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Jun 16, 2011 2:01 PM

Aug 2009
Okay, since two members already pointed it out as an idea, even if they might have been slightly joking, I thought why not after all the many creative topics around the forum, make one that's maybe not so creative, but it's simple and doesn't require much thought! Plus it can be fun and let us know each other a bit more. :P

So, how do you look like?!

You know all the usual stuff and blah blach
people say in forums.. :P like, hi, i'm Cristy,
I'm blonde with green big eyes and big 00s..

OK, NO!.. haha

Apart from me trolling above, you can srsly share whatever you want about your appearance.. as height, weight, color of eyes, hair...i dunno... waste number? xD you get the point anyway. And remember! It's not a casting to be a model, we're justing having fun here. Noone is judging you, cause that would be completely stupid. Plus I think we're in a pretty mature age to know all this stuff already, right? ;)
So open up, say what you like on you, what you might like to change. Are you being teased because you look younger than your age? Or because you have a weird haircut or i dunno what...? just write whatever you feel like! :)

Also, teasing a little and writing funny comments is totally cool as long as the comments don't become harmful for the other person. This needs to be told just to be on the safe side, although I know the people in this forum are some of the politest people online! ;D <3

And since we like to connect a person we're talking to, to a face, in our minds, you can share a picture of you with us! That would be great! It's ok for whoever doesn't feel ready yet, or wants to keep shrouded in a mystery! ;D You can do it whenever and if you feel like it! :) Just an idea to bring us closer to each other.

Waiting for your responses ~
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
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Jun 16, 2011 2:18 PM

May 2009
Here's a quick made pic of me xD

I look a lot younger than my age and I have a little beer tummy :D - but I'll work in it xD
Jun 16, 2011 2:20 PM

Jan 2011
i like that you pointed out that people need to be mindful of other's feelings, although i don't think this will be an issue here with this group...but that was my only apprehension about this potential thread.

in short...6 feet (whatever meters it is, i dont remember), dark hair (usually), brown eyes, glasses (for now). fluctuate between 200 and 215 lbs...strange build i i have thick muscular soccer (excuse me for the euros here, football) legs but doughy upper body...i dont know how else to describe it.

all i know to describe right now. i'll post a picture later.
Jun 16, 2011 2:20 PM
Jun 16, 2011 2:27 PM

Aug 2009
Ooh we have some good looking guys in our forum!! you just raised the stakes in our club! ;D

1, 83- Bill-kun, we'll be waiting for the pic! ;D hahaha
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 16, 2011 2:47 PM

Jul 2010
Girl (XD) 1.63 m , I don't look like i'm 21, i'm always mistaken for a highschooler. I have very long black hair, brown eyes, wearing glasses too (i'm half blind without them y_y) i'm kinda thin well not tooo thin, normal i guess.

What else...ah, ppl think i'm a nerd for i don't know what reason and apparently i have a dead serious face well i'm a bit the serious kind but i know how to joke too >,> ( T_T)

That’s it for now
Jun 16, 2011 2:50 PM

Aug 2010
I use the same pics I've posted on CC. Lazy to download new ones to photobucket.

So I'm 171cm (5 ' and 7.32 feet? for Americans), white skin, black hair (dyed) and dark brown eyes.

Jun 16, 2011 3:07 PM

Aug 2010
I'm 173cm
and I looked like that yesterday:

HaruHaruLoveJun 16, 2011 3:15 PM
Jun 16, 2011 3:08 PM

Mar 2009

Meee, being really drunk it seems
OdgeJun 16, 2011 3:14 PM
Jun 16, 2011 3:12 PM

Jan 2009
Yeah... Lumikki is cute~

There ya go... Geeky me... 180cm, average for a dutchy~

Do I need to sneeze? Wtf...
Jun 16, 2011 4:04 PM

Aug 2009
WOW you all look SOOO cute!! And cute is even an understatement! Yay! Go 20+ club!! xD Haruka.. daaamn girl that first pic cracked me up!!!! what's up with that column?! You made my freakin' night, love ya <3 haha xD

So generally about me.. i'm 1,67 m, around 5' 6'' for you feet-obsessed people! :P And I weight 50 kilos on average. white skin (i get burned quite easily), hazel eyes with a bit of green and gray (i know it sounds weird but everyone tells me different colors when i ask them!) xD naturally blonde hair (used to be lighter, now it is dark blonde to brown, well now it's generally a mix of some stuff anyway.. lol).

