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100th Anime Watched: Kanon Kazahana

General Rating System:
10 - I give out 10's rarely because I see it as saying, "I don't think you could make any major adjustments to improve the message of the show". Whatever I see the show setting out to do, it does so in a perfect manner and while saying exactly what it means to say. A 10 does these things to the point where another story couldn't possibly be told and hold the same meanings this one does.
9 - An incredible story I that goes above and beyond expectations. Thematically excellent, typically nuanced throughout and a powerful message. Characters are written watertight and make watching the show a blast. Any gripes are usually personal preference and can be easily forgotten about.
8 - Really good! A step above what I would say the 'average' anime I watch is. Something about the show caught my attention and kept it there. Probably had a handful of powerful moments and overall great writing, but also some significant gripes that hold it from a 9. That, or it simply 'tickled my fancy' but didn't offer enough substance beyond that to belay a deeper enjoyment.
7 - What I would consider an 'average' anime. I say that because I usually try to watch things I think I would enjoy and tend to skip over anime I have a feeling would be of lesser quality, so the average of what I do end up watching ends up higher an a truly average of 5. These shows are enjoyable and I don't regret watching them, but nothing made them particularly stand out. I may have really liked it, but certain moments held it back in a significant manner.
6 - Starts to get kinda iffy. When MAL says a 6 is 'fine', I agree with just that - it's fine. It's not bad, but nothing about the show keeps me that interested. Shows that would earn a lower score often contain key moments related to their character payoffs or themes which boost those shows to a 6.
5 - A truly average, mediocre show in the general criterium I set for a show. When I think of 'bland', I think of giving a show a 5. Nothing sticks out, and if it does it doesn't do so to a significant degree. Usually at about a 5 the writing starts to get downright bad/unenjoyable and other aspects of the animation may hold it up.
4 - Bad. At this point I have huge issues with the show's writing and just can't bring myself to enjoy most parts of it. Might have some decent parts but these are easily overshadowed by the glaring issues presented. Probably the lowest score I'll give on the merit of not personally liking or agreeing with core aspects of the show while still respecting it as a piece of work.
3 - Beginning of trash tiers. Regret spending the time to watch something of this caliber and see it as overall a waste of time. Things could be worse, which is the main thing keeping any shows at this level and not lower.
2 - I've never given a show this low of a rating before. To earn this a show would have to be so bad I can't see it in any respectable light and would actively hate on it with vigor. Disrespect to anime as a whole to have even been created/adapted.
1 - In the similar vein of a 10 being unable to change significantly and improve, a 1 would be unable to change any aspect of it and get worse. The worst an animation could possible be, and a disgrace for existing. The creators should feel ashamed for even thinking to work on something at this level. I can't comprehend a show this terrible even existing; it's THAT bad.

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Days: 22.0
Mean Score: 7.19
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Dungeon Meshi
Dungeon Meshi
Apr 28, 12:54 AM
Watching 14/24 · Scored -
Ookami to Koushinryou
Ookami to Koushinryou
Apr 27, 7:14 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Kanon Kazahana
Kanon Kazahana
Apr 26, 1:46 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 5
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.4
Mean Score: 7.20
  • Total Entries48
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Apr 26, 1:47 AM
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H-A-M-M-Y Apr 30, 11:22 AM
Just went through your rating system. And hey! It's pretty well thought out and balanced! :D
And I agree with your rating of 10. A 10/10 is supposed to mean something that's phenomenal in your eyes. Heck, I think I've only given some 20 anime entries a 10/10 (a third of which are related to Clannad). XD
And dang! That's not a bad idea. Have you tried working on a video essay lately? Also, I've noticed quite a lot of people watch them. So there's plenty of hope you can make a mark. :)

Thank God you agree with me here. I also have a very low tolerance for horror. In fact, I don't know about you, but I've gotten more squeamish over the years. I'm someone who grew up on GTA San Andreas. Now, I was revisiting GTA V and I couldn't survive an hour into the game! Same with Invincible. I just could not watch it and kept my eyes away from the screen. What the hell happened to me?!
Ah, Dead Space. I used to watch clips of it. And that eye scene gave me nightmares for a whole week.
And I agree with you on the shock value. I've been getting the feeling that gore and horror has been reduced to just that: a means to get a reaction and rarely drives the story forward. Also, it's gotten much more visceral and (like you said) cruel.
This is one thing I liked about Vinland Saga. Yes, there's violence and gore, but they serve a huge purpose in forwarding character development.

