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Should we merge this club into the Monthly Anime Club?
Jun 17, 2017 7:08 AM

Jul 2015
So as most of you can probably tell, this club has been sadly quite inactive for a while now. Despite this myself and others who help run the show have yet to give up on it, because it's a project we care about existing. However we've recently come to the conclusion that it might be best for the sake of all this to merge it with the Monthly Anime Club in hopes that will help boost activity and conversation a bit, since that club has far more active members, many of which possibly have no idea this club even exists despite how much we try to promote it.

Before we come to a final decision on the fate of this club, we wanted to get some opinions and feedback from you all. Keep in mind though, if we ultimately decided against the merging, that doesn't mean this club will be closed or anything, but even I have to admit it's on it's last legs as is, so some major changes will have to be made if we actually want it to survive.

What will happen if we do merge?
* The amount of featured manga and the way they're decided will remain the same, at least initially. Just as it's changed in the life of this club a few times already, it may change again in the future if need be.
* The featured manga will be displayed in a "hub thread" instead of on the club's home page like it is currently.
* The discussion threads will remain as normal, just hosted in the main club of course.
* The monthly theme will instead go along with whatever the main club's theme is instead of having it's own unique one. Running two separate votes simultaneously and representing two different themes at the same time is not ideal.
* There is a chance we can work Manga cards back into circulation more easily if they can be tied in with the main club's cards, but there is no guarantee of this.
* Our current "manga-club" Discord channel will likely no longer be locked behind a role, since it's more open to everyone in the club now. Instead it will be a general manga chat channel.
* We may incorporate Manga into our Tournament's occasionally, but again no guarantees of this.

Anyway, please vote on the poll above, as well as comment below if you like!

Should we merge this club into the Monthly Anime Club?
BenienmaJun 17, 2017 7:20 AM
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Jun 17, 2017 7:19 AM

Dec 2015
Definitely. Despite it being an own club, it is still as closely connected to MAC as it could be. Merge them and make this a feature instead, to reach a larger number of people, that's my opinion :).
Jun 17, 2017 7:19 AM
Jul 2018
I believe it should merge as I see it being more of a benefit to the club in the long run. The monthly anime watches and games keep people in the club active along with the discord. Although we have a manga area in the discord it is still the monthly animu club's discord. One criticism I have seen people be making is how there would be too many thread topics if manga is added. But honestly, if you star the important ones it wouldn't make much of a difference; if it was messy or not. Besides other reasons for the manga club's inactivity, for the most part keeping that kind of club up and running is more difficult. You can't do monthly watches and if the club is centered only on reading then games really wouldn't be included; unless you made a separate discord server for that. In any case it seems like a waste to not combine them.
removed-userJun 17, 2017 7:40 AM
Jun 17, 2017 7:23 AM

Jul 2015


Only a few that I am aware of, but like I mention in the original post, I constantly find out people in the club are completely unaware we even have a manga club to begin with, so doing this merger may bring about those people into being active in the manga discussions, as well as stir up interest in others that maybe want to get into manga and needed a reason.
Jun 17, 2017 7:47 AM

Oct 2015
its gonna merge anyways cause democracy, but if we're doing that, might as well, make it so, making a hassle of doing the whole poll and nomination which you know i have problems with, just make it so you can recc up to 1-3 manga depending on length etc, or take a certain pool instead of getting them to nominate
So embarrased with Tensura fans and the fandom, how have we degraded
Jun 17, 2017 7:52 AM

Jul 2015
Scarlett_ryuken said:
its gonna merge anyways cause democracy, but if we're doing that, might as well, make it so, making a hassle of doing the whole poll and nomination which you know i have problems with, just make it so you can recc up to 1-3 manga depending on length etc, or take a certain pool instead of getting them to nominate

If I felt the recommendation system of the main club or something similar would've worked then we would've just done it here to begin with. Part of the point in this club existing is to give people who don't read a lot of manga motivation to read more. With the recommendation system, it requires having at least a somewhat decent amount of read material to be able to recommend in the first place.

