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Persona 4 the Animation
Persona 4 the Animation
Oct 17, 2011 11:28 PM
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Sep 11, 2011 4:55 PM
Watching 6/14 · Scored -
Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi
Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi
Sep 10, 2011 3:24 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 5
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lostmymusic Oct 1, 2011 3:19 AM
Yo! Sorry I haven't messaged you in ages, school has eaten my life. Also been playing Xenoblade Chronicles and am addicted to it, haha. But yeah, I have a lot of gaming to do! And no money with which to do it, baww. Might actually follow up on that idea of yours and start a donation fund. What have you been up to, anyway?
lostmymusic Sep 14, 2011 8:34 AM
I have a long-ass list of RPGs I want and absolutely no money to buy them. ;_; Top of my list are Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls because I keep hearing fantastic things about both.

The Disappearance movie is one of my favourite things of all time. I'm jealous about your release date, I have to wait until November 8th here. Quick, watch s1/s2 so you can watch the movie!!

Good anime, uh... I just finished Steins;Gate, it was one of my favourite things in a long time. Not perfect, but it fulfilled my ~ultimate criteria~ of a) making me laugh, b) making me cry, and c) making me shout at the screen.
lostmymusic Sep 11, 2011 2:08 PM
Hey, that's a good idea! I can just wait for someone to message me, lol. Yay laziness.

I have to work in a primary school for community service. I went on Wednesday and had to sort books for 4 hours straight. Not even joking. It was awful.

Aww, I want to play with you! :( This is terrible, I'll have to get Steam to work haha. I'm planning on getting CoD: MW3 when it comes out but also Catherine (although I prefer the 360 box art) and a bunch of RPGs. Ugh, I have so many games that I want and absolutely no money.
lostmymusic Sep 6, 2011 10:53 PM
Nah, I'm too socially challenged to ask people to play with me ;_; Also I don't really talk to that many people on my list, haha.

Personally I would say PERSONA 4 PERSONA 4 but then again I'm biased as it is actually the only one I've played lol. I looked up Agarest Zero and it looks pretty awesome, maybe that! And nope, no homework, but I've got my first real day of school today. I also have community service since everyone in my year is made to do it, ugh.

By the way, friend convinced me to get a PS3 instead of a 360. I am easily swayed.
lostmymusic Sep 5, 2011 1:02 PM
No idea, I'll probably just go out for a meal or something. And haha, nice one! I don't play it with anyone since I have no friends on it lol, I just run around levelling up by myself ;_; I like it because the graphics are pretty and uhh idk it's just really fun.

My day was pretty great, just went to school to have my first day of sixth form. It was just an induction so we basically just sat there while teachers rambled on at us about expectations. How was your day?
lostmymusic Sep 5, 2011 11:12 AM
Yeah, maybe that'd be best just because it's not that easy for me to access it lol. Can't wait until next month! Eden Eternal's a free MMORPG, it's pretty fun/addicting.

I've been in a normal uniform for the past 12 years so being in a business suit is really strange, haha. And aw, it would be so fun if I could social link with people. Sadly I am stuck being my old socially challenged self.

Anime-wise I am obviously psyched for Persona 4, and also Mirai Nikki and Kimi to Boku. I'm also hearing good things about Fate/zero. How about you?
lostmymusic Sep 5, 2011 8:39 AM
Ooh, nice to know you liked it. I'm really excited to get it. And yeah, my birthday's next month sooo hopefully I will get one! And lol, as long as you don't mind listening to my terrible manly voice.

I haven't even been doing anything so I don't even know why I haven't had time for anime, but I've just fallen horrifically behind on everything. Wait, I've been addicted to Eden Eternal, that's probably why. Anyway, it won't let me add you as a friend because I don't have any games on my account ;_; I don't have my own credit/debit card so I'm incapable of buying stuff online and my mother thinks that buying thinks online equals an eventual gambling addiction later in life (no I don't understand her logic either) but I'm hoping to get one in the near future.

Started school today, by the way. I have to wear a suit now and it's really weird.
lostmymusic Sep 3, 2011 12:46 AM
Haven't had much time for anime lately, I'm horrifically behind on everything. Ooh, how do you like Catherine? I know I asked you before but I'm guessing you're further in now. I really want it so I'm jealous. However I will probably get a 360 next month so yay!

