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DigiCat May 22, 1:47 PM
Jellybeanx said:
Gintama ❤️

I have never laughed so much watching an anime as I did with Gintama

I second that 🤣
Adnash May 15, 10:55 AM
Yup, the hiatus is finally over and the final manga season has begun. :D
It's already 16th May in Japan. and ch. 111 was announced to be released on that day.
Adnash May 9, 1:03 PM
Thank you, my holidays were fun. :)

However, I suppose having disappointments and frustrations is a normal part of being a Saint Seiya fan 😅
Haha, that's true. Saint Seiya has been a rollercoaster of emotions for its fans for many years, heh.

But to be fair, if we put aside stuff like The Lost Canvas anime remaining unfinished, Saintia Sho anime being simply bad, or Next Dimension's irregular release schedule, then unironically, Saint Seiya fares well as a franchise. Several on-going manga whose sales are good, anime appearing from time to time... There are also things that are neither anime nor manga but are also official stuff that belong to the Saint Seiya franchise, like Saint Seiya: Time Odyssey (an awesome comic created by Jerome Alquie) or the live-action movie directed by Tomek Bagiński.

So while there are better and worse moments, in general, Saint Seiya is in pretty good condition, in my opinion. Especially if we take into account that this franchise is an old one and long past its prime time.

The ending song is my favorite as well; I listened to it repeatedly for a very long time.
I know right. I like to return frequently to Saint Seiya tunes, mostly the older ones. I really like those 1980s vibes coming from them, haha. Too bad some of them didn't make it to the actual show, despite being created for it. I have fingers crossed to hear Dead or Dead song as an opening theme in a Saint Seiya anime one day. Maybe the CGI series will accomplish it, if the creators decide to adapt the whole original manga.

silversaint May 2, 8:33 PM
3D animation doesnt look appealing unless its really good like in Gantz O or Houseki no Kuni, average 3d animation like in this series isnt good, an yes the soundtrack is completelly unremarkable, id ve been better if this series had some modern covers od the old OSTs

i actuaññy didnt saw season 1 so i didnt notice that Shun got genderbent at first, that was so bizarre

only Next Dimension is ending, Kurumada released a picture about the next arc some months ago, i had Seiya with Mount Olympus on the background, as well as the Moon Temple an the Sun Temple, so yeah Apollo is coming
silversaint May 1, 10:50 PM
its certainly not boring an its a particular feeling to watch a different version of something that i enjoyed, just wished that the fights had blood an that the attacks had more impact behind them

Next Dimension returns on the 16th, will Seiya finally leave his wheelchair? he is been stuck in there since the 1990s, i dont think theres a shonen protagonist who has suffered as much as him
345EdwardElric Apr 30, 12:06 AM
Firstly, thanks for sharing your views on the show, after reading your reply, I now have a better idea of why people like this show so much. :)

Couldn't agree more with your first point, when we have very high expectations for a certain anime or say any TV show and then it doesn't live up to our expectations, the level of disappointment we feel can be pretty strong. That's exactly what sums up my experience with Freiren.

Honestly I am a sucker for magic/fantasy shows with labyrinth/dungeons/mages, 90% of the times end up loving this kind of shows (you can see on my list that I loved the Magi series) but for some specific reasons I already mentioned Frerien just didn't cut it for me. The lack of a strong plot/storyline like you mentioned, was a big turn off for me as I have a natural tendency of prefering shows with an overarching storyline. It's not that I didn't like the concept of the show, I mean the concept of Freiren's spiritual journey through the transience of life was pretty unique, but due to not having an overarching plot/storyline I felt that the show lacked a proper base or structure. The flashbacks in the first half of the show to Freiren's journey with Himmel and co were way too erratic initially IMO, I mean I felt like that some flashbacks were unnecessarily long and not properly timed. Throughout the series the demon king was mentioned so many times and yet he never was even shown once, which felt pretty baffling to me. The first class mage exam started off really interesting with all the various tasks assigned to the participants but got boring towards the end as I really disliked the the third stage of the exam where Serie was taking an interview of the participant mages to decide whether they passed or felt really odd that the final stage of the exam was something so simple.