Aaaaand you still haven't finished it. XD
Also, have you stopped watching all those fan vids and whatnot? 😅

That's a relief to hear. And yeah. Moving forward is a tried and tested solution to keep one's wits about. This is something I've started to practice. I'm somebody who has a horrible habit of lamenting, which has often thrown me into a toxic thought cycle.

True. This surprised me. Where I live, the conservative parts happened to be more thoughtful and empathetic. What's the reason of the conservatives in your area lacking sympathy? I am aware that the conservatives news channels were absolutely detrimental to the vaccination campaign and downplaying the death toll. Did any other factors play a part?

OK. THIS is a surprise for me. I thought the healthcare industry was booming! And 10-15 years for a full recovery?! WHAT?! Do you have the link to this article? I really want to check this out.

And yeah, job security is a good reason to stick around. Though the ageing population and the UN's predictions of a population bust instead of a boom sure dampen the mood. 😅

I know right! Their interactions also made for some of the funniest moments in the whole show! And if you remember the VN, Sunohara also had his very own route! XD
And speaking of the kissing rumour, I think that showed that Sunohara was much more than a comic relief. That and the soccer team scene both showed that the chap is much wiser than he portrays himself to be. No?

True that! I've observed it's also the main reason for a healthy relationship. Even if 2 people have differing interests, they can get along very well if they have shared values. And outside of romance, this can lead to lasting friendships!
I see. And are you still in touch with your colleague? :)
Hahaha. Nah, you're not. You're being pragmatic, if you ask me. Not to mention that the increasing prioritisation of romantic relationships has kinda destroyed the dating scene, only exacerbated by the rise of online dating. Also, have you noticed that there's a trend towards short-term relations?

I ain't gonna spoil it, son! Check it out for yourself! :3

Shall we pray for a remastered version in which she gets her much deserved route? 🥂
And hey! I think that's fine! The route doesn't have to be romantic! It can take a more platonic style. The main focus should be to make the relationship more natural! Well, that's what I think. Forcing any romance would just feel unnatural.
Now that you mention it, you're right. But what was it that made them consider giving her a route then?

Hey! The ops part is my headache! I'll deal with the bureaucracy! Deal?
Oh come now! Don't be so pessimistic! There's a 60% of success! And if you plan things in advance, the success rate will be higher! :)
Also, did you have any bad experiences with the bureaucracy?

That's news. I'm glad to know you liked the OVA more than the route! And the reunion was just way too wholesome! And regarding the VN, I believe the sparseness of the route was intentional, so that their relationship gets further explored in the sequel VN Tomoyo After. Mind you, I don't know what happened in that VN. The moment I read it's an eroge, I deleted the VN without a second thought. 😅

I noticed you gave Kanon an 8. Glad to see you liked it!
Yeah, Kanon has a similar episode formula, but from what I've seen, it has some more romance. From what I've read, the VN has more romance and (being an eroge) is more explicit. While Clannad had family as a theme and Little Busters had friendship, I don't think Kanon had a designated them, so had less limitations towards exploring romance.
Now that you've finished Kanon, thoughts? :P
My favourite character is Nayuki. Love her for the same exact reasons you mentioned. Wish I'd be as much of a sleepyhead as her. Mai is also very good. But I like Shiori somewhat more due to her relationship with her sister.

As for the VN, very little bit. Since most of the English versions are eroge, I downloaded the all ages Japanese version for my PSP emulator. And then I tried reading the VN while copy pasting everything to Google Translate. You can guess how that panned out. XD

See you around!
NubFix Apr 27, 3:36 AM
On Imgur is very interesting lol. Were you into Japanese culture or anime in general back then? If you didn't discover Katawa Shoujo, how big of a difference it would make to your life?

