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Aug 10, 2015 7:16 PM
Jul 2018
Saturday, March 9, 2019

“Welcome to Tottori, subordinates! It has been a long-time coming, but here we are now! Enjoy your time here,” said the pumped-up leader of the A. F. Headquarters.
Shine felt a bit irritated. Who knew that the old geezer was so enthusiastic?
Then Mark touched the knight on the shoulder.
“Come on, Shine. Elsia and the others will be changing into their swim suits. It’ll take a while, so we’re going to walk around the place to kill some time.”
As soon as they left, the girls we’re left alone in the restrooms. Miri and Elsia were putting their bags down on the bench, while Naomi was changing from her uniform to her swimsuit.
“Did you ask Yano out yet?” Miri asked.
“What makes you say that? I’m just waiting for him to make his move.”
Miri felt the need to tease her, “By attracting him with your body?”
Naomi decided to fight back with her own view. “Miri-sempai, that’s going too far! How about you? It’s been three months since you and Shine got closer to each other, but the two of you haven’t actually done anything special!”
“That’s not true! On the day we first met, we actually kissed!” Miri told her, this got Elsia to join in on the conversation.
“But it’s true that some guys are straightforward.” explained the Elsia.
A bag opened showing Miri a couple of bikinis she could wear for the beach. But the one thing that made both of their eyes widen was the spunky Naomi in a smoking red top covering her big dumplings and a rose towel covering her bikini underwear.
“I already got changed, what about you two?”
The two other girls both looked at each other disappointed then looked down ashamed of themselves.
Elsia felt it was obvious. No boy could resist a mature girl like her…
Why do I feel like I’ve already lost…? Miri asked herself.
“Hey now, don’t look so gloomy. Get dress already, otherwise, we’ll be late.”
On a street near the seaside, the boys were impatiently waiting for the girls to come out.
Even Shine couldn’t wait to get to relax. “Those girls are inside a building taking their time while we’re baking out in the sun.”
“Hmph, this isn’t like you, Shine. Of course I can understand why.”
“Why’s that?”
Mark smirked and looked to the sky, “My little sister will surely look more adorable than those other barbaric fighters. She’s cute as a button, gentle as a bird, and has the voice of an angel.”
“What’s gotten into his mind?”
“Let’s ignore him, Shine.” Yano was about to continue moving forward.
It’s not just Mark who was showing his gullible affection towards his sibling. Alexander felt quite the same.
“Elsia will be a tremendous site, no one can deny that.”
“Keep walking Shine, we’re better than those daydreamers.”
Shine walked past Yano, “Way ahead of you.”
Just when they were about to leave Mark and Alexander behind, Yano’s cell phone rang. He answered the call facing away from the group.
“We’re done,” Naomi declared, “meet us at the shore, you’ll be satisfied~!”
“U-understood,” stuttered the gunner as he hung up.
Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
“Well then, so we can go to the beach at last.”
“Finally,” The other two boys said so at the same time, making both Shine and Yano sigh at their stubbornness.
Once they arrived, they oddly could not find the girls.
“Where are they?” Mark asked.
“Yoo-hoo! Over here!”
“What took you so long, Nao—?”
“So what do you think~? ”
As soon as Yano turned around, his eyes opened widely. Naomi was in the middle with her ample pair catching his attention.
Elsia was in a small pink dress having two ponytails tied by red ribbons.
Miri was dressed in a white bikini, showing off her delicate body along with a jocund smile.
The gang was amazed by their graceful appearance, even Mark and Alexander’s noses bled. As for Shine, he was gazing at them calmly.
“Hmmmm, Yano, look at your face. You pervert, staring at my chest, aren’t you? I’m flattered…”
Naomi walked over to Yano, and wrapped her arm around his.
“Let’s go, shall we?”
Yano was so surprised he didn’t know how to respond.
Mark was looking away from them.
“I think I’m going to be sick.”
