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Scoot0809 Mar 6, 6:36 AM
i'm here...

eu ia mandar mensagem só depois de acabar o P3R, mas isso vai ser só lá pra sábado(70 horas de jogo até agora).


I like Persona 4 for the characters

although i might have mentioned this in my review on backloggd, it's the same for me, lol. though, unlike you, i feel like my favorite character of the entire game was kanji. i loved how his character portrays acceptance of oneself, even if others tend to reject that self(which is a main there throughout many character arcs, but i really like how it was done for kanji, for some reason. maybe bias from just finding him fun as well). otherwise, i really liked yukiko, specially when she was being a complete goofball and laughing at stupid shit(i find it funny because i also do that :D), i enjoyed Naoto and Rise almost equally, i think. Naoto had that whole cool detective plot line going for it, which has a similar theming to kanji's, and i liked it, just not as much, and Rise's plotline was fine, ig? i find the conclusion to it underwhelming, but i find her personality funny at times. i'll be honest though, i didn't care much for chie and yosuke doing my first playthrough, lol. i kinda neglected their SL until later in the game, and by then it was already too late. i found yosuke's mild homophobic behaviour, although understandable due to the context the game was written in, a bit annoying, and ig chie just didn't struck a cord with me. i'll definetely replay the game on a later date, years from now, so i'll check their SL during gameplay then(i have seen them in youtube videos and such), and i'll probably draw different conclusions from my first playthrough, but that's the state from now. i feel like i'm forgetting a character to talk about, aren't i? well, probably just my imagination, tehehe...(i just find teddie annoying, there's nothing big to it. i don't even dislike his character arc, i just don't like his interactions, it's completely personal)

The Adachi twist was predictable, and the handshake twist is bullshit, just like how the fake Nanako death is garbage writing and the gods at the end come out of nowhere, though overall the Adachi mystery is pretty fun with the modus operandi.

i agree with every single word written here. idk if i mentioned it in the backloggd thingy, but i do enjoy adachi's character after the reveal. i was severely curious as to how they would explore the mentality of an assassin in a game that's deeply related to finding the truth and had a murder case going on for the last 60 or so hours, and, although i didn't like how that exploration was handled in general, i did have my fun with adachi as a character(i especially love the way he just calls the last boss a little bitch. he calls a literal GOD a little bitch. that cracks me up, ngl). though, i still feel like they could've done so much more with his character. it feels like they left him a bit unexplored by the end of his dungeon. this i know i mentioned in the backloggd thingy, but i truly thing the dialogue they had with adachi was very superficial and could've been much more deep. an exemple would be the discussion the team had with one of the bosses in persona 5 strikers, if you played that(i tried leaving it ambiguous because i don't know if you actually played it or not).

I'm constantly listening to the OST even now, and not replaying it for now has added a lot to my experience, though I'm likely to do that at some point in my life.

damn, yes, the OST is masterful. although that goes for every persona OST, the one in P4 is really amazing. you mentioned liking the final boss due to music and visuals, and i couldn't agree more, specially on the music. 霧 is just such an amazing song, i genuinelly listen to it almost everyday while studying(together with stuff like nevermore, long way, heaven, snowflakes, heartbeat heartbreak... you get the gist). and on the replaying side of things, i do agree that not replaying it, specially for persona 4, adds a lot to the experience. the ending really gives that "goodbye" feeling. although the experience is over, it will never be forgotten and such.

i feel like, if i ever replay it, i'll play the og P4 instead of golden to see if i like it better, but i'll leave that for future me to think about.

The combat in P5 is a huge improvement, even if the game is too easy. It's the most fun turn-based system ever (not counting, like, Undertale), and the UI is ultra stylish and the OST is very good, even if not as good as P4 or the P1 vocals.

tbh, i like persona 5's combat mostly due to style points, lol. it's just very cool to look at while i'm playing, so it doesn't feel as boring as the normal turn-based rpg does. honestly, that can describe most of P5, stylish. everything in this game just screams style. you live at a coffee house, while being a phantom thief, with constant jazz music playing in the background, and every single art being very liney(idk if that is a good way to describe it, but i think you get what i mean) it just screams style. personally, i feel like this style is 90% of the reason i love this game, it's simply a vibe. being a coffee boy myself, i kinda wish i could live in leblanc, lol. and yeah, it's not as good as undertale gameplay, but that's besides the point for now.