Ok, I want to take some newer photos.. but i'm kinda lazy though, so I found a photo from last summer when I went to my cousin's wedding in Crete and met with all my relatives there. And I met my small cousin (he's only 10) for the first time. He's amaaazing, such an energetic and smart kid! :D We had a great time and he was crying when I left! I was very sad too, but hope I can visit again soon! :))

Here is a pic of us together. Behind are the mountains of Crete, half of my origin! ^^

And here is one alone in front of one of the main squares in the capital of Crete, Heraklion:

And this is how I sort of look now, pic was taken a month ago. I'm crazy and I wanted to change my style, so I painted a few tufts of my hair light pink, although the pics are not so clear: on a side note... WHY DO I LOOK SO DAMN SAD IN THOSE PICS??... >.>
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 16, 2011 4:06 PM

Apr 2011
Congratulations to everyone who posted a picture of yourself. I'll try to post one as soon as I take a new picture of myself. For the past few years I weighed 250 lbs and hated having my picture taken. I then lost 75 lbs then recently gained 25.

Nice carrot top

Nice hat(s) I can't tell if the first one is a hat or not...

I like the pink hair
Jun 16, 2011 4:25 PM

Jan 2011
well i didn't have anything super recent but this is all i got that's accessible

i'm kinda posey and my hair looks stupid but whatever

of course i'm eating *slightly embarassed*, but i have longer hair here which is closer to what i have going on combine the two and add a reddish tinge to the hair and there you go. hopefully the files aren't like huge...sorry still new at this.

justice you are right, this is a good looking group *.* tee hee
Jun 16, 2011 4:35 PM

Aug 2009
@ Lotus

thnx, glad u like them. people at first thought i went nuts, but then got used to them, and a friend of mine painted some of her hair magenta afterwards! xD hihi i might accidentally have started a trend! xD jk ^^

btw wow u lost lots of pounds!! i wish you could tell my mom what you did, cause she's always complaining, but she can't lose any lately.. :/
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 16, 2011 4:54 PM

Aug 2009
So this thread has been made...
People, seriously people, you all look awesome. This group shatters prejudices about otakus xD
The first pic...THAT pose!
'Kay, since I'm lazy to write to things about me, here are some pics I dug up. i don't take photos that often but I tried to find the most recent ones.

My mom, sister and me; dad's nowhere to be found xD (he doesn't like going for a walk

And now ladies and gentlemen, me prepares for a suicide dive xD

A bit more formal one (the resolution is shitty due to my sister messing with the camera)

Well, that's more than enough.
Jun 16, 2011 5:01 PM

Apr 2011
JusticeUndone said:
@ Lotus

thnx, glad u like them. people at first thought i went nuts, but then got used to them, and a friend of mine painted some of her hair magenta afterwards! xD hihi i might accidentally have started a trend! xD jk ^^

btw wow u lost lots of pounds!! i wish you could tell my mom what you did, cause she's always complaining, but she can't lose any lately.. :/

Well, I've started gaining again (I've gained 20 lbs/10 kgs in the past year ) , but that's partially because I can't exercise much because I have fibromyalgia. The best thing to eating weight is to make a total lifestyle change. Obviously exercise, but the word "diet" is a tricky thing. There isn't any one thing that works for everbody. Rather, it's probably 10-15 small things you can do. Set realistic goals like losing 2 lbs/1 kg a month. Eat more vegetables, more whole foods, oatmeal or oatbran for breakfast instead of cereal and milk. Keep learning. Read Books, read online.
Jun 16, 2011 5:03 PM

Apr 2011
So far metamorphius looks most like her avatar
Jun 16, 2011 5:24 PM

Aug 2009
Lotus97 said:
So far metamorphius looks most like her avatar

wow SO true!! :O Amazing!!
Also gah I knew milk wasn't doing good.. thing is exactly what you said about setting realistic goals and not rushing or getting too anxious about it. It's just that she can't really devote herself in doing this and at the next moment she's depressed allover again. And I'm feeling damn sad watching her like that and not being able to do sth.
You're right about diet. You have to know what fits you best, otherwise it might just be wasted effort.

On a side note, metamorphius I love that hair, plus that pic on the cliff is awesome, you look cool!! And you look exactly like your avatar, like Lotus said! :O You must cosplay that char!

