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Oct 4, 2023 9:47 PM
Apr 2013
As the title implies. As much as I have wanted this to happen, I have also been equally fearful of the destruction CGI usage will wreak on this.

When it inevitably happens, this will be the thread to visit.
Oct 4, 2023 10:40 PM

Jun 2016
Otomo was one of the early adopters of CG in anime (Memories) and has made a film that's more 3D than 2D (Steamboy) so OP is probably right in expecting this new adaptation to have a lot of CG.
Oct 5, 2023 5:49 AM

May 2021
but cgi can look fucking awesome these days and there's a lot of great cgi in anime people didn't even notice because it so well implemented
Oct 5, 2023 6:26 AM

Feb 2010
I just hope it's not 100% 3D. I get dizzy so I always have to miss out. Sad I have to skip Onimusha this year
Oct 5, 2023 7:53 AM
Oct 2022
Why so pessimistic?
Oct 5, 2023 9:07 AM
Apr 2013
Reply to FlowVonD
but cgi can look fucking awesome these days and there's a lot of great cgi in anime people didn't even notice because it so well implemented
@FlowVonD I really hope you're not one of those studio Orange fans. People have tried to convince me their stuff is top tier, but it looks so janky. Textures look flat af, something about how stiff the characters all look, and at certain points they just speed up the framerate which is super awkward during snappy action bits.
Oct 5, 2023 2:15 PM
Jul 2023
Well, the studio which was in charge of the project a few years ago was Sunrise. I have noooo problem with that, as long as they put their top tier staff on the project.
Oct 5, 2023 3:05 PM
Oct 2022
did they say it was going to be primarily 3D?
Oct 5, 2023 4:14 PM
Feb 2019
Wasn't this project cancelled?!
Oct 5, 2023 4:59 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to TofuTehSurvivor
@FlowVonD I really hope you're not one of those studio Orange fans. People have tried to convince me their stuff is top tier, but it looks so janky. Textures look flat af, something about how stiff the characters all look, and at certain points they just speed up the framerate which is super awkward during snappy action bits.
@TofuTehSurvivor Tell me you have no clue what you're talking about without telling me lol.
Oct 5, 2023 5:09 PM
Apr 2013
Reply to ELtaaaaaa
@TofuTehSurvivor Tell me you have no clue what you're talking about without telling me lol.
@ELtaaaaaa Okay then I'll ask you a simple question. What is your grand idea of good CGI? Just name one series. I already know what kind of trash you're going to respond with, but I'm more curious to be proven wrong.
Oct 5, 2023 5:14 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to TofuTehSurvivor
@ELtaaaaaa Okay then I'll ask you a simple question. What is your grand idea of good CGI? Just name one series. I already know what kind of trash you're going to respond with, but I'm more curious to be proven wrong.
@TofuTehSurvivor Why would I could say anything and you'd get mad and say "NO NO NO" like the fucking riddler lmao.
Oct 5, 2023 5:30 PM
Jul 2021
This adaptation is going to be sh!t, just like every "new" project of old anime made for "modern audiences"

This new one will have some sort of woke & "the message" in there, inserted casually or in plain view. Mark my words.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Oct 5, 2023 5:32 PM
Apr 2013
Reply to ELtaaaaaa
@TofuTehSurvivor Why would I could say anything and you'd get mad and say "NO NO NO" like the fucking riddler lmao.
@ELtaaaaaa No, I'm all ears. I even said prove me wrong. No need to be afraid if you would stand behind a series you like.
Oct 5, 2023 6:37 PM
Feb 2014
imagine an open world game of Akira with CG cutscenes, I'd prefer that over a full CG series
Oct 5, 2023 7:01 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to TofuTehSurvivor
@ELtaaaaaa No, I'm all ears. I even said prove me wrong. No need to be afraid if you would stand behind a series you like.
@TofuTehSurvivor Well just look at CSM. It's so good casuals can't discern 2D from 3D cause both look so good.
Oct 5, 2023 7:14 PM
May 2009
spriggan is a prime exemple how to adapt a manga from 80's/90's. mixes 3dcg with 2d animation. characters are 99% 2d while 3dcg is used for background, mechanicals etc.
Oct 6, 2023 9:14 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to lionaloone
imagine an open world game of Akira with CG cutscenes, I'd prefer that over a full CG series
@lionaloone WTF? This was so oddly funny lmao.
Oct 7, 2023 5:17 AM

