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Jul 27, 2009 7:20 PM

Aug 2006
Yes, there's a similar thread out there on the forums... somewhere. But I'd rather have this in here, to see what my friends are finishing up... and getting their thoughts as the series finishes for them.

That, and I just finished a wonderful 75-episode series... in less than a week. O_o I'm going to miss those characters T_T (But I still have the 1 epi OVA to watch... which I haven't decided if I'm going to watch immediately, or let this series sink in).

Hikaru no Go. I've put off watching this for 2 reasons: 1) Because it's 75 episodes. Sheesh, that's a long series. 2) Because I had heard so many great things about it.

I've been disappointed by "highly recommended" anime in the past (CB, Trigun, NGE), that these days, I'm wary of picking up any "great" anime... especially one that's 75 frikkin' episodes!!

Well, FINALLY a series that lives up to the hype. I just couldn't stop watching. It was so great seeing Hikaru grow up before my eyes, from a novice 6th grade Go player to where he winds up in the last episode (which I won't give away). It was great to see a rivalry, where the rivals aren't bitter enemies, and it's not good guy vs the bad guy. You actually find yourself rooting for both sides. And even in the final episodes, although rooting for the main character, still being amazed and loving his rival. And let's not forget 'Sai', the spirit that becomes Hikaru's Go trainer and friend. Some of the best comedic moments in this series by this grown man who lived over 1,000 years ago, being amazed by our modern technology. "Hey... Hikaru... they didn't really send a man to the moon? The big thing in the sky? Impossible!!" LOL

Anyways, if I could find a true sword-fighting anime that developed it's characters this well, I'd watch it in a heartbeat.

This series scored nearly perfect for me. There were a few predictable moments, but you can even look over some of that w/ these awesome characters. You even come to love and cherish the supporting characters, and find yourself cheering them on as well (Isumi ^_^).

Overall, great series. 75 very good, very quick episodes. Well, actually 72, as there is 1 useless recap episode in there, and 2 "special" episodes put in just for fun. Now... to go to my next series... I'll actually be picking up a series I dropped... and starting it over from the beginning ('cuz I've forgotten the basic plot of the first 5 - 6 episodes).

HnG won't be on my list of favorite series, but a must watch, all the same.

I've rambled on enough... let's hear your thoughts on what you've recently completed.
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Jul 27, 2009 7:33 PM

Feb 2009
Recently watched Kiddy Grade, a good series involving epic space fights and intrigue.

Pity about the name of the series which fairly screams out 'only a pervert would watch this' even though the two girls in the show are many years older than me.

Just burned through the first half of Death Note again thanks to a friend just discovering it and being unable to discontinue watching his new box set :) Going to borrow a friends dvds so my friend can watch the rest without needing to wait to get the last half of the series.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Aug 2, 2009 4:13 PM

Aug 2006
Just finished Noein - Mou Hitori no Kimi e. And now I know why Krimson loves it so much. It was a fantastic series. It probably would have garnered a 9 or a perfect 10 from me for story alone. But my little pea brain just couldn't grasp the whole quantum physics/infinite dimensions thing. I found it difficult, sometimes, keeping up with the explanations. LOL. Also, several times, the animation itself hindered some of the enjoyment for me. Karasu always seemed more of a "rough sketch" to me than true character animation. Some of the almost surreal "beings" of the Shangri-La dimension was kinda a turn off for me as well.

But, like I said, based solely on conception and story, it would have gotten a 9 or 10 from me. This is still a series I would highly recommend. Still trying to figure out why I dropped it so long ago after just 6 episodes. I just happened to decide to pick it up again after hearing some great things about it. I'm glad I did. ^_^
Aug 2, 2009 5:45 PM
Jan 2008
I tried watching Tsubasa REservoir Chronicle but it made me fall asleep
Aug 2, 2009 5:59 PM

Aug 2006
GChan said:
I tried watching Tsubasa REservoir Chronicle but it made me fall asleep

The manga is definitely much better. The anime has some filler stuff in it that's not in the manga. Also, they decided to stop making the anime just as the story was getting into the darker, more serious side of the story. Some of this can be found in the OVAs "Tokyo Revelations" and "Shunraiki". I'm still holding out hope they'll animate the "Celes Arc", even though the timeline for that is prior to the "Shunraiki" OVA. The "Celes Arc" tells of Fai's backstory. And Fai remains one of my favorite characters of all time (even in the anime, itself).
Aug 3, 2009 6:35 PM

Feb 2009
Last one I finished is still Onegai Teacher. Not a fan. An Oh My Goddess wannabe with a slightly more uncomfortable premise.