But I didn't care about anyone other than Futaba, whose dialogue didn't live up to her design and Yuuki Aoi's performance

while playing, my favorite was also futaba, though for all the wrong reasons. though, in retrospect, i do appreciate other characters a lot more, like yusuke, ryuji or haru. though, when it comes to dialogue, i truly feel like P5 didn't hit the nail that well. dialogues in P3 and P4 feel kinda witty. they are juvenile, due to the nature of the game, but you still feel like a person could think and say that. in P5, though, specially in retrospect, although there are some fun dialogue, the important bits feel... dumb. most characters there are dumb, tbh, and the only ones who aren't dumb are treated as geniues in-world(i'll touch on akechi later, but makoto is a good exemple of that), even though they only possess common sense. i still love the cast, don't get me wrong, i feel like every character there is very likeable, and it's probably my favorite cast in persona if you are simply considering it character by character, and not as a group(as a group, i prefer P4's cast, and i feel like P3's cast is the most consistent overall), but they could have done much better with them.

and I cared even less about the story, that only really connected to Haru's arc.

tbf, although i liked p5's story overall, it is a convoluted mess. for me, p5's story is mostly hype, and i like it for that, since... well... i got hyped seeing it. the first arc was actually well executed, i would say, i love how it introduces us to this world, leaving lots of mysteries and actually delivering a satisfying tale, but from there on... everything is so convoluted and kinda forced. not that the arcs itself are bad, they just have really stupid bits, like the house visit on madarame's arc, or the entire morgana plotline on okumura's arc. and, just to touch upon this since i have the opportunity, the big twist of the story, although EXTREMELY HYPE, OMG, just really feels forced and convoluted. akechi is made out to be a genius and all, and don't get me wrong, i love akechi(in royal, main P5 akechi is just ok), but akechi seems dumbed out during this plotline, since a little difference in how he act and he would have won that "game" very easily.

and just to finish this persona bit, since it's taking very long(sorry for that, got sick, so i rewatched joseph anderson's playthrough of P4 and P5, so the games are really fresh in my mind, so i kinda wanted to talk about it) i think shido is a disappointing antagonist, although i like his bossfight. P5's last boss is also bullshit and the third semester is actually good.

ok, on to the next topic

My favorite game is Hollow Knight, followed by Celeste and One Shot, btw, and Undertale would be there too had I not experienced it through youtube videos (apesar de tê-lo comprado, um dia jógo)

vou nem mentir que me impressionei quando li isso kkkkkkkkk. ironicamente, meu caso com One Shot é parecido com o seu de undertale. eu só experenciei One Shot por uma stream do cellbit lá em 2018 ou algo assim. fiquei até 4 da manhã acordado vendo ele zerar o jogo, muito bom. mas saber que a gente tem um Top 5 similar é bem interessante mesmo(só deixando claro que meu jogo favorito é majora's mask, a ordem q eu deixo no backloggd é um pouco diferente da do MAL).

alias, só de curiosidade

Danganronpa's main inspiration is Zaregoto. It's really good, I'm sure you've heard of it.

i always wanted to play danganronpa, i have more friends that like it than i think i normally would, which is surprising... but still, always wanted to give it a try. eu tinha ouvido que era inspirado em zaregoto, eu acho, mas agora que eu sei o que é zaregoto, isso em hypa mais pro jogo, kaka. 友達から聞いた話でダンガンロンパは俺の好きなゲームのタイプだそうだけど、たぶんそんなに早くやらない。一、二年たったらやる気上がるかも。

E eita, tu vai tentar ITA? boa sorte boa, sorte aí.

gracias, minamigo(deve estar errado gramaticalmente, mas a intencao que importa)

o Nisio usa termos da matemática o tempo todo nas novels

...adora? perdão, eu que sou um completo estupido e não notei, ou eu só tive a sorte de não me deparar com isso? pq particulamente eu não me lembro de casos específicos onde ele usou matemática assim. talvez em algum volume de zaregoto? não consigo lembrar

eu pessoalmente adoro matematica e fisica

pior que são materias que, por mais que eu sempre tive prezo por, eu criei ainda mais amor por quando eu comecei a estudar pro ITA. é quase um paradoxo, "vc gosta de matemática e física pq vc estuda pro ITA ou vc estuda pro ITA pq vc gosta de matemática e física?". entender os detalhes de alguns conteúdos realmente traz uma apreciação maior a eles(e química eu continuo não gostando, mas fazer o que?)