Apr 2019
Reply to TofuTehSurvivor
@FlowVonD I really hope you're not one of those studio Orange fans. People have tried to convince me their stuff is top tier, but it looks so janky. Textures look flat af, something about how stiff the characters all look, and at certain points they just speed up the framerate which is super awkward during snappy action bits.
@TofuTehSurvivor Orange do use real actors for the movement of their characters, so I can see where you are going saying it looks a bit choppy at times, but they did such an awesome job with Beastars, I'd take that over any bland ass "just painting the manga panel in a color animated version" adaptations any day
Oct 7, 2023 7:00 AM
Apr 2013
Reply to Pyth79
@TofuTehSurvivor Orange do use real actors for the movement of their characters, so I can see where you are going saying it looks a bit choppy at times, but they did such an awesome job with Beastars, I'd take that over any bland ass "just painting the manga panel in a color animated version" adaptations any day

@Pyth79 I thought Beastars looked awful. Thought I would at least give it a chance when it premiered, but I could never get over the overall feel of it. There's something about how drawn stuff looks when animated at 22fps than CGI. I'm not sure how to technically describe it, but even Guilty Gear Strive looks like a way better than any CGI anime out there, and that's a game. Why can't they just detail stuff in CGI too look as good as that?

I don't know, does that make any sense?

Off-topic: Beastars would have looke 200% better if it used stop animation like the opening had. The entire show, animated like that. That's what I would rather see if hand drawn animation was just absolutely out of the question. Need more Rankin/Bass inspired stuff.

@ELtaaaaaa Chainsaw Man looks like the kind of show that could have benefitted from looking good to begin with. Not enough style points on that one. Haven't fully watched it yet, but not sure it would keep my interest based on it's style.
Oct 7, 2023 8:07 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Pyth79
@TofuTehSurvivor Orange do use real actors for the movement of their characters, so I can see where you are going saying it looks a bit choppy at times, but they did such an awesome job with Beastars, I'd take that over any bland ass "just painting the manga panel in a color animated version" adaptations any day
@Pyth79 He wants to be different and not progressive and wants anime to go back to the dark ages don't bother lol.
Oct 8, 2023 7:23 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to Dawizz
This adaptation is going to be sh!t, just like every "new" project of old anime made for "modern audiences"

This new one will have some sort of woke & "the message" in there, inserted casually or in plain view. Mark my words.
@Dawizz WAH WAH WOKE WAH WAH WAH shut up rightoid
Oct 8, 2023 7:42 AM
Jul 2021
Reply to kmlkmljkl
@Dawizz WAH WAH WOKE WAH WAH WAH shut up rightoid

Go suck a pineapple boy, grow some hair on your ink sack, go watch more anime, get laid more than once, stop living in your parents basement & eating their food.

Once you have done all that, then you can come talk to me. Until then, who are you again? Oh yeah a nobody.

But I'll be a good sport and advice you, be careful what you say to me, it may come off as hate speach, after all I am a LGBT member, a married with children one. So be careful on your whitty/teen edgelord come back/response.

Also, your response just showed me I already won the argument, I dunno why your side thinks that by calling us such names your sticking it up to us or something.

It doesn't, I was also a lib moron like yourself, but got Red pilled, hard and never looked back.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Oct 8, 2023 9:05 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Dawizz

Go suck a pineapple boy, grow some hair on your ink sack, go watch more anime, get laid more than once, stop living in your parents basement & eating their food.

Once you have done all that, then you can come talk to me. Until then, who are you again? Oh yeah a nobody.

But I'll be a good sport and advice you, be careful what you say to me, it may come off as hate speach, after all I am a LGBT member, a married with children one. So be careful on your whitty/teen edgelord come back/response.