Overall, the show had some elements I liked and definitely had potential, but execution wise it ended up doing several things that I really wasn't a fan off. I won't go as far to say that it was a bad series, but it was just not for me.
silversaint Apr 29, 1:23 PM
o hello, its been a while, id say its entertaining enough for a quick watch but not gonna lie, i dont remember much about its episodes a couple of weeks after i watch them, im more interested on the Next Dimension finale which apparently starts next month
345EdwardElric Apr 29, 5:37 AM
Why does Frieren have such a poor rating ? :(

Well, if I had to elaborate on that...

Given that the show has received such high acclaim in the anime fandom, my expectations from the show were really high and expectation wise I found it to be one of the biggest disappointments. There are a few good episodes here and there but 70% of the episodes were quite boring and a chore to watch. I liked two characters in the series, Freiren and Ubel, if not for tham my score would be even lower TBH. Honestly didn't even watch the last 3 episodes properly, I were finding them quite boring to watch so I fast forwarded a few parts. I might have watched those last 3 episodes pretty unfairly, henceforth I might rewatch those episodes soon again when I find time, but still I doubt my score would change much.

Curiously what is it that so many people (including you) like about the show so much? I don't mind that people like it so much, after all tastes are different, but I'm just genuinely curious to know what you (and many other people) like about this show
Adnash Apr 25, 12:40 AM
No worries about the late reply! Apologies for the small delay as well. I will go on a short vacation soon as well, so there's a huge chance that my reply to the next message might appear once I'm back. :)

Heh, perhaps one day Saintia Shou will receive that so-called "FMA: Brotherhood" treatment and receive a remade, solid looking show that'd faithfully adapt the source material. I heard that FMA from 2003 was actually very fun and had a lot of good looking moments representing high quality (I didn't watch it, so I can't tell). If Saintia Shou received "the Brotherhood treatment", then I expect the leap in quality would be way more spectacular, haha. Until it happens, I just recommend checking out the manga. The anime can be checked out out of curiosity, but if someone is not a huge fan of either the main concept of Saintia Shou or the franchise itself, then I think it's better to just pass on that anime.

About The Lost Canvas, aye, it was my first Saint Seiya spin-off. I read the manga long ago. It was fun. I wasn't invested that much to the point of checking out the entire Gaiden series, but I enjoyed the main story. It was a solid one. Too bad its anime adaptation wasn't successful enough from the business point of view (at least that's what I read about why it was discontinued after the second season). It could have been a good way to introduce Saint Seiya in animated form to the younger generation, if it had been continued and finished. I only saw fragments or scenes I was specifically interested in seeing animated, but I will watch the whole show one day. Finished or not, it's still an awesome piece of anime. :D Its visuals and animation are great, as is the soundtrack. I especially enjoyed listening to TLC's ending theme.

DigiCat Apr 19, 3:18 AM
Jellybeanx said:
How is the Escape Room series?

Quite good actually!

The concept is very simple but effective

The episodes are pretty short though at 15 min per ep, leaving little room for character developement amongst all the mystery, which is a bit of a pity since the MC is very likeable
-Sonal- Apr 7, 7:20 PM
Are you a fan of Yona (the character)?

Adnash Apr 5, 4:49 AM
But there's this undeniable charm to it, you know? It's like diving back into a cherished memory every time a new chapter drops.
Oh yes, definitely! You can literally move back in time by thinking about what it was like when you picked up Next Dimension for the very first time, haha.

About Saintia Shou, I really liked the manga, but the anime... Well... It was just upsetting to watch. Even if I wasn't familiar with the manga and if I wasn't a fan of it, I would be disappointed by its quality. The only positive aspect of it was the music. Saint Seiya is yet to see an animated series with a bad soundtrack and sound effects. Maybe also an attempt to imitate Michi Himeno and Shingo Araki's anime designs can also be considered as something positive. Sure, it was done in an underwhelming way, but still, hehe. Too bad the character designs looked goofy at times (i.e. disproportions between the head and the rest of the body; ironically, it happened mostly with Shouko, the main character, and Athena, the most important character), even in the opening that should be one of the most decent-looking pieces of an anime. And that's pretty much it. The Saintia Shou anime was indeed a wasted opportunity to make a decent anime. At least we could see that one scene with Gemini Saga and Athena animated. You know, the one after the battle for Sanctuary ended, and right after Saori was acknowledged by everyone as Athena.