When he tried to think of something else, his little sister called to him, “Um, Mark? Do you like this?”
Putting aside the annoyance he felt, he put on a gentleman act for Elsia.
“It fits you nicely, Elsia.”
“Of course,” her brother was encouraging her, “now go out there and have fun!”
With that, Elsia ran to the water, inciting Alexander to come along as Mark followed behind smiling. Now it was Shine’s turn to give his opinion.
“Miri, you look…”
But then she grabbed his right hand with both of her hands.
“You don’t have to say it if you want. C’mon, let’s go for a swim.”
Miri reassured her knight that there’s no need to behave like that and reminded him to enjoy this time off.
“I’m right behind you.”
The sounds of water splashed with the small group inside of the sea having a splendid time on a warm day. A couple of other members from Zarenko’s facility were on vacation too. They sat under the sun, sleeping and relaxing.
Next was a game of volleyball, the boys were facing against the girls and Zarenko took up the position of the referee. Unfortunately for the boys, the girl used Miri as their ultimate weapon due to her high speed, so they won.

But overall, it was really fun for them. While they were busy playing, Zarenko made a note on Shine’s noticeable change in behavior.
Well Shine, this is the first time I’ve seen you make actual contact with your friends.
It was afternoon, and the gang was back at the hotel resting for a while. Shine was outside looking at the beach peacefully. Suddenly a voice whispered in his ear. “Knight Shine…”
Shine look to his left, then to his right, and wondered. Was someone calling me?
“This way…”
Curious about the calling, he ran down the street to get closer.
“You’re getting warmer…”
Then out of nowhere, several houses were crushed by crystal- based boulders. Shine was shocked to see this happen, he came closer to examine the area, only to find several ponds of blood.
“What happened here?”
Then more buildings were destroyed along with the streets. Right before Shine was about to lose his mind, a mental image of a city in flames appeared in his head causing him to fall to the ground. His mind was feeling pain, he felt that… he’s flames were responsible for causing the outburst of the fire.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?”
That voice!
Behind him was a man shrouded in a cloak, just like the previous one Yano and Naomi encountered, but this one had a maroon color.
Shine stood up, “Were you the one who was calling me?”
“That’s right.”
“And the destruction here?”
“Called it,” replied the mysterious person.
“Everyone who lived in Tottori…” Shine desperately looked back to see destruction, “are they dead?!”
“The whole population is wiped out.”
“No way…”
“Don’t worry little boy, your friends and the other members of the Akita Force Headquarters aren’t dead. They seemed to be taking a nice nap after their last drink.”
Shine directed his attention to the man with a silent, angry look. “What in the hell are you?”
Responding to his question, he opened his wings and directed his spear at the boy.
“I am Xaloi: the Crystal Wasp. I’m here to avenge the loss of Commander Gyosai from a few months ago.”
“So you’re working under that freak of nature?”
“Big talk coming from you,” he retorted, “Don’t you recall the events that took place on that island?”
“That doesn’t matter now.”
Before he grabbed his sword, the Crystal Wasp grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him onto the ground.
“What doesn’t matter now? That you’re helpless without summoning the beast inside of you? The legendary knight… Weak?”
Now Shine was having the life choked out of him.
“Forget everyone and everything in order to gain true power. It’s the only way to show your dominance.”
The grip on his neck grew tighter every second.
“What are you trying to - kuh!”
“Our goals are secret, so don’t try to ask. Besides, you have more important things to worry about.”
Shine’s vision was getting woozy, he knew that he wouldn’t last another minute, but he soon passed out from lack of breath.
“I don’t see what others see in a soft boy who’s going to die.”
He was wrong though, suddenly, a sharp object grazed his right leg. The injury didn’t concern him, he was more into the outburst. Then electricity crackled from the boy expanding.
Could this be it?
From the ground, 2 pairs of wings emerged. The large set of wings was the darkest black from the abyss, and the small set of red wings was deeply connected to the blood.
