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Apr 8, 2012 3:03 PM
Apr 2012
Does anyone else think that it was Chiaki who tossed the time charger acorn in the science room when Makoto got her charges? You can see that he was in the room from the silhouette when Makoto was falling, but what was he doing there?
May 3, 2012 5:42 AM
May 2012
First of all. Minako's Aunt CAN NOT be Minako. I also thought that the Aunt was Minako while watching the film but after some research I am positive that she IS NOT Minako. Her name is Yoshiyama, Kazuko. I don't think that she would PURPOSELY change her name. Do you?

And I don't think that Chiaki was very good at expressing his love for Minako. I mean if you love her wouldn't you pick her over going back to your own time?

And he didn't have to go right away! I mean in the future before he went back into the past. He stayed on until even after Kousuke's death! He only time travelled back because he had to save his friend. But he also proves his love for Minako since he time travelled back. Because he didn't want her to feel awful about Kousuke's death.

Also, another reason why I think that Minako can't be her Aunt. You know when Minako told her Aunt about Chiaki asking her out. Don't you think that her Aunt would be like : "YES!! Go out with him!" Or at least be abit more enthusiastic about it since she was Minako?

Also, I think that Chiaki didn't want to believe that Minako was the one that was time leaping. First of all. He was the one that saw her fall down on the charger nut thingy in the science lab. But all he did was walk away.
Second. After the accident, when Minako told Chiaki and Kousuke about the accident Chiaki was so adamant that it was all fake and stuff.

And would you think that he would know that she was time travelling sooner since she's been falling around all over the place??!

I mean he knows what time leaping looks like!

I think that it was either Chiaki or Minako or Minako's Aunt that made the time travelling thing. Minako's Aunt could have been inspired by what Minako was saying and it turned out that SHE made the time machine! AHAH!
May 25, 2012 5:31 PM

Oct 2011
Everyone seems to think that time leaping will exist during Makoto's lifetime... Even if she's 85 (lol), once it's developed, she could technically jump BACK to young age then jump FORWARD to be with Chiaki in the future. They can pick up where they left off y'know?

I mean, in his life.. things are very different. I mean, no baseball? It's not like he's just 10 years away or something haha.

And about the aunt, I mean, that guy could have been from the same period as Chiaki, no younger no older, just jumped back further, meaning there really isn't any correlation besides relation of the two women.

I do think that she developed time leaping to a degree. Why else would she not reveal her choice of major/future at the end of the movie while giving the audience a knowing look like "Fufufu. I'm going invent time travel!"

Jun 4, 2012 6:57 PM

Aug 2010
GUY! You see, Toki wo Kakeru Shojo was actually a novel before. The main female in the novel, Kazuko Yoshiyama, was the time who jumped through time in the novel.

Now, in the movie (with Chiaki and Makoto), it's revealed that the aunt is Kazuko Yoshiyama, which may mean she's the original one that jumped through time before also.

In novel, Kazuko fell in love with a man from the future. But when he left, he erased the memory of everyone who knew him, including Kazuko. But a faint memory of the man remained with Kazuko.
Jul 18, 2012 2:46 AM

Aug 2011
The biggest problem I have with the theories about the ending are that they all seem to operate under the belief that Chiaki said to Makoto "I'll be waiting for YOU in the future." Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the subs I've seen of that scene and my limited understanding of Japanese tell me that he really only said "I'll be waiting in the future." He does not seem to have specified that he'll be waiting for her.

So what the heck would he be talking about, running back like that to her and all? I think it was what they werei talking about just a few moments earlier, the painting. Makoto swears that she will protect/restore that paintng so it will be there, waiting for him when he returns to the future. He runs back to tell her that he'll await its arrival in the future, hoping to give her some kind of hope and reassurance, seeing how upset she is. It is Makoto who interprets his words as an invitation to go to the future, saying "I'll run there."