I'm not opposed to making alterations to how manga is decided though, or if we change up the system even further if it's what's best for activity.
Jun 17, 2017 8:00 AM

Oct 2015
Mystifire said:
Scarlett_ryuken said:
its gonna merge anyways cause democracy, but if we're doing that, might as well, make it so, making a hassle of doing the whole poll and nomination which you know i have problems with, just make it so you can recc up to 1-3 manga depending on length etc, or take a certain pool instead of getting them to nominate

If I felt the recommendation system of the main club or something similar would've worked then we would've just done it here to begin with. Part of the point in this club existing is to give people who don't read a lot of manga motivation to read more. With the recommendation system, it requires having at least a somewhat decent amount of read material to be able to recommend in the first place.

I'm not opposed to making alterations to how manga is decided though, or if we change up the system even further if it's what's best for activity.

ok then we should change it so instead of 1 by everyone and all of that, just take a bunch of diferent manga of the theme, and have people vote
So embarrased with Tensura fans and the fandom, how have we degraded
Jun 17, 2017 8:02 AM

May 2015
Firstly i voted for the merging, and here are my reasons:

- The club has been slowly dying and it hasn't ever been particularly lively.
- A lot of people in the main club have no idea this club even exists, even among people who read a lot of manga.
- The different themes from the main club are just confusing.

There are a few other thing I think might be good for the club and that would be mostly connected to the suggested manga. The whole current process of voting for manga that become recommendations for everyone in the group is a bit problematic. I would think that switching to a personal exchange the way of the anime club would be much better for the club. That way people would feel much more obliged to actually read the suggested manga, and also they could be much better personalised to ones taste.
Also the current voting process just means that the manga that get suggested first win in the end, as most of the people haven't yet read them, and vote blindly.
Jun 17, 2017 8:12 AM

Jul 2015

In terms of shifting things over to an exchange, I'm ok with it if enough people actually want that, however we need to recognize that it will no longer be inviting to people new to manga or getting into it for the first time. However if it means people will actually be more active, then I will accept that. Plus the process of organizing things for an exchange is much simpler.
Jun 17, 2017 8:40 AM

May 2015
we could just give recs to people who wanna start out, and even make it personalised, by looking at what kind of anime they like
Jun 17, 2017 8:48 AM

Jul 2015
An alternative could be shifting the decision process of featured manga to a smaller group, like Staff and maybe some dedicated active members, and forego a need to suggestions all together. Then just have people vote on a smaller number of manga, and the top 4 highest voted will be featured.
Jun 17, 2017 1:03 PM

Sep 2015
The manga club has barely any activity so I'm all in favor of the merge but I do have some concerns. If the clubs do end up merging that means a single club will be taking on the activities of what should be two clubs. That just sounds like it'd end up getting too cluttered. During the month shifts, MAC already has the theme voting, sign-up, exchange, review, and challenge threads. Adding in the manga threads with nominations as well as separate threads for the featured manga will make take up almost the entire page monthly. It really just seems like too many things going on at once- not to mention the card threads that open mid-month, weekly discussions and specials, and tournament stuff will go in there too.

I'd like to see the personal manga exchanges idea happen too but if they were to, I think we'd have to give up the featured manga. And as already brought up, that would make it hard for people new to manga to join in on activities. Rather than giving up one or the other I want to suggest a monthly manga discussion thread where people just put their thoughts/reviews on any of the featured manga in that one thread as well as reviews of manga that were suggested to them on exchange. Spoiler tags exist for a reason anyways.
Jun 17, 2017 2:57 PM

Mar 2016
I agree with the idea of merging both clubs.
I actually disliked​ the featured manga system so personalised recommendations could be quite a bit better. And then we'd be able to recommend ongoing series and webtoons.
But in case you want to introduce people to great manga fitting the monthly theme it could be done similarly to the featured manga system - first few days when the new theme is known would be time to submit manga titles. Then a week or so would be time for voting. And once voting fishes the winner is featured on the main page (maybe under the weekly chatacter/video).
SkrjaadJun 17, 2017 3:17 PM
Jun 17, 2017 4:38 PM

May 2014
Honestly, I'm fine with either outcome, but here are my general thoughts:

- First of all, I don't think the reason people don't know about the club is that MAC and MMC are 2 different clubs. Mainly cuz a club page is the same as any other thread really, just more organised (if you know what I mean), and I really don't think bringing it into the main club will increase its popularity. If the point is to make it more popular, even if the clubs are merged, I believe just that won't be enough and A LOT more publicity will be necessary.

