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May 11, 2013 7:50 PM
Oct 2012
Since we have a year to wait until the movie, why don't we write our own version to keep this thread relevant (GuP is slowly moving up the charts about 5-10 positions a week, let's keep it going). As the first poster here is my movie synopsis.

What we know is that there is a new character: Kinuyo Nishi, and she is from Chibatan (Chihatan?) high school, who lost to black forest in the first round. So we will use that.

Opening scene: Flashback to the Chibatan battle. Kinuyo is the Sub Commander for the school. They try to fight square up against Maho and get completely destroyed. Several of the team members quit, saying that there is no point in fighting because Black Forest is invincible (cue Miho's exception being cited, the only way Black Forest can lose is when something like that happens). The Commander quits citing a need to study for college examinations. Kinuyo is left to salvage what is left of the club.

Second Scene: several weeks later Kinuyo, depressed over her teams reaction and the resignation of several members see's Miho's stunning victory over Black Forest. While Chibatan had a 10 on 10 battle, Ooarari beat 20 Black Forest tanks with only 8 tanks. For Kinuyo this is a revelation, she now realizes that Chibatan's defeat wasn't because of fate, but because they just weren't good enough. She swears that she will transform her school into a contender for next year's championship.

Third scene: Chinuyo recruits new members to the squad, including several freshmen teams. Her goal is to break away from "how we did it" to "let's do it this way". In her freshman class are one or two visionary tankers inspired by Ooarai. One is a devoted disciple to Yukari.

Fourth scene: Interhigh approaches, because Ooarai is Japan's representative to World Cup, Ooarai will not compete this year (this will solve the problem with the Student Council's impending graduation, since they were students they will be able to compete with their team). Chibatan's first round is a solid win over Anzio, sending Anchovy into the pit of hell again (ties in the OVA). Their third round battle will be against Pravda.

Fifth scene: in despair about fighting a revitalized Pravda team (K-chan has picked up a few tricks that allows Pravda to annihilate their first two round opponents), Chinuyo accidentally meets the Ooaraii team where she learns the importance of "teamwork" (this is an important part that all of Ooarai's opponents missed, only Maho knows that Miho's victories were because Miho utilized the strengths of her team). From this lesson she develops a strategy to barely defeat Pravda.

Final scene: Erica leading Black Forest squares off against Chibatan. Erica thinks she has learned the lessons that Miho taught, but Chinuyo has learned them better. Chiabtan victory. Happy ending.

That's my vision. What is yours?
May 13, 2013 3:30 PM

Oct 2012
Takuan_soho wrote:
... a new character: Kinuyo Nishi, and she is from Chibatan (Chihatan?)
high school ...

Regarding the pronunciation of the name of Kinuyo's high school, I am 100%
certain that it is "Chihatan". But this is far from obvious even to people who
know the Japanese language well. Here is why I know it is "Chihatan": The
name of her school is 知波単学院. 学院 means "school" or "academy".
知波単 might be pronounced "chihatan" or "chibatan", and I suspect there
are other possibilities. HOWEVER, there is an additional piece of information
to make use of. This school is the official "Japan-themed" school. Recall, for
example, that Kuromorimine is the official "German-themed" school. At
知波単学院, the senshado team uses exclusively the Type-97 medium tank
which is made in Japan. The official Japanese name is 九七式中戦車チハ.
The common abbreviation is "Chiha" (チハ). A more affectionate form of this
name was "Chiha-tan" (チハたん or チハタン). Adding the "-tan" (たん) suffix
to a name is much like adding "-san" or "-sama" or "-chan". So "Chiha-tan"
implies a deep love for this tank, as if to a baby. More commonly, it is simply
referred to as the "Chiha". But, with some effort, I was able to find some
webpages where they call it the "Chiha-tan".

