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Jan 26, 2010 10:24 PM

Mar 2009
#1) Juliet Fiammata Asto Capulet
She should be added.... Hands down she should.

There’s probably more I should say about her, but I can’t think of it at the moment.

#2) Cordelia

#3) Deedlit

Will offer more girls as suggestions later ^^
windeen-windyJan 27, 2010 1:15 AM
Jan 27, 2010 4:10 PM

Sep 2007

Conclusion: with all that said, her pros still outweigh her cons, so I will add her and the anime and manga to the relations


Conclusion: Again her pros outweigh her cons. She shall be added. :)

-Nothing really to add to your assessment.
Conclusion: Shall be added. I'll also add the OVA, but should I added the other series?
Jan 27, 2010 4:32 PM

Mar 2009
I think Deedlit is pretty much the same, in the other series, She's just, more of a supporting character in that for most of it, where she's the main of the OVA.
They merge the series with the OVA, the series starts about halfway threw the OVA and erases most of what Deedlet did in the OVA and brings in another girl and makes her the one in danger instead of Deedlit.
In the series, Deedlit and Parn aren't seen much by themselves or given much growing room, their more like the guardians of the 2 main characters there.
She's still Strong there, it's just not given much attention and they erase a lot of what I liked about the OVA by starting the series and doing over the part where the heroin is in Danger... with a different girl.
I don‘t find that girl‘s character quite as strong or admirable, but she may still be seen as a noble heroin worth consideration by another member at a later date.
So I'm unsure if you would want to add the series or not.
Jan 27, 2010 4:54 PM

Sep 2007
oh, if she is a supporting character in the other series, then it can't be added because we only add anime and manga that feature leading ladies that are noble :(
Jan 27, 2010 4:56 PM

Mar 2009
I thought so when I mentioned it, but I wasn't sure. ^^ She is one of the leads in the OVA though and is a much better character there because she has more time, even though it's shorter than the series.
Jan 29, 2010 3:12 PM

Mar 2009
Ooh, I thought of another one!
Eva Wei/Molly from Oban Star Racers. She's an ambitious and headstrong 15 year old who ends up piloting the Arrow 2 in the great race of Oban. She's not afraid to say what she's really thinking and do some rather courageous acts when she needs to.
Jan 29, 2010 4:06 PM

Sep 2007
@classica: shall be added :D
Jan 29, 2010 5:28 PM

Mar 2009
I might go over several things, several times, with this-if I do, sorry. I just want to be sure I get everything right.

Name: Sakura Haruno

Anime: Naruto, Naruto Shippuden
Manga: Naruto

Jan 29, 2010 6:12 PM

Sep 2007
oh sakura, I have a hate-love relationship with this character. She does grow up, but I hear she's mostly a healer? (not that it really matters to this club).

I'll add her to the club. But I will not add the first season of the anime because I think she hasn't matured enough before the time skip. I will add shippuuden and the manga. As for the movies, to narrow it down a bit, are there any movies where Sakura really shines? (that is, are there any movies where she's the star and naruto supports her fights? or she at least gets to fight an important opponent?)
Jan 29, 2010 6:23 PM

Mar 2009
Hmm, I don't remember, when I have time to re-watch them could I get back to you on that? It might be quite a while though.
As for adding the second season and not the first, I agree with that.
As for her being mainly only a healer.
No, she's not JUST a healer, she's a fantastic fighter, she can break stone with a punch of her fist and she fought an Akatsuki member and killed him mostly by herself (With some help from that Akatsuki member's grandmother).

