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Nov 7, 2014 11:29 PM

Feb 2010
Setting: Tsubomi

General Knowledge:
Tsubomi is a town founded over a century ago by a noble who foresaw the corruption taking over the Capital. He brought with him many poor but optimistic people from the slums and they began to farm on the pristine soil. Within a few years the villagers came to learn that the climate was far from ideal for farming conditions. They suffered droughts twice in the last year and to add to the problem the Capital began taxing them. Since then the founder was killed, and it has been debated since whether it was a discontent villager or assassin from the Empire. Once the Revolutionary Army took over the Capital and reestablished order they began to regulate a water supply and Tsubomi has recovered, growing into a larger farming community despite the issues with lack of rain. Not much is noteworthy about Tsubomi but their unique combination of a dry climate and agriculture allows them to grow an edible flower bud said to have a unique taste. The town always sells them before they bloom due to needing the finance, but the flowers are said to be beautiful when fully grown.

Only read the lower information if you are afflicted with the appropriate organization.

Revolutionary Army Intel:

Empire Intel:
CrogLatteNov 14, 2014 3:27 PM
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Nov 8, 2014 7:51 AM

Sep 2014

Memphis beyoung is in the town of Tsubomi Since Many-a-Plenty of his treasured Clients really Adore The Beauty of the flowers that specifically grow here And the "certain" taste that the buds have when eaten. Memphis Walks through the town bargaining with the flowers trying to get a good price out of them

Memphis "I Have a better Deal then Nobles and Rich men Combined you should not refuse such a great offer!"

Farmer " One Great deal you say? Why should i trust anyone with a bit too much coin?"

Memphis " Tis Better than getting Shamed by a Nobleman or a Corrupt merchant?"

Farmer " Yes it would be better than that, I'll show you to my elder he is far wiser than i am and will decide if this is a good deal or not"

Memphis and the Farmer Walk off into a small hut debating the prices and the quantity of the Deal, This is quite the long debate Since on one side The elder wants his family to make enough money to survive into the next harvest but memphis wants this deal to secure enough capital to start building permanent stores in other cities that would be able to sustain themselves.
Nov 8, 2014 8:17 AM
Sep 2014
Katsuo heard about the flowers so he decided to go to Tsubomi to see these them with his own eyes. Many people he encountered during his travels also told him to visit this unique town so he took this opportunity and went to Tsubomi.
Nov 8, 2014 8:15 PM

Feb 2013
"Tsubomi, huh?" Salvatore chuckled as he walked through the town, "I might've wandered out a little far...Ah well, it can't be helped."
He looked around, "Hmm, seeing I'm here, I may as well enjoy it. I've heard that Tsubomi had some flowers that seem to be quite popular. It'd be a waste to leave without having a look around~!"
Nov 8, 2014 10:29 PM

Jan 2013
Mercer Yawns a bit lazy twirling one of his pistols as he walks the town square, drawing the ire of a couple town watchmen he sighs butting the gun away. "Don't you have anything better to do, like look for bandits?" Looking at the flower buds he muses about them taking a mental snapshot for a future painting. In truth he couldn't care less about the flowers, the town, or its backwards farmers. However he knew of the flowers, and always knew some rich fool or a farmer with too much coin would be looking to hire an escourt. And almost always it would be to the capital, a quick easy haul.

Heading for the jobs board he see's one man yammering with a merchant, and some others mingling about, a couple he painted as people of interest. Looking the bored over, he flares back his coat, with his bounty hunters belt and guns showing, it was one sure way to draw attention, that is if his odd hair colour already didn't, never mind his reputation, that is if it even reached this far.
Nov 10, 2014 1:42 PM

Sep 2014
Memphis Quickly closes the deal with the elder farmer
Memphis "Thank you for your patronage."
Elder " this helps us both i can not say no"
memphis "do you know where i can hire a hand or so?"
elder " just post a job listing in the tavern, there will be a giant rush for the job."
memphis " thanks"

Memphis orders his workers to load the flowers and unload the money for the farmers, ordering to be extra safe to the flowers. He orders one of his men to post the listing for extra hands on the job.

He seemed melo at this time of day, maybe it was just the time of day it was or maybe he was tired memphis just walks around the city a little to see what might be going on.
Nov 10, 2014 2:52 PM
Sep 2014
''I came here to try out the flowers, but i didnt think about the money...what can i do?'' wonders Katsuo while looking around, and eventually entering the tavern and seeing the job listing. ''Hmmm...i could make quick money from this'' says to himself. So he decides to go meet up with Memphis to discuss about the job.
Nov 10, 2014 6:20 PM

Dec 2011
"Not one fer keeping subtle, are ya'?" Questioned a woman seemingly in her late twenties, with long brown hair reaching past her shoulders and brown eyes to match as well as dressed fully in an assortment of pitch-black leather clothing. The bottom of her face was covered by a mask, just as dark as the rest of her apparel and she had a rather long katana dangling from her waist. "Sure, my blade's always in plain sight, but your weapon doesn't have to be. Tryin' ta' attract employers?" She further questioned in a tone half apathetic and half exhausted. The expression on her face was quite dull and blank, at least, from what you could assume and the look in her eyes was... well, almost lifeless as it appeared.
Nov 10, 2014 6:30 PM

Jan 2013
Looking her over Mercer has a liking to women but he knows this one is more into his perfession, a pitty..