Also, your response just showed me I already won the argument, I dunno why your side thinks that by calling us such names your sticking it up to us or something.

It doesn't, I was also a lib moron like yourself, but got Red pilled, hard and never looked back.
@Dawizz Lmfaooooo
Oct 8, 2023 12:11 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to kmlkmljkl
@Dawizz WAH WAH WOKE WAH WAH WAH shut up rightoid
@kmlkmljkl the first rude and annoying tanjiro stan i've seen.
though i also disagree with that person, but i'm not childish

anyways, i'm kinda excited! i hope the cgi is similar to csm or demon slayer :D
 hurry up, we're dreaming 

Oct 9, 2023 5:42 AM

Apr 2019
Reply to Dawizz

Go suck a pineapple boy, grow some hair on your ink sack, go watch more anime, get laid more than once, stop living in your parents basement & eating their food.

Once you have done all that, then you can come talk to me. Until then, who are you again? Oh yeah a nobody.

But I'll be a good sport and advice you, be careful what you say to me, it may come off as hate speach, after all I am a LGBT member, a married with children one. So be careful on your whitty/teen edgelord come back/response.

Also, your response just showed me I already won the argument, I dunno why your side thinks that by calling us such names your sticking it up to us or something.

It doesn't, I was also a lib moron like yourself, but got Red pilled, hard and never looked back.
Dawizz said:
who are you again? Oh yeah a nobody

And you're not ?

Dawizz said:
your response just showed me I already won the argument

Yeeeah, usually when you write "I already won" instead of, you know, actually winning, that's not a good sign either
Oct 12, 2023 4:26 PM

May 2021
Reply to TofuTehSurvivor
@FlowVonD I really hope you're not one of those studio Orange fans. People have tried to convince me their stuff is top tier, but it looks so janky. Textures look flat af, something about how stiff the characters all look, and at certain points they just speed up the framerate which is super awkward during snappy action bits.
@TofuTehSurvivor i had to google that
Oct 12, 2023 4:27 PM

May 2021
Reply to Pyth79
@TofuTehSurvivor Orange do use real actors for the movement of their characters, so I can see where you are going saying it looks a bit choppy at times, but they did such an awesome job with Beastars, I'd take that over any bland ass "just painting the manga panel in a color animated version" adaptations any day
@Pyth79 i second that beastars was great
Nov 19, 2023 8:52 PM
Mar 2022
cgi≠bad animation
Nov 22, 2023 7:07 PM
Nov 2023
Reply to Redsun53
cgi≠bad animation
@Redsun53 TRue too bad anime fans are idiots lol also Sunrise havce some of the best 3D animation in the industry we're fine
Dec 16, 2023 6:51 PM
Jul 2023
Jesus Christ, this thread is depressing. CG can be good and/or bad, it just depends on the money and care the production is supplied with. Also, Orange does some very impressive work. While some of you might disagree with me (which is totes migotes okay), Land of the Lustrous and Trigun are works of art, at least in my opinion. Everything's great guys, we have something which could be amazing hopefully coming soon, why the pissing contest?
Dec 16, 2023 7:13 PM

Mar 2013
how was Trigun Stampede? Maybe this will not be so bad.
Mar 1, 12:01 PM
Sep 2016
I also typically hate heavy CG usage (the new trigun and berserk being two good examples of cgi gone wrong), but Ufotable has show us that CG can be used tastefully and preserve the artistry integral to anime. Just look at Heavens Feel or Garden of Sinners (Kara No Kyoukai). It HAS to be light CG usage, or in a style that mimics hand drawn cells/classic anime look. Most anime fans don’t want their shows looking like video game cutscenes. Akira done in Ufotables style would certainly work well, and we could finally get a thorough adaptation of the manga.

Don’t get me wrong, the film was a masterpiece, but the manga has so much more context and character development that was left out. Akira was always prime to be revisited. It would be the coolest if the original team could redo it as a series of films like Unicorn Gundam or Gundam Origin did (1 hour OVAs with no television editing, broken in 7 films).

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