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Kaijuu 8-gou
Kaijuu 8-gou
May 4, 6:51 PM
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Kuroshitsuji: Kishuku Gakkou-hen
Kuroshitsuji: Kishuku Gakkou-hen
May 3, 8:35 PM
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Wind Breaker
May 3, 8:35 PM
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Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku
Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku
May 3, 8:36 PM
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Sekai no Owari ni Shiba Inu to
Sekai no Owari ni Shiba Inu to
Feb 12, 5:03 PM
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Houseki no Kuni
Houseki no Kuni
Feb 12, 5:03 PM
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KarenShirotori May 10, 6:52 AM

Sh1ro_ May 8, 10:48 AM
Mahito is basically the embodiment of pure evil. He's cursing people just like Yuji is getting rid of curses, without even thinking about it. So he is a great villain in a way, even if he is very hard to like lol. Especially if we compare him with other (and more charismatic) villains!

Ohh I didn't know you read the manga for Majo to Yajuu! And you've read more than me haha. I stopped after 4 chapters or so, because I wanted to experience the anime first. So yeah, I kinda agree with you here. If they put a little more effort into the anime I think it could've been great, but it was just fine. Such a shame :')

Yeah, I had a feeling it's gonna be an 8 for me from the first eps haha. I'm glad it stayed that way because I don't find shows I like that much often. And yes, the last ep was great! Loved how Maomao made it look like it's gonna be a "romantic" moment between her and Jinshi, but of course I wasn't surprised she was more interested in that ox bezoar thingy xD
Sousou no Frieren was beautiful, it was exactly what To Your Eternity wanted to be. I remember absolutely loving the first ep, but slowly after things started going downhill. With Frieren it was different, each ep was a delight! I also love how characters aren't cliche, like everyone's pretty unique haha. Even the animation and soundtrack were perfect! Not to mention how I'm a huuuge fan of adventure anime, so maybe that's why it impressed me so much :)) But anyways, let me know how much you enjoyed it when/if you finish it :D

The manga is so fun to read! I admit I wasn't that big of fan the first few volumes, but now that they gathered all the dragons it seems like one big adventure and it's such a joy to read! I also love Yona's development, she really is trying her best to improve and be a better person overall. I watched the anime a long time ago, but the manga is way better ngl. It has the potential to be a favourite! So yeah, don't be intimidated by the large number of chapters, they go by so quickly haha. My fav character? Hmm, I like everyone from the main cast but maybe Yona? I also love Kija (the white one) and Zeno (the yellow one) but as I said, they're all awesome! Which one was your fav? :D

True haha. Especially since you could easily replace the "m" in Tompa's name with another letter ;D Oh and btw did you know that you can request to change your username on this forum? It's especially useful if you want a username that's already taken but the user is inactive. Too bad "Shiro" is still active :')

White or gray hair is for serious characters, no? But yeah, I guess what you said is also true since there are evil characters like Griffith and good characters like Killua haha.

Ahh Ninja Kamui ended up being such a disappointment for me! It got more and more cliche to the point I could predict every single scene... sadly it wasn't for me, but I can still see people enjoying it for the action scenes xD But I see you've started Kaiju No 8! Maybe that's gonna be our new Ninja Kamui? So far it's been way more enjoyable :D
Lumi May 4, 6:51 PM

pending replies: ♡
lucas ◦ shay ◦ zephy ◦ shino (2) ◦ huskkay
jay ◦ hek ◦ amata ◦ nonoa ◦ tompa
Tompa May 4, 11:00 AM
Aww, thank you for that Lumi <3 Omg, imagine if In the End was his favorite song and he judged us so hard for listening to the Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse version xD
Well, Bella might judge us really hard. I don’t blame her for that xD Seeing her “I am so done with this” face really got to me you know xD <3

Oh, in that case I’ll keep quiet for now until you decide to watch it. The second season is soon here too, so now is as great chance as any O_O Or well, best chance is to just not watch it at all if you ask me xD

I will let you in on a secret though. I am pretty gullible and because of that I can be pretty easily tricked. Not only when it comes to Lancer DLC and scam e shop cards you see xD I swear, if I didn’t know any better I would totally be tricked by Indian computer services and Nigerian prince emails xD

Could even a swiftie jam to that in the gym though? XD It is way too calm and wouldn’t Shake it up for example be better? I’ll bring my own bluetooth speaker and blast Donald Duck with Mickey singing Linkin Park xD Btw I found this masterpiece and I thought of you xD I’d be getting the weirdest looks ngl xD Like imagine blasting this at the gym lol.

