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I love you, Azula. I do.

🔥 I could sit here and complain how our mom liked Zuko more than me, but I don't really care

🔥 My own mother... thought I was a monster... She was right, of course, but it still hurt.

🔥 Don't pretend to act proud. I know what you really think of me. You think I'm a monster

🔥 Trust is for fools! Fear is the only reliable way. Even you fear me.


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Secret Mission: Sennyuu Sousakan wa Zettai ni Makenai!
Secret Mission: Sennyuu Sousakan wa Zettai ni Makenai!
May 12, 12:08 PM
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Date A Live V
Date A Live V
May 12, 9:30 AM
Watching 5/12 · Scored 6
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
May 10, 10:52 AM
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Dance in the Vampire Bund: Age of Scarlet Order
Dance in the Vampire Bund: Age of Scarlet Order
May 10, 11:38 AM
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Ao no Exorcist
May 10, 11:27 AM
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May 10, 11:26 AM
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Ashhk May 12, 4:14 AM
Here the birth rate is falling as well, it's not as extreme as in some other European countries like Italy where they're struggling with a low birth rate and young people living to the point that they started paying people to actually live in some of the villages that are being deserted, I would say here it's somewhat counterbalanced because a lot of African families have a LOT of kids.

Yeah from what I remember in Duel Monsters it was either you are sexy or you are useless lol.

I actually never watched Shakugan no Shana yet and I still feel like I need to because I need to complete the Kugimiya Rie's tsundere main girl trio. Was D.I.C.E. actually something from your childhood tough?

Okay, I don't mind most of the anime when they're short, though recently I've been more interested in checking 90s shows, I actually haven't watched that much from this era.

Back then when I was anime only I preferred Tasogare over Sankarea, but now I re-watched both anime and also read both manga completely, I would say both stories are really great to me anyway but it's just that Sankarea left a bigger impact in the end, probably that I prefer Rea over Yuuko as the main female/love interest even though it was the contrary before, also the side cast of Sankarea (like his cousin and the littler sister/grandfather) is much better than Tasogare's one actually.

It's just much more common than we think it is... hence why we discover some of these people have been doing that for decades and we only learn the truth now, a lot of them are just never caught or are covered... I mean even here our first lady is a convinced pedophile......
effy_ May 12, 3:39 AM
thanks it is good to be able to understand. I will try not to get into details about this anymore since it is just pointless and leads only to you probably having to feel angry about it all over again. at least that is how I feel when I am dealing with my issues, going through five stages of grief :D. thanks for the matching sets link though, I have already saved a couple of sigs I like, for inspiration and for the style I´d like to go for. I like the emo vibes your first set gives, I am still into that aspect of darkness which is maybe a bit childish but oh well. this is why my profile design is such a mess :D. still wanting to keep Johan since we are on the anime site and it should probably be reflected ... somewhere, but at the same time it just does not fit within the colour scheme of the profile picture.

as for that I think you are right. I need to grow up a little and maybe stop curing my own loneliness on here. but I dunno whether it could be better somewhere else. but then when you look at it through the eyes of a regular person - we are getting old, our parents are getting old, life sucks and we are pouring the energy into this?

you see, I don´t think that it is our mistakes that define but rather what we do afterwards. (unless we are talking extremes like deviant behaviours etc.). some people definitely hide behind the whole "you are just a snowflake" phrases or telling you "oh you have no sense of humour or that you are taking it too seriously" as if it was all your fault. I have done my own fair share of things I wish I could change. I think being young is also a part of it. I remember I had a friend in the days of tumblr and she was seriously depressed and said that this place (tumblr) triggered her. I said "well maybe if you are so triggered, you should not be online?" I got scolded by her for being mean, insensitive, egoistic, lacking any sense of empathy or braincells. she deleted me pretty quickly. back then I wasn´t even that young, I was 19-20 but if I could turn back time, I would have apologized and would have behave differently. at my age, I understand that people do what they need to do and who am I to judge? but maybe I´m also giving them way too many benefits of the doubt.