Aug 4, 2009 3:34 AM

Nov 2007
Shikabane Hime Aka & Kuro.

Not bad overall, but the story was a bit too neat to actually be great.
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Aug 5, 2009 5:34 AM

Aug 2006
Just finished Hellsing. What a great ride. Although... that last episode... to quote a friend... was a bit "wonky". >.< Now... onto Ultimate... muahahahahaha
Aug 7, 2009 12:02 AM

Apr 2009
Just finished Macross Frontier. Wow, that was a nice series. Though I was taken off guard by how very thoroughly episode 10 reference Macross Zero, so I will probably have to watch that again.
Aug 7, 2009 12:42 AM

Mar 2009
Finisihed East of Eden in an evening - (boy am I tired this morning) - very enjoyable but it did seem a little rushed towards the end

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Aug 7, 2009 4:36 AM

Aug 2006
slenderfall said:
Finisihed East of Eden in an evening - (boy am I tired this morning) - very enjoyable but it did seem a little rushed towards the end

Wow!! Finished it in an evening. >.< But glad it lived up to mine an others' hype. :)
Aug 8, 2009 1:48 AM

Dec 2008
Finished The Sky Crawlers today and found it interesting, but was somewhat disappointed after all the hype that I've heard about it. The story seemed very familiar, like I had seen something similar before, but this wasn't as well done. What that something before was, I don't know, that's just the way it felt. Overall, I gave it an 8/10, but only because I can't give it a 7.8 on MAL. It will get the 7.8 over at AniDb.
Aug 8, 2009 4:03 AM

Aug 2008
Magic Knight Rayearth.

I barely paid attention to this one, as I merely had the DVD set to English and posted stuff into MAL forums and clubs. Besides, the story is so straight forward such that only half a brain is required to watch/listen to it.

And I'm convinced that CLAMP are a bunch of lesbians since the very beginning. Granted, later series have been indicative of that too.

Sukunai said:
Recently watched Kiddy Grade, a good series involving epic space fights and intrigue.

Too bad that not a second season exists...
Click on this. I dare you. | MAL Fantasy Football League | Currently Watching List

RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Aug 9, 2009 2:20 AM

Dec 2008
KyuuA4 said:
Magic Knight Rayearth.

I barely paid attention to this one, as I merely had the DVD set to English and posted stuff into MAL forums and clubs. Besides, the story is so straight forward such that only half a brain is required to watch/listen to it.

And I'm convinced that CLAMP are a bunch of lesbians since the very beginning. Granted, later series have been indicative of that too.

Sukunai said:
Recently watched Kiddy Grade, a good series involving epic space fights and intrigue.

Too bad that not a second season exists...

There was supposed to have been a second season, but it never came to pass.

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Aug 9, 2009 7:22 AM

Dec 2008
PhillyFlash said:
Sukunai said:
Recently watched Kiddy Grade, a good series involving epic space fights and intrigue.

KyuuA4 said:
Too bad that not a second season exists...

There was supposed to have been a second season, but it never came to pass.
Yet. It seems to me that a lot of animes that in the past we wrote off as gone and wish we saw some more have been seeing a resurgence lately. I am reminded of Birdy, the Mighty('96-'97), Ah!, My Goddess OAV('93-'94), and the one everybody loves to hate, Agent Aika('97-'99). And those are just 3 that roll off the top of my head. There have been many more in genres I don't normally watch, such as Macross and AT VOTOMS that have come out with new stuff in the recent past, so there really isn't anything stopping GONZO, Kyoto Animation, or Kadokawa Shoten from putting out a second season, especially since they've already gone as far as putting out a pilot episode.
OrlahEhontasAug 9, 2009 7:25 AM
Aug 9, 2009 8:48 AM

Aug 2006
I finished Haibane Renmei in a day. It was a short series, only 13 episodes, but one of the best series I have ever seen. I love series that can make me cry. This one did it for me. It was moving, poignant, and beautiful. A definite must watch... even for you macho types out there.
Aug 10, 2009 10:04 AM

