn't respond earlier. Also there may have been things I didn't touch on, it's probably because I couldn't think of a decent response, but I promise I read your whole comment numerous times.

I have a steam that I never use, I have a discord that I never use, I have a phone that I rarely use for communication, basically I'm a hermit. Actually I've always just been awkward, and generally dislike talking to people (is that weird?), not that I dislike talking to you obviously. I've always sucked at getting back and responding to friends, like an asshole (I mean you're experiencing it first hand here as well, lol). So yeah with that in mind, I'll try to add you on steam, but it'd be nicer maybe if we had a faster way to communicate like discord. I feel like I'd be more active on there if I added you. Tbh I'm actually on my PS4 a lot more nowadays. You've got a cool ass name btw Kenji, my name is boring af it's like top 5 most boring names in this country I think. So yeah, I'll add you and we can play some Doki Doki Literature Club. See ya then.
LassyPlz Jun 25, 2018 7:35 AM
I actually had to look at the date of when I last commented, cuz I was like, "There's no way it's almost been a year", and uh yeah wow it's almost been a year. Like what happened here? Fucking supernatural time leaps, I tell you what.

This was a really nice genuine surprise, I missed you too dude, full homo I mean no homo. So you're telling me that I blink, a year passes, and you've been dating someone for the past couple months? Excuse me? Is this what it's like to wake up from a coma? I knew you were always a stud btw, even tho I have no idea what you look like. I'm typing this at about 6am after gaming for about 9 hours so excuse me if anything I say makes absolutely no sense. I can sort of feel my brain matter ooze out of my ear as I'm typing.

Hey, I don't wanna be cliche or anything, but this shit seems like destiny. I've been straight up avoiding this site for the past couple months, and only recently came back out of curiosity. It sounds like you really did have a nice time these past couple months. It couldn't have been perfect, but from what I've read you were happy. Hey man, if I've learned anything from these comments, time sure as hell flies. Seeing your comment today made me want to go back and read some of our old comments from a year or two back, and a lot of shit sure has happened eh? Remembering all the stuff in life that was going on during the times when I was typing up those old comments, I remember a lot of good things, but I also remember a lot of bad things. Right now it's easy to take all those bad things that happened, and constantly have self doubt. For example, remember me telling you that I quit my job a year ago? Well I started having a little trouble paying off some expenses (as one would have when their net profit becomes negative $300 per month because of a crippling gacha game addiction). I used constantly wonder what if I'd just stuck at that job a little longer? Maybe I would have had enough money, but I kid you not, my old job closed down a couple months ago. I wouldn't have the job that I have now, which is easily the best job I've ever had out of my 3 previous jobs, if I hadn't quit back then. Sometimes life has a weird way of doing things. It'll kick you in the dick, but then give you a moderately decent handjob later. I don't know where I'm going with this. It is now 7am.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if anyone tells you to just forget about everything that's happened in the past couple months, that's completely unrealistic. You can instead take all that's happened in that time, all that happy shit, and cherish it. You can learn from all that shit and make it into even happier shit in the future. Before you know it, like these comments, times gonna fly, and you'll realize man. . . this really is some good shit. This being life, I'm not on drugs I promise, I'm just sleep deprived.

Why are you apologizing ya dingus? If you ever wanna vent about anything, you know where I'm at. I'll also be expecting a payment of $300 to my PayPal tomorrow for my services. Seriously though, I've probably said this enough already, but I enjoy talking with you. Everytime I read your replies I have a stupid grin on my face. I'm glad I don't read these in public or else cops would have me under suspicion.

Ah, so you watched Your Name, I don't blame you for not enjoying it as much, truthfully I forgot a lot of what happened lol.
Now I wonder what I would do if I got the ReLIFE pill. I'd probably loot the cafeteria. I've been eating nothing but fast food for the past couple months, it'd be a nice change of pace. Surprisingly, I have finally begun to gain a little weight, I still wouldn't consider myself fat, but I'm definitely not in shape. Metabolism has finally betrayed me, the only thing left that I truly trusted.
I see, so you're currently free. I'm also free until about the end of August. Well other than working part time here and there, but it usually isn't much.

