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Witch Hunter Robin
Nov 6, 2010 11:04 PM
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Shinseiki Evangelion
Nov 6, 2010 10:38 PM
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nov 6, 2010 10:32 PM
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Mar 23, 2011 7:07 PM
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Sapphire86 May 11, 2011 9:29 AM
Where have you been? I thought of you so am saying hi.

Hope you're ok! :)
asukai_kun Aug 9, 2010 5:47 AM
Join us & our Club

also theres a new game in our club link
EternalFate Aug 8, 2010 3:54 AM
Sapphire86 Jan 26, 2010 11:50 PM
Hey Huni! Thank you so much. I'm off in a few days. Yes i've decided to stay who i am and not change things like my accents and all, i mean its taken me 23 years to get to where and what i am and its takes a while you know to figure out ones likes and dislikes, things to wear, character and all, so i shouldn't change who i am cos of some indians' convenience- its their problem. Although my parents are saying blue eye-liner might be a no-no as its might make me look like a hussy (?)...i thought it woulda been quite daring and fashionable- it woulda been perceived like that here anyways! I guess most indians like to keep things basic, old fashioned (think 1950s women at home cooking for the men and all that jazz) and don't like change (quite closed minded actually!) but that makes me want to rebel against the system even more. I'm sure i'll find a good equilibrium though, its gonna be quite challenging XD

Ah Kim Bum, i was introduced to him from Boys Before Flowers too- isn't he just delightful, so sophisticated and cute, he should just live as a rich boy with that attire and all. Ah thinking of him is quite calming actually- you should make him your phone screen saver or something ^^

Aaww i'll miss you too! Take your time replying, cos it'll probs be a while before i get on the comp again to. I'll let you know how it goes there, theres most likely gonna be awkward or funny situations- hopefully not too many peeved off moments, am gonna take it in my stride and "breathe" in the best of times. Oh look after the Demon Lord club for me, theres not much to do just voting for end of the month, post it around on the 20 something day of month- its upto you if you wanna put random or a category of demon lords, get the other admins to help if you want, they are all nice people!! XD

Take care, catch you soon. Loads of love Sapphy-chan xxx

Sapphire86 Dec 21, 2009 4:41 AM
Hey hey!

Yeah- drastic is one way to put it! Am looking forward to it now though. Yes, Mumbai. My home language is Marathi but in a different dialect (only a few people- villagers can speak it so thats no use where i'm gonna live!). I can speak Urdu but have a bit of a fluency problem- i have to think before i speak- hahahaha i think thats what we're all meant to do with any language but really, some words don't come out as quickly as i'd like- or i can't remember them: i think i'll probs be standing around shops or markets pondering on the word for say "onions"- STRESS! Or maybe i could just pick things out or point?- may need to brush up on acting skills or use pictures -_-. So i've decided to brush-up on vocab for now ^^ Oh gosh the indian accents when speaking english! I suppose i'll get used to them but i hope they can understand me, last time i went there they were like "i don't know what you're speaking", you'd think they'd understand an english accent- i don't want to change my accent though to accomadate them, you know? Where you from?

No worries, hope you're liking it! You started crying yet? So EMO stuff! You must've got used to it by now though :)
OMG i just wikied Kwon Sang Woo and it came up with a line: "With his handsome looks and physique, Kwon is considered an example of the mom-zzang (Korean: 몸짱) or "great body" movement." Nice XD So funny though but its true, i just googled him and WHOA he is something else. LOL- hitting him over the head? you might hurt him!- you crazy woman ^^ I might check out Stairway though, it has the W.S. woman in it. Ah darn it, just found out Kwon got married in Sept 08 and his wife gave birth 6 months later...well well well XD Oh well we can still perve on him on screen though -_-

Arigato for the postive energy- most needed! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! XXX
Sapphire86 Dec 11, 2009 9:15 AM
Hey huni! Don't be deeply sorry- its ok! XD LAWSUIT oh my gah, serious stuff hope your ok? What happened? What do you do profession-wise anyways? Hope it works out. Let me know if you need help in finding out something or advice or anything- here let me send you another one of these: *macho hug*.

Ah yes internet withdrawl symptoms are bad! My internet is gonna disappear next month so not really sure when i'm gonna get connected again- am moving house, or more precise country; am moving from the grey skies of London to the colourful warm India, am kinda excited although its gonna be a massive change! I'm preparing for the worst, so if anything it can only get better. My parents wanted to move there time ago so its high-time we sussed it out. I don't really have a preference for any country though, although Japan might be a likely candidate but haven't really been there....

Yeah i know, Winter Sonata is good :) I wouldn't say its amazing and theres a lot of tears involved that if someone doesn't cry in a scene then it seems a bit out of place. But overall its a good drama. Youtube got it recently loaded up: and at episode 10 watch it on mysoju: instead of having to load 6 parts at a time for an episode.

Lee Jun Ki is hawt i have to admit. I saw him in My Girl a while back, he kept crying in the corner of the scenes; the lead man was a too strong character to beat. Heros hasn't finsihed yet so i think i'll wait before i get onto that bandwagan- you can have his hotness to yourself for now XD x
Sapphire86 Nov 5, 2009 8:48 AM
Hey! No worries. It looks like things have been real busy with you lately. Hope you're ok though. I'm sorry to hear about your dog, i can't imagine what its like as i've never had a dog but i'll send you a massive hug *macho hug* xxx

Congrats for becoming editor- yay you! Yeah Kimi wa pet was good, i felt bad for her boyfriend though- i never liked that fumi girl...too scheming- not natural at all!

