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Akudama Drive
Dec 17, 2020 9:31 PM
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Dec 17, 2020 9:30 PM
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Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
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Thirsty Thirty
Feb 12, 2020 6:27 PM
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dmoneyjohn Dec 18, 2020 2:08 PM
I'm trying to stay safe but I feel that I'm surrounded by idiots given how many people I see who either won't ware a mask or don't know how to ware one correctly.

I'm holding up alright. I try not to think about it cuz not a good memory.

Well they arrested the guys who killed George Floyd but they haven't been convicted yet. Also didn't the Attorney General there for Breonna's case not press charges on the offices except for one. & that one only go charged because his bullets when through the neighbors apartment. It's not a sore loser, it's worse. It's a desperate attempt to say in power. A "failed" coup that is supported by a surprising number of Americans.
I got so many anime to watch. I've just been playing video games for the past month.

I never played sims 4. But I know EA loves to add DLC to that game...
Yep it's an isekai type webtoon. They finally started putting new chapters out after a few months break and I'm so happy for it's return.

It's most likely because of that. When I saw that guy I wanted MC to show him how strong he was xP
dmoneyjohn Nov 24, 2020 11:49 AM
It's fine

Yea I'm still working in the store. It's such a pain. They're bring in so much stuff and we don't have enough people to get everything done... hmmm we put up item limits on some stuff to keep people from hoarding. It's been kind of jammed but not as bad as it was back when it started.... that was so bad back then. I mean it's possible... but yea you'll never know. So far I have been lucky & haven't gotten sick & hope to keep it that way. As for my mom... she died back in June...

While change was needed... did we get any change? I know some states passed some laws but it feels like not enough was done... This year is way too crazy. I'm just glad the orange reject got voted out. I voted by mail. Voting that was makes it so easy. It should be the norm for us but some people don't want us to vote.
You call it efficient, I call it lazy. I don't like having to pay attention & remember the plot of a lot of dif stuff. I head of Jujustu Kaisen & plan to watch it when it's complete. But I didn't hear about Akudama Drive so now I have it on my list to check out. I'm also looking forward to the last season of Attack on Titan.

I've owned a few different sims games. The last one I owned was Sims 3. It was on xbox so I didn't have any mods. but I still had fun~
It wasn't a watch it was a read. Suddenly Became A Princess One Day check it out if you get time. Its currently on hiatus but is suppose to come back sometime this month & I can't wait.

I just repeated what I heard from Chibi Reviews when he was talking about the anime adaptations of tower of god & god of high school. But you can kind of see it in these resent chapters. like they're making japan hunters (idk what their jobs are called) bad. Like wasn't that one japan guy going to leave the Koren hunters behind to die? Then he got killed by the ant. & now we have them talking about getting help from MC I think & the boss guy saw through whatever japan guy was planning.... i suck at explaining things....

dmoneyjohn May 9, 2020 10:08 AM
I have been working... Man the week the stay at home order got issued I worked 50-60 hours & the week after that too. It's was crazy with how many people were in the store. Now it's kind of empty. Yet we still sell so much. It's kind of weird...

She is still sick I think... but I think this is new sickness. Do you think your dad got Covid?

That is a very sad part about living in this country. You hear about the guy who got shot in Georgia?
It is efficient. I don't have to try & remember what happened a few Eps back since I just binge the whole thing. I don't think I could keep track of all that at once xP
I loved playing the sims when I had it. lol how do you mess it up by downloading too many mods xp
Yea but it's not like I didn't watch youtube videos or stuff. It was just the only anime I watched at that time. Like one thing I pay attention to & some other stuff I can zone out too. Hopefully the will be able to finish the manga...
I think a lot of people got hyped because it's been a while since Em dropped a diss track.
Oh yay tell me what you think about it when you start it ^^

Yep tower of god & the god of high school are getting anime. Though hard to say if solo leveling will get one since it kind of has an anti japan vibe...
dmoneyjohn Mar 27, 2020 5:21 PM
Given the fact the the world is currently on fire I was wondering how you are doing?
dmoneyjohn Feb 3, 2020 1:32 PM
She has some energy but is still sick. Damn, I hope he feels better...
Yea it's going to look completely different. Seeing things like Mini excavators driving through isles is interesting.