Regarding the meaning of "Type-97" and "Chiha", here I quote directly from

Chi came from Chu-Sensha ("medium tank"). Ha and Ni, in Japanese army
nomenclature, refer to model number 3 and 4, respectively. The Type was
numbered 97 as an abbreviation of the imperial year 2597, translating to
the year 1937 in standard Gregorian calendar. Hence, the "Type 97 Chi-Ha"
could be understood as the "1937's medium tank model 3".

Finally, I will mention that the name of the new character is Kinuyo Nishi
(西絹代) where her surname: 西 = Nishi ("西" means "west") and her given
name: 絹代 = Kinuyo. "絹" means "silk". "代" can mean "material". "絹代" is
a common Japanese girl's name, which I surmise means "silk cloth". Kinuyo
is a 3rd year student (i.e. Grade 12) at 知波単学院.
okanaganMay 13, 2013 3:33 PM
May 13, 2013 3:54 PM
Oct 2012
^^ You probably are right, however you have to be aware that even if the tank is pronounced Chi Ha in isolation, the sound could change when you put it into a word combination. Ichi and Hon become Ippon, when put together, the "ha" sound often becomes "ba" with certain combinations (and other times "pa").

While there are some rules, a lot of times it changes just because it sounds cuter (I am not kidding), so even if they school was Chiha, it could be pronounced "chibatan" instead of "chihatan". I do know that Chiba is far more likely a pronunciation than "chiha"

That said, you post did cause me to look up this and I found something you will like. There is only 1 "Chiha" as a geographical location in Japan (as far as I can tell), it is in Okinawa right next to the Naha Air Base (which was returned to Japan in the 1970s and is a major JSDF base). An extremely logical place for the Japanese Tank team to be located. I don't know if they said where Nishi is from, but I would bet serious money they are from Okinawa
May 13, 2013 4:28 PM

Oct 2012
I made a point of finding five different webpages that all said either
チハたん or チハタン. This was the affectionate name for the tank.
So this implies that the tank is 100% called "Chiha-tan", right ?
If it is written チハたん then it could not be "Chibatan", right ?
I think these are very basic questions for you since you know the
language. I just want to confirm the obvious first.

Okay, the major leap of logic that I made is that the name of their
high school would have exactly the same pronunciation as the
nickname of their tanks. This was just my guess.

I just thought it would be "cute" if it worked out that way.
May 13, 2013 7:43 PM
Oct 2012
^^No I think you are right. It will be Chihatan for the reason you gave, this team loves tanks too much to bow to mere usage. On top of that that there is a JSDF military base next to the only Chiha in Japan only cements your reading. That is too good to pass up, and I respect this guys to much not to think they have already made this connection.

My point was supposed to be (and I will admit I sucked in making it), is that with Japanese you can't always go on how something should read because the Japanese are very serious about how a word sounds. "Chi-ha" is usually converted to "Chi-ba" because it sounds better (for instance Chiba prefecture combines "Chi" or "A thousand", with "Ha" or "leaf", the "ha" becomes "ba" in combination (Aoba from Cross game being another example)).

The only exception I know of a i-h not being converted to a i-b is Chihaya (as in Chihayafuru), but that his because the "haya" is one unit, so the stress is Chi' haya (not Chiha'ya). In the case of the tank name, since it is an abbreviation, the accent is probably chi'ha, not chiha' (in that case it would have become chiba'). So it will be Chi'ha tan.

My apologies, when I re-read my response before you wrote I wasn't happy with the tone or the wording, it implied something I didn't mean.

Outside of that, how did you like my treatment of the movie?
May 14, 2013 6:25 AM
Apr 2013
I think it is a good description.
It seems to fit within the usual time-frame. I'm going on the assumption that the movie will be 1,5 - 2 hours long, that's maybe 5/6 episodes.Seeing that (in the series) the serious battles were spread out over 2 episodes, and i see 2 of them in your description. that's 4 episodes gone, 1 or 2 left to tell the rest of the tale. So it could work, in that perspective.