Nothing much happening with me. Just watched a whole loadda asian dramas lately- Mei-chan no shitsuji; its based on the manga without the smutty stuff though and Romantic Princess; its Taiwanese (my first Tai) with hawt guys ^^, the lead guy blew me away! Oh btw do you know where i could find the korean drama Winter Sonata? i've tried everywhere- even downloading but it doesn't work. I don't wanna watch the anime- i wanna watch it with real people in front of me not the anime drawings -_-
Sapphire86 Oct 16, 2009 3:06 AM
Darling where are you? Hope you're ok! Haven't heard from you in haven't even logged on for ages...
Sapphire86 Aug 26, 2009 11:11 PM
Hey hey! I feel like MAL is where i am the most, i hardly touch facebook or msn. Yeah i saw you've put demons down but there seems to be a problem with the site when i go to edit things- i'll add them real soon- thanks XD. So have they made you editor yet on Starry heaven's site?- do you need to know jap or chinese for it though?- do you??

You could try making them if you want. But yeah i know what you mean. It takes ages for me to make things like that whilst other people are pretty quick and yup most the time its not the same as what i had in mind -_-;
Sapphire86 Aug 19, 2009 12:05 AM
Yay! DBSK are so hot! They my fav korean band right now- JaeJoong is so bishie- he probs came from a manga or something ^^! I will be checking out those songs, will let you know how i found 'em :)

Yay- you are admin now for Demon Lord- just comment now and then and its all good. If you ever want to do any character of the month displays or anything then let me know- i havent had Xzar do any yet but i'm always good to let others try it. is this the starry heaven's site you talking about? Oh let me see which girl, she doesn't have to be like Kyoko- LOL- that girl is OTT XD
Sapphire86 Aug 16, 2009 1:18 AM
Hey hey! Hmmm, i use the comp everyday but even i get confused sometimes and freeze- literally, i stop and just stare at the screen thinking what to do- whilst my brothers would just try things out instead....

ooOooo i love korean and jap music- for korean try listening to the album Mirotic by DBSK, i think you'll like their songs and for j-pop try Ayumi Hamasaki's album Guilty, its pretty cool. For jap i tend to just listen to anime songs most though ^^

I've started the Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge manga- haven't got quite far yet though @_@.

Are you becoming nocturnal? LOL I'm more of an early-bird, i'd rather get up early than sleep late- i tend to be lights out by 10 or 11..anything after that and i get angry and pick on everyone and everything- its quite scary actually.

Finally, before i leave you in peace for a while, i'd like to offer you to become an admin for my baby club "The Demon Lord Club"- theres not too much to do, just commenting, ideas now and then, and DL of the month, whatdya think? You up for it? x
Sapphire86 Jul 26, 2009 2:52 AM
No Doubt is pretty cool- i like some of their songs, never really been into Green Day though....I guess i should come out with it, i listen to all sorts of genres and songs in loads of languages but I'm a Britney Spears fan first and foremost and i was heavily influenced with the Spice Girls when girl power was dominating XD- now you know about some of my music background. But recently i'm into korean and jap songs- mostly OSTs from Dramas.

Isn't Jamyung that korean drama with loads of episodes? And totally agree, i think Asians are better actors than the Americans. Oh, after you mentioned Hana Kimi i gave it a go (it was only 12 epis so i thought i should) and i really liked it, i remeember reading a few of the manga chapters (never finsihed it). i liked the lead guy, so am watching him in the jap version of Boys Over Flowers now. I don't think i'll bother with the Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi though cos after hearing what you just said about the girl i think i'll give it a pass- besides, i liked the jap girl, she looked like a cute boy ^^
Sapphire86 Jul 17, 2009 1:03 AM
You're melting?? No-way, does that mean you've started watching Henge as theres a lot of melting mentioned in that too :D

Beatles eh? you're the first person i've met in my generation who listens to them- wow! i'm into korean pop right now, just watched some super famous korean dramas based off anime and manga and i cried so many times (i'm the type who will cry at adverts!), it was beautiful! I watched Princess Hours and Boys Over Flowers- they're on youtube if you want to watch a trailer or something...i even downloaded their original soundtrack songs! (addicted ^_~)

My younger brother became 18 couple of months ago- i still call him"child" though- yeah he too is glued to his games consoles, personally i don't see the fascination in playing for so long (that may be partly cos i'm no good at the games, that i get irritated at losing and then go off in a huff)

catsix Jul 15, 2009 6:03 PM
i like everything actually from romance to yuri so i don't have a fav. type
i like animes with good story line so i watch yuri and yaoi sometimes too
well i watched naruto 1st season it wa pritty good but i didn't watcch nor bleach nor narutto shippuden but i really want too wach the b/c i heard they'ree really good
did you saw straberry punic?
catsix Jul 15, 2009 3:49 PM
well i'm 17
did you ever tried to watch yuri or yaoi?
do you want naruto or bleach?
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