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Leo_ Oct 14, 2022 12:34 AM
Happy birthday
Ashur Jun 26, 2022 5:53 PM
Well u know, i just used to watch all those documentaries about education in scandinavia, with the small classes and no homework cause they said having fun playing with family and friends was the best education and stuff like that.

I'm pretty sure there're ppl that have it much worse than me but its really difficult for me to think that there's any hope left in my life tbh. Reminds me about what the one armed chef says(you can look him up he's called Giles Duley he's a war journalist that in 2011 when he was covering the war in afghanistan he stepped on a landmine, lost both his legs and an arm, was in coma for 64 days and 1 year in hospital, was told he was never going to walk again yet he says coping with that injury was easier than dealing with depression cause at least when you're physically injured ppl can relate easier). But i have only ever met ppl that make fun of me and call me a pussy that just wants to escape from life, my family thinks the same too. All i can say is that when you got bullied both physically and mentally since a very young age(early elementary school for me) just for something that's out of your control(for being chinese in a foregin country in my case) you get this sense of alienation and mentals scars that most ppl can't really understand and when even your family doesn't care you feel even more alienated, like you don't belong anywhere and got nobody on your side, i mean ppl say they feel lonely cause they couldn't hang out with friends cause of covid, imagine living without friends or anyone that supports you in any way and living with the feeling that the entire world is against you. That's the closest way i can explain how it feels like for me. It is especially bad when ppl call you lazy, cause tbh there's nothing i want more than being normal you know, i want to have a job, earn my own money more than anything and i want to have friends to hang out with too, i just can't deal with ppl the same way a normal person can, i can't even sleep like a normal person without heavy medication. I mean life is not easy for anyone, everyone has problems of their own, but society is especially harsh towards ppl with mental health issues, or ppl that are not quite "normal", which is pretty sad.

Gachas are more time consuming than work tbh, with all the time limited or time specific events and all. Unless you're playing casually, i'm more of the kind of player that if i'm not going to put in the effort to get everything the game has to offer or at least do all the content or i gotta put like $6000 usd every month to get everything i would rather just not play it cause i'm more of a collecting type of player, i don't really care much for combat or gameplay in general. I like collecting stuff and progressing, more of the old school mmorpg kinda gamer.

I have no idea why, read somewhere that it was a security thing, i mean games that you're only supposed to be able to play if you live in japan but payments aren't from a japanese source is pretty shady. Tbh i knew something like this was going to happen eventually but still i really liked the game and i was in a good place ingame where i had everything i wanted after spending 10 hrs everyday for 3 years and over $2k usd in the game. But as a said if i can't get skins there's no point in me playing cause i would just feel bad if there was something ingame that i couldn't get because of a paywall. I liked AL a lot cause of that, skins are not gacha, you pay you get what you paid for and it wasn't particularly expensive, and you only have to pay for skins and dock space, everything else you get by actually playing the game, there's no pay2win of any kind or paying for power except for oath rings, unfortunately you can't farm gems in gachas either way and now i can't even pay for gems or battle pass and all that jazz is what it is. Life doesn't usually go the way you want it to. Shit happens as they say.
Ashur Jun 22, 2022 3:31 PM
I thought scandinavians didn't believe in homework lul.

Well it used to be only traumas and very bad depression but now i have to deal with health issues from being a shut-in for so long too. I stopped going to therapy when covid started and i haven't taken anti depressives and sleeping pills in many years maybe i should i feel like it doesn't really help.

Most of my struggle is drowning in enough copium to want to live another day, which can be quite a fight that i have been fighting since i was 9 years old. But you know it doesn't matter how shitty life is, it can be worse so one's gotta be grateful with what little you have. It has been getting better but there's still days when i just want to end my suffering. Tbh i could prob fix most of my issues if i could find a good job, but the problem is that i have wasted away most of my life so its prob gonna be hard to find a decent job. I quit college and i haven't worked in like a decade so...its rough. Sleeping disorder doesn't help either, my therapist even told me i could be officially recognized as a disabled person with how bad my mental health and some other sleep and health related issues i have piled up over the years. Unfortunately being recognized as disabled might help my parents cut on some costs but it doesn't help me one bit tbh.

