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Nov 19, 2014 10:41 PM

Feb 2013
"Hmm~ That's a shame~" Salvatore grinned, noticing the hooded men, "Hoods? In Tsubomi? Hey, hey, this place is known for its droughts. Normally, you'd avoid wearing clothes that covered too much, wouldn't you~?" waving to the men, he smiled, "Hey, can you guys spare a moment~?"
Nov 20, 2014 1:03 AM

Feb 2010
cgreen002 said:
“Hey you!” Daisuke jumps of an upper ledge slightly showing off to approach a young woman who seemed in need of some cash. “Yes umm what do you want I don’t have any money?” Daisuke backs up a bit realizing that made have been a bit much. “I just wanted to know where this village head is I wanted to see him ya know since I’m new here after all and I’ll pay you a few coins.” The woman eyes light up at the thought of money and she directs him to the village capital. Daisuke slips her the money and runs off looking rather forward to meeting the head.
The head building is pretty big but know ones here it gives him a chill so decides to wait around and see what's going on.

Naraku walked around the city and asked several people for any interesting or even remotely entertaining place to go, but this town was really just a land of hicks. There were no nice buildings or fine dining, only two bars that really did not look worth his time by any means, and a whole ton of dirt. Half of the time he was walking past some farm or another. Soon enough he decided he should just get his assignment over with so he could head back. Well the base was boring as hell too but he'd still had it with the peaceful citizens and hard working farming folk.

Several times as he asked around he was told where the village head lived as if it was common to visit him, but was told not to bother him after his wife died. It was possible the man just shut himself away to prepare to rebel in secret though.
Soon enough Naraku arrived at the only nice building in Tsubomi, finding Daisuke at the door. "I hope you don't expect me to wait around until he's accepting visitors." Naraku spoke harshly and grabbed the handle, pulling once to find it locked, then kicking instead. It was a sturdy door, but a few good kicks knocked it down. Unbeknownst to him this action sent a signal to portable alarms held by Beast Zegar and Skye. He signaled Daisuke to watch his back and walked in, surprised to find the lights off inside. Walking around with the light feeding in from outdoors, Naraku found a door labeled "Mayor's Office" and tried the knob, opening the unlocked door wide.

"I said no visitors." A voice emerged from a chair behind a desk, the back facing the door so that the voice's owner was hidden from sight. Before Naraku could respond a figure in Imperial armor shattered the window and flew towards the chair with a spear in hand.
Nov 20, 2014 1:56 AM
Nov 2014
“The sky really is peaceful here.” Daisuke said looking at the beautiful sky. He then saw Naraku with his usual smug look forcing the main door open he was waiting for. As Naraku walks in he seems to notice something and signals Daisuke to be ready. Daisukes twin daggers flash out as he watches the entrance leaving the inside to Naraku. “I guess today we start changing the world dad” he says as he prepares for what follows.
Nov 20, 2014 7:05 PM

Sep 2014
" I'll be quick and simple, I'll buy that little girl for 800 coins. a Fortune most wont be able to see in there lives." a man says " But if you don't sell the girl, you seem to know what happens" the man says while glancing at the sword.
Nov 20, 2014 9:55 PM

Jul 2012
Hood up Kiriya wondered around town but caught a glimpse of the red death and decided to stealthily follow her in the midst of the shadows. Under one of the windows he slightly hears her voice crying and then the sound of a stab and slicing sound. Not wanting to stick around to find out what happened he continued his search for Mercer.

Tsk...what did I get myself into...Its like I'm gonna get killed or Mercer it seems... he thoight with a shudder.And hopefully he's not in the mood to try and kill me again for my bounty...

Truth is, Kiriya does know him more then he let the Red Death on, but if anything it's rude of mercenaries interfering other mercernaries. There's also the slight disagreements in the past they've had, but for the most part he knows where Mercer lives but purposely avoids visiting him. Im fact their last meeting was about half a year ago.Few knocks on the door, he noticed another presence inside and patiently waited.

