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Light Novel 'Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka Isogashii desu ka Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?' Gets Anime Adaptation

by removed-user
Jun 27, 2016 9:09 AM | 124 Comments
The second volume of the light novel Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Mou Ichido dake, Aemasu ka? (SukaMoka) will reveal on July 1 that its prequel series Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? (SukaSuka) will be receiving an anime adaptation.

The light novel series is written by Akira Kareno and illustrated by ue. SukaSuka had five volumes between November 2014 and April 2016, while the first volume of SukaMoka was released on April 1, 2016. The series received a manga adaptation drawn by Kaname Seu, which has been serialized under Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive magazine since June 27.

Five hundred years have passed since humanity went extinct at the hands of the fearsome "beasts." Even up in the sky, where the surviving races dwell on floating islands, these monstrosities constantly threaten to bring death and destruction. Only a small group of young girls, the Leprechauns, can wield the ancient weapons needed to defeat these creatures. Into the girls' unstable and fleeting lives, where a call to certain death could come at any moment, enters an unlikely character: a young man who lost everything five hundred years ago, the last living human awakened from a long, icy slumber.

Source: Otakomu

20 of 124 Comments Recent Comments

Hongu said:
Fai said:

The description says they are leprechauns.
But they're literally just drawn as regular anime girls. What's the point of having humanity extinct (except for the male main character, of course) if the races for the majority of the characters don't look any different whatsoever?
I know it's just an excuse to draw a bunch of lolis, but seriously it's just dumb. Not to mention, of all things to call them, they call them Leprechauns? Really?

DEFINTELY not humans. Leprechauns are just the name used for them. Any race that look that humans are actually discriminated against by every other race. I've read all the translated LN and I am expecting something that is quite emotional.

Oct 11, 2016 6:03 PM by Gwylon

Story sounds exactly like Uta*. Its S2 just finished last season with good sales (in a bad season), 3 pages and no mention, malers collectively have short memory? Humans extinct check (except *spoiler*), after many many years check, nonhuman species check no red-bearded leprechauns but instead animal eared, scifi check, lastly iceman wakes up check.
What's different maybe: this has pseudo-harem, focus on war/action between countries, some mystery. While SukaSuka sounds like different focus.

A poster mentioned dark war themes with moe loli weapons in an orphanage? So it's like Uta* synopsis + Grimgar theme + Black Bullet setup? (starring cuz it might spoil the story). Does sound interesting will still watch.

Jul 3, 2016 5:24 AM by gophercg

Paulo27 said:
The name has a nice ring to it, reminds me Eiji Mikage's works, been interested in it for a while too so an anime is nice.

Doomdoctor said:
God I hope this isn't another sadistic and gory ln adaption like Re:Zero. One is hard to swallow as it is.
As long as the MC isn't as awful as Subaru, more series like that are nice.

Oh my god there are actually people who dont like re zero,everyone else acts like it the greatest thing since slice bread.I know its a bit early to judge but am still stuck at episode 2 wondering what up with all the hype surrounding the show maybe its the second coming off sword art online.

Jul 1, 2016 9:29 PM by hack5

alpha_shadow said:
This better not be a piece of trash harem. It also comes down to what studio will get this. Can't say I care about this that much though.

It was already said above. It isn't a harem. There is only one girl with romantic feelings for him.

Jul 1, 2016 3:19 AM by Zefyris

yhunata said:
LN with ridiculously long name gets adapted > LN fans talk about how this is different from other LNs > non LN-fans talk about how it's the same damn shit all the time > adaption comes out > LN fans talk about how adaption is shit > no LN fans talk about how they were right > adaption finishes airing > and the cycle continues.....

The exceptions to this seems to be 1 in a 1000 or at least a few hundred. Honestly speaking, I can't see this being that 1 in a 1000.

There are at least 3 LN adaptions in this year end up decent to good.

Jun 30, 2016 9:21 PM by D-Joe

This better not be a piece of trash harem. It also comes down to what studio will get this. Can't say I care about this that much though.

Jun 30, 2016 4:37 AM by alpha_shadow

crx07 said:

Unless A-1 Pictures hires a competent director, we will see a A-1 quality butchering here. Silver Link ok. Gonzo, does that company still producing a big-project anime? White Fox ok. I'll go with White Fox. But if they want to moefy the leprechauns, then Silver Link. There's no other better choices given. And I'm confident it's not KyoAni. I don't care which studio will handle it but I care who will direct the thing.

Well, if A-1 Picture it wanna, then I'm sure that they a solid-decent adaptation making could, though...

And Gonzo: Well, the studio is still alive - It's just on a winter-sleep-mode...xD But joke aside, they having also the potential for a more or less proper adaptation.

But if I seriously see the plot of this LN: dark, apocalyptic, less comedy, mind-heavy etc. - These characteristics fits to Wit Studio: Because they're already experienced with these kind of anime series - e.g. Attack on Titans and Kotetsujou no Kabaneri.

