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Oct 17, 2014 10:34 PM

Nov 2009
this will be a personal thread that can be joined by anyone... as long as there is no killing without permission. But I will have two chikusas. The one that belongs in this world and the original from the old one.both fighting for their right to exist. (This Iis the only way I can think of to continue my story while joining a remodle)

Chikusa gasped as Koren covered his eye then revealed his eternal mangekyou. Their fathers eye. Then it came the black flames of amaterasu screaching acrossed the air! She turned running through the trees hearing th fire hit them in an explosive manner she continued to run as the black flames jumped at her from every angle she dropped to the ground sliding on her chest to avoid one blast of flames cutting herself up on the hard ground she then jumped off her hands spinning to avoid one that smashed into the ground sending a burst of the evil flames like a rock does with water. By this point most of the forest was engorged in the fire. She had completly lost track of Koren in the midst of running. Then the sound of a branch snapping caught her attention and she turned her head right into his fist. He had hit her hard enough to send her tumbling she flailed her arms trying to grab something to slow herself down she didnt get a chance her back hit a tree knocking all the wind out of her she slowly stood gasping for air. She saw a glint with her sharingan and ducked the light had saved her reflecting off the metal knuckles of his leather glove his arm passed above her head smashing the massive tree behing her and a loud crack was heard they both jumped away as the big tree fell to the ground spreading the amatersu more. The area had become extremly hot from all the fire making both of them sweat perfusely. He then charged again and she slashed her sword slicing off the fingers grabbing for her throat he continued though punching her in the throat her eyes widened as she felt blood fill her mouth she was worried he had crushed her neck but thankfully she could still breath so that was not the case. She back slashed cutting right through one cheek and out the other gaping his mouth this caused him to jump back and wait for his wounds to heal. She took the chance to use great fire annihilation.

Koren only smirked reaching his hand out that now had new fingers and absorbed her jutsu. Then sticking the other palm at her his cloths and hair billowed as he launched it right back at her. This caught another large chunk of the area aflame there was only one way left for them to get out and they both charged for it dodging falling debris from the scroched trees. They clashed their weapons at lightning speed every time they got near eachother. Then they dove both made it through as the flames smashed together behind them chikusa rolled but Koren had landed on his feet and thus reached her faster and tackled her sending them both over the edge of a large hill. They tumbled and flipped against eachother and Chikusa waited. As soon as she felt her back hit the ground she kicked upwards sending koren much farther into the air. she landed on the ground two or three times to his one so she knew he was taking much more damage espesially when she heard him growl and her sharingan caught a glimps of a large stick peircing his chest when she reached the bottom she flipped to her feet and pointed her sword at what she thought was his direction. She got a view of him ripping the stick the rest of the way through himself as there was branches on it and would have caused much more damage coming the other way out. The area lit up as static enveloped the wound closing it up like usual, but he was panting! She was actually tireing him out. Although she was wounded too more so then she realised he lunged at her and she tried to swing her sword but couldnt. Her shoulder was out of its socket from the fall so she turned and ran again.

She ran with him hot on her tail until she saw what she needed. A small tree one just sprouted but well rooted. She grabbed it with her arm screaming in pain as it jerked her arm from her running by it. But it was enough it popped her shoulder out enough so that it reset. Now that she could use her arm with less disconfort she turned on him slashing. This time he dodged though narrowly and slid on his hands there was a screaching sound and his hands lit up with a blueish lightning effect like chidori only not sending shards of fractured earth at her she cut the most dangerous away and whimpered as the others hit her arms and legs several sticking inside them. Her blood splashed to the ground but she had no time to worry about it. Koren used his next attack. He created an ice spear that shot from where his hands were against the ground and towards her chest. She used one of her most powerful techniques vibrating her blade at a very high frequency, so high that the blade appeared to quiver slowly. She then slashed down cutting the spear in two!

Koren stood up staring her down they watched eachother for several moments panting. She was in worse shape she could tell, his regeneration abilities made him tire slower as well as the fact that he had lost a lot less blood. He was using his own energy now he had apparently run out of what he had stolen from other people so she was making progress. But he had only just started tapping into his own reservs of strength. Whereas she had been using her own the entire time. He knew it too she could see the gleam in his eye. He knew she was more tired than him and he spoke for the first time in a while while they both caught their breath...

Koren: Just...Give it up.. You know you cant win, Your about to collapse. So just get it over with and DIE! DIE SO I CAN FEEL IT FEEL WHAT YOUR PASSING IS LIKE!

Chikusa: Your insane!...... You want die so that you can know what its like! What is wrong with you! You killed our whole family for that pitiful reason!?

