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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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May 10, 11:28 PM

Dec 2017
I really enjoyed Spice and Wolf (season 2 not as much) but honestly I feel it's not old enough to be worth getting remade. When we're talking Fruits Basket and Urusei Yatsura or even Samurai X, I get it because they're ancient. But I actually recall Spice and Wolf from when I was a boy and it wasn't that long ago... What did they change in this remake?
May 11, 12:04 AM
Apr 2024
I think 15+ years is old enough.
May 11, 12:23 AM

Jan 2021
didn't watch the original Spice and wolf, but from what i heard the remake more source accurate.

also don't see why Spice and wolf isn't old enough to be getting a remake, as another user pointed it out the original series is 15+. years old. and is age is the only reason to remake something? like take for example Tokyo Ghoul the first season came out in 2014 and it continued to have seasons for a few years. yet isn't it 'remake worthy'?
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
May 11, 12:25 AM
Jun 2023
PPL_CaLL_Me_DUDE said:
I think 15+ years is old enough.

i guess it's more than enough 🗿
May 11, 1:54 AM

Nov 2019
it's pretty old enough and the fact that you didn't enjoy the second season not as much makes it more relevant
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 11, 1:55 AM
Jan 2021
The Remake is better than the original and a remake was needed to hook as many new fans as possible
May 11, 5:17 AM
May 2017
if its more accurate than the original then it already surpassed the original anime series.
May 11, 7:23 AM
Sep 2013
The new version is indeed closer to the source material. It's a good thing for purists. It's also a way to get new fans, if they simply continued the show from where it stopped, newer spectators would have been screwed. They would have been forced to roll with some of the changes the first anime did too.

But if I'm honest, I not only prefer the older anime, but I also genuinely think it's superior in term of direction and more interesting.

To begin with I feel the LN is rather flawed. I read it because I loved the anime and... it wasn't what I expected. For instance the romantic/sexual tension between Holo and Lawrence hits differently. In the anime you had many silences and short glances/long gazes that implied a lot. In the LN you can read everything Lawrence thinks, and oh boy, you don't want to... It feels like a cheap teenage teasing romcom instead of the more mature feeling the anime had.

Hopefully this should stay the same in both anime (welp, you never know, in 10 years teasing has become a rather popular genre in itself... So they might try their hand at that type of comedy to get closer to the LN too...). But I have actual example of mediocre directing in the new anime. For instance in episode 5 of the new anime, you have a long ass discussion between Lawrence and Marhait and you'll only see their ugly mugs for half of the episode. In the older anime you had picture to illustrate what they were talking about. Do note that they're talking about something rather technical but abstract that can be hard to grasp for some people.
Another instance of odd directing in the new anime would be the use of the harp for the chase... That's... unusual. I think the new anime has far less care and charm than the old one.

I also think the old anime simply tried to fix some of the meh writing of the LN with it's reinterpretation.

Now do I think Spice and Wolf needed a remake? It's a tough one... As I said earlier a continuation would have been hard to pull. But this isn't Furuba where the anime just creates its own end and makes it hard to come back to the story. The end of S2 was a smart innuendo, nothing more. It was rather elegant.
I also think that visually the old anime holds up very well... I actually prefer its visuals and I'm not a fan of Holo's design in the new anime. She feels younger and more childish. Voice actors have aged too, and I personally perceive a gap in their performance... But to be fair someone who didn't see the first anime could be fine with it... And casting new people would have pissed a part of the fanbase.

More than anything, this new adaptation is a business decision. If I'm not a fan of it, I really loved what they did with the begining of episode 1 that teases something in a far future. I also see it as a way to promote the sequel of the show.