I might have talked about how I am angry with this whole idea of "me, me, me" which I think also plays a big role in problem solving and the issues that are happening among people. I get the concept of self-care that is incredibly important because if you want to help others, you need to be strong in your mind, but also why do people seem to absolutely refuse to actually do anything for someone else unless it benefits them? take my sister for an example. I often pride myself in writing the essays, it is my little joy to brag about it like a child because I hope that maybe someone will find the topic interesting and a conversation will flourish but also it´s that oversharing that some of us are guilty of and I literally, for instance, have nothing better going on in my life :D. anyway, the amount of people that cringe over me doing anything like that - why would you do that? can´t she do that herself? what do you get for it? - it´s insane. I get that relationships with siblings are not easy but don´t people ever do anything for their family and others?

as for racism that you mentioned. well, I am not gonna lie, the country where I am living is definitely racist and xenophobic. my online friend from Tanzania is on the work visit to Germany and she said that she might come and visit me, to see the country and to get a cup of coffee face to face. I am scared to death about that day (obviously the excitement is bigger, I have known her for 3 years and she is an excellent person, intelligent, kind, funny) but I know people are gonna stare at her and all that unwanted attention! mostly positive I think. the thing is, most people here have not seen a black person in their life and she is very pretty (judging by a picture) but still...

that certainly had to take a toll and make this place an unpleasant one. I think it all comes down what you said in the previous message that some people see others as one-dimensional. getting to know someone takes an effort not everyone is willing to give, which to me is honestly fair. you have mentioned Serafos and he is a great example of someone who is friendly, cool, but is not gonna be besties with you and you know it (unless you are really really really close to him). I don´t mind people who are kind and polite, yet they guard their privacy like Mr Libra or Alriven, but the problem is when you are unsure what to think of them. one day they are friends and the next they are ashamed you even crossed their path. how old are we exactly? 12?

but hey, all those things come to maturity and mental well-being. through this rollercoaster I have realized that it is my responsibility how I feel and how I react to things (I know, magic!) so I shall hold myself and my own naivity accountable.

no doubts that Epi got himself into a lot of mud and I definitely cannot justify all his actions or maybe even any, but off the forum? well, I was just lucky to meet him more on there rather than be familiar with his forum shenanigans. it is just now that some users came back and mentioned him so I got to know... but then who deserves to be judged for their past only if they are trying to get better? I dunno, I dunno. my life inexperience I guess.

ohh, it sounds good! enjoy! are your eyes now coming out, being red from watching things as much as possible? :D sorry. hope you are enjoying the new baby!
ahaha, gosh that sounds heavy. but good for you and good luck with that! a friend of mine invests a bit every month and is looking forward to her retirement cruising the world on a yacht :D. hope everything is gonna be worth it and you guys take pity on me because my blond head could never :D. I need to feed my parents and my sister :D.

same as I have said before. I would like to have the option to save drafts, especially for the longer ones. sometimes I start writing them and then in the middle of it all, I need to go and do something else and then I fear that the tab closes or something and the message is not safe. also I would like to be able to save some as my favourite ones, to ping them or something like you can do on Discord. that´s just driving me crazy.

all the best
a nice mother´s day to your mum
stay healthy and safe
and good luck with crypto!
3miL May 11, 8:55 AM
・・・・・・—---★ »•» ✉️ «•« ★---—・・・・・・

All quick replies to comments done up to here

hydro May 10, 3:32 AM
I dunno if you watch Master Saga but in the most recent ep one of the guys tried to make Exodia Incarnate work along with this card which is quite strong in low power environments. Though he lost both games, the first one especially was rough because he drew 3 Exodia pieces which are just bricks. If you remember us talking about his before, the ideal amount of pieces to draw in order is 5 > 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4, so 3 is near worst-case scenario. He didn't even end up summoning Incarnate so he did even worse than the opp you beat with Timelords lol.

