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Dec 13, 2015 6:09 AM

Apr 2013
I thought for sure there was a topic about this, but it seems there isn't.
So as the title said, this thread is to ask for recommendations/ answer someone asking for recommendations.
If you feel like you want to recommend something to everyone, even if no one requested such a type of LN, feel free to do it as well, but since it's not answering someone's need precisely, please say why we should read it in that precise case.

Here we go, starting and asking for recommendations.

The tags I'd rather not see (in order) : Yaoi, Hentai, Harem, heavy ecchi, school.
School can be fine depending of the case. Ecchi if not too heavy is somehow okay, if that's not the main goal of the title.
Not a huge fan of slice of life as the main theme in case of novels, too

The things I'd rather not see as well : generic OP male MC (especially if he's getting the girls).

The things I often appreciate to see:
-Female MC, especially if she's capable. OP female MC are actually welcome, contrary to males OP MC.
-Well done characters. They may be weak or not, the point is, are they well done.
-Well done world building, especially very original ones
-contrived main plots with smart foreshadowing.

The tags I particularly appreciate: Fantasy, Science-fi, Psychological, Mystery. Followed by supernatural, horror, dementia, I guess.

Action : I am completely fine with little to no action, lots of world building, and slow pace if the story makes it worth the wait (example: magdala). I'm fine with action too in reverse, but I favour wars/ many against many or several(mc side) against one rather than the usual duels. Well if the duels are original or fast paced enough it's fine too.

Ending : I'm ok with sad or happy endings, open or not. As long as the ending makes sense and doesn't feel forced, obviously.

Main character's age : I particularly appreciate if the MC and the others are 18+, 20+ is especially welcome. MC who start younger but age quite a bit during the story are welcome too. I'm fine with younger MC too, but older is a plus.

^Of course, I'm not asking for novels who follows all of this at the same time. That's more to give a general idea of what kind of title usually please or displease me. For example, no need to bother with the usual magical school harem, this doesn't interest me :p .

NB: this thread can obviously be used for peoples who need recs for the LN challenge as well.
ZefyrisDec 13, 2015 6:12 AM
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Dec 15, 2015 9:55 AM

Apr 2013
No one interested?

For the LN challenge, I personally still need
-3 LN (can be 3 one shot, or one series with 3+ volumes, and so on)from the comedy genre,
-as well as one from the horror genre.
I also need at least 2 volumes of any genre .

Outside of that, any recommendations that wouldn't fit in the challenge but could interest me loking at my preferences I described in the post above would also be welcome.

So what are you searching for?
Dec 15, 2015 11:25 AM

Apr 2014
Zefyris said:

For the LN challenge, I personally still need
-3 LN (can be 3 one shot, or one series with 3+ volumes, and so on)from the comedy genre,
-as well as one from the horror genre.
I also need at least 2 volumes of any genre .

Well, i'll try to give you some recommendations, lol. I'll at least try to uguu.
*cough* so anyway.

(Amazon Link)
I haven't read it but from what i heard about it it's really good. basically it's about 3 childhood friends that are brought up in some kind of abusive cult. MC and his friend are constantly bullied by one guy and constantly being sent to insolation cell with no heating (despite this cell being in hokkaido)..etc. And then some stuff happens and it gets dark/drama. i guess you like this type of LNs so you should check it out.


Clockwork Planet
(Amazon Link)
I noticed you dont have this in the list. sorry, if i'm mistaken.

Clockwork Planet is one of my favorite LNs so i cant help but recommend it. It starts quite lightly at first but get pretty dark later on. I'd say every volume is better than the previous one. This one has some serious plot twists. characters are nicely done imo, and the overall plot is great.


Digital Eden Attracts Humanity
(Amazon Link)

this story is about virus that transforms people into creatures and people who oppose those infected. the story is pretty good, it has some elements of Harem and Romance tho. You should check this out and if you like it you can check Satsuriku no Matrix Edge - this one is like Digital Eden without Harem, haha.

Well, i hope that helped you~
Dec 15, 2015 12:12 PM

Apr 2013
Well, i hope that helped you~

Of course, any recommendation is helpful. Thanks.

Clockwork planet -> you're right, I haven't read it. I've heard about it before and checked it a bit at that time, but completely forgot its existence afterwards. This is from the same author as NGNL, but rather than MF bunko J, this is from an edition I never bought, koudansha light novel bunko. May be a good occasion to try that edition. How much ecchi is that work compared to NGNL?