Aug 2006
Well, Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Dai Ni Maku was really good. Something really good for a shounen fan like myself. So it seemed. And I got really excited. And just when you think they're going to end the series w/ 2 episodes of the final, epic battle... you get 1 episode of side/back story, then an episode that takes place after this so-called "epic" battle. >.< WTF? So the story ends unfinished, and wide open for a 3rd season. The rumors have been out there, but no 3rd season to be found. I'm a wee bit let down. I don't guess I'm ever gonna see that battle. I'm gonna go cry in my diet Pepsi, now. *sniff*
ChelleAug 10, 2009 10:11 AM
Aug 11, 2009 6:59 PM

Aug 2006
Serial Experiments Lain complete. Freaky, weird, intense, and a wee bit scary at times, but good, overall. I kinda had a feeling about Lain from the beginning, and it was confirmed in the later episodes. But still, this series gives a lot of food for thought as to which direction our society so dependent on modern technology is headed. And now, I'm off to bed. *grabs her teddy bear* Next... it's time to pick up another previously dropped series.

(EDIT): C'mon y'all. I can't be the only one that's finishing up series. LOL. Y'all all need to give feedback to make slender's plan to watch list even bigger!! *ducks*
ChelleAug 11, 2009 7:03 PM
Aug 11, 2009 7:37 PM

Aug 2008
I'm finishing up Tokyo Mew Mew. :D XD
Click on this. I dare you. | MAL Fantasy Football League | Currently Watching List

RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Aug 12, 2009 9:51 AM

Mar 2009
Ok I will probably get flamed for this but I just finished Code Geass - not sure what all the fuss was about - sure it was very slick and well produced with a fairly good story but not worth all the godlike praise it receives - I will watch the second series though.

Secondly Heat Guy J - which as I think I mentioned before a very harmless show and if you want to watch something while doing something else its perfect.

Lastly worth mentioning is Eagle Talon - a 2D (I presume Flash produced) juvenille comedy about a group who wants to take over the world - very funny if you have my sense of humour.

Oh better mention Kogepan or Yaya may kick me - a mimilist selection of shorts about a burn't piece of bread - which can be funny and sad both at the same time - I certainly would recommend to all.

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Aug 12, 2009 2:06 PM

Dec 2008
slenderfall said:
Ok I will probably get flamed for this but I just finished Code Geass - not sure what all the fuss was about - sure it was very slick and well produced with a fairly good story but not worth all the godlike praise it receives - I will watch the second series though.

That's what the fuss is all about. It's very slick, well produced and had a good story, and yet it receives the god-like praise that it really doesn't deserve. The fuss isn't over the anime, it's over the god-like worship of it.
Aug 12, 2009 4:05 PM

Aug 2006
slenderfall said:
Ok I will probably get flamed for this but I just finished Code Geass - not sure what all the fuss was about - sure it was very slick and well produced with a fairly good story but not worth all the godlike praise it receives - I will watch the second series though.

Ha!! *shoots flame throwers @ slender* Lelouche is God! *snicker*
Aug 12, 2009 5:53 PM

Apr 2009
Just finished The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya and Nyoro-n Churuya-san. Both being spin-offs of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The former was amazingly funny, the latter funny but weird. I was amused by the antics of Nagato and Achakura (Chibi version of Ryoko Asakura), Koizumi's permanent Bishie Sparkle and there were times Haruhi-chan was pretty much part Haruhi part Konata. The odd thing was some of the skits could have easily been transposed into actual episodes.
Aug 12, 2009 8:00 PM

Jun 2009
All hail Lelouch! Slender, hold off on judgment until after you see R2.

Hmm, Krimson, I think I'll just have to add those to my "plan to watch list".
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Aug 12, 2009 9:47 PM

May 2008
I absolutely loved both Code Geass; if only MAL had a top 10 instead of a top 5, it would be up there.
Aug 13, 2009 5:08 PM

Mar 2009
Just finished a short called There She Is!! which is about a cat and a rabbit who fall in love in a world that froans upon such things - I urge you to watch it as it should touch the hearts of those old romantics out there

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Aug 13, 2009 5:40 PM

Aug 2006
@ slender: I reckon that leaves old cynics like me out, then.
Aug 15, 2009 4:57 AM

Aug 2006
Just finished Monochrome Factor. It was just a meh show. The worst part of the show was the recurring theme episode after episode. Good person gets possessed by nasty demon (usually someone close to the main characters), in come the heroes to save the day by "exorcising" the demon, then destroying it. *yawn* The concept was fine at first, but after about 10 straight episodes of this theme, it grew old. It doesn't do anything "original" until the final 3 episodes.

