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Oct 3, 2023 10:54 PM
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Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha
Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha
Sep 19, 2023 7:43 AM
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Aug 27, 2023 8:39 AM
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Dec 28, 2023 11:07 AM
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Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san
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Greenia Yesterday, 12:48 AM
did you take the job tho? You didnt talk about taking or not taking the job.

>For me If someone jokes about me I will double down on the joke.
Same here, Im literally a hard to offend dude. Like i said before im not over protective about anything, so that includes myself too. But i feel like im too dank for real life lmao, if i were a celebrity i would get cancelled easily. tbh tho im the first one to always joke about others.

>And I always have to hear this "talai ghar ma kei khana didaina k ho" and I always double down with "hunxa tapai le khana dinu hunxa vaye tapai ko ghar aauxu ni tw"
Im skinny as well, i gotta use this from now on. Im like 5'9 or 5'8 but I do think im more than 55 kg.

>Nowadays people dont have the patience to watch long form video unless its about something they already enjoy
Does that mean, movies, series and anime dont have future? Cause the new gen kids are all addicted to watching shorts. My small brother is 13 and is in 8th grade sometimes when i watch movies I ask him to watch together but he never does, maybe cause of his english understanding too. He once asked me for anime recommendation i downloaded 10 one piece episodes for him he couldnt get past 4 episodes. At that time i thought maybe cause he didnt understand english reading subtitles is hard as well, but i dont think that was the case. There is this another cousin guy as well who used to watch any kind of movies with his big brother but now he has been spoiled by shorts and I heard he doesnt watches movies with his big brother anymore.

>If you dont know Dallu then you can say its Swoyambhu.
Doesnt bibek lives there as well? So you guys were like "same-area-friend"? I thought random school college friend.

> Its sad to see the downfall of west indies.
I feel like downfall starts when there are no senior players in the team like someone above 35. India has lots of senior players 35 and 24 are playing together. Like hardik pandya is 30 rn and kohli and rohit sharma is 35 when kohli and rohit retires hardik will become 34, 35 and guys like shubhman gill will become 30 so i think its good to have senior and junior combination in team. Pakistani has much junior players in their team, less than 30. For australia david warner is still in the team who is 38 and a 21 years old guy just joined the team. What I mean is when inexperienced messes up the experienced ones would be there to clear up that mess. If all of them are inexpereinced who's gonna do that.

>Fking pathetic. Could've done another super over
According to the rule isnt that what should have happened? Or they made infinite super over rule later on after 2019?
Ig theres like infinite super over rule?

Just caught up with one piece manga and vegapunk's wilding rn. Do you only read one piece or other ongoing mangas as well? I read like 8 or 9.

Greenia Jun 5, 1:50 AM
>Im pretty free to go out whenever I want. I might go to bibek's house tonight.
I have gone only twice ever in my life. Ofcource without my parents interest.

The company I worked for was not a big company. Very few people working on it. Only two CEO's and everyone else were interns. So yeah everything was pretty unsystematic. It was work from home, they dont even have a office. Internship period was maybe 4-6 months. But yeah ofc they didnt inform me that my internship period was over and I kept on working like nothing happened. Also it was my mama's friend's company so I got in without even making a CV or resume. If youre familiar wth the terms back end front end and full stack, what i did was full stack, it includes both front end and backend but i never got to do back end in the work or nobody even taught me i never got assigned the backend task. And That was what I had learned before doing internship. Its internship so They need to teach something atleast, cause every company has a different working style and how I learned at home might not work there. And we even have to do the CEO'S college assignment and help him cheat duering the exam lmao thats not what i was supposed to work at. Slowly people started quitting and due to less number of people and huge amount of work they needed to work faster so they randomly assigned me a backend task, it was confusing so i asked other interns and they used to teach but what they didnt know i had to ask to the ceo and damn you must know how ruthless nepalese can become, bolera jitna sakidaina. People dont accept mistakes. The other intern guys were helpful tho. They even reduced my salary which already wasnt that huge from the beginning. I used to show him what I didnt know and sometimes he used to postpone it for tomorrow due to lack of time and the another day he used to just bash and make fun me. He used to bash about other guys as well when they were not in the google meet. It was a web development internship, which might not be of any use anymore So i thought I will learn some AI and Machine learning shit from my home and quit. I just felt like I was getting bashed and made fun of for something that I dont need to. Its their fault lmao, backend is comparitively hard so they didnt teach it to me at the beginning when I was an intern and they didnt accept their mistake. 8 months was a good experience as well so yeah it was about time.

Ofc not all people are same, but what I think is gen z and Millennials cant cooperate. From what I know I dont think there are many old guys in the barista field so i guess its okay, maybe. Millennials are pretty open minded they speak whatever they want, they wont hesitate to hurt you. They are unknown about things like social anxiety, intovert and mental illness. They dont realize how much their words can hurt others. Till like 6 or 7 years ago there was no racism in nepal, kale, mote, madhise and bhote were quite normal. The ones who used these words and the ones to whom they were intented to, both were open minded and had accepted it. They are still stuck there and arent afraid to speak their mind. It's we gen z who get hurt easily. I dont know whose fault it is.

>Ya we are good still thanks to god.
good to hear.