I am impressed of how you manage to make an entirely fresh story out of the 'ashes' of a finished one. It is the same kind of underdog situation as oorai was. but with the protagonist having to pull a heavier load.
I like the little details touches you have brought in, giving possibilities for new quirky characters to step into the light.

point to note, they wont make it with only Chi-ha's as i believe those can't penetrate a tiger from behind, let alone a tiger 2.(going on the assumption that erica stays in her own tank and has that become the flag tank.) A mid-season upgrade is required, i suggest to Type 4 Chi-To's.
also, i can't see how anyone could be a disciple of yukari, as she never got any media attention in-universe. That all went to Miho.

All in all, a good concept
May 14, 2013 10:23 AM

Oct 2012
I will comment point-by-point on Takuan_soho's movie treatment in a
later post. For now, I'll make a few points.

In the future, we can anticipate:

(1) movies
(2) OVAs
(3) more TV series
(4) manga
(5) games
(6) merchandise
(7) fan-created doujinshi (同人誌)

all based on Girls und Panzer -- The Original Series (GuP: TOS).

I believe that logical consistency is extremely important. In other words,
"being canonical". In the case of Star Trek, the creator (Gene Roddenberry)
was very diligent in creating a detailed background that went far beyond
what was shown in the TV series. After that, it was a requirement that future
Star Trek movies and so on had to have stories that matched up.

Creators of new Star Trek stories were free to add new facts. However,
everything had to be consistent with what Roddenberry had initially specified.
Furthermore, if certain story elements were introduced in a later movie,
everything else after that would have to be consistent with everything that
was added. There are many Star Trek TV series, movies and novels.
Apparently, this vision of consistency has been followed very carefully. The
noun "canon" is used, and the adjective is "canonical".

See here for details:

The "universe" of Girls und Panzer has apparently been defined with a great
deal of care and thought. So it would definitely be a shame to spoil it. I
believe that this should apply even to fan-created art. Some creative fans
such as Takuan_soho could come up with a great doujinshi movie treatment.
However, other more detail-oriented fans should carefully check it before it
is widely circulated.
okanaganMay 14, 2013 10:33 AM
May 14, 2013 10:52 AM

Oct 2012
Takuan_soho wrote:
this team loves tanks too much to bow to mere usage

Now I am revising my original opinion and coming around to agreeing
with what you originally said. Their school is called "Chibatan Gakuen".

The name of their school is 知波単学院 and 学院 means "school" or
"academy". So the issue is how to correctly pronounce 知波単. I am now
convinced by your explanation that "--iha--" almost never appears in
Japanese, but would be changed to "--iba--". Therefore, the natural
pronunciation of 知波単 would be "chibatan". So I expect that we will
hear it pronounced that way when the movie comes out.

As for their Type-97 tanks, the affectionate nickname is certainly "chihatan"
for reasons that I explained in an earlier post.

I think that a pun is intended here. However, the pun is based on the similar
pronunciation of "chibatan" and "chihatan". The two do not have to be
pronounced identically in order for the joke to be funny.
okanaganMay 14, 2013 10:55 AM
May 14, 2013 7:33 PM
Oct 2012
okanagan said:
Now I am revising my original opinion and coming around to agreeing
with what you originally said. Their school is called "Chibatan Gakuen".

Funny, we have completely flopped on this. No, you were right. 知波 go together. 単学院 goes together. So it will be Chiha Tangakko.

単 means simple, single, or unified. In was often used with 大学 (daigaku or university) shortened to
単大 to mean something like a "community college", but that really is an insult to 単大. Back when Japanese was more sexist (still is, but not nearly as bad), girls who wanted to work after school instead of just finding a husband went to a 2 year university instead of a 4 year university. The logic was based on biology. In Japan a woman was supposed to be married at 25. Graduating high school at 18 mean that if you went to a 4 year school you would graduate at 22. Since most companies don't expect much from first year employees this meant you would have a woman for only 2 years. Not worth the effort. However if the girl went to a 2 year school, then you would have her for 4 years. A much more economical situation. So for middle class girls who wanted to focus on a job (back in the 80's only around 20% of Japanese attending college. This is closer to 50% now), going to a 単大 was a smarter career move than going to a 大学.