Closing his coat some he tilts his head to the side. "I'm just a simple man making his way in the world. I have to do some advertising to land work don't I?" With a head nod he introduces himself. "Cyrus Mercer, most just call me Mercer. You can call me dog for all I care if the pays worth it." Taking note of her eyes he knows better than to judge her by apperance alone, his eyes weren't much different, though his still had a bit of fire still in them, he had seen eyes like his, hers, and a handful of the naive idiots of this town while in the guard. Most of the later turned into the former..or ceased to be.

"So I take it you have an offer for me..Miss?"
Nov 10, 2014 6:38 PM

Dec 2011
"Name's Skye." The woman introduced herself as well. "Nope. Was just wondering if anyone besides me an another Merc were hired. Guess not... Though it might be best if ya' advertise elsewhere." She warned him, before giving him a dismissive wave. "I ain't threatenin' ya. But my employer also hired The Beast, Zegar. An me, of course. If he's hiring bigshots... Somethin' big is gonna' go down. An I don't think you want trouble yer not paid ta' deal with, right Cowboy?"
Nov 10, 2014 6:48 PM

Jan 2013
"Don't worry about me. I'm Eastern Tribe I know how to make myself scarce." Thinking on her words he makes sure no one else is paying close attention. "I do more than bounty hunt, and it just so happens it costs coin to do things like travel." Taking a seat on a stone planting box he crosses his arms behind his back and leans back slightly. "Besides I like the look of this town..helps my inner artist. And I find situations that need that much firepower, always need more...and if one side doesn't I find saving some soft fool with alot of cash on the other, can be as rewarding."

In all but flatly saying it, he had no intentions of leaving without some form of payment, be it one side or the other. Plus he had one trick in mind depending on her reaction. "Sound okay to you Samurai?"
Nov 10, 2014 6:59 PM

Dec 2011
"Oh, so tha' Cowboy draws, does he?" Skyler questioned with a raised eyebrow, unfolding arms and resting one on her blade and the other being placed on her hip. At his inquiry for her "O.K.", she merely shrugged. "You're choice. I don't care. Just tryin' ta' save you some trouble. Also don't feel like possibly cutting up someone I don't need to. Dunno if I'll even have to cut someone up, but it's a possibility." She responded before pausing and staring at him, specifically his hair. "Oi, you use hair dye?" She questioned with some curiosity.
Nov 10, 2014 7:04 PM

Jan 2013
Thinking on it he shrugs slightly, a pitty he wanted to use his hook to esacpe her to the bar, that would have left an impression. Chuckling with only him knowing the why he decides to respond to her. "If its too much trouble I know how to run at the least. And I hope you don't sword repairs cost almost as much as bullets." Taking his right had he strokes it through his hair slowly.

Pulling at his hair he rips a single strand out, letting it float away with the breeze. "Silver even down to the roots, a family trait." Pointing at her hair he shrugs. "Yours? That Red reminds me of blood."
Nov 10, 2014 7:18 PM

Dec 2011
"Don't worry. I don't strike needlessly. If yer careful with your blade, there shouldn't be an excuse to it breaking." Skyler assured him, watching as he plucked out a strand of hair and released it to the wind. "Never heard of silver or white hair... at least, not natural." She commented as it floated through the air. "Thought maybe you dyed it or... maybe used ta' be with tha' Empire" She further added, then paused and ran a hand through her own hair with a slight hint of confusion. "Must be tha' lighting. I'm a brunette.
Nov 10, 2014 7:29 PM

Jan 2013
"ah..or maybe it reminds me of someone else..can't say I recall." Moving his head back a bit he nods. "Hmm so it is. And the Empire, yeah I was in the Imperial Guard for Three years, got sick of the shit pay, the shit rules, and the shit leaders." Thinking on it for a bit he decides to tell her a little, not enough to be a threat, but some side information. "Ehh its rare, only our Hunter Warrior Cast have it, selective breeding you see. Most don't see it as we kill them in the jungles before they can do anything. Though more and more of us get sent to the Imperial Grinder."
Nov 10, 2014 8:00 PM

