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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
May 25, 8:57 PM
Watching 3/13 · Scored 4
Yakusoku no Neverland
Yakusoku no Neverland
May 25, 8:54 PM
Watching 6/12 · Scored -
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
May 24, 9:03 AM
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Brutal: Satsujin Keisatsukan no Kokuhaku
Brutal: Satsujin Keisatsukan no Kokuhaku
May 24, 8:57 PM
Reading 16/19 · Scored -
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
May 20, 2:08 PM
Completed 49/49 · Scored -
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
May 18, 7:23 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored -

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Animeistaken Jun 1, 10:03 PM
*Quack Quack(Watashi wa daijōbudesu)
Just noticed Mob Psycho II in favorites :D
Odd Taxi was a good watch too.
Kyonman Jun 1, 9:03 PM
You've surpassed me haha. This is why you are the master now (lol I did, that was a good one).

Yeah I think the tropes arent too bad but maybe im forgetting lol. I hope its all good when you do watch it. I think the worst anime I enjoyed watching was called Revenger. It was super edgy and didnt have the best action scenes at all. It felt like it was trying to be campy but it was also super serious. I still really enjoyed it. I dont know if anyone watched it really lol. It was fun for me at least though. Lol Forest Fairy 5 sounds like it was an experience haha. Sounds like the studio just put it together with whatever they could find from free software lol. I gotta see how bad it is but im glad you had fun with it.
Sounds good! I'm excited to hear your thoughts on it if you do. Especially if you end up not liking it lol. It is hard to tell the genre of some classics. Some of them you just gotta experience to see what it is.
Yeah I figured you would have some issues with it since you have a music background. Yeah any musician isnt going to come back and even be half decent let alone a master. Haha I can imagine watching that with you and you getting worked up over it. That would have been a fun one to watch with you. It just didnt hit me with the feels like i thought it would. Is the manga better?

I'm glad you will! Oh analog horror can sometimes scare me but im not too scared of it overall. I've seen some weird analog horror youtube vids tho. Really? So horror doesnt really get you scared then. Thats a cool superpower lol. Oh my goodness that VR sounds like it must have been horrifying. What did it show you? Lol I can imagine how that video looks. Thats wild it scared you so much that you were curled up. Everyone was probably wondering what in the world you saw lol. I do like scary movies tbh but im also terrified of them lol. Even then I like to watch them but always with someone else so I have company haha. Whats your favorite movie in general if you have one?

Ok I'm game to watch it. 3 episodes by Sunday evening again? i'm going to have an open mind with it as well. All preconceived notions are going out the window.

Did you have a good time at the parties?

Haha well it looks like we understand that feeling then. Its so hard for me to tell if i look better in them or not. I still cant decide myself, its like i need someone else to tell me if i look better in them lol. I do like how people look in glasses in general though. Yeah I went and third wheeled lol. I'm not the biggest fan of that but it was alright.

Oh thats cool! No actually, no one else in my family played instruments I think. Well actually my dad played violin as a kid but none of my siblings actually did.

Haha it sounds like those matches are rigged from the start. I can definitely teach you what i know about volleyball and then youll be diving in no time or else your money back guaranteed! (lol I wouldnt charge you). I love trails and rivers too. Especially ones near mountains. I just love mountain scenery. I agree, a quite hike is so peaceful. Now that is something I would enjoy doing with friends if we had a lot of those kinda areas around here. Oh nice! I was thinking maybe you gave lessons since you know how to play. I dont think ive heard of MOD before. What kind of restaurant is it? I hope the internship hunt goes well! I know a lot of business recruit from big schools. I didn't work most of my time in college actually. I only worked one internship in my 4th year but that was it. Oh yeah I could tell you were a master artist from your skrib drawings. Couldn't you tell I can draw the finest of stickmen in all the land haha. What do you like to draw btw? So excluding everything i told you already I also like to cook and bake. I think im not too bad at them as well honestly. I usually like to bake cookies and pies from family recipes. Do you cook or bake often?