As for Soul of Gold, I really liked it. This anime fleshed out more a lot of Goldies, adding more depth to their personalities (like in Deathmask's case). :) It was also cool to see Asgard once again, with events linked to the anime original story arc and intertwining the canon storyline of the Hades arc.

I am just praying that the ''Heaven Arc'' will become a reality, even if it is in 20 years from now.
Same! I have fingers crossed to see the definitive ending of the whole story.

Until Heaven arc, or Zeus arc, or both are released, you might check out brilliant doujinshis created by Iro Sakamihara: "Zeus Chapter" and "Chaos Chapter", if you haven't already. They mix stuff known from the original manga with the anime (movies included, however, excluding Tenkai-hen), and everything is drawn in an art style imitating Masami Kurumada's art style.
Adnash Apr 3, 5:47 AM
Yeah, I've been reading this manga for years. It's the longest manga I've ever tracked, haha.

About its plot, it started off really well. An official sequel to the original manga, appearing after many years, continuing the well-known story in a really creative way? It was already something that sounded great back in the day. Later, it began going downhill. Mostly because of the plot becoming overly convoluted and the narration feeling somewhat dull in way too many moments (including the important ones). That being said, I think there has been a gradually rising improvement since ch. 102.

I think the main issue a lot of folks have with Next Dimension is irregular release schedule, leading to many long hiatuses. What wouldn't be a big deal if we received a new 20-something pages long chapter weekly, or even monthly, became and actual issue for many viewers who had been left for many, many months after the story stopped at a random moment or with a cliffhanger.

Overall, I like Next Dimension. It's not as good as the original manga, has its cons, and the irregular release schedule surely affects the whole experience in a negative way... But at the same time, it offers a genuine old-school Saint Seiya experience, coming from the master Masami Kurumada himself. :) As for the repetitive structure of the ND's plot, I like it. I mean, I know that there are fans who are tired of arcs resembling so much of the iconic Sanctuary arc, but I'm not one of them, haha. Personally, I think it's interesting to see the battle for Sanctuary shown from several perspectives happening at the same time (both when it comes to groups and their objectives, and the location itself; some of them are going from the top, while the rest are climbing the Road of the Zodiac in a traditional way, starting from the House of Aries).

Going back to my opinion about the Next Dimension manga, some time ago I wrote a review of this manga. You might check it out, if you want. :) You can read it here:
Adnash Apr 1, 5:38 AM
Hello! Nice to meet you, and thanks for accepting my friend request.

Aye, I'm also a huge fan of Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball. Wonderful classics.

Yes, I'm familiar with Next Dimension. I've been reading it well... for many years, haha. I'm glad that we will be getting the final manga season this summer. From what I read, there will be 8 chapters released weekly. We should expect the first chapter to be released, according to what I read, around early summer.

As for the manga itself, I like it. It gives off that oldschool vibe and offers a genuine Saint Seiya experience, but it also presents a lot of new stuff enriching the story in a cool way. It is not perfect, that's true, but at the same time, it's a sequel to such an iconic series that is enjoyable to read. Its biggest problem, I feel, is the irregular release schedule, with hiatuses lasting sometimes for over 2 years, lol.

I don't know if you heard it, but I read that we might expect a sequel to Next Dimension to be released sometime after Next Dimension finishes its serialization. Heaven arc in Masami Kurumada's style? Something like the "Zeus arc" that never made it to the manga? We will see. :D I just hope it won't be dragged out for too long. Kurumada-sensei is not young anymore. It'd be tough to actively work on a manga at his age and health problems he had, like the one with his hand (basically "the tool of any mangaka", since we're talking about drawing a lot).

How about you? Are you reading Next Dimension? If yes, then what are your thoughts on it?
N1ghtsh4de Apr 1, 5:09 AM
Thanks for accepting my FR!
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