I actually went back and reread the first couple chapters of Mushoku Tensei, and I got to about chapter 5 before I completely dropped it again. Not because it was bad, matter of fact I fell in love with it again, but because of the same reasons of why I never finished the series (school, work, time, yadda yadda).
Damn dude for real, every little thing reminds you of her? Like I could be talking about something random like fish, and would you be like, "Aw man you know what fishes do? They swim, and she's always swimming around in my head". Even something like potatoes would you be like, "Aw damn dude don't talk about potatoes, you know when you cut a potato and deep fry it in oil you get French Fries, and if you take the first letter of each word in French Fries you get FF, which stands for Final Fantasy, and you know who's always going to be in my fantasies? Her."
C'mon man I'm just trying to talk about potatoes here, you don't need to be thinking about her.
Hey man real talk, sometimes it's just never enough, nothing anyone could've done about it.
Okay hear me out. ShindoL may have changed my life for the better. After diving deeper into more of his messed up hentai, I believe I've reached a sort of enlightenment. I don't know why, but he may have changed my perspective on things, and given me more appreciation of the smaller things in life.
Who am I kidding? Shit's fucked up.

Visual Novels, what are those? I have a strange feeling that I've got a large folder of those things wasting space on my computer somewhere, but I'd rather not think about it as it would bring me great despair...

Haha, the story really isn't that interesting. But I suppose if you wanna hear it I can tell it to ya (and no, it's not creepy at all that you want to know). I'll even tell you her name since no one other than you will probably read this anyway. Her name was Amanda, she was a pretty big fan of anime like myself. In high school, probably around 10th grade, I got to know her from a friend of mine who was neighbors with her, and this friend of mine convinced the both of us to go to the anime club that the school had to offer at the time. BTW this anime club was a total flop. It seemed as though it was forged from the depth of hell, the cringe was off the charts, as you'd expect from most anime clubs. I regret ever being a part of it, but I do owe it credit for giving me more time to get to know Amanda. Actually at the time I didn't even really like her. It wasn't until we had to stay in the same hotel room at a convention we went to together that I found out that I liked spending time with her. She shared a ton of the same interests that I did, and I got her number, but after the convention I didn't communicate with her for months. My excuse is that I was busy with college, but in reality I'm a weenie. It just so happened one day that I butt dialed her out of sheer luck (I suppose it helped that her name started with an A) and we hit it off again over the phone and decided to hang out a lot more after that. We probably hung out like once a week for about 2 months after that, I mean we both worked at the time so there weren't that many free days. Then during one of our "dates" she drops the "friend" word, I abort, and now I got a new phone which doesn't have her number anymore, and we haven't talked since last fall, I believe. That's it, pretty long, pretty boring imo. I could try to find her number again from numerous friends, but honestly I don't see the point. Haha, leave some room on those train tracks for me. Nah for real tho, I don't really care about her.
Sort of.
Okay maybe I care a little.
But just a little.
Like this much.

Our appreciation for each other is getting a little old so I'll act like a tsundere this time.
It's not like I appreciate you too baka.
sigh I thought I was finally going to get a roommate since I'm going to a new university this fall, but nope I'm still commuting. Damn you live in a studio size? That's awesome. C'mon man I'm not that big, I'll sleep in the corner in fetal position you won't even notice me. Although I'm afraid you won't have enough wall space for my erotic posters, which is kind of a dealbreaker.

This was a LONG one. But there's some serious shit in this comment. Or was there? I don't remember, it's 9am right now. Where am I? Who are you?
This IS sorta like olden day communication.
How art thou ye ask?
I'm good
I'm just gonna go to sleep now.
Hopefully I catch your next comment at a better time next time.
I wanted to get this reply to you ASAP, but I feel like I wasn't as coherent as I'd like it to be.

OH I ALMOST FORGOT TO ADD. I don't remember if you owned any gaming consoles, or had a PC or laptop that could run any games decently, but we 100% have to play something together one of these days. It can be anything too, just something we could do for fun, like something as stupid as multiplayer minesweeper would even work, or we could read a VN together. Think of it as our way of hanging out or something. Alright? Figure it out, I believe in ya.
LassyPlz Jul 18, 2017 4:55 AM
Is anyone still here? lol
Everytime I come back I feel the need to apologize for taking so long, but you know what? I'm not going to do that. I'm changing it up this time.
Also whenever I come back I feel the need to ask how you've been, and what you've been up to, but you know what? I'm still going to do that, because I'm genuinely curious, so please elaborate.