He's such a stickler for manners despite being such a womanizer...he thought to himself with a sigh as he waited to get received or for the other presence to leave.
AsreaNov 21, 2014 3:04 PM
Nov 20, 2014 10:42 PM

Feb 2013
Uwa~ You've started the conversation in quite an unpleasant manner~" Salvatore grinned, "Well, unfortunately, the girl isn't mine to sell, but can I take your question to mean that you've got 800 coins on you~? That's quite the sum of wouldn't want to get robbed~!" winking, he continued, "Well, putting that aside, you wouldn't happen to know about a man named Richardus, would you~?"
Nov 21, 2014 12:29 AM

Jan 2013
RedArmyShogun said:

"Lunatic wipping the dojo?" Well it was shocking since he never thought anyone could think his grandmother could be defeated by anyone. "Revenge?" this was also surprising because for him revenge is something absolutly useless "Im afraid you are completly wrong." He says "And it wasn't stolen either or atleast i don't think so" He says puting his right hand on his chin as if he was thinking.

"All i know is that in order to reach full potential as a pratitioner of kyoukugen ryu karate one need to use this weapon." he looks at Mercer grining "So you think it is too soon for me to thank you? I okay then. Ill wait until i obtain this" he pauses a little "teigu then."

Nov 21, 2014 6:10 AM
Sep 2014
Katsuo just stood there while Salvatore was talking to those men and waiting to get in a fight if necessary.
Nov 21, 2014 8:53 AM

Jan 2013
"Ahh good..No offense ment. I just don't care to do vendettas always messy, always costly, you see." Thinking on the issue he nods. "We don't know who has them, or where, though something that shinny shouldn't be hard to find..anyways for now, keep your head down and no hero plays. Something bigs going down here, I can smell it. Once I see a chance for quick coin we take it." He didn't bother to go into detail on it, partly curious how the man would react.

"Anyways go down to the farmers house, and ask for some meat and bread. I need a break from painting, and I've paid the man. If he asks say Mercer sent you." Pausing for a bit he stands up from his art stool and yawns. "Also I need more information on where this item might be. Or was at last."
Nov 21, 2014 4:33 PM

Sep 2014
The man says "i Don't have to tell a trio of soon to be dead people who my boss is!", he pulls out a sword and the 6 others behind him follow suit.

Suddenly 2 men pull out there swords from behind the group, they look like caravan guards. 2 of the attackers go out to attack the people who look like caravan guards and seem even in skill.

Richardus is snoring like snorelax
Nov 21, 2014 5:46 PM

Jan 2013
"None taken and you do not need to wory, revenge is ablsolutly useless, it's never gives you back the things you've lost, so why waste time and energy?" He says rasuring Mercer. The fact that Mercer did not get into details intruiged Ryu, he wanted to know what was it he was goin to do exactly for him to do it right "Do you mind giving me some more, details? Because, without it i cannot know exatly what i am supposed to do. This will put me, us in a bad position while at work."

He says that already considering Mercer as a partner, even thougth his grandmother was the only partner he ever got. He looks for a place to seat and seats on a couch two steps away from where he was standing and continued "What is this, big thing that is in the way? Is it war, i heard from my sensei that mercenaries are in working season when the war is raging. Well, she did not tell me but i heard her talking by herself."

Wanting to get into more details even made him forget about the question Mercer asked him "Oh right, i almost forgot to answer your question. All i know is that it was owned by my sensei for a certain amount of time but i don't know how much. She did travel alot when she was young, so there is no knowing where it could be." He sigh noticing himself that he was searching for a neadle on the beach "That is the reason why, i wanted to get into the capital. It was the most probable place to find information about it since, it is the most populated place in the whole kingdom."

Nov 21, 2014 5:47 PM

Jan 2013
(Just writting this cause my post ain't showing up otherwise :/)

Nov 21, 2014 6:03 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm.." Processing it he sits back and thinks to himself for a bit. "Well..that depends. Mostly just watch me and how people act, you'll learn soon enough. As to what I expect of you, you are a hand-to-hand fighter. I'm a Gunner. So in general you'll be working in close. As to what depends on the job. We might have to kill danger beasts, we might need to find some sociopath and bring him to justice. Dead or Alive. Maybe retriving some lost items or guarding someone else. This isn't a fixed job."