For Digital Eden Attracts Humanity and Satsuriku no Matrix Edge, I would say that the later seems more to my taste right from the start due to the editor compared to the former but... This may sometimes be missleading. Solaris is from MF bunko J as well and I had no problem with the content, after all. Have you read both then? What's your opinion on both? Also, if you read it, is the later a one shot or will it have new volumes afterwards?

Hakuchouki has an interesting synopsis but the comments on Amazon makes me a bit prudent here. It seems like most of the hype is due to the fans of the author, who is originally a popular scenario writer for PC games. Peoples don't seem to be impressed by the content itself. Although, they aren't saying it's bad either, so that may be worth checking...

For now after looking I'd say that Clockwork Planet and Satsuriku no Matrix Edge are good candidates for a purchase.
Dec 15, 2015 12:50 PM

Apr 2014
For Clockwork planet.... there are funny joke elements there but i wouldn't consider it as ecchi (MC has a Robot girl fetish so that's that LOL). the story is pretty dark there. you could say it developed differently that i expected. in a good sense of course.

Eden & Matrix edge. Well, i only read some parts from them (my Japanese is still at a level where i still have trouble reading :X). so, i guess that's a no.
A friend read it and talked to me about them, so i pretty much know what happens in them.
Lets see... well, from the stuff that happens, to say it bluntly, some stuff are quite predictable. especially in Eden. you kinda know what's gonna happen from the beginning lol.
If i had to choose, i'd say Matrix Edge is better. It purely focuses on main plot and Character development. story is nicely written as well imo.
umm, no, it's not a one shot. Matrix Edge has 3 volumes out so far (Eden has 2).

Hakuchouki. Well, i'd say everyone has different tastes so i never trust reviews completely until i read something personally, that includes both anime and manga as well.

If you ask me this LN is pretty well written. even the title has a meaning in the story.

Well, I'm sure there are samples out there so you should give it a try before you buy it~ And yeah~ I'd definitely recommend Clockwork the most among these LNs.
Dec 15, 2015 1:30 PM

Apr 2013
lol I completely missed the others volumes of matrix edge xD.
The person in the amazon comments who rated it very low rated it low because he complains that the verse was kind of a rip off of shadowrun. I'd say that's actually a good news. I've always liked Shadowrun's verse after all.
This sounds like a good find here. Your answer confirm the idea of Clockwork planet and Matrix age as serious candidate then.

For Hakuchouki, well the thing is, if that's correct, then that means that this series being good or bad will heavily depends on the direction the story takes after the first volume. This may be a good idea for this one to wait a bit and see what will be the return of further volumes?
Dec 15, 2015 1:53 PM

Apr 2014
haha, that guy has a point now that i think about it, lol. btw, IIRC Mecasonic read all 3 volumes of it so you can ask more details to him.

Oh, CP is getting a fourth volume on 29 and apparently there's gonna be an important announcement on 25th. (fans on twitter were saying it's gonna get Anime adaptation~)

yeah, it's probably a good idea to wait a bit till you buy it. after all, the volume 1 ended on a cliffhanger that will decide how good the LN is. waiting for 1 more volume at least sounds like a good plan to me^^.

Oh, btw, the Last Embryo Volume 2 was pretty interesting as well. (the reason for so many loli chara's appearing is finally explained XD). Some interesting characters showed up there.(and more loli's xD) cant wait for volume 3~
Dec 15, 2015 2:03 PM

Apr 2013
And Mecasonic gave it a 10 out of 10 too. Interesting.
Yeah I saw for the 4th, I'll order before that though, since Youjo Senki 5 doesn't get out the 30th of december but the 30th of January instead, I have no reason to wait further than the 25th of December (for NGNL 8 ) for my order. So I'll just get the first three I think. THe 4th will go with my order for youjo senki 5, danmachi 10, as well as other novels which will hopefully get out between january and march (biblia 7, magdala 8, Horizon 9A and the like).

I see, I'll get last embryo with the batch I order the 25th of december too. We're getting a lot of explanations lately :].

Thanks for the recs, this will help.