You will only every be as busy as you make yourself. No one has a gun to your head making you do stuff. This is how I look at the world~ Oh I finish the anime I want. Then finish the eh anime. Then finish the one I'm looking forward to. It's rare for me to start 2 anime at the same time.
The good thing about not watching anime in the last 2 years or so is that so much good stuff came out. It will be hard to find something bad. A lot of people say 2018 was great for anime and people were saying 2019 was even better with all the shows that came out. A good mix of anime and manga is good.
Hmmm I think those are called rpg...
Oh there is always an exception. for me it's interest. I have to see something that gets me interested in watching it. Really that's all it takes. if something can draw my interest I'll watch it or read or whatever. Though I'm not a 1-3 ep kind of person. If I start something long that's all I'm watching till I get through or drop. I remember when I watched detective Conan. That was 6 months of just watching that. I have already watched HxH btw.
The internet went crazy when Mgk dissed Em. Some people even managed to make a career on youtube thanks to that. Oh, I like how the beat started on that song.
This video isn't about the song but more about the images in it. It's thanks to this video that I started to read Suddenly Became A Princess One Day. And now that I caught up with it I'm recommending it to everyone. so here is the video maybe it will make you want to read as well...

Yea ever since SAO came out isekai has gotten even more popular over the years. But yea it can get emotional if you manage to start to feel for the main character.
Yea I get that. It's probably why I enjoy watching instead. I know I start daydreaming while watching sometimes. Btw I read Solo leveling. The latest arc reminded me a lot of HxH.
dmoneyjohn Jan 27, 2020 2:40 PM
Rest and medicine and she should be better in a week or so. I will try, so far so good~
ummm everything is getting touched... every single part of the store will be new when they're done. They started with the meat freezer. & they have a hole in the middle of the freezer isle.

There is always a way to make time for the things you want~ Ah but being in the mood is important. It's why I flip from a eh anime to one that I look forward to. Helps me get through more anime even when I'm not 100% in the mood for it.
There was so much good anime last year... I don't even know what I would say was my favorite...
It's really good. You will easily speed 100+ hours in the game. Maybe one day you'll be able to play it.
Is there a reason you can't sleep? also ASMR... I hate that stuff
Like I said I know it's good. But I don't really have the energy to get into long series. It's the same with some other shows... like gintama and FMA
Did you know that the Em song I sent 1st (Godzilla) Em rapped faster than he did in rap god? Also are you aware of the beef he had last year with MGK? cuz I'm sending the diss he made for him:

I just suck at explaining stuff. It's a slow start anime. You get introduced to a sickly little girl. Turns out that our MC reincarnated into this sickly girl. & now in this new world all she wants is to be surround by the thing she loves, books. And we get to watch this girl try to achieve her goal. From her family & friends to her sickness it was all well told. Like you have to realize this girl inside the little girl was from another world. Waking up to what would be strangers to her. Seeing how she actually grows to love her new family was great. And how she defended her family in the last Ep was also really good. i'm not sure how well I explained it... but it's a good anime....
You should know how hard it is to get me to read xP Took a lot of effort for you to get me to read tokyo ghoul. I'm sure it's good & I have it bookmarked with other stuff I want to read. Right now I was just reading Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san and I read a little of Suddenly Became A Princess One Day. So there is a chance I will read it. Just gotta bug me a lot xP
dmoneyjohn Jan 27, 2020 11:33 AM
Catching the flu to start the year has to suck. My mom currently has it. I've so far managed to stay healthy. I'm hoping that I don't get sick since it would suck to go to work sick. As for my year... I've been watching anime. The store I work at is getting remodeled. It's interesting working while construction crews are just destroying stuff xP
Yea I heard about Kobe... it's so sad. Yea she gave birth I think last year. Quotes = a lot of youtube xP

Yea the never ending list of anime. I've been making a dent in my list. Though my list is normally just watching last seasons stuff xP
I like the characters. It's a slow start though. The main bad guy seems like he'll be interesting though.
The Witcher is a good book, a good game, and from what I hear a good show too.
I like silence when I sleep xP Well you're about to get a lot more Eminem for a while xPP Well it's made by the same guy who made soul eater so if you liked that you'll probably like fire force.
JoJo is something I feel like I should watch but I can never find the energy to watch.
This Em song is powerful:

Dr. Stone was good. I can't wait for the 2nd season. I just finished Ascendance of a Bookworm. It starts off really slow but is worth it. That does sound like something I would enjoy. The only problem is getting me to read. I'll bookmark it for later in case I feel like reading.
dmoneyjohn Jan 17, 2020 12:15 PM
Yes happy belated New Years. How has your year been so far? Also a quote I found that I found about this year: "An ocean of Pumbas taking turns hate fucking the shattered corpse of our mail carrier" is a pretty solid summary of the 2020s so far.