Though, if I also the character design of this LN seeing, I'd then to my previously guess coming: To the White Fox-Silver Link option. Because the girls are relative moefy made - And this is for Wit Studio questionable - White Fox and Silver Link are the better choice for this project after my judgment.

But let's see first, who really this race make will...xD

Jun 29, 2016 10:25 AM by Tenryuu1

Is the original LN a stand alone story that you don't need to read the sequel to get a satisfying enough conclusion?

Might increase my interest towards the anime adaptation if it's the case.

Jun 29, 2016 7:17 AM by SuperRed

Hongu said:
Fai said:

The description says they are leprechauns.
But they're literally just drawn as regular anime girls. What's the point of having humanity extinct (except for the male main character, of course) if the races for the majority of the characters don't look any different whatsoever?
I know it's just an excuse to draw a bunch of lolis, but seriously it's just dumb. Not to mention, of all things to call them, they call them Leprechauns? Really?

I can tell you that, they only look like humans.
Also, there's like two races with a human appearance. Both are really REALLY low in numbers compared to the other races. The whole Leprechaun population is contained in that "Orphanage". BTW both of those races have a good reason to look like humans.

And they are shunned by other races for looking like humans, btw.
When they walk in towns, they usually cover their head with a shroud or something to avoid being noticed by the regular population.

VanAlex said:
Zefyris said:

Like most anime watchers, indeed; so nothing surprising ^^".
I personally think that it'll have a hard time finding its public is the advertisement aren't explicit enough due to that. If peoples think it's action/ ecchi/harem, peoples who want to watch that will watch this (and drop it after a few episodes because it's "boring"), most others will avoid it.

Let's just say that I'm open to any genre, but I do easily drop any anime that I don't find interesting or there's too much archetypes/common tropes being used, and I prefer stories with complex settings like the web novel 'Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?'

You're probably wrong about the advertisement, the viewers of ecchi, harem and action animes is declining, and only few of them prefers that type of series which might find the novel's setting boring. The novel has a good character design which is closer to 'moe', and there's so many people who loves 'moe'.

well I'm still neutral on this novel.

Those peoples are the vast majority of anime watchers.

Jun 29, 2016 2:31 AM by Zefyris

ech0star said:
Is the Japanese translation of the title that big of a mouthful as well? If it is, how are these novels allowed to be published? This is way worse than "How to pick up girls in a dungeon".
YellowCorvette said:
What's up with the f**king long title of the LN? Is it really that difficult for the LN authors to came out with a shorter name that actually means something?
That's the fault NOT of the LN authors but the publishers. For example, DanMachi author wants his LN to be titled "Familia Myth", but those publishers are afraid that people might not buy the LN if it's titled "Familia Myth" since it's a very vague title. They wanted a clearer and title that closely resembles to the plot of the story like "Is it wrong to want to meet someone in the dungeon?" because buyers are lazy reading the back of the LN book to read the plot summary.
Tenryuu1 said:
Well, there is then the $ 1 billion-question: Who or which anime studio will this project take?
Following answers (after my viewpoint):
A; A-1 Picture?
B; Silver Link?
C; Gonzo?
D; White Fox?
The time runs now...!!!

Unless A-1 Pictures hires a competent director, we will see a A-1 quality butchering here. Silver Link ok. Gonzo, does that company still producing a big-project anime? White Fox ok. I'll go with White Fox. But if they want to moefy the leprechauns, then Silver Link. There's no other better choices given. And I'm confident it's not KyoAni. I don't care which studio will handle it but I care who will direct the thing.
enginesofdemise said:
LN adaptations are one of those things that you dont even need to read the source material to know that it will be fucking trash
Ventris said:
> Five hundred years have passed since humanity went extinct at the hands of the fearsome "beasts." Even up in the sky, where the surviving races dwell on floating islands, these monstrosities constantly threaten to bring death and destruction. Only a small group of young girls, the Leprechauns, can wield the ancient weapons needed to defeat these creatures.
> Years ago, humanity almost got wiped out by huge magical armored insects that had become too strong and aggressive to handle. Because of these giant bugs, humans do not live on the earth anymore, but in floating cities instead. However, this does not mean that everything is lost, because the wizards from prestigious floating wizard academies are fighting these monsters.
I absolutely fucking have. LNs proving once again how creatively bankrupt they are.
At least there's innovation. And it's just the surface. If we apply your reasoning to technology, then we will say that inventors and innovators are creatively bankrupt since everything they do is just a little modification of the original.

Jun 29, 2016 2:25 AM by crx07

Hongu said:
Fai said:

The description says they are leprechauns.
But they're literally just drawn as regular anime girls. What's the point of having humanity extinct (except for the male main character, of course) if the races for the majority of the characters don't look any different whatsoever?
I know it's just an excuse to draw a bunch of lolis, but seriously it's just dumb. Not to mention, of all things to call them, they call them Leprechauns? Really?

Not all races look like humans, while obviously some of them are humanoid. you are under impression that all races look like pretty girls. And either way what defines humanity is not how we look but our sensibilities and societal norms. You can have being not look human and you can have beings look human, but that does not mean that they behave like humans.