Dec 2011
"Well, least they didn't modify ya'. I was a bit suspicious that they did. Sometimes... er most 'o tha' time rather, the "enhancements" have some side effects." Skyler justified her suspicion. "What's with this Hunter Warrior Caste yer talkin' bout, though? You some bigshot I don't know 'bout Cowboy?" She questioned. "An' why tha' hell would you leave tha' jungle for tha' Empire?"
Nov 10, 2014 8:13 PM

Jan 2013
"Ah those. I was part of the cannon fodder trained to kill them." Clearing his throat he gives a brief overview on his people. "Course if you like my tale a few coins would be nice. We live out in the Far Eastern Zones, the Zuku Tribe. Basically we live around danger beasts and bandits geared better than what shit patrols the Imperials send. Or what silly administatros that think they can tell us how to live. If your weak you die. So it keeps our genepool clean yah see? Though we prefer stealth, range, and traps. Its not just some skill set like it is for the good lords that like to hunt. Its life and death for us. Its litterally Eat or be Eaten...hmm I killed my first beastie at Six..or was it my first man..too many of both since then to keep count."

Chuckling at that he shrugs. "Same as why I'm here now, Coin, though I like wine and women, I had Three siblings, a mother, and a father that needed stuff we can't just kill for. And the Imperial Army likes the tribals now adays, we are offer top coin for our service. I don't begrude my family selling me at 15 to a recruiter for three years of serivce. In fact time to time I send money to them now. Though the people I meet after that pay better, I get to stand around, look threatening, maybe shoot a few fools, enjoy the company of a lady that strikes my fancy. Beats ta hell out of attacking a goddamn lizard monster while smeared in shit to hide from it, or wondering which of your extended cousins you'll be marrying."
RedArmyShogunNov 10, 2014 8:16 PM
Nov 10, 2014 9:25 PM

Dec 2011
Honestly, Skyler didn't like his family's "tale". That kind of life... she didn't like it, especially if it was kids that were forced to go through it as well. That explained why his eyes were similar to hers, however, albeit still possessing a bit more "life" in them. Finally sitting down and leaning back, she let out a sigh. "Normally I'd comment on how it sounds stupid that yer folks "sold" ya' off to tha' empire... but being recruited is probably tha' thing that saved yer ass." She commented, letting out another deep breath. Crossing one leg over the other and leaning her head back, she spoke again. "Lucky as well that ya' were just "cannon fodder"... Common soldiers don't go through those experiments that turn their hair different colors." It almost sounded like she was attempting to make a joke. "Well... most don't anyway."
Nov 10, 2014 9:46 PM

Jan 2013
Waving it off he grins. "If it weren't for that life, I couldn't have this. Its not that we arn't given those gifts as we are worthless...heh its as..well its a waste of our natural skill." Not really caring on who it distrubs he stands to his feet. "If you think you need an extra hand do join me at the balcony of that bar, I'll be waiting." Laughing a bit he flips his right hand downwards at the wrist, a dart with a length of cord fires out impailing the roofing of the structure. "You see those agumented troops tend to be more honourable or at least fighting where yah can see em, or with some flashy stuff to give them away." Grabbing onto his right arm with his left he makes a foward stance.

"I'm sure you'll come by, or at the least I want to see your business where I won't get shot. No reward is worth that." With another flick the cord reels him towards the dart. Landing with a soft thud he waves down to her and yells. "I Might even buy you a drink! Not normal for me to buy a drink for a gloomy girl! Too boring in bed!"
Nov 10, 2014 10:16 PM

Dec 2011
Skyler stared up at his flashy exit with a deadpan... despite her usually looking like she has a deadpan. "Man, he's really open, ain't he?" She questioned to no one in particular as she rose herself. Rotating her neck a bit, she glanced over to the direction of the bar, where he was heading. "I bet when he saw me he thought of how good I'd be in bed before anything else even... Friggin' womanizers." She murmured, though not in an even mildly annoyed tone as she began walking again.

Looking over to her left, she noticed a rather hulking figure making its way through the town, heading for town head by the looks of it. So The Beast has arrived... I got a bad feeling 'bout this job... She spoke mentally as she began heading towards the bar herself. Skyler figured she'd take up the Cowboy's offer for a free drink.

Entering the bar, she took note of several odd stares, undoubtedly being recognized by her profession. Ignoring the notices, she made her way to the balcony of the bar as instructed. She was still wary of both her and The Beast being here. Sure they weren't the most infamous, but they were highly skilled. If both of them were hired... the town leader must be in some sort of trouble... This could definitely prove to be a lethal job if done incorrectly.
EmperorsChosen01Nov 10, 2014 10:20 PM
Nov 10, 2014 10:27 PM

Jan 2013
Looking back at her he smiles Aye..let her think you are stupid..stupid people are the most surprising to be killed by..but I rather not..getting sentimental are we..though..well.. not finishing the thought and grinning to himself, Mercer looks away from her, he takes note of the same man she does, plus a couple of others..his invistment senses told him alot of coin could be made or lost here...but for now he might as well keep dealing with her like a stupid tribal.

