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ACTIVE PEOPLE ROLE CALL post your character here if your active

Nov 23, 2014 4:34 PM
Jul 2012
Title pretty much says it all I'll post a example in the next post just so people know
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Nov 23, 2014 4:37 PM
Jul 2012
Reisha Izumi
MikuIzumiDec 7, 2014 2:56 PM
Nov 23, 2014 7:02 PM
Aug 2014
Guild: Sabertooth
Location of guild tattoo:Right bicep
Level class:E
Power: Shadow Dragon slayer
Describe powers: Shadow teleport: can dodge moves by fadeing into shadows
Shadow Blend: can blend into shadows
Shadow drain: Can drain Magic Stamina Health from enemies in the shadow
Shadow blade: A tribal like tatoo on the arm that extends off into three blades
Shadow spike:Can create a field of spikes from the ground in a certain radius
Shadow bomb: A small ball that explodes into damageing shadow
Dragon's Roar. Riken releases a large burst of shadows from his mouth.
Shadow Dragon's Slash:Riken covers his arm in shadows and punches his target.
Shadow Dragon's Crushing Fang: Riken generates shadows from his hand and uses them to attack the target.
Shadow Dragon's Claw: Riken generates shadows from his feet and uses them to attack the target
Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash: Riken turns his body into shadows and then wraps himself around the target, assaulting them with a torrent of shadows generated from his hands
Shadow Drive: A type of Magic-amplification technique used by Riken that brings out the true power of his Shadow Dragon Slayer abilities, excluding the power boost granted by Dragon Force, yet, at the same time, seemingly enhancing his physical prowess to a degree, particularly his speed. It grants Riken an aura of shadows that completely cloaks and continuously rises from his body. The technique also obscures Riken's eyes, leaving only his round, blank irises visible.This state either grants Riken the ability to perform new spells or makes them stronger
Bio:At a young age Riken was intrestead with the darker form of magic Shadow so he went on a quest to find out all he could once there was no more to find he went in search of a dragon who taught him the rest he needed to know after he learned all he could he killed the dragon earning the title of dragon slayer but he still feels he has more to prove so he joined the strongest guild in his mind Sabertooth and hes still not done with showing everyone that hes better
LoveandHate91Nov 30, 2014 1:04 AM
Nov 23, 2014 11:30 PM

Dec 2012
frogotenDec 15, 2014 5:51 PM
..... :'(
Nov 24, 2014 5:10 AM

Mar 2014
[color=red] Pretty Bluestar [/color]

Setsu_KaNov 25, 2014 4:15 AM
Nov 24, 2014 11:01 AM

Jul 2009
Dragon360 said:
Nov 25, 2014 8:36 PM

Nov 2013
So I can post my character here?

Name: Blade Chasdonna
FlickersFeb 1, 2015 3:27 AM
Nov 25, 2014 8:41 PM
Aug 2014
And i dont think the fire dragon slayer is taken ask one of the Admins either miku or Tamoball about it probably in pm
Nov 25, 2014 8:44 PM

Nov 2013
Okay, thanks
Nov 25, 2014 9:32 PM
Dec 2011
Name:kiba drangheart
Guild:(what guild you belong too)fairy tail
Location of Guild Tattoo: on right sholder
Class: (describes how strong of a magic user you are) great in ice make and dragon slaying
Element/Ability: (exa. Ice Make or Re-quipt) ice and fire
Abilities: the abilities that you are able to use from your spell type fire and ice
Bio:the son of lucy heartfella natsu and gray the got drunk one night and had a one night stand
Modified by gunslinger90, 11-23-14, 5:13 PM

Dec 12, 2014 7:41 PM
Aug 2014
Name: Siegfried
Guild:Fairy Tail
Location of Guild Tattoo:Chest
Class: E
Element/Ability:Weapon creation
Abilities:Siegfrieds spells can create any type of ranged and melee weapons excludeing guns and explosives and will last for his next 5 post
Bio: Siegfried started off mastering weapons but then found out his magical powers and decided to use magic to help with his own weapon training he can create up to 10 weapons at once and can use them as a surprise attack from his cloths by createing them out of view and is a great hand to hand fighter as well
Dec 12, 2014 9:45 PM
Jul 2012
LoveandHate91 said:
Name: Siegfried
Guild:Fairy Tail
Location of Guild Tattoo:Chest
Class: E
Element/Ability:Weapon creation
Abilities:Siegfrieds spells can create any type of ranged and melee weapons excludeing guns and explosives and will last for his next 5 post
Bio: Siegfried started off mastering weapons but then found out his magical powers and decided to use magic to help with his own weapon training he can create up to 10 weapons at once and can use them as a surprise attack from his cloths by createing them out of view and is a great hand to hand fighter as well

You don't have to post extra characters here in roll call it's only for people who have the first char so we can tell who's active
Dec 12, 2014 9:54 PM
Aug 2014
oh ok now i know
Dec 17, 2014 12:31 AM