Going back to his painting he chuchles. "War? Thats been over for years now. You must have been far to the north. Though from what I smell here..and this lovely redhead I've been painting, well shes a merc, and heh work is always around for them. But I do think war is about to start again."

Yawning a bit he flexes a little. "Wish it would happen soon though..other places to be. Also to be clear, as part of your work you will be transporting my paintings to some will get them used to you, lets me get information easier you see...but under no circumstances are you to ever identify me with the name on these paintings. That is very important."
Nov 21, 2014 6:26 PM

Jan 2013
"So there's no wars on the way?" This shocked him quite a bit "Well i guess living away from civilisation made me stay in the past huh." He says beacause his grandmother was still looking for seeing the world after the war.

He looks at the painting as Mercer was talking about them but he could not find any real vallue to them. But that was not the important thing here. "Is that so..." he thinks a bit when Mercer tell me him about the job. He never really killed before, not even danger beasts beacause they did not apear far into the moutain, it was pretty peacefull. "Im not very experienced in killing danger beasts, also im not to found into killing humans but if thats what is needed for the job to be done and for me to find these, then i will do without esitation."

He looks at the paintings once again and still fail to see any vallue, he pauses for a while and open his eyes wide, as if he noticed something. "That, is actually a pretty impressive talent,i did not realise it till now but those pictures are really beautiful." he says after remembering that his grandmother had similar ones, so he thought that normal people in general would like things like that and Ryu wants to look as normal as possible.

"But what do you really do with them? exchange them for money or is it just something you like to do?"he asks curious.

Nov 21, 2014 6:58 PM

Jan 2013
"hmm...never killed have you..lucky you ran into me then. The Capital would eat you alive." Looking at his paintings as the young man speaks he chuckles. "Oh people still fight war or no wars. Though that doesn't seem like it will last long."

Pointing with his finger at the girls eyes he shrugs. "Me and her are much the are still the naive happy sort, but me and her have killed far too much, for far too little. I paint in part to let me see better things, better times. It makes a good stress relief. I Suggest you find a hobby as well. Doesn't matter what, reading is fine even." Smirking a bit he still leaves the background of the painting blank. "Besides as you said, I make money off of them..the one I finished in the corner is for sell, this one will go to the lady it is of...annomously of course. She can keep it or sell it, says more on her than me at any rate."
Nov 21, 2014 8:41 PM

Feb 2013
"Your boss, hey~?" Salvatore grinned, turning to Katsuo, "Let's leave at least a few of them alive~" pulling out the Bruciante Lama and activating its Scottare ability, heating the blade to extreme temperatures, he pointed his sword at one of the men, "Who wants to tell us about their boss, Richardus, first~?"
Nov 22, 2014 3:11 AM
Sep 2014
''And you better be quick telling us who your boss is, i'm not a very patient person, you know?'' says while pulling out the Kodai Yami slowly but not activatig it's ability because it has a very limited usage.''It's pretty funny how seriously they take their job, don't you think Salvatore? The person they are protecting has to be quite powerful.'' Katsuo smiles widely.
Nov 22, 2014 2:57 PM

Feb 2013
"Or rich~" Salvatore grinned, "Either way, they're probably working for someone of reasonable influence at least~!"
Nov 22, 2014 6:43 PM

Sep 2014
The men Attack The two, pulling out swords and A man with a small ballista on a small roof appears.

The Ballista guy goofed and is now shooting Balls of dirt at the Swords of the two, Instead of darts while stuffing his face full of flower buds he mis-ordered what kind of ammunition to use in the ballista. The Balls of dirt are pretty strong though and can hurt your pretty hands

Memphis gets an alert by bird mail that there is a showdown going down and two of the men are in conflict, He orders 4 men to follow him to the conflict.