>I do open it and all I see are ninja hattori random clips and I fking love them.
I have been addicted to insta reels they days. They fuck your brain fr, everything is relatable there, and ig people like to relate their situation with others for self pleasure so insta reels are on hype these days with too much engagement.

>Funny enough my first dream was to be a cricketer.
Same man, I joined an academy too, but it all resulted in nothing.

>My brother used to go to this cricket training center in kritipur
Do you live in kritipur, I feel like you lived around budanilkantha.

>Last time I watch cricket was the world cup finals.
I still have been following, just not like before. Also watching the t20 world cup, its still group stage so its not fun at all watching associate teams game. Knockout stages might be interesting.

I have always supported Australia, I really love maxwell. I support the team which he is in, in the IPL. But yeah man new zealand do deserve atleast one trophy.
new zealand still has a few old players, like kane, boult, chapman, santner so its still worth caring. Teams like west indies, pakistan, srilanka and south africa have no traces of any old players at all.
Greenia Jun 4, 9:24 PM
How old are you now though?
I'll be 21 this year
what about you?

> They never restricted me to do anything but they dont allow many things in my house
Its kinda opposite with me. i can do much things inside my house than I can do outside.

>What are u upto these days?
Nothing actually tbh. I quit my internship, I did it for 8 months. The environment became too toxic and had to quit. Exam's nearing so also kinda busy preparing reports and projects. Also doing some external projects for myself. Open internet in between here and there. Thats it.

I still see your girlfriend here and there on bibek's and other's post, how are things right now? Is the relation still intact?

>Idk whats the reason you use that.
I use it for memes as well, but these days everything's dull. I dont need to waste my time for things like that is what I think, but instinctively open the app. I think i have slowed down using it I would be more happy If i completely stop using it. Also if no facebook there would be literally no source for news as well. I think its important to know whats going on in your country, I still dont want to waste way too much time for unwanted incidents so facebook is like a place where you can get a good amount of news. Short and sweet. But yeah I dont use it like I used to before. I have slowed down its use.

Do you watch cricket? You watching t20 world cup?

Greenia Jun 4, 4:39 AM
> I think "atleast have something new about Nana to read".
You can read something simialr to nana to fill that void, ofcourse nothing can be compared with nana, but almost all shoujo manga of that time are kinda similar. It could help. Wouldnt help me tho.

>im pretty sure everyone knows about this already but I really think people should be open to other's ideas even if they dont like them personally.
I am a person that prioritizes other's opinion more, idk why. I do have my opinion, I might not speak about my opinion but I would give time to others. Which I think is half bad. If I have less time to express my opinion I guess I can be easily influenced. I think that's what most people do, dominate the other party with their opinion by not letting them talk and win over them. Like I said before, i literally dont give a fuck if people disagree with me, cuz of me not having any kind of pure love or obsession over anything. But if things lead to be a bit personal from that i do what im supposed to do. People need to realize that not only thier opinion is universal. People just want to dominate others, they dont want interesting evnironment. Are these people just dumb? There's this one guy in our college who just loves to dominate others with his ideas he is no fun at all no body likes him. Nobody invites him to hangout in the cafe as well. Are this kind of people just dumb or are scared of having a dual conversation cuz they dint have ideas at all. I mean if they were open to other's idead they would have learnt new things, but they never do listen to others so they dont have multiple ideas.

>Thats a good thing. But its crossing the limit when I am restricted to do something I love and enjoy coz of this line " manxe harule k vanxa, k sochxa".
This must be a very comon problem in Nepal. I have never had my parents stop me from doing something I want, except for hanging out and nightouts. I studied what I wanted on +2 and bachelors. But what sucks is they literally want me to get a job that pay 50k lmao. How tf is that even possible. They are overprotective till I get to my adulthood and immediately one they are like get a job how the fuck is that even possible. You should train your son from the beginning to be able to do that at the age of 18. Now they even want me to go to foreign but they dont let me out for nightouts. I am not that of a brave guy so I dont think Ill ever do something illegal to trouble the society, so as long as I dont personally trouble the society and its people I think I should be allowed to do whatever I want. Parents are literally the main restrictions in this country. You need to think about them before thinking about you. But this must really be the last generation for all of this.

what have you been doing these days? How did you even build up the motivation to delete your facebook account? what did you think of facebook and other social medias?, cuz i have been too emotionally attached with this thing now. I really do want to leave this thing or slow down the use.
Greenia Jun 1, 8:55 PM
>For me the best visuals has to be Your Name.
Yeah your name has best visuals too, but i really do think tenki no ko slapped becasue of the time it was made in. Ig 3 years is not that huge but there must have been some technological advancement in those 3 years in animation field.

>I almost believe that its not gonna continue ever again.
thats sad man

>And also there isnt much talks about Nana online
do you plan on continuing tho?

>I dont like One Piece too much but it's something I cant stop reading coz I wanna complete things I already started.
I will also just not leave one piece. Lets say 100 is the end and it has already reached 90 rn, so its just the 10 left which isnt a big deal to have patience for. Its just the art style for me. If i cant with manga Ill just stick with tha anime.