^^ She's SUPER strong and she's still really smart. Not long after the fast forward, she and Naruto's team had to go save Gaara and she really came threw for them.
She worked with the grandmother of a member of the Akatsuki and since the old lady was so old (But still a good fighter)-older than Tsunade.
I think Sakura really shined during that fight.
It was amazing ^^ I was really shocked and impressed with how much she changed and how strong she got.
But She is a healer, and as such they do try and keep her as back up, so she doesn't get on the front lines to much (I'm not too far into the manga past where the anime is, so I don't know how she is when the village is suppose to be attacked).
Jan 29, 2010 6:55 PM

Sep 2007
@Windy: no problem, since the main source material is added, you can take your time XD

Well I haven't read far enough, I'm still at the pre-time skip part, but I heard that while she does get to fight she's mostly a healer :(
I guess most shounen heroines go through this, they always play second fiddle to the main guys. Thankfully when they do get to fight, they really shine.
Jan 29, 2010 7:04 PM

Mar 2009
There's some music videos on you tube with her fight with Sasori from the anime as their focal point, they don't show talking or anything of course, but they do show how she goes at him ^^ if you have time you might wanna take a look at them.
Though since all of the talking and explanations are missing from them, it might lose some of it's force.

I agree, the girls in shounen manga and anime's are really not given much of a chance to shine the way they could.
These mangaka make amazing characters then, they let them sit because they have so many other characters and they seem to forget how good they could make the story.
How much better.

And, I'm sorry about all of the spoilers on Sakura... I hope I didn't spoil too much for you with the manga -_- I just wanted to make sure I stated how much she changed in the series.
windeen-windyJan 30, 2010 3:15 AM
Jan 31, 2010 2:07 AM

Feb 2009
I also agree with you guys. But again i feel that Sakura shined only once against the fight with Sasori. Actually i didn't really like her, but that fight made me think that maybe she is not as bad as I thought. But after that she again goes back into the shadows. But even though she goes back to the shadows i agree with you windy that she really changed alot compared to the beginnng of the series.
And shounen heroines really should get some more time to shine!!!
Feb 4, 2010 8:43 PM

Dec 2008
I want to suggest Yamaguchi Kumiko from Gokusen...I thought she was already here XD. Anyhow, she is strong, I mean she manages to be stronger than a bunch of yakuzas that are her family, not only in a physical sense. Besides she has a strong sense of justice and she believes that everyone can have something good or cute inside even if they look like hoodlums or tugs, not judging people by appearances might be her motto!
Sigh, I want to read other manga like this! made me laugh so much :D
Feb 5, 2010 7:22 PM

Sep 2007
Queen2408 said:
I want to suggest Yamaguchi Kumiko from Gokusen...I thought she was already here XD. Anyhow, she is strong, I mean she manages to be stronger than a bunch of yakuzas that are her family, not only in a physical sense. Besides she has a strong sense of justice and she believes that everyone can have something good or cute inside even if they look like hoodlums or tugs, not judging people by appearances might be her motto!
Sigh, I want to read other manga like this! made me laugh so much :D

Sounds good! I'll add it to my plan to read list :)
And the club relations XD
ps- should I add the anime as well?
Feb 7, 2010 9:39 AM

Dec 2008
soaring_wings said:
Sounds good! I'll add it to my plan to read list :)
And the club relations XD
ps- should I add the anime as well?

I haven't watched the anime, maybe I should, but I am not very consistent with that right now. Hmm, I don't think Yankumi would change that much there because she is the focus of the story, so proably yeah.
Mar 26, 2010 11:51 AM

Mar 2009
I’d like to recommend Nagisa Furukawa - from Clannad the series and Clannad~After Story~. Not really the Nagisa from the movie though.


Also, Matsuri Shihou from Sola.

windeen-windyMar 27, 2010 3:11 AM
Mar 28, 2010 3:22 PM

Sep 2007
windeen-windy said:
I’d like to recommend Nagisa Furukawa - from Clannad the series and Clannad~After Story~. Not really the Nagisa from the movie though.

Nagisa sounds like a sweet girl, but she reminds me of Tohru. Both of these characters while sweet seem to lack confidence in what they do. Often being overly meek to the point where it's no longer a good quality. I've heard she cries too much from a review, so I'm not quite certain if she's noble/strong willed enough. Since I haven't watched the anime, I'll put her under the pending list for the time being.

windeen-windy said:
Also, Matsuri Shihou from Sola.