His power had widened the gap between the current form and the previous performance. The demonized knight took flight up to the level where Xanloi stood amused. This was the beginning of a battle between insect and beast.
“Perfect, perhaps this won’t be a waste of time.”
The Crystal Wasp instantly teleported above his opponent, “Unfortunately for you, I can move much faster in the sky!”
Once again, he underestimated Shine, he kicked Xaloi in the face, leaving him stunned, and then pushed him back by punching him in the stomach.
He charged at him in an attempt to cut him in half, but Xaloi flipped upwards and kicked the knight from the back, pulling his wings while descending to the ground. The impact crashed through one of the houses.
Appearing from out of the smoke was the Crystal Wasp!
“Like I said, I’m better in the air!”
Xaloi raised his weapon in the sky as lightning strikes it soon after like a lightning rod. A crystalized orb formed on the tip of the spear.
“Try getting out of this one!”
The energy wave was fired at Shine, who had gotten out of the pile of rubble. The attack split into several large crystal needles. Once they touched the ground, the run-down building detonated from the inside. Xaloi looked down at the big ditch he created, anticipating Shine’s presence behind him.
“It’s no fun if you lose already.”
Shine is nothing but a monster without a voice, all he could do was hiss spitefully. They both teleported quickly, their attacks keep colliding and giving off sparks. The loud blows reached from high in the sky to below the grounds as they received little damage.
This went on until Xaloi found an opening, in which icicles were shot from his wings. Although Shine was able to block them, the icicles were poisonous to him, forcing him to fall.
“Heh heh heh, water may not harm you, but my ice-based attacks can put out your fires. My body is made of two compositions. First is the crystallization that constructs around my eyes and downwards to my hands. Second is the glacial temperature that’s taking place on my back, so my wings gain the ability to produce freezing attacks. I think toying with you is getting old, allow me to demonstrate my true source of power.”
Ascending above, his wings began to glow as did his eyes. His spear was spinning in a spiral pattern creating a lock-on target aiming toward his enemy. Xaloi’s bangs covered up his left eye. From a lower point of view, he had the glare of a grim reaper.
“Regardless if you’re strong or not, you’re going to die anyway…”
Once all of the energy gathered up, the battle would shortly reach a conclusion… with one shout, “Lustrous Frost!!”
A gelid beam was set in motion, swirling around like a high speed tornado striking Shine with a destructive burst.
Xaloi was truly satisfied with the work he believed to be done, “Ahahahahhahahahahahaha!!!”
Back at the hotel, Yano had awakened and looked outside. It had been a couple about 10 to 15 minutes since the battle started, but he hadn’t realized that.
“Get up, Yano. You aren’t being paid to sleep on the job.”
He saw the mess outside of the hotel and was shocked, “What’s going on!?”
“We were attacked by one of Gyosai’s minions who annihilated the majority of this city.”
“All of those people…!”
Zarenko turned to Yano, looking at him through his right eye. “There will be plenty of time to mourn over their deaths, but right now, you need to get everyone to evacuate, understand?”
“Right,” he nodded.
“The others are in the lobby. I’ll stay here to keep things under control while you make sure they get to safety.”
“Of course, be careful!”
Once he left, Zarenko looked up and spotted the Crystal Wasp causing more disaster.
“You fool… your mission was to restrain that him.”
From Xaloi’s viewpoint, the place was covered in clouds of fog. The buildings were being crystalized and then disintegrated into vanishing snow.
“What a beautiful sight this is, I can’t even describe anything more fascinating than this. Such weak beings humans are.”
By surprise, a red blade was swung at him. He moved out of the way, but what Xaloi didn’t see coming was a solid kick to the face. The insect falls straight into the water as Shine grabbed his weapon and continues to pursue him. Xaloi was at loss of words as he was getting damaged.