Even this card which sends one is considered really good and is limited to 1 in all formats. So sending 4 is bonkers. Even the discard can have a beneficial effect. Reptiles being mid means it doesn't break the game, but if you're already playing Reptiles it's hard to go wrong with Snake Rain.

With Reptilianne it's funny to me how the old cards from 2009 are mostly ugly freaks, while the newer cards from 2019-2021 are mostly hot waifus or cute girls. People joke about wanting to fuck the Genshin Melusines (who are furry midgets), but I'll take this one...

The main decks that use Tokens are Swordsoul (for free Synchro Summoning) and Adventure (which generates a token to use for various reasons). When Swordsoul was running everywhere people were running Token Collector even though it does nothing vs most other decks. Would be very funny to surprise a Mecha Phantom Beast player with it, though I'm not sure they exist. People just use this by itself.

To me it kind of feels like Blue Eyes even though Seto is the rival. Blue Eyes feels like the "default" deck with the most support, while DM is a weird side thing that people play sometimes (based on "one of" the series iconic monsters). Maybe it's because Yugi has so many ace monsters the pool is diluted, while Seto will always be known for Blue Eyes.

Most Tribute decks have a lot of individually broken cards, including all the God Card archetypes. Searching any card you want, tributing opponents monsters, DRAWING SIX CARDS. It would take too much time to list every broken God Card support because there's so many. The main issue isn't them being bad, it's ED decks being way too good. Especially with Links the flexibility and consistency of ED strategies is just too much. Floo is probably the peak of Tribute Summoning, it has unbelievably toxic effects that make the opponent wanna kill themselves and even it has been powercrept by 10+ new ED archetypes. It's Joever I'm afraid. Even Rituals they have to make increasingly silly cards for them to compete, I mean this is just silly. And it's still worse than the best ED decks.

It's hard to retroactively buff old cards, it's why Blue Eyes/DM are still bad despite mountains of support. The better way is to retrain them, the above Ritual I linked is a retrain of the Skull Guardian archetype. Rather than release a bunch of cards that buff the 24 year old Vanilla (it would be too clunky like BLS), they just released a new archetype from scratch based on the lore. That's the more effective way of nostalgia bating, and its why random meme cards like Hungry Burger and Skull Guardian are stronger than icons of the series like Blue Eyes, DM and BLS (who are chained to their vanillas).

With Praime it's funny to see "new" and "original" with the original cards also being new Rush Duel stuff I don't recognize. The mainline game makes new stuff based on 24 year old cards, while Rush Duel make stuff based one 1(?) year old cards lol.

So you think Galaxy Eyes is stronger than Timelords overall? I have a similar case with Dinomorphia vs Vanquish Soul. VS is probably more consistent and can go 1st or 2nd decently well. But Morb can blow out some decks if you win the coin toss and go first.

Sweaty just means tryhard, which a lot of people will say is good in a competitive game. But there's context to everything. Being tryhard in a major tournament for real money, of course that's sensible. Being tryhard in a video game with no real reward for winning, a bit suspect. Being tryhard in playground YGO, that basically never happened to begin with. When people try and disparage older YGO, they point out the niche examples of hardcore tournament players using degen cards. But the vast majority of old YGO enjoyers were just having fun playing casual decks. So of course they're surprised when they come back 10+ years later for MD and see what it is now. Even DL would probably spook a Yugiboomer.

MD events are mostly good but they occasionally jam in some nonsense. Like sometimes banning all strong cards except for the ones in the currently available pack, so said current pack cards are by far the strongest non-banned deck. We've also got repeats of most events, with one exception being the Normal/Rare event. People theorize we don't get that back because it doesn't incentivize people to spend on new SR/URs. No player has a shortage of Normal/Rare crafting dust so even if you make 100 different decks for that event it's still "free" by default.

So you think Galaxy Eyes is stronger than Timelords overall? I have a similar case with Dinomorphia vs Vanquish Soul. VS is probably more consistent and can go 1st or 2nd decently well. But Morb can blow out some decks if you win the coin toss and go first.