> I wanna believe Im what you think I am
Whats some advice about life you'll want to give to people, if you ever have to. Whats your main motto when living?

yujiro hanma
kira yoshikage
chrollo lucifer

some people tend to think that if the main character has bad ideas they are the antagonist. Like with death note people call light antagonist and L protaginist. No matter what wont the main character always be protagonist, same with AOT too.

mori buntarou
endo kenji
nanba mutta
oreki hotarou
chiaki shinichi
okazaki tomoya
satou tatsuhiro
kiriyama rei
frieren too prolly
mob kun

Greenia Jun 1, 3:44 AM
>Man I didnt know we already had this conversation. Thats fine if you wanted to try it and couldnt. Thats upto you.
I wont say I couldnt, I just forgot about it prolly. Maybe I was reading another manga as well at that time and picked it up cuz it was short but forgot. I will read this its short i need to have that much patience.

>I didnt know Tenki no Ko was made by the same studio of Kaiju no Kodomo. Isnt Tenki no Ko a Shinkai Makoto movie? It had amazing visuals.
No its not what I meant was I think visually kaiju no kodomo comes after tenki no ko for me. They are both made by different studios.

>Might as well believe it now.
But why tho? I heard the author had to take a break because of her health condition. Is this the same reason why it got cancelled. Must really be a life threatening disease if like she cant continue it even after 15 years of taking a break. Togashi too thougt he could continue but went on a hiatus again. Making manga looks like a cool job but it really does affects your health.

>I actually havent caught up to the manga yet. Ive read upto chapter 42 I believe. Its the chapter that anime also ended.
Damn you havent caught up, I thought you read whole. You planning on continuing or not? I hope you do. You might have gotten spoiled about the major incidents already at this point? That would suck man.

>As much as I dont watch anime anymore, I still sometimes do read few mangas.
Do you read one piece?, I didnt read one piece for like 2 or 3 months and now I dont have the energy to continue. I think this might be it. The one piece is really rough and i need to dig my eyes right into the screen to see the panel and art. I dont have the energy to do that for 14, 15 chapters I missed fot 3 months. Once a week was fine.

>Both of them are in my 5's fs. Umino Chicka is easily the best female author Ive seen.
I have only seen shoujo, romance from female authors. 3 gatsu and HAC is the only anime that i have watched which isnt shoujo and from a female writer.

>The word dogmatic can be viewed in both positive and negative way.
Lets not view it in a negative way. I wont try to change the meaning of this word neither will I decide who you are, what i mean is people who are confident and assertive about their beliefs, having strong principles and a clear sense of direction, I think this all leads to being confident in expressing one's own believes and opinions. I know you are all open ears to any opinions but that doesnt mean you let them force their opinions and believes on you. Hopefully, this is clear.

>As we have already talked about anime , movies, mangas and even womans. I might know everything about you by knwoing your favorite protagionist and antagonist as well.
I dont understand this, what do you mean?

Greenia May 31, 11:54 PM
>I also recommend this short manga from same author called the "Suiki".
I dont think you remember but we have talked about this quite a few times, When you we talked about this manga at first I was reading it, second time it was on hold and and this is the third time idk why and how I stopped reading it, it doesnt even make sense that i havent completed the last 4 chapters. Idk man whats wrong with me.

>Ive watched all of your favorite movies but Mind Game. Dunno about that.
Mind game is good kinda 7.5 to 8 level but you gotta check the studio that made this anime, its called Studio 4°C. One of this studio's movie called kaijuu no kodomo also has one of the best visuals and art that I have seen everything else is mid, second after tenki no ko. You can check some of this studio's movies if you ever feel like. Also this studio did 2016 berserk so not a positively renowned studio, maybe they suck at producing series but movies are great from this studio.

>I personally feel Paprika is Kon's weaker movies.
man really sad that he died too soon. with all the resources and newer concepts being found everyday in today's time no one can imagine what he could have come up with, he was already way way ahead of his time. Still what he did in short time with less creations is really a great thing. Sennen joyuu really is a creative piece, most unique anime movie that I have ever watched. Maybe tokyo godfather is the most normal movie he has ever made in terms of weirdness.

oh yeah forgot about colorful and perfect blue.

>Nana is literally cancelled. Vagabond is on hiatus but Nana is cancelled.
I might have heard somewhere that NANA got cancelled but didnt have that weight to it to believe, but ig its true which is really sad. But i dont think the last chapter was weird for people that dont know about it being cancelled to find something' wrong. The last chapter could really feel like a last chapter. Maybe the writer wrote it that way thinking she might never return to it.

Also I saw in a youtube video where a guy was like "Maybe inoue is drawing but just not releasing, which most of the writers do when they are on break except for health issues break". something like that. Maybe only a small portion of story is left so he aint hurrying. Hope this is true.

>Kawamoto Akari from March comes in like a lion.
Oh yeah she was lovely. There arent much female in this anime. Only these three sisters and mc's so called sister.

I prefer Osaki Nana as well, and another one's the bald lawyer guy yasuhi. These two are my favorite NANA characters.

Maybe you have that a lot in your list as well, Like multiple works from single writer. Like 4 of naoki's works are in my all time favorite, 3 of inoue's and gantz and inuyashiki are from the same guy as well. Honey and clover and 3gatsu might not be in my top ten but doesnt change the fact that they are great shows and love them. Those times were really fun, I wish I could watch and read them for the first time again.