Yea it was one of those things, i wouldn't have had this problem if i just played EN but well it is what it is. I was really happy with the new roon and aegir L2D, NJ oath skin and i really liked vanguard too. Was still looking forward to yamato and musashi, bismarck kai/meta or enty kai and the new L2D taihou skin. I already invested pretty much entire 3 years and lots of money into it so starting over in EN was out of the question a while ago since i had pretty much everything and i could compete with the top players. I'm still trying to come to terms with quitting cause i liked the game that much but well good things have to end eventually. I still check my phone every hour for commissions and research, and am prepared for pvp when time comes lul. It's pretty much wired into my brain already so its prob going to take me a while to go back to gacha free life.
Ashur Jun 21, 2022 8:12 PM
Yo its been quite a while....almost 2 years it seems, guess someone was really busy.

Being busy is good, consider it an investment lul. At least you're not wasting your life struggling with depression like a certain someone...

My japanese is pretty rusty too but i learnt it as a kid so if i wanted to reinforce it, it would probably be pretty easy.

Rather than satisfaction, nowadays i'm more into trying to practice gratitude, i mean life can be a bit*** but it can always be worse so one gotta be grateful with what you have, even if its tough to do so.

Also some update, i quit AL 2 weeks ago since i was playing in JP and now google play blocks payments so i can't get skins or dock space anymore so i thought might as well quit and recover my life since i was so invested in the game i was in top 20 every event in most categories, it was quite painful to be kinda forced to quit but well it is what it is at least now i got free time to do other stuff.
torsan88 Oct 15, 2021 9:13 AM
Happy birthday
torsan88 Dec 24, 2020 5:03 AM
Merry Christmas
Ashur Oct 23, 2020 8:16 PM
Don't worry about it man just take it easy and focus on the things that are more important.

Well let's just say that even for this third world country, we have seen better days, economy was already in the crapper for a while but covid-19 just made it worse and we're currently one of the poorest countries in the world, inflation has been insane lately. Also, i'm pretty sure we had the longest mandatory quarantine in the world and it didn't help at all because ppl are dumb and refuse to social distance.

I have been making pretty good progress in AL so far. I already cleared chapter 12 and i'm almost to development lv 30 with some of the 3rd season research ships. Decisive ships are still going to take quite a while to complete since getting 513 rainbow bps takes forever.

Game is not rocket science, top tier equipment and ships are usually top tier for a good reason, whether is it because of good synergy, buff, good barrage or whatever, it just take a bit of experience to figure out, i wouldn't stress too much about it, you don't really need to worry about top tier stuff until chapter 12 and 13 and even in those, specialized ships and gear are usually more useful than just high power lv, you need a ton of AA on those, BB's with good AA are preferable but you can bring low AA BB's too with the right setup but chapter 12 and 13 are called "plane hell" for a reason and AA reduces dmg taken by airstrikes. Tier lists aren't always necessarily that cut and dry either, they usually don't take into account specialization and synergy, they just rate individual power lv most of the time.

In terms of updates i have it worse since i play on the japanese server and my japanese needs a lot of work lol.

Take your time and really do think about those things because it is extremely important, there's nothing more important than enjoying the things you do especially if you will be doing it for years, i mean money is important and you need it to live but you can toughen up and save for a while and get by, but if you're stuck doing things you don't enjoy you're just gonna be miserable. I'm not really qualified to give any advice to ppl since my own life is kind of a mess but usually it is recommended that you invest into a career or a life that you will enjoy, being happy is the most important thing in life everything else is secondary, you can always sidetrack and do something else for money but when you get the money you can keep chasing the dreams as they say lol. But i'm a firm believer that doing the things you enjoy greatly increase the chances of being successful since you gotta like what you do to be good at it and even if you aren't successful as long as you're happy with what you do that's still good.

I already know about health gamer gg, it is interesting but i'm of the opinion that privacy should be respected in therapy sessions, its not supposed to be something that can be exposed to an audience, i understand that streamers need to share their private life online to a degree to get a following but well let's just say i'm not the biggest fan of streaming in general.

No need to apologize, i should be apologizing for writing another wall of text, good luck with anything you do and take care. Also happy late birthday lol, sorry i never pay attention to those things.
torsan88 Oct 19, 2020 2:58 PM
Thank you ^^ you too ^^
torsan88 Oct 15, 2020 2:32 PM
Happy birthday!
Alfond Jul 17, 2020 8:10 AM
Yeah it is pretty frustrating. I used to drop courses with super shitty teachers years ago but nowadays I just bite the bullet. It would be a waste of money otherwise.

Well, what matters is that you had fun in the end. Like Reggie said, if it's not fun, why bother? I'm personally interested in Ghost of Tsushima right now. Maybe I'll get it during a flash sale or something. I wish it was on PC though. Good thing I still have my PS4.