It's quaint to see OG SS, the archetype has been soiled for me by this broken asshole. Is SS the best Synchro deck you've used in DL? I noticed you didn't mention any Synchro decks when pondering your PvP history before.
effy_ May 9, 9:59 AM
perhaps it is the scientist in me that finds places like forums a good ground to have a hidden window into what humans are like.
I must admit not all the screenshots would open, something like "this content is no longer available". but you have provided enough description for me to imagine that nothing good would come of opening them apart form seeing it with my own eyes. I wanted to understand though and I am not gonna lie and say that a bit of me was not morbidly curious. a huge thanks for the trust because I know those comments are read and might be talked about. well, at least the journey down won´t be lonely :D.

there are reasons why I am scared of groups. not just online but generally I guess. I don´t really have the need to speak up in a group of people so I often keep quiet and then I come off as a voyeur, but I genuinely don´t think I have anything good to say and while I might seem like a big talker, loud and proud, I really am more interesting in what others have to say. I feel the same when I am invited into a Discord group. I am in the Rewrite one where I just silently do nothing and wait if I ever get mentioned :D.

I cannot even imagine being in a server and talking about people, bringing them down. I am not gonna pretend I have literally never talked behind people´s back. surely, more so in my youth than now. I just wonder what is it that makes people regress into teenagers and what makes them find joy in it. sure, you can say "this user is weird as hell" but to go that far? as I have probably already said, I am pretty sure that even IPE is a regular guy with a life and I don´t find his posts very pleasing at all. which is my problem with forum games in general. call me a nun as much as you want, but I just can´t stand non-conversations. (I do laugh at jokes when they are funny, I swear :D)

I would like to pretend Dosto has never been a part of anything like this but I cannot. but that is also a question. should we judge people by how we know them or how others know them? I am not saying it´s about Dosto (or only about Dosto) but generally, in a philosophical manner. what if you meet someone and you make an opinion about them and then you meet other people and they are like "have you ever heard what s/he did?" but you still feel like that person somehow made a good impression and yet you know they messed up royally in the past. but they are now so much better? what is the real person? what would you do?

because if we go back to reality, when you hear people talking about Epi (bless him) and see his odd jokes, you might think what a crazy guy and a lot of people tell you really creepy stories about his alts and that he wrote them mean comments etc. but this is literally not how I have ever known him. seriously, all I have ever known this guy as is his interest for languages, culture and kittens. he is just a good example, I hope he is achooing - we say that when you achoo someone is thinking about you :D or when your ears turn red. - how do you judge a person?
have you ever met anyone like this?

we are talking way too much about people who don´t deserve to be mentioned. but I still thank you for sharing though that must have woken up some emotions. I hope it didn´t make you too upset or too bored since you have probably explained it many times but who impressed you?

the one about the forest? yes, but it´s in French, might check if it has subtitles now, in case you are interested, though you must be sick of me being like "watch this! watch that!" I´ll wait till you are ready to jump into the world of documentaries if ever, but you never know.

no more negative bullshit anymore. unless it´s some generic complaining about the state of this place :D. I will never shut up how the "messages" have zero useful features and no one is talking about it :D.

all the best
stay healthy and safe
hope things are moving forward for the better

effy_ May 8, 4:06 AM

how have you been? hope life has been improving if not, at least not getting worse.