Apr 2014
(in a spoiler please)
Name: Lennex Wraten
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Guild: None
Location of Guild Tattoo: Back of the right shoulder
Class: Class E
Element/Ability: Blink
Abilities: Blink allows the caster to move at incredibly high speed in short bursts.
This ability does not increase the strength nor the speed of Caster while he is not using the power. The caster must train to have his mind keep up with the high speed movement. The only passive effect blink has is that while the caster is using blink, the physical make up of the caster becomes much denser in order to withstand the speed. This is why the caster's body doesn't deteriorate from moving at high speeds.
Bio: Lennex was born to a mother who despised him. His was conceived when his mother was attacked one night and sexually assaulted by multiple male assailants. His mother's family outcasted her, under the impression that she was just selling her body away or something similar. Stuck with child and alone, she hatefully gave birth to Lennex. As he grew up, everyday was a struggle for young Lennex. His mother lived off of doing what her family had assumed she was doing and she constantly abused her child. His being reminded her of the incident that ruined her life. Needless to say, his mother didnt live to see 30 due to her line of work. Now an orphan, homeless, and starving; Lennex learned to fight for himself. He stole what he needed to eat and fought all those opposed him. Now, as a young man, Lennex uses the ability he developed to quickly steal something or get away from the law. He's never known the love of another person but he feels like he could be better. He's emotionally stunted but he tries to help people when they are hurting or cheer others up. Something he never knew. He carved a bloody, broken path through life but its his path and he regrets nothing that has happened. He only secretly wishes to know the love of a mother.
shadowz1995Jan 11, 2015 4:36 PM
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Jan 8, 2015 4:34 PM

Apr 2014
Name: Ren
Age: 22
Guild:(what guild you belong too) Lamia Scale
Location of Guild Tattoo: Shoulder
Class: E
Element/Ability: Muscle make
Appearance:Ignore the gray haired boy

Abilities: Hes able to increase his strength when he wants and what comes with this is he's able to throw objects that are bigger than him and if he uses a sword it makes a (really) deep cut(so he rarely uses it unless he needs to finish someone off quickly)
Theme:doesn't have one
Bio:(I can't really think of one but I plan to slowly make up the bio as I go through the rp)
Jan 9, 2015 8:35 PM
Jul 2012
(Only one character per person goes here frog )
Jan 10, 2015 6:28 PM

Jan 2013
Arliss Silver
link102Jan 12, 2015 4:14 PM
Feb 20, 2015 6:07 PM

Jun 2009
Sairi Kamanosuke
Age: 22
Location of Guild Tattoo: Left Shoulder
Class: E-D
Element/Ability: Wind user



May 31, 2015 10:08 AM

May 2015
Name: Blake Lucian


Birthday: July 13th (the day I was born to my birth parents) and July 7th (the day I met SteelMetelicana and you don't wanna know the trouble I went to trying to find the exact date I met a dragon in a dimension in between space and time where time does not flow the same way as in earthland)

Gender: Male

Appearance: hair is Black on right side and white on left. Eye color is close versa. Usually seen wearing a Black short sleeved T-short with crossed guitars and some red and Comfortable Black pants with red outline at guild hall, on missions, and basically anywhere out side of home. (You don't need to know what I where at home and the rest if up to your imagination)

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark location: top of my right arm

Magic: Ultimate Iron Dragon Slayer Magic = ultimate form of iron dragon slayer magic
- Reference:

Abilities: Dragon slayer magic with the element of iron. Since I was taught Iron dragon slayer Magic by Metelicana's dad steelmetalica I have a more in depth knowledge of Iron dragon slayer magic than even my predecessor Gajeel Redfox. I have similar abilities as him such as being able to turn my body parts into any form of iron and using my iron breath attack. Nevertheless I also have skills he never had such as slightly stronger iron dragon scales and the ability to not only eat iron but also to manipulate and mold it into any creation I can imagine and give it life as long as it is not iron created by my own magic. However because it takes a lot of magic power to do this I normally refrain from doing it unless I have surplus iron i can eat afterwards to replenish my magic power.

Spells: Iron Dragon Roar - Iron Dragon Sword - Iron Dragon Lance - Iron Dragon Scales - Iron Dragon Hard Fist - Iron Dragon Club - Iron Dragon whip = turns right into a whip which can be used to temporarily bind people. - Iron Dragon's chain = turns right hand into a chain which can be used as a graphing hook of sorts, to bind, or many other uses.