At this point in the timeline, Makoto is the only one with the memories of her relationship with Chiaki, and arguably the only one who realizes they are in love with the other. I've seen theories that Chiaki didn't yet know his feelings for her as he hadn't asked her out, which is why he didn't kiss her goodbye. This would explain why his interpretation of the line he said is less personal than Makoto's interpretation.

If you take this away from that scene, the ending becomes pretty depressing. It seems to me like that eliminates any hope that they really will see each other again, as Makoto gave us in the final scenes, seeming to have set out determined to find a way to the future. That's why I kinda hope my theory is wrong ._. However, it seems a lot more realistic to me than, "Makoto will suddenly become the person to invent time travel." Also, I still don't get why Chiaki doesn't just get another time walnut in the future and bring her back or go back himself, but maybe I missed that.

This thread has some very good theories though. The one argument I have against noirLait's theory is that it operates under the assumption that Chiaki wouldn't have brought the time walnut to school unless he had a very good reason. From a writing standpoint, the entire plot of the movie wouldn't have happened if he hadn't brought the time walnut to school, which seems like a very good reason to me :P
Sep 8, 2012 8:17 PM

Jul 2012
I hope there is no "Old woman/young boy" thing going on afterwards. LOL That'd be really strange.

And I hope the aunt isn't her either :/
Sep 14, 2012 2:23 AM
Sep 2012
When Chiaki first disappeared, there were all kinds of rumors about the reason why (debt from yakuza, made someone pregnant, etc.) But when he disappeared in the end, everyone knew he was going abroad for study.You can also see a plane flying in the scene where Makoto and him parted.

So my rather simple theory is:
Chiaki used his last leap to travel back just a bit in time to catch that plane and really went abroad to 'study'. Makoto would follow him later. She said she had plans to go abroad to Yuki, and said it again to Kousuke at the very end (hi-mi-tsu! Of course it would be too embarassing to say she would go abroad, that would make it look like she does it just to meet him). Chiaki will wait in the future, when Makoto is old enough to go abroad.

As to why he would go abroad and not stay just right where he was, maybe it was an action of commitment; Chiaki would have to use up his last leap and would be unable to return to his time. His motivations to live on is not found in a painting but in the girl he loved.
quezaSep 14, 2012 2:26 AM
Sep 14, 2012 5:24 PM
Jul 2018
AegisReborn said:
Number 3 seems unlikely UNLESS you were to play around with the idea a little bit more. Perhaps that painting is important not only to Chiaki but to a lot of other people as well. It's possible that many people have gone into the past to try to see and/or change history to preserve it. It's very likely that one of those people who leaped into the past met Makoto's aunt and that is why she works to restore the painting. Now Makoto herself is going to end up helping keep the painting intact. The only sad part about this idea is that neither Makoto nor her aunt will see their high school love again. Considering that it is forbidden to let someone from the past learn about time travel to begin with, Chiaki and his predecessor are probably forbidden to time travel again.

Not exactly the happiest idea. Oh well.

i think you got it spot on. Even though its an ending that i wouldn't like(because i like happy endings), its the most logical and the one that i was thinking.
Oct 28, 2012 3:13 PM

Oct 2012
My unanswered question is why did Chiaki have to go back to the future in the first place? He didn't tell Makoto about time leaping, an alternate version of him did that was nulified when Makoto made her final time leap. If he stayed in the past for that long, why didn't he just stay there? He obviously felt more at home there then his native time.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Nov 18, 2012 10:53 PM

Jan 2011
can someone please explain the relevance of the painting
Nov 18, 2012 10:58 PM

Jan 2011
noirlaits theory wins
Dec 16, 2012 1:23 PM
Nov 2012
After reading all this. Why can't he be a time traveling pimp = He sacrificed his last charge, so she wouldn't have to be sad cause her friend died with bike. He did realy love her enough to leave his future and everything he had for her. So the pimp idea is rather out of the question.
Noirlaits theory is rather good and i also suspect she will invent time travel due to it. Maybe even, without his intervention she might have gone for science, almost completed time travel, but gave up due to lack of motivation. Him leaving clues might just have been the motivation she needed to Run to her future without making him wait. Her aunts line sticks to mind there: U are not like me, if someone was late for an appointment, wouldn't you run out to meet him.
So i stick to my beleive that she made the foundation for time travel but gave up.
Jun 8, 2014 8:24 PM