I can’t believe that brat did this to me! Well let’s see if he can predict—
Not focusing on Shine, he allowed him to cut off the bottom half of his right arm with a trenchant projectile.
But how could he…?
Shine took hold of Xaloi’s neck, proceeding to choke him to death. The cocky insect wasn’t too confident now. The left crystal eye opened a bit. The one thing that was in front of him was a human who had converted to a new form of brute.
The eyes of the knight changed to the dead color of red, his fangs grew larger than before, and the power constrained his body so much that multiple veins appeared on his face. Like before, Shine’s right eye poured out blood due to the excessive capacity.
Hang on… this boy… he’s…!
Before he could completely figure out the identity of the knight, Shine cut through Xaloi’s body and gave him a savage howl. Just like that the ocean erupted, and emerging from the tall fountain was the demon.
Even though Xaloi has been dealt with, he still remained in demon form. On the shore, the upper section of the wasp was still intact by the time Zarenko came to inspect the damaged Xaloi.
“It’s you… please help me… mas—.”
Alas for him, Zarenko summoned a projectile out of his left hand, stabbing Xaloi in the heart and killing him in the process.
“I thought we could trust you to get the job done. Now look what’s happening. I guess I’ll have to clean up after this worthless bug…”
He turned away from the corpse and then tapped his glasses, revealing azul daemon eyes, “right Gyosai?”
The destruction in Tottori was increasing immensely with the meteor flames being launched at the city. A demon in the night was soaring in the air without anyone or anything to restrain him.
A spiral wave smashed the ocean, causing a few tidal waves to swarm over the houses. Nothing was around him, but Shine felt the presence of someone nearby.
He moved around feeling like he’s getting closer. When Shine came to a halt, he saw a hook attached to a rope which tied to his leg and dragged him down onto the ground.
“Unbelievable, I’d never imagined that you would turn our vacation into a disaster.” Mark appeared out of the smoke reeling in his grapple gun, “Did you learn nothing from last year?”
Just then, Stein jumped down landing next to the shooter, “Save your breath Mark, he’s already in his demon mode. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy ourselves, right?”
“Then what are we waiting for? You attack in close range and I’ll attack from a distance.”
Readying his gun, he pointed his pistol at Shine and shot several bullets at him. Of course, the monster swung his blade to block all of the bullets, only to leave his back open for Stein to attack.
“You’re mine!”
However, the double set of wings flapped him away as he back-flipped onto a broken structure of a building. Then Stein waved his spear launching air projectiles at the knight, hoping to reduce the inferno. This had no effect on the boy no matter how strong the wind blew, his flames kept growing without haste. Mark fired liquefied bullets, but they couldn’t weaken Shine.
“Wow, he’s hard to beat!” complained Mark.
“Dangerous to, shall we go with a full bang twice it’s level?”
“Let’s do it.”
They jumped into the air, with Mark shooting a bullet shell while Stein charged his weapon with golden lightning, tossing it at the shell with high speed. The shell exploded, combining with Stein’s spear by enhancing its defense along with its strength. Shine would have moved out of the way, but unfortunately for him he was stuck to the ground since the shell planted a couple of seeds into the ground.
He was caught by the vines, being pulled firmly and leaving him unable to move. Their strike had tackled him with a loud eruption. The smoke cleared up just like the wounds on the knight.
“Keep your guard Shine!” Mark called out.
When he regained his senses, he saw an aqua seal in front of him. Behind it were two demon hunters holding the same gun.
“Double Bang Max!!!”
As they both shouted out the name of the attack, the guns created a tremendous sound wave that stretched across a quarter of the ocean.
Stein still felt cautious, they were taking on a possessed knight even Miri couldn’t take on. “Careful, he’ll pop out at any moment.”
He was right. The furious demon dropped down facing up, with his eyes completely covered by the bright blaze. The flare of his right eye expanded upwards, taking a form of two horns coming from the right side of the demon’s face. Not only did the wounds recover, but his clothes formed its original shape.
