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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
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Miageru to Kimi wa
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amaviz Dec 10, 2015 2:30 AM
I really don't know how it's going to be. To me it seems more like a way to squeeze more money out of consumers rather than "it's simply too big".

Guess we'll find out eventually. Would also suck if it means you can't finish it so you might have to wait several months until you can continue. If anything I only wanted a graphical upgrade :P

Yeah, it's been some time since I have seen it. The tension is what grabs me too, they make it so good even if I don't really understand what is going on, I still enjoy it. It's kinda weird when you think about it like that but in a good way. One Outs is a little different but the same thing with the main character as those two. But it does feel like it's kinda lacking what those two had. At least to that level.

Yeah it's been way more awful for me lately than what it's like usually. But I am kinda more fond of the night as I usually feel better then. It's been like that for long but honestly my life is pretty terrible right now so it's hard to resist. I know exactly what you are talking about and it's been like that for me too for a while. It's kinda hard to acknowledge that so it makes me feel worse. Not so good at talking about it either.

And I don't mind at all, I think it's really sweet of you. You can always bring that up, I don't find it bothersome or annoying. Might be better if you tell me through a message or something since someone else might read it or whatever. Maybe it's because I think so..
With that said, MAL might not be the best place for chatting in general, I don't know :P Also, I should have said Denpa instead. I realized that when I saw that I wrote Denna,lol.

amaviz Dec 9, 2015 3:15 PM
Well, they are making it right now so it's probably going to take some time before it comes out. Yeah I reeeeeeally want FF7 too, that game means so much to me. I used to play it so much as a kid. What is bullshit however is that they are splitting it, something along the lines of being episodic. How this will work in practice is one thing but it sounds like a horrible idea. Like, is the whole game going to be in three releases. Sounds really horrible.

Yeah, I love Akagi. I kinda like Kaiji more since not understanding mahjong kinda limits my enjoyment. Also, if season three from Kaiji comes then that will include mahjong as well... But they are pretty similar and not just by the art style. You should check out One Outs, it has a similar formula and it's the same voice actor as those two. It does stand out a little bit from them but worth checking out.
amaviz Dec 6, 2015 6:11 PM
My sleeping pattern is so awful lately. They showed some of FF7 recently and also this

Did you play the first one?

Btw, I'm going to call you Denna now :]
amaviz Dec 4, 2015 3:59 AM
Ahhh that's a shame. I really hoped you did. I still have my PS3 console but I haven't used it for like 2 years and I barely have if any multiplayer games. It's mostly RPG games or similar.

I have done the same with Skyrim myself but I'm kinda done with it now. The mods really make that game for sure. I did the same thing with F3, FNV and well...their games. Right now it's Fallout 4 for me and I can't wait until they release the tools early next year so that game will get the same treatment.

Haven't started a new series here for a while actually. I'm not sure what I am looking for but I usually have periods where I find anime more interesting. If I find a new series that I like then that can change really fast. I usually do the same if I have watched more than 5 episodes too unless it's a really long one which have more than 50+ episodes.
amaviz Dec 3, 2015 2:32 PM
Wraah I was uploading my anime list. I can't remember everything I have seen.

You didn't answer my last message :O
MioSerket Nov 25, 2015 8:18 AM
Hahah niinpä! Mullakin polttelee muutama animesarja tällä hetkellä hyppysissä. Ei millään malttaisi olla katsomatta niitä heti, mutta pakko jaksaa oottaa joululomaan asti, kun on tää ihana ruuhka-aika tenteissä juuri nyt menossa. xD
Äläpä muuta sano! :DDD Mut toisaalta... fillerit on joskus aivan mahtavia.. B3 Hurhurhur~<3
MioSerket Nov 13, 2015 12:59 PM
Hahah.. äläpä.. xD Mut aina voisi katsoa enemmänkin. :3 Harmi että tänne ei saa nörttisarjoja lisätty. :/ (sherlock, merlin, doctor who, mlp, tms.) Mut oot säkin katsonut tosi paljon sarjoja! 83 Enemmän kuin monet muut, mitä oon tavannut.
MioSerket Dec 31, 2014 7:03 AM
Wut. XD Arvaa hämmennyinkö tästä.. xD Mut joo mä käyn täällä tosi harvoin ja yleensä silloin kun sähköposti lähettää tietoa et täällä on ollut elämää. XDD lähetän yv:tä sulle.. :D
MioSerket Aug 11, 2014 11:51 AM
Hahah. :D Riippuu vähän tilanteesta joo.. :3