There are two guys I respect that I met online and you are one of them. I uploaded on facebook as well but ofc couldnt mention you. Obviously not the senior-junior kinda respect, like tapai-hajur, namaste kind of respect. From what I have seen you are a dogmatic person, I have always admired the "speak your mind" character in people. I have also stolen a few animes from your list and two of them are my literal favorites, honey and clover and showa genroku. Barakamon as well. I could be wrong but from what I have seen and what I have experienced from our interaction is this.

Greenia May 31, 10:16 PM
>Sucks no one told me about them sooner.
I could have suggested but we only used to comment us, based and king at each other's post at that time, we didnt know about each other's MAL PROLLY. I watched this show on 2021, during dashain vacation.

> And Yuru Camp is a slice of life. They are just bunch of kids going camping and spending their day.
I can understand that and im not denying the fact that they are SOL, I mean camping is their is life and there's nothing extraordinary besides camping. They are living their camping life. Singing is the lifestyle for K-on. They are just living their life. Yeah not having a fantasy theme in a SOL anime could be kinda wrong cuz I WATCHED one SOL isekai anime called nonbiri nouka. They had magic and demons but was SOL enough to be a SOL anime.

>Ive always loved the show. Just the pure feeling of calmness every episodes has.
Looks like the manga only has 50 chaps, I might give it a read soon.

what would be your favorite movies tho with and without ghibli?
Mine is omoide poroporo fr
the wind rises
castle in the sky

tokyo godfathers
sennen joyuu(whats the spelling millenium? )
mind game
also i really love some doraemon movies
stand by me, steel troops, little space wars.
natsu e no tunnel,...
maybe the garden of the words too.

not much movies that has clicked me this is pretty much what i would call my favorites maybe there's more but dont remember

> Always gotta love fellow NANA enjoyers.
Nana is great man, I dont think it will ever return, maybe vagabond and real too. If something like kentaro miura doesnt happen to inoue we would still have a hope tho. If vagabond and NANA ever returns i would read them from the beginning fr.

>Have you read Billy Bat yet? If you havent I highly recommend it. From pure mystery standpoint. Its better than 20th Century Boys imo.
yeah i have read billy bat, and for me its 20thCB>>Billy bat. Not saying its a bad manga or I hate it, I have given it a 9 and It is within my top 20 or even top 15 , just the ending kinda feels like death note's. I really suck at comprehending the endings, i just take what im given and dont try to dive much into it.

>but If I have to name it should be between Kagura, Akari or Chihaya.
which akari lmao?

mine would be this

I made this about 2 or 3 years ago maybe, and i dont think theres any changes.
Fubuki and reika girl on the 2nd of the 3rd row are just there for the looks lmao

and also who is your favorite supporting character?
If I have to say without being biased to the space brothers, it's probably Madao. and also chika fujiwara if she is considered a supporting character?
Greenia May 31, 7:30 AM
> I cannot rate it much highly like Angel's Egg for example,
Lmao yeah this movie was boring asf, i remember watching this movie on 1.5x. I do that a lot these days. I dont want to drop the movies neither do I want to watch them. They are short in length so I finish them quickly by watching them on 1.5. With seires i just drop them if its boring.

>I actually can watch anything despite me not liking it or finding it boring for few episodes. I have the patience.
What I dont have is patience, not only when watching things but also in life. It took me a month to get to 7 episodes of ergo proxy and had to drop it eventually. I watched episode 7 many times, cuz I would leave it after few mins into it and come back next day and watch from the beginning. This continued for few days and i dropped it.

>There are characters that I can relate to. Maybe their personality or the current situation and how they handle them.
I was just having a conversation with someone else about this thing. Anything can be impactful if taken in that manner. I liked this character called mori buntarou from the climber when i was in my lonely phase but after better understanding of the character i really do relate a lot. It might not have changed me but it has made me realize. To change yourself depends on yourself anyways, others aint gonna do that for you. Relating and comparing is what I have been doing, they are fiction anyways i do know what to take from them and what to not so ig its fine that way. Also im not over obsessed with anything, I might say i have a list of my favorite stuffs but im not over protective or over passionate about it. Not even, music, movies, or even people irl. I dont normally show my love for things, i see people protecting something they like, but i really dont care if someone bashes hyouka or gintama. Thats why sometimes it feels like im lying to myself.

>Thts why I never get tired of watching Barakamon. Gintoki, Morita Shinobu, Kiriyama Rei are some of my favorite characters in anime.
Nanba Mutta from The space brothers is the most closest character to real world that I have ever seen, also the most closest anime to real world. There are dramas to spice things up ig just plain SOL doesnt work in this industry so to sell the work they have to have drama in it, but still is the most relatable anime that I have ever watched. Im not only talking about how personally relatable it is, but also in worldwide context. It's like watching an animated documentary. Thats why this has been on my number one. Every characters are always on screen and the flow of things are really comparble with the real world. It has like 99 episodes re watching it is really out of the question and it also doesnt have any incidents like naruto and one piece to excatly remember what arc they are from and what episode it is in so ig ill never really re watch it. It really is close to the real world and yeah we cant turn back to time irl so ig i cant go back to this anime again.

>Thats what I like about Slice of life shws. Atleast made in real life setting. Its just so easy to relate to them.
But these days SOL and CGDGT arent like they used to be. They say SOL but it revolves around characterl's goals and a particular theme, which I dont think is a pure SOL. Like K-on, SOL and CGDCT are supposed to be shows where literally nothing happens, but something happens in K-ON they sing, thats what their goal is. Maybe thats why I grew out of this. Yuru camp is another example, Its about camping, they go camping, where "something happens" and I think that isnt pure SOL. Thats why non non biyori is a pure SOL for me. But ofc i dont hate them for this. They are good shows.