I'll probably end up prefering the first anime. Adaptation that make changes aren't bad, I don't necessarily want 1 for 1 adaptations. But I'm fine with them giving the opportunity to newer fans to discover something closer to the original story.
I do think that there are MANY anime that could have benefited from this more tho... Some stuff just blatantly need remakes. Spice and Wolf wasn't really one of those things. And it's perfectly fine to watch the first anime, call it a day and continue with the LN.
May 11, 8:14 AM

Jul 2017
Personally if I had to choose (especially since both shows have basically the same pacing so far), I prefer the original. The new version is more light novel accurate besides the Holo dance there in one of the episodes, but I just liked the aesthetics and atmosphere of the old version a lot more. The new anime's characters look anemic due to how bright and overly glossy it can look for a series that would thrive more with a retro, grainy style to it and certain design choices feel pretty lame like the wolf from the previous episode. The pacing isn't an issue in both versions and the material is still Spice and Wolf, even with Chloe from the original being changed to Yarei, who was in the books. Opening is much better in the original anime too. Production isn't bad in the new version but it does visually look weaker, and Passione's production isn't quite the smoothest and easiest situation either so it makes me curious about how everything will be in the kong run.

The one ultimate advantage the new adaptation will have is that it should go past where the original anime ended its adaptation on, and hopefully adapt the full thing, which is a much stronger incentive to watch in the long run. We just haven't gotten close to that point yet with the anime for me to still prefer the new anime over the older one. So this is essentially a patience thing to see how the anime does in the future to see if this long-term new adaptation is more than worth it or not. I might prefer the original but I'm still fairly liking the new anime for the time being and think it is a solid anime so I am going to try and be optimistic about the future of this franchise.
May 11, 3:25 PM

Dec 2017
Reply to R-e_n
The new version is indeed closer to the source material. It's a good thing for purists. It's also a way to get new fans, if they simply continued the show from where it stopped, newer spectators would have been screwed. They would have been forced to roll with some of the changes the first anime did too.

But if I'm honest, I not only prefer the older anime, but I also genuinely think it's superior in term of direction and more interesting.

To begin with I feel the LN is rather flawed. I read it because I loved the anime and... it wasn't what I expected. For instance the romantic/sexual tension between Holo and Lawrence hits differently. In the anime you had many silences and short glances/long gazes that implied a lot. In the LN you can read everything Lawrence thinks, and oh boy, you don't want to... It feels like a cheap teenage teasing romcom instead of the more mature feeling the anime had.

Hopefully this should stay the same in both anime (welp, you never know, in 10 years teasing has become a rather popular genre in itself... So they might try their hand at that type of comedy to get closer to the LN too...). But I have actual example of mediocre directing in the new anime. For instance in episode 5 of the new anime, you have a long ass discussion between Lawrence and Marhait and you'll only see their ugly mugs for half of the episode. In the older anime you had picture to illustrate what they were talking about. Do note that they're talking about something rather technical but abstract that can be hard to grasp for some people.
Another instance of odd directing in the new anime would be the use of the harp for the chase... That's... unusual. I think the new anime has far less care and charm than the old one.

I also think the old anime simply tried to fix some of the meh writing of the LN with it's reinterpretation.

Now do I think Spice and Wolf needed a remake? It's a tough one... As I said earlier a continuation would have been hard to pull. But this isn't Furuba where the anime just creates its own end and makes it hard to come back to the story. The end of S2 was a smart innuendo, nothing more. It was rather elegant.
I also think that visually the old anime holds up very well... I actually prefer its visuals and I'm not a fan of Holo's design in the new anime. She feels younger and more childish. Voice actors have aged too, and I personally perceive a gap in their performance... But to be fair someone who didn't see the first anime could be fine with it... And casting new people would have pissed a part of the fanbase.

More than anything, this new adaptation is a business decision. If I'm not a fan of it, I really loved what they did with the begining of episode 1 that teases something in a far future. I also see it as a way to promote the sequel of the show.

