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Apr 15, 2019 8:54 PM
Apr 2019
I watched this movie back in the early 00s. It absolutely haunted me. It lingered in my mind for weeks afterward. It changed the way I think about things, almost like it peeled back a layer of my perception of reality, revealing more of the truth.

The entire movie has you questioning if what you are seeing is real, or figments of an emotional disturbed woman's imagination. Perfect Blue is almost prophetic in the way it portrays obsessive fans and lonely isolated internet trolls. It's as creepy as any movie I've ever seen.

Perfect Blue is a 10/10 for me. How do you feel about it? I'd love to hear from people that hate it, and see the reasons why.

If you haven't seen it, go watch it immediately, then tell me what you think.
Bungie_gumApr 15, 2019 8:57 PM
Apr 15, 2019 8:59 PM

Jan 2019
i think its overrated af
i mean it does a decent job but thats it
its a bad attempt at trying to be some kind of psychological masterpiece in my opinion
personally i couldn't enjoy it and was bored with it every second
Apr 15, 2019 9:09 PM
Apr 2019
Daphi said:
i think its overrated af
i mean it does a decent job but thats it
its a bad attempt at trying to be some kind of psychological masterpiece in my opinion
personally i couldn't enjoy it and was bored with it every second

This is interesting to me because I was absolutely captivated from the start. What was it that turned you off from it. Was it the convoluted story? I've watched the movie multiple times, and I still can't determine who's psychosis we are viewing and when. However, I think that's the point. Each scene could be real, a tv show, or one of multiple people's hallucinations. The suspense in almost every scene is so intense, its uncomfortable.

Can you give me some details as to why you hated it, other than being bored.
Apr 15, 2019 9:16 PM

Mar 2018
That rape scene was a bit too long but I guess that point was the point. Even if it's just acting it's still disturbing as fuck
Apr 15, 2019 9:21 PM

Feb 2010
Idk, it was a pretty good movie but it's definitely my least favorite of Kon's works. Probably because I watched so many mindfuck movies playing around with reality and imagination when I was a teen (stuff like existenZ, Dark City, Brazil, The Machinist, Vanilla Sky, Donnie Darko, Fight Club, The Jacket and many, many more. I really went hard on that subgenre when I was young) that it just felt like 'another one of those' movies once I saw it. Still a solid one, but I was just so familiar with those kind of narratives and twists at that point that it didn't leave much of an impression.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 15, 2019 9:25 PM
Mar 2016
It's one of Satoshi Kun's best works. Ignore the non-constructive reply stating that the show is "overrated af". The user has a character from fate stay trash, one of the worst anime franchises ever. It's at times like these that we don't let half-breeds think they have an opinion. Just let the elitists continue to hate shows that are genuinely good for the sake of attracting attention to their meaningless lives :D.....But yeah I loved Perfect Blue, great psychosis themes all around.
Apr 15, 2019 9:29 PM

Jan 2019
Hououin_Kyouma_Y said:
It's one of Satoshi Kun's best works. Ignore the non-constructive reply stating that the show is "overrated af". The user has a character from fate stay trash, one of the worst anime franchises ever. It's at times like these that we don't let half-breeds think they have an opinion. Just let the elitists continue to hate shows that are genuinely good for the sake of attracting attention to their meaningless lives :D.....But yeah I loved Perfect Blue, great psychosis themes all around.

oh so people cant disagree now?
also very nice tone thanks for being such a nice person

Bungie_gum said:
Daphi said:
i think its overrated af
i mean it does a decent job but thats it
its a bad attempt at trying to be some kind of psychological masterpiece in my opinion
personally i couldn't enjoy it and was bored with it every second

This is interesting to me because I was absolutely captivated from the start. What was it that turned you off from it. Was it the convoluted story? I've watched the movie multiple times, and I still can't determine who's psychosis we are viewing and when. However, I think that's the point. Each scene could be real, a tv show, or one of multiple people's hallucinations. The suspense in almost every scene is so intense, its uncomfortable.