Our age difference might be a thing as I didn't feel much in 2016, I wasn't into any anime or movies at all, I just kept playing Minecraft and watching football (soccer). I always wanted to experience old entertainment media that I didn't get to experience as I was too young back then.
The 'Golden Age' of the Internet for me would be around the COVID time, around 2020, when I used to binge-watch anime, watch VTubers, go on Wikipedia search random kinds of stuff for fun, watch some movies etc.

I'm checking out Katawa Shoujo if I have the time! 6 Hours of playtime isn't that long, it would probably take me 2 or 3 days so I think I have time for that :)
Being created from 4chan is already interesting enough lol.

Thanks for the link too!
NubFix Apr 25, 11:23 PM
Yeah, I've heard of Katawa Shoujo before! Not many people dived into the VN hole before investing a lot of time in anime, how did you discover VNs?
That's also very interesting because many of my friends have heard of Clannad anime before but never realized it was from a VN, or do not even know what VN is like.

And yeah I have the time, I'll definitely check out some VNs, they're very time-consuming so I need to finish my other games and anime first, hopefully, I'll be able to complete some VNs before my school starts :)

Pararell writing styles and choices, which I expected as they're made by the same creator, "Key". If you say it has good stuff, then I'm checking out, I always wanted to check out classic anime as I as of right now mainly watch modern/new anime.

Have you played a lot of VNs? If so, what are the short ones you recommend for me to start with? I heard Clannad might take 60~80 hours to complete the whole thing, are there shorter and popular ones that you recommend?
NubFix Apr 24, 11:29 PM
That's interesting, unfortunately, I'm not interested in continuing Danganronpa V3. But it's good to see it brings value instead of just making a shock for the players.

Oh wow, you got into the VN first instead of the anime, that's very unusual but it's going to be a much more unique experience! Where and when did you first hear about the VN? I've never heard of anyone getting into the VN, or even know about the VN before the anime.

The reason why you decided to finish Kanon first is pretty funny, but of course, it made After Story a bit more unique for you. Did you finish all of Clannad VN?

Anyways, how did you get your VNs? Through steam? Through online downloads? I also want to find the best place to download and play VNs.

It's good that you liked Kanon thus far, I always wanted to watch it, so if you enjoyed it, I will start watching it soon! I do not have expectations as high as After Story, but I'm interested in more Key's and KyoAni's work.

xthewarwithinx Apr 23, 12:38 PM
Hello, Sorry it's taken me so long to write back again. I guess things just got busy for me, with graduation coming up and such. How are you doing? And how is the situation with work?

Yeah, I see what you mean. I guess for me it makes me a little bit anxious because even though I've worked a lot in the past, it feels like the time for me to get what I would consider a 'real' job is coming up fast, lol. That part is still kind of new to me. I don't think it's necessarily that I'm worried about getting stuck in a career that I don't like, I think it's just that I realize that my life is going to change a lot and that's a little intimidating. Sometimes I feel like I'm really not qualified for what I'm trying to go into, like I'm not supposed to be here or something (I don't know if that makes sense). Should I really be graduating ~next month? Am I going to be a liability to whoever hires me Later? I know it's kind of dumb but I guess I feel like that sometimes.

Ha, I feel the same way sometimes. I'll catch myself doing something and think "This definitely isn't normal behavior" or something. Like, I'm an adult, why is it still hard for me to make a phone call sometimes? Or why does it sometimes feel so hard to interact with people normally? Again, it makes me feel kinda dumb for being like this but I guess I am always getting better too.