Jan 2013

No, but I voted 2. It seems the most reasonable......
BUT he said HE'd wait for HER .....soooo >_>
Ugh very confusing.
Aug 12, 2014 5:10 PM

Aug 2011
I just saw the movie and first thought that Chiaki will return back from the future but I guess, the real answer is that it's Makoto who invents time machine.

First of all, it's not said for certain they do get together in the future. It's just a promise, a promise based on hope. As the ED song also hints.

There is a slight focus on Makoto's choice of carreer, once somewhere near the starting, then at the very end when she says she has decided on which career to take. She decides on science and she'll try her best to invent time travel as her aunt said she's the type to run towards what she wants.

I doubt Chiaki will return as he already mentioned he had broken a rule of time traveling by letting a past person learn about it. Although the self which finally returned to future didn't commit this crime so he didn't disappear or anything. If he was supposed to return he would have already done it but on the contrary, he said he'll be waiting.

There is hope that she'll be able to invent time travel and that's where the movie ends.
Nov 29, 2015 11:20 AM

Aug 2014
SayaB said:
Does anyone know what is written after the end credits?
The picture is this:

nothing important

この製品を権利者に無断で、 複製、改変、 公衆送信 (放送、 有線放送、
Without permission this product to rights holders, copy, modify, public transmission (broadcasting, cable broadcasting,

bla bla bla

ForblazeMage said:
Does anyone else think that it was Chiaki who tossed the time charger acorn in the science room when Makoto got her charges? You can see that he was in the room from the silhouette when Makoto was falling, but what was he doing there?

he was timeleaping there
Thyriad-oPPailovNov 29, 2015 11:34 AM
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Mar 19, 2016 10:36 PM
Jul 2015
Okay so I just watched the movie tonight (my second time watching it) and I have some ideas. Hang in there with me lol this is a really jumbled theory.
1- He says he will be waiting for her in the future, but he doesn't specify that the future he'll be waiting in will be the same point in the future that he originally came from.
2- Although there is no way to know for sure, I assume that her plan is to go into what her aunt does and work at the museum to take care of the painting.
3- I think that the only significance of her saying she'll run to the future is that her aunt said she's the type of person to run to what she wants. I don't necessarily think it has anything to do with time leaping.
4- It is concretely established that he is NOT allowed to tell people of the past about time travel. He also seems anxious about how he stayed in the past for so long, although he doesn't say why that could be a problem.
Okay, so with those ideas out of the way, I can really get into the main part of my theory. After they both seem to agree that he has to return to the time he came from, it only makes sense, in my opinion, that he receives some sort of punishment for breaking the rule of revealing time travel to someone from the past. I don't know if that could be some sort of jail, or just maybe having his time travel privileges revoked. In this theory, eventually, when he's free to time travel again, probably as an adult, the people from his time will let him go back to her. There's no chance of him breaking rules by talking about time travel now that she already knows about it and maybe they can make it so he can only time leap once instead of multiple times (so no risk of other people getting their hands on the time travel device). Since he will be an adult, it would be really weird for him to travel back to when she's still in high school. So I think that he will travel back to her time but not as far back, so she will be an adult, too. They'll reunite (in what to her will be the future) and then he will stay there to be with her! That's the only ending that makes much sense to me that can still end happily. I hope this makes sense haha!
mimidoriFeb 10, 2017 11:27 PM
May 16, 2016 9:16 AM
Apr 2016
Or is there a possibility that Chiaki may be Makoto's son? LOL I'm just straying away from the possible endings.
Jun 20, 2016 9:37 PM

Dec 2009
What I'm most bothered about is what Chiaki means by "I'll be waiting for you" at the end. ... How?
Dec 18, 2016 4:17 PM
Dec 2015
I just watched the movie and I need HELP please.