Koren: YES! I Did! I cant die but I can feel your pain! So feeling your death will give me a few moments of peace! Wont you do that for your dear brother? Cmon let me take your pain away! hmhmhmhmhmahahaHAHAHAAHA

Chikusa was the one who charged this time she slashed at his throat and as she thought he dodged again. He was running low on the ability to repair his wounds, so he was choosing them more carefully now. He spun kicking at her gut so she turned bending her knee so that it hit the strongest part of her arm. It still felt like her bones had snapped and maby they did but the adrenaline was too much to notice or care. She followed with a punch with her sword hand that hit his chest. It was his turn to have his wind knocked out and she then drug her hand down to catch him with her sword. both of there sharingans spinning. reading the moment instantaniously he dodged the slash by rolling and stabbed with his kunai. Another flurry of blades followed sparks flying in every direction. Before they both looked up and jumped back a large oak tree had finally given away to the amaterasu from on top of the hill and landed between them. Chikusa raised her arms to protect her face from the heat. However Koren used the distraction to send an earth based attack through the fire at her she ducked behind another tree just in time to avoid the attack but they were now in the same boat as before and the fire was spreading again.

Koren looked around. He could make it through the flame but it would injure him pretty bad. And he wasnt sure what his sister was planning on the other side.... probably running like the coward he thought of her as. But he couldnt take that chance. He almost regretted attacking so recklessly before. Some sweat ran into his eye and he closed it in irritation and discomfort It was the chance chikusa needed, she was on higher ground than he so she was able to partially see over the destroyed tree. She jumped through the flame screaming out as the flames bit her. But her scream turned to a growl as she stabbed forward Koren had just opened his eyes as the point of her sword appeared through the flames. He raised his arms in defense and the blade cut through his flesh through both his arms and his throat.He clenches his teeth to hold back a groan of pain. She turned the blade and went to slice through his neck and out the side. He felt the blade twist inside him and he wripped his arms through it releasing them, he had gotten lucky that it hadnt passed between the bones else he wouldnt have had the leverage to escape. he felt the blade move and knew he had no time. He shot his hand forward grabbing her off hand and send a surge of energy through it her eyes widened as her arm exploded from the inside out with enough force to send her flying back. she hit the ground screaming raising the remains of her arm up and grabbing it.

Korens back hit a large boulder as he fell back having troubles standing. he grabbed the blade of the sword as it was too long to reach the hilt and jerked it out of his throat. His vision blurred,and he almost lost conciousnes. The wound barely healed to a none fatal level. Screw this! How could she have done this to him!? She had gotten lucky the sweat in his eye had distracted him. He took a step forward and fell to the ground. Roaring in anger he stumbled to his feet and took another step reaching his arm toward the girl on the ground rithing in pain. How had she become so strong? Their father was like nothing to him. The only one that hd ever caused this much damage to him was that blond bastard, the one with that damn smirk that never changed as if he wasnt even worth his time! Koren punched a tree making an indentation. Then remembering what he was doing turnd back to Chikusa, it was hard to conscentrate for some reason. He wouldnt die he knew but he hated wasting time waiting to regenerate then he would have to refill his chakra reserves as well.... He finally got to the area where chikusa was weezing for air. Chikusa saw him and kicked her legs trying to scoot away, she was in too much pain to stand.

Chikusa: No..... Stay away.... me.. Raysha... anyone...

Koren: You bitch......hurry up and ....DIE..Im tired of seeing y-your face...

Koren spat out blood aparaently the wond in his throat wasnt fully sealed and he fell forward landing on his face and chikusa got a few more feet away but he grapped her ankle and she screamed in terror. He went to blow that limb off as well but he only had the energy to break the bone but it was enough to give her a compound fracture and she felt her shin bone stick out of her skin. She passed out for a few seconds but forced herself to stay awake. When she opened her eyes again he was up on his feet again. He grabbed her throat lifting her into the air glaring up at her. He starded choking her and she flailed her arm and legs to no avail. Her world started getting dark as she ran out of oxegen tears filling her eyes. It was over she was gonna die... This was the end, Koren was going to kill her after all the training she had done, all the work she had put into becomeing a ninja. It was ending. But it didnt suddenly she coul see again and she hit the ground and she felt her air way open again. She sucked in air faster than she had ever before but what had happened? She looked down and korens hand was still around her throat. But it was no longer attached to koren. Then she heard a familiar soft voice, not quite feminine but very close.

???: Oh no... This simply will not do. We need you both alive.