Well, sorry for all of that, lol. I guess I've been in a little bit of a mood or something. Anyway, what have you been up to? Virginia sounds very cool; I haven't been to that part of the country before, but it sounds very cool :) I would love to see it someday.
Anyways, I hope you are doing well, I'll try to write back faster next time :P
I'll try not to talk so much about dumb things about myself either, lol.
Talk to you soon~
H-A-M-M-Y Apr 22, 12:04 PM
I just saw the amount of anime you've given a 10. Just 3 in total?! You elitist, you!
Kidding! Well, I give 10s in a similar manner. For me 10 is an anime that I absolutely love to death. So much so I'm more than willing to forgive and overlook their flaws.
In my case, story and characters are paramount. Give me good reasons to care for the anime in question. Oh, and your idea of themes definitely matter. I don't know about you, but I'm someone who's very very VERY squeamish towards horror and gore, so I'll score them more strictly. And it's a good thing to be sentimental. I believe that can help a person develop a more empathetic bond with the characters, right? :D

YAY! Then expect more fanboying from me over time! xD
Wait, you still haven't finished the VN?!

My God. This just sounds traumatic and darning. And given the high mortality rates, some form of PTSD was inevitable. And seeing how dizzying your experience was, bursts of anger can be understandable. How're you now? Feeling any better?
And I'm glad you lost no one in the pandemic. Hope everyone stays health at your end. :D
Speaking of which, you still work in the healthcare sector, right? If so, how're things now?

Exactly! ANd not to mention their relation with Sunohara. The 3 made a proper gang. ANd the basketball scene makes all the more sense given their group dynamic!
Can't disagree with you there. Even though I've never been in a relationship, one thing that I have learned is that for a relationship to last long and remain healthy, it central for the partners to share similar values and chemistry. If you're putting on an act, the relationship will eventually fail like a collapsing stage set. In the case of Clannad, Kyou topped while Tomoyo was a close second. Nagisa, on the other hand ranked very high in shared values (a reason why Tomoya and Nagisa got along so well). Am I right?

Yup. And for Key fans, it was a very welcome surprise. xD
Well, not Kanon. You can make do without that and Air. Clannad, Angel Beats, Little Busters, and Rewrite were the main features.
Also, the time given depends. Yurippe and the LB cast were present in almost each episode (1 episode was 6-10 minutes long). Kanon and Air characters were less prevalent. Surprisingly, Ryou got a lot of screen time. They also changed her personality a bit. Won't spoil it for you. xD
Speaking of Kappei, I spilled my drink when he showed up. All things considered, I was NOT expecting him to show up. How did it happen, God knows. xD

I know right! It could've also shown her as someone who has problems despite seeming happy. Her relations with the street gang and her brother. Her reasons to become so selfless. It would've made for a bloody compelling route.
If you ask me, I think the staff saw her as an afterthought from the start. I don't think they ever considered a full-scale route for her. :/

Dude! Stop being so hard on yourself! And it's perfectly normal to see the original episodes as dedicated to Fuuko as they blended very well into her route. Even I felt that. When I first saw episode 11 back in 2011, I legit thought the anime ended there. 😅
Well, the comic relief was much needed. Remember what happened in the scenes after her comic relief ended? :P

So, wanna start a business to raise those $1 Million? :P
I just checked. Noriko Takao is doing well. Apparently, she even dabbled in the Fate franchise. As for Tatsuya Ishihara, he was responsible for directlying S2 of Kobayashi's Drgon Maid. Seems they're doing well!
And I see you saw the Tomoyo OVA. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

Speaking of which, I see you're halfway done with Kanon. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... Thoughts?
NubFix Apr 22, 1:17 AM
Yeah, I really like murder mystery which you don't realize the truth during the investigations, but during the trial, every piece adds up together and realize it on the spot, some of them are well done in Danganronpa.

Quite a shame she's gone, though I never continued V3 so maybe it doesn't matter too much? idk :)

Have you played through all of Clannad? I've never touched the VN yet because I have many games I haven't played yet before committing too much time on Clannad, and it's slightly on the more expensive side for a VN on Steam. It's nice to see that you are able to experience both the VN and anime adaptation too!
That Tomoya OVA was a delightful surprise, so much stuff packed into a 25-minute episode, and it made me unexpectedly quite emotional too! I really love Tomoyo, so I hope the Tomoyo route in the VN is going to be amazing!