people are interesting indeed and i have learnt the hard way, but I am someone who has been stuck with the virtual world for so much time that I have seen all those games already. being THAT backstabbed was a surprise that I am still running on, but I guess I needed that to understand that if I am being too honest and too open, I might get kicked in the butt. fair enough. I don´t want to walk in circles and let this poison my opinion of other people. I don´t want to live in doubt about others. sure, cliques exist and maybe someone... somewhere is laughing on my expense, but what can I do? I am too negative, but also being on forums makes you see how some people are. speaking of which, has Oni talked to you? I hope things are better, whatever that was needed for.
thanks to your friend! this came at the right time, I felt pretty down with MAL last weekend, but fairly so as my mouth got me into situations I should have avoided. it was me being annoying again and I think I should be more considerate of others, realizing that some people really are not on the same wave. I wish they were though but ... nah. I need to grow up :D. so I also get your friend not wanting to get close to anyone new, but please say my thanks for a good thought and thank you for sharing.
as for the lady in question. I am not going to hide my awe at how awesome she is at actually coming back and making everyone falling in love with her again. I am going to admit that I am jealous :D. everyone thinks I am just a manipulator and fake :D.
also i should be honest with you and say I have found out what dogoos was (I tried to ask Zedlin but he is busy with life - in a good way, bless him and then his 10 alt accounts, I guess :D) but that was not the source, I searched it and I have no idea what happened to YOU but what they did was ... you were right, it seems to reflect the change in the games with that guy coming back (MonkeeDan, right?). but I am really sorry that you had to go through it.

yeah, I have never watched Paul´s video but I remember it being a bit thing of the internet back then. you´d have to live under the rock to miss it. shame though. I think a lot of people just associate it with it and honestly I watched a video done by a guy who wanted to change the vibe and showed it more in a scientific manner like the biotopes and such.

ah, Zuko, sorry :D. he was so cool, though as I watched it as an adult, I could not comprehend that his own father burnt half of his face and also ... how come that he had an eye? I might watch Korra, thanks for the reminder. it was in plans some years ago. have you watched the live version? I don´t have Netflix and the trailer did not make me want to watch it but I wonder what you would have thought of it.

honestly, I have thought about applying to be a mod :D. I can say it loudly just because I am not doing it, but I just felt so sorry for the bleach guy (anime prime?) whose profile I visited and when I read the comments I was like... wow people are vile. I mean I have also had some snarky comments about mods in other people´s messages because most of my threads were locked but seeing how much they have to deal with makes me feel like ... should you help the community you spend so much time with? maybe I even actually feel bad by what I have done and how I have talked (though that was never personal! just some angry crap that you say "pff, mods too strict!" that eventually dies down the next day). I actually thought I should pay back somehow :D. but I think I would suck at keeping the rules in check. but to write Characters´ profiles is something I´d be interested in though I am not much of a use to the rewrite team. but you can get better at this , right? why the hell am I even trying to stay in touch with this site is beyond my own understanding :D

I have installed a productivity tool :D. it should allow me only twenty minutes per day except weekends, but today is a public holiday as to commemorate the end of WWII, so I am free. but yeah, one gotta do what one gotta do to keep their sanity and actually work.

ah, so my sister is studying social work at the theological faculty so she has some courses on theology. I help her with writing as essentially Czech is not her first language at all. you see, she came to this country when she was 14 and I was 5 so it is obviously easier for me to write, but she is more intelligent, more successful at exams, more social and knows how to use her knowledge to carry her up. if only we could get a joint diploma :D. some of that course work is eventually very boring but some is interesting and is helping me to think about my own opinions too which is something that I like.

what happens, happens. some people drift apart, others don´t. I have an online friend of three years. she lives in Tanzania. when we started it was all fun and games, now she is coming to visit. granted, she is at the work conference in Berlin so it´s easy for her to drop by (at least she said, she wants to see the country anyway, I have never set foot in Berlin and I am scared and fascinated by that city :D but it would take a real special someone for me to set foot in there :D) so you see, good day to be a fool :D. but then, again, that is all just thanks to good luck since otherwise all that would have been impossible. yet, I really hope that there are enough good people to appreciate your time and effort.

all the best
stay safe and healthy
good stuff to you and family

btw, have you ever heard of Placebo? I wonder whether you´d like their music.
it might a bit too 2010s (emo and stuff :D)
here, here
FruitPunchBaka May 6, 9:34 PM
gr8 to see an another azula fan
chaosflame5 May 6, 3:10 PM
Used to me a PR fan but right now I'm more of a Sentai fan. Still need to find time to resume watching Toku shows. Gaming and other real life stuff took over my life right now.