“Whoa… crap.” Mark was impressed, but quite frightened.
“We just need to restrain his power, that’s all.”
“Agh. This is going to be tough.”
“For the both of you that is,” When a voice came from above, a large axe struck Shine with a cold might, “Bane of Flames, Glaciezer!”
The shockwave around the knight had stabilized him, returning him back to a normal human and putting him into a deep rest, prompting Mark to look back.
“Who’s there?”
“Come on now, do we need to give introductions?” Revealing himself was none other than Gyosai, who looked in perfect order.
“Great, not you again, does that mean that other guy is coming?”
“He would love to continue your battle from before, but he has an agenda to look after.”
“Let’s cut to the chase,” Stein pointed his spear towards the villain, “What exactly do you want with Shine?”
“Hmph…” When he opened his right eye, a red deadly looking pupil became visible. “He’s the successor to the demonic reign. That’s all you need to know. Now if you don’t mind, I will be taking this youngster with me.”
Gyosai was about to head towards the body of the unconscious Shine, Mark however wouldn’t settle for something like kidnapping, so he was ready to fire a few rounds at the tall brute.
“Hold it right the-ah!”
They were both hit on the back of their necks and knocked unconscious much to the pleasure of Gyosai.
“My apologies,” he grinned, “Emaki, for making you dispose of that worthless bug.”
“We didn’t really need his service, so I was going to end his existence anyways.” The only thing that Emaki was interested in was taking the swordsman as he lifted him up onto a shoulder.
“Let’s get going.”
“Yes…” Gyosai nodded, “Entrance to Kumokyouki, unlock!”
A portal appeared on the ground with a dark aura whirling around it. Before they walked through the exit, Stein caught a glimpse of another person. He could not believe his eyes.
… He’s conspiring with Gyo… Knowing who the enemy really is, he passed out.
Later when the others escaped outside of Tottori, the only people that weren’t with the group was Alexander. The others were concerned.
“Naomi, you take the lead, I’ll stay behind,” instructed Yano.
Naomi agreed to do so, “All right, be careful.”
Before Yano could go back… ‘There won’t be any need to stay in this city.”
… Coming from behind the people was Alexander, carrying the unconscious Mark and Stein.
“Alex,” Before Elsia could ask where he ran off to, the little sister notice that Mark wasn’t awake, “Mark!”
“Master Stein!” Yano called out in shock, “What happened to them?!”
“I don’t know, I just found these two lying on the ground.”
Another person appeared right before them, someone familiar.
“Chi-Danu, sir, what are you doing here?” Yano asked him.
“I’ll explain later,” he answered briefly, “we need to get out of here.”
As the majority of the group was keen to leave at once, not all of them felt right about this, especially for Miri when she recalled something similar to this night happened before.
“Where’s Shine?”
Danu knew what happened to him, but with the current situation burning up he decided not to say a word about his whereabouts.
“I’m worried about him to, but we should get back to the headquarters and fast. Maybe then, we could try to sort this mess out.
“O-okay,” Miri was unsure at first, but Naomi came to her side to solace her uneasiness.
“Shine will be fine. After all, he is one hell of a knight in the organization.”
“… You’re right.”
The next time Shine woke up was in a room filled with darkness. When he tried to move, his arms were restrained.
Ugh, what the hell?
He looked around and realized that he’s stitched to the wall by the chains. “Where am I?”
“Relax,” called a deep voice, “you’re in our care now.”
Coming out of the shadows was the enemy that came back from the dead island.
Shine was not amused to see him again. “You…! I was wondering what was up with our last battle. How did you survive that explosion?”
“I’ll be glad to elaborate on my mysterious return. Take a closer look here.”
Once he unveiled his cloak, Shine was disgusted to see a silver crystalline field surfaced on the left side of his chest, expanding greatly.
“You see I’ve infused my body with a rare gem 11 years ago thanks to the bio-energy stolen by you,” a mischievous cackle escaped his mouth with a sadistic smile.