It's a good anime. Kind of has the same comedy style as Konosuba. Yea I watched demon slayer I think the day after I replied to you xP I've heard about the Netflix series but I haven't watched it. There is always a time for calm music. Like when you need to relax. Which is probably why I don't listen to it much cuz I'm normally relaxed all the time xP Well that song was made by Mrs. GREEN APPLE so you might have heard an anime opening they made. Your song was like a roller coaster. It's opening beat starts out hype... then it slows a bit then builds up & that's such a great mix~ As for my song. I've got 2... Eminem just dropped his album today so I want to share that cuz it's what I'm listening to now. And I also want to share the the song I was listening to before that cuz idk if I'll share it later. so here you go.
Other song:

Right, have to always keep in mind that they could all be killed off... got any new anime that you've enjoyed? I've finished a bit. I finished demon slayer, fire force, ORESUKI, Dr. Stone, and some others. Oh also high score girl. I just finished that umm yesterday... that was a really good anime.
dmoneyjohn Dec 25, 2019 6:22 PM
Merry Christmas~

Problem with being extra for attention is you can't really tell if it's for the attention or they're just crazy xP

That's is a problem nightcore has but its a good way to find new songs which is nice. As someone that does not like crowds that new york concert sounds like a nightmare...

It's probably the best medium to have weird stories such as that~

I might start it over my break. I just watched Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious because I was bored and wanted something funny. I might make that my next anime. Depends on my mood tomorrow xP As for games I'm playing pokemon, a hat in time, and witcher 3.
Chill is nice but it's so hard for me to enjoy chill songs sometimes... I swear that every song that i'm listening to now has some sort of fast pace to it. Like this one that I found a few days ago.

That's just shows how good of a job they're doing animating it. With good writing, build up, sound, and animation is the reason the anime is as loved as it is. Also wasn't the author planning on killing off all the characters before the series got super popular? By the end of it I could see him doing that....
dmoneyjohn Nov 8, 2019 12:44 PM
Yea even one adult punched his laptop in the news video... tho you can never tell when someone does that just to be seen~

I sometimes find the original song but like you said it's so slow which brings me right back to nightcore xP
Well was thinking that the concert doesn't need to be just in Chicago. Could go where ever they were gonna perform. That is the price of being a very popular music group... people gonna try to make money off them

No Guns Life

Right is super annoying though it's always a nice feeling when you finally remember what you forgot

ThaIt was actually the next anime I was going to watch till I got distracted by video games. I probably won't get to that anime till sometime in January. Maybe December. I got 2 games that will keep me busy for a while~
Here is one of the nightcore songs that I'm listening to:

Oh that moment. That was in season 2 xP I thought you meant something in season 3. But yea that part was great. I really loved mikasa death look when attacking them & when she rescues erin at the very end. It was great~
I don't think I ever viewed her as his sister... I get it I just never saw it that way.
dmoneyjohn Nov 7, 2019 11:36 AM
Yea that's what was going on but some people had some interesting reactions to that happening.

yep youtube algorithm now has me on nightcore songs xP
Oh I'm sure you can go one day. All you really need is a ticket to the concert & a plane ticket xP

Right, this season has an anime about a guy with a gun for a head... and from some of the things I heard it's kind of good xP

Right and it's so annoying because you can't remember the song you're thinking of. I also had that problem when I was thinking of a certain thing that happened in an anime & I was trying to figure out what anime it was. I eventually remember the anime xP still annoying to have that in the back of your mind.