I'm glad you enjoy talking to me too! Again I also appreciate what you said in the praise thread. It didn't sound generic at all. I know you said that in your previous comment but it was so sweet! I'm actually so happy when I see your messages pop up in my inbox. It is super funny that we both mentioned the business partners thing lol. I hope what I said in your praise thread didn't sound too generic as well.
Aww thank you! I'm glad i could meet someone cool like you on here too. Also I hope I don't respond too fast! I usually respond whenever I'm relaxing after gym or work and the weekends.

Haha im so glad I got you laughing. I think business will be booming for us. If we have Fredrick on board then this thing is going to the moon. He will prove that maybe your goose can be this sophisticated haha. I hope Fredrick likes me or he might not be too keen on this business partnership lol.
That's alright! I hope it works when you get your new phone. On my phone it kinda acts up too but I mainly use my laptop for discord anyway. Let me know if it ever works and you wanna add me.

Lol i do the same but with some keyboard shortcut that i cant remember but closes everything out lol. Not the best idea to forget what that is lol.

So now that you're done with your first year any new plans? Chilling for the summer is definitely a good plan if you're wondering haha. Are you going to go visit home this summer too?
chaxonne Jun 1, 6:05 PM
I downloaded jp version through qooapp, but now I have an iphone and can't do that anymore;; the difference between servers is a good thing in my opinion, because you know what to expect and can plan your pulls
a wish jewel was so generous of them, i finally unlocked ena's mermaid hairstyle thanks to it^^
I couldn't resist and spent 9k on the current event, got honami and kanade in the third pull!
Kyonman Jun 1, 9:22 AM
It was a such a great idea by Pino. I think it was something that the forum needed. I'm glad they made one for you! I was going to if it didn't exist lol.
Haha no I hadn't yet. I had looked at mine but your post wasn't there yet and I went to go search for your thread and I guess by that time we had both written one lol. It's all good! Glad you finished finals. Congrats on finishing your first year too. Looking forward to the response!
Kyonman Jun 1, 9:12 AM
I saw what you wrote on the praise thread. That was so sweet! Also I'm pretty sure we wrote the same last sentence about each other but at the time I wrote it about you I hadn't seen that you wrote it about me lol.
IpreferEcchi May 31, 9:21 PM
There is already a thread about Pinoffin. You can delete your thread if you act within 3 minutes and nobody replies.
ad0rablegoat May 30, 12:41 PM
Lol I get that, I need my sleep~ I babysit, so honestly if I work late it usually just means hoping the kids stay asleep so I can do something like watching anime lol ^~^
Do your tests start soon? I always looked forward to the relieve of having finished all of my tests afterwards. I hope you are able to get some more rest soon though :)

I just listened to Love Ka? Ngl at first I thought you put the “?” to make it a question until I saw the title of the song and chuckled lol I loved it though, it shows truly how versatile her voice is. She makes any song her own, it’s truly a talent. If you know more good covers by her I would love to know. Thank you so much for this one, I definitely added to my list heh~

Even if they don’t love me, I will worship them forever like they deserve~ :D
5 geese?! That sounds like the dream life to me! :O Do they have names?

I hope you are having a great day :)
IvanxTill4eva May 29, 2:25 PM
I simp for this person
IvanxTill4eva May 29, 2:15 PM
I like turtles
R-unknown May 29, 8:41 AM
yeah maybe the creator got carried away lol but tbh i know their songs mostly from osu, a rhythm game, i used to play that game maniacally. i would say most of rare songs i found originally from that game haha

yeah, knowing the song meaning make us feel more attached with the song, the story also cute mostly about romance stuff though, here if i have to give more recommendation, cover by one of my favorite utaite, yuikonnu

does he only release vocaloid song though ? or also have real person to sing their songs ?
aight here i will give one song that i really like from each of my favorite utaite