> Oh and if anyone else has recs or want recs, go ahead !
ZefyrisDec 15, 2015 2:48 PM
Dec 15, 2015 10:32 PM

Jun 2013
So tired... I'll write a serious reponse tomorrow and I'm through with Finals and all that cool jazz.
Dec 16, 2015 10:01 AM

Sep 2008
Maybe someone can recommend me a LN for the challenge? Though I have a couple of titles downloaded, I’m not sure I want to start reading them right away. And I can’t read Japanese so it’d be great if they are translated in English. You guys take it on the whole different level with all that raw reading XD
Dec 16, 2015 10:11 AM

Apr 2013
Toha said:
Maybe someone can recommend me a LN for the challenge? Though I have a couple of titles downloaded, I’m not sure I want to start reading them right away. And I can’t read Japanese so it’d be great if they are translated in English. You guys take it on the whole different level with all that raw reading XD

can you tell us a bit about what you like dislike (tags you like, or content you like, or even titles you like)? That would be easier to properly gives you recs.
Dec 16, 2015 5:05 PM

Jun 2013
How about try reading Mokushirolu Arisu? It has 3 volumes translated on Baka.
Dec 17, 2015 8:57 AM

Sep 2008

Anything’s fine, except for Yaoi, Hentai. Well you can just check my challenge post – I need anything for those categories that are empty. Basically just a random rec is ok for the “LN recommended to you by another participant” so no limits I guess.


Thank you but I’ve completed those already.

On another note – I didn’t expect this but the only category in the challenge that’s absolutely impossible for me is this one: “Read a LN that someone on your friends' list rated a 10”. No one among my friends on MAL reads LNs…what a sad thing it is.
Dec 17, 2015 9:44 AM

Jun 2013
You just gotta make some friends here! Lol.
Anyways, I see that Unlimited Fafnir and Leviathan of the Covenant are not on your list... How about either of those?
Dec 17, 2015 9:52 AM

Dec 2011

marika_cole is on your friends list and has Sword Art Online Progressive rated a 10, which you haven't read (or don't have on your list).
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Dec 17, 2015 10:21 AM

Sep 2008

Heh, that’d be nice lol.
Hmm, Fafnir and Leviathan sound too cliché…are they any good?


SAOP was once a kind of author’s doujin here on MAL (I also had it in my list back then) but then it was changed to a novel (so I deleted it). Some people didn’t change it in their lists so that’s basically not a LN there (it’s even stated as completed in her list). Then again I haven’t seen any translations for SAOP anyway.
Dec 17, 2015 11:33 AM

Apr 2013
@Toha: you're supposed to remove 5 categories in your list for the LNchallenge.
Right now you kept the 30, you're supposed to just keep 25. So if there is 5 categories that you don't want to complete, you can remove them.
You should first start from that, since that was something you were supposed to do at the beginning. This will make things look easier already.

For the category with friend, well if you want to keep it there's a lot of users in this club who would accept a friend request from a fellow LN reader. I would too, but I wouldn't b a good choice for that entry in the LN challenge for you, as either you have read already what I rated 10, or either it's not available translated.

For author/illustrator/genre you like /dislike, except if you give us more info, that's going to be difficult :p. What genre are you especially searching for and what genre are you usually avoiding (except for yaoi and hentai x) ) for example ?

Also, for a series that have an adaptation and that you haven't read it yet and is translated, you have kyoukaisenjou no horizon that could be used for 5 volumes easily. And the first volume of the kimitoasamade (side story of horizon)'s first volume is translated, and could be used as your last volume required in comedy.

Also, it seems you don't have hakomari in your list either. You can use that one for the whole "doesn't have an anime adaptation" entry. Or since a lot of persosn in this club have it scored at 10, you can easily use that one for the "friend rated 10" entry as well.
Dec 17, 2015 12:26 PM

Jun 2013
@Toha: Whether or not something is good is totally dependent on you giving it a shot.
Overall, I enjoy both series a lot. So, yeah. I'd say they're very good, lol.
Totally recommend giving both a shot! In fact, I'll be catching up the volumes I missed of leviathan right now~ <3

Oh, if you're willing to put in the time for a long running series, then I'd say Mushoku Tensei if you haven't given it a shot.
Dec 17, 2015 12:42 PM

Dec 2011
Toha said:
Then again I haven’t seen any translations for SAOP anyway.




Assuming you mean translated into English, you do know that it has an official translation, right? With (until the new volume came out in Japan last week) every volume translated and available to buy, right?
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Dec 17, 2015 1:02 PM

Sep 2008

Yeah, I know about removing categories. I was planning to remove them later though. Actually wanted to remove liked/disliked author/illustrator since I don’t have either. And of course reading a disliked genre is kind of a pain too. In the end I still have some categories which are giving me troubles like SoL for example – I just have no idea about that one. As for friends’ 10 – it’s just a pity since reading a good one is the main point of it all, right?

Haha, yeah, well that’s a way too.

Actually I’m not really sure myself. Just something good and translated :P (quite an easy request, right? :))You see, I’ve read almost everything from BT so I was running out of translated material. So I’m looking for the ones I’ve missed. There are surely some I failed to notice or maybe some that seemed so-so to me but are actually good.
If I need to choose then I don’t really like harem (though I need it for the challenge as well) and ecchi. All the other genres are ok.