Vibe is intact & the beat to that song is amazing. While nightcore songs are what i'm listening to at the moment this is what I was listening to before that and still fits the rock them we somehow got going xP

Hmmm I finished the season but I'm not sure which two you mean... I know Erin's dad was one. Then the guy who past on his powers to his dad... then there is Armin. Also the beast titan. Yea idk what you mean... Though I'm enjoyed watching it though not enough to rewatch it xP
I mean she might like ymir but ymir is dead I think so I'll just enjoy eren with histora xP Also I think the reason people ship mikasa with eren is because she loves him and want her to get with him because they like her~
dmoneyjohn Oct 14, 2019 4:11 PM
hahah you're going to bed around the time I'm waking up xP

True, Oh I saw on the news that some kids who played Fortnite kind of freaked out because of a black hole thing. So does he play Fortnite & freak out at that? Here is the News I saw about it if you want to see

Yea it's algorithm shows me a lot of anime songs xP yea I've been keeping up with Em & logic. Em is rumored to have a new album coming out & I'm hoping that's true~
Wow that would have been a great experience if you could have gone but it seems life wanted to be mean instead.

Right... its a good anime though... like when you hear an anime that is about zombie idols you wonder how they will do it... but it was well good xP ohh another good song...
Ok after listening to that again it reminding me of another song... & I started to freak a bit because it was so familiar but I couldn't remember what... but then I was like kekkai sensen? is it just me... it sounds like a song that could be from that... and then I find out they're the same people who sang the OP which I didn't know till right now...

Also if you watch the song I sent it counts as an anime on MAL link for you~ Sorry for all the links xP

Right. You think you're about to watch an anime about diving & nope all mainly about drinking xP It's great. The funny thing to me about the anime is you know how they all like to get naked... and how it's like wtf at first but as the anime keeps going you get used to it... just like the rest of them in the group... I was like wow at that point for some reason xP
I just finished part 1 of season three & it's still as hype as ever. I love Levi cuz he's just amazing. And Historia is another character I love... Is it bad that I kind of like her with Eren more than I like him with Mikasa >.>
dmoneyjohn Oct 14, 2019 10:43 AM
Lol for me sleeping in is like 6am xP

Well there is a dif between an outlet & being addicted... and by what you said he does sound addicted... Well if he doesn't get over it after puberty drag him away from games xP

I used to be such a big music lover & still am... I just don't go looking for new stuff. It's a good anime~
OK that song was super hype! I love it!! My song isnt as good at that. this is the video I saw that made me want to watch the anime and it's good so I share:

Oh cool. Are you enjoying it? Oh I started attack on Titan S3
dmoneyjohn Oct 10, 2019 4:28 AM
It's so great to be able to sleep whenever you want... tho you do sometimes end up oversleeping~

It's not that bad really. It's good to have something to vent any anger you have at and games are good for that.

Yea Dazai... I suck with names xp But yea I gave it a 10... its a really good season that you will probably enjoy.
There are a lot of people I never heard of. I don't really go looking for new music unless I'm bored & really need a new song... so far I've either been listening to anime songs or vocaloid. Oh I can see why it reminded you. They both use the piano which is great.
This song is the 2nd Op from Shield Hero:
Which is another good anime xP

I recommend doing both xP Sadly though I don't have any effortless stuff to recommend.

dmoneyjohn Oct 2, 2019 4:31 AM
I'm really looking forward to the extra hour sleep I'm gonna get for daylights saying time xP I'm also enjoying the extra sleep I get when I don't work xP I went to bed at 6pm last night & woke up at 4am. Was nice~

Right they're always good for a laugh which is why I watch them. Ah yea games that make you angry & frustrated... I've been there... Almost broke a controller once over a game >.>

then you should enjoy the 2nd season. It goes into the backstory of the guy who wants to kill himself & one of the friends he has. That was good. Then the 2nd part goes into them fighting the main villain for the season. The end for me is why I gave it a 10. I loved it~
Oh I like it & I never head of that guy. Here is one from the Fire emblem game. They keep copyright striking the song so it might get taken down if so I'll send it again till you listen xP but here:

It's always good to have a no effort thing to relax to~

Yea, I see a lot of people doing that actually... I think there was some study about how it depresses people too but idr. you use a lot more dif social media than I do. I've heard of all of them but I don't use any... but good for you for not letting social media control you~
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