Not literally stolen but just being used by one of my brothers a lot. At least now we have a gaming desktop in the living room, so he literally abandoned my laptop. Even so, I have to make sure he doesn't play late in the evening which will affect my sleep due to him walking about.

Batmen eh, simple but I like the dark background. It would be cool to have an all DC superheroes layout. Your Avatar Last Airbender layout looks nice. Is that Azula on your profile pic?

lol Patrick xDD Pretty sure you showed me this before but I'm still laughing at it! x'D

You mean you got three layout gifts? That's a lot.

I saw your Yugioh one briefly, that's the kind of layout I wanna make in future. With the customised cards as the buttons for various blogs etc. Though I still need a fancy pic for the background. Not gonna make it any time soon of course, but just an idea in my head.

Comfort eating is also a stress eating habit as far as I know. Just hope you didn't eat too much junk that's unhealthy for you. Here in Ireland I gave in too much temptation on sweet and sugary stuff. I sometimes run into the chinese stores to get Asian snacks instead. Less sugar at least compare to western snacks.

I didn't read much around it but usually it's Russians or N. Koreans. But could be the Chinese. Who knows :/ At least it's over and no ransom is paid as far as I know.

So that's where the famous "wooooo" meme came from o.O I knew it too late lmao! As for the toy, I'm glad no one in my family ever bought it (I don't have a sister anyway luckily lol). Even the instructions are complicated on the video, I wonder how many children even wanna play it -__-

In this day and age, communication has truly failed. I don't even know what people are thinking anymore. In office working environment where older people dominate the higher management and some of my colleagues in the past, it's hard to talk to them sometimes as you never know what their mood is, or what they can be thinking on a certain day. Even on a bigger scale, roads are modified without people knowing in advance, which led them driving the usual route and found out fresh out of the blue (smh). I guess many countries are failing in the very key to human existence. Earth might become the next Krypton or Alderaan for all we know =_= Just not the physically destroyed type.
effy_ May 5, 9:03 AM
ah that sucks but at least the pay.

yes, the day I put on my big girls´ pants I guess we all take a breather :D, but also seeing my mature side is not as interesting as me breaking into people´s comments. I cannot (yet) wave off stupid Internet stuff and separate realities. I guess some mental illness is being born, or maybe it is this deeply engraved loneliness and a fear of growing up.

hope your irl stuff gets solved soon, if you need to vent or just want to talk about anything that takes your mind away, I get it. I am not running away.

some people just refuse to see that people have other sides, their decision. but I do believe that it all depends in giving others a chance to show just how different they are in the games and out of them. can´t please anyone. not long ago someone called me too social and awesomely friendly. it made me laugh. me? I literally had to LEARN how to interact socially. then people come and call me fake and that they can´t trust me. I nuked half of my friends´ list of people who I have not talked about for more than a sentence. not a bad thing per se considering they probably will never notice :D but eh.

but you are right to say that I take things too seriously so I need to mediate on that :D. ideally somewhere in a forest with no noise :D. like Aokigahara. I am sure you have heard about the suicidal forest but have you known that it is absolutely silent because there are no animals? I am past being fascinated with its darkness and the empty bottles of antidepressants and sedatives, but damn to go somewhere where there is NO NOISE. magic.

oh I actually really loved Avatar. I watched it as an adult, I think I was about 27 or so :D and still found it amazing. Is that Azula? (I hope that was her name :D). I really liked Zukko and his uncle (how surprising aha)

don´t say such things! if you are gonna take a break (please don´t delete your account, you would only regret it later) I´d show them to you on Discord. I am going to look into it during summer. though I am slowly moving on from this place. it does me no good. I still am not gonna complain about people I have met and want to keep in touch but damn, I need parent control installed to track my own time spent on here :D. let´s take a break but not be impulsive.