That is history, but it shows that 単 in this instance certainly modifies 学院 and is not part of the geographical location. So 知波単学院 should translate as: Chiha Unified Academy.

Now 単学院 is not typical, however it would allow the writers to make a joke related to Chi Ha Tan that you mentioned above. Plus Chiha is a location in Okinawa next to a major JSDF base. So changing it to Chi ba would ruin the reference to their Japanese tank as well my prediction that the school is from Okinawa (which would provide a lot of interesting things to go into in this movie (was Okinawa under US control until 1972 in this world, is there still an American presence there requiring Japanese protests. Lots of fun things to add flavor toany plot line).

wtdtd: Thanks for the kind words. But to answer your question, don't forget that "theorized" tanks can be used like the Maus. Japan had some very interesting heavy tanks on the books before the end of the war. I have a very strong feeling we will see one of those.
May 15, 2013 9:51 AM

Oct 2012
It is fascinating to read your explanation of the more likely significance of the
character 単 in the name of their school. I certainly find it plausible that
there could be some kind of high school called a 単学院, at least in fiction.

In this case, the name of their school is 知波.

Originally, I felt unconvinced that there was any intended connection to
Chiha in Okinawa. However, this is starting to make more and more sense:

1. The location includes the sea and a nicely shaped coastline right next to
the town. So this will look great in anime and also be recognizable.

2. The nearby military base airport runway is a great landmark.

3. They are right next to the beach. So it will be easy to find many more
excuses to show cute girls in swimsuits.

4. The weather is very warm and sunny there, which is an additional reason
for swimwear.

5. There could very easily be plot connections involving high school girls
interacting with the professional soldiers. They are next door neighbours,
after all.

That lady from the JSDF appeared in the TV series (GuP: TOS). Recall her
being airdropped in her tank. However, she ultimately played an extremely
small role in later episodes. It would definitely make sense to feature the
JSDF much more in the movie.

On the other hand, prominently in the mind of Japanese there is a dark
side associated with high school girls in Okinawa in connection with the US
military base there:

In particular, on Sep. 4, 1995 three US servicemen raped a 12-year-old
schoolgirl. I find it very difficult to imagine that in in the movie they will
completely omit some kind of allusion to these real-life events.

- - - - - - -

On a separate note, I think that caution should be exercised when dealing
with statements along the lines of "People in [COUNTRY] are [ATTRIBUTE]."
You formerly lived in Japan, so you are enlightened. Also, it is only practical
that some simplifications must be made when trying to explain how another
country differs from one's home. As an example, "All Cretans are liars."

To learn about an alternate perspective, have a look at this webpage:
okanaganMay 15, 2013 10:15 AM
May 15, 2013 10:52 AM
Apr 2013
okanagan said:

wtdtd: Thanks for the kind words. But to answer your question, don't forget that "theorized" tanks can be used like the Maus. Japan had some very interesting heavy tanks on the books before the end of the war. I have a very strong feeling we will see one of those.

The Maus was not a theorized tank, because one was built. And, in episode 10.5 was said that all tanks that were designed and produced before august 15 1945, or tanks using parts produced before then are eligible. tanks that were a design only need a green light from the administration.

PS. it could make for a nice topic, determining which tanks are allowed to participate. i foresee an OP centurion dominating everything. (since its still in use in its latest incarnation. royal L7 105mm slaughters tiger 2's with ease.)
wtdtdMay 15, 2013 11:13 AM
May 15, 2013 11:10 AM
Oct 2012
okanagan said:
To learn about an alternate perspective, have a look at this webpage:

While I agree with your point that people shouldn't be tossing out cliches without knowing of what they speak, I have to take issue with the blog you posted.