>It teaches lot of stuufs about hikikomori's mentality without taking it too literally.
I saw a negative review about this anime on this site, they were saying that sato is not a hikikomori, not an otaku he is an awful human being, he knows he needs to change but doesnt wants to change he leaves his house couple of times to get a job but unnecessarily gets scared of society and gets back to his room, which ig is half true for me. I mean if life was that easy he wouldnt have become a hikikomori. I would agree tho seeing a potential development get thrashed like that could be frustrating but this show demands for it and it completely makes sense as well. I just watched first 2 episodes of it again. Ig i would complete it within a week.

> Me fr ngl.
Thats my bio with satou's pic.

> watched Natsume Yujinchuu after finishing Mushishi
I can never build of myself to watch mushishi again after droppping it, but i might read tha manga if it has less than a 100 chapters. Just to see if my opinion has changed.

>Man forgot this anime existed lol. I love it so much. I have yet to complete it past season 1. Season 1 was so good.
This is one of my favorite as well, really beautiful.

>I literally cannot rewatch Clannad. Season 1 still to be is not as good. I wont say its even good. And I love After Story but I cannot make myself watch Ushio die again. Nagisa dying is fine I can handle that but not Ushio.
I would only rewatch after story if i did, i really have a warm place in my heart for 2006-2007 shows. idk man they just hit different. Even on the first watch these kinda show hit you with a huge wave of nostalgia and emotionally cant seem to deny it.

>What is your top 10's?
number one would be The space brothers for sure,
2nd grand blue
3rd gintama
4th clannad
5th looks like showa genroku is on the list but i have forgotten most about it, i do remember loving the characters tho, i do know the story as well
6th man idk hyouka could be 5th and showa could be 6th
7th omoide poroporo
8th non non biyori
everythings 9/10 after this
9th nodame
10th just kicked k on so maybe nhk? bakemonogatari, samurai champloo
steins gate
kimi ni todoke
honey and clover
kaguya sama
fruits basket.

man we have like more than 5 common shows.

20th century boys
the climber
kaguya sama
boku tachi ga yarimashita
slam dunk
Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.

and also yotsubato is the pure epitome of SOL in manga

idk if some are in order but shows how great takehiko inoue is when 3 of his most popular mangas are in both of our's list.

what would be your most favorite female characters?
Greenia May 30, 8:14 PM

>dont know why our conversation always leads to Barakamon for some reason and I end up explaining why I think a middle aged dude and 4/5 kids enjoying their day to day life is a peak fiction.
Its never boring talking about the thing you love tho. Is handa kun related to barakamon? If yes I might watch it.

>My reasoning for Hyouka being a 10 is something Ive mentioned time and time again, And the romance isnt what comes to my mind when I see Hyouka. Never once did. It has like 2 ep of romance in 26 total episodes.
It might have had 2 ep of romance, but still it wasnt a pure romance. What I meant was, Before watching the show I Thought this was a romance anime and ofcourse i expected romance and was intruiged for about 12 ,13 episodes but after that i didnt care about the romance factor. Who cares romance or not it has way better character development than any romance anime out there.

>I dont find hard to rate anything tbh. My criteria is pretty straight forward.
Whats your first priority when rating? Mine is enjoyment for sure, How hard it took me to get into the show would be a deciding factor. I cant get into any shows if the first ep is already boring, these days. I cant believe i finished darling in the franxx after like more than 20 days, it was so boring, today's me would have immediatey dropped it.

>I havent lost any attachment towards the shows Ive rated 9 or 10 but 8 is something I dont think I think much often anymore.
What kind of personal attachments are you talking about? Is it like inspiring and motivating thing or maybe the changes it made on you? Cuz when I think of personal attachments I think of emotional attachments. Just like with humans. You love them. You want to be like them, something like that.

>This is true. Favorite anime isnt all about "oh this movie is amazingly made" it also includes the personal attachment towards them.
When you are 12, you watch naruto and you try to understand it like a 12 y/o, cuz at that age you only understand that psychology. When you turn 18, you start liking high school shows. I think this is what keeps on happening. If I watched a show with 30y/o protagonist at the age of 20 and loved it and watched it again when I reach 30 maybe I would understand it better? I might even hate it or even love it more, but I would understand it better. Nostalgia and emotional factor might matter too. Like I always say, I always end up relating the shows with myself and every other things. I think everyone does, maybe a small bit. I gave a 10/10 to non non biyori and k on. Both are a CGDCT show but my opinion on k on has changed already. It would no longer be 10/10 for me. But non non biyori still is. It is the pure epitome of "Nothing happens" and thats what I love. It feels like youre living it and not just watching. Just poeple living their life with nothing extraordinary.

damn saw welcome to the nhk after a long time. I really love this anime and I think I would even love it more if I watched this now. I remember when I first saw this I completely expected it to be a workplace anime. It had NHK in the name so I thought it would be about NHK boradcasting company's workplace anime., but damn. At this age I think this is the anime that I mostly relate myself to. This is something I would love to rewatch. This is like a peak seinen show, I dont think any show close to this would ever be made. I have tried searching for something and naah this is truly the first and the last.