Richardus receives a report about caravan Guards in the area and sends 8 more men to the area memphis was heading.
Nov 22, 2014 7:27 PM

Feb 2013
"Well, this was unexpected~!" Salvatore laughed, then dashing forward, pressed the blunt side of his blade against one of the men, burning them badly, but not killing them, "But as a word of advice, don't play with such dangerous toys around children."
Nov 23, 2014 2:37 AM
Sep 2014
Katsuo charges against one of the men and the two swords collide both blocking each others attacks, quickly he punches the man in the stomach to brake his deffense and he pierces the man with the sword. ''How many of them are we going to keep alive? I think i got carried away a bit.'' asks from Salvatore.
Nov 23, 2014 12:40 PM

Feb 2013
"We only need enough of them alive to get some information, so we can get rid of a few~" Salvatore grinned, "Well, can I count on you for that while I look after her~?" he gestured towards the little girl and started heading back towards her
Nov 23, 2014 2:07 PM
Sep 2014
''I think the answer is obvious to that...but don't you think this will be a bit unfair...'' before he ends the sentence he runs towards one the men, the guard tries to hit him with the sword but Katsuo slides underneath him and as he gets up he cuts the guard in half...''for them?'' As he does this, his next move is charging towards another two of them cutting of their arms. Another guard tries to attack him from behind utting a bit Katsuo's back.''Ouch...that hurts you bastard.'' After saying this he makes a cut twice as big on the soldier.''This is taking too long.'' Katsuo activates the Kodai Yami and charges against each and every soldier be-heading them or making just a simple cut through their armor.''God dammit, to think that i had to use the power of my teigu for them...i've reached my limits.'' Katsuo sees the other guards sent by Richardus and the one on the roof. He goes to the back of the building on which the one with the ballista is and finds a ladder so he climbs up and quickly finishes with him. As the 8 guards are approaching Salvatore and the little girl he decides to jump on one of the guards, as the roof is not as high. The rest of the guards see Katsuo and two of them with a lance attack him from two different sides. As they approach Katsuo, he jumps up dodging the attacks and the two guards killing each other. ''5 more to go.'' Both the 5 guards and Katsuo charge against each other. Katsuo slides underneath one again but this time cutting of his leg and then stabbing another one under the jaw through the head. The three remaining men succesfully land one hit each on Katsuo's arms while he tries to defend himself from the attacks. He kicks one in the chest making him fall while he pierces anotherone's heart.Then he grabs third ones hand kills him with his own sword. After he finishes both of them he points the Kodai Yami to the one on the ground, this makes him throw away his sword and surrendering.''Are we done? Finally. Are you both okay? I think we have enough people to get information from.'' Katsuo's vision gets blurry all of a sudden. ''Hey...wh....what's going on? I'm getting a bit dizzy...'' He takes a few steps, then falls on his knees and faints. The blood loss from the cut on his back was considerable even if it wasn't a very deep one.
Nov 23, 2014 11:07 PM

Feb 2013
Having reached the little girl and watched what just happened, Salvatore sighed, "Well, that escalated quickly~" grinning, he held up his blade in the direction of the remaining man, "You'd better not think of doing anything funny~ I'm reasonably strong as well, so you're not out of this one yet...we just want to know about Richardus~!" turning to the little girl, he smiled, "We're going to find your mummy soon, okay~?"
Nov 24, 2014 12:19 PM

Jul 2012
Kiriya having reached the point of impatient knocked opened the door, stormed in and then shouted,"Mercer! For once I have a request to ask of you! And no you can not have my bounty!"

And finds himself interrupting the still ongoing conversation between Mercer and a stranger. The mood tensed up a bit and so Kiriya bowed in apology and in a quiet embarrassed manner said, "I'll be hanging around in the kitchen then..." And headed to the kitchen rummaging around for some of Mercer's beer.
Nov 24, 2014 4:24 PM

Sep 2014
Memphis arrives with four men and asks Salvatore what the heck has happened here, He sends the Two men he had that helped in the fight to the medic building.