She looked in the direction of the voice and saw black boots. she looked higher to see white cloths higher blond hair and a familiar face. It was the same man who koren ran away from so long ago.


Yosuke: Oh please enough that foul language its so... unrefined.

Koren: Screw you!

Koren swung his remaining hand at Yosukes face and Chikusa just faintly saw the hand laying on yosukes sword hilt twitch and the next second Korens other hand was gone. Koren howled in pain and anger. Charging him again. Another twitch and Koren hit the ground his legs cut off at the knee.

Yosuke: Are you done? This bores me. Its so tedious having to deal with you again and again.


Yosuke: No you wont. Nothing you could ever do could effect me,

Koren yelled out more profanity and rolled over onto his back his shoulder bumping into Yosuke there was a bright light and Korens limbs regenerated. He was using Yosuke power! He shot up like a bullet to attack Yosuke. But he didnt make it far. There was a high pitched sound similair to the one that was being made when Yosuke had walked through the rain without getting wet. And Koren was suddenly gone! Blood splattered all around Yosuke. Yosuke pushed his hair out of his face. The smirk never leaving his lips

Yosuke: How boring....

Chikusa: But...what happened to...Koren? Did you teleport him...somewhere?

Yosuke: I dont have that ability otherwise I would have arrived sooner. The damage you have recieved will complicate things... I do not appreciate complications.

Chikusa: Then where?

Yosuke: All you need to know is he will not be a problem for some time now.

Chikusa then gasped. The scene had been so surreal she had momentarily forgotten her condition she looked at her arm and leg and almost passed out again. As Yosuke walked over to her she lost consciousness again. But this time when they opened her eyes she was greeted with the regenerated eye of Koren floating in midair. Yosuke turned and cut it in half but it was too late. The color of the eye inverted and she was hit by what she thought may be a genjutsu but her sharingan wasn't reading it... Was it tsukuyomi? no Koren didn't have that ability as far as she knew... plus nothing seemed too out of place Yosuke was still standing there and she was wait the backround! the forest was gone replaced by swirling lights like you would see in a media player visualizer.

Yosuke: Hmmm I retract my previous statement you got me... Although this will be a hindrance it will not effect my main plot.

Chikusa was just about to ask what was happening when a searing pain covered her entire body she screamed out in pain and looked down. her skin was disintegrating! It hurt like nothing she had felt before. Even Yosuke flinched a little as the same happened to him.

Yosuke: Stay calm. It hurts but is not fatal. He appears to be a sore loser so he is going to seal us away for a while...

She tried to hear him but his words were completely washed out by the pain. All she could see was his mouth moving.

Yosuke: Chikusa focus. We will be transported to another world. one where he feels he can have a better chance at winning. I will try to find you as we will be separated apon entry of this new dimension.

How was he so calm she could barely keep her eyes open. The pain was even worse now her bones were exposed through the disintegrating meat tissue she screamed even louder. Yosuke meanwhile closed his eyes tight but was otherwise unaffected. then everything went black as she was turned to nothing. But then she felt a warm sensation. Suddenly she inhaled breath gasping as if she had been holding her breath for several minutes and her eyes flew open she was sweating and panting she looked around her surroundings seemed like the same forest only no longer on fire.... and Yosuke was no longer there.... what was going on? Suddenly she remembered the pain and looked at herself. she seemed unharmed. She sat up completely confused. Was she dreaming? Or dead maby? She tried to recall what Yosuke was saying but it wouldn't come.

Chikusa: Dammit what happened to me? Where am I? She got up and looked at herself in the water puddle what was this? She was still herself but she looked younger and she was wearing an outfit she never had.... She touched her face and then her cloths SHe jumped as she heard a voice behind her she spun around and gasped. The woman before her was someone she recognized. She remembered her from a photo her father had sent her many years ago. Her own mother who had been murdered by Koren.


Chikusa: M-mom?

Saya: Well of course sweat heart who else would it be. Ive been looking for you ya know? Your sensei is pretty pissed. You been skipping school again?

Chikusa furrowed her brow. What was this. Her mother was dead. She didn't know if she was trapped in a genjutsu or what although if this was a genjutsu or a dream she was almost glad. She didn't remember her mother as she had died when she was really young... no not died she was murdered she needed to remember that. But she seemed really sweet. She radiated a kind aura. So warm and welcoming. She studied her mother from head to toe. She was beautiful. Toned but not muscular slender but not too skinny. suddenly she was flicked on the forehead and brought back to her senses.

Saya: You shouldn't scowl like that you'll get wrinkles. What are you thinking about so hard anyways, that's so unlike you!