The writer is an idiot. Sorry to be so blunt, but he is an idiot. Just one example, drawing a point about "reported rapes" shows complete ignorance of the history of rape. In order to make a fair comparison one has to understand the social reality for a woman reporting rape. If they are not equal, then drawing ANY conclusion based on that statistic is false and displays a stunning lack of understanding.

A secondary example in that post was the tidbit that Japanese wives control the family pocketbook. While this is "generally" true, it says nothing about sexism in Japan. Rewarding woman who adhere to what society determines the "proper" role of a woman "wife and mother" doesn't disprove sexism, indeed it highlights it. A fact lost upon the writer.

A third example of ignorance is pointing to a single politician as proof that a country isn't sexist. Would anyone here claim that Pakistan or India are models of gender neutrality? Yet both of these countries were led by women. That Doi was put up by her party as a figurehead and was immediately brushed aside once the JSP took power is another nasty fact that pops this writer's theory.

I approve and applaud of your goal to educate people that Japan isn't nearly as bad as people claim, nor that America is that great, but the example given was just bad.
Takuan_SohoMay 15, 2013 3:00 PM
May 15, 2013 11:45 AM

Oct 2012
Thanks for your additional comments. You are from the United States and you
spent a significant time living in Japan. So I am quite interested to read all of
your comparisons of the two societies. No doubt, when you were in Japan, you
were in a position to explain the realities of American society to people there.

I am Canadian. I have spent a few weeks travelling in the United States and a
week around Tokyo. So I don't feel that I have reliable knowledge of either
society. All that I can say is that both the US and Japan seem to be very
different from Canada, at least in certain ways. I greatly enjoyed my visits.

I hope that no anime fans from Crete were too offended by my stereotypical
statement that "All Cretans are liars." I have never visited the island of Crete.
But a Cretan did in fact say so:
May 17, 2013 1:28 PM

Oct 2012
Okay, finally I have my reaction to Takuan_Soho's movie treatment.

Senshado is a compulsory elective. If a girl quits Senshado then she will fail her school
year. Or perhaps she can take the Senshado course in summer school. So I don't think
that quitting is too plausible. Going totally crazy and wandering catatonically into the
mountains would be far more likely.

Something that is missing from this movie treatment is that "Chiha-tan" is the "Japan-
themed" school. Gloriana is the "British-themed" school, so they used British tanks
and behaved stereotypically British to a highly-exaggerated extent. We also saw
"American-themed", "Russian-themed" and "German-themed" schools. All of these
schools are actually located in Japan, by the way.

My expectation is that the movie would begin by showing the activities of the Chiha-tan
Senshado team prior to the battle. Otherwise, how can you introduce characters? It is
not practical for us to meet characters during a battle since we can't see them so

This anime is obviously made by Japanese people. So the behavior of the Chiha-tan
team will be some kind of exaggerated comical sterotype of Japanese military or
everyday behavior. I can imagine this going in many possible directions. There are
different historical eras that they could parody. Maybe one tank has members who
all imitate the Samurai era. Another tank is based on the Warring States period.
Edo? Early Meiji? Shrine maidens? Monks? Ninjas? I am a bit afraid to guess Showa,
but possible the GuP producers will give it a try.

After we get to know the girls on the Chiha-tan team then we can next get into the
battle with Kuromorimine. Being canonical with GuP:TOS makes it inevitable that
Chiha-tan will lose.

Frankly, I think that a movie that abruptly ends with the destruction of the last Chiha-tan
tank (also the flag tank) during the battle against Kuromorimine would be good. Then,
as the closing credits roll, we could see the Kuromorimine team giving some kind of
battle honors to show their respect.
May 18, 2013 6:46 AM
Oct 2012
okanagan said:
Senshado is a compulsory elective. If a girl quits Senshado then she will fail her school year. Or perhaps she can take the Senshado course in summer school. So I don't think
that quitting is too plausible. Going totally crazy and wandering catatonically into the
mountains would be far more likely.