The Man talked " Don't Kill me, But You don't know what your getting into! Richardus is avoided even by the ones in the Capital! " The Guard Hesitates a little more and says " There is a Bandit Encampment that richardus sends captured people to, the head Guard there might know something!"
Nov 24, 2014 9:51 PM

Feb 2013
In response to Memphis' question, Salvatore grinned, resting his hand on the little girl's head. "Well, we ran into those guys while we were looking for her mum~" he gestured towards the bodies on the floor, "Then it escalated somewhat quickly and Katsuo happened~! In any case, we've ended up looking for someone named Richardus~" Turning to the guard, Salvatore smiled coldly, "I see. Well, you wouldn't mind leading us to this bandit encampment, would you?"
Nov 25, 2014 6:29 AM
Sep 2014
Katsuo slowly opened his eyes, stood up very quickly and grabbed the guard. ''Where is that encampment?! SPEAK!!'' he shouted very aggressively. ''I won't hesitate on killing you if you don't!'' Katsuo was very furious this time.
Nov 25, 2014 5:27 PM

Sep 2014
The Person says " Richardus is a Capital Power monger, It is said that a lot of the Capital's army owes him coin but he doesnt collect it since he says its his country he is defending, i doubt it since when a soldier ran away from his post he found his family sold into slavery and his children sold to brainwashing camps."

Answering about the camp

The Person Hesitates "I Will lead you to the location, but i will leave when we get near, I don't want to be branded a traitor, My name is Bob for the time being." Bob hurridly says "We Must hurry Quickly lest Richardus get suspicious."

Memphis says to Salvatore "These Men are foul, I'll back you up with arms and men if you ever need help all you have to do is blow this Horn."

Salvatore Gained Seashell horn
Ability Able to call forth Helpers when in a DIRE Situation.

Memphis then says " Richardus is a very Capital loving man, Thats how he gained a fortune even a king can not dream of, which by the way we oppose. "

City Guards Are rushing to the scene, a Whole Damn battle just broke out with even a ballista
Nov 25, 2014 10:34 PM

Feb 2013
Salvatore smiled, receiving the horn, "Thanks for that~!" looking to Bob, he nodded, "Sounds good, let's get moving." Then, turning to Katsuo, he sighed with a grin, "You alright, man? Think you can come along~?" then he looked to the little girl, "You up to come along with us, or would you rather stay here~?"
Nov 26, 2014 6:43 AM
Sep 2014
Katsuo was very furious but serious at the same time, he wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in his way. '' fine don't worry and of course im coming, i don't know what made you think i wasn't.'' Katsuo puts a little smile on his face. ''But first we should get rid of this annoyances.'' Said while pointing at the city guards.
Nov 27, 2014 9:43 PM

Sep 2014
"i would like to go with you" the girl says.

memphis ride back to base as he heard that there is something bizarre going on with the capital.
Nov 27, 2014 11:28 PM

Feb 2013
"Hahaha~ As much fun as it'd be to take on the city guards, I think we should just head to the bandit encampment~" He grinned, turning to Bob, "We were in a rush, right~? Lead the way." he looked to the little girl, "Alright, then, let's go look for your mum~"
Nov 28, 2014 6:13 AM
Sep 2014
''Yeah you're right...let's hurry.'' Katsuo says while looking back at the city guards. He turns towards Bob..''Okay..lead the way.''
Nov 28, 2014 11:26 AM

Sep 2014
Bob quickly lead them near the camp then says " Well i'm leaving."
Nov 28, 2014 2:10 PM

Feb 2013
"Well, here we are~!" Salvatore grinned, "Remember to keep the head guard alive~"
Nov 28, 2014 8:54 PM

Sep 2014
there seems to be 40 tents, upon seeing the group arrive a few horsemen ride up to them

"Leave if you want your head intact, unless you have business to do here."