I've been pretty good, mainly just been lazing around at home but have also managed to go out a few times. School starts soon so that sucks. And aww, don't worry, I am neither annoyed nor bored and also still up for playing with you! Steam is finally telling me I have a friend request so I'll accept that. :D
lostmymusic Sep 1, 2011 6:48 AM
Haha aw, no, of course not! I don't really know why I haven't messaged you in a while, sometimes I do that for no reason and the other person is just like ...okay... Sorry ;__; How have you been?
lostmymusic Aug 7, 2011 9:19 AM
Life's been good, been busy with my French friend. She's going home tomorrow ;_; And I will consider sparing your life if you go watch it now!

Yeah, I do know it's the 360, fear not! And I found a used one for £100 but only had 50 myself, haha. I dunno, it was partially you because I'm pretty sure you told me to get one, but yeah I just decided I want one. Probably have to wait until my birthday though. Bad times. And ugh, I'm so jealous, I really want Catherine! I keep seeing people talking about it everywhere and I wish I could play it haha. Are you liking P4 in general though? I'm actually replaying it right now, along with Radiant Historia which is also by Atlus.
lostmymusic Aug 6, 2011 3:28 PM
Holy crap, I swear I replied back! Sorry man. Haha, I'm not that good and a manga of my life would be the most boring thing ever. And not boring in a fluffy-K-ON-slice-of-life type affair, just absolutely mind-numbingly dull as it would just be me getting up, going on the internet and then going to bed. Anyway I have finally decided I will get an Xbox! I nearly got my French partner to lend me £50 so I could buy one today but came to my senses once I realized I did not in fact have £50 to pay her back.

I swear they had Steam giftcards when I went into Game the other week but I went in today and nothing. Maybe I made it up? I dunno, but I couldn't ask you to buy me a game! And yeah, a schedule sounds like a good idea.
lostmymusic Jul 31, 2011 11:43 PM
I did look at the age on your MAL account before, haha. And yeah, we're getting along really well! I went paintballing a few months ago and was surprisingly really good - everyone on my team is part of our school's Navy contingent thing so they had shooting practice but I was still able to keep up with them, it was awesome. I swear my gun in laser tag was broken! And the swimming thing was her idea, she just jumped straight in like LOL COME IN IT'S FINE. She's crazy.

Yeah, old school is one way of putting it. She's 66 sooooo. And eh, she can't really barge onto my laptop and be all STOP WATCHING THAT because her only grounds are that she doesn't like it. I did ask for some manga one Christmas when I was like 12 and she refused lol.

I can't wait to play with you either! I actually looked to buy a Steam gift card for myself yesterday but I couldn't find one ;_;
lostmymusic Jul 29, 2011 12:16 AM
Haha, how old did you think I was?

And the daughter of the family I've stayed with (she's about 2 months younger than me) is staying over here for 2 weeks so I'll be busy showing her the thrilling attractions of England (ie. rain, some trees, more rain). I did loooads in France though, at one point I played laser tag. The first time I came last with a score of minus 1800 points lol but the second time I only got minus 850! Since that is almost a 1000 point increase I like to think it is pretty good. Ermmm I went swimming in the Mediterranean - it was so so cold, I actually could not physically breathe when I got in because it was so freezing. Yeah, I did loads of stuff, it was just generally great.

My mum's hate for Japan... I don't even really know. She doesn't seem to like most things, to be honest; she's gone on tirades against Germany and France before as well but Japan seems to get the bunt of her hate. She claims manga is for people who can't read and once when I was complaining about poor characterization in the TV show we were watching, she started going on about how characterization in "my Japanese cartoons" is awful. I couldn't really argue, haha, but I did ask her if she'd ever actually watched one, and then she changed the subject. She also likes to bring up WW2 in her rants against Japan because she's lovely. ...Yeah she just generally hates the country and my hobbies.

As I said I'm busy for another 2 weeks, but after that I will be free to laze around doing nothing and also game with you! :P
lostmymusic Jul 28, 2011 1:48 AM
I am hoooome! I had a phenomenal time. Everything was so fun and they were so nice and I have tan lines for what is probably the 2nd time in my life ;_; Still busy for 2 weeks though sadly since my French partner is here.

Regarding our last convo, I have no figures. Mainly because I still live with my parents (being 15 years old and all) and my mother in particular hates Japan and gives me disdainful looks when I come home with manga/anime and accidentally fail to hide it from her. Actually, I swear she has a sixth sense about it because the moment I walk through the door she's like WHAT DID YOU BUY even if I've hidden all my bags. But anyway, if I brought up wanting to buy a figurine of a Japanese cartoon girl I think she might faint, lol. I really want the Aegis Figma; I would sell my soul for it. ;_;
lostmymusic Jul 13, 2011 2:12 PM
Also, I just stalked your Twitter like the creepy person I am - and you have a Kud figure!? So jealous ;_;
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