However, the only thing that kept this from getting a lower score were a few of the characters that I fell in love with... and some of the really cute and funny shounen-ai moments. There were some great comedic moments here, as well, that made me laugh out loud. But overall, these could not save the anime for me.

Oh well... on to "Jigoku Shoujo"...
ChelleAug 15, 2009 7:03 AM
Aug 20, 2009 9:26 PM

Feb 2009
I just finished Death Note!

What an ending, and it was the right one to make.

Aug 22, 2009 12:33 PM

Aug 2006
I just finished Jigoku Shoujo. What an EXCELLENT series. Now, this may sound strange, since I was just complaining about Monochrome Factor being the same story told over and over again. In that way, Jogoku Shoujo is similar. It's the same "theme" every episode, almost. Someone gets hurt by someone else. They take revenge by ferrying that person into Hell. But this story has some major "plot" differences from Monochrome Factor. Unlike Monochrome, you really come to care about the person that is being "hurt". You understand their feelings for wanting to take revenge, but at the same time, understanding that what's happening is somehow, wrong. In one episode, you actually feel sorry for the person being ferried to Hell and feel like they were the one that was wronged.

Also, the anime shows the dire consequenses of taking revenge, as the revenge seeker will also be ferried to Hell some day.

Another great aspect of this story is the father/daughter team that have a recurring role. The daughter has the ability to see who the next "victim" of Hell Girl will be. Her father tries to stop the revenge. The feelings of what's right and what's wrong walks that very fine line in the series.

It wraps up very nicely in the last 3 - 4 episodes as you learn Enma Ai's (Jigoku Shoujo) tragic story and how it intertwines with the father and daughter.

The artwork is absolutely stunning. It was overall beautifully done. 9/10 for me.

"Would you like to try dying this once?" Looking forward to the next 2 seasons. ^_^
Aug 22, 2009 1:08 PM

Mar 2009
I not finished nothing so there XD

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Aug 22, 2009 1:29 PM

May 2009
@slenderfall...hey, don't be sullied into thinking you committed a crime for your opinion of Code Geass.^^) I started to watch it and found myself bored and dozing off. I could not get into it. I know a few folks on another forum that I belong to, told me I did not miss much. Go figure...all depends on what catches one's interest. I have some weird tastes in anime that others can't relate to.
I finished up an awesome four OVA series...some fine male anime eye candy was to be had along with good action and badass attitudes...^^) Look forward to the animes series to come, but in the meantime, will start reading the manga...of what do I speak?
~Dogs: Bullets & Carnage~
Aug 22, 2009 2:12 PM

Nov 2007
Eureka Seven.

Liked it, but it was kind of spoiled for me by the fact that I'd watched Xam'd before it, so I could figure parts of the story out before they happened.

Otherwise it was great.

As for CG, I found it very, very juvenile. Lelouche keeps doing things that I'd expect from a no-talent ass hat than a talented general (not asking about the limits of his power, or about whether he would always be in control of it, being one of those errors a moron would make).

It's the first rule of wishes after all. You find out what the catch is before making one. As an intelligent, educated, chess master styled teen, I would hope that he would already know that. Much as I hate Yagami Light, at least he investigated the Death Note before using it.
ArchaeonAug 22, 2009 2:17 PM
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Aug 22, 2009 7:01 PM

Sep 2008
~Dogs: Bullets & Carnage~ was pretty cool. I liked the 2nd and 3rd eps the best. And it's basically mission accomplished with the release of the OVA because it made me want to read the Manga.

Aug 23, 2009 5:04 PM

Mar 2009
ArnoldK said:
I just finished Death Note!

What an ending, and it was the right one to make.