Can you give me some details as to why you hated it, other than being bored.

yea thats part of it, it tries to hard and is way too vague in the display of psychosis of multiple characters, but i was overall just not a fan of the plot
the characters were without any substance at all and some of their decisions were just plain retarded(mind me before they developed mental issues)
overall it also made me feel uncomfortable throughout and at the end i just didn't feel like i had experienced a journey after the movie, i couldn't tell apart reality from illusion and i was left thinking about why the hell i watched it

maybe it did a good job at what it intended to do, but it just went against what i want from a movie
Apr 15, 2019 9:35 PM
Apr 2019
Esquirtit said:
That rape scene was a bit too long but I guess that point was the point. Even if it's just acting it's still disturbing as fuck

That scene and the creepy photographer that got his models to pose nude are kind of the reason that obsessed fan went all psycho and homicidal. It happened in real life to Bjork. A guy named Ricardo Lopez found out she was dating a black guy, then he went nuts, videoed his entire descent into madness, mailed her a bomb, and then killed himself. Perfect Blue and the Movie Taxi Driver are the best depictions of this type of madness I've ever seen.
Apr 15, 2019 9:39 PM
Apr 2019
Daphi said:
Hououin_Kyouma_Y said:
It's one of Satoshi Kun's best works. Ignore the non-constructive reply stating that the show is "overrated af". The user has a character from fate stay trash, one of the worst anime franchises ever. It's at times like these that we don't let half-breeds think they have an opinion. Just let the elitists continue to hate shows that are genuinely good for the sake of attracting attention to their meaningless lives :D.....But yeah I loved Perfect Blue, great psychosis themes all around.

oh so people cant disagree now?
also very nice tone thanks for being such a nice person

Bungie_gum said:

This is interesting to me because I was absolutely captivated from the start. What was it that turned you off from it. Was it the convoluted story? I've watched the movie multiple times, and I still can't determine who's psychosis we are viewing and when. However, I think that's the point. Each scene could be real, a tv show, or one of multiple people's hallucinations. The suspense in almost every scene is so intense, its uncomfortable.

Can you give me some details as to why you hated it, other than being bored.

yea thats part of it, it tries to hard and is way too vague in the display of psychosis of multiple characters, but i was overall just not a fan of the plot
the characters were without any substance at all and some of their decisions were just plain retarded(mind me before they developed mental issues)
overall it also made me feel uncomfortable throughout and at the end i just didn't feel like i had experienced a journey after the movie, i couldn't tell apart reality from illusion and i was left thinking about why the hell i watched it

maybe it did a good job at what it intended to do, but it just went against what i want from a movie

Thanks for the earnest response. I can see not enjoying the uncomfortable feeling the movie gives you. It's definitely there, and intended. I enjoy stories that leave me disturbed and wanting a shower. Like the movie Requiem for a Dream. Which was inspired by Perfect Blue.
Apr 15, 2019 9:39 PM

Dec 2018
Hououin_Kyouma_Y said:
It's one of Satoshi Kun's best works. Ignore the non-constructive reply stating that the show is "overrated af". The user has a character from fate stay trash, one of the worst anime franchises ever. It's at times like these that we don't let half-breeds think they have an opinion. Just let the elitists continue to hate shows that are genuinely good for the sake of attracting attention to their meaningless lives :D.....But yeah I loved Perfect Blue, great psychosis themes all around.

Lol hypocritical much. Saying to disregard someone’s opinion is the only “non constructive” thing in this thread.

And you’re the one being an elitist fam X,D
Lolicons are scum.
BABYMETAL is more metal than Metallica.
Naruto is objectively the best anime ever.
HxH 99' is decent. HxH 11' is bad.
Apr 15, 2019 9:58 PM

Oct 2017
It's a good movie overall but its something on the 7 to 8 range of my rating system it's not a masterpiece like some people might think, I think Satoshi Kun explores well the sickness ingrained in our minds by Hollywood and many other types of media.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Apr 15, 2019 10:41 PM

Nov 2011
It's quite good but I was bored a little in the middle.. It is at least unique, especially in anime world.. I think I rated it 8/10 (Very Good) ...
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Apr 15, 2019 10:43 PM

Jul 2017
I think it's an amazing piece of work, because anything done by Satoshi Kon is great.
Apr 15, 2019 10:49 PM

Jul 2015
I personally found it great, it's a really good movie.