Chegaram na alfandega meus livros, talvez tenha bastante assunto lendo-os.

i'm absolutely certain i haven't read even 5% of those. that being said, i would love to read your thoughts about them. they would indeed make for great subjects(even though i probably wouldn't be able to answer to half of what you say, just find it fun to read).

Tenho fácil uns 200 livros que quero ler já, maioria japoneses. Um dia chego lá.

honestamente, boa sorte. 200 livros não é quantidade pouca, e mesmo se tu ler um livro por semana, o que já é bastante, vai demorar perto de 4 anos. bem, ao menos será feito. contanto que a jornada seja boa, será algo bom. confio que tu consegue!

originally meant to be titled Legend of the 1200-year Locked Room, is a masterpiece (I think, 500 pages into it) that kickstarts the Shin Honkaku movement (traditional mystery elements + meta commentary and references)

oh, so shin honkaku was an entire movement. i feel kinda dumb saying this, but i genuinely didn't know.
also, the fact that ryuusei's biggest inspiration is LotGH is, although understandable, being an anime that most people say is a masterpiece, surprises me. always wanted to give it a shot, but never got around to it(and probably won't for a while).

Go to the Zaregoto discord server, I think the translation channel and check the pinned messages, or maybe off-topic, and somewhere there is a transcript of the translation of the Faust short story Drill Hole in the Brain. If ya can't find it, I'll send it to ya somehow. It's insane, absolutely worth the read.

i think i found it, if it's the pin from july 11th 2022 in the fan translation channel, that is. and i'll take your word for it and try reading it. i actually know exactly how i'll read it, i'll tell you in the upcoming months if i'm able to get to read his volumes.

though, i will say the trigger warning in Disco 🟊 Wednesdayyy scared me a bit(completely off-topic, but as i was writing this a sugar lump popped in my cookie clicker tab and it scared the shit out off me). either way, i'll tell you whenever i get to starting them, which might happen during april if things go right

Btw, I've watched every single Miyazaki movie for whatever reason but Takkyuubin is the only one I genuinely like and still think about. I'll watch the new one at some point, but I'm really not sure when, nor am I that excited, though rarely are they any bad -- just unmemorable.

i will neither agree nor disagree with you. having watching only 5 of miyazaki's movies, i find them really hit or miss. loved 2, liked 1, and kinda enjoyed 2. i feel like they are all very unique, but sometimes they just don't strike home with me. at least they are all gorgeous to look at.
just to mention, the one i loved were chihiro and kaguya-hime, i liked kimitachi wa dou ikiru ka, and only enjoyed laputa and howl's moving castle

One last paragraph, I've been rewatching Hyouka and now I'm really excited for the Shoushimin Series anime

color me surprised, i didn't know there was going to be a new anime adaptation for a work from the author of Hyouka, i'll definitely be checking that out, Hyouka is one anime i really loved seeing from beginning to end.
i think the only anime i watched from lapin track is sarazanmai(and ig i've watched penguindrum, but not the re:cycle yet). i won't comment much on their quality as a studio, but i did like sarazanmai's production back in the day, so there's that.

and there was a tease for it in the Mono x Zare collab

if you mean that one video where koyomi and Boku talk about a case where yukariki is missing, i've seen it, and i remember Boku mentioning something like "don't get your hopes up for an adaptation" and koyomi going like "hey, don't say that, they even adapted my adventures, they can do so with yours as well". if not, now i won't see it until i get to experience off-season :D

The day Silksong releases that'll make my year too, and Mono's getting a full adaptation. Hibike 3 is releasing, Madoka 4.

make that 2. silksong will be just as it was with P3R for me, playing it from day 1 during all my available free time. and hibike 3 and madoka 4 are experiences i'll also have as soon as possible(though i'm considering watching hibike 3 after it finishes airing as opposed to during it's airing, but since i'm afraid of spoilers, i might just watch it weekly).

also, just to add to this already long message...

and also...