Kyoukaisenjou seems like a nice choice, I’ll take notice of it, thanks.

Hakomari as in Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria? I have read it of course, it’s in my favorites. Moreover it’s the only manga/novel in my modest list that I’ve ever reread.


Oh, ok, seems like a good choice then, I’ll try them later ;)

Mushoku Tensei, yes – I have it downloaded. Just kind of was afraid to start something so long :P I’ll get to it eventually.


Yes, but unfortunately (for the author I guess) I’m one of those leechers who doesn’t spend money on things like these. I’ve never bought anything from this anime/manga/novel industry (except for some souvenir manga vol from Tokyo) and plan not to do so in the near future as well. Yes, I know it’s a very very bad thing to do, I really do. But I won’t change my ways – too old for that :P Please don’t scold me too harshly :P
Dec 17, 2015 1:11 PM

Apr 2013
I see. You're supposed to remove them at the beginning though ^^". According to Azurea, school life can go into SOL just fine. I personally removed that category since I already use the School tag under the category "disliked genre".

I stupidly searched for "hakomari" in your list. That's why I missed it. Don't mind lol.

Well then kyoukaisenjou no horizon seems like something that would allow you to complete one category completely as well as help another category with the kimitoasamade. + it's a great read.
If it interest you, you can try the others works from the same author as well, although ImO KyouHora is his best so far.

Oh, and just noticed that you haven't read Tsukumodo antique shop (tsukumodou kottouten). IF Hakomari is one of your favs, then I'll recommend that one. There's 4/7 volumes translated. It's very good and that's the LN the most simmilar to Hakomari I've read.
ZefyrisDec 17, 2015 1:17 PM
Dec 17, 2015 1:29 PM

Sep 2008
Yeah, I know. Just wanted to see how it goes and maybe edit those categories that I want to remove while in the middle of the challenge. SoL sounds like a drag, hm. Maybe I’ll remove it instead of something else in the end.

Thanks, I guess KyouHora and Antique shop are exactly the examples of the LNs I failed to notice. I did see them but wasn’t sure if it’s a good choice. Since you say they are good, I’ll surely try them later.
Dec 17, 2015 2:01 PM

Jun 2013
Well, you do know that you can replace entries if needed, right?
You were supposed to take out 5 at the time you signed up for the challenge...
I even made sure to write that above the spoiler containing the challenge...
So, I'd ask that you just take out any 5 now... Then, if you feel like you'd rather have one than the other- You could just switch it out at any point during the challenge.
Dec 21, 2015 10:15 AM

Apr 2015
Hi. i'm looking for recommendations for the LN Reading Challenge.
You can check my Manga List to see my tastes but, in general, I enjoy anything with mecha, magic, game settings, and/or the Industrial bent (by industrial i mean something like OSO, Clockwork Planet or Knights and Magic)
ProfsrRandusDec 21, 2015 10:18 AM
Tick tock, tick tock.
The gears continued to spin.
Regularly, mechanically, inevitably.
And so, they continued to count time as it existed.
Even as clocks stopped, it meant nothing.
Even when damaged, twisted, the wheel of time would continue to spin.
Regularly, mechanically, inevitably.

Tick tock, tick tock
Dec 22, 2015 6:49 AM

Apr 2013
I suppose it's translated in english only?
Since you're reading owari no chronicle and gave it a 8 so far, you may be interested in reading kyoukaisenjou no horizon. Same verse, and magic and Mecha are there.

Also, looking at what you read, it may be interesting to try danmachi as well.
Dec 23, 2015 9:03 AM

Apr 2015
I appreciate your opinion but i had already considered those.
As for horizon, my research indicated that chronicle, horizon, and the city series have a joint continuity that starts with chronicle. so i planed to finish that first.
As for danmachi, I've seen the anime already (and loved it btw).
ProfsrRandusDec 23, 2015 9:17 AM
Tick tock, tick tock.
The gears continued to spin.
Regularly, mechanically, inevitably.
And so, they continued to count time as it existed.
Even as clocks stopped, it meant nothing.
Even when damaged, twisted, the wheel of time would continue to spin.
Regularly, mechanically, inevitably.