Did Chiaki really go to the past just to see a painting? really? Is that the reason all of the movie just happened or is there a deeper reason why he went all the want back to that specific time to see it? Please tell me there is. I can't really grasp why he would bother so much otherwise.
Feb 3, 2017 11:32 PM

May 2016
Lmao so many questions and teories
I just finished the movie at 4:20am, now is time to read this topic lol but from what I have seen there are no answers for
"I'll be waiting for you" hmmm :c
Apr 20, 2018 11:51 PM
Jul 2017
Craziel said:
(revives dead thread a year later)

Heh, just got done watching and love to discuss theories...

In the movie, Matoko has very limited time leaping abilities. She can only go in one direction, backwards. But Chiaki can leap forwards.

Think about it. Matoko's leaps all have her going back in time and staying there. She never returns to her original timeline; she just jumps from one timeline to the next, departing from one timepoint in her source timeline and arriving at an earlier timepoint in her destination. Every jump is backwards.

But Chiaki clearly jumps forward. There's no other way he can "return home". Chiaki says he'll wait for her; the only way this is possible is if someone invents time leaping within Matoko's lifetime.

The time that Chiaki's from, and precisely who invents time leaping, is imo irrelevant. Matoko can jump forward to it as soon as she gets her hands on time leaping technology. Moreover, she doesn't just jump forward to the day Chiaki left; she jumps forward so that Chiaki is of an appropriate age, however many years after he returned home. He did say he'd wait for her, after all. So she shows up after an appropriate interval (ie, they're both 30 or something).

So there's no "old woman ages to meet young man" thing going on. Someone invents time leaping, and Matoko takes/steals the picture and stores it in a safe place, then leaps past whatever catastrophe occurs. There would be no record of this because the only person who knows where it was hidden leapt away; without any record the picture would be presumed lost. She finds Chiaki in the future and takes him to wherever the picture has been safely stored by her for however many tens or hundreds or thousands of years. The end.

That's how I see it anyway :P

One theory that I have come across would be that in order for Chiaki to return back to his original timeline, he actually has to travel BACK further in time. In other words returning to a point in time BEFORE he leaps. Thus, the more he travels back, the more he essentially 'undo', until he ends up in his original time period.
Mar 18, 2020 9:52 AM
Jan 2019
Time travel is very interesting. Gives you lots of questions in mind. Without asking about the ending or thinking about reality, I loved this anime sooo much! Actually I have watched this more than three times now I think, I love time travel animes thats the reason why.
When Chiaki said to see her in the future means seeing her as an old lady I guess. Someone explained to me from different forum about the parallel world. Possible in present right after Chiaki left, he already looked for Makoto in the future and found her. Who knows? I just love how Chiaki confess his love to Makoto while shes trying to avoid it because she wants to keep him.
As for her aunt, I was really shocked as well to hear her story about waiting for that person. That made Makoto believed that people from the future really exist.
I cant still get enough of Makoto X Chiaki even for a short time they were together after he confessed I still ship them! I love this anime soooo much! Old but Gold!
Mar 18, 2020 9:57 AM
Jan 2019
Kuuderex100 said:
I just watched the movie and I need HELP please.

Did Chiaki really go to the past just to see a painting? really? Is that the reason all of the movie just happened or is there a deeper reason why he went all the want back to that specific time to see it? Please tell me there is. I can't really grasp why he would bother so much otherwise.

Yup! its kind of a mission for him I think. As he explained that painting was I think lost or ruined in the future I already forgot what exactly he said but its really the painting but he accidentally lost his way of going back because Makoto got it and didnt bother to look for it because he enjoyed their company.
Jun 11, 2021 6:49 AM
May 2021
I think that the thing about Chiaki coming back is most possible, but I also think that the answer to this confusing question lies with her aunt. I just have a weird feeling. And all of my feelings so far for this were right.
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