O que tu mandar eu respondo!


btw, tbm tenho 19 anos. e eu juro que se vc tiver nascido em setembro o universo conspirou pra eu começar a te mandar mensagem

Bom dia. até a próxima!
Scoot0809 Feb 14, 6:03 PM
aproveitar o fim do carnaval pra escrever a mensagem. amanhã volta aulas e tals, mas da tempo, confia!

basicamente joguei persona 3 reload o carnaval todo, to com umas 31 horas de jogo desde que lançou, que nem eu previ, F katanagatari até a semana santa. mas, por hora, vamo responder a mensagem





(it shows up so much more in Ningen that I felt the need to make it sound cooler, and I was able to keep the meter pretty much intact, plus the final vowel, took me at least 2 hours)



Right, and Okitegami has an adaptation!, though perhaps you've already heard about it. A live-action series that covers cases from volumes 1-2, some from v3, some from v4, but with some original cases as well and an all-original ending.

yeah, i did see that, and once i'm done reading the translation so far, i will probably check it out to see how it was adapted. tbh, i'm very interested on how Nisio will create a story with a protagonist that can't change, but that will be an interesting thing to see.

(I read the last 2/3rds of v3 last year in Japanese, and it's a relatively simple read)

i'll take your word for it. well, at least i hope it's not as hard as zaregoto is, since i'm still having a hard time with that. it's fun learning new vocabulary though. 最初に見た時から「多かれ少なかれ」と「なんだかんだで」をよく使うことになった。

I should talk about that. So, I live in Sao Paulo

antes que eu comente qualquer coisa além desse parágrafo, so vou dizer que isso é extremamente interessante. basicamente, eu pretendo fazer faculdade em são paulo kkkkkkkkk. tipo, atualmente eu faço Turma ITA(e só disso eu acho que tu adivinha onde eu vivo, considerando que vc tenha contexto do que é ITA), então eu acho cômico que coincidentemente tu mora onde eu supostamente vou morar. não sei se isso significa qualquer coisa, só achei cômico mesmo

If you got an international credit card, straight from I got the 4 Saikyous for ~220, arrived in 3 days. And one of these days someone in college recommended Surugaya for used books and anime merch, they constantly have shipping fee-free promotions, and earlier this year I got 10~12 books and a Faust volume for 120 contos -- almost everything that's not too recent is just 300 yen, be it a manga, a light novel or an 800-page classic.

ok, that's non-ironically very interesting. i did search for some japanese novel prices in japan(none of which i'm able to purchase right now), and usually they are doable. all 9 zaregoto volumes were about 300 bucks with shipping, i think? they were less expensive actually, but the less expensive ones weren't able to be shipped from what i checked. but knowing you were able to buy a huge amount of books for so little really ups my confidence in online buying japanese volumes. i do have Re:Zero volume 1 in japanese here from my time as a Re:Zero fan, and i did read a bit of it, but perhaps buying some other novels would up my collection.

I'm currently reading JDC too, the first shin-honkaku and some of the biggest inspiration for Nisio, Maijou

i know so little about those series i don't even know what to comment, so i'll ask instead. i do know Nisio wrote JDC Tribute, buit what even is JDC? and i never heard of maijou, so that got me curious as well. shin-honkaku mahou shoujo risuka is one i know, i plan on reading the manga if it's good and the novel as well one day, but i also know little about it, lol.

My favorite Bake arc overall is Mayoi Snail, btw, and I still like Suruga Monkey better in the anime. My favorite Season 1 novel is Nise 2, lol. Maybe you'll change your mind getting there, it's a really fun read.

being almost done with nise 2 as of writing this, although i still prefer kizu, nise 2 is damn fun, i'll agree. in specific, i broke when reading the conversation between araragi and hachikuji about the anime, way too funny usidhfhfdshfdosifhoidshfoisd. simply peak comedy. i'm close to the resolution where araragi finds out tsukihi is a phoenix, now, right after araragi left mister donut and is on the bike with shinobu. indeed a fun read so far, love the interactions between the characters in this one.

The reboot is apparently a completely different experience too, with way less fanservice, no taikushitsu/monooki scene, a lot of new cuts and music, voiceacting -- I'm relatively excited for it.

at the same time i want to see the gym storage scene and don't want to see it in the reboot, but new scenes, OST and voice acting does make me excited as well. i heard it's releasing in the US, but i truly hope it releases here as well, i would watch it in cinema for sure.

speaking of cinema, this reminds me the new miyazaki movie is releasing soon on theaters here in Brasil. probably going to watch it, i like miyazaki's movies from what i've seen, seems like a good time.