>But Im glad I watched my favorite shows at the perfect time that I would've loved them the most.
I dont think I watched some shows at the perfect time, I feel like I blindly appreciated the adult world just to look mature. Thats why there are many seinen that I want to re read and re watch. I sometimes think about them and realize there's more to it than just their adult world being "cool". I would for sure rewatch, welcome to the nhk, honey and cover, nodame cantabile and clannad one day, to understand them better. Clannad might not have that cool side that represents our world, its simply beautiful to not rewatch.

Would you ever change your favorite list? Maybe 1 or 2 or even whole. I dont think I would, cuz just like you said they are not in my fav list just because they have better story and characters but also have personally affected me in someway and I dont think any better story would change that. With time, a few of them might expire but atleast 2 or 3 shows I dont think I would ever forget them for lifetime. A few can be added and my list could be extended but i dont think I would ever replalce something thats already been there.

Whats your top 10 in order?
Greenia May 30, 5:54 AM
>> There is a movie from 2010 named 'Colorful' which is a movie about real life, the harshness of life and beauty of living the life you got. It also has fantasy elements but it uses it to showcase the real life problems of humans.
I watched this movie, it was great. When I say fantasy I mean isekai to put it simply, unimaginable world, concepts and creatures that wouldnt actually makse sense in the real world. Why do you think fantasy and supernatural concepts works well with anime or animation over all? Like natsume yuujinchou. Is it cuz of how everything is unreal the characters, the setting, the concept, the art, the drawings arent real it's 2D is that the reason? Mostly with anime i think art is the main reason. Fantasy and supernatural shows mostly have cute animals and setting full of nature unlike cities and japanese know how to prettify them. People get mesmerized by the art style and forget about the other factors.

Overall fantasy in case of anime movies could be different, I dont mean that every one of them have same story or a flow that they follow. What I mean is the climax dynamics. They all end with cliché concepts like antagonizing human psychological concepts or conditions. Physically fighting with someone else but mentally fighting with yourself. This is my perspective from the fantasy movies that I have watched.

>enjoying life
>something goes wrong
>you lose yourself
>you find yourself again
>happy ending

>Look at most Makoto Shinkai movies.
I do want to say tho, Tenki no ko is the anime with the highest visual quality that I've ever seen. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said this the most expensive anime movie ever. The most realistic and best quality ever. But ig demon slayer solos it because of its length. But shinkai fell off from his visual quality in his last movie as well. I watched that movie solely for visuals only.

> But again the formula doesnt matter if the execution is done correctly.
I generally dont give a fuck about sci-fi genre. But I do watch sci-fi anime movies for their visual qualities, cuz i feel like they invest more in the movies cuz of their short length and the time they have? idk tho this is what I think. Watched this move called Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi, But liked this one, maybe ive given it a 8 here on this site. Its nothing unique compared to other sci-fis its just like you said
Guy and a chick meet
Gets fked by something
They overcome them.
the overcoming part is kinda different tho, It has a melancholic feeling to it, ig my emotions affected my opinion on this show.

I dont think I will ever truly love any fantasy themed shows. I have told you that I end up relating shows with myself and even the surounding. Fantasies are far from the real world. Something like barakamon would be relatable, I can clearly see myself going onto some countryside and living my life. I might like this show if I rewatch it again. I wont say I hated the show entirely I just hated the kid. Which might have changed now.

>> satoshi kons movies were too unique to be comparing with anything at that time.
I dont think they can be compared with anything at this time either.

> I have like 7 10/10, 13 9/10 and about 60 8/10. Only 80 among the 850 entries are shows I consider to be on my favourites.
I have 11 10/10 and looks like I gave a 10 to hyouka and 9 to monster which is understandable, because i prolly watched hyouka when i was 17, 18 and i think wnyone who watched hyouka for the first time sees a potential romance and at that age I liked romantical concepts so maybe I didnt find it boring. I think a 10/10 would be similar for everyone. Like how it personally affects them and they have a deep atachment with it. 15 9/10, My 9/10 would be like, They served me a perfect dish, no complain, the taste is perfect but somehow a piece of hair flies into my plate, which isnt their problem. if this makes sense.
8 is like inbetween perfect and shit. I still find it hard to rate shows 7 and 6. 7 sounds to high 6 sounds too low. If this site had .5 feature maybe that would have solved the problem. 5 is like the last level of good for me. After that I dont think 1-4 needs a hierarchy. 1-4 just means how much of shit they are. 4 means good shit and 1 is horrible shit.

Now that you've stopped watching anime for so long have you lost attachments with your favorite shows? Do you think that something close to your favorites would ever be made? What kind of shows would you still watch if you feel like? Lets say something like barakamon gets made would you replace barakamon with it? Cuz I think the time you watch something and the vibe matters to. You watched barakamon in a time where you just liked it and appreciated it, would that be the case again if something close to barakamon ever gets made? What i want to say is If you hadnt watched barakamon, honey and clover, gintama and other fav shows of yours back then and watched it now would you have liked ithe or would they have affected you personall would you have fallen in love with them?