Apr 15, 2019 11:08 PM

Mar 2018
Bungie_gum said:
Esquirtit said:
That rape scene was a bit too long but I guess that point was the point. Even if it's just acting it's still disturbing as fuck

That scene and the creepy photographer that got his models to pose nude are kind of the reason that obsessed fan went all psycho and homicidal. It happened in real life to Bjork. A guy named Ricardo Lopez found out she was dating a black guy, then he went nuts, videoed his entire descent into madness, mailed her a bomb, and then killed himself. Perfect Blue and the Movie Taxi Driver are the best depictions of this type of madness I've ever seen.
He was already crazy before all of that. Same with Ricardo, complete failures who needed guidance way earlier in their lives. I've seen a bit of that doc Ricardo made of himself and it's just sad, it's like he was thought he was being perfectly rational.

I need to rewatch Taxi Driver, only seen it once with my dad when I was 12 lol
Apr 15, 2019 11:12 PM

Apr 2017
It's average, there's nothing to hate but at the same thing nothing that I loved. Honestly got bored pretty fast though.
Apr 15, 2019 11:13 PM

Jul 2016
I don't think it's Kon's best film (I think Millennium Actress is better) nor do I think it's Kon's most creative film (Paprika has it beat) but it is my favourite of his films. I love me a good psychological and this anime really builds up tension and atmosphere well. The second half also uses Kon's signature blurring of reality and fantasy incredibly well - even more so than his other films. On a narrative standpoint it's probably to slow paced and confusing but I think it nailed the thematic component very well. 9/10.
Apr 16, 2019 1:36 AM

Nov 2014
Thread moved from anime discussion
Apr 16, 2019 2:10 AM

Aug 2017
Loved it. Paranoia, delusions and a dreamlike air are cooked up with an array of tension and creepy visuals.
Apr 16, 2019 2:50 AM

Aug 2018
I think it was a great movie and I decided to rewatch it this year, because I need to refresh some ideas I had watching it, but I definately enjoyed it. i'm not familiar with Satoshi Kon, I think it is the only movie I saw from him (but I'm looking forward to Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika and Paranoia Agent), but it disturbed me, especially the ending when the second Mima was Rumi, and in the crystals you could see her real shape.

I gave it a 9 / 10 and it is a hell of a movie.
Apr 17, 2019 5:00 AM

May 2018
It's decent but not a masterpiece.
Apr 20, 2019 5:10 PM
Dec 2017
Esquirtit said:
That rape scene was a bit too long but I guess that point was the point. Even if it's just acting it's still disturbing as fuck
i agree means i felt pretty bad at the rape scene, feels like the stalker got into the scene and raped her.
Apr 26, 2019 5:10 AM
Apr 2019
Daphi said:
i think its overrated af
i mean it does a decent job but thats it
its a bad attempt at trying to be some kind of psychological masterpiece in my opinion
personally i couldn't enjoy it and was bored with it every second

Oh my god I thought so too!
At first I was kinda into it because mainly of all the high reviews and just general commentary given about it but it really wasn’t all that great.
I mean it wasn’t bad at all and is very interesting in many ways but I thought it tried too cram too many deep meanings in the second half rather than exploring the character and develop the plot a lot more in the first half. Must say the second half was over symbolised, kinda washed down and the anime is overall over-hyped.
Apr 28, 2019 5:11 PM
Mar 2019
Tbh I guess this is personal but I’m half way through the movie and I’m bored out my mind.
Apr 28, 2019 6:01 PM

Jan 2018
It's my second favorite film of all time, after The Shining. Nearly flawless in execution on every front, and I've seen way to many psychological thrillers for my own good. I remember the first time I saw it, I was so floored by the last act of the movie that I ended up rewatching it the very next day.

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Apr 28, 2019 6:05 PM

Sep 2018
I liked it a lot, I got the chills while watching it honestly. The animation and visuals are probably my favorite thing about it. There’s a lot of memorable scenes and visuals, I like the use of color.