Chikusa: Moooom I think just like everyone else!

That was weird she doesn't act like that where did that come from and she acted like she spent every day with this woman. Then a splitting headache hit her and she whimpered grabbing her head

Saya: Whats wrong sweetheart?

Saya grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes obvious conscern on her face

Chikusa: My head it...hurts...really bad

Suddenly everything went black and she felt like she was in terrible pain and she screamed. But it was not just her. there was two screams... an echo? no these screams were at the same time. she opened her eyes and saw herself. no it was the one with the weird cloths. she looked at herself and her arm was missing bleeding heavily and her shin bone was sticking out. She was screaming cause of the damage to her body the other her grabbing her head. then it was gone. She was by herself again laying on the ground. Although she wasn't in the forest she was somewhere else. she was whimpering in pain when someone came running into her view.

???: Holy shit what happened to you? Hold on ill get something to stop the bleeding!

She felt herself being moved around and something tight being wrapped around her arm and leg. Then everything stopped hurting as she passed out again. When she awoke she was in a strange room. she tried to sit up but couldn't.

???: whoa whoa whoa you cant move around yet!

She then realized why she couldn't move. the stranger was holding her down. Not trapping her just an even pressure to keep her laying down. once she stopped struggling he let her go.

???: Your amazing. I cant believe your still alive. Ive quite honestly never seen that much blood. Then you were out for almost 2 weeks.

Chikusa: two weeks? Ive been sleeping for two weeks. where. where am I?

???: Outside of suna. Oh im Nero by the way. Can I ask your name?

Chikusa: Its Chikusa.....

Nero: I should tell you.. when I found you... you were missing your arm... and your leg was badly damaged.... The leg I was able to save but I cant save something that's not there...

Chikusa: Koren....

Nero: Your saying someone did this to you? You must have seriously pissed off the wrong person.

Chikusa: Its none of your-

Nero: Business I know. Well anyways its not your arm but I did give you something back.

Chikusa opened her eyes again and pulled back the sheet. She was nude but that didn't bother her.

Nero: Sorry I couldn't treat you with your cloths on.

He said diverting his eyes. She glanced at him then looked at her arm. the shoulder was their but a few inches down it turned into something robotic looking.

Nero: Its a puppet arm. I attached it to your chakra lines it will take some time but eventually youll be able to move it like a real arm. Although you wont be able to feel anything with it.

Chikusa: I don't have any money.

Nero: No worries. I like helping people. plus working on you helped my research into prosthetics.

Chikusa: I see... well I appreciate it.

She turned and stood up letting the sheet fall and making nero blush and look away.

Nero: Um your still naked...

Chikusa: And?

Nero: Well I mean you shouldn't be getting up anyways. You were seriously injured and you will reopen your wounds

In truth he would have held her down again but this time the sheet wasn't between them.

Chikusa: I don't have time to lay around. Wheres my cloths? I need to go.

Nero: I cant permit that although I will tell you where your cloths are.

He said and pointed to a small closet. She opened the door picking them up and pulling them on. They were tattered but still intact. it was hard dressing with one arm and every time she moved the puppet arm swung and tugged her shoulder making her realize how freaking heavy it was..... it was a hindrance. she began thinking it may be better to remove it. although the thought of fighting one armed wasn't too good either. Could she actually move this thing? She consentrated her chakra into her arm and made it spasm but immediately stopped as she was greeted with sharp pain.

Nero: Don't try to move it yet! your arm is still messed up. your bone is still exposed. so if the puppet arm moves it will grind against it.

She glanced at him and nodded and sat down on the bed looking at her leg. She was impressed. The bone was split in two only two weeks ago and now she was able to stand and walk on it just fine although the majority of her leg had a disgusting looking bruise. Was he a medical ninja? She closed her eyes thinking for a moment. Maby she had been dreaming about her mother. That's the only thing that made sense. How wonderful would that have been to have grown up with a mom like that? She then scowled and started meditating. thinking on what she needed to remember. She remembered getting hit with Korens jutsu whatever it was. and not being able to hear what Yosuke was saying. She cursed herself for that. Maby it was something important. She also needed to find Raysha.... wherever she was. Koren and Yosuke were missing as well.... Yosuke would surely understand what was happening but where could he be... On that note how did she get to be near Suna? She had been fighting in Kona.... theres no way she made it this far in her condition. One she was too injured to move. two she had passed out, and third she would have bled out in the time it took to get this far. She clenched her teeth. There were too many questions.... and zero answers what the hell was she supposed to do know?
RuseoOct 18, 2014 11:04 PM
I miss rping here.....
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