Again, I haven't seen this and the character gives me Tohru Honda vibes: overly sweet person. She sounds like she could fit into the club but without seeing her in action, I can't really assess her all that well. I guess I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and add her.

edit: actually I realize what I want to ask about her: What's her goal? How does she accomplish it? How does she feel about accomplishing it? What do you mean by her 'protecting' people?
soaring_wingsMar 28, 2010 3:27 PM
Mar 28, 2010 5:01 PM

Mar 2009
It’s been almost a year since I saw Sola, so I can’t remember everything good enough to right down all of her pros and cons I knew. I just remember the story line and some other things-as well as what it made me feel… so here’s the best explanation I have for what I meant about protect:

I’m not sure she’s strong enough. But I was thinking about her and thought I’d mention her to see. She does fight, and is an amazing fighter, but she doesn’t really want to fight anyone. So it’s ok, if she’s not let in or if she is ^^
I’ll understand if either she or Nagisa don’t get in-I just admire their strong wills and the ability to push threw their problems/obstacles with optimism and they don’t let it get them down.
I understand optimism isn’t always a good thing. And neither if ignoring their problems. But they don’t let it depress them, and they don’t let it depress the people they care about either.

Here’s a link for more info for Matsuri if you need it. Sola -if you don’t then that’s fine as well. I do agree, they are both overly sweet, and Nagisa does cry a lot at the start of Clannad, but it’s mostly because she gets frustrated at times, But her relationships with the new friends she makes and her boyfriend help to make her stronger, I can’t remember her crying much later in the first series(Just a few times) And then even less often in Clannad ~After Story~ (If I’m remembering correctly.
But I understand you being unsure about them both, I was as well to be honest ^^;;
Mar 28, 2010 7:44 PM

Sep 2007
Matsuri sounds like she isn't perfect, but still good enough to be in the club so I'll add her in. :D

Thanks for that detailed plot summary. It really does clarify a lot of things about her.
Mar 29, 2010 5:37 PM

Mar 2009
I was afraid I was saying to many things ^^; Glad it was a help.
Apr 6, 2010 5:22 PM

Dec 2008
I want to suggest the main character from Stone Cold. This lawyer has guts! she is really careless but I really liked that she could manage dangerous situations without a need for a savior (who always got to the place late)
Apr 9, 2010 8:17 PM

Sep 2007
Queen2408 said:
I want to suggest the main character from Stone Cold. This lawyer has guts! she is really careless but I really liked that she could manage dangerous situations without a need for a savior (who always got to the place late)

she sounds like my kind of girl, but before I add her the manga since there are no character entries, quick question: what's her drive?
Apr 15, 2010 3:38 AM
Feb 2010
i'd like to recomment houjou kuniko from the anime shangri-la :D

i still only watched it half way until now and in the beginning she's wavering a bit but she fastly developes and even at the beginning she fights for the people of her city and has a strong sense of justice i think. She cares a lot about her friends and here on mal she is also called "a bit rambunctious" which is really true.

but i think it would be good if another person who maybe watched the whole anime already would say something about this because i can only say things about the part i watched until now (12 of 24 episodes).
if there's no one here who watched it already i will try to finish it as soon as possible and say something about her again maybe.
Apr 17, 2010 3:03 PM

Sep 2007
Alright, no response from Queen, so I'll just go ahead and add it and I'll leave the boot thread to fix it if the manga isn't up to par.