I'll probably end up prefering the first anime. Adaptation that make changes aren't bad, I don't necessarily want 1 for 1 adaptations. But I'm fine with them giving the opportunity to newer fans to discover something closer to the original story.
I do think that there are MANY anime that could have benefited from this more tho... Some stuff just blatantly need remakes. Spice and Wolf wasn't really one of those things. And it's perfectly fine to watch the first anime, call it a day and continue with the LN.
@R-e_n I miss when Anime took liberties with the source material. Kino no Tabi and FMA (both 2003) would not be as good if they stuck to the manga closely. Of course we have cases like Excel Saga where it makes no sense but hey it's a comedy so I guess it gets a pass.
May 11, 3:53 PM

Nov 2019
@r-e_n you hit all the marks that all those who believe the remake is better miss on.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

May 11, 4:28 PM
Nov 2023
Could you please watch the damn anime without making comparisons? The idea of ​​the remake is to adapt the novels, not to do the same or surpass the old anime, my testicles are full of so many comparisons and I feel tremendously sorry for those who keep complaining, look for a real problem.
May 12, 4:39 PM
Jul 2015
Alright, i'm a person who watched the original anime, read all the light novels and i'm currently caught up with the remake. To be honest the remake it's not a remake but a remaster. It's like when the Last of Us was remastered from the PS3 to PS4, so barely no changes. And it's very simple to prove that, just pick a random episode of the the original spice and wolf and from the new one respectively e.g. ep 5 or 6. You'll soon notice that the 2024 version is practically the same. I love the main Spice and Wolf duo and the world around it, so no complaints. It's basically the exact same anime with different opening and ending. However, i'm very excited for the new anime because the original was never finished and skipped an arc in the process. That's what i want from the new adaptation, a continuation. So here's what will happen, the first season will be the same as the original (old season 1 and 2) with the inclusion (i hope) of the missing arc. And hopefully, we'll get a 2nd season which adapts more material from the light novels. If that doesn't happen, then the new remaster has no reason to exist really.
May 13, 7:48 AM
Jul 2020
Absurdly better in every way, unless you’re blinded by nostalgia.
May 13, 2:01 PM

Mar 2021
I don't believe that people who watched the original when it was released or years ago are making objective and reliable comments. If there's any, I'd like to hear the thoughts of people who watched the original and the remake around the same time or at least, at relatively close dates. But to do that, the remake has to finish airing and that's still 4-5 months away.
meyveMay 13, 2:07 PM

May 13, 2:18 PM

Mar 2015
Reply to Isekai-Enjoyer
Absurdly better in every way, unless you’re blinded by nostalgia.
@Isekai-Enjoyer absurdly better than anime you didnt even watch? ah, my guy, you are funny, ngl
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
May 13, 4:41 PM
Mar 2020
As someone who watched the original years ago as one of my first ever anime and has read the light novels, they both have their strengths and weaknesses. These examples are all, of course, my opinion.

The original:
+ Has way better music that, and this is the important part, fit the scenes more smoothly. The new score is great, but it hasn't been cut the same way to follow the scenes smoothly. No impacts where important things happen, the music doesn't suddenly drop out when drama hits etc... all important tropes in an immersive soundtrack. As someone who does music for a living this disappointed me with the new score. Penkin is clearly amazing and the songs by themselves are great, they just weren't implemented well in the final cut to me.

+ Has a more "mature" feel. The characters are less cutesy and the overrall art design is more gloomy. With character writing as mature and nuanced as Spice & Wolf, it fit the theme very well.

+ Timeless animation. It looks great to this day! The modern use of CGI in anime is a crime to humanity lol. Then again, with working conditions being what they seem to be in Japan nowadays we should cut the animators a lot of slack.

- There's more filler. While enjoyable, it sometimes put the flow of the plot on hold.

- The length... They skipped light novel 4 and instead ended on the cliffhanger that is volume 5. A real shame it never continued!

The remake:
- The music, or at least how it's been cut into the show. As mentioned above!

- The use of CGI and overrall animation quality. The show looks great a lot of times, but other times the characters looks stiff, CGI looks wonky and the ways they hide a characters movements is sometimes so blatant that it's funny. Lawrence standing with his hand over his mouth for a solid minute, mouths being covered by cups etc...