Advanced Dragon slayer magic
-Abilities: allows me to use two regular iron dragon spells at the same time
-Spells: Iron Dragon King's machine gun = turns right arm into a machine that shoots out iron dragon bullets at rocket speed with continues fire until the caster runs out of magic power. Iron Dragon King's Dual swords of abosulute destruction = turns both his hands into to more powerful forms of his iron dragon's sword

Steel dragon slayer magic: A iron dragon slayer that can use steel. It is commonly achieved by an Iron dragon slayer absorbing but a knowledgeable iron dragon slayer can achieve it by turning his iron dragon scales into steel dragon scales. However doing it without absorbing the carbon puts so much strain that Blake was told not to use it until he turns 15 at least and not to start practicing with it until he turns at least 16.
-spells: Steel dragon scales
Steel Dragon Kings dual swords of neverending absolute destruction

Iron Dragon Iron mold: Basic: can create anything from Iron not created by caster. - Advanced: can give life to molded iron and allows caster to control it. Both use a moderate amount of magic power and Advanced the most our of the two.

Dragon Slayer Secret arts: Karma demon iron spiral - Karma Demon iron God sword

Skills: Basic martial arts, slightly above average intelligence and can quickly learn, creative/imaginative

Class: E

Bio: My parents were a researcher and scientist, named Drake and Blair Lucian, who were studying the battles of fiore and after learning about the eclipse gate project and dragons they decided to recreate it so they could go back in time 700 years to learn about the dragon civil war. When I was 7 my parents succeeded in recreating the ecplise gate and went back in time to the dragon civil war and of course I followed and got lost. I ended up in a strange place that seemed like the place my parents described to be the world during the dragon civil war only there were no living creatures beside myself. After wandering around aimlessly for what seemed like 13 days I a giant door that looked exactly like the eclipse gate and went through it thinking it was the way home. I was wrong. It turned out was the entrance to the palace the the supreme lord dragon or both space and time also known as Dragonis King of dragons. I met him and he told me we were in a dimension that existed within space and time itself. He said it was a dimension where the supreme dragon ruled over for all of eternity and that he had been sent here when he was a young dragonet. I asked him if he could take me home but he stated that that would be impossible and he knew because he once tried to return the iron dragon king, SteelMetelicana, but failed. I then asked him where the iron dragon was and he said that he lived in the palace as well and stated that I could live here too. SteelMetelicana soon arrived and decided, in order to make both our stays more interesting, to teach me iron dragon slayer magic as well as advanced iron dragon slayer magic so that I would know ultimate iron dragon slayer magic. While SteelMetelicana would train me he would always talk about his son, Metelicana, and eventhough he would start off happy by the end he would be sad. One day When this happened I decided that I could be his second son to make him happy and told him I could be his son at once which seemed to improve his overall mood. He trained me for what seemed like 13 years and after this much time I had learned everything SteelMetelicana could teach me and that in order to master my magic I would have to start practicing myself. I also noticed that I had not aged physically in the 13 years I was here and still looked 7. I asked Dragonis about this and all he said was that time flowed differently here. One day I started to flow green and Dragonis immediately knew that what had brought me here was sending me back so I quickly said farewell and before I left I promised to find a way to free SteelMetelicana. I was sent back to the lab with a note from my parents that said if I got this they were killed in the dragon civil war and to immediately destroy the eclipse gate. I used my newly acquired magic to mold the ecplise gate into a smaller model, thankfully it was made of iron, and then I planned to eat it since I used up so much magic power but it tasted so bad that I spit it out and decided to just cut it into peices with my iron dragon sword then just melt the pieces and throw it away. As soon as I was done I passed out and when I woke up and went to the minor I noticed I still looked 7 and after checking the calendar I learned it had only been a 7 days or a week since I went through the eclipse gate. I guessed that as soon as I returned home time caught up to me and in reality instead of 13 years only a week went by. Shortly after I joined the Fairy Tail guild, which I have always thought to be the best, and have been practicing and improving my magic as well as searching for anything that could help me free SteelMetalicana ever since I joined 5 years ago.

(Since Blake is still training I will post new skills, magic, and spells as he improves his iron dragon slayer magic)

P.S.: Can I get IronShadow Dragon mode and or Dragon Force?
KingAce261Jun 26, 2015 9:28 PM
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
May 31, 2015 4:20 PM
Aug 2014
Add with some of your other spells
May 31, 2015 8:50 PM

Jul 2014
JDshiR said:
The wait is over:
Name: Murasakibara Noriaki
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Guild: Fairy Tale
Location of Guild Tattoo: Forearm
Class: E D Dragon slayer
Element/Ability: Lightning
Hair: Purple shoulder length
Eyes: Purple as well
Clothes: White suit with black shirt and black tie, Black leather shoes and fingerless black leather gloves

Bio: Born in a poor part of the world where he always saw higher ups in suits and ties, once he broke free he saw fit that he wear this to show that he is now equal to them. Because of his past he was always with friends fighting to survive with each other. This has made a loyal and fast acting person who will help those in need/danger. He if a very formal person with a kind heart and will put his life on the line for those close to him


Sodalicious_Jun 1, 2015 7:04 AM
Jun 4, 2015 2:06 PM

Jul 2009
-Mike Hashimoto
Mar 17, 2016 8:08 AM
Mar 2016
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