An example is this, probably one of my favorite screenshots I have from the movie
Jun 17, 2019 5:03 PM

Jul 2016
I think that it's rank should be higher to be honest.
Aug 12, 2020 8:42 AM

Dec 2008
Never into it much. I gave it a 5 out of 10. I have seen stuff get more done in far more subtle ways, and I have seen more psychotic, mind and soul bending things that were more meaningful and impactful. Perhaps I need to rewatch it one day...but I dont care to.
Aug 29, 2020 8:04 PM

Jan 2019
I loved it. The blend of reality with acting was interesting, confusing, and tense, and I really didn't know what was going on (and who did it) until the reveal at the end when everything clicked together (and then the other reveal at the very end that made things click together even more). Maybe the best look at psychosis I've seen- Kon really put this one together well.
Sep 6, 2020 7:43 AM
Jul 2019
It’s a movie that always comes back into my mind. It’s very mind twisting and I watch to watch it again because I think I gave it an 8/10, but now knowing the big twist I want to see it again with that knowledge. Although, the reason I think I’m delaying it is because some scenes are suuuper disturbing, but once I get it on blu-ray I’ll probably watch it then.
Sep 8, 2020 3:06 AM

Nov 2019
Honestly its a very chilling movie, the whiplash between perspectives along with ending just make it so enjoyable to look a bit deeper than a surface level viewing. One of the best psychological thrillers I've seen even comparing it to live action films as well. Its a mindf*** but thats what makes it fun if you are into that sort of thing.
Don't let others ruin things for you. Even if a toxic fan pisses in your cereal, you could just get another bowl of cereal.
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Sep 15, 2020 6:34 AM
Jul 2018
I loved the premise (struggling pop idol) of the movie and I think it is somewhat closer to actual reality. The scene transitions were really trippy. There's definitely better psychological drama/thriller/horror movies than this but for an anime it's pretty decent. It does a god job at making intense scenes and expressing the duality of the main character. While some of the scenes were hard to watch, I'd say they add to the movie.
Sep 21, 2020 1:29 AM
Oct 2017
in one sentence thanks for the headache
Sep 21, 2020 2:35 AM

Jan 2020
Perfect Blue is one of the greatest anime movies I've ever watched to be honest. I'm really intrigued by how the movie simultaneously managed to be so disturbing and so entertaining. Moreover, the topics that are tackled in Perfect Blue are still extremely relevant to our society to this day. That's just absolutely spectacular, isn't it?

Despite being his first work, Satoshi Kan's direction in Perfect Blue is highly impressive to say the least. The animation is great, and although the soundtrack isn't the best, it's certainly befitting to the ominous atmosphere of the movie.

Overall, Perfect Blue is a perfect 10/10 for me.
Jan 29, 2021 8:08 PM
Dec 2020
I just finished watching it and honestly i am sorry but no. I already knew just from watching the trailer that this is an evangelion type of psychological triller anime. One whose only purpose is to fuck up your perception of what is actually happening for the sake of shock value and haunting effect but it really just didn't work on me.

Thats because i have an alwful habit. And the slow pacing of this movie provoked it. I was bored. When i am bored from a movie i stop viewing it trough a captured viewers eyes and start viewing it from a higher stance. If you cant understand me, i start questioning everything that is happening, nitpick on every little thing and most of the time, figure out the story so good to the point i am hardly surprised by the twists.

The very moment, during the argument Rumi and the other manager had about the rape scene, when Rumi said "Mc girl(sorry didn't remember the name) is a pop idol" when she already wasnt i just stop the movie. And said "I am calling it right now. Rumi has a past trauma from her life as a pop idol which scarred her for live,causing her some sort of mental condition and she is currently trying to relive her failed dream trough the pop idol image of the mc". And thats because she obviously wasnt ready to let go off pop idol mc + the fact that it was mentioned she had an unsuccessful career in the past(and yeah by chekhovs gun that detail must be important for the movie)
And most of it came out true. I questioned her from the very beginning. Naturally that reaction can be interpreted in many other ways......but this is a psychological triller so yeah. That caused me to view her actions differently.

What i am trying to say is the film was slow paced and bored me. Which cause me to return back to my bad habit. The rumi twist isnt the only thing i called out. I also figured by the time the truck scene came that i shouldn't take anything at face value because it will most probably turn out just a device for another plot twist. And i even said that the ending will be some sort of confusing and vague scene that leaves the viewer in shock because they just thought the conflict was resolved.

Overally if i have to describe this movie with one word. It would be predictable. And considering its whole purpose is to shock the viewer, being predictable ruined the thing for me.

5/10. Love the songs used in it.
Katakuri876Jan 29, 2021 8:12 PM

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