Bill-kun you look SO young!! O.O Well, you are young, but you know what I mean! xD And you look so cool too!!! But I want a pic with the red tinge for bonus! :O
And damn, we do look good indeed! go kidzz! :D
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 16, 2011 5:34 PM

Aug 2009
Lotus97 said:
So far metamorphius looks most like her avatar

Now that you mention it... though I honestly never thought about it before. Maybe the avatar choice was a subconscious decision xD Now I just have to buy green(ish) contact lens to complete the look *.*

In that second picture with glasses you look almost exactly like a friend of mine O_o
metamorphiusJun 16, 2011 6:08 PM
Jun 16, 2011 5:42 PM

Jul 2010
Everyone looks so great !!! Lumikki reminds me of a girl i know ! And i love everyone's hairstyle !!! I never dare to do something to mine xD
I feel some kind of invisible pression to post my face xD but i hate taking pics so i shall remain mysterious till i make a good one XD
Jun 16, 2011 6:21 PM

Feb 2009
lumikki your hair is epic to say the least.
Jun 16, 2011 6:35 PM

May 2011
I'm 5'1" with my shoes ON (1.5 meters? Ithink?), so I'm painfully short. >_<
But, most of my husband's family is shorter than me, so I feel a little better about that.
I weigh...ehm, more than I should. Boo on medical conditions that screw with your metabolism.
My hair is naturally white-ish blond, but I can't stand it, so I usually dye it a coppery-red. It came out pink once, and I kind of wish I could get it to do it again. XD

Anyway, pictures... (I'm sorry guys I still have no idea how to make them a decent size, so if they're huge, forgive me! I put 'em behind spoilers mostly for that reason.)

Strangely enough, the only pictures I have of me are silly moments from my camp job. :P This was a couple of years ago, but seems to be among the most recent pictures I have.

And another one from the camp. Yes, I'm inside a box. I wanted to see if I'd fit!

My husband and I, before our son was born ^_^

And the three of us in March. Finally, a recent picture >_<
(That's how my hair usually looks! I love that dye...)
Jun 16, 2011 9:12 PM

Jan 2011
wow, again, such an attractive club we have, top to bottom =D

thank you for thinking i look young AND cool, what a compliment. hopefully it's not an optical illusion =p

and meta, i'm gonna sound like a broken record, but yes the resemblance to your avatar is crazy.

kaito, i don't know about you looking like you're gonna sneeze, you look, i don't know, like you're thinking about something emotional...not to call you emo tho ;)

justice, you do look a tad emo in your pink-haired one, but it looks good on you!

odge, i think you stole my belt, at least it looks just like mine. sweet hair tho and your friend looks like a...hmmm, not asshole aquaintance of mine, no offense to him

makaze, that might be the most awesomest picture of the bunch right there. i love the glasses too, they rock.

lumikki, your hair is effin sweet!! seriously, what is your hairdresser's name? hmm probably wouldn't look so good on me though...your rock it hard though!

corsair, i could have predicted you'd be having a drink. good work, now i want one. hmm, ok i will.

blutsauger, nice "people's eyebrow" and better tattoo, i need to get more.

r3yn, take your time, no pressure remember =p

same to you lotus, but damn losing 75 lbs, even if you got a little of it back. nice fuckin work!! i struggle to lose 10 when i have to every now and again.

RJ, you have a quite attractive family, your little boy is a doll, and i'm glad to see visual evidence of your shortness (you in a box) on a side note, you look remarkably similar to a girl i knew in college, shortness and all =p.

wow i think i commented on everyone there, jeez
Jun 16, 2011 10:52 PM

Jan 2009
Yeah... we did it. We got the club with the most cutest girls xD!<3~

We... are.... awesome.
Jun 16, 2011 11:47 PM

Aug 2010
LOL peeps thanks for liking my picture :P I was hoping for a comment about the wonderful actress in my second picture :P but oh well me molesting poles is probably more amusing :P AHHAHAH
Jun 17, 2011 12:46 AM

May 2011
wow, all of you look good.

i'm male, 21 on 7/26. but some say i still look like 18 or 19. i'm probably 5'4 or 5'6, i'm not sure... i'm slim.
i just wear simple clothes, like a t-shirt, jeans, slippers, my not-so-messy hair and a pair of glasses. but most of the times i don't wear my glasses.

here's a blurry pic of me a few months ago...

two months ago, i had my hair cut short again, so it isn't that long now.
Jun 17, 2011 12:46 AM

Aug 2009
Wow, you already have a kid. And he's so cute *-* Amazing.