- Going back to Mint's point, some things would need to change in order to avoid having too many threads if the clubs merged. Simple things that could be done is Mysti's idea of making the theme the same as for anime, and keeping a single thread for all the featured manga's chapter discussions/spoilers. Spoiler tags specifying the manga being talked about could also be used in that thread, as Mint mentioned, to avoid people accidentally reading things they shouldn't, and that would work fine.

- Finally, going back to my first point a little, the main issue I believe is that simply not enough people in this site read manga compared to anime, and much less on a regular basis. At least from the majority of friend lists (most of which I've met through the club), there are very few people with over 10 completed manga, however most have over 100 completed anime. See my point? People are just generally lazy when it comes to reading. And putting it all in one place is not gonna change that. Think about it seriously: manga is mentioned on the newsletters most of the time, it has a link on MAC's main page, it occasionally gets promoted otherwise... It's really not hard to find if you look for it (and even if you don't), it's just most people don't really want to bother with it and that's about it imo. Even if you merge the clubs, that's not gonna change and it'll just add more threads and make things more messy.

My final advice: keep things the same for organisation purposes mainly, just promote the shit out of it. Try to make it a bigger deal by mentioning it more in the main club and maybe including threads directing people to MMC in the main club. Make the theme the same as MAC, maybe less discussion threads, since a lot of them remain empty anyways, maybe include a general thread where people can talk about weekly/monthly releases (again, with spoiler tags) if there's enough demand for it and open the discord chat up for everyone. That would imo keep things simpler and more organised, and at the same time attract more people...

Edit: Also, I'm not against implementing an exchange system at all, regardless of what happens... In fact, it might be better since I feel most of the people that would get involved with manga either way would have to be avid readers, and a lot of them would prefer tailored recommendations based on their likes rather than just 4 set manga they might not feel like reading. Of course, both things could also be done. Bear in mind a lot of people don't finish their anime suggestions within the month, so why should they do it for manga? The only issue I can see with it is it might be hard for beginners to get into it, since they might not have much to recommend, and some people might only like to read completed series and not ongoing ones (that could be somehow specified in the exchange thread though, so people know when recommending).
AlvenzoJun 17, 2017 4:50 PM
Jun 17, 2017 5:54 PM

Jul 2015
Yeah if we took up the exchange system, we would be letting go of the current system in it's current state. I have an idea for it that I'll talk about below after all these direct responses.

That is a good point actually. Recommendations would remove the current need of only Completed manga. Hadn't thought of that yet.

I do agree the exchange system has a lot of pros to it for sure. Honestly the only downside is the fact that it excludes those who don't have much, but that was a big enough one for me to want to run this club differently, at least initially.


Something we could do to solve the issue of the exchange system pushing out manga newbies is have an extremely simplified "featured manga" system, but without the voting process and discussion threads. Instead have Staff and/or big club regulars hand pick a few manga they would recommend more universally. Newbies can take from that if they like, and then people with a bit more experience in reading manga have the exchanges as well as those hand picked ones if they want.
Jun 17, 2017 11:55 PM

Mar 2016
@Alvenzo I think the main reason why people don't read manga isn't that they are lazy, it's because they dislike reading manga online but physical copies aren't available/are too expensive.
Jun 18, 2017 1:38 AM

Jul 2015
Skrjaad said:
@Alvenzo I think the main reason why people don't read manga isn't that they are lazy, it's because they dislike reading manga online but physical copies aren't available/are too expensive.

That is actually a big factor in keeping me from reading more. I find myself having a lot more trouble focusing when reading manga online.
Jun 18, 2017 1:41 PM

May 2014
@Mystifire @Skrjaad Ok, I forgot about that too... That's a very good point, but unfortunately there's really nothing we can do about it...
Jun 19, 2017 5:30 PM

Aug 2012
I try to be an active member, but lets face it. Sometimes I even forget that the club is here. So merging it might be a good idea to help draw in those of us who actually do read manga. I love this club and that it has to offer, so if we merge them we can offer the same things to MAC.

@Mistifire What do you think? Would that be possible to do? Before I vote, I'd like to hear your opinion on this.

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