Lähiaikoina... jaa Homestuck, bbc sherlock holmes, corpse party(game)... sanotaanko et enemmän nörtti kamaa on, mitä tääl ei saa laitettua ylös et on kattonut tms. Xd Ja oon muutenkin kauheen huono päivittelee tätä. XD
Enemmänkin oon lukenut mangoja. xD Vaikka pitäs kiriä animet kii siihen mis mennään ja kattoa myös paljon uusia sarjoja. XD
Aws. :D Mut hei Helsing ja Death Note on laatusarjoja! >3< Kaikki ne trollit.. omnomnomn<33 Eeeppisyys<3 Ah. 83

Cool! :33 Toi 07 ghost näyttää kyl aivan ihanalta.. <3__<3 Pitääpä tutustua siihen.. :)
MioSerket Aug 7, 2014 10:10 PM
Aws. xD Ja joo tiiän.. :) Mulkin oli joskus tolleen.. mut nah. XD Pysyttelen erossa Suomen otakuista. Sydän on toisten otakujen luona. XD
Hahaha aaws... :''3 Ymmärrän.. mulla taas et luen mangaa, mut oon kattonut viimeks kaks vuotta sitten Narutoa. XD Pitäs varmaan vetää naruto maraton taas vaihteeksi, jos sais jostain aikaa revittyä siihen. XD Mut on monia jotka tekee samalla tavala ku sie... mut ei kaikki aattele vaan sitä. XD Animun katsojat puolestaan pystyy spoilii naruton lukijaa esim Kakashin anbu ajoista ja kaikesta randomista. xD
En jaksa väittää jos joku spoili ellei asia sitten ole just sellanen mistä ei halua tietää. XD
MioSerket Aug 5, 2014 12:34 PM
Hahaha. XD Joo Totta. :D Toisaalta se on erittäin hämärääkin.. etekin jos jossain omeglessa tapaa. XD
MioSerket Aug 5, 2014 2:01 AM
Thanks. XD Kato kun oon nopee vastaaamaan. :D Mut uuh lisää suomalaisia tääl. c:
Nagon Dec 7, 2008 1:55 PM
Iltaa, eikai haittaa kun lisäsin sut? Kunhan lisäsin kaikki suomalaiset mitä löysin ( 2 :D ), että jos vaikka jotain juttuseuraa löytyis :)
amaviz Nov 16, 2008 4:29 AM
Ah that`s a bitch. Hate it when does days come, your sick but you have to go no matter what. I know what you mean, because you can`t concentrate so much. Actually, it reminded me of something. Haha, like 1-2 years ago right, I had such a soar throat, I could not speak at all for like a week. Haha, dear god, I just sat at the computer 24/7 doing nothing. Just watching series and playing video I am doing now>_<. Okay, so I do that a lot, but still..=P

Usually I am not sick at all. I can often feel tired sometimes, like really tired that it is no point at all going to school. And even though I don`t want to skip it then, I can`t fight it. When I am really sleepy, I want to sleep. So I guess that is a sickness._..
But I know why I am it though, it`s because I don`t eat three meals every day.. I often eat dinner and nothing else... sometimes I eat right before I go to bed, but that`s it.
I have to stop with that, it`s not good at all.
amaviz Nov 11, 2008 8:47 AM
Well it was not an exam, just a regular test^_^. Exam for me is next week. The class was history:P
Pretty hard, because the facts on the page was confusing, so hard to remember it. Even the best in the class thought so to. So it didn't go so well.

Normally when you work in groups, the things you do you get graded on right? So it can`t be such a big handicap can it?
Well it does limit your work a little bit. But I understand how you feel, not everybody is so interested in school anymore, I feel the same way. Since 95% of what we learn we don`t need to learn, its just so we know things....
I can honestly say that I am not good at school, but I never get in a situation where I don`t know what to do at all, except for math.. but that is different.
But I can understand why you think of it that way though.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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