Just to let you know, this kind of memes are going on in facebook these days. Just came across this one after publishing the comment.
The img tag dont seem to be working or maybe it takes time idk

ill leave the link anyways
Greenia May 29, 8:25 PM
>Saw you watched Bakemono no ko. You didnt like it? When I first watched it I loved it but later I fell out of love with it. Still think its a fun movie.
Before I talk about my opinion on this movie, I wanna ask you that do you think that anime movies are kinda repititive and there arent much themes, options or types in it? Like for me from my perspective theres been only 4 types of anime movies, sci-fi, time-travel, fantasy and movies linked with series. Theres 5th one as well which is movies from 90s and early 2000's like vampire hunter D, ninja scroll. Now sci-fi and time travel might be kinda simialr but some movies dont have sci-fi in it they just time travel. Like your name. Movies like summer wars and hello world are kinda similar as well, both focuses on theme involving a virtual world and they kinda result in a same way. The subtle theme of sci-fi romance in anime is to some how get trapped into a virtual world or time space and teens fighting for their lives to save their loved ones. With fantasy the story might be different for every anime but maybe because bakemono no ko and wolf children are from the same guy I found it quite similar. Bakemono no ko had this darkness concept going on for humans, and that's what later on became the villain in this anime, most fantasy anime focuses on this kinda concept. Like theres a concept and that concept is what later becomes the antagonist of the show. I might be wrong but among the anime that i have watched this is what i have experienced. Also there are movies completely focusing on romance only in real world setting without other themes. Like A silent Voice, I want to eat your pancreas. After like 2019, 2020 theres been a lot of fantasy anime movies coming out and i feel like 2005-2015 had a lots of sci-fi movies. Romance has alwas been inbetween in few numbers.

Ghibli fantasy could be different like ghibli has its own way of doing things, it prolly hasway more fantasy themed anime than any other studios but some kind of similarities can be found anyways if they are the same genres. I might be being over sensitive caring about every petty details, i mean if they are the same genres ofc they would have some similarities. Like most common shounen traits where mc is an orphan.

I hope that im clear, if not feel free to ask me any questions or let me know what part needs more explanation.

Based on your rating criteria A 6 might be bad but based on my rating criteria 6 isnt that bad. I wont say i didnt enjoy the movie, It was kinda unique at the beginning. ofc every shows are at first. But again it ended up focusing on the core darkness concept and thats what decided the climax and I ended up relating it with other movies.

also looks like this is the 100th comment in our conversation, congrats ig.
Greenia May 11, 6:24 AM
I dont think I have watched anything form my plan to list for a long time now. As i said i watched haikyuu, other than that only the ongoing ones.
I watched frieren, this was very good. yubisaki to renren, a romance anime the lead girl is deaf and the main guy is a japanese raised in germany and he is fond of learning new cultures and languages he learns sign language for his girl and thats how romance builds up. this was good as well. im watching 7 ongoing animes rn.I like two of em, The Fable and Sentai Daishikkaku. I read the manga of the fable as well. Till now the manga solos anime. And another one is from the writer of gotoubun no hanayome. Do you know "The Boys" series? Its kinda similar to that. It shows how corrupt a hero association can be for fame, power and money. I forgot i was watching paranoia agent which is indeed in my ptw list.

Maybe i watched some movies as well, I remember watching Ramayana and The slam Dunk;s new movie. Wolf children too.

As for manga I havent read anything these days, not even the ongoing ones. Not even one piece. The last manga I completed was called Dokumushi which i saw in a youtube video. I might read the one thats on the second list of my "LAST MANGA UPDATES". Its called Inside Mari from oshimi shuuzou. have you read it?

Just finished a movie called Escape Plan. Its a prison break movie ofcourse. Im kinda fond of prison breka movies. But they are not huge in numbers.
Greenia May 10, 11:48 PM
Looks like you commented your reply on your own profile, I was on this "Conversation" page the whole time so it got refreshed automatically after i opened this tab after about 2-3 hours. Just happened to witness "30 mins ago". and was shocked that i didnt get the notification checked on your profile and found it.

>Show ends after Spike dies maybe coz there is no Bebop without him
Is he really dead tho? If he is dead that changes the whole opinion about myself on this show. The ending of this show is ambiguous, his death hasnt been shown so there would always be different assumptions. Thats one more reason to hate shows with ambiguous endings. No one can agree on one specific conclusion. Even if he wasnt dead i dont wish for everyone to be together again. I just wished that everyone's story somehow linked with that one conclusion.

>Idk what you think would they show after Spike's death with just Jet and Faye being in the crew.
We really had a huge difference in opinion about this. I still like to think that he isnt dead. Thinking about it now, it makes more sense if he actually died, cause there isnt actually anything left for him. Spike's fate is one of the enduring mysteries. Thats also why I hate this kind of shows. Lathalinga pareko jasto. I also dont mean they mourn for his death or be together forever after his death. I cant change my view on spike's story being the main story.

> I think Spike's death was the perfect way to end the story
Again, It would be 50-50 for me. I dont want to think he's dead, nor do I want to think he is alive. He indeed was severely injured but still the death wasnt visible. There is even a minor percent of chance that he's alive. It has been a long time since I watched this anime, I might be wrong and its also an anime I didnt like so I obviously do not need to remember it, and also this is the only time im actually talking about it with someone. Generally my memory is very good, but not in things like this.

I dont know much about this beef either so I asked to one of my friends who is more knowledgeable about this. I will just copy whatever he said.