Back when it was airing the western release skipped the final minute and a half of the final episode, with the phone and the roses and the kanji for continuation (続), I was like the only person to talk about that, in case you didn't see it, it was there, and it probably means Shaft wants to make more. Perhaps after Mono and Kubishime.

since i saw it mostly on torrent, i did see the "to be continued", yeah. but, i would love seeing more of bishounen tanteidan anime. monogatari is of course the priority, and zaregoto is something i'm more eager to see adapted than bishounen series, but still, as you said, the job shaft did with this anime was so great and so beatiful that i truly wish to see more of it, even if to see more of that beatiful style.
and, yeah, i did see that the titles parody Edogawa Rampo's Shounen Tanteidan. i found this fact extremely funny, tbh. it's truly something Nisio would do and i like that. it's nothing that truly seems to affect the story, outside of laying the base for the cases, but it's a neat little detail.

In Portuguese I'm pretty fast, but well, I do intend to dedicate my life to it, after all.

it's truly a shame that the brazillian light novel market is pratically unexistent. it would be good to have people as dedicated as you on it.

My plan is to infiltrate Brazil's publishing industry and get them to pay me to translate Zaregoto, otherwise I'd be translating Kubishime too, but I'm around your age, lol, it's gonna take a while.

honestly, i was expecting you to be around 23-24, since it's what tl_dr is, i think, but otherwise, genuinely good luck with that. if i ever see someone named kiwioiwik translating a Nisio novel, i'll come here to congratulate you.

kkk, e eu escrevo demais, inda mais falando de Nisio, perdão aí.

ESCREVA MAIS, AAAAAAAAAAAAH. particulamente, eu mesmo escreveria mais, mas são quase 11 da noite e eu tenho que acordar cedo amanhã. acabou carnaval rotina volta. mas, tipo, eu curto ler essas mensagens grandes. eu demoro pra responder, mas ler as mensagens são não ironicamente uma highlight do meu dia, acho divertido até demais, mesmo que nem sempre eu consiga responder tudo ou adicionar a discussão.

enfim, Bom dia.

até la proxima
Scoot0809 Jan 30, 7:03 AM
look, this time it took only 13 days :D



In fact it's probably my least favorite Nisio novel somehow? I never expected to like Ningen better than Saikyou, but maybe that'll happen in the end??? I'd give a 6/10 probably

i must say, i'm surprised. although i have no expectations towards ningen or saikyou, in fact, i do believe i'll enjoy them way less than zaregoto, i never thought the idea of giving saikyou a 6/10 was possible, being a zaregoto spin off and all. well, tbf, maybe it's because it's only the first volume, i myself am a believer that nisio series get better as they progress, as was the case with monogatari, zaregoto, katanagatari(so far) and bishounen tanteidan(anime only) for me, so maybe it will get better in future volumes. only hopefully, though.

(Koroshina, killing names, became Nomes que Matam -- not a whole else of note, though)

talvez "nomes da morte" seja uma outra tradução válida? não sei, mas ao menos o termo "killing names" me passava mais essa impressão. embora "nomes que matam" tbm tenha uma nuance parecida da original, eu acho. 戯言だけどね

Nisio is way too lucky with adaptations -- people talk about how well Shaft's style works with his works, and it is absolutely true and I'm personally just as much of a Shaft/Shinbou fan as I am a Nisio fan

relatable. it's actually impressive how many works of Nisio got adapted and how many of them are masterpiece productions. i haven't watched neither medaka box nor juuni taisen, but i'll be damned if i wasn't stunned by the level of quality in every single Nisio adaptation i've seen, simply makes be want to see shaft adapt even more of his works. maybe okitegami, since i began reading volume 1 a few days ago, but perhaps risuka or densetsu would be more interesting in general, specially since i know zero about them(or just a zaregoto sequel, hehe).

alias, só um comentário a parte, eu comecei a ler o volume 2 de zaregoto em japonês meio que numa completa whim, e, tipo...

de resto, vou tentar acabar katanagatari e ler o volume 1 de okitegami ate o final do mês e é isso. até a próxima, tawamuregotodzukai-san, tbm conhecido como w-no-ji.

Bom dia.
inim Jan 28, 11:25 AM
I looked into anime again, other than my childhood watches, because I had run out of live action movies of interest. So I've seen most of Shinbou's favorites: Suspria, The Evil Dead, The Thing, The Exorcist, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Return of the Living Dead, Re-Animator. Haven't seen I Know What You Did Last Summer and the JP ones.