@art2live: she sounds good enough, I'll add her to the relations. (haven't watched it). But if someone disagrees, please vote on the boot thread now. thanks :)
Apr 20, 2010 7:59 AM
Feb 2010
got another one xD totally forgot about them the last time xP

so i'd like to recommend all 3 main charcters from magic knight rayearth (anime as well as manga).

reasons :

.all fight for the people of a country/world to be saved

fuu hououji :
.strong sense of justice
.doubts herself sometimes but in the end always becomes stronger through that

umi ryuuzaki :
.at first seems uncaring and quciktempered but fights and would do anything for her friends (at least i think so xD)

hikaru shidou (she absolutely must be added!! XD) :
.strong sense of justice and fights for the things she believes in and her loved ones
.fierce & strong
.very determined
. much more xD (if you need more points than that)
Apr 20, 2010 2:51 PM

Sep 2007
I agree with Hikaru. She's another classic example of a noble heroine :) (I can't believe I forgot about her)
Fuu also seems very willing to put forth the needs of Cephiro before her own.

I like Umi the best of the bunch, but she seemed to have the most attitude and is the most selfish, but since you say she gets better, I'll go ahead and add her. I've also seen her grow up a bit in the second volume of MKR, so I can see her becoming a better character in the second arc.

I'll be adding all three and the manga and anime :)
Apr 21, 2010 5:20 AM
Feb 2010
hehe thats good :D *happy*
well i forgot about them at first too but then i saw the manga laying on my table and i was like "uaah why did i forgot" XD
well yeah i wasnt that sure about fuu and especially about umi as well but i think they might be worth adding...if others dont agree then you can still delete the both of them again so i guess its ok for now XP
Apr 21, 2010 12:10 PM

Mar 2009
Kanande Ootsuka from Land of the Blindfolded. I think the link there pretty says anything I would've said.
Apr 21, 2010 8:51 PM

Sep 2007
FallnKnightFakir said:
Kanande Ootsuka from Land of the Blindfolded. I think the link there pretty says anything I would've said.

thanks for voting for her. She was suggested earlier but someone else objected, so I put her on the pending list. Now I'll add her and take her off pending. :)
Apr 28, 2010 11:41 AM

Sep 2007
cercia_highelf said:
My fave character is Asuka from "Hana No Asukagumi". Actually, I went to a posh convent school but it didn't stop me from idolising her as the embodiment of a heroine^^

There is no entry on MAL for Asuka, but there is an entry for Hana no Asukagumi. I'll add the manga into our relations. I don't know much about it, but the description appears to be something that would fit with this club. If that is not the case, other members can use the Boot thread. :)
May 7, 2010 4:45 AM
May 2010
hello every one, great club you have here
here are some characters i believe you should add:
Jo + Sei from Bakuretsu Tenshi
both are protecting their city
Nadie from El Cazador de la Bruja
she is protecting ellise + never aim kill someone when she fight
Rene, Vanessa from Madlax
she have a just cause, trying to uncover the truth even with all the dangers around her
Malvin, Alice L. from Pumpkin Scissors
well she defiantly fit to be a noble heroines, she work in relief squad and She has a strong sense of duty and justice
Kusakabe, Mari from Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
aah what can i say, a stranger who take care of 2 kids after a catastrophe and try to get them home, defiantly noble

May 7, 2010 11:10 PM

Mar 2009
Old_Dream said:

Nadie from El Cazador de la Bruja
she is protecting ellise + never aim kill someone when she fight

I Second that- Nadie was really cool. I was planning on suggesting her as well ^_- But I hadn't gotten to it yet, so I'll second your suggestion.
I'll also add, that she risks her own life several times to protect other people (Other than Ellis) and she's strong enough in her convictions to not be frightened off when she learned how dangerous Ellis is and why their being chased.
Also, she's able to keep a sense of humor and calm thought processes when in tough situations (Most of the time).
windeen-windyMay 7, 2010 11:13 PM
May 9, 2010 7:54 PM

Sep 2007
windeen-windy said:
Old_Dream said:

Nadie from El Cazador de la Bruja
she is protecting ellise + never aim kill someone when she fight

I Second that- Nadie was really cool. I was planning on suggesting her as well ^_- But I hadn't gotten to it yet, so I'll second your suggestion.
I'll also add, that she risks her own life several times to protect other people (Other than Ellis) and she's strong enough in her convictions to not be frightened off when she learned how dangerous Ellis is and why their being chased.
Also, she's able to keep a sense of humor and calm thought processes when in tough situations (Most of the time).