Yeah, you do look a bit younger :)

Kaito-Chan said:
Yeah... we did it. We got the club with the most cutest girls xD!<3~

We... are.... awesome.

Guys aren't bad either ;D
metamorphiusJun 17, 2011 12:52 AM
Jun 17, 2011 2:58 AM

Mar 2009
ahaha thanks I isn't usually that orange though just the light :P Isn't nearly that long anymore either

You look nothing like I had imagined, pretty cool though

Can I have your number >_>

Everyone else looks good too :D
OdgeJun 17, 2011 3:03 AM
Jun 17, 2011 2:58 AM

Oct 2010
From the sweet golden years when I wasn't able to be here (I was 19):

When I went to an English 2-week summer school.
Jun 17, 2011 5:43 AM

Jan 2011
yeah i hear ya there and there's a few numbers i wouldn't mind =p...too bad most of them would cost me like $15 a minute to call.
btw i'm not sure i even want to know what you expected, James Gandolfini or something =D...but i'll take whatever i can get
and i like the hair shorter on you better.
Jun 17, 2011 10:12 AM

Jan 2011
those last three don't show up, at least for me, don't know about everyone else.
Jun 17, 2011 10:24 AM

Apr 2011
billmurderface said:
those last three don't show up, at least for me, don't know about everyone else.

They work for me, try refreshing the page perhaps?
Jun 17, 2011 10:44 AM

Jan 2011
well you were right lotus, as soon as i backed out of the page, my comp like, mini-crashed on yeah...oops
Jun 17, 2011 11:14 AM

Aug 2010

awwws thanks! =)


it's a hat, I don't really have cat ears.


Really? Then I have found my doppelgänger! Tell her "hi" from me haha..


hah, you bet.


The hairdresser's name is........ Lumikki. I haven't been to a hairdressing salon for 7 years.

Everyone's looking great! Nice to meet you all in face to face!!! =D

Jun 17, 2011 12:41 PM

Aug 2009

I'm taking that as a compliment! xD *blush*
Well Bill is right about the bills though (well's in his name.. xD)
Long live the free internet! :P

Btw, I really like your style in the pics, it's very cool! Plus I love that hair! ^^
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 17, 2011 12:49 PM

Aug 2009
billmurderface said:
wow, again, such an attractive club we have, top to bottom =D

thank you for thinking i look young AND cool, what a compliment. hopefully it's not an optical illusion =p

lol just saw the pic again.. ZOMG you're right, yeah!!! Iit's cause of the lights and stuff, it's a damn illusion for sure!!!
Well DAAAH, guess again, no it's not!! Jeez, just take the compliment as it is! :P


Forgot to say, but you look awesome girl!! :D Love that hair and the hat with the ears!

Lotus, gal, game, I see another three good looking guys added in our club! ;)
And game, you look much younger indeed!

RJ you've got a great family there! :) Love that last pic with all of you together and YAY for the Toy Story shirt! :D


wow, really?! O.O
and on a side note, i agree with you that both boys and girls are good looking in our club! ;) Way to go everyone! haha xD
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 17, 2011 12:56 PM

Aug 2010
JusticeUndone said:

And here is one alone in front of one of the main squares in the capital of Crete, Heraklion:

Oh my, I remember that place in Heraklion! I've been there too in 2005! Amazing! Unfortunately I don't have my Crete pics on this computer so I can't post mine :/


Thanks Justice-chan, you're the sweetest! You're pretty too!
LumikkiJun 17, 2011 12:59 PM

Jun 17, 2011 1:13 PM

Aug 2009
Thnx so much dear!! ;)) And btw you should post a photo of you in Crete when you find one! :O My origin is from Agios Nikolaos, but both my uncles live close to Heraklion. But my uncle's mom lives up in the mountains and we went to see her there. I love the diversity of the scenery! ^.^
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 17, 2011 1:15 PM

Feb 2009
i should post a new pic since that one was from a couple years ago at least more like 3.
Jun 17, 2011 1:31 PM

Jan 2011
i was kidding of course and took the compliment as it was given and was blushing as i typed it *still maybe a bit*
i'll see if i can get one with the reddish hair as requested.

damn i wish i had some pictures in front of cool ass stuff like town squares in Crete! i think i have an old one in front of Big Ben...maybe i can search for that one.

glad to put so many faces to the names, esp with such nice faces ^_^
Jun 17, 2011 1:40 PM

Aug 2010

Your hair colour is pretty! I like it a lot. Once I had red hair too, but it was a real catastrophe, the quality of my hair went really, really bad.

And your child is wearing awesome shirt! Toy Story rules!


I love yours style, especially your glasses, hot stuff indeed.

@ metamorphius

Pretty, I love your hair! The first pic has also a nice scenery!


We had a trip to the mountains and South-Crete and I totally agree with you once more. I promise I will, at least I have the pics in oldish paper versions.

Jun 17, 2011 3:20 PM

Aug 2009
Corsair857 said:
i should post a new pic since that one was from a couple years ago at least more like 3.

I browsed back now and found the pic again. So you are the one with the glasses, eh? mmm nice, you look really good, you know! xD hehe
Damn I know I've been telling everyone that posts that they look good, but hell it's the truth! You all rock big time! :D We def put the words "otaku" and "nerd" to shame!

billmurderface said:
i was kidding of course and took the compliment as it was given and was blushing as i typed it *still maybe a bit*

haha!! I know, I know, but since you are always so modest about yourself,I felt like teasing you! *.*
And people that know me more, know that I love making people blush! xD yay yay! I'm really that mean!!


Paper versions rule! :D I haven't printed stuff from an old camera since ages, but the quality of the print was always so cool! I miss those days somehow.. T.T
JusticeUndoneJun 17, 2011 3:28 PM
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 17, 2011 4:12 PM

Oct 2010
Here's me back in January with my girlfriend in NYC. And yes, I'm too tall :P

Technically I wasn't 20 when this was taken (I turned 20 in April) but oh well!
Jun 17, 2011 4:50 PM

Jan 2009
Lumikki said:


I love yours style, especially your glasses, hot stuff indeed.

*blush* Thanks xD
Jun 17, 2011 5:25 PM

Jan 2011
Phoenix117 said:
Here's me back in January with my girlfriend in NYC. And yes, I'm too tall :P

Technically I wasn't 20 when this was taken (I turned 20 in April) but oh well!

dude you kinda look like the long haired dude in eurotrip

Jun 18, 2011 12:19 AM

Aug 2009
billmurderface said:
Phoenix117 said:
Here's me back in January with my girlfriend in NYC. And yes, I'm too tall :P

Technically I wasn't 20 when this was taken (I turned 20 in April) but oh well!

dude you kinda look like the long haired dude in eurotrip

There's this model (I totally forgot his name and can't remember no matter how hard I try) whose pics I saw a couple of years ago and Phoenix resembles him quite a bit :D

Lumikki said:

@ metamorphius

Pretty, I love your hair! The first pic has also a nice scenery!

Tnx. That's one of my grandma's gardens. She's a flowers otaku xD
Jun 18, 2011 8:07 AM
Jun 2011
This is me :)

Jun 18, 2011 9:24 AM

Aug 2010

You look so cool and pretty! I had that kind of hair several years ago too. I really loved it, but once again, the blonde parts went so bad shape I had to dye all my hair black. :P

Jun 18, 2011 11:30 AM

Jan 2011
Nice looking members we have here! Lotus, you look no where near 32 1/2 years old. Maybe more like 19? 20? At least that's what I get. xD

As for me, I'm 5'4 and weight around 125 now I think. Lost about 15 pounds in the past 3 months. Yay me! I'm 21 but I've always been told I look 14 or 15. My uncle still thinks I'm 15, and every time he asks me how old I am I just say 15 since it's I'm getting tired of correcting him. ><

I have long black hair...shoulder length maybe?...Because I once wanted to try changing my hair color to red, once in while my hair would look dark brown-ish. Oh! And can you believe that this year my hair has started turning white! First it was only a strand and now it's a lot! It's weird!

I wear glasses, but not all the time, just for reading and stuff, even though I should wear them. I have hazel eyes. Hmm...what else...oh I also have baby cheeks. Which my friends love teasing me about, plus that I have a big forehead. xD My face is always set in serious mode, even when I'm not. It's just always been like that...though it is rare to see me laugh or smile.

I have light brown-ish skin...kind of look like it's tanned.

Whew..and that's about it!
Jun 18, 2011 12:08 PM

Apr 2011
Nice to see you posting again. Congrats on losing the weight, I know how that is to lose weight (although I recently gained some back). Hmmm, maybe your uncle is a perv and he's into younger girls...
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