Suspria is the best Giallo by Dario Argento, the genre's most famous and prolific director. Try anything he did in the 70s and early 80s, all very similar quality. Some say Giallo is influenced by the German Bryan Edgar Wallace films of the 1960s, which however are still crude comedy and not the violent thrillers Giallo is famous for. Another thing to look into are exploitation movies, created in the same period - e.g. Shaft, "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS", Cannibal Holocaust or Lady Snowblood. All that then again evolved into the slasher horror of the 1980s. I love my trashy, pulpy, campy b-movies, and it seems so does Shinbou :D

I'm surprised you like Kurosawa but not Kubrick, I deem their style very similar. Both of them are in my all time top 5 director list, which Kubrick probably tops. Give him another chance maybe, e.g. Clockwork Orange is gold.
Scoot0809 Jan 7, 8:22 AM
Bom dia.

happy new ano novo, been a while. i've been reading monogatari and honzuki on the holidays and kinda forgot to answer back, mb mb, lol.

either way, to the point.

Pelas internets eu uso uns nomes tipo "w", "wwwi" e "ww w", pode me chamar de wicchan, w-kun, w-no-ji ou Tawamuregotodzukai, tanto faz memo.


Ironia. Um dia eu decido num nome melhor, até lá vai ter q ser kww mesmo k.


piadas a parte, talvez eu realmente te chame te algo tipo "w-no-ji" já q soa legal e é um tanto engraçado. de resto, vou ler mais kizumonogatari lá, e se meu cérebro entrar na vibe, ver mais katanagatari.

Bom dia. até a próxima
Scoot0809 Dec 25, 2023 5:42 AM

「二度目の夏二度と会えない君」て話、聞いたことが全くなっかた。小説版か漫画版, あとでどっちが一番いいのはぜひ教えてください, 多分読む


E é que o pior é q as reações pra traducao foram meio negativas o dia que fiz propaganda, e já teve comentários positivos desde lá também, mas eu to aguardando ficar pronto esse volume (em cuja qualidade tenho confiança maior) pra voltar a ver as reações.


Os extra de v10 são 100 adágios criados pelo mestre das bobagens e que são muito divertidos

achei engraçado que o último é "it's all nonsense, though". o resto eu não vi direito, passei rápido só pra ter uma noção, mas o último ser esse deu um sentimento bom.


de resto, vou ver mais katanagatari e acabar essa temporada de jujutsu. provavelmente só mando outra mensagem próximo ano, então aproveite as festas aí! Feliz natal e Feliz ano novo, tmj, até a próxima!
Scoot0809 Dec 20, 2023 7:40 AM

and, yeah, i do kinda understand the feeling of being able to decipher a word only by kanji, i did do that a few times in my life, and it indeed is a good feeling(although there was always a kanji afterwards where i got stuck and the feeling vanishes, lol). still, perhaps i can actually do it... well, guess i just gotta study more.


eventualmente eu vou descobrir se a tradução é boa ou não kkkk. tipo, considerando a forma que tu fala inglês aqui, eu não imagino que seja ruim, tlg? mas, por ter uma certa diferença entre o inglês necessário para traduzir as obras de nosso querido Nisio e o inglês necessário para uma conversa dessas, eu te aviso quando eu checar(embora eu creia que tu já tenha recebido algum feedback de uma galera, principalmente considerando que eu descobri suas traduções por meio de uma recomendação)

de resto, Bom dia. vou ver mais katanagatari e tentar acabar até sexta, flws. até a próxima
Scoot0809 Dec 14, 2023 10:55 AM
"only 46" kinda broke me, ngl, i read 11 of his books, 9 of which were zaregoto, and i find it already a lot, lol. Also, it's kinda sad that series like risuka or the densetsu series aren't translated by fans, since you mentioned them. i've seen Nisio mention them in some Q&A's, in specific there was this one quesiton about which of his series he would most want to see animated, the answer being "densetsu and risuka", and i've always been curious about those. But, i do understand the lack of traction JDC Tribute received, it's kind of that series that only japanese people would understand, it feels like(still sad, though).