Senshado is not compulsory, what was compulsory at Ooarai was that the girls had to take A elective, nothing said that they could change electives. Also different schools have different rules on electives in Japan. Schools more academically minded would probably not have electives so that the students could focus on studying or attending Juuku. Either way, a lot of schools don't make seniors take electives because they have to prepare for college entrance exams, so the idea of third year students quitting is not rare. But we certainly cannot discount going crazy after the shellacking they received from Black Forest.

okanagan said:
Something that is missing from this movie treatment is that "Chiha-tan" is the "Japan-themed" school. Gloriana is the "British-themed" school, so they used British tanks
and behaved stereotypically British to a highly-exaggerated extent. We also saw
"American-themed", "Russian-themed" and "German-themed" schools. All of these
schools are actually located in Japan, by the way.

I didn't get into characters too much, but you are correct in that aspect. So I can imagine we will have a "Miko" team, a "Kendou" team, and various other aspects. But don't forgot for most schools, the main different is the uniforms, and a slight like of certain "cultural" items. Only the top students seemed really gung-ho on adopting the full national persona. That said your other ideas are good ones, and they would probably go in that direction to give them personalities.

okanagan said:
My expectation is that the movie would begin by showing the activities of the Chiha-tan Senshado team prior to the battle. Otherwise, how can you introduce characters? It is
not practical for us to meet characters during a battle since we can't see them so

Oh, I don't envision the opening battle being particularly long, five minutes top as they are destroyed. And there are plenty of ways to introduce people in battle. You can show the commander losing her coll, Kinuyo keeping it as she scores Chiha's only victory before being crushed. The laments, the frustration of being outclassed, can all be documented.
If this is the Japanese team, being steamrolled is something that they would not take too well. They have Pride, but to be crushed in the first round would be humiliating, setting up the rest of the movie.

okanagan said:
After we get to know the girls on the Chiha-tan team then we can next get into the battle with Kuromorimine. Being canonical with GuP:TOS makes it inevitable that
Chiha-tan will lose.

That's why I think it has to come first, the result is already known. Get it out of the way, then do character development. Remember this is a 80-90 minute movie, we don't have the TV show option of spending 4 episodes of development before getting to a battle (indeed a movie is equal to 4 shows in total)

okanagan said:
Frankly, I think that a movie that abruptly ends with the destruction of the last Chiha-tan tank (also the flag tank) during the battle against Kuromorimine would be good. Then,
as the closing credits roll, we could see the Kuromorimine team giving some kind of
battle honors to show their respect.

Given time restraints, that is a very possible route. My thinking was that the show would like to have the Japanese team win instead of showing them get destroyed. But you are certainly right that this could be a "side story" instead of taking the show temporally forward.
May 18, 2013 2:40 PM

Oct 2012
The St. Gloriana Senshado team was the "British-themed" team. They are actually
Japanese. However, they behave in a comically stereotyped "British" fashion. Is this
based on how Japanese people tend to see British people? Of course, I took it as all
in fun and there was nothing offensive at all.

Saunders Academy was the "American-themed" team. I guess they were stereotyped
as being American. For me, whatever comical stereotypes they were presenting
were not so extreme. Their team leader seemed like typical kind of amercan girl who
would end up being the leader. She has an outgoing personality. Also, it is quite
normal to hug somebody, even if you don't know them well. However, all in all, the
Saunders team seemed to be fairly normal.

The Pravda team showed very strong Russian features. It was a comic stereotype
while at the same time not being offensive or disrespectful in any way.

Kuromorimine is the "German-themed" school. As far as I could see, they did not do
much that was clearly stereotypically German. (By contrast, "Rommel" on the Ooarai
"History team" was an exaggerated German figure, certainly accurately based on the
real-life German general.)