Oh really? :o What tattoo was that?
Hmm, I think tattoos can be cool looking and I have thought about it before. But now I don’t think I will. Especially when I heard about how toxic the ink they use can be and you put it directly on the skin. So I am not that interested anymore xD I have seen some cool ones that I have been eyeing on, are they worth the risk is just the question.

Oh yeah I have actually been listening to some TXT :D I am quite obsessed with Frost xD
It is very sad how some actors and celebrities have to experience those weird obsessive stalkers. Well tbh, it is sad that anyone gets to experience weird obsessive stalkers, famous or not.

Ohh we did watch Shiki!! It is great and so enjoyable :D You should give it a try as well and maybe we can all have a Shiki watch on hyperbeam xD I’d be so curious to see your reactions haha.

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Lumi you know the deal >:DD AI covers are the next step of appreciating real music xD

Ohh, and it really has been a while. How are you doing Lumi? :D Your profile is also really cute!!
Nonoa Apr 29, 1:32 AM
omg hii Lumi welcome to the new username gang!! :DD
Nonoa Apr 29, 1:32 AM

happy march 7th day! cards
apple fools warp cards
happy birthday catto! cards
brilliant fixation: enfp cards

thanks for requesting!
ctrl/cmd + f to find your cards
remember to save & rehost asap!
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happy trailblazing!

cards made & delivered by Nonoa

-Amata- Apr 28, 11:46 AM
Yes, I did. Thankfully. Otherwise, I'd probably have had to start thinking about going to some kind of virus research hahahaha

Hahahah yeah. The dog is literally the most talkative character in anime I've ever seen.
Hekshi Apr 26, 3:41 PM
lumi lumi hiii :33

“she hasn't spoiled anything yet (guess shiro might until she replies) xD”
aah lemme know if u still remember what she spoiled (i hope she did by now lol)

“yeah, kanan seems like such an intriguing character. i wish we could know more about her if we do end up getting a season 2 of the apothecary diaries. really manifesting for one *fingers crossed*”
and we’re getting one next year hell yeahhhhhhh (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ altho we didnt get to know what happened to kanan yet but that lakan’s backstory was so satisfying to me so i dont mind waiting another season to get the rest of kanan’s story

“before truly diving deeper into their music, content, and them as members in general, yunjin was the first one who caught my eye. but i'd say kazuha's my bias! “
oh kazuha is SO cool!! i vaguely remember coming across her dating news w some japanese idol did that turn out to be true or was it just a rumor?
Shino Apr 25, 9:38 PM
Yeah it is done and Shino will probably going on another hibernation after finishes what he is having on his hands right now (*´▽`*) I really hope this layout did Yuta justice because it has been a long time since I last fallen for a character in in shounen series. Even though I am kinda sad now that your progression bar and that butt shaking Gojo is gone

OFC I'D THINK ABOUT YOU!! The fact that you had OOR, Yuuri and TakaseToya's MV on your page previously is just ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ I wouldn't doubt your taste in music otherwise.

That explains why you seemed to be rather inactive these days too eh... You can always pursue your further studies later after you have graduate and as long as you had enough funds to do so. There isn't an age limit when it comes to studying after all.

I had steamboat with my family a day before I started to puke rainbow the next day, so I suspect that I actually got food poison from the squid I ate. As long as it is not something which cause me to get hospitalized, then I am pretty much fine with it.
jay Apr 21, 2:25 PM
Huskkay Apr 21, 12:40 PM
No worries? I am shaking in my boots. Haven't slept in 3 days, and I even avoided blinking since yesterday. Your brutality knows no bounds. I don't want to go out so painfully.

That name does ring a distant bell, but I can't quite put my finger on it. And in another alternate universe, this guy saved you from a burning building. Yes, he might have set fire to the building himself, but let's not trouble ourselves with such small details. Austria? What's that?

As if you are not one of those shady people. You can't fool me. I believe it will all work out great. It's going to be one big symbiosis involving all parties.