I am curious to see how the next school year unfolds and which classes I get until then I won´t get a good night sleep, then I will concentrate on getting creative. that´s the plan. the sad state of my mind does allow me to literally enjoy two anime this season and that sucks but maybe I am finally being drawn to Monster :D. but I still want to be consistent with my hobby.

did not sound very grown up, I know, but when you think about it differently, I´d rather put all my negativity into being angry about a forum than getting it out on people in real life and be worried. not that I would not take people on here extremely seriously to the point of ruining my own mental health but still better to be a bit of a lost case here while being composed and mature in real life.

take care and stay healthy
all the good stuff to you and family
Zedlin May 2, 10:02 AM
Y-yesu, this is Miku! ⁠˶•⩊•˶ (just picture that in Miku's voice)

I didn't know I was in the presence of a gender-bend Pharaoh from YuGiOh. I should be bowing down.
Ashhk May 1, 3:38 PM
And in some of these asians country (like how China was with the one-child police or how Japanese/South Korea currently is) it makes sense that they're more sticking as a family than before, because I believe when you just have that amount of sibling the pressure is higher and makes you want to leave home as soon as possible.

So you would say Rush was mainly hated just because of the art and character design while the actual character development and all was solid?

Sounds legit lol, there are so many shows I'm sure I wouldn't even like it nowadays if I did not watch them before and that the nostalgia factor was just carrying them, even when it comes to silly harem shows like Zero no Tsukaima or Sora no Otoshimono.

I almost forgot about Re-Kan I haven't seen it, was it good though? I somewhat liked Kotoura before, it just wasn't that memorable, also reminds me of Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, but the best ghost anime will still be Tasogare Otome x Amnesia I guess lol, zombie girlfriend Sankarea comes close but it's zombie, reminds me of when we talked about it before but I didn't read the manga, now that I fully finished it and rewatched the anime I'm sad there's no more content :/

Especially for an important Christian figure it's just sad to be honest, but never become a fan of someone popular because these kinds of allegations are so common and are also often true, Gerard Depardieu is accused of so many things and it's just sad because it's one of my favorite actors ever.
Yeah the Daval one is a documentary about his case, basically a full reconstruction
effy_ May 1, 11:00 AM

we had a day off due to Labor day today, what a blessing. went on a hike. I must admit that since I am waiting for some confirmations from work aka how will the next year unfold, I am slowly going through phases of not caring at all and caring way too much. life is changing and I hope that with you, while it might take a long time, it will eventually come. but I will stop asking "what about now?" "and now? now? now?" every moment. I just hope your health is not betraying you and that the weather is not as crazy as the previous days.

I am quite passionate about documentaries so thank you for asking about that at all. I know they are quite time consuming so no rush. after all, they might also be not that interesting to you. though I would say you would enjoy the social ones. you do come off as a deep thinker to me so that is why I enjoy talking with you.

that is fair enough. review writing is another skill to hone.

yeah, but then you cannot let others ruin something that you enjoy as a hobby. yet, I still understand and I think it is healthy to take a break. as for your current profile layout, I am loving the cards. never have I watched the anime or the manga but I like the design.

I would love to if I turn out to be really good at it! I doubt I´d suddenly discover any hidden talents but as long as it is fun.

I might once I am done with seasonals and getting my 100th. summer season looks pretty dry, so far I have been able to choose only two, but judging by how fast I am with watching the spring ones, I guess I´ll be busy finishing those. I have made myself a promise that this summer, I´ll read more, let´s see how it goes.

he was in Shigatsu wa Kimi but I don´t think he was in Parasyte. I haven´t watched it but I haven´t found him on the list on MDL. he was in Alice in Borderland though, also the live adaptation of Kingdom (which is an anime that I still want to watch), Death Note (he played L) and Todome no Kiss which was such an odd romance that I kept watching it on DailyMotion that I have never thought would even still exist :D

all the best
stay healthy
hope things turn out well for you
hydro May 1, 6:06 AM
That Gadget player used a floodgate or were you talking about something else there?

Do you use Snake Rain? People always joke about how they can never print good Reptile monsters because of how broken Snake Rain is.