+ The character design! I like the design of both shows, and I don't really prefer one over the other. They both look great! People complaining about Holo looking too cutesy in the new show should stay clear of the novels and the manga, where she literally looks like a child lol.

+ The animation (at times). For example, I thought Holo's transformation was way better in the remake as compared to the original. The less feral look made much more sense for her, as she's a normal (if gigantic) wolf and not some feral monster. They also did it the scene in what at least looked like 2D animation instead of CGI, which I was afraid they'd be doing. The scene put a big smile on my face!

+ The Japanese voice acting. While nostalgia might blind some, going back I think the delivery in the original was a little... flat as compared to how I remembered it. The voice actors have clearly grown a lot in these 15 years since the original, and they're bringing their A-game!

+ Story choices. Overrall this remake is more faithful to the light novels, which opens up for the possibility of them coverering the entire story.

I would also like to add that I kinda prefer both anime to the novels in one regard, being Holo. In the books she's kind of an asshole most of the time, and her endearing qualities get lost sometimes. Both shows do a great job portraying her teasing as playful and good natured.
May 13, 9:13 PM

Aug 2018
The original had more feeling and a better opening song. This series is still very good, and is truer to the source.
May 13, 9:29 PM

Feb 2010
Reply to R-e_n
The new version is indeed closer to the source material. It's a good thing for purists. It's also a way to get new fans, if they simply continued the show from where it stopped, newer spectators would have been screwed. They would have been forced to roll with some of the changes the first anime did too.

But if I'm honest, I not only prefer the older anime, but I also genuinely think it's superior in term of direction and more interesting.

To begin with I feel the LN is rather flawed. I read it because I loved the anime and... it wasn't what I expected. For instance the romantic/sexual tension between Holo and Lawrence hits differently. In the anime you had many silences and short glances/long gazes that implied a lot. In the LN you can read everything Lawrence thinks, and oh boy, you don't want to... It feels like a cheap teenage teasing romcom instead of the more mature feeling the anime had.

Hopefully this should stay the same in both anime (welp, you never know, in 10 years teasing has become a rather popular genre in itself... So they might try their hand at that type of comedy to get closer to the LN too...). But I have actual example of mediocre directing in the new anime. For instance in episode 5 of the new anime, you have a long ass discussion between Lawrence and Marhait and you'll only see their ugly mugs for half of the episode. In the older anime you had picture to illustrate what they were talking about. Do note that they're talking about something rather technical but abstract that can be hard to grasp for some people.
Another instance of odd directing in the new anime would be the use of the harp for the chase... That's... unusual. I think the new anime has far less care and charm than the old one.

I also think the old anime simply tried to fix some of the meh writing of the LN with it's reinterpretation.

Now do I think Spice and Wolf needed a remake? It's a tough one... As I said earlier a continuation would have been hard to pull. But this isn't Furuba where the anime just creates its own end and makes it hard to come back to the story. The end of S2 was a smart innuendo, nothing more. It was rather elegant.
I also think that visually the old anime holds up very well... I actually prefer its visuals and I'm not a fan of Holo's design in the new anime. She feels younger and more childish. Voice actors have aged too, and I personally perceive a gap in their performance... But to be fair someone who didn't see the first anime could be fine with it... And casting new people would have pissed a part of the fanbase.

More than anything, this new adaptation is a business decision. If I'm not a fan of it, I really loved what they did with the begining of episode 1 that teases something in a far future. I also see it as a way to promote the sequel of the show.