You didn't steal it? Or sent a few grunts to do the dirty work? That is surprising. Anyway, thank you so much for going to such lengths. I love it.
Shino Apr 21, 8:22 AM
Congratulations on your name change! ( ◡‿◡ *)

I hope your back pain isn't something too severe.....
SaintZeph Apr 21, 1:46 AM
the exam nailed me but i just managed to get by lmaoo so 괜찮아괜찮아
thats good to hear lumi :D yeah ive been running around everywhere these last few months but thats okay since i like to keep busy~~
and oh- did you just finish your bachelors? that makes you one year my junior and if masters, one year my senior (assuming its 4 & 2) hehe
excited? are your family & friends going to be there? most of my hs friends are un/fortunately scattered all across the world but im glad i managed to meet some amazing people at uni too along the way :D i majored in econ & now work in finance which is its own story haha. what about you?

krnb, khh, k-indie, k-rock...

it seems ive yet a long way to go in my kjourney (*/_\)
Sereshay Apr 19, 7:07 PM

aww thank you lumi ♥~(‘▽^人) i'm happy you like it. i appreciate you and your seemingly endless supply of pepe memes! (nice name change btw)
i agree, it used to be mainly tech roles that would have numerous rounds of interviews- which makes sense when you're potentially getting 6 figures plus equity (一。一;;) congrats once again on your upcoming graduation and of course congrats on landing a new job already!! (☆^O^☆) what is this new role going to be like? lots of big, exciting changes ahead of you~
other than work, things have been pretty calm on my side. the weather has been nice and sunny, so i'm spending time outdoors more. there was recently a cherry blossom festival in my city, with live music and performances going on all day such as sword demonstrations, dancing, taiko drums, karate, etc. the streets were lined with vendors selling goodies and stalls selling all different types of japanese food. i also spotted some cosplayers here and there
yup exactly... i mainly collect miffy, rilakkuma, sonny angels, popmart, mofusand, and tokidoki. i don't consider myself a true aesthetic girly without the white peg board (⌣_⌣”) i used to be a minimalist until i met my bf whose love language is gift giving... he literally bought me like 90% of my collection but i guess it's not a bad problem to have lmao
lucas147 Apr 18, 5:51 AM
I'd never team up with another gang! The only reason that I'm even remotely close to one is this infiltration campaign we've been planning for a while now.

Exactly! So let me ask you this: If you had to decide, between TxT and Yuuri, who do you like more?
Those memes about siblings are great xD And they seem pretty accurate a lot of the time. That being said, I've decided Karlchen #2 is my favorite. A lot happened and Karlchen #1 just needs a bit of a time out. Maybe he'll learn some manners this way.

>> ...Lucas. We've already had this talk in the past. Who hurt you?! 😂
Nobody, I swear! xD It's just, if you love blues music, you will hear a lot of songs about these themes. And let's be honest, you can really hear the pain in his voice, which makes it so authentic. But honestly, no one hurt me, which should probably make me think about whether something's wrong lol

>> Not at me having finished typing this while currently listening to Soulshine xD
Haha fair enough, Warren Haynes is such a good song writer. Soulshine is one of my favorites too, but Blue Sky is close ^^ Like you said, it just feels like going on an adventure :D They really understood how to blend multiple genres.

>> I can't spill the secret for you.
You're so cruel! Is that your strategy? To make me feel a false sense of compassion with all your sad emojis, all while sending someone to hurt me? You're a formidable mafia boss indeed, Lumi.

I would like to say I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures, but knowing you a bit better now, I'm not sure whether this emoticon is because of the Karlchens or because you're happy I was claustrophobic xD I have a few more pics, mostly of the beaches and scenery ^^

Ah yes, the long awaited TXT recs! I love the "Hope you enjoy them in some way", like you already fear that their not my thing at all xD I liked them both ^^ One thing I'm always impressed by is how well produced K pop songs are. That's one thing where western producers sometimes could learn something from. For Quarter Life, I'm usually not a big fan of situations where you take something real like the concept of a midlife crisis and then make a quarter life crisis out of it. That can seem a bit overly dramatic or whiny. But really, these lyrics hit hard xD I'm always in awe when artists in general, music or otherwise, manage to take something I'm sceptical about and make me like it. No wonder they're your favorite group ^^
For Deja Vu, I listened to both versions, since you took your time to link both of them xD But the Anemoia Mix was my favorite, just as you probably saw coming haha. It's way more emotional than Quarter Life. Admittedly, some of lyrics were a bit confusing to me, but the over all message comes through very clearly. If I'm not careful, you might make me a kpop fan lol
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