There was a point in MD where Swordsoul was so annoying people were using this to counter it, even though it does nothing vs non-token decks (aka most decks). The only other thing it countered was the "Adventure Token engine" if you remember me talking about that back in the day (the isekai archetype). The one no one used pure, and only even used the best of the archetype as an "engine" in other decks. Some decks even used the Adventure Engine AND the DPE engine. Basically, half your deck dedicated to two strats that's not whatever deck you're actually playing.

Yeah MD Blue Eyes needed Jet Dragon to do anything, but DL Blue Eyes has been meta basically forever no? Since they push the anime stuff even harder. It is weird how the quantity of support Blue Eyes/Dark Magician have received is so high (to the point people complain its too much), but the quality is so low. Like Konami should know how their game works, and they could make those decks meta if they wanted to. They just need more cards like Mathmech Circular/Snake Eyes Poplar or a broken Link 1. But I guess they're content with them having DL as their place to shine.

F. And since DL is more p2w than MD it's hard to keep up. The only reason I don't use the best decks in MD is because they're boring, I could easily craft them just with gems gotten from playing events and stuff. I'd say Vanquish Soul is my best deck, and it's in the range of 10th - 20th best deck in the game. It can be fun to face other decks in that range. But if I face say Dark Magician (not a top 50 deck), then it feels like I'm bullying the opp. And if I face a top 10 deck it feels like they're bullying me. There's just an absurd gap between certain decks, and if your decks aren't roughly similar in power level it feels kind of pointless. Hence me playing very little ranked in the past 12+ months. What do you think is the "strongest" deck in DL you have, just in terms of consistency and win%?

This explains Goat Format, it's basically only using cards from that 2005 event and before. Then you also have things like Edison format which goes up to 2010 instead. Playground YGO is just what you played with casually with friends, usually using bad cards and not even always following the rules. When someone gets frustrated with modern YGO and says it's not how it used to be, some asshole always comes in and says "um ackshully even back in 2006 competitive players used degenerate cards like Delinquent Duo, so it's the same as it always was". But YGO was HUGE back then, played by millions of people. And only a super small % of those people, maybe even <1%, played super sweaty. So people always think of not only older cards, but the combination of older cards + casual play.

Imo casual play old YGO > casual play new YGO > sweaty old YGO > sweaty new YGO.

I played a couple of things in MD recently, the big event which was Synchro vs Xyz vs Fusion. Whatever you chose you would earn points for that worldwide "team" could only use those cards in your ED. No mix and matching, and no Links. It ended up being pretty close, Syncrho won with 36% of points Fusion in 2nd with 35% and Xyz in 3rd with 29%. Considering Konami is usually dogshit at balancing their own game, they did a good job here with the event banlist to ensure all 3 options were viable. I would have expected one of the 3 to have 60% of the points or something but it wasn't the case. Xyz even had the best deck in the format (Purrely), but the other 2 had more options. Also a lot of people got Swordsoul decks for free so Synchro got a boost from that. I played Dinomorb. Ranked Morb uses the odd Xyz but you don't lose much from dropping them so it was basically at full power.

The other was a mini event where Skill Drain starts on the field of both players. It's hard to get off both fields so you can generally assume the effect is permanently active. And Blue Eyes is actually super good in this event because not only do they have 3k beaters, but most of their effects are in the hand or GY, and Skill Drain only negates on field effects. I also threw in some Dinomorphia cards for fun to try and summon a 4k Atk mommy, but if I was sweating, I would have honestly just gone pure Blue Eyes for consistency. Dinomorphia would sometimes play Skill Drain in ranked before Rexterm came out. The deck does use on field monster effects, but a 4k Kentregina was a good Plan B.
tsukareru Apr 29, 10:57 AM
Hmm i guess i'll go with Mawaru Penguindrum. It's been on my ptw list for a long time
tsukareru Apr 29, 9:12 AM
Ahh. Well it went over my head

Hmmm you could give me any recommendation. It doesn't have to be anime only. Ah but i am not in the mood for staring kamen rider lol, maybe next time :P

Ah I think I know, i only one therapist on the fg forums lol. Well let's leave it at that
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