Upon seeing her he makes no mention of the man or what others he noticed but both of his hands are kept near his hips. Well minus his right which time to time grabs a class of some sort of whisky. "Aye, so what will yah have, careful now, I might fly off that balcony, leave the bill with you if I'm not amused, we can talk about why you're here, or anything else." like your hulking friend out there.. Putting events together he half wonderd if they were here more to rob than to escourt...though he could tell this woman and her large friend were more of mercs than raiders...raiders never were much for talk and had a sense for gear that varied from stolen and busted imperial, to assless leather chaps with skulls.
RedArmyShogunNov 10, 2014 10:37 PM
Nov 10, 2014 10:41 PM

Dec 2011
"Strongest there is." Skyler responded to him as she leaned against the balcony. "An' don't try ta' out drink me... You'll hurt yerself before I even get tipsy." She seemingly joked again, though it could be taken literally. She did have one hell of a tolerance, after all. "Work." She answered blatantly. "I was hired, simple as that. An' if yer plannin' to get me wasted enough to either go ta' bed with you or spill some secret info, yer gonna' have a hard time with either." She commented, pulling her mask down to actually reveal her face. Skyler was actually quite beautiful, if not a bit gloomy looking like Mercer had described her. It was part of the reason for her title, after all. "My employer hasn't briefed me much yet, so I only know things from my own speculation.
Nov 10, 2014 11:07 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm..A toast to a lovely face." With that he makes a mock toast. Then chuckles in a false well mannerd way that is seen among some bounty hunters. "And get you drunk for that? Why why would I attempt such a thing." While his manner of talking is a bit push and shove and flirtious he keeps a straight face the whole time.

"Besides I wouldn't try that...least not now. Last thing I want is to be falling over in a fight. Plus I'm rather interested to see what this is all about and where I can make some coin. Its not personal." Pouring her some of what he's having he shrugs. "Tastes a bit sour, but its made from those flowers, best they had. We can see who can outdrink who later if you want." Pouring himself another shot he sighs a bit as if bored.

"I fight for no cause other than my own, so don't worry on me playing the hero."
Nov 10, 2014 11:21 PM

Dec 2011
Skyler takes the glass and sips from it as he joked. "I don't want to have to drag your wasted body back to yer room. Trust me, you'd have a better chance at beating me in a sword fight." She told him. "There aren't that many mercenaries that play the hero. I wasn't suspecting that you were one of the few that do... though I bet you've pulled that act for a few girls." She made another joke in a blank tone, but she seemed a bit more relaxed now. "Well, yer probably gonna' have to wait until whatever's gonna' happen, happens. I'll tell ya' anythin' ya' want to know, but it has to be somethin' that I can actually tell ya'."
Nov 10, 2014 11:34 PM

Feb 2013
Salvatore wandered into the tavern and noticed the job listing. "Hmm~ This looks like a good way to kill some time...looks entertaining enough." Grinning, Salvatore decided to see Memphis for the job. "
"On that note...where should I go to do that?" Pausing for a moment, he chuckled, "Well, I guess I'll just wander around the city and see what comes up. Go with the flow~!"
Nov 10, 2014 11:38 PM

Jan 2013
Crossing his arms behind his head Mercer kicks back in the chair and pauses for a bit. "Hmm..I don't mind that I think if you want to drag me around, less work for me. And no I'm actually picky with the women I let keep me company." Deciding to lay his cards on the table so to speak he shoos the waiter off. "No ones to come up here, if they do I'll shoot first and ask questions later." throwing a few coins he watches him go.

"I've been doing this for Twelve Years, plus three years in the Army, then my wonderful childhood. I've done things, good and bad, so long as I made a profit, and I've pissed on the Imperials and the so called rebels. But I'm loyal to my contracts and I don't cause more damage than needed." As if reaching a point to all this he sits his chair down, his personality seemingly more serious to match his looks.

"I seen that huge man, guessing he's with you, and I know of him well enough, and now that I think of it I know of you. And I know the rules to the game. So are all those hostile faces I seen with you? Also are you playing offense or defense. If you can't answer those or don't know them, then can you show me to your employer. I might not have a fancy title, but I've been making a nice earning in Central, and truth be told, you are a interesting lady. So I rather not be on the other side against you. The problem is I can smell money."

Taking another shot he turns the glass over showing he's done. "Keep the bottle, Skyler, cause frankly I smell something else, that this all is going to be alot of trouble..the question is if its worth my time. For either party." He wanted to know what this was about, it was a shame he never earned a title for himself, but in Central they just called him by name.
Nov 11, 2014 12:00 AM

Dec 2011
Skyler actually chuckled at that, for the first time showing that she was actually amused. "Picky, are you? I'll bet." She spoke, however her tone made it difficult to say if she believed his words or not. As he paid the waiter for secrecy, she gained a blank expression once more. Listening to his speech, it reminded her of some job interview. "You applying for an apprenticeship?" She questioned rhetorically as he sat down again.