Tick tock, tick tock
Dec 23, 2015 9:19 AM

Apr 2013
that's actually incorrect. there's several thousand of years between OnC and KyouHora, so there isn't a single character in common. If anything, by reading two volumes of OnC, you've already got the most important notions that can be found in both. (izumo, the laylines of japan altered to correspond to each part of the world, the automatons...)
I read KyouHora before OnC and there isn't any problem. In fact, City was the first that got published whil it's the furthest away in the future. The author himself therefore started by writing the final sequel rather than the first era.
It's still nice to start OnC like you did before KyouHora though. But you already did it. If you want to read both at the same time, there is absolutely zero problem with it. KyouHora won't spoil you OnC.

If you loved the anime, you could definitely try the LN of danmachi then, as the anime was really rushed in comparison.
Dec 23, 2015 9:44 AM

Apr 2015
OK then. i'll start KyouHora as soon as i finish 1/2 prince.
Tick tock, tick tock.
The gears continued to spin.
Regularly, mechanically, inevitably.
And so, they continued to count time as it existed.
Even as clocks stopped, it meant nothing.
Even when damaged, twisted, the wheel of time would continue to spin.
Regularly, mechanically, inevitably.

Tick tock, tick tock
Mar 26, 2016 11:18 PM

Nov 2012
Still need one volume to finish the challenge so could someone please recommend me something?
Preferrably a one-shot or short series but it doesn't matter much in the end.
What I don't like: characters who are stereotypical and have no personality beside that (unless they develop later on), harem (doesn't matter if it's a minor genre and doesn't hold any importance to the main story), borderline hentai, ecchi (again, doesn't matter if it's a minor genre), too much drama (don't mind the genre as a whole but series like Hikaru go overboard with it), love triangles, tensei & isekai (don't mind it if it's used well but most writers just use it as a way to get a normal guy to a fantasy world and it loses it's importance quickly).
What I like: dark stories, characters and plots that actually develop, lots of characters, mystery, comedy, twisted romance, crazy amount of genres (like Horizon), etc.
Doesn't matter if it's translated into English or not but nothing that's really hard to read in Japanese. I can read a lot things but stuff with a lot of military and chuuni talk is still too much for me.
Also, it needs to be available in e-book format because I'm too cheap to pay for shipping. Most series are but novels published under Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! Bunko and a few other labels aren't available as e-books.
Thanks in advance!

@Zefyris, you might like Elvenblood (amazon link). Pretty much everything I love about it is a spoiler for the first volume sooo...
Just check it out if you like dark fantasy series and truly messed up romances.
Mar 27, 2016 6:27 AM

Feb 2014
@Creamy, for one-shots I highly recommend Koyasai. It's basically several tales/folklore about 18 islands, the dreadful flesh eating monster and how they all connect together in the end. The atmosphere is brilliant, imagine you're sitting in front of a campfire, behind an abandoned keep and listening to the stories told by a masked storyteller. It's very different from a lot of the typical LNs I've read, the quality is unbelievably high.

Another one is Puppet Master, it's my favourite amongst all the one-shots I've read. I have to point out it's a yuri romance story so it might not be for everyone. There is a great amount of character development in this one, especially the heroine Kagura. There's also satisfying interactions and some decent fantasy puppet battles.

For a more light hearted title, I'd recommend Tamako-san to Kashiwa-kun. The whole volume is about a pair of lovers playing several card games with hentei punishments (it's never overboard though). Yes, I'm serious, that's the most elaborate synopsis I can write lol. The interactions between the two is really sweet, plus the MC trolls the readers from time to time, so it was a fun read. I remember I laughed through most of the chapters while reading.
Mar 28, 2016 12:07 AM

Nov 2012
@Alencia Thanks a lot!
All three of them look like something I'd like but I think I'll go for Koyosai first and put the other two on my ptr to read once I've cleared my backlog more. Thanks again~
Mar 29, 2016 4:32 AM

Apr 2013
Alencia already gave several nice recs so just going to add one, Biscuit Frankenstein from the genius author Akira.
Story start in 1999 and spawn over the next 50 years (so it's SF), with each chapter advancing in the timeline. Twisted (you can count always count on Akira for wtf twisted moments), with a very interesting female main character ImO. It has a medical side to it, so it may be a bit difficult to read considering you're asking for something 'not too much complicated, but.. It's definitely very worth the read.
Biscuit Frankenstein even received a literature grand prize in 2009 (which was the 6th or 7th grand prize that author received in a 10 years period, I think?).

Thanks for the rec, I'll look into it ;) ( that cover is a bit of a draw back though).
Mar 29, 2016 5:23 PM

Nov 2012
@Zefyris Thanks! I remember you mentioning it in the club discussion before and it looked interesting so I'll check it out at some point :)
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