Sorry if this comes off as rude, but it's been so long, and I've read your reply a lot since we've last talk but without being able to reply, so in order to just get the responses out there I'm going to try to speed answer through as much as I can.

Just looked on Amazon, seems Your Name comes out on August 4th on there. Maybe other sites are selling it earlier, but mark your calendar.
Your vacation time is usually between March and June? SHIT, I MISSED IT.
lol Golden Week.

Mushoku Tensei, what's that? kidding
ReLIFE HYPE, and also sadness.
What were my wise words? I don't remember, but hm yes, indeed. My words are always wise. Heed them, my friend. Wait, no, I said something wise? Shit I wish I still knew how to do that.
YOU TELL ME NOT TO READ A HENTAI, I'M A MAN WITH A PENIS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO? I lost a part of my soul, that night, fuck ShindoL. I should've read the fine print.
The world is a wonderful place~

I bought more VNs! Will I read them? Probably not hahaha! :(
I was hanging out with this one girl for so long, we went on so many what seemed like dates. I was legit ready to tell her I liked her, but she dropped the "friend" word somewhere at some point, I don't remember. I just remember jumping off a cliff shortly after. Anyway, after that I went from talking to her a lot to barely at all, kinda sucks, still single.
You saying "I should be more grateful to my parents" already shows enough that you care, which is more than a lot of people out there. Just remember to pay them back.
By the way things are looking my friends and I might not actually move out until next year, but hey lowkey if you got room in the condo hook me up. I hope you don't mind any posters of half naked 2D japanese cartoons. They're not mine I swear, I'm just holding them for a friend.

Alright! That concludes my rapid response, although it wasn't as rapid as I'd liked it to be. You always bring up such interesting topics I can't help but go deeper, damn you lol. Anyway I got a new laptop and I quit my job a couple weeks back so that means I have a lot more free time! and a lot less money!
LassyPlz Apr 28, 2017 11:16 PM
Hey, glad to see you're alright ^^'

How am I? Well, I just got back from watching Your Name, and I'm kind of dead inside. Not sure why I linked it, it's been occupying MAL's #1 spot for the past couple months, can't really argue if it actually deserves that spot, but I can argue that it was at least a good movie.

Whoa, military school monitors kind of group...? Sounds badass. Never really heard of anything like that. Sounds like you gotta be pretty buff to be in it tho. Wait, so have you been on vacation? I'm not sure about the time differences between here and there, what kind of holidays go on over there? I know Golden Week is happening in Japan soon, that sounds freakin' amazing. Wish there was something like that here in America, but nah I'M ALWAYS WORKING.

lol Korean dramas always live a very short life for me, like I think I'll get into them, but then it ends up that I watch like 1 series every 5 years. Still haven't finished Mushoku Tensei, school, work, and anime sort of took priority. Speaking of ongoing manga though, I noticed your profile pic, and saw that you're caught up on ReLIFE. I think we're finally getting to the OTP! HISHIRO FOR LIFE. It's crazy how amazing the ride is when you're reading/watching something great, and then all of a sudden that ride stops, and you just continue to try to find things to fill the void that the stupid ride left you with. It's a never ending journey man.

I guess speaking of rides, still haven't rode any sort of train. TFW you'll never experience love at first sight during your train ride to work, or witness train molestations, at least that's how it always is in hentai. I mean hentai is a perfect documentation of how Japan generally operates, right? Must be tough dealing with giant octopuses all the time.
Yeah dude, I want to travel the world too. We should meet up if it ever happens.
But considering my current president's state of mind, I might be dead by the time that happens.
I'm kind of curious, since you're obviously closer to North Korea and all that craziness, what's the people in your country thinking about, if they're even concerned. I'm going to be honest, America doesn't really seem to know wtf it's doing. Although, I obviously can't speak for my whole country. I can just sort of tell from my observations that the world seems a bit fucked atm.

Duuude it's cool. Life is a valid excuse itself. I'm just glad we're even able to talk like this once in a while. Honestly tho, I think I took a couple months off from this site too, so we were gone at around the same time lol.