Sighing, she turned and leaned her back against the balcony edge. "The problem with telling you stuff is, if my employer don't wanna' hire you or can't, what'll you do? A new opportunity popped up, and that's givin' info to the opposing team, whoever they may be." She told him. "Information can be as deadly as a blade. Now, of course I could just tell ya' "Don't repeat it or I'll hunt ya' down.", but would that stop you if tha' other team was willing to pay?" She questioned him, finishing her glass and taking the bottle. "Now, I could always bring you up to my employer, an' if he likes the idea of hirin' you, that's another story."
Nov 11, 2014 8:15 AM

Jan 2013
Sighing a bit he stands up from the table looking away. "Simple. If I don't like the job or am not up for it, I turn and walk away while keeping my trap shut. As to working for the otehr side, I've been playing on both sides of the fence. I never give information on the other side, its how you live and make profits. Though the Empire pays better."

Looking around at the other structures and landscape he lossens his shoulders. "Talking to much today. And I'm not being paid for my opinion. I'll just watch for now."

Tipping his index and fore finger in a form of salute he turns to the edge. "Too much socializing does me no good, there is always coin to be made, some shop keeper or merchant to dimwitted to move."

Giving her a thumbs up he jumps from the balcony, heading towards a more densely part of the city part of him would like the greed of the deal. But another told him it was too much trouble, something nasty was about to go down in this town. He was sure however she could find him if she wanted. However her questioning of the Empire and the rumours he had heard of this town...if it was part of a rebellion that would be crossing a line..

Finding his way to the town outskirts, Mercer ponders to himself the situation, being what it is, could be, or was. One to drink at Inns, he knew better than to sleep at them, entering a old disused grainery mill, he scales it to the top, kicking the window open. He had paid the local farmer to make use of it. Taking in a deep breath he stares out over the town. Taking one last glance to make sure he was alone he places his hand on a tarp covering a couple of items.

"Blast it all to hell, Empire or Rebels, they both piss on the common man, take his coin, his daughters, and hist sons, only repeating the same mistakes as before. They all talk good talk, but they never do anything for the common people." Oddly for a merc, at least, he pulls the tarp down, revealing a new roll of canvas amd a few containers of paint.

While he waits he finds himself paint the flowers in bloom, with the town its self. Signing the signiture of his allias to the painting, it was a small one, meant as a decorative piece, some lord was sure to buy it, given how drab they were. Setting the peice aside to dry, he find yet another canvas, this one much larger, and time consuming to make.

He fins himslf planning to paint a face a bit familure to himself..with some modifications of course, never mind removing the more likely to scare aspects of the person. Though he stops himself midway, musing it might be woth more to draw a painting of her in action, should this end up being something historical. He mused to himself while stopping his brush. "There is always coin to be made. Always. Huh, Maybe I'll see that this makes it to the lasses way. Depends what happens." Thinking alloud, he crosses his arms waiting to see what will go down in this small city.

(lel her bio picture, though for that needs to not be hired, at least for now, also I need to think of an allias for his painters name.)
Nov 11, 2014 7:24 PM

Sep 2014
Memphis walked around the city and saw a man walk up to him saying that he was interested in the job, Memphis says to meet at a designated place he pointed out to the man then left him.

Memphis walks around town the daily nibber nabber of the town reminds him of many things, things that he would never tell anyone about. He eats some flower buds and continues to walk until he felt like going to the meeting place he told everyone who asked him.
Nov 11, 2014 11:17 PM

Dec 2011
(Lol, nice one Red xD And if you need aliases, I'd use behind the name... or google translate and just translate a word you like XD A lot of foreign words kinda sound like names, actually :/)

Skyler chuckled at that and finished off the bottle with ease. He was interesting, to say the least. "Well, I think it's kinda good that you ain't gettin' involved, Cowboy. You've still got some fire in yer eyes left... Be a shame if this job goes south." She murmured to herself after he left. She may not look like it, but she was probably one of the minority in that percentage of mercenaries who "try to play the hero". Not that she really tried to play the hero, but she did try to help, save, protect and prevent the deaths of those she didn't think deserved such events happen to them.

Sighing, she thought back to one of his jokes when she first got to the balcony and wondered if he did actually pay the bartender, or truly left her with the bill. Not that she minded anyway. She wasn't exactly strapped for cash. Hell, if she wanted to retire and pass herself off as a noble, she could easily do so and with funds to spare.