My sentiments too - i must admit i was struggling to finish it but it gets a 7 from here

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Aug 23, 2009 7:13 PM
Jan 2008
Chelle said:
I just finished Jigoku Shoujo. What an EXCELLENT series. Now, this may sound strange, since I was just complaining about Monochrome Factor being the same story told over and over again. In that way, Jogoku Shoujo is similar. It's the same "theme" every episode, almost. Someone gets hurt by someone else. They take revenge by ferrying that person into Hell. But this story has some major "plot" differences from Monochrome Factor. Unlike Monochrome, you really come to care about the person that is being "hurt". You understand their feelings for wanting to take revenge, but at the same time, understanding that what's happening is somehow, wrong. In one episode, you actually feel sorry for the person being ferried to Hell and feel like they were the one that was wronged.

Also, the anime shows the dire consequenses of taking revenge, as the revenge seeker will also be ferried to Hell some day.

Another great aspect of this story is the father/daughter team that have a recurring role. The daughter has the ability to see who the next "victim" of Hell Girl will be. Her father tries to stop the revenge. The feelings of what's right and what's wrong walks that very fine line in the series.

It wraps up very nicely in the last 3 - 4 episodes as you learn Enma Ai's (Jigoku Shoujo) tragic story and how it intertwines with the father and daughter.

The artwork is absolutely stunning. It was overall beautifully done. 9/10 for me.

"Would you like to try dying this once?" Looking forward to the next 2 seasons. ^_^


IT is an awesome show isn't it? Season two is just as good, especially since there's more background on Hone Onna, Old Guy Whose Name I can't Spell and Ichimokuren
Aug 24, 2009 6:28 AM

Aug 2006
Just finished Hyakko at the insistence of my children. It was ok. It had some funny moments... but nothing to get all excited about. Not sure why they were so amped on me watching this. >.< 6/10
Aug 24, 2009 8:33 AM

Sep 2008
I liked Hyakko when it focused on crazy classroom antics, but it went off for me in the last two episodes when it tried to belatedly add deapth with that runaway story. I still gave it a 7 and plan to watch the upcomming OVA.

Aug 25, 2009 9:08 AM

May 2009
Well, I finally finished a fun and silly and amusing ecchi series about two sisters. 24 episodes, each episode lasting 15 mins. each.
~Momoiro Sisters~
Most episodes were hilarious, but towards the end, it was rather random to see the gang stranded on an island...a bit strange, but ah well. I thought I was gonna see Sakura-chan married off to Rin-chan, but it seems she has eyes for Yukari-chan's erm...ain't tellin...A~san knows of what I speak as he watched this series too. ;)
Overall, it was funny and that's coming from someone who is not a big ecchi fan but ever since Ebichu, well, if it's good, I'll watch. ^^)
Aug 27, 2009 6:38 AM

Sep 2008
I just finished Momoiro Sisters too. It did sort of run of the tracks there at the end, but I guess that is down to not having enought time to complete the story that was in the Manga. Still pretty funny stuff. I'd like to read the Manga, BTW, but that'll never happen unless I learn Japanese.

Aug 27, 2009 11:44 AM

Feb 2009
I just watched a great ambush anime, you know, the sort where you 'know' you won't like it, shouldn't like it because well you convinced yourself it couldn't be any good even before you started watching it.

Well I just finished Hatsukoi Limited. I watched the first dvd bonus show first and thought ok, silly excuse for looking at a girl's panties and the point of the OAV was this girl forget's to even put on her bra and panties as she's late for school and dresses in such a rush she forgets. Hey how the hell can a girl forget she hasn't put on her underwear anyway?

So anyway that kinda spoiled my assumptions. And it's true, each episode features a few key shots of one of the girls undies. Typical fan service shot.

But amazingly the show is actually really good. And it's not just panty flashing giggling girls, half the shows eps are about the guys in the shows. There's the usual convoluted impossible romances, but it isn't tenchi syndrome, it's not just one bloke and all the girls want him, it's several guys and several girls all dealing with crazy impossible relationships.

The last episode #12 was very much worth the 12 show journey and if not for the silly 'look at my pretty panties' element so silly like inserted for no particular gain, I'd score the series a perfect score.