I third Nadie. She shall be added along with the anime now. :)

Old_Dream said:

Jo + Sei from Bakuretsu Tenshi
both are protecting their city

It's been awhile since I watched this anime and I mostly watched it for the action, but if I recall correctly Jo was only interested in protecting Meg and didn't really care about anything or anyone else. If I'm wrong about this point, please provide an example because right now all I remember is that part of Jo.
Sei shall be added, but since she doesn't have a big enough role, I won't be adding the anime or manga.

Old_Dream said:
Rene, Vanessa from Madlax
she have a just cause, trying to uncover the truth even with all the dangers around her

Hm, I think she is on the borderline between being good enough, but I'll add her because she does try very hard to save Margaret and I don't recall and flaws. But like Sei, she doesn't play a big enough role (in my opinion) so the anime won't be added.

Old_Dream said:
Malvin, Alice L. from Pumpkin Scissors
well she defiantly fit to be a noble heroines, she work in relief squad and She has a strong sense of duty and justice

MAL profile doesn't really say much, except her having a great sense of justice. I'll go ahead and add her because that should be enough. :) Anime will be added as well.

Old_Dream said:
Kusakabe, Mari from Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
aah what can i say, a stranger who take care of 2 kids after a catastrophe and try to get them home, defiantly noble

She sounds AWESOME!! She will definitely be added, along with the anime :D
May 10, 2010 10:06 AM
May 2010
It's been awhile since I watched this anime and I mostly watched it for the action, but if I recall correctly Jo was only interested in protecting Meg and didn't really care about anything or anyone else. If I'm wrong about this point, please provide an example because right now all I remember is that part of Jo.
hmmmmm, well she wasn't protecting her in all of her fights. but like you i've watched along time and can't be cretin

MAL profile doesn't really say much, except her having a great sense of justice. I'll go ahead and add her because that should be enough. :) Anime will be added as well.
ooh believe me when i see she really fit the description

She sounds AWESOME!! She will definitely be added, along with the anime :D
you've got to watch it, every one Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is a work of art and its only 11 episodes

Takamachi, Nanoha from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
well, she push her self to her limits in an effort to save a misslead girl trying to kill her
May 10, 2010 8:48 PM

Mar 2009
Old_Dream said:
Takamachi, Nanoha from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
well, she push her self to her limits in an effort to save a misslead girl trying to kill her

Nanoha and Fate (The misguided girl trying to kill her) both would fit it from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: StrikerS
Their both protective and strong female characters with loyal personalities and Fate turns herself around really well with Nanoha's help.
Nanoha for all 3 series and Fate for Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: A's and Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: StrikerS is my suggestion ^^

Also Hayate for Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: A's and Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: StrikerS is my suggestion as well-because of how she changes as well thanks to the help of Nanoha and Fate.
I wish they'd make more of those series, their fun to watch.
Anyway-I don't know if Joanna will agree about the 3 girls, but I think all 3 of them should be added. And all 3 of them are very prominent in the series.
windeen-windyMay 23, 2010 7:29 PM
May 23, 2010 7:24 PM

Mar 2009
I know Sango’s on the character relations list, but I didn’t see Kagome on there…

Name: Kagome Higurasgi
Anime: InuYasha & InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen (InuYasha: The final act) < --- Second series.
Movie #1: InuYasha: Toki wo Koeru Omoi (Inu Yasha: Affections Touching Across Time)
Movie #2: InuYasha: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo (Inu Yasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass)
Movie #3: InuYasha: Tenka Hadou no Ken (Inu Yasha: Swords of an Honorable Ruler)
Movie #4: InuYasha: Guren no Houraijima (Inu Yasha - Fire on the Mystic Island)
About why I think Kagome should be added:

She's pretty much seen as much as Inuyasha in the movies, fairly equal with him for screen time and what she does, but if you need me to tell you exactly what she does in each, I can't.
It’s been a few years since I've seen them. I can remember that in the castle beyond the looking glass though it was dependant upon her to help Inuyasha come around to his senses at one point. But she was quite active in all 4 movies.
I just can't remember her exact actions or thoughts, I'm sorry.
windeen-windyMay 23, 2010 7:28 PM
Jun 2, 2010 8:40 PM

Sep 2007
windeen-windy said:
Old_Dream said:
Takamachi, Nanoha from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
well, she push her self to her limits in an effort to save a misslead girl trying to kill her

Nanoha and Fate (The misguided girl trying to kill her) both would fit it from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: StrikerS
Their both protective and strong female characters with loyal personalities and Fate turns herself around really well with Nanoha's help.
Nanoha for all 3 series and Fate for Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: A's and Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: StrikerS is my suggestion ^^

Also Hayate for Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: A's and Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: StrikerS is my suggestion as well-because of how she changes as well thanks to the help of Nanoha and Fate.
I wish they'd make more of those series, their fun to watch.
Anyway-I don't know if Joanna will agree about the 3 girls, but I think all 3 of them should be added. And all 3 of them are very prominent in the series.

Sorry for the long delays. I agree that all three should be added and I will now be adding them onto the relations :)

ps- I'll do Kagome another time.
Jun 29, 2010 10:28 AM

Sep 2007
windeen-windy said:
Kagome Higurashi from InuYasha should be added. She grows so much in the course of the story (I don't know about the manga, but in the anime anyway-if I'm able to read the manga, I'll let you know if she's the same there or not ^_-

She's very strong willed at times, but she does have moments where she falters (Very few characters are perfect). She does at times get discouraged, but also, with the help of people around her, she's able to put her problems aside at times. She's very brave and loyal. She's a bit too forgiving to InuYasha at times, and to accepting of his confused feelings.

Yeah, I agree with you there, but like last time (when we were discussing adding Kagome), it's not about whether she is brave, loyal, etc. but the degree to which and how it is presented. :)

windeen-windy said:
But I think she holds all of the other characters together and she finally chose to live in Ancient Japan, with him, Giving up her family-which I look at as both a brave step, but also a sad one, it was him or her family.
She chose him, yes, but she fit in more with his world, and she wasn't happy in her own world.... theirs a certain kind of courage it takes sometimes to do what makes you the most happy (In my opinion anyway).

I don't really consider choosing your happiness to be noble, sorry. If this was a condition for nobility, most characters would qualify except obviously villains. The aim of this club is to show case heroines with exceptional strength and will-power that they use for the benefit of others.

windeen-windy said:
She loved her family very much and was forcing herself to stay with them, but she was unhappy, and they knew that.
Kagome is a priestess. The reincarnation of Kikyo who was also a priestess. She fell in love with the half human half demon Inuyasha, who had also been in love with Kilyou.
However, she and Kikyou are very different. Kikyou was tricked by a demon, she was killed, and left to believe that InuYasha had killed her. Another demon managed to bring her partially back to life (Even though Kagome was alive and there) and succeeded to a point. She brought the hatred that Kikyou had for InuYasha who she still believed her.

More on Kikyo than Kagome, but neither really reaches the level of nobility required for admittance into the club.

windeen-windy said:
There were times when Kagome was left to feel inferior to Kikyou, as if she were only a copy of Kikyou and Kikyou played on that quite often. But after a while, Kagome realized how sad Kikyou really was and instead of hating her, she pitied the other priestess.
She accepted that InuYasha loved them both and was able to help defeat the demon who had really killed Kikyou-she defeated him with her friends, they all did it together. But they needed her to do it. She held them together and gave them all courage to push on. And she tries, even though she’s told not to. Or that she can’t do something, she still tries to do it. To help her friends.