[Kendrick says "but a rapper with a ghostwriter, what the fuck happened?" in King Kunta during the time Drake was getting those allegations. Drake runche vayera ho huna chai yo sab vako. He's just a petty sensitive bitch.Yestai chalira xa 10barsha dekhi. J Cole ra Kendrick ko nata suru ma ramro thiyo. Paxi khaskidai jana thalyo. Kendrick jahilei I'm the best vanera rap hanne khalko manxe ho
J Cole and Kendrick kinda started together, J Cole even came before Kendrick but sab le Kendrick no 1 vanne J Cole 2nd or 3rd ho vanthe. Ani testo competitive environment ma naramro lagi halxa ni Blah blah yestai kura xa k k. Yo beef start garya vanda ni challenge gareko ho, 2013 tira hipworld ekdum boring time chalira thiyo, Ani competitive banauna khojya ho, Tya mention gareko vanda mention na gareko haru chai offend vaira thiye, Ani mention gareko madhye Drake offend vayo, cuz he's a sensitive little bitch]

LMao just wanted to try this edit feature.

It looks like kendrick challanged a lot of rappers some cared, some didnt some backed off mid way, Looks like drake's the one that was most triggered and it has been going on for over a decade now.

These days I ve been listening to Kendrick and Kanye only, Kanye is very good as well production wise. Lyrics can be controversial sometimes. His first album really feels out of place. For something that came in 2004 it really is modern. Most of the songs that time were similar, with all that old school flows and beats. He has tried a lot of new things and it has worked out. But he hasnt been the same these days. He was unique back then. Personality wise i really dont give a fuck about him or taylor swift. Looking at it tho he really looks like a bad guy, his fans really blindly follow him.
Greenia May 10, 8:37 PM
>Im so stupid. Rfreshed the page while I was 70% finished with my comment. Now have to write in short form :)
has happened to me a lot as well but not in this site, you once said you write on notepad and did the same as well, but forgot to save many times. had to write again.

>I heard Bokuto and Hinata joins same team and get finals vs Kageyama's team. Shits so hype just listening to it.
yeah, might be spoiler dont read if you dont want to, but they all join a frachise league, oikawa joins argentinian franchise league. Kageyams's team wins that game. Its the opening game for that league's tournament. I would say its more focused on everyone's life's result like what they did after high school and college, its like a reunion phase, where everyone's together and talk about the two main characters.

>I remember those days. Those were the fun days man.
Same here, i still havent moved on from this. But ofcourse life wouldnt be the same forever. Many have stopped watching anime, the community is very much empty these days. I need to move on as well.

>I dont think it was mine coz you said you watched it in 2020 and I didnt even watch Barakamon untill early 2021.
Nah lmao, , maybe a typo error. I watched it on 2021 as well. I remember not watching it when i saw it on your list. But i watched it after seeing it on other's lists as well.

>I understand why you dont like Bebop coz you mentioned you dont even like the bounty hunting part of the show
I dont actually hate this part, its pat of their world they live off it so its unevitable. I do understand whats the point of the show, but what the main character came through has been with him since the very beginning, it wont ever change. Im not saying a show should revolve around the main character only, but he settles his score with his villain and the show ends. So what do I take of this? The goal was to defeat the main character's opponent all along and the build up to it was not upto the mark. Yeah neither jet nor faye had any link with spike's past they were there for his character development, and exploration of that world.The show ended after vicious was defeated, we dont get to see any characters after that, neither the result of his build up with other characters and his development. It has an ambiguous ending, which makes things more complicated. The relationships he forms with Jet, Faye and Ed contribute to his development as a character but when do we get to see it? the series primarily focuses on episodic dynamics rather than in depth character development arcs. He might have had achieved those developments but everything's over once he reached his goal. Makes me wonder what was all that for. I dont mind the different stories of different characters and SOL setting and episodic dymanic, what bothers me is that everyone's seperated at the end what was all that for. Maybe yeah he was affected by the people around him and if the story had continued further we would have got to see those changes but it just stopped after the main guy reached his goal.

> That isnt the point of the show in the first place.
I like to think it that this is the point tho, Spike still is the main guy no matter how many characters are there. If he doesnt affect main guy's side of the story which has been with him since the very begining even before ed appeared, and he is seperated at the end as well. What matters is the main guy at last anyways.

>Shining is insane.
It was scary ngl, much more scarier than any ghost horror out there. Its always crazy to see how vulnerable human mind is and when out of control how scary it can be.

>No fking way Drake got a chance vs Kendrick.
I never knew that drake was among the big three before this beef. Idk why hs is there. I dont know why he dissed drake, I also dont know much about the industry. But I do know that drake isnt the kind of guy to give fucks. But again if he didnt give fuck he wouldnt have dissed back. Yeah he got better flows, he has a soft voice many might like that.

>His "Sing about me" and "U" are two of the best stories Ive ever heard through music.
I do know these songs, As i have told you already im not much of a lyrics guy and i think sing about me is 10 mins long as well. I listen to his backseat freestyle, bitch dont kill my vibe and rigamortus almost everyday. Rigamortus is from his first album. its called section.80. Listening to kendrick and not praising his lyrics would be dumb but i do like and listen to his "alright' , 'count me out' and "hiiipower". Hiipower is agaiin from his first album section.80.

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