How much have you progressed in Lostbelt 2? Admittedly, I tend to use apples during story chapters if they manage to hook me which is why I was done with it in a few days. I also needed mats for Skadi that could only be farmed in her lostbelt so unlocking the free quests might have played a role in it heh.. Also I imagine you must be enjoying Lostbelt 2 a lot so far given its location, so that's pretty nice. I think Oslo was mentioned too.

Nice! Those are pretty good pulls, so congrats on that. I personally love Nero Bride, not only is she a top tier waifu but she's pretty top tier gameplay-wise as well. She even gets a buff later on that gives her a NP charge on her first skill, making her even more OP. I don't know a lot about Sigurd gameplay-wise, but I did like him in the story. I did try rolling for Hokusai on her last rate up but didn't get her, so getting her on the GSSR was a nice surprise. She's so fun to use, and definitely a must bring for berserker nodes. Hope you get kaleidoscopes one day, they sure are a game changer.

Vtubers have been a blessing for me in these times of quarantine lol. They are so fun to watch imo. I personally like most if not all of the girls in Hololive so it's hard to pick a favorite, but I think the ones I watch the most are Haato and Coco, probably because they both speak English as well. I mostly watch translated highlights or clips but I do watch livestreams sometimes, like the recent 3D debuts for example. Not sure if it's because I have actually improved on my Japanese but some of their livestreams are surprisingly easy to follow. I also like Projekt Melody which is like a western vtuber that streams on Twitch, but she's also a virtual camgirl that streams on Chaturbate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also Mizuryu Kei will become a vtuber?! That's news to me, sounds cool! I do enjoy their um.. art.
Fovez Jul 12, 2020 11:00 AM
Åjada. heheheeeee.
Ser ut som noen av mine profile layout pics har daua også. Burde oppdatere det når e orke en dag
Also, jeg kan se at Hitler er enda i mil favoritt People lista min. Jeg er så perfeksjonist ass. HAIL Olsen banden.
Fovez Jul 12, 2020 10:30 AM
Nvm all good. Jeg såg en uåpen 1,5 liters brus som ingen satt ved siden av flystasjonen i Oslo. Venta rundt 30 min for å confirme ingen kom for å ta den.
Stjal den og har den med meg hjem i toget xd. FREE ECONOMY STONKS FOR MY BODY REFUEL AND RESOURCES
Fovez Jul 12, 2020 2:34 AM
Jeg er død min mann D:
theanime_101 Jul 11, 2020 6:38 AM
ookie cool ill add u on there!
im the one with a onedirection thingy in my username lmao
Alfond Jul 11, 2020 6:11 AM
Well, like I said it sucked.. Reason why is because some of the teachers had no experience giving online classes and they were just pretty bad at it, which in turn resulted in me and everyone else being lost and confused about what to do. Me and the other students had to create a group chat just to try and know what the hell was going on. Some of us even gave formal complaints to the dean but in the end 4 weeks passed by and not much was done. At least I passed my classes but I felt like I put in way more effort than I had to, if that makes sense.

I think if they wanted us to sympathize with Abby more they should have made her playable sooner, not after she just killed a beloved character. In the end there wasn't even any choice on how to end things. No matter what you do Ellie just gets the worst ending possible, losing everyone she cared about and not even getting her revenge. The gameplay looked pretty good I'll admit, but if the story's shit (especially when it's a story-driven game) then the whole game is shit, at least for someone like me who puts more emphasis on the story. Anyway, that's just my opinion. If you enjoyed playing the game then that's totally fine and your opinion is just as valid.

Did you clear LB2 already? Since I'm not sure if you did I won't go into spoilers but maaan this time I really felt like the villain in the story. I know we're doing this to regain Proper Human History and it was the Lostbelt's/Crypters fault in the first place that it got erased but the people in the Lostbelts are still innocent. Instead of feeling satisfied or relieved like when you clear a Singularity, I just feel empty after clearing a Lostbelt and seeing "Cosmos Denial". I did enjoy playing through LB2 though.

So how did your rolls go? In my case I did get Skadi but not after spending some money so I was a bit salty lol, but at least she came and it was within my budget. As for the GSSR, I got Hokusai and a bunch of Salieris so that was nice.

Well now that I'm free I was thinking I might start watching some anime again but I realized that lately I've spent most of my free time watching vtubers and hstreamers lol. If I can make some time I'll start watching the 2nd season of Re:Zero and also start Kaguya-sama: Love Is War. As for gaming, maybe I'll give P4G another go and also check out Helltakers.
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