Leprechauns are Leprechauns. They are small things so the name fits, especially in context of Leprechaun mythos as someone who brings profit in captivity, etc. And why they look like that is supposedly a plotpoint. I don't know if the novels reveal the answer(the original story is finished already with five novels total). They don't even fit definition of a loli anyway. I am pretty sure the excuse is not to "draw lolis" since its a freaking written book. The excuse is to find a way to have the MC look after and worry for a bunch of children.

Jun 29, 2016 2:19 AM by Ahenshihael

Fai said:
Kuma said:
wait... no human left literaly except hero? so what race the girl is?

The description says they are leprechauns.
But they're literally just drawn as regular anime girls. What's the point of having humanity extinct (except for the male main character, of course) if the races for the majority of the characters don't look any different whatsoever?
I know it's just an excuse to draw a bunch of lolis, but seriously it's just dumb. Not to mention, of all things to call them, they call them Leprechauns? Really?

Jun 28, 2016 10:27 PM by Hongu

Fai said:
A1 pictures would be absolutely unfit considering this is literally a work about characters talking to each other.
Siverlink might be able to execute it somewhat.
Gonzo is dead.
White Fox might do a decent job.

Personally its either Shaft or White Fox. Basically anyone who can properly animate talking and character interactions and is not trying to make it flashy or rush it.

Hmm... Somehow I did so expected... But I could good imagine that there a cooperation give could - between White Fox and Sliver Link. Because actually even Re-Zero will from them both created.

Actually there was also a 5th (E;) option in mind, who this project realize could: MadHouse. - Dunno, but my feeling says so...

Jun 28, 2016 12:21 PM by Tenryuu1

LN with ridiculously long name gets adapted > LN fans talk about how this is different from other LNs > non LN-fans talk about how it's the same damn shit all the time > adaption comes out > LN fans talk about how adaption is shit > no LN fans talk about how they were right > adaption finishes airing > and the cycle continues.....

The exceptions to this seems to be 1 in a 1000 or at least a few hundred. Honestly speaking, I can't see this being that 1 in a 1000.

Jun 28, 2016 12:06 PM by yhunata

Tenryuu1 said:
Well, there is then the $ 1 billion-question: Who or which anime studio will this project take?

Following answers (after my viewpoint):

A; A-1 Picture?

B; Silver Link?

C; Gonzo?

D; White Fox?

The time runs now...!!!

I am more concerned about the staff.

Jun 28, 2016 11:56 AM by Dab1za9

Tenryuu1 said:
Well, there is then the $ 1 billion-question: Who or which anime studio will this project take?

Following answers (after my viewpoint):

A; A-1 Picture?

B; Silver Link?

C; Gonzo?

D; White Fox?

The time runs now...!!!

A1 pictures would be absolutely unfit considering this is literally a work about characters talking to each other.
Siverlink might be able to execute it somewhat.
Gonzo is dead.
White Fox might do a decent job.

Personally its either Shaft or White Fox. Basically anyone who can properly animate talking and character interactions and is not trying to make it flashy or rush it.

Jun 28, 2016 11:12 AM by Ahenshihael

Well, there is then the $ 1 billion-question: Who or which anime studio will this project take?

Following answers (after my viewpoint):

A; A-1 Picture?

B; Silver Link?

C; Gonzo?

D; White Fox?

The time runs now...!!!

Jun 28, 2016 10:06 AM by Tenryuu1

Zefyris said:

Like most anime watchers, indeed; so nothing surprising ^^".
I personally think that it'll have a hard time finding its public is the advertisement aren't explicit enough due to that. If peoples think it's action/ ecchi/harem, peoples who want to watch that will watch this (and drop it after a few episodes because it's "boring"), most others will avoid it.

Let's just say that I'm open to any genre, but I do easily drop any anime that I don't find interesting or there's too much archetypes/common tropes being used, and I prefer stories with complex settings like the web novel 'Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?'

You're probably wrong about the advertisement, the viewers of ecchi, harem and action animes is declining, and only few of them prefers that type of series which might find the novel's setting boring. The novel has a good character design which is closer to 'moe', and there's so many people who loves 'moe'.

well I'm still neutral on this novel.

Jun 28, 2016 8:29 AM by VanAlex

mlcdl said:
Zefyris said:

hmmm... Really? Humanity being on the brinks of extinction is quite overused, but humanity already extinct as well? How many examples do you have to say that?

That's pretty much the same blend. They just differ on the initial setting. Unless their is something here that could actually differs and make it stand out to others post-apocalypse, it is hard to view it differently among existed titles.

That's a really different type tho. You won't find another post apocalypse with the last human being employed as the head of a orphanage of non human children used as weapons, and having him trying to teach them the value of their own life, and having him worrying about them when they're sent to battle (rather than seeing the battle itself).
So yeah, it's extremely unique.

Jun 28, 2016 6:52 AM by Zefyris

This sounds slightly interesting but I simply cannot shake the feeling that this will end up pretty bad. Still, the tags don't say harem, so maybe it's worth a look.

Jun 28, 2016 6:27 AM by Atavistic

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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