Thank you. I really needed that, a lot actually. I've got a ton of tests/finals coming up this week, homework and projects piling up, I'm 20 years old and still single, ReLIFE only comes out once a week, and I'm planning on moving out of my parents pretty soon. Life can be kind of shitty. It's nice to stop and relax, and type up these replies to you. If I could, I'd totally give you a bro hug right now. Of course, I wish you the same, if I ever do somehow see or meet you IRL I'll definitely buy you a pillow case. I know you've had to have been having tough times of your own, and if there's actually anything you need help with, you know where to find me.

Although this reply was about 2 weeks late LOL, BUT I'LL BE HERE. . . eventually.
LassyPlz Sep 24, 2016 1:49 PM
Yeah, I don't really see myself watching too many shows for the next couple months, but I'll make sure to remember Two Worlds whenever I get the time.
Dude that sounds so awesome, I've always wanted to ride in a train. Jeez man you went to Disneyland too, do you go on vacations often or was this like one of the first ones in a while? I used to hate rollercoasters as a kid, but now none of my friends really want to ride in any with me :/
One of my favorite things people do when they're trying to speak English to a non-English speaker is when they try to speak slower, bruh that's not gonna help.
Heh, nice ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

lol well laziness always wins.
Your coldest is 15 degrees? omg you don't know how heavenly that sounds to me.

Nah nah it's cool too. lol school and work have been wrecking me as of late too, I'm surprised I've been able to respond to more as of late.
D&D is really old, but it's super entertaining, at least imo.

Hey, you're still an awesome chill dude to me. Although our time's been limited, these little chats are always fun, for me at least.
WHAT that's messed up. Anyway I'm almost late for work, I tried to get this reply in asap, haha.
LassyPlz Aug 2, 2016 3:46 AM
Fallout 4 will do that to a man. I'll pray for you.
WHOA what a coincidence I just finished a Korean drama not too long ago. You heard of Signal? I actually watched Signal on accident because I was trying to find another show that I watched a long time ago. Anyway, ended up loving the heck outta Signal, not really sure where to go from there.
I've been catching up on a lot of games that I hadn't touched in a while, and I started marathoning random shows that are airing. Holy crap there some great shows out there right now.

Your hard drive is kind of faulty? What happened, you get scammed or something? I swear if they sold you a 999GB hard drive I WOULD HEAD STRAIGHT TO THE SELLERS and angrily send them an email with purposely terrible grammar complaining about their product.
I agree, there should be some more photo options on MAL, but maybe that'd be too much work or something?


Life is fantastic on this end, although my classes start in about 2 weeks. I've just been working my part time job (which they ended up scheduling me 10 days in a row at one point so my deepest apologies for these long overdue replies), playing games, watching anime. Really couldn't ask for more. Actually a couple friends of mine have started up a D&D session, if you've ever heard of/played Dungeons & Dragons before. Basically you roleplay and go on an adventure. It's kind of like those really old PC games where it'd give a scenario like:

You stand in front of a cave, do you walk in?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Pee on a bush

It's basically a really nerdy game you sit around with people IRL, and it's surprisingly super fun (this is my first time playing). Uh, if you've played d&d before, then I probably explained this extremely poorly in your eyes haha.

After typing this I realized I almost made it sound like a visual novel.

Anyway, yeah you know the deal. Sorry for these late replies. Work, school, games, anime, life, etc.
I will always try to make free time to reply though.
Oh, and why the name change? Your name doesn't match your profile pic anymore lol.
LassyPlz Jun 29, 2016 4:14 PM
My tomodachi, how've you been? It sure has been a while. My apologies for not sharing any dank memes or lewd images of hand holding during my hiatus. I had a message typed up earlier, but for whatever reason my entire browser decided to close before I could send it, HAHAHAH man my computer sure is a jokester.

Anyway, uh yeah what have you been up to? How are your eyes? You add any more files to that beast storage? Wanna share some of that? What's the weather like over there? I really don't know what to say, I don't remember shit lol. I swear I had a way better message typed up no I didn't, the last message was as shitty as this one

Here's a gift as a sorry for being gone so long.

LassyPlz Apr 19, 2016 1:19 AM
But... your profile picture... I thought... LOL, seriously?! One of the main reasons I watched Gintama was because I thought you watched it, well I feel stupid.
No regrets tho.

