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Miyuki- Mar 24, 2013 12:36 PM

Interested in joining my club? If you are, check it out! :D We'd love to have you ^_^

HimeFuushi Jan 14, 2013 6:07 PM
Hahah, nahh thats not being nosey, its facebook. XP Zazu is the little bird from Lion King. XD

Mann thats really unfortunate cause they're awesome. :P

Yeah, i was, but now i just got back from my work. I'll try to send my story now i guess, if it'll work. :X cross your fingers!

Haha, i make them all the time, and who cares what they think? If you make an awesome enough one they'll all just be jealous. And whoever says they dont like forts is lying or made up of grey matter on the inside. XP
HimeFuushi Jan 13, 2013 4:16 PM
I think he just refuses to like the things i do. He's the one that thinks pillow forts are juvenile and hates snowboarding.

Hehe, its really old, so you might not find that much. :X

Laziness is the best! until you actually have to get something done....

But yeah, ill totally do that, maybe i could like send an attachment of a document...? iono if you'll be able to open it, cause the word program on my laptop is incredibly stupid, but ill give it a shot. :P I guess i'll send you the short story i just finished for class, but it's only a rough copy cause i havent edited it or anything yet. :S

And its alright, its not a hassle or anything. also, i'll get around to my handwriting. XP
HimeFuushi Jan 13, 2013 3:40 PM
Thats the cartoon show though, its based off of of their original show thats filmed.
HimeFuushi Jan 13, 2013 3:13 PM
That's cool! I wish I could be in a band, I think being a frontman must be the most exciting and fun thing, I mean, just signing on a stage, your friends behind you jamming out to a song you wrote, just rocking hard into the mic, hundreds or people screaming and singing along, must be so awesome. XD it's too bad I totally can't see, otherwise I would totally start a band.

I've tried, he's just really stubborn about it. He's a big meanie. :X

Nahhh, just slept in all day, did nothing productive.

Yeahhhhh, but then everyone else'll see them, maybe I can link it to you or something? I'll have to ask someone how to do that.... But yeah eventually....

Ahahaha, yeah that's them, they used to have am awesome show. XP
HimeFuushi Jan 13, 2013 11:12 AM
That's alright, I slept in quite a lot.... :X Hope you had a good time. :)

No no, he's just a friend of mine, but yeah, he's just incredibly close minded.... And a little bit of a jerk. But yeah, thanks for the help. :) I'll get him one day. :P

That's too bad, it was a lot of fun. Yeah, I guess we do have all the cool stuff. XD

Work was busy, I was really tired, and then I was out late with friends, and I just got up, it's bout two in the afternoon here. :P
HimeFuushi Jan 12, 2013 11:49 AM
Ahaha, understandable. :P

Nah it's not an anime, but he's just like its like one, but with real people. I don't really get what he means, maybe the wag the plot progresses or something, but he wouldn't even know cause he's never even seen any anime. And thanks for the suggestions, he's really stubborn about this stuff but, ill try my vest. XP

Yeah, I'm pretty excited to go, we're really weird when we're all together so, it'll be a riot. :P and you don't have somethibg like that there? I'm sure if you looked hard enough.

I was just at work, so that's why I haven't responded, and tried to go to bed earlier last night cause it was an early shift for me. :X but yeah, going out with friends later for now
probably just gonna chill and play some video games until they call. :P

No, I haven't seen it but I've heard about it, is it really good?
HimeFuushi Jan 11, 2013 1:43 PM
Awwwww, hope you feel better real soon!

Yeah, we had school today, i was just on a computer at lunch, XD Breakin' the rules like a total badass.

Hahaha, we are so good at being zombies. we do all the makeup and then have a photoshoot behind my friends house cause it backs onto a rivene, and whoever is late doesn't get zombie makeup so their survivors or visctims. :P Im not, but i'll be going out soon, my friends making me watch kill bill. Have you ever seen that? The idiot says its like anime but not animated. I dont even know what he means by that.... I'm also trying to convince him that not all anime is like, stereotypical anime.... do you know any series that greatly appeal to guys, that would help prove my point??