I'll probably end up prefering the first anime. Adaptation that make changes aren't bad, I don't necessarily want 1 for 1 adaptations. But I'm fine with them giving the opportunity to newer fans to discover something closer to the original story.
I do think that there are MANY anime that could have benefited from this more tho... Some stuff just blatantly need remakes. Spice and Wolf wasn't really one of those things. And it's perfectly fine to watch the first anime, call it a day and continue with the LN.
@R-e_n literally my opinion

“Read as little as possible of critical or aesthetic works. They are either products of a close-minded spirit, petrified and devoid of meaning in their lifeless hardening, or clever verbal games [...]. Works of art are of an infinite solitude; nothing is worse than criticism for approaching them. Only love can grasp them, keep them, be just toward them. Always give precedence to your own feeling against these analyses, these reviews, these introductions. [...] You must let every impression, every seed of feeling, ripen within you, in the dark, in the inexpressible, in the unconscious, those regions closed to understanding. Wait with humility and patience for the hour of the birth of a new clarity. Art demands of its faithful followers as much as of its creators.”
— RAINER-MARIA Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet (letter dated April 23, 1903).
May 14, 8:49 AM

Jun 2010
Reply to anizawa89
@R-e_n I miss when Anime took liberties with the source material. Kino no Tabi and FMA (both 2003) would not be as good if they stuck to the manga closely. Of course we have cases like Excel Saga where it makes no sense but hey it's a comedy so I guess it gets a pass.
@anizawa89 "I miss when Anime took liberties with the source material."

Well, I don't. A lot... and I mean A LOT of those so-called liberties were just nothing else, just a shit hitting the fan or utterly unnecessary to the overall picture. There were a few that really needed some, but not just comedy. Normal, character-driven stories also, such as for instances, drama (e.g. Galaxy Express 999). But in most of the cases liberties were just destructive to the adaptation (e.g. Da Capo, Green Green, Devilman TV and so on). Most of the original S&W liberties just flipped the already set table (e.g. the new character at the very beginning of the story).
May 14, 5:07 PM
Mar 2008
If age is what is determing if a remake is needed then you Fullmetal Alchemist Brother is a mistake since it came only 6 years after the original?

From my understanding this will be closer to the light novel.

I would have preferred a sequal but a remake is quite nice as well. Even though I have more fond memories of the original I am enjoying this quite fondly. I hope it will run for many seasons to come. I might even love this more in the end.

Also this anime will have as many episodes as the first and second season combined. So hopefully it will have enough popularity to get more seasons.
May 14, 9:08 PM
Apr 2015
The remake is for business... you don't need to watch it.

All I did was start the LN for the first time right where S2 ended off.
May 15, 5:57 AM

Aug 2018
Og has better writing and vibe all around
May 15, 9:03 AM

Jul 2012
The ambience of the original is better, and so is the artstyle. This makes a bunch of suspenseful and intense scenes in the first arc (which by all means is the weakest part of the material) far less impactful, it's just too flat and cute for the most part (Holo isn't intimidating in the slighest in her wolf form).

On the other hand, being more faithful to the LN is definitely the better way to go. In the first adaptation, they merely changed a character's gender to make a little antagonistic love triangle tease (or so it's what it feels like anyway), which makes for a not as centered confrontation during the whole thing in the sewers.

For a mix of both, we also have Holo, who while is more faithful to her personality in the books somewhat (cuter and clumsier), also loses a lot of her wit that got so well translated in the previous anime (her more mature side is also accentuated better in the LN). Basically, now we have a sillier cute Holo, when we first had a more mature and serious Holo, when in the LN it was more like both combined.

I just hope the adaptation will course-correct this part, as the story progresses, because this is a pretty significant deal breaker to me. Holo, and to a smaller extent Lawrence, are basically everything this story have of most important other than the economics subplots and the cool lore centered stuff.

If you flanderize her towards cute "waifu bait" too much (which is definitely worse than "flanderizing" her to be more serious and mature, since the cute aspect is not what makes her significant in any way), and you kinda lose the original appeal that she had as a protagonist.

Then again, hilariously enough there are examples of the latter being for the worse:
Classroom of Elite's best twist was getting to know that the protagonist was actually a ruthless calculating bastard with a masterplan, and that was not something you found out until he first started to play his cards in the LN, while in the anime they spoil the entire twist by flanderizing his smartness to the point of feeling pretentious (in a story that by all means is being a bit pretentious for the fun of it with the mind games, it's just not as much as the anime makes it to be, with all the literary quotes that make no sense whasoever and are only there to make it look intellectual). Doesn't help that they also cut a bunch of characters and applied their roles to other members in the cast, making them the only important ones and worsening the problem.