R-unknown May 29, 12:55 AM
relation between characters in honeyworks is a bit too complex, they even have chart for it lol

i dont listen to all of honeyworks songs yet but its like watching an anime if i watch the mv with translation, so its fun.
im not sure if i ever heard WadaTakeaki name, i like vocaloid stuff but usually only the popular one or if it get cover from my favorite utaite like yuikonnu, kano, sana, hanatan, etc
chaxonne May 28, 7:37 PM
i'm really happy to meet someone interested in prks here (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) global is one year behind jp server, so you can check the event schedule on the wiki
I had started playing even before en server was released, but I stopped after a few months and came back only two months ago
Animeistaken May 28, 6:10 PM
*Quack Quack* desu ne~
chaxonne May 28, 5:00 PM
yeah, and it might be my most wanted card in the game :') it'll come somewhere in december? so we still have a lot of time to save
is kohane your favourite character? her next 4* will be in july if I remember correctly, and it's going to be colorfest with 2x rate up
Kyonman May 28, 4:38 PM
Aaah It looks like I've been bested. Well done. Your procrastination skills are un-matchable. You become the procrastination master now. It comes with a cool crown and everything. Haha definitely fortunately.

Yeah thankfully its not. It's very 2000s though lol so might have anime tropes in it but its a unique series overall. Yeah no romance but just undertones. It's more of a slice-of-life but has a plot. Hard to describe the genre. I'm the same way. It is tough for anime to make me cry. Definitely let me know if you end up watching Pancreas though! I want to hear your opinions on it. I remember watching YLIA too because I heard it was sad but I didn't cry at all. I'm with you, it was definitely overrated. How did you like it overall though. The MC played piano as an accompaniment as well right? That must have been interesting to see. Hmmm not sure if I'll watch higurashi then lol. Maybe one day but not anytime soon.

if you do watch them let me know! I might try to finish Mononoke too at that point lol. I have read Junji Ito as well but it really isnt scary. Unsettling for sure but more weird than anything. I enjoy some of the stories but maybe I'm just not scared easily. Do you like horror in general like scary movies or scary videos?

Did you want to watch season 2? I know that season 1 was great and if you don't want to watch season 2 because it could ruin season 1 I get it. I'm down to watch it with you if you want though. Or if you want to watch something else together I'd like that as well.

Lol did your picture of college have a lot of partying and drugs in it? I went to a few parties in freshman year but they became less frequent the years after.

I'm thinking of maybe getting it one day. I used to use contacts a bunch but then switched to glasses. Even though Ive had them for a while I'me still getting used to how I look in them lol. Can't tell if I look better with or without them but they help me see so I guess thats the important part lol. I do sometimes and hopefully this year. Maybe I'll go with a friend but its hard to schedule things sometimes. Plus I'd be totally third-wheeling lol so maybe I'd go by myself instead haha.

Oh nice! Does he do concerts for that?

Haha, do you play that often? I'm ok but I like beach volleyball since I can dive lol. Well if you ever need a tutor on it I'm your guy just don't realize i'm only ok at beach volleyball lol. It can be like 12 or 14 hour drive so not the worst but I'm exhausted after it. Is the beach you favorite place to relax if you had to pick a place or thing to do? Or do you have like another ideal way that you like to spend time? I feel that, its so peaceful and I bet the California beaches are so beautiful. Oh nice! What kind of jobs did you take on? Really? You don't seem weird to me. Or maybe we are just both weird lol. But I think being weird is a good thing. To me at least, you're a really fun person and I've had a great time talking to you and watching anime. In college I dated much more but like none of them lasted any longer than a semester lol. It was very sporadic. A lot of people are doing through big changes so it was hard to kinda just date for that long. But the ✨college dating life✨ was better than highschool at least. You're right, its better to just have fun and not force yourself. I joined like accounting and business clubs but no sports since I liked working out by myself. What kinda clubs are you thinking of joining?

Maybe give Fredrick a top hat for good measure. Alright I'm using all my power to summon it. *Summons anime naming spirit* "Kyen-chan's level 999 monocle emporium from another world final part: My goose cant possibly look this sophisticated!?". Oh no it got some isekai in there. I might need your assistance with this. Did Fredrick approve of your friends? Lol for real. How do those people afford it. I left college broke. Like with hardly anything in my bank haha. Hopefully an internship or two can help with that. Oh btw if you have a discord feel free to let me know if you want to add each other!

Lol those do get pretty long. I've accidentally closed out my browser with one of my comments to you in progress and I felt so dejected since I lost every thing. I've been ctrl-c ing all my messages now haha.

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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