Im going out tomorrow to celebrate my best friends birthday, dinner and then glow in the dark bowling, cause we're supercool kids. XP
HimeFuushi Jan 11, 2013 9:03 AM
Hahaha, alright, i wish it was a pond, then i could swim across it. :P

Nah not a movie, film photography, had to redo her her roll. Basically more zombies and stuff. XP

Oh man, yeah we just have a lot of old people come in, half of them are really mean. :X

hahaha, im just gonna use kip from now on. XD

Yeah, she's pretty good at it. But the second time we did the makeup for something else,. i did it myself and it looked pretty damn cool. Quite proud of myself. ;P

What are you up to today? :)
HimeFuushi Jan 10, 2013 7:41 PM
Well, there arnt too many zombie pictures, cause I'm not tagged in all of them, hut yeah, there's one with zombie Gumby, that was a very exciting moment if my life. XD

I'll pass on the message, ny friend did my makeup that day, so ill let her know. ;P

Nahh, I mean a little bit of a discount but, still, it's a little ridiculous. And subway, really wow... I feel terribly sorry for you....

Sorry about the incredibly last

Man, u always thought it meant argue. I mean, the word just sounds like an arguing word. Like ban, and the strong t sound.... Sorry, had a prose analysis test today.... :X

Sorry about the incredibly late response, terribly rude of me. I was just busy at school.and then I had to help my friend re-shoot her film cause her first two didn't work out. But yeah, I guess my day was alright. I know you'll be, "in the kip" now so it'll be the next dat when you see this so, have a good day. :)
HimeFuushi Jan 9, 2013 7:27 PM
Hahaha, yeah he looked pretty sick, but it was just a t-shirt. He totally half-assed it, wore a batman belt with a huge buckle, the shirt black skinny jeans and a mask. :P But yeah, im the one next to him, the taller one i guess, long brown hair not in a ponytail or anything. The small girl on his other side is his girlfriend, the one i matched with for the zombie walk. :P But im sure if you scrolled through more pictures you'd find the common person who'd be in most if not all pictures and be like, ahh, that must be her. :P But i do not suggest going through all of them....

Nahh it wasn't too bad. :) But no, i dont really get a break, nor do i get to eat without paying for it. So i usually steal soup or coffee. XP

Bob and Doug used to be a show in like the eighties or nineties, its really funny. You'll probably find some episodes on youtube. :P

Banter banter, isn't bantering more like arguing? At least thats what i always thought... man maybe i've been using it wrong this whole time.... Haha, but yeah, i always look forward to it. ;P

Yes, im pretty tired. But im tired all the time so, not moreso than usual. :P
HimeFuushi Jan 9, 2013 6:32 PM
Hahahaha, yeah oreos are the best! ;D

YOLO is actually THE stupidest thing to hear. Honestly. Like, i think it orgininated from an artists song, he's a rapper from toronto i think, and he was first on this show called Dregrassi and now he's this big shot; Drake. Anyway, i hate his music. But he says YOLO in one of his songs and it just escalated from there.... its ridiculous.

I actually like never study, which may be why i dont do as well as i should but, studying is a lot of work that i dont have the energy for. :P

See? not so bad. XD

Ahhh, thats alright, I havent been home very much lately either, stupid school. But i was in writers craft, typing up some shit. :P

And yes, yes i was finished work late. :S

Hahaha, if you ever wanne see what everyone thinks canadians sound like just search Bob and Doug, they are the biggest stereotypical representation of Canadians, but their so freakin hilarious. XP

Yeah, sure. :) I mean, i dont have skype yet, cause my laptop doesn't have a webcam.... but i'll get on that soon. :X But yeah, on facebook, my name is Jamie Capulet, cause i didn't put my real last name and the 'capulet' is kinda like a joke from grade nine and i just never bothered to change it. XP
HimeFuushi Jan 9, 2013 8:10 AM
Hahahaha, yeah i didn't get it at first either, its kind of a recent slang. Also if you like FOB, there's also YOLO if you dont say that over there. Its actually the stupidest thing ever. Well, the meaning is fine, you only live once, but people say it too much over here and it gets annoying and they dont even use it right. Like they'll be like "gettin drunk-ass wasted, YOLO!" or like "Should i blow off work to hang with my friends at the mall? YOLO!" its actually so stupid. So i just say YOLO means you obviously like oreos. XP

Yeah wellm, i should be busier but i just dont do school work at home cause im too lazy. :X

We have virgin here too but, its actually not that bad. Sucks for you guys over there. :P

GO TO THE GYM! i would if i didnt have work. :P But yeah, i do. Im just in class now, but we're in the computer lab so im taking the time to be here instead of typing my assignment. :P
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