Quite another issue is self-stereotype for the sake of comedy. Here in Canada, we
think it is enjoyable and funny to see our culture presented in this way:

In the movie, we are going to see the Chiha school (a.k.a. Chiha-tan) which is the
official Japan-themed school.

Are they going to employ comic stereotypes? Will a Japanese audience enjoy seeing
an exaggeration of themselves? Is there any kind of tradition of introspective comedy
in Japan?

Alternatively, perhaps they will "play it straight". Perhaps the Chiha-tan team will
behavre more-or-less normally compared to real-life Japan. In the case of Ooarai,
they behaved normally in terms of modern Japanese culture, I am guessing. But
there was one very notable exception in Hana's family, where her mother wore a
kimono 100% of the time and rode in a rickshaw pulled by a family servant. This
was a key story element, since the story wanted to create a parallel between the
strong family tradition of flower arranging in Hana's family and the strong family
tradition of Senshado in Miho's family.

I think it would be extremely interesting if the movie takes the route of exploring
different aspects of Japanese culture and history in order to make the Chiha-tan
team more colorful. After all, we all enjoyed seeing the "History Team" in the Stug.
Two of their four members were heavily into certain Japanese historical periods.
That was certainly a kind of comic self-parody.

I hope they will have the courage to have at least some of the Chiha-tan girls
following Japanese military traditions from the Showa period. After all, 100% of the
tanks in Senshado are from the Showa period. It would be reasonable that we
would see some of the girls wearing historical uniforms from the 1930s. Also,
there are quite a lot of pre-WWII army traditions that were completely abandoned
after the war. We might see some of these brought back to life. As a minor but
very specific example, the tank designation "chiha" is based on Japanese army
jargon. "Chi" means "middle" or "medium". "Ha" means "three". My impression
is that this jargon is no longer used.

There have been major political developments in Japan during the past year or so
in which there has been a great deal of re-examination of the role of military
forces in Japan. Their 1947 constitution forbids them from having an army, navy
or air force. At this point, there is a lot of discussion about amending the
constitution to remove this restriction.
May 26, 2013 1:04 PM
Apr 2013
Takuan_Soho said:

okanagan said:
Frankly, I think that a movie that abruptly ends with the destruction of the last Chiha-tan tank (also the flag tank) during the battle against Kuromorimine would be good. Then,
as the closing credits roll, we could see the Kuromorimine team giving some kind of
battle honors to show their respect.

Given time restraints, that is a very possible route. My thinking was that the show would like to have the Japanese team win instead of showing them get destroyed. But you are certainly right that this could be a "side story" instead of taking the show temporally forward.

To be honest,Having the movie consist only of what happend before chiha-tan was defeated by Kuromorimine and how they did it... i would feel like the producers are making fun of me and my loyalty towards them. So, please don't go that way.
May 28, 2013 12:16 PM
Oct 2012
wtdtd said:
To be honest,Having the movie consist only of what happend before chiha-tan was defeated by Kuromorimine and how they did it... i would feel like the producers are making fun of me and my loyalty towards them. So, please don't go that way.

Fear not, from the impression based on only reading the caption announcing the movie (so basically my impression is based on nothing), the movie WILL focus on the Ooari team and will be a continuation. Maybe a "friendly" with Chiha-tan, with a little excursion to the JDSF based next to the town.

Sigh. This is me now, just imagine how I will be in 6 months when I actually have information to work from AND suffering more from the withdrawals symptoms :-)
May 28, 2013 12:52 PM

May 2012
According to an info found on Megami Magazine's July 2013 issue, the Girls und Panzer movie that will be released in theaters in 2014 will be 80 minutes long.