But if you don't like getting teary eyed over romantic settings, you likely won't find any attraction to the series.
Lesley_RobertaAug 27, 2009 11:50 AM
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Aug 27, 2009 3:45 PM

May 2009
I finished watching a very good, considered buried treasure, anmie series...
~Hana yori Dango~ A romantic drama set in an elite High School for rich kids but spoiled all, by a very determined young lady, who lacks money but not balls. A bit naive and drags her tail a bit but in the end, greatly rewarded. I spoke with a friend about this anime, and of all things...he told me he's a fan of the series as well. Senpai-kun! A~san knows him too. He has recommended
~His and Her Circumstances~ Says it is similar in style and story...downloading it now to watch later...^^)
Aug 28, 2009 4:30 PM

Mar 2009
Well I know its not a series - but I have just finished the two Barefoot Gen movies which were both surperb - No.1 quite obviously was about the horrors of Hiroshima and its immediate effect on its population through childs eyes.

The 2nd film set 3 years afterwards though maybe not so clear cut is equally important, in that it shows that regardless of the worse aspects of humanatity can throw at us,we can survive through the strength of solidarity.

A must for not only anime addicts but all populations who have or even think that nuclear weapons are a peaceful solution. It seems even more ironic as there are debates in Japan currently if they should buy into the nuclear deterent - surely all those lives lost was not in vain.

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Aug 29, 2009 8:45 PM
Jan 2008
I just finished Rozen Maiden Traumend on the recommendation of several members from the other anime site I go to and Jesus H CHrist...I wasn't expecting it to be that brutal and sad!
Aug 29, 2009 9:26 PM

Feb 2009
slenderfall said:
Well I know its not a series - but I have just finished the two Barefoot Gen movies which were both surperb - No.1 quite obviously was about the horrors of Hiroshima and its immediate effect on its population through childs eyes.

The 2nd film set 3 years afterwards though maybe not so clear cut is equally important, in that it shows that regardless of the worse aspects of humanatity can throw at us,we can survive through the strength of solidarity.

A must for not only anime addicts but all populations who have or even think that nuclear weapons are a peaceful solution. It seems even more ironic as there are debates in Japan currently if they should buy into the nuclear deterent - surely all those lives lost was not in vain.

It's an amazing anime, especially the first movie. I really suggest you try to get your hands on the original manga, which is even better.

As for myself, I FINALLY finished Planetes, after about a three month hiatus. Great show, highly original, especially in its depictions of real world physics, the logistics of space travel, and the real world political implications of space exploration. And while that makes it sound like a super serious, "hard" sci-sries, and there is a lot of that, it's at times downright hilarious. One of the best casts of characters I've seen in an anime in some time.

Sep 14, 2009 4:56 PM

Apr 2009
I finally finished watching Ghost in the Shell:SAC 2nd GIG. There's not very much GiTS left for me to watch, so its kind of sad when that ended (I had stretched it out). So I'm hoping Ergo Proxy fills my need for sci-fi.
Sep 14, 2009 6:19 PM

Aug 2006
Hmmm... dunno if I would classify Ergo Proxy so much as Sci-Fi as I would... maybe... well... yeah, I guess sci-fi... with a lil' supernatural thrown in for good measure. But a great series. Hope you enjoy it. ^_^

As for me, I've finally caught up w/ the airing episodes of Shugo Chara Doki! My daughter and I have enjoyed this little "magical girl" kind of anime. Granted, it's not near as good, to me anyway, as CCS, but it's right up there. So I would think if you liked CCS, you'd probably like Shugo Chara! and Shugo Chara Doki! Come October, they're going to be releasing yet a 3rd season. I'm looking forward to it!! (Or would it be 5th season, since the first 2 shows were both 51 episodes each? :3)
Sep 15, 2009 12:41 AM

Mar 2009
Just finished the wonderful Kino's Journey - everything about it was great - simple storytelling with deep philosophy, sometimes it was sad othertimes it left a warm feeking in my heart - a show I will definatly watch again. Oh another plus was that even though the main character was young she did not scream once - don't like screaming children in real life nor in my anime :)

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Sep 16, 2009 2:12 AM

Dec 2008
Finished Rumbling Hearts last night. What an emotional rollercoaster that show was as it tugged at the heartstrings from start to finish unlike just about any slice-of-life show I've ever seen.

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Sep 16, 2009 9:00 AM

Apr 2009
Well, let's see... I got distracted and watched Onegai Teacher and Onegai Twins. I liked them enough that I felt compelled to add the minor character Haruko Shidou to the list (probably won't show for a bit). I do like my comedies.
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