Again, Kagome sounds like a really nice person, but she seems to lack the presence of a noble heroine. From the way you are describing the final scenes, it seems more like she is there for morale support, and while that is important (not really, more like the authors make it important, but that's just my opinion), it makes her into a passive heroine that stands on the sidelines and cheers and needs someone else to do the real work.

windeen-windy said:
She's pretty much seen as much as Inuyasha in the movies, fairly equal with him for screen time and what she does, but if you need me to tell you exactly what she does in each, I can't.
It’s been a few years since I've seen them. I can remember that in the castle beyond the looking glass though it was dependant upon her to help Inuyasha come around to his senses at one point. But she was quite active in all 4 movies.
I just can't remember her exact actions or thoughts, I'm sorry.

It's alright. It would be weird to add her just for the movies. So if she doesn't qualify for the actual source material. Movies are not going to get her onto the list.

This club is still going through sorting problems, so if you think I may have added, in my haste, someone who is like Kagome, please tell me using the Boot Thread (that's why I made it). Ultimately, this club wants to list the heroines and their corresponding anime or manga, that are exceptional, and strong on many different levels (emotional, physical, intellectual). So basically, I'm still unsure exactly how strict the conditions are for entry. But I appreciate your help Windy. :) And asking for different characters is good because it makes me consider exactly what kind of club I want.
Jul 2, 2010 10:15 PM

Mar 2009
soaring_wings said:

This club is still going through sorting problems, so if you think I may have added, in my haste, someone who is like Kagome, please tell me using the Boot Thread (that's why I made it). Ultimately, this club wants to list the heroines and their corresponding anime or manga, that are exceptional, and strong on many different levels (emotional, physical, intellectual). So basically, I'm still unsure exactly how strict the conditions are for entry. But I appreciate your help Windy. :) And asking for different characters is good because it makes me consider exactly what kind of club I want.

Ok, I'll keep suggesting any characters I think might have the qualities... I don't exactly agree with your assessment of her (Mainly because I've always understood that being brave(Which I am not ^^;) and will power to stand your ground in your choices (Even if they may be painful for the character) were part of the things that created nobility).
But I understand your reasoning and why you don't want to add her and I will respect that ^^

There's still a number of non anime girls/women I'm waiting to suggest for the other thread, but I want to wait till your all caught up there, so that I don't overload you with too much work or info at once and you have enough to go threw as it is.
BTW-- I'll probably have a banner for Hikaru soon ^_-
Just so you know.
windeen-windyJul 4, 2010 11:52 AM
Jul 5, 2010 8:28 PM

Sep 2007
Aw, Windy. Now I feel like a tyrant. ^^;;;

Give me a bit more time, I'll take a look at her once more. This will probably take awhile since I want to be more accurate this time, but I may change my mind.

Also, sorry about the hold up. I thought I would have more time....but life is just as busy...not to mention I'm pretty obsessed with One Piece right now. (Would have been an even better manga if it had a noble heroine, although Robin is shaping up to be one, but in my eyes, she still has a ways to go...that or I'm just hard to please because Yoko, Claire and Oscar have shown me how truly awesome heroines can be if the author just wants to give us a stronger lead or supporting character. But now I'm ranting... xD)
Jul 5, 2010 9:32 PM

Mar 2009
soaring_wings said:
Aw, Windy. Now I feel like a tyrant. ^^;;;

Lol, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad >_<
Sorry about that.
That sincerely wasn't my intention... I don't have to agree with all of your opinions and you don't have to agree with all of mine ^_~

I don't feel like re-reading my post about her- so I don't know if I mentioned all of the times she risked her life to protect her friends and people she also did not know from demons.
If I mentioned that I don't remember.
I honestly do understand what your trying to do with the club and don't want to make it harder for you.
Also, I know your busy, I mentioned the other thread since I'm trying not to let too many things pile up at you there... I'm having trouble keeping up with things in other clubs as well... so I know how overwhelming it can be at times... if that makes sense.