On the katanagatari stuff, honestly, that's rather interesting. i thought the anime just copied the way the novel published, one volume a month, and that was it, otherwise it being just a normal adaptation like any other, although with a higher quality. But, now that you said the novel is kind of a script for the anime... i'll take your word for it and go for the anime before going for the novel. thanks!

i'll definitely read this SS too, thanks a lot! and, yeah, the stuff from ningen seem very interesting, specially this volume 7 epilogue thingy(ngl, this idea leaves me rather hyped), though i'll probably wait for you to translate more of it before beginning to do so, since i would rather read it in my own pace than waiting for stuff to release. i'll still definitely support your translations though, i cannot stress enough how much i love the fact you're putting time into translating this series many english speaking fans must have wanted to read for such a long time.

also, i'll take this opportunity to ask you what you thought of the later half of zaregoto being so different from the first half. i saw you prefer the first half over the second one, but still, it would be nice understanding why you think that. personally, although i prefer the type of story from the first 5 volumes as a concept, the later 4 volumes hit me way much harder, specially from how Ii-tan was portrayed on them. in specific, the end of v6 and the last few bits of v9 were definitely my favorite bits of the entire story. would be nice seeing what you think about them, if possible.

i've heard about the death note one before. still, do you know where i can find it? i've searched a bit online and... forget it, while i was typing i found it in, lol.

i've heard actually a bit about the sekai series and the boukyaku tantei series(in specific, that Nisio is over 10 years due on the last 2 chapter of sekai 5 and a few quotes from boukyaku tantei). i do plan on reading sekai down the line, though that's a plan for way later, but boukyaku tantei kinda falls on the ningen case for me: i would rather wait for it to be more translated(or just throw my ass on some kanji dictionary and actually learn them for once). but i'll keep the other two you mentioned on mind. i've also heard about shoujo fujuubun, which it seems you've also liked, so that's another thing to look forward to, ig.

yeah, Nisio books are kinda hard in general. i've tried reading a few LNs in japanese, mostly to no avail, but i still could understand them, but i once tried to read zaregoto v1 in japanese and damn... i do feel like it's more of a matter of getting used to reading in japanese, which you probably experienced as well, but does it give me a tad bit of boredom reading them while unable to understand it... must feel rewarding actually being able to read it, though.


de resto, bom falar contigo, acho divertido escrever essas mensagens grandes kkkkkk. tmj
Scoot0809 Dec 12, 2023 12:03 PM

thanks for accepting my friend request. Matt(tl_dr) mentioned you in some of our conversations and that made me want to talk to you, it's always nice seeing a NisioIsin fan, specially one that goes to such lengths as to translated his amazingly complex works(just taking the oportunity to also thank you for translation the ningen series, i always wanted to read it since finishing zaregoto, but my knowledge on kanji is quite bad, so it really would be difficult).

I'm currently reading the monogatari series, but, since you have read far more Nisio works than i did, i would like to ask for recommendations on which of his works i should read next(note that i only watched monogatari and am currently on nadeko snake on the novel, read zaregoto, and read a bit of cypher academy). I kinda want to read katanagatari next, whenever i can, but i still would like to know your views on which of his works would be great to read!
tl_dr Jan 30, 2023 4:05 AM
Hey there, once again sorry for the late reply, Christmas and New Years were busy and I'd been somewhat more inactive on online stuff lately. I *finally* sent you the friend request on Discord though, so if you see some 🤓 with a cute cat profile pic, with the initials CS, that's me 👋
You're probably right, it'd be more efficient to move these conversations over to there.

Oh and I finally got around to watching Sonny Boy - seems I had underestimated the anime after all, it was very different to what I had initially thought it would turn out to be. Still thinking about it, trying to put my thoughts about it into words later...
tl_dr Dec 12, 2022 10:21 AM
tl_dr Oct 16, 2022 10:14 AM
tl_dr Jul 1, 2022 4:57 AM
tl_dr Apr 18, 2022 11:10 AM
inim Mar 13, 2022 3:54 AM
I've finished Boogiepop and really liked it. It's really hard to describe in words what happens, but it's not artsy fartsy symbolism, the arc's stories are gripping and move forward. I'd rate both seasons at 7.5/10. So this may end up with an 8 for S1 and 7 for S2 to express it. My 256 character tag notes are:

S1: Universe in which the line between the supernatural, teen angst and psychology blur. Using unreliable and non-linear narration, events and characters are spun into a dark, holistic dreamscape. There's plenty of substance, not mere artsy fartsy symbolism.

S2 is less episodic and otherworldly, telling 4 arcs driven by personified psychological issues. The supernatural dark teen angst world from S1 is present in the backdrop. A more straightforward narrative style doesn't sacrifice the atmosphere and mystery.
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