Tapping the table with her finger, signaling for the waiter to bring her another bottle, she leaned back and looked up at the sky, then back down at the people. "Hope The Beast and I are good enough for whatever's cookin'... Fer all yer sakes." She whispered inaudibly to herself once more as the waiter arrived once more, placing the bottle on the table and she hesitated but a moment in grabbing it and taking a swig.
Nov 12, 2014 6:36 AM
Sep 2014
Katsuo arrives to the meeting place. A bit impatient, he looks around and waits until everybody is gathered to start working and earn some money. In the end, he came to try out the flowers, but you can do nothing without some coins. He crosses his hands behind his head, looks up to the sky and sighs.
Nov 12, 2014 11:18 AM

Feb 2013
Salvatore arrives at the meeting place, grinning, "Hmm~ It seems that there are plenty of people here for cash~!"
Nov 12, 2014 12:04 PM

Oct 2013
The trio had finally reached Tsubomi, Looking around Ikura had already began scanning the territory for any suspicios people, once he finished scanning the entrance of the town he had noticed that despite the lack of resources Tsubomi was not a bad place image wise of course, he then looked over to Naraku "Well we're here, lead the way then, the entrance seems clear so let's move it"
Nov 12, 2014 1:48 PM

Sep 2014
Memphis arrives grandly with two tough looking mercenaries and a bald eagle on his shoulder, "It seems that Everyone Here needs a bit of coin, But first I want to see who is willing to put themselves at a tiny risk for this little job of mine."

-brief pause-

"i'll tell everyone the job details now, though they are just concepts right now since any of you could leak my plans these are just rudimentary, you know a plan i made while looking at the stars."

"The plan is to protect my here caravan to a secure location a day from here, But the thing is a pretty famous Bandit Guild has heard of my Cargo and may attack the caravan. If any of you are too scared against some bandits leave now, i do not accept fools on my trips."

"Also If any of you were wondering about the pay, it is 100 coins for a good job with no attack, 500 coins for a good job with an attack. Of course these are just the minimums that could be earned on this trip."

"and let me remind you that this is dangerous"
About more or half of the people attending the meeting left saying things like " just the word bandit scares me silly" another saying "i'm not gonna get in the way of another bandit again."

Memphis finishes with "if you are on the trip stay, if not just leave the door."

20 Cargo workers
10 Mercenaires (number includes people who sign up)
4- Horse Drawn Wagons
(if your wondering how he got this moderately large caravan he is getting sponsored by rich people to get the stuff to them safely)
Nov 12, 2014 1:56 PM

Feb 2013
"Hahaha~ As I excepted, this job sounds entertaining~!" Salvatore grinned, "I'm in."
He raised his hand, "Approximately how many bandits can we expect, should they attack?"
Salvatore paused, "And what would the maximum earning be~?"
Nov 12, 2014 2:07 PM
Sep 2014
''This sounds interesting. I'm in. It has been a fairly long time since i had a fight.'' Says enthusiastic about the plan while he crosses his hands behind his head and smiles widely.''I hope they last a bit, i don't want the fun to end quickly.''
Nov 12, 2014 3:21 PM
Nov 2014
As the village burns Sakura Kurnai looks at the people running out of their home screaming for their lives. Sakura found that quite amusing to watch but then turned her attention to the head chief pinned down by her scythe. “Now do you see what I’m capable of? Where is Cyrus Mercer I have business with him and I’m tired of playing with you!” The man watches as his village burns and bodies lay on the floor either burned to death or decapitated. “Okay I’ll talk Rumor was after his last job he went to Tsubomi so please leave us be!” Sakura looked at the man almost intrigued she moved his head on top of his scythe. “Old man what does your blood look like?” she decapitated his head smoothly and fast. The rush of blood spurts off some touching her face she steps back to admire her work and to lick the blood from her face. “I guess I’m going to Tsubomi this should be fun.” She walks to her horse and rides off leaving the village burning behind her.

When she finally arrives to Tsubomi she notices the flowers surrounding the town they give her a sense of calm. She remembers her sister and the times they would pick flowers together it felt so long ago and she longed for that time. A solder then walks up noticing the dazed figure unsure if she was alright or not. “Hey miss are you okay do you need help” Her attention quickly coming back with a somewhat annoyed tone. “I’m fine and have you seen a lot of mercenary activity here lately I’m looking for someone?” The guard thinks for a moment looking at the woman closely and the symbol on her cloak. “Yeah there has been the empire is already starting to bring more troops here though I’m not sure if it’s because of the mercenary activity or what? But hey I’m just a solder but a lot of those types hang out at the tavern if you’re looking for one. But hey that symbol are you military it looks familiar?” Sakura looks at him impressed he even recognized it and decided to leave him be and rode off to enter the town.