soaring_wings said:

(Would have been an even better manga if it had a noble heroine, although Robin is shaping up to be one, but in my eyes, she still has a ways to go...that or I'm just hard to please because Yoko, Claire and Oscar have shown me how truly awesome heroines can be if the author just wants to give us a stronger lead or supporting character. But now I'm ranting... xD)

I have many favorite male and female characters for many different reasons (I'm sorry to say they all can't really be called enough to be added here even though they may have some of the qualities)-- and I know a number of characters like you mentioned above... though I haven't given one piece much thought since I really don't like the art style all that much... bt I may try it some day.
Aug 2, 2010 5:28 PM

Sep 2007
After thinking about it again, I'll be adding Kagome and Inu-yasha onto the relations. I haven't read enough and there were others who suggested I'll give Kagome the benefit of the doubt and add her onto the relations. :)
Aug 3, 2010 5:43 AM

Mar 2009
Ok, Cool ^^
Aug 25, 2010 3:18 PM

Mar 2009
This somehow just came to mind but, Kino! How is Kino not already on the relations? It's hard to say exactly why without too many series spoilers though, this is spoiler enough as is!
Aug 26, 2010 6:06 PM

Sep 2007
FallnKnightFakir said:
This somehow just came to mind but, Kino! How is Kino not already on the relations? It's hard to say exactly why without too many series spoilers though, this is spoiler enough as is!

I haven't read Kino's Journey, which is why I haven't added it onto the relations. BUT I have heard many wonderful things about it and so I shall add it without looking at anything (because I want to read it as well xD). Thanks for reminding me about it FallnKnightFakir. :3
Sep 12, 2010 3:25 PM

Oct 2009
I propose Maka Albarn from Soul Eater;

She fights with murderers and witches, cares a lot about her fight-patrner Soul and about her friends, protects her city and acts as a proud member of her school.
I think Subaru from the Hack/Sign series is also a very noble heroine:>

She acts as a perfect knight, is also the leader of the Crimson Knights who fight injustice in the Game World.
Also Otonashi Saya from the Blood+ anime series

She fights monsters and protects her family and other people. She is also very kind, and generally acts noble; to not to spoil to much, lets say she sees herself as a danger to other people.
Sep 13, 2010 4:48 AM

Feb 2009
Subaru from Hack/Sign is a really good find! I think she was really really great in the stories. She even has the noble feel to her, meaning she conducts herself like a really responsible queen or royalty. In my opinion she definietly fits!:)
Sep 13, 2010 12:40 PM

Mar 2009
Finarien said:
Subaru from Hack/Sign is a really good find! I think she was really really great in the stories. She even has the noble feel to her, meaning she conducts herself like a really responsible queen or royalty. In my opinion she definietly fits!:)

I agree to that as well, She was one of my fav characters in that anime.
Sep 14, 2010 3:19 PM

Sep 2007
First off, I'll like to apologize for taking so long. D:

-Maka Albarn: Sounds like she should be listed. I haven't seen the show myself. :)

-Subaru: Another character I should not have forgotten about. She's a great example and I agree with everyone that she deserves to be on our list~ Top noble qualities: she stands up against bullying on the web, she leaves the knights to do what she believes is right, and she's got a lot of inner strength to continue and make friends after what she has been through due to her legs. Really inspirational character. What boggles my mind is the hate she gets. :|

Which reminds me, I think Mimiru should also be added. While she isn't as exceptional as Subaru, she does enough to warrant her listing from helping Tsukasa out in the World, to taking an active interest in his case when she and Bear realize that what's happening to Tsukasa is not normal to being friends with Tsukasa and the others in real life. :)

-Otonashi Saya: again, I haven't seen this series, but she sounds like another great noble heroines, so I shall add her. :)
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