Source: Yaraon
May 28, 2013 7:18 PM

Oct 2012

L to R: Sodoko, Gomoyo and Pasomi: The Discipline Committee

Hi Zenjamibu: Thank you very much for letting us know about this new
information. In addition, I really appreciate you giving us a link to your
original source so that we can follow up on our own. I had not checked
on GuP for quite a long time. Just now I have been looking at the various
information sources and have been quite overwhelmed at the volume of
stuff to look at. It is 100% in Japanese, by the way:

GuP official Twitter:
GuP Official Blog:

The image I posted here is from an upcoming OVA called "Banquet War!"
(「エンカイ・ウォー!」) which is packaged together with volume 6 of the
BluRay DVD which comes out on June 21st. You can see multiple images
from "Banquet War!" here:

Apart from what you told us, basically I found no additional non-obvious
information about the 80-minute movie.
okanaganMay 28, 2013 7:30 PM
May 30, 2013 9:53 AM

May 2012
More info on the Anzio OVA and the Movie.

Anon Translation said:
The Anzio match will be different from the manga version

The OP will be the same, but the ED will have the usual variation

The story continues after the victory in the nationals

There will be new characters and tanks

There will be a team stronger than Kuromomine

The movie will be around 80 minutes long

No people will die suddenly

There won't be any treachery or sordid events

There won't be any strange events that will give the fans a feeling of 'we were betrayed'

Friendship and passion will be a theme again

There will be an 'Ankou festival' again this November in Oarai. Please come and see again

The chamber of commerce and trade is planning to do a 'Japanese Senshado federation mock test' quiz that can be done wile walking across town starting mid June (I guess it will be something similar like the stamp hunt that went on in Oarai during spring)
Jun 1, 2013 4:37 AM

Oct 2012
Hi Zenjamibu: Once again, thank you very much for sharing this very
interesting information and also giving us an original source for us to follow
up on our own.

It's too bad that they don't tell us the name of the magazine or the date of
the issue. However, I see that this is an interview. I guess the interviewer
is some anonymous person who works for the magazine. The two people
who are being interviewed are: Yuji Hirooka, a publicist for Bandai Visual
(廣岡祐次, バンダイビジュアルの宣伝の人) and Kiyoshi Sugiyama, the
producer of Girls und Panzer (杉山潔, プロデューサー).

The very first part in black (starting from the right side) is basically a
preamble by the magazine talking to the reader. The first sentence says,
"Now that the Ooarai girls have reached the top, why would they keep
fighting?" (度は頂点を極めた大洗女子が、なぜまた戦うのか?) Then, "Who
exactly will they fight?" (いったい何者と戦うのか?) Then the preamble goes
on and on. Maybe somebody else feels like translating.

Then you see the question in red, which is basically asking how long the
movie is going to be.

The answer comes from Hirooka (廣岡, the Bandai Visual publicist). He says
that it is going to be about 80 minutes long.

After that, the interviewer basically asks about the specific plan that the
director Mizushima (水島監督) has in mind. (I am briefly summarizing.)

The answer comes from Sugiyama (杉山, GuP producer). He starts off by
saying that they are still thinking about the specific details for the movie.
(具体的なところは、劇場版の制作が決まってからだと思います。) And then he
says a lot more, but it ends in mid-sentence.

Clearly this is just the first page of a much longer interview.

As for "Anon Translation", it looks like most of what he/she translated comes
from later pages which are not shown here.

My Japanese is poor, and working from a scan is a huge effort for me since
I have to manually type each character in order to look up the meaning.
Please correct my mistakes and add interesting things that you notice.
Jun 1, 2013 4:53 AM

May 2012
@okanagan: I can't read Japanese so I don't know if your translation is correct or not but I trust you on it or if someone can translate it further or has a copy of the magazine. Anyway, I think it came from Megami July 2013 issue(with Miho and Anchovy in the cover). Here's a pic:

Big image ahead:
Jun 1, 2013 7:10 AM

Oct 2012
Thanks. It looks like you may well be right about where that interview excerpt came
from. Here is a link to something like the table of contents for that "July issue" of
Megami. I just love the cover art.

Here is more related to that magazine:

Does somebody want to start a separate thread to speculate about the OVA featuring the
Anchovy team? Based on that magaine's cover art, I am getting extremely curiious.

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