As she walks through the town she notices lots of activity and begins her search for the tavern.
Nov 12, 2014 3:57 PM

Sep 2014
Memphis answers the anxious two about the caravan, he turns to the first one who asked a question (salvatore) and says " if i knew how many bandits would i hire you?, if i told you your maximum earning it wouldn't be too much a mystery yes?"

he turns to the other one (katsuo) and says "they might know a trick or two." then to both of them " would you mind an introduction? i seem to not know your names yet."

(i wont be active generally 7AM-3PM central time on week days, i somehow thought it would take many hours for replies but you guys are fast! o_o)
Nov 12, 2014 10:16 PM

Feb 2010
Naraku raised an eyebrow at Ikura's prompting, walking as he responded to him with an ugly, scratchy tone. "Ehhh? I don't remember an order to babysit you two. I'm sure it'll be much faster if we just split up. Just ask around and try to find the village head, he's the only one we really gotta talk to." Just as he finished his oh so polite suggestion and walked through the entrance, Naraku made a sharp left as if to avoid walking on the same path as them. He was truly over these types of missions and figured he could leave the boring work to the extras. Maybe the town's leader really could help against the Empire, but this didn't seem like a village of fighters by any means.

(Just so you guys know I'll play any villagers you decide to question if you wanna do that, or you can ask the mercs in town that Emp is playing if you happen to find them. Keep in mind that you wouldn't know why they're there, but since they're both relatively famous you might be able to assume. That doesn't mean you'l get any info out of them, but it might work out. Oh and lastly there is a spy from the Revolutionary Army here but she doesn't know much, she might point you in the right direction though.)
Nov 13, 2014 3:19 AM

Feb 2013
"That so~? Don't know and won't tell, huh?" Salvatore laughed, "Well, I suppose that's what makes it fun~!"

(Ah, I'm only on in the morning and evening on week days, so your last post was probably just good timing for me)
Nov 13, 2014 4:29 AM

Sep 2014
Memphis goes to check up on the caravan to make sure that the caravan is ready to move at a moments notice. But, Before that he told everyone to prepare to leave the next morning.

A little girl climbs into one of the horse drawn cart's hidden storage department in rags and the caravan workers do not notice.

(next reply at 5pm central and after)
Nov 13, 2014 5:27 AM
Sep 2014
"Sounds good to me, i'm Katsuo, by the way" Says very excited about the job, and now that he knows about the bandits, it makes him even more impatient.
Nov 13, 2014 11:03 AM
Nov 2014
Daisuke was a little caught off guard by the notion to split up not that he hated being alone but he knew there was strength in numbers. He then turned his attention to Ikura who still hadn’t acknowledged if he planned to go with the splitting up suggestion. “So do you want to split up or look around together? I mean I’m good either way but never know what’s in stored for us.”
Nov 13, 2014 3:36 PM

Jul 2012
As soon as Kiriya walked into town he noticed the alarming number of imperial soldiers about in the area. Shit!!!When did so many get here? he huffed to himself in angry thought as he surveyed from the roof...Sneaking between the shadows and alleyway he made it to the tavern despite how much he was carrying. Bringing in 15 lunar wolf hides, Kiriya sets down the requested materials onto the table where a blacksmith was drinking.

“As usual I’ll repair and fix up yer stuff this year, jus’ gotta find me, care for some drinks?”
“So long as you’re paying for it you crummy cheapskate,”
“Ah, dont be like that what happen to the boy I use to take care of?”
“Hah! Since when did I ever need care? You’re messing me up for your dead grandson again gramps,”
“Whatev’, thanks sonny fer bringing me them hides even though you say you only help those who are hardworking, ya little prick,”
“I’m only giving you these because you’ll fix up my weapons and give me a better set of clothes,” but then in a hushed manner Kiriya whispered, “Is it me but the past week I went out since I took your request there’s been a lot more shady people in town lately?”
“I reckoned ya noticed, yep been lot of mercenaries like you around and some revolutionaries are here and theres been an increase of the imperial army, of course yah’d have trouble walking around town now,” the blacksmith then upped and left leaving Kiriya by himself to continue to drink…and then it dawned on Kiriya...

“Again that bastard’s making me pay the bill!” Kiriya cried out as he slammed the bottle of rum down on the table breaking the empty bottle.
“Dear customer, he already paid, in fact I’d like it if you leave you’re disrupting the other customers…” the waiter said as he picked up the bottle remnants.
“Nah, I’m staying a bit more give me another four bottles!”
“As long as you’re willing to pay Mister Uncouth Mercenary,”
“When do I never pay for what I take Greg?”
“Never, but you always cause trouble here and my boss won’t like it.”
“Whatever bring me my rum!” Kiriya replied in a already drunk manner
Sighing the waiter complied and brought four bottles of rum and then suggested,”You should stop drinking so much…”
“So much? This is just an appetizer have you forgotten?”
“No I’m just concerned for your health and bad habits of smoking…” he said as he left and went behind the bar again.