“What are you talking about? And this incident regarding a burning city—what does it have to do with me?”
“Ah yes, of course. You’re still trying to figure out who you are… or what you’ve become.”
At the headquarters in the morning, there was a discussion in the conference room held by Chi-Danu.
“Shine has been kidnapped!? That can’t be right!”
“It’s true, Miri. It seems that we had a bug flying through the barriers we prepared around the city. Someone let Xaloi in of course.”
“Who was it then?”
“It was Zarenko,” Stein and Mark had finally woken up after regaining consciousness. Yano’s eyes were filled with solicitude.
“What are you saying?” Naomi asked, “That Zarenko is siding with those creeps.”
“I saw him leave with Gyosai with my very own eyes.”
Mark joined in on the conversation to. “He even knocked us out before we could save Shine.”
“Both of them are right,” Yano sided with them, “I happened to come upon a full load of research about Zarenko last night. Our so-called leader was working with Gyosai starting 11 years ago.”
The whole group was terrified to hear the fact that Zarenko double-crossed them, especially Miri. Both of those two were really important to her.
“What is happening now? First Shine, and now Master Zarenko?”
The face of the assistance was covered with regret. “I knew that something was a bit off before, but I didn’t suspect this to go forth. I apologize, if only I had looked deeper into this…”
He was being hard on himself, but there was nothing any of them could do. Danu knew this fact well.
“Don’t blame yourself, Stein. All we can do now is to find a way of turning the issue around.”
“And locate the place where they took Shine,” said Mark.
“Excuse me.”
Danu and everyone else turned to Miri.
“I placed a spell on Shine before, and the amulet is still in effect as we speak.”
“Good thinking, Miri. Danu, do we have anything to analyze her necklace.” Alexander waited for Danu to respond.
“Perhaps, but I’m not accurate on how it will turn out. In the meantime, we must prepare for anything that will be in our way of rescuing Shine.”
“When will the time come?” Yano asked.
“Within a week perhaps, depending on the signal,” Danu then turned his attention towards Mark, “you would need to get Alexander into shape before then.”
“Hm?” Mark was surprised.
“Based on what I understand, Alexander was able to fend off against the minions that Gyosai had sent to keep anyone from escaping. Given that, he must possess capabilities to take them on by himself.”
As he mentioned it, Mark did remember the demons confronting him and Stein before they could reach Shine, so he somewhat believed that what Danu said may be true. Danu then turned to Alexander before offering a handshake to the young boy.
“Sorry to drag you into this, but we’re going to need as much help as we can get.”
“It’s okay,” Alexander accepted his hand, “I’m not going to stand by watching people suffer if I can help it.”
“Please stay safe, Alex,” said Elsia.
“I will, besides, I’ll be looked after by your brother.”
“Just so long as you make it through one week, got it?”
“Come on Mark,” she said, “please don’t be so hard on him.”
Unfortunately for the three of them, this was not the time to be having a lighthearted conversation as Danu was about to continue.
“Elsia, I heard that you are experienced in the medical field. Is that true?”
“Yes,” she nodded nervously.
“Then we will need you to come with us along the mission.”
Allowing my little sister to participate in something dangerous?! Mark didn’t like hearing what Elsia will have to participate in.
The tall man then looked at Mark again, this time, sensing a small grain of distrust towards this idea, and wants to be clear with Mark… “Will that be alright with you and your sister?”
Mark thought about it carefully, “Alex and I will be there to look after her.” He gave a look to Alexander who in return nodded.
“Of course,” the leader of the Ling clan nodded.
Although Mark looked relieved, Yano was worried about the siblings. I hope so.
“The discussion is over now. Remember this: it’s not only Shine we should be concerned about,” he walked up to a window, looking at the exterior of the Akita Force, “we have to hold our own as well. Understand?”
Everyone agreed to the plan, “Yes!”
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