You know what you should've done? You should've had that email sent a day after your birthday, now that would've been hilarious. sad but hilarious

DUDE SAME. My eyesight is complete trash too. IDK if this has ever happen to you, but sometimes when I get up from laying down or something, I lose my vision for like a couple seconds. SCARES THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME. Becoming blind is a huge fear of mine too man. Anyway, forget laser eye surgery, it's too pricey. Just get some new glasses man, they make you look smarter. Trust me, a lot of people think I'm smart, but it's just the glasses at work.

Damn, why are we never lucky? Sometimes this same girl would bring a water bottle to class, and she'd go HAM on that water bottle, man. Trying to seduce me 'n whatnot by drinking water, JESUS CHRIST. It's also possible that she was actually thirsty, I mean the classroom did get hot sometimes, and all she really did was drink water. . . Anything she did was incredibly hot, honestly.

Hey that's the spirit. Set the expectations for next school year low so that you won't be disappointed.
Clearly you're okay with English seeing as how I've never had any difficulty at all understanding you.
I can help you with some math if you'd like.

You can't see it, but I just clenched my fist in the air. +1 for the dudes. The pride of our race are on your shoulders now, here, take my energy.
Did someone say more philosophy?
Zacchary Apr 13, 2016 2:38 AM
You know what they say GOTTA GO FAST !!!
LassyPlz Mar 29, 2016 2:00 PM
That's funny, my family's actually thinking about getting rid of our current ISP and just switch to using primarily LTE. I've actually barely touched my computer as of late. FeelsBadMan.
Hey speaking of anime, I started Gintama. There's really nothing much to add to that, Gintama speaks for itself.

LOL, wait did you ever have to write a letter to yourself in high school, is that what that was? At my high school freshman year we had to write a letter to our future selves once we graduated. My letter said this AND I QUOTE,

"Hey Jason, I don't really have much time to write this stupid letter because remember that one time when you didn't do your AP geography homework? Yeah, well I'm doing that now. Good luck with school you idiot."

THAT WAS IT. Needless to say I kek'd, but it's crazy cuz I'm sure "past" me never would've imagined that I'd get straight A's for my last 2 years. Past me was a dumbass..

What about glasses or contacts..? Actually if you make a small hole with your index finger and look thru it with you'll be able to see further. Ayy I know that feel with the flirty girl. I'd "accidentally" drop my pencil a lot if you know what I mean, hehheh. Yeah, she'd never pick it up and I'd have to grab it myself. I want to say that's why I did so bad my first 2 years too, it wasn't until I saw no sign of her that I started doing well academically, sucks that you had to deal with that your last year.

My family's great yo. Just my parents and my lil bro sticking together at this point. We pretty much dropped contact with most of the people on my dad's side. I wouldn't wish for any other family in the world, honestly.

Damn, making connections already, eh? I'm still continuing on my computer science/engineering degree too. Actually haven't taken a single course in either yet, just a ton of math and english courses that I'm apparently required to take before I can start taking programming classes (which is stupid, but I understand why I have to). UGH SAVE ME.

Hey, since you're alive we should celebrate. You know what they say You Only Live Once unless you believe in reincarnation.
LassyPlz Mar 4, 2016 12:12 AM
That sounds like a pain in the ass.
I thought you actually died. Seriously.

beats me man
tell me about it
LassyPlz Dec 13, 2015 12:06 AM
Happy birthday.
bad times friend ahead
reizenchuu Aug 8, 2015 5:19 AM
i see, you're still reading it too.
i was using this method too but i got sick of copy/past by time x), that's why i started looking for pdf. after all, while using the copy method you wouldn't know when to see the illustration inside the book (which is pretty important to my imagination when reading (¬‿¬)).
anyway thanks for replying^^, i didn't get PDF, but i got my hand on all the volumes in EPUB (similar to pdf). now am just waiting until i finish the last volume of utsuro no hako to zero no maria, and reading some new updates on my ongoing manga until i can start it :p
reizenchuu Aug 4, 2015 4:53 PM
it seems you finished reading mushoku tensei a while ago^^
i can't find the pdf volumes anywhere, so i wonder if you got a hint or something that will help :p
please °Д°
Archeologist Apr 14, 2015 1:02 AM
you will not be disappointed if you like black humor.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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