Despite how Kiriya seems like a jerk that’s just him under the influence, and he’s usually not as friendly, he only gets social if he was drunk. Not long Kiriya was on his third new bottle when a girl walked in, at first he didn’t recognize her due to the red hair and eyes but then was alarmed and got out of his stupor friendly mood as he remembered who she was…
Four Fang’s Red Death! She damn better not notice me…Keep my cool, finish the bottle and then leave…then again when I met her she was only 10 she probably won't remember me and I already left...damn does eight years ruin people...
AsreaNov 13, 2014 3:43 PM
Nov 13, 2014 4:06 PM

Sep 2014
Memphis enters the Tavern to talk to some business partners about his caravan, They don't seem to be talking about secretive stuff since they are talking out loud like normal.
Memphis " The Caravan is about ready to go"
Cloaked man " Good good, i like your speed"
Cloaked man " my boss has already deposited the half"
Memphis " i heard this tavern serves great dishes"
-waves to waiter- "give me 2 plates of your finest"
waiter " that'll be 6 coins for the 2 plates"
Memphis " sure sure just make sure its good"
After a few minutes pass a man walks in some kind of messenger and whispers something into memphis's ears
memphis lets the cloaked man leave and says to the messenger looking person
"What do you mean one of the guards is sick today! i have a big job tomorrow morning where do i find another guard so quickly, well i one less person to pay i suppose now go on"
Memphis goes back to the caravan area to get some sleep
61235Nov 13, 2014 7:55 PM
Nov 13, 2014 10:46 PM

Oct 2013
Ikura was about to ride into town but stopped and looked back at what Daisuke had to say "Lets split up, we can cover more ground that way, and if anything were to happen i wouldnt want anyone holding me back, ill be surveying the center of the city, so you know where to find me" he said as he rode into town

"Now for a drink" he then tied his horse to a nearby post and walked into a bar, immediately he spotted a mercenary, So the head is going as far as hiring mercenaries, and a quite skilled one at that, thinking as he avoided staring and walked over to the counter of the bar ordering a bottle of whiskey, he walked over to her table pulled up a chair and slammed the bottle of whiskey on the table "Skyler Tokkoyaku, what might a skilled mercenary like you be doing in this hell of a town?" he said as he pushed the bottle of whiskey over to her
Nov 13, 2014 11:15 PM

Dec 2011
Hearing another person speak to her, she looked up. Hearing him inquiry as to her presence here and push the alcohol over to her, she leaned back in her chair. "Who're you, a fan?" She asked blankly before leaning forward again and taking the bottle that was offered. "Ya' know yer the second person today to treat me to some drinks." She further commented as she poured some into a glass. Personally, she drank from the bottle, but she used a glass this time in case he still wanted some of it. "Kinda depresses me that I got fans under twenty." Sky commented once more, still ignoring the question. She didn't know Ikura's age, but he looked under twenty at least.

Sighing as she took a swig of the glass, Sklyer set it down and responded with an answer that both answered the question and didn't. "Work, kid. Why? You curious er somethin'?" She questioned back.
Nov 14, 2014 1:01 AM

Oct 2013
"A Fan? I see...yes you could say that" Chuckling to what she had called him "Second person? But of course someone came to see you before me because of the fans you have" he implied to his first answer "Why wouldn't someone like you have young fans? You should happen that your fan base even spreads to younger people" he said with a chuckle.

"Curios? My presence here is not a matter of curiosity, I'm here to inform you about someone that might have work for you, your a mercenary are you not? And Mercenaries work for the highest bidder, regardless of what side there on, am i wrong?" He queried as to what her answer would be
Nov 14, 2014 1:09 AM

Dec 2011
"It depresses me cause kids shouldn't be worried about mercenaries... specially ones like me." Skyler explained with a slight sigh as she took another drink. "I told ya. I'm here on work currently. And while most mercenaries word for the highest bidder, we tend not to cheat on or betray our current employers. That causes other potential employers to stop and question whether or not they can trust us." She stated blankly. "I'll hear you out if yer that itchin to offer though."
Nov 14, 2014 2:56 PM
Nov 2014
As Sakura observed the tavern noticing many who she assumed to be mercenaries because of the weapons they had or tried to conceal. Her attention soon turned to a table that seemed to be somewhat packed though from looking at the table she had no reason to believe they had the information she needed so she looked at the rest of the tavern. Sakura then noticed a man with white hair in bundled up warm clothing. His eyes seemed to avoid hers almost as if on purpose but that could be her mind jumping to conclusions. His face reminded her of a past that didn’t have pain attached but she had no reason to think the feeling was genuine. She decided he may be able to help her find Cyrus Mercer and ultimately her sister. She walks over by him and sits down looking to meet his eyes and really get a good look at him.

“You seemed to notice me and you have the look of someone who may have the info, so do you know of a man named Cyrus Mercer?’
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