Memphis arrives with a few men

Memphis says "We need to be quick about this Haha!"
Nov 28, 2014 10:44 PM

Feb 2013
Salvatore laughed, waving, "Hey, Memphis~!" turning to the horsemen, he grinned, "Oh, we've got business here~ We'd like to talk to the head guard~!"
Nov 29, 2014 12:02 AM

Sep 2014
"I'm afraid that can't happen, and as you dont seem to be a capital fat cat i am afraid we cant let you live." The horsemen charge at Salvatore But memphis intervenes with his men. "Hurry and get to the Head Guard in the camp, I heard he's a wussy and might run away. you can thank me later." memphis says
Nov 29, 2014 2:35 AM

Feb 2013
"Save the trouble, I'll thank you now...Thanks Memphis~!" Salvatore grinned, turning to Katsuo and the little girl, "Let's go!" he dashed into the camp
Nov 29, 2014 3:17 AM
Sep 2014
''We have to find this head guard quickly, he might know where the slaves are.'' Katsuo says while following Salvatore. As they go deeper into the encampment they find a tent which is slightly bigger than the others. ''Do you think he might be in there? If he is, he has to have someone protecting him. We have to be careful.''
Nov 29, 2014 4:01 PM

Feb 2013
Salvatore nodded in agreement, "Yeah, can you see any other exits to this tent~? We don't want him to run away like Memphis said he was prone to~"
Nov 30, 2014 1:59 AM
Sep 2014
''Stay here, i'll take a look.'' Katsuo slowly walks around the tent and sees an exit at the back, he also uses this opportunity to peek into the tent. As he returns to Salvatore, says ''Yeah, there's an opening at the back, and i also saw the head guard sitting there being protected by two other guards. I have a plan which could work, you enter the tent from the front entrance and i'll go to the back, those two guards should not be a problem , and if he tries to escape i'll catch him.'' '' And you should stay hidden little girl.'' ''Okay. let's get to work.''
Nov 30, 2014 4:41 AM

Feb 2013
"Sounds like a good plan for the most part, but in a bandit encampment, she'll probably be safer if she stays close to us~" He grinned, turning to the little girl, "So on that note, Katsuo's going around the back and I'm going through the front~ Make sure to stay close to one of us~" he walked towards the entrance, "Ready when you guys are~"
Nov 30, 2014 8:44 AM
Sep 2014
''Okay, you can go in, i'll go to the exit at the back.'' Katsuo quickly reaches the back entrance and waits to catch the head guard if he tries to escape.
Nov 30, 2014 4:19 PM

Feb 2013
Grinning, Salvatore burst through the front entrance, "Bonjour~! I'd like to speak with the head guard~!" he held out his blade
Dec 1, 2014 1:24 PM

Sep 2014
Eight Men pull out the weapons they use, all of them are wearing the same uniform. Did the head Guard escape or is he one of these people? Two of the guards have a patch on the blade they hold indicating rank. one of these two could be the one you are looking for or he has already left. But all you know now is that they have drawn blades and are attacking you.
Dec 1, 2014 1:59 PM

Feb 2013
Activating the Scottare ability of his Bruciante Lama, Salvatore grinned, "Well, seeing Katsuo was waiting by the other exit, I'll assume that either he caught the head guard or that the head guard is here~!" He charged forward, thrusting his blade through one of the men without patches on their blades.
Dec 1, 2014 2:26 PM
Sep 2014
Katsuo is crouching near the exit. ''I hate this waiting.'' he sighs. Suddenly a fight can be heard. ''Uoh...It seems Salvatore got into action. I'll take a peek.'' as he aproaches the exit a man comes running out and runs into Katsuo both falling on the ground. Katsuo gets up scratching his head. ''Watch out man! must be the head guard i suppose, that fancy armor doesn't really suit you though.'' He quickly grabs him and starts asking him some questions ''Where do you keep the slaves?! Where's Richardus?! ANSWER!!''
Dec 2, 2014 1:42 PM

Sep 2014
-Inside the Tent-
Four men leave the tent as salvatore kills one of the men, All of a sudden a cloaked man appears

He pulls out His weapons and the remaining men in the tent leave, Just looking at him Brings a chill down any persons spine, A Templar cross is on his forehead.

-Outside the Tent-

The Man does a barrel roll and takes out his sword, Three other men arrive with blades drawn and charge at Katsuo. The Head Guard and 2 others run to the horses. there is a horse nearby but 3 Attackers are in the way.
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