Tell me what you think after you've watched Kanon, cause I'm conflicted about whether to commit my time to the VN or just simply watch the anime, which has a decent rating of 7.95. Oh, and AIR too!
NubFix Apr 20, 7:38 AM
Hmm very interesting, 1-2 was good but not very memorable for me, but I kinda feel you for the ending, though it was my first VN I've read so I didn't have many things to say.

I would never have thought of him being the victim, I was like everyone wasn't suspicious, how did he end up in such a way? The investigations didn't lead me anywhere much too, but maybe that's how well it was going to be played out.
Speaking of victim, 3-1 was kind of shocking too, it was a very bold move, but I really liked the killer tho, got killed off early.

Back to KyoAni, Kanon and Air are two anime I was planning to watch, but just left on my Plan To Watch for a very long time, but now I'm thinking of reading the VN instead if I had the time. Still kinds of freaking me out how long VNs are to experience them fully.

Hibike! Euphonium and A Silent Voice are two of my favourite KyoAni's works, check them out if you're interested!
viraat_pirate Apr 19, 4:25 PM
no shangri la frontier is not close to finishing we got a long journey ahead lol it feels like it's only getting started. ah i get that! once you catch up with a series it's easy to forget stuff as you wait for new chapters. ah i've read blame! that was an interesting yet weird manga with amazing artwork, though i can imagine why it's not as binge able reads as some other manga.

yup exactly! this makes starting long anime really difficult since i want to enjoy it but also finish it somewhat quickly. i remember the first 201 episodes of gintama took me a year lol.
NubFix Apr 18, 8:36 PM
Yeah, that's why sadly I'm not continuing the Danganronpa series anymore, don't have the motivation any more.

Yup, 2-5 was THE case of the Danganronpa series, it couldn't be any more impressive than that! Everything from the start (where we see the victim, shocked the shit out of me), the investigation, the trials and especially when I started to realize what was going on.
2-4 on the other hand IMO has the best investigation and story, but it doesn't have the suspense and "mindblowing" 2-5 had.

And I definitely do agree with some parts being forced, but it was alright to me, nothing too bad and sometimes predictable, but for cases like 2-4 and 2-5, those are the definitions of "unpredictable".

For people behind the anime industry, tbh I don't follow all that much, just knew a few VAs and that's it. But in terms of anime studios, KyoAni is my favourite, I've watched around 15 titles from them and I loved all of them! KyoAni's works just have the charm that no anime have.
CeciliaAda Apr 18, 7:18 PM
Thanks ☺️💕 nice to meet you
viraat_pirate Apr 18, 4:43 PM
haha that's completely understandable! i have trouble with sticking with longer anime as well, like i started monster and yu yu hakusho which were pretty enjoyable but i don't feel like continuing them right now. ah i am doing alright, was working on some stuff and catching up on shangri la frontier during the downtime, this manga has been really good so far!
viraat_pirate Apr 18, 4:33 PM
Hey! how are you doing? thanks for the friend request!
NubFix Apr 17, 11:18 PM
Even though I didn't finish the trilogy as I dropped V3, Danganronpa 2 is by far the best and most well-written/made one.

V3 felt very dragged and somehow I got spoiled, so I lost the motivation to continue. I stopped after the 2nd Class Trial.

My favourite trial by far is 2-5, it was mindblowing at the time. 2-4 was pretty amazing too!
Though, in comparison, Ace Attorney cases generally are much more well-written and have bigger plot twists, but Danganronpa has those suspense moments that only the series can offer.

Speaking of favourite people, mine are pretty basic. 4 of my favourite Japanese Singers/Musicians, 3 Authors of my favourite works, and 1 Director who is known for her KyoAni works.

NubFix Apr 16, 9:53 PM
And I see you have Ibuki and the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader in your fav characters, I was also a big fan of Danganronpa but I just couldn't finish V3. Loved Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair though, don't read VN much but it's one of my favourites.

And Yoko Taro? I just started NieR: Automata recently, 7 hours in, it's quite interesting.
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