Mahouka had a similar issue as well with Tatsuya in the anime, he basically goes full Gary Stu instead of being a
, all that nuance goes to the trash in favor of making him look cooler). Doesn't help in the slighest that they cut a lot of explanations since it would be impossible to adapt the magitech infodumps without obliterating the already slow pacing, but which in turn made for a slog lacking in substance for the first season especially.

All in all, at least the adaptation is great here, unlike the previous examples.
May 15, 9:15 AM

Apr 2024
The original anime improved upon the LN a lot. The new anime is closer to the LN, so it's a bit worse.
May 16, 2:34 AM
Mar 2019
For me I don't care so much about the art direction, or even the music, but it's the way that Holo and Lawrence are written that bothers me. In the original anime Holo had more of a sassy, flirtatious, and often times outright teasing/bullying (playfully) attitude early on. I felt like she was a lot more challenging of a character, and someone who truly kept Lawrence on his toes. There's still elements of that in this version, but it's much more dialled back, and I think that's a shame.

In the new version she's often just so agreeable that she hardly seems like the same character to me. Even when she does get upset, it's only briefly. For instance, in the sewer scene where she was upset because she expected Lawrence to be the one to come, they just gloss over her embarrassment/anger so quick it has less of an impact, where I feel both in the original anime and light novel that was a pretty major character point for her early on and revealed a lot about her emotions.

Overall I don't begrudge the new version for existing, and for a modern audience they might find the new art styles etc. more familiar to them. That's fine. I just feel the character dynamic between Holo and Lawrence is different than I expected, and for a lack of other words, more bland. For me the main reason to watch Spice and Wolf was that relationship between the two of them--they challenged each other, and the sort of cat and mouse game between them was a refreshing change from the typical anime romance plot.
May 16, 7:31 AM

Feb 2011
I never watched the original but I'm enjoying this season thus far.

Holo's design is much cuter than what I saw from perusing the original.

May 16, 12:38 PM
Mar 2021
Reply to bvajen2
For me I don't care so much about the art direction, or even the music, but it's the way that Holo and Lawrence are written that bothers me. In the original anime Holo had more of a sassy, flirtatious, and often times outright teasing/bullying (playfully) attitude early on. I felt like she was a lot more challenging of a character, and someone who truly kept Lawrence on his toes. There's still elements of that in this version, but it's much more dialled back, and I think that's a shame.

In the new version she's often just so agreeable that she hardly seems like the same character to me. Even when she does get upset, it's only briefly. For instance, in the sewer scene where she was upset because she expected Lawrence to be the one to come, they just gloss over her embarrassment/anger so quick it has less of an impact, where I feel both in the original anime and light novel that was a pretty major character point for her early on and revealed a lot about her emotions.

Overall I don't begrudge the new version for existing, and for a modern audience they might find the new art styles etc. more familiar to them. That's fine. I just feel the character dynamic between Holo and Lawrence is different than I expected, and for a lack of other words, more bland. For me the main reason to watch Spice and Wolf was that relationship between the two of them--they challenged each other, and the sort of cat and mouse game between them was a refreshing change from the typical anime romance plot.

I don’t see what you mean about the scene where Holo gets upset that Lawrence didn’t come to rescue her personally in episode 5. I was just re-reading the early LNs and watching the original anime in anticipation of the remake, and that scene is almost identical across all 3 of its versions. She doesn’t stay angry any longer in the original anime or LN than she does in the remake.

But that aside, I do feel the remake thus far has presented Holo more “cutesy” than the original anime did, but it’s not out of character for her based on the LN imo. I’m good with it so far but can understand why some may prefer original anime Holo, who imo is her most divergent version of herself.
May 19, 4:06 PM
Jul 2020
pasanoid said:
@Isekai-Enjoyer absurdly better than anime you didnt even watch? ah, my guy, you are funny, ngl

Great opinion to take out of your ass. I did watch the first season. Indeed didn’t bother finishing it or even starting the second since it deviated so much from the original.

I do, indeed, dislike adaptations like that.

Like everyone should.
May 22, 6:13 AM

Sep 2015
I didn't watch the original, but I've watched like 5 episodes of this show and it's weirdly boring. Holo is nice but she can't do much alone
May 22, 6:39 AM

Dec 2010
Reply to AshTheChamp
The Remake is better than the original and a remake was needed to hook as many new fans as possible
@AshTheChamp until they don't announce the second season and we need another reremake in 2030.
May 24, 2:02 AM
Jul 2023
Isekai-Enjoyer said:
pasanoid said:
@Isekai-Enjoyer absurdly better than anime you didnt even watch? ah, my guy, you are funny, ngl

Great opinion to take out of your ass. I did watch the first season. Indeed didn’t bother finishing it or even starting the second since it deviated so much from the original.

I do, indeed, dislike adaptations like that.

Like everyone should.

if the source is good then deviating may be bad
but what if the deviated version is better(like we got a finale of AOT where the end is trashed and instead give a happy ending to Eren and Mikasa(of course punish Eren cause he killed so many people)) then I think that it would be better
of course this is my opinion, yours may differ but not all deviations are bad
May 25, 1:23 PM

Mar 2018
Watched the original Spice and Wolf more than a few times and am currently keeping up with the remake. I think both have their pros and cons. While the first few episodes of the remake were a bit too fast-paced for my liking, I think that as it continued I was able to adjust and now I don't mind. I also really like the overall visuals of the remake. While I do agree that, tonally, the grimier look of the original fit the series better, I think that the new visuals and very pretty and pleasing to look at. I will say, however, that I prefer Holo's old design. She felt more mature, something you would expect from a several hundred year old wolf god. The new Holo is still cute but I feel like with the new design she's more supposed to be just another waifu (thinking about that one Holo dance in the remake). That being said I like the design of the other characters. Plot-wise, I appreciate that the remake is more accurate to the source material. If this leads to them adapting more of the LNs, that would be awesome. Like others have already mentioned, however, I think the original's creative liberties improved Spice and Wolf in some regards. Chloe's betrayal in the original felt much more impactful than Yarei's. There was emotional tension between Craft and Chloe, while Craft and Yarei were simply trading partners and friends. In this case, the original was better than the remake despite the remake's fidelity to the source material. I guess this could be a reflection of the quality of the LNs.

I have some more thoughts but that's generally the gist of it. Despite this, I really like the new remake and am excited to see more. I hope they cover what the original skipped. Spice and Wolf is one of my favorite anime so I am really excited to see that it got a remake.
May 25, 4:18 PM
Jul 2020
Mardhav_2007 said:
Isekai-Enjoyer said:

Great opinion to take out of your ass. I did watch the first season. Indeed didn’t bother finishing it or even starting the second since it deviated so much from the original.

I do, indeed, dislike adaptations like that.

Like everyone should.

if the source is good then deviating may be bad
but what if the deviated version is better(like we got a finale of AOT where the end is trashed and instead give a happy ending to Eren and Mikasa(of course punish Eren cause he killed so many people)) then I think that it would be better
of course this is my opinion, yours may differ but not all deviations are bad

Very simply not the case here.

The original is better.

May 27, 1:55 AM
Jun 2009
Reply to Ricz
@anizawa89 "I miss when Anime took liberties with the source material."

Well, I don't. A lot... and I mean A LOT of those so-called liberties were just nothing else, just a shit hitting the fan or utterly unnecessary to the overall picture. There were a few that really needed some, but not just comedy. Normal, character-driven stories also, such as for instances, drama (e.g. Galaxy Express 999). But in most of the cases liberties were just destructive to the adaptation (e.g. Da Capo, Green Green, Devilman TV and so on). Most of the original S&W liberties just flipped the already set table (e.g. the new character at the very beginning of the story).
@Ricz Demon Slayer would've been forgotten as a subpar shounen if not for UFOTable taking liberties. MAPPA elevated Jujutsu Kaisen to greatness with the way it re-interpreted scenes.
May 27, 2:34 AM

Jun 2010
Reply to mechian
@Ricz Demon Slayer would've been forgotten as a subpar shounen if not for UFOTable taking liberties. MAPPA elevated Jujutsu Kaisen to greatness with the way it re-interpreted scenes.
@mechian And Demon Slayer is still a generic shounen with eye-catching animation quality. By the same ufotable that butchered the hell out of the Fate/Stay Night titles:
- UBW series' were restructured to the point of being an angst festival and edgelording so much that even the forgotten 2010 movie version by Deen is far superior in terms of writing and editing the material. They also left out a crucial information on why Archer does what he does, which would make his character and motivation much more understandable.
- In HF movies... oh boy, where to start? The left-out scenes from the first movie that would give people a way better cliffhanger? The second movie's unnecessarily elongated argueing between Sakura and Shirou on whether he should love and defend her or left to rot with a very cringe back and forth "- Don't love me! - But I do love you! - But don't! - But I do!" dialogue? Or when they left out the main part of Kotomine's statement that would foreshadow his involvement's real extent? Also, that part would be a well-done reasoning on his motivation and beliefs, and not just a bunch of sentences thrown together without any cohesion. Or the third movie's other butchered reasonings and scenes about each character's motivation and beliefs, what happened in the past, what cursed the Grail, and so on?

And the same ufotable also butchered the God Eater anime. (And it's source material, the game has a pretty generic monster basher story. The only thing that saves it, is the solid gameplay.) Not mentioning Itou Junji's one of the best Japanese B-horror manga, GYO which became an Americanized heap of B-horror clichés without any real reason to do so.

Yeah. Peak liberties are there.
RiczMay 27, 2:38 AM
May 27, 10:27 AM
Sep 2020
I just finished the old version of this series minutes ago. The old version or og was more matured than the new one, yet the transition annoys me everytime which is understandable. But due to changing of story from the original source, I was so confused unlike the remake which focuses in og source.

I hope the remake will finish the story from the original source and make it justified like they did in Fruit Baskets.

(my english is so bad)
May 28, 8:28 PM

Jun 2013
Reply to bvajen2
For me I don't care so much about the art direction, or even the music, but it's the way that Holo and Lawrence are written that bothers me. In the original anime Holo had more of a sassy, flirtatious, and often times outright teasing/bullying (playfully) attitude early on. I felt like she was a lot more challenging of a character, and someone who truly kept Lawrence on his toes. There's still elements of that in this version, but it's much more dialled back, and I think that's a shame.

In the new version she's often just so agreeable that she hardly seems like the same character to me. Even when she does get upset, it's only briefly. For instance, in the sewer scene where she was upset because she expected Lawrence to be the one to come, they just gloss over her embarrassment/anger so quick it has less of an impact, where I feel both in the original anime and light novel that was a pretty major character point for her early on and revealed a lot about her emotions.

Overall I don't begrudge the new version for existing, and for a modern audience they might find the new art styles etc. more familiar to them. That's fine. I just feel the character dynamic between Holo and Lawrence is different than I expected, and for a lack of other words, more bland. For me the main reason to watch Spice and Wolf was that relationship between the two of them--they challenged each other, and the sort of cat and mouse game between them was a refreshing change from the typical anime romance plot.
Realist take. First paragraph nails the gripes I have with how Holo is presented this time around. Still enjoying watching S&W in this new, more faithful (in certain ways) format, but "challenging" is a great, succinct way to describe what made Holo so great and her interactions with Lawrence interesting to